Architectural Design: ©ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 1

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Chapter 11

Architectural Design

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 1

Part 3 Design
● Chap 11, Architectural design
● Chap 12, Distributed systems architectures
● Chap 13, Application Architectures
● Chap 14, Object-oriented design
● Chap 15, Real-time software design
● Chap 16, User interface design
● (+ Chap 31, Service-oriented software engineering)
● (+ Chap 32, Aspect-oriented software development)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 2

Architectural Design

● Establishing the overall structure of a

software system

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 3

● To introduce architectural design and to
discuss its importance
● To explain why multiple models are
required to document an architecture
● To describe types of architectural models
that may be used
● To discuss use of “domain-specific
architectural reference models”

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 4

Topics covered
● Architectural design context
● System structuring models
● System control models
● Modular decomposition models
● Domain-specific architectures

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 5

Topics covered
● Architectural design context
● System structuring models
● System control models
● Modular decomposition models
● Domain-specific architectures

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 6

What is architectural design?
● The process of identifying the sub-
systems making up a system and a
framework for sub-system communication
and control.
● A boot-strapping process undertaken in
parallel with the abstract specification of
● The output of this process is the software

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 7

What is architectural design?
● The process of identifying the sub-
systems making up a system and a
framework for sub-system communication
and control.
● A boot-strapping process undertaken in
parallel with the abstract specification of
● The output of this process is the software

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 8

What is architectural design?
● The process of identifying the sub-
systems making up a system and a
framework for sub-system communication
and control.
● A boot-strapping process undertaken in
parallel with the abstract specification of
● The output of this process is the software

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 9

The software design process


Design activities

Architectural Interface Component Data Algorithm

design design design structure design

Software Data
System Interface Component Algorithm
specification structure
architecture specification specification specification

Design products

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 10

Advantages of explicit architecture
design and documentation (Bass)

● Stakeholder communication – the archi-

tecture may be used as a focus of discussion by
system stakeholders. (Requirements can be organized by sub-system.)
● System analysis – the feasibility of meeting
critical non-functional requirements (e.g., perfor-
mance, reliability, maintainability) can be studied
● Large-scale reuse – the architecture may be
reusable across a range of systems with similar

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 11

“Architectural design” process
● System structuring – the system is decom-
posed into major sub-systems and commun-
ication (e.g., data sharing) mechanisms are
● Control modelling – a model of the control
relationships between the sub-systems is
● Modular decomposition – the identified
sub-systems are decomposed into lower-level
modules (components, objects, etc.)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 12

Terminology issues
● “Modular decomposition” is sometimes
called “high-level (system) design”.
● A “sub-system” is usually a system in its
own right, and is sometimes called a
“Product”. (or perhaps a stand-alone “increment”)
● A “module” is a lower-level element that
would not normally be considered a
separate system; modules are sometimes
called “Components” or “Objects”.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 13

Traditional (and Sommerville’s)

System (System)
Product (Sub-System)
Component (Module)
Module (Unit) (Algorithm)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 14

Graphical models
● Different graphical models may be used
to represent an architectural design.
● Each presents a different perspective
(viewpoint) on the architecture.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 15

Graphical model types
● Static structural models show the major
system components. (e.g., block diagrams)
● Dynamic process models show the
process structure of the system at run-
time. (e.g., UML Sequence Models)
● Interface models define the sub-system
services offered through public interfaces.
● Relationship models show relationships
(e.g., dataflow) among sub-systems for
some attribute.

