E20210307 3rd Lent B

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Year 34 No.

49 Third Sunday of Lent (B) — Violet March 7, 2021

T oday we reach the midpoint

of our Lenten journey, a time
of closely following Christ and
Jesus experienced the full range
of physical and mental pain on
the cross. The crucifixion is God’s
meditating on the saving mystery radical manifestation of his solidarity
of the cross. The short Second with us in all our sufferings. Is this a
Reading from Paul’s first Letter to stumbling block? Is this foolishness?
the Corinthians describes how we “Absolutely not!” would be Saint
are to view Christ’s cross as well as Paul’s answer. This “crucified Christ”
our own crosses. is “the power of God and the wisdom
This remarkable reading comes of God. For the foolishness of God
from the man who vigorously is wiser than human wisdom; the

God’s Foolish
persecuted the early Christians. weakness of God is stronger than
Saint Paul even says of himself: “I human strength” (1 Cor 1:24-25).

am the least of the apostles, not fit We are invited to constantly
to be called an apostle, because I measure our lives against the way
persecuted the church of God. But of Jesus, against the pattern of the
by the grace of God I am what I am, Gospel, against the norm of the
and his grace to me has not been cross. And, this is not easy to accept.
ineffective” (1 Cor 15:9-10). Note Here we are dealing with a paradox,
the radical change in Paul’s life; with measuring rods of effectiveness
from a “persecutor” he became a by Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM not according to human wisdom,
“propagator” of Christianity! but in accord with the foolishness
Paul asserts that the message “We proclaim Christ crucified” (1 of God!
of the cross, of Christ crucified, Cor 1:23); again, “I resolved to know As we journey through life with
was a stumbling block to the Jews nothing while I was with you except all its joys and sorrows, we can
and foolishness to the Greeks. The Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1 recall a simple formulation of how
Jews were expecting a glorious and Cor 2:2). Jesus is in solidarity with us. We
powerful king who would vanquish The crucified Christ is God’s way cannot have a “cross-less Christ”
their enemies. For the Greeks, as of fully sharing our humanity; Jesus [an “uncrucified” Jesus]; yet, we
Saint Thomas notes, “it seemed experienced the whole range of never have a “Christ-less cross”
opposed to human wisdom that God human joys and sufferings. Vatican II [sorrows or sufferings where Jesus
should die, and that a just and wise expressed the mystery of God-made- is absent from our lives]. Indeed, a
man should willingly give himself man in a beautiful, poetic way: “For profound paradox, one of the central
over to a most shameful death.” by His incarnation the Son of God mysteries of our faith!
Yet, contrary to the expectations has united Himself in some fashion The cross is still a stumbling
of both Jews and Gentiles, the with every person. He worked with block and foolishness to many.
Gospel is the preaching of a crucified human hands, He thought with However, to us who have been
Messiah. Truly scandalous! Utter a human mind, acted by human called, it remains “the power of God
foolishness! However, Saint Paul choice, and loved with a human and the wisdom of God.” In short,
vigorously asserts that the cross heart” (GS 22). Though divine, Jesus Christ crucified is our greatest lesson
remains central in Christian life: was totally, fully, completely human. for living and believing!


Pastoral Guidance in Difficult Times abuse, imprisonment and torture, and even deportation for
foreign missionaries. The Church evolved a position of “critical
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM collaboration,” cooperating with the regime on programs
Reviewing the history of Christianity in the Philippines beneficial to the populace while criticizing government actions
necessarily involves analyzing secular events that impact the judged harmful.
Church. The martial law period (1972-1981) posed new and An important 1977 CBCP pastoral letter, The Bond of
challenging questions. Among the more pernicious effects Love in Proclaiming the Good News, enunciated a clear,
of the two-decade Marcos era (1965-1986) were increased comprehensive, holistic vision to guide the Church’s mission
militarization, insurgency, the absence of juridical procedures, of integral evangelization: “This is EVANGELIZATION: the
the destruction of democratic processes, economic decline, proclamation, above all, of SALVATION from sin; the liberation
and pervasive fear. The end result, in the words of a Filipino from everything oppressive to man; the DEVELOPMENT of
social scientist, was to place the country “on the trembling man in all his dimensions, personal and communitarian; and
edge of a social volcano.” ultimately, the RENEWAL OF SOCIETY in all its strata through
This period proved a time of testing and growth for the the interplay of the GOSPEL TRUTHS and man’s concrete TOTAL
local Church. Prophetic stances were often met by military LIFE.... THIS IS OUR TASK. THIS IS OUR MISSION.”
(The Gloria is omitted.) — The word of the Lord.
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES All — Thanks be to God.
Entrance Antiphon Responsorial Psalm (Ps 19)
(Cf. Ps 25 [24]:15–16) P — Let us pray. (Pause)
(Recited when there is no opening song.) O God, author of every
R — Lord, you have the words
mercy and of all goodness, who
My eyes are always on the Lord, of everlasting life.
in fasting, prayer and almsgiving
for he rescues my feet from the have shown us a remedy for Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP
snare. Turn to me and have mercy sin, look graciously on this
on me, for I am alone and poor.  
A D Bm
confession of our lowliness,       
Greeting that we, who are bowed down 
Lord, you have the words of
(The sign of the cross is made here.) by our conscience, may always
be lifted up by your mercy.
P — The Lord be with you. 
E7 A

