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US 20060226023A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0226023 A1
Nanjundiah et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 12, 2006
(54) NEUTRALIZATION SYSTEM FOR Publication Classification
GENERATORS (51) Int. Cl.
C25B I/26 (2006.01)
(76) Inventors: Chenniah Nanjundiah, San Diego, CA (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 205/556
(US); Larry L. Hawn, Laguna Niguel,
Correspondence Address:
SOO WEST MAIDSON STREET An electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator with a neu
SUTE 34OO tralization system includes a pH treatment tank for receiving
CHICAGO, IL 60661 waste products from the electrochemical generation process
Such as anolyte and catholyte wastes. A neutralization solu
(21) Appl. No.: 11/418,741 tion tank is fluidly connected to the pH treatment tank. A
neutralization feed pump transfers a neutralization Solution
(22) Filed: May 4, 2006 to the pH treatment tank. A recirculation pump for mixing
the waste products is fluidly connected to the pH treatment
Related U.S. Application Data tank. An effluent holding tank is fluidly connected to the pH
treatment tank. A transfer pump transfers the neutralized
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/902,681, waste products from the pH treatment tank to the effluent
filed on Jul. 29, 2004. holding tank.

A 500



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US 2006/0226023 A1 Oct. 12, 2006

NEUTRALIZATION SYSTEM FOR 0007. The production of CIO can be accomplished both
ELECTROCHEMICAL CHLORINE DOXDE by electrochemical and reactor-based chemical methods.
GENERATORS Electrochemical methods have an advantage of relatively
safer operation compared to reactor-based chemical meth
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED ods. In this regard, electrochemical methods employ single
APPLICATION(S) precursor, namely, a chlorite solution, unlike the multiple
precursors employed in reactor-based chemical methods.
0001. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Moreover, in reactor-based chemical methods, the use of
patent application Ser. No. 10/902,681 filed on Jul. 29, 2004, concentrated acids and chlorine gas can pose safety con
entitled “Chlorine Dioxide Solution Generator.” This appli CS.
cation is also related to U.S. patent application Ser. No.
11/145,398 filed on Jun. 3, 2005, entitled “Chlorine Dioxide 0008 Electrochemical cells are capable of carrying out a
Solution Generator With Temperature Control Capability”, selective oxidation reaction of chlorite to ClO. The selec
which is, in turn, a continuation-in-part of the 681 appli tive oxidation reaction product is a solution containing
cation. This application is also related to U.S. patent appli CIO. To further purify a CIO gas stream, the gas stream is
cation Ser. No. 11/289,813 filed on Nov. 30, 2005, entitled typically separated from the solution using a stripper col
“High-Capacity Chlorine Dioxide Generator', which is also umn. In the stripper column, air is passed from the bottom
a continuation-in-part of the 398 application. The 681, of the column to the top while the CIO solution travels from
398 and 813 applications are each hereby incorporated by top to the bottom. Pure ClO is exchanged from solution to
reference herein in their entirety. the air. Suction of air is usually accomplished using an
eductor, as described in copending and co-owned applica
FIELD OF THE INVENTION tion Ser. No. 10/902,681, of which the present application is
a continuation-in-part.
0002 The present invention relates generally to chlorine 0009. As described in the 681 application, CIO can be
dioxide generators and to the use of Such generators in water prepared a number of ways, generally via a reaction involv
treatment systems. More particularly, the present invention
relates to an electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator, ing either chlorite (CIO) or chlorate (CIO) solutions. The
with a neutralization system for waste products from chlo CIO created through such a reaction is often refined to
rine dioxide production. generate CIO gas for use in the water treatment process.