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Architectural styles
● The architecture of a system may conform
to a single generic model or style, although
most do not.
● An awareness of these styles and how
they can affect system attributes can
simplify the problem of choosing an
appropriate architecture…

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 17

System attributes and (associated)
architectural styles / structures

● Performance – localize operations by

using fewer, large-grain components to
minimize sub-system communication.
(reflected in repository model)

● Security – use a layered architecture

with critical assets in inner layers.
(reflected in abstract machine model)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 18

System attributes and (associated)
architectural styles / structures
● Safety – isolate safety-critical compo-
nents in one or just a few sub-systems.
● Availability – include redundant com-
ponents in the architecture.
● Maintainability – use (more) fine-grain,
self-contained components. (reflected in
objected-oriented model)

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Topics covered
● Architectural design context
● System structuring models
● System control models
● Modular decomposition models
● Domain-specific architectures

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System structuring
● Concerned with decomposing the system
into interacting sub-systems.
● The basic system structure is often
expressed as a block diagram.
● More specific models showing how sub-
systems share data, are distributed, and
interface with each other may also be
developed. (Examples follow.)

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Example of a simple block diagram:
Packing robot control system
V i si o n
s y s te m
data / control

O b j ec t Ar m G ri pp e r
i d e n t if i c a t io n c o n tr o ll er c o n tr o ll er
s y s te m

P a c k a g in g
s el e c ti o n
s y s te m

P a c ki ng C o nve yo r
s y s te m c o n tr o ll er

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 22

The repository model
● Sub-systems must exchange info. This
may be done in two ways:
 Shared data is held in a central database or
repository and may be accessed by all sub-
systems. (data is “global”)
 Each sub-system maintains its own database
and passes data explicitly to other sub-
● When large amounts of data are used, the
repository model of sharing is commonly

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 23

CASE toolset architecture
Design Code
editor generator

Design Project Program

translator repository editor

Design Report
analyser generator

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 24

Repository model advantages

● Simple and efficient way to share large amounts

of data locally. (versus a number of distributed machines)
● Sub-systems which use data need not be
concerned with how that data is produced, and
● Management activities such as backup, access
control, and recovery are centralized.
● Sharing model is published as the repository
schema. Integration of compatible tools is
relatively easy.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 25

Repository model disadvantages

● Sub-systems must agree on a single repository

data model -- inevitably a compromise.
● Data model evolution is difficult and expensive.
● No provision for sub-system-specific data
management requirements related to backup,
access control, and recovery.
● May be difficult to distribute efficiently over a
number of machines due to problems with data
redundancy and inconsistency.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 26

The client-server model
● Distributed system model which shows
how data and processing are distributed
across a range of processors. (machines)
● Major components:
 A set of stand-alone servers which provide
specific services such as printing, file
management, etc.
 A set of clients which call on these services
 A network which allows clients to access
these services

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 27

Example of a simple client-server based
system: Film and picture library

Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4

Wide-bandwidth network

Catalogue Video Picture Hypertext

server server server server

Catalogue Film clip Digitiz ed Hypertext

files photographs web

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 28

Client-server model advantages
● Supports distributed computing. (Focus of Chap 12)

● Underlying network makes distribution of data

● No shared data model so servers may organize
data to optimize their performance.
● Distinction between servers and clients may
allow use of cheaper hardware.
● Relatively easy to expand or upgrade system.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 29

Client-server model disadvantages
● Relatively complex architecture – problem
determination can be difficult. (!)
● No shared data model so data integration may
be problematic. (must be ad hoc)
● Redundant data management activities in each
server, possibly. (Consider film and picture library.)
● No central register of names and services, so it
may be hard to find out what servers and
services are available.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 30

The abstract machine model
● Organizes a system into a series of layers.
● Each layer defines an abstract machine and
provides a set of services used to implement the
next level of abstract machine.
● When a layer interface changes, only the
adjacent layer is affected.
● However, it is often difficult to structure systems
in this way. (Why?)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 31

Example of a simple abstract machine
based version management system

V e rsi on m an ag em e n t

O b je c t m ana ge m e n t

D a t a b as e s ys te m
O p e rat in g
s ys tem

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 32

The abstract machine model
● Organizes a system into a series of layers.
● Each layer defines an abstract machine and
provides a set of services used to implement the
next level of abstract machine.
● When a layer interface changes, only the
adjacent layer is affected.
● However, it is often difficult to structure systems
in this way. (Why?)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 33