  
Through our Lord Jesus
 
All — And with your spirit.
Christ, your Son, who lives  
e ver las ting life.
Introduction and reigns with you in the
(These [or similar words] may be unity of the Holy Spirit,
used to address the assembly.) one God, for ever and ever. 1. The law of the Lord is per-
All — Amen. fect,/ refreshing the soul;/ the
P — The Decalogue, in the decree of the Lord is trustwor-
First Reading, declares that the THE Liturgy thy,/ giving wisdom to the
appropriate response to God’s of the word simple. (R)
liberation is for the people to
obey God’s commandments 2. The precepts of the Lord are
First Reading (Ex 20:1–3, 7–8, 12–17)
as a charter of their freedom. (Short Form) (Sit) right,/ rejoicing the heart;/ the
In his zeal for God’s house, command of the Lord is clear,/
The Lord gave the Ten Com-­ enlightening the eye. (R)
Jesus cleanses the temple,
mandments to Moses so that
reacting against a kind of people might know that true 3. The fear of the L ord is
worship without a soul, against worship consists of serving God pure,/ enduring forever;/ the
a religion motivated mainly by with loving hearts. ordinances of the Lord are
the pursuit of material gain. He true,/ all of them just. (R)
is the living temple through A reading from the Book of
which we who believe have Exodus 4. They are more precious
access to the Father. We serve than gold,/ than a heap of
God with a loving heart. purest gold;/ sweeter also
livered all these command-
than syrup/ or honey from
Penitential Act ments: “I, the Lord, am your
the comb. (R)
God, who brought you out of
P — Brethren (brothers and the land of Egypt, that place Second Reading (1 Cor 1:22–25)
sisters), let us acknowledge of slavery. You shall not have
our sins, and so prepare other gods besides me. Paul proclaims that it is in Jesus’
ourselves to celebrate the “You shall not take the cross that we learn the sublime
sacred mysteries. (Pause) name of the Lord, your God, wisdom of God. In his infinite
P — Have mercy on us, O in vain. For the Lord will not knowledge and love, God gives
Lord. leave unpunished the one us his Son to redeem us by his
All — For we have sinned who takes his name in vain. suffering.
against you. “Remember to keep holy A reading from the first Letter
P — Show us, O Lord, your the Sabbath day. Honor your of Saint Paul to the Corinthians
mercy. father and your mother, that
All — And grant us your you may have a long life in BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Jews
salvation. the land which the Lord, your demand signs and Greeks look
P — M ay a l m i g h t y G o d God, is giving you. You shall for wisdom, but we proclaim
have mercy on us, forgive not kill. You shall not com- Christ crucified, a stumbling
us our sins, and bring us to mit adultery. You shall not block to Jews and foolishness
everlasting life. steal. You shall not bear false to Gentiles, but to those who
All — Amen. witness against your neigh- are called, Jews and Greeks
P — Lord, have mercy. bor. You shall not covet your alike, Christ the power of God
All — Lord, have mercy. neighbor’s house. You shall and the wisdom of God. For
P — Christ, have mercy. not covet your neighbor’s wife, the foolishness of God is wiser
All — Christ, have mercy. nor his male or female slave, than human wisdom, and the
P — Lord, have mercy. nor his ox or ass, nor anything weakness of God is stronger
All — Lord, have mercy. else that belongs to him.” than human strength.
— The word of the Lord. testify about human nature. Spirit. May we shun acts of
All — Thanks be to God. He himself understood it well. lasciviousness, violence, and
— The Gospel of the Lord. other indignities that harm the
Verse before the Gospel All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus human person. We pray: (R)
(Jn 3:16) (Stand)
Christ. C — May the Lord give healing
All — God so loved the world Homily (Sit) to the sick, comfort to the
that he gave his only Son, so dying, conversion to sinners,
that everyone who believes in Profession of Faith (Stand) and light to those experiencing
him might have eternal life. darkness in their lives. We
All — I believe in God, the pray: (R)
Gospel (Jn 2:13–25) Father almighty, Creator of
heaven and earth, and in Jesus C — Let us pray for the urgent
P — A reading from the holy Christ, his only Son, our Lord, concerns of our community
Gospel according to John who was conceived by the Holy and our personal intentions
All — Glory to you, O Lord. Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, (pause). We pray: (R)
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
SINCE the Passover of the was crucified, died and was P — Lord, cleanse our hearts
Jews was near, Jesus went up buried; he descended into hell; of selfishness. Help us to love
to Jerusalem. He found in the on the third day he rose again and serve you in faithfulness
temple area those who sold from the dead; he ascended and truth, and to show this by
oxen, sheep, and doves, as into heaven, and is seated at the our concern for others. You
well as the money changers right hand of God the Father who live and reign for ever
seated there. He made a almighty; from there he will and ever.
whip out of cords and drove come again to judge the living All — Amen.
them all out of the temple and the dead.
area, with the sheep and I believe in the Holy Spirit, THE Liturgy of