The CIO gas is then educed into the water selected for
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION treatment. Eduction occurs where the CIO gas, in combi
nation with air, is mixed with the water selected for treat
0003 Chlorine dioxide (CIO) has many industrial and ment.
municipal uses. When produced and handled properly, CIO 0010 While electrochemical generators are suited for
is an effective and powerful biocide, disinfectant and oxi generating chlorine dioxide, Such generators produce unde
sirable waste products. These waste products are produced
0004 CIO is also used extensively in the pulp and paper both in the anolyte and catholyte loops of the electrochemi
industry as a bleaching agent, but is gaining further Support cal generator. Anolyte waste products typically result from
in Such areas as disinfection in municipal water treatment. residual reactants, side reaction products, and chlorine diox
Other end-uses can include as a disinfectant in the food and ide that remains unstripped from the stripper column. Other
beverage industries, wastewater treatment, industrial water anolyte impurities can include Sodium chlorite, sodium
treatment, cleaning and disinfections of medical wastes, chlorate, sodium chloride, Sodium Sulfate, hypochlorous
textile bleaching, odor control for the rendering industry, acid and chlorine dioxide. The operation of the catholyte
circuit board cleansing in the electronics industry and uses loop in an electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator also
in the oil and gas industries. produces caustic soda (that is, Sodium hydroxide). Although
0005. In water treatment applications, CIO is primarily Sodium hydroxide can be used in other reactions, when
used as a disinfectant for Surface waters with odor and taste
catholyte production is low it can be more economical to
dispose of it. The present apparatus and method effectively
problems. It is an effective biocide at low concentrations and neutralize waste products from the anolyte and catholyte
over a wide pH range. CIO, is desirable because when it loops of electrochemical chlorine dioxide generators.
reacts with an organism in water, chlorite results, which
studies to date have shown does not pose a significant SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
adverse risk to human health at chlorite concentrations less
than 0.8 parts per million (ppm). The use of chlorine, on the 0011. An electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator
other hand, can result in the creation of chlorinated organic comprises an anolyte loop fluidly connected to a neutraliza
compounds when treating water. Such chlorinated organic tion system. A catholyte loop is fluidly connected the neu
compounds are suspected to increase cancer risk. tralization system and the neutralization system treats (that
0006 Producing ClO gas for use in a CIO water treat is, neutralizes) waste products from the anolyte loop and/or
ment process is desirable because there is greater assurance the catholyte loop. In a preferred embodiment, an absorption
of CIO purity when CIO is in the gas phase. CIO is, loop is fluidly connected to the anolyte loop.
however, unstable in the gas phase and will readily undergo 0012. In an embodiment, the electrochemical chlorine
decomposition into chlorine gas (Cl), oxygen gas (O) and dioxide generator has a stripper column within the anolyte
heat. The high reactivity of CIO generally requires that it be loop that is fluidly connected to the neutralization system. In
produced and used at the same location. CIO is, however, a further embodiment, a probe monitors the pH of the waste
soluble and stable in an aqueous solution. products in the neutralization system. In another embodi
US 2006/0226023 A1 Oct. 12, 2006

ment, at least one of the electrochemical chlorine dioxide 0022. These and other features of the apparatus and
generator and the neutralization system is controlled by a method disclosed herein will become more readily apparent
programmable logic controller (PLC). to those having ordinary skill in the art from the following