Topics covered
● Architectural design context
● System structuring models
● System control models
● Modular decomposition models
● Domain-specific architectures

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 34

Control models
● Concerned with the control flow between
sub-systems. Distinct from the system
structure model.
● Two general approaches:
 Centralized control – one sub-system has
overall responsibility for control and starts and
stops other sub-systems.
 Event-based control – each sub-system can
respond to externally generated events from other
sub-systems, or from the system’s environment.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 35

Centralized control models
1. Call-return model – top-down subroutine
model where control starts at the top of a
subroutine hierarchy and moves downwards.
Applicable to sequential systems only.
2. Manager model – applicable to concurrent
systems. One system component controls the
stopping, starting and coordination of other
system processes. Also applicable to sequential
systems where it is usually implemented as a
case statement within a management routine.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 36

Call-return model

Routine 1 Routine 2 Routine 3

Routine 1.1 Routine 1.2 Routine 3.1 Routine 3.2

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 37

Centralized control models
1. Call-return model – top-down subroutine
model where control starts at the top of a
subroutine hierarchy and moves downwards.
Applicable to sequential systems only.
2. Manager model – applicable to concurrent
systems. One system component controls the
stopping, starting and coordination of other
system processes. Also applicable to sequential
systems where it is usually implemented as a
case statement within a management routine.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 38

Manager model: real-time
system control

Sensor Actuator
processes processes

contr oller

Computation User Fault

processes interface handler

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 39

Control models
● Concerned with the control flow between
sub-systems. Distinct from the system
structure model.
● Two general approaches:
 Centralized control – one sub-system has
overall responsibility for control and starts and
stops other sub-systems.
 Event-based control – each sub-system can
respond to externally generated events from other
sub-systems, or from the system’s environment.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 40

Principal Event-based control models
(several variations exist)

1. Broadcast model – an event is broadcast to

all (or possibly just some) sub-systems; any sub-
system which can handle the event may do so.
2. Interrupt-driven model – used in real-time
systems where interrupts are detected by an
interrupt handler and passed to some other
component for processing.
(Other event-based models include compound documents and
production systems.)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 41

Broadcast model
● Effective in integrating sub-systems executing
on different computers in a network.
● Control policy is NOT embedded in the
message handler. (as in the Manager model)
● Sub-systems register an interest in specific
events and the event handler ensures that
these events are sent to them.
● Registration of interests supports selective

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 42
Broadcast model (cont’d)
● Evolution is relatively easy since a new sub-system
can be integrated by registering its events with the
event handler.
● However, sub-systems don’t know if or when an
event will be handled by some other sub-system.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 43

Selective broadcasting

Sub-system Sub-system Sub-system Sub-system

1 2 3 4

Event and messa ge handler

Events broadcasted only to registered sub-systems

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Interrupt-driven systems
● Used in real-time systems where fast
response to an event is essential.
● A handler is defined for each type of
● Each type is associated with a memory
location and a hardware switch causes
transfer to its handler – fast!
● Allows fast response but is complex to
program and difficult to verify. (why?)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 45

Interrupt-driven control


Handler Handler Handler Handler

1 2 3 4

Process Process Process Process

1 2 3 4

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 46

Topics covered
● Architectural design context
● System structuring models
● System control models
● Modular decomposition models
● Domain-specific architectures

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 47

Modular decomposition (a.k.a.
high-level design) models

● Sub-systems are decomposed into lower-

level elements.
● Two models are considered:
 An object model where the system is decom-
posed into interacting objects. (object-oriented
 A data-flow model where the system is
decomposed into functional modules which
transform inputs into outputs. (function-oriented

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 48

Object models (o-o design)
● Structure the system into a set of loosely coupled
objects with well-defined interfaces.
● Object-oriented decomposition is concerned with
identifying object classes, their attributes and
● When implemented, objects are created from
these classes and some control model is used to
coordinate object operations.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 49

Example of simple object model:
Invoice processing system

Customer Receipt
customer# invoice#
name date
address Invoice amount
credit period customer#
Payment issue ()
invoice# sendR eminder ()
date acceptPayment ()
amount sendR eceipt ()

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 50

Data-flow models (functional
● Functional transformations process inputs
to produce outputs.
● Sometimes referred to as a pipe and filter
model (after terminology used in UNIX).
In the UK?

