TLE 6 Summative Test 1

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Bucal Elementary School

Summative Test 1

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Section ________________________________________________ Score: _____________
: _

I. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is human resources?
a. It is the monetary form of resources.
b. It is the tangible resources contributed by the members of the family.
c. It is the handling of employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training. 
d. It is the contributed service or work of the family-like time, effort, skills, strength, and
2. What family resources can be enhanced and developed by attending seminars, reading, etc?
a. Human Resources
b. Material Resources
c. Non – Material Resources
d. Tangible Resources
3. Which of the following is a non-material resources?
a. Appliances, jewelry, and cash
b. Time, health and experience
c. Capabilities, intelligence, and skills
d. House and lot
4. What family resources are in the form of cash and bank deposits?
a. Tangible resources
b. Intangible Resources
c. Monetary resources
d. Non-monetary resources
5. What is the other term of intangible resources?
a. Human resources
b. Material resources
c. Salary resources
d. Non-material resources

II. Directions: Choose the appropriate word inside the box to complete the thought of every
human resource energy, time, and skills material resources

non-monetary Time experience

6. ___________________ is the effort, time, skills, strength, and expertise contributed by a
person who can able to work.
7. ___________________ are considered as intangible resources and limited.
8. ___________________ are things that can be bought and owned through the use of money.
9. ___________________ material resources are valuable too because they can be sold for a
certain amount of cash.
10. ___________________ fulfills the prescribed duties, and smart maintenance of homes.
III. Directions: Identify the following statement that illustrates family resources and needs.
Write Human if the statement illustrates as human resources, Material if the statement
illustrates as material resources and Nonmaterial if the statement illustrates as
nonmaterial resources.

____________11. Real properties and jewelry increase in value over time.

____________12. Proper scheduling of the different activities as managing the time will help
lessen the unnecessary labor.
____________13. Another term of material resources is tangible resources.
____________14. Time is used to start and finish the work without giving a burden to the
body or resentment to the person.
____________15. Jewelry is a tangible resource that the value increases over time.
____________16. Strength is important to accomplish certain task.
____________17. Health of family member is very important in order to perform duties
without delay.
____________19. Energy is important in performing duties.
____________19. The more experience of a family member has, the more he or she will get
___________ 20. Capabilities of an individual is very important in improving the common
Good of society.
Bucal Elementary School

Summative Test 2

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Section ________________________________________________ Score: _____________
: _

I. Directions: Give what is asked in the boxes provided in each item.

1. It is a shallow container used for many purposes like washing clothes, and
2. It is a cloth used for making dresses, and household linens like an apron,
table napkin etc.
3. it is a fermented liquid made from sugar cane, coconut juice and wine.
4. It is a cutting tool for cloth, paper etc.

5. It is used It is use to fasten cloth and other items.

6. It is a kitchen utensil used during eating to convey liquid/food to the mouth

7. It is an electrical appliance used for pressing clothes or fabric.

8. This cloth is smooth, durable and absorbent. It is appropriate for tropical

climate. It can be used in making hand towels, pillow cases, handkerchiefs, bed
covers and other home furnishings.
9. Made from man-made fibers woven into different fabrics like rayon,
banlon, this cloth can be easily washed and dried.
10. This is an expensive fabric. It is quite difficult to cut and saw because of its fine,
smooth and lustrous texture.

II. Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Use Activity Sheet found in the Appendices for your
1. It is the process of making pattern through getting measurement, which is a pattern used as the basis for
the design?
a. cutting b. measuring
c. pattern drafting d. drawing
2. What is a small towel used for drying hands?
a. Hand Towel b. pillowcase
c. face mask d. table napkin
3. The following are safety precautions to follow in drafting pattern for household linen, which one is not?
a. Keep the scissors in the case.
b. Do not draft when the light is very dim
c. Leave the scissors after working
d. Observe the direction of cutting
4. What household linen is removable cloth cover for a pillow?
a. table cloth b. hand towel
c. pillow case d. table napkin
5. Which of the following is a square piece of cloth or paper used to wipe mouth and hands during meal?
a. table napkin b. handkerchief
c. pillow case d. all of them
6. What tool is used to cut in drafting pattern?
a. teeth b. ruler
c. pencil d. scissors
7. Which of the following is not an example of household linen?
a. pillowcase b. pants
c. table napkin d. hand towel
8. The following are steps in drafting pattern for hand towel which one is not?
a. Cut the pattern
b. Draw a rectangle measuring 15 inches wide x 25 inches long.
c. Measure the pillow
d. Add 5/8-inch allowance on all sides of the pattern.
9. Which of the following is the correct sequence in drafting pattern for table napkin?
1-Cut the pattern.
2-On your pattern paper, draw a square measuring 16 inches x 16 inches.
3-Add 5/8 inch allowance on all sides of the pattern.
a. 2, 1, 3 b. 3, 2, 1
c. 1, 2, 3 d. 2, 3, 1
10. What is the last step in drafting pattern for pillowcase, table napkin and hand towel?
a. draw a pattern b. cut the pattern
c. fold the pattern d. none of them

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