detailed description of the preferred embodiments taken in
0013 In a preferred embodiment, the neutralization sys conjunction with the drawings.
tem comprises a pH treatment tank for receiving waste
products that is fluidly connected to at least one of the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED
anolyte loop and the catholyte loop. The neutralization EMBODIMENT(S)
system can further comprise a neutralization Solution tank
fluidly connected to the pH treatment tank. In a further 0023 FIG. 1 illustrates a process flow diagram of an
embodiment, a recirculation pump is fluidly connected to the embodiment of a chlorine dioxide solution generator 100 of
pH treatment tank, and the recirculation pump mixes the the type described in application Ser. No. 10/902,681. The
waste products in the pH treatment tank. process flow of FIG. 1 can consist of three sub-processes
0014. In a preferred embodiment, the electrochemical including an anolyte loop 102, a catholyte loop 104 and an
chlorine dioxide generator further comprises an effluent absorption loop 106. The purpose of anolyte loop 102 is to
holding tank fluidly connected to the pH treatment tank. The produce a CIO, gas by oxidation of chlorite, and the process
effluent holding tank receives neutralized waste products. can, along with the catholyte loop process 104, be referred
The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator can further to as a CIO gas generator loop. The CIO gas generator loop
comprise a transfer pump for transferring the neutralized is essentially a CIO gas source. Various sources of CIO are
waste products to the effluent holding tank. A diverting valve available and known in the water treatment field. Catholyte
controls the fluid connection between the pH treatment tank loop 104 of the CIO gas generator loop produces Sodium
and the effluent holding tank. hydroxide and hydrogen gas by reduction of water. Once the
CIO gas is produced in the CIO gas generator loop, the
0015. In a preferred embodiment, an acidic solution is CIO, gas can be transferred to an absorption loop 106 where
contained in the neutralization solution tank and is used to the gas can be further conditioned for water treatment
neutralize the waste products in the pH treatment tank. The end-uses. The anolyte loop 102 and catholyte loop 104 can
acidic solution can comprise hydrochloric acid. The acidic be fluidly connected to a neutralization system 500 that can
Solution can further comprise a chlorite neutralizing com process wastes produced by the anolyte loop 102 and
pound. In a further embodiment, the chlorite neutralizing catholyte loop 104. The process can be operated at least
compound is selected from the group of ferrous chloride partially through a PLC-based system that can include visual
tetra hydrate, sodium sulfite, sodium metabisulfite, and and/or audible displays.
Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate.
0024. In this application, the term “absorb refers to the
0016 A method for neutralizing waste products from an process of dissolving or infusing a gaseous constituent into
electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator comprises col a liquid, optionally using pressure to effect the dissolution or
lecting waste products from the electrochemical generator in infusion. Here, CIO gas, which is produced in the CIO gas
a pH treatment tank. A neutralizing Solution is added to the generator loop, is “absorbed' (that is, dissolved or infused)
waste product in the pH treatment tank. The waste products into an aqueous liquid stream directed through absorption
are recirculated to achieve at least one of the removal of loop 106. The neutralization system 500 can process wastes
substantially all chlorite and a pH between 4 and 10. The for electrochemical CIO generators that produce CIO gas
waste products are transferred from the pH treatment tank (for example, without an absorption loop) or CIO solution
for storage and/or disposal. A preferred embodiment further (for example, with an adsorption loop).
comprises controlling the neutralizing of waste products
with a PLC. 0.025 FIG. 2 illustrates an anolyte loop 102 in an
embodiment of chlorine dioxide solution generator 100 of
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the type described in the 681 application. The contribution
of anolyte loop 102 to the CIO, solution generator is to
0017 FIG. 1 is a process flow diagram of a CIO, produce a CIO gas that is directed to absorption loop 106
generator of the type described in application Ser. No. for further processing. The anolyte loop embodiment of
10/902,681 that includes a neutralization system for waste FIG. 2 is for a CIO gas produced using a reactant feedstock
products from the electrochemical generator. 202. In a preferred embodiment, a 25 percent by weight
sodium chlorite (NaClO) solution can be used as reactant
0018 FIG. 2 is a process flow diagram of an anolyte loop feedstock 202. However, feedstock concentrations ranging
of a CIO generator of the type described in the 681 from 0 percent to a maximum solubility (40 percent at 17°
application. C. in the embodiment involving NaClO), or other suitable
0.019 FIG. 3 is a process flow diagram of a catholyte method of injecting Suitable electrolytes, can be employed.
loop of a CIO generator of the type described in the 681 0026. The reactant feedstock 202 can be connected to a
application. chemical metering pump 204, which delivers the reactant
0020 FIG. 4 is a process flow diagram of an absorption feedstock 202 to a recirculating connection 206 in the
loop of a CIO generator of the type described in the 681 anolyte loop. Recirculating connection 206 in anolyte loop
application. connects a stripper column 208 to an electrochemical cell
210. The delivery of the reactant feedstock 202 can be
0021 FIG. 5 is a process flow diagram of a neutralization controlled using PLC system 108. PLC system 108 can be
system for waste products from an electrochemical ClO. used to activate chemical metering pump 204 according to
generator. signals received from a pH sensor 212. pH sensor 212 is
US 2006/0226023 A1 Oct. 12, 2006

generally located along recirculating connection 206. A pH 0031. In the example of a NaClO reactant feedstock, the
set point can be established in PLC system 108, and once the catholyte loop self-circulates using the lifting properties of
set point is reached, the delivery of reactant feedstock 202 the H2 byproduct gas formed during the electrochemical
can either start or stop. process and forced water feed from soft water source 306.