oxen, and spilled the coins
of the money changers and
the holy catholic Church, the eucharist
the communion of saints,
overturned their tables, and the forgiveness of sins, the Presentation of the Gifts (Stand)
to those who sold doves he resurrection of the body, and
said, “Take these out of here, life everlasting. Amen. P — Pray, brethren…
and stop making my Father’s All — May the Lord accept the
house a marketplace.” His Prayer of the Faithful sacrifice at your hands for the
disciples recalled the words praise and glory of his name,
of Scripture, Zeal for your P — Let us pray to the Father for our good and the good of
house will consume me. that we may offer true worship all his holy Church.
At this the Jews answered and offer ourselves as his
and said to him, “What sign living temple. In a spirit of Prayer over the Offerings
can you show us for doing humility and trust, we pray:
this?” Jesus answered and R — Lord, hear our prayer. P — Be pleased, O Lord, with
said to them, “Destroy this these sacrificial offerings, and
temple and in three days I C — May the Church continue grant that we who beseech
will raise it up.” The Jews to take the path of purification pardon for our sins, may take
said, “This temple has been and conversion so that in every care to forgive our neighbor.
under construction for forty- way it will be a community of Through Christ our Lord.
six years, and you will raise it praise and compassion. We All — Amen.
up in three days?” But he was pray: (R)
speaking about the temple of Preface II of Lent
his body. Therefore, when he C — May our religious and
civil leaders see in Christ the P — The Lord be with you.
was raised from the dead, his All — And with your spirit.
disciples remembered that he power to save and the wisdom
P — Lift up your hearts.
had said this, and they came to lead. We pray: (R)
All — We lift them up to the
to believe the Scripture and C — May those preparing Lord.
the word Jesus had spoken. for baptism and reception P — Let us give thanks to the
While he was in Jerusalem into the Catholic Church be Lord our God.
for the feast of Passover, many All — It is right and just.
mindful that discipleship is
began to believe in his name
a call to help others. May P — It is truly right and just,
when they saw the signs he
they find freedom in God’s our duty and our salvation,
was doing. But Jesus would
steadfast love. We pray: (R) always and everywhere to give
not trust himself to them
because he knew them all, C — May we respect our you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
and did not need anyone to bodies as temples of the Holy almighty and eternal God.
For you have given your
children a sacred time for
the renewing and purifying of
their hearts, that, freed from
disordered affections, they
may so deal with the things
of this passing world as to
hold rather to the things that
eternally endure.
And so, with all the Angels
and Saints, we praise you, as
without end we acclaim:
All — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
God of hosts. Heaven and earth
are full of your glory. Hosanna
in the highest. Blessed is he who
comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel)
Acclamation (Stand)
All — When we eat this Bread
and drink this Cup, we proclaim P — Let us pray. (Pause) Dismissal
your Death, O Lord, until you As we receive the pledge of
come again. P — Go in peace, glorifying
things yet hidden in heaven and
the Lord by your life.
are nourished while still on earth All — Thanks be to God.
THE communion rite with the Bread that comes from
The Lord’s Prayer on high, we humbly entreat
you, O Lord, that what is being
All — Our Father… brought about in us in mystery
P — Deliver us, Lord…
may come to true completion.
All — For the kingdom, the MASS MEDIA
power and the glory are yours Through Christ our Lord.
now and forever. All — Amen.
If you are a Grade
Invitation to Peace 12 student, a college
THE concluding rites student, or a young
Invitation to Communion professional, male,
(Kneel) P — The Lord be with you. single, and interested
All — And with your spirit. to become a priest or
P — Behold the Lamb of God, a brother involved in
behold him who takes away Solemn Blessing the apostolate of social
the sins of the world. Blessed communication, we
are those called to the supper P — Bow down for the blessing. invite you to journey
of the Lamb. (Pause) with us.
All — Lord, I am not worthy Direct your people, O
that you should enter under Visit our websites:
Lord, we pray, with heavenly ssp.ph or stpauls.ph
my roof, but only say the word instruction, that by avoiding
and my soul shall be healed. every evil and pursuing all
Communion Antiphon that is good, they may earn
(Cf. Ps 84[83]:4–5) not your anger but your
The sparrow finds a home, and unending mercy DO YOU WANT TO
the swallow a nest for her young; Through Christ our Lord. SUBSCRIBE TO SAMBUHAY
All — Amen.
by your altars, O Lord of hosts, DIGITAL MISSALETTE?
my King and my God. Blessed are P — And may the blessing For inquiries and orders:
they who dwell in your house, of almighty God, the Father,
for ever singing your praise. Sambuhay Missalette
and the Son, (†) and the Holy
Spirit, come down on you [email protected]
Prayer after Communion and remain with you for ever.
(Stand) (02) 8895-9701
All — Amen.

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