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 51
Data-flow models (cont’d)
● Variants of this approach have a long
history in software design. (e.g., SA/SD, SADT, etc.)
● When transformations are sequential, this is
a batch sequential model which is
extensively used in data processing
● Not really suitable for interactive systems
(focus on input data streams vs. events)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 52

Invoice processing system


Read issued Identify

invoices payments

Continuous Find Issue

payments payment Reminders
input streams
due reminder
Invoices Payments

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 53

Topics covered
● Architectural design context
● System structuring models
● System control models
● Modular decomposition models
● Domain-specific architectures

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 54

Domain-specific architectures
● Models which are specific to some application
● Two types of domain-specific models:
1. Generic models encapsulate the traditional, time-
tested characteristics of real systems.
2. Reference models are more abstract and describe a
larger class of systems. They provide a means of
comparing different systems in a domain.
● Generic models are usually bottom-up models;
Reference models are top-down models.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 55

Generic models
● The compiler model is a well-known example.
● Based on the thousands written, it is now
generally agreed that the standard components
of a compiler are:
 Lexical analyser
 Symbol table
 Syntax analyser
 Syntax tree
 Semantic analyser
 Code generator

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 56

Compiler model


Lexical Syntactic Semantic Code

analysis analysis analysis generation

Sequential function model

(batch processing oriented)

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 57

Another example: language
processing system

Lex ical Sy ntax Sem antic

anal y ser analyser anal y ser

Pretty- Ab s tract Gram m ar

p rinter s yn tax tree d efinition Op tim i zer

Sy m bo l Ou tpu t C o de
Ed itor
t abl e d efinition gen erato r

Repo sitory

Repository-based model

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 58

Domain-specific architectures
● Models which are specific to some application
● Two types of domain-specific models:
1. Generic models encapsulate the traditional, time-
tested characteristics of real systems.
2. Reference models are more abstract and describe a
larger class of systems. They provide a means of
comparing different systems in a domain.
● Generic models are usually bottom-up models;
Reference models are top-down models.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 59

Reference architectures
● Reference models are derived from a study
of the application domain rather than from
existing systems.
● May be used as a basis for system
implementation, or to compare different
systems. It acts as a standard against
which systems can be evaluated.
● The OSI (Open System Interconnection)
model is a layered model for communication
systems. (in particular, data processing / point-of-sale

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 60

A view of the OSI reference
7 Application
Application Application
Goal: to allow conformant
6 Presentation systems to communicate
with one another.
5 Session Session

4 Transport Transport

3 Network Network Network

2 Data link Data link Data link

1 Physical Physical Physical

Communica tions medium

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 61

Another example: CASE
reference model (Fig. 11.12)
● Data repository services
 Storage and management of data items.
● Data integration services
 Managing groups of entities.
● Task management services
 Definition and enaction (enactment) of process models.
● Messaging services
 Tool-tool and tool-environment communication.
● User interface services
 User interface development.

(Identifies 5 sets of services that a CASE

environment should provide.)
©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 62
Key points
● The software architect is responsible for deriving
a structural system model, a control model, and
(possibly) a sub-system decomposition model.
● Large systems rarely conform to a single archi-
tectural model.
● System decomposition (structural) models
include the repository model, client-server model,
and abstract machine model.
● Control models include centralized control and
event-based models.

©Ian Sommerville 2000 Software Engineering. Chapter 11 Slide 63
Key points (cont’d)
● Modular decomposition models include
data-flow and object models.
● Domain specific architectural models are
abstractions over an application domain.
● They may be constructed by abstracting
from existing systems (generic) or they
may be idealized (reference) models.

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Chapter 11

Architectural Design

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