The H gas rises up in byproduct tank 304 where there is a
0027. Reactant feedstock 202 can be delivered to a posi hydrogen disengager 310. The H gas can be diluted with air
tive end 214 of electrochemical cell 210 where the reactant in hydrogen disengager 310 to a concentration of less than
feedstock is oxidized to form a CIO gas, which is then 0.5 percent. The diluted H gas can be discharged from
dissolved in an electrolyte solution along with other side catholyte loop 104 and chlorine dioxide solution generator
products. The CIO, solution with the side products is 100 using a blower 312.
directed away from electrochemical cell 210 to the top of
stripper column 208 where a pure CIO, is stripped off in a 0032. As described in the 681 application, in another
gaseous form from the other side products. Side products or embodiment, dilute sodium hydroxide can be fed instead of
byproducts can include chlorine, chlorates, chlorites and/or water to produce concentrated Sodium hydroxide. Oxygen or
oxygen. The pure CIO gas is then removed from Stripper air can also be used as a reductant instead of water to reduce
column 208 under a vacuum induced by gas transfer pump overall operation Voltage since oxygen reduces at lower
216, or analogous gas or fluid transfer device (Such as, for Voltage than water.
example, a vacuum-based device), where it is delivered to an 0033. The reaction of anolyte loop 102 and catholyte loop
adsorption loop. The remaining solution is collected at the 104 in the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 3 is
base of stripper column 208 and recirculated back across the represented by the following net chemical equation:
pH sensor 212 where additional reactant feedstock 202 can
be added. The process with the reactant feedstock and/or 2NaClO2+2H2O >2CIO2a+2NaOHa!-H2 as
recirculation solution being delivered into positive end 214 The NaClO is provided by reactant feedstock 202 of
of electrochemical cell 210 is then repeated. anolyte loop 102. The NaOH and H gas are byproducts of
0028. As described in the 681 application, modifications the reaction in catholyte loop 104. The CIO, solution along
to the anolyte loop process can be made that achieve similar with the starting unreacted NaClO and other side products
results. As an example, an anolyte hold tank can be used in are directed to the stripper column for separating into ClO.
place of a stripper column. In Such a case, an inert gas or air gas as part of anolyte loop 102 process. Chlorite salts other
can be blown over the surface or through the solution to than NaClO can be used in anolyte loop 102.
separate the CIO gas from the anolyte. As another example, 0034 FIG. 4 illustrates an absorption loop 106 of an
chlorate can be reduced to produce CIO, in a cathode loop embodiment of a chlorine dioxide solution generator 100 of
instead of chlorite. The CIO gas would then similarly be the type described in the 681 application. The absorption
transferred to the absorption loop. In a further example, loop processes the CIO gas from anolyte loop 102 into a
CIO, can be generated by purely chemical generators and CIO, solution that is ready to be directed to the water selected
transferred to an absorption loop for further processing. for treatment.
0029 FIG. 3 illustrates a catholyte loop 104 in an 0035 CIO gas is removed from stripper column 208 of
embodiment of a chlorine dioxide solution generator 100 of anolyte loop 102 using gas transfer pump 216. In a preferred
the type described in the 681 application. Catholyte loop embodiment, a gas transfer pump 216 can be used that is “V”
104 contributes to the chlorine dioxide solution generator rated at 75 Torr (10 kPa) with a discharge rate of 34 liters per
100 by handling byproducts produced from the electro minute. The vacuum and delivery rate of gas transfer pump
chemical reaction of reactant feedstock 202 solution in 216 can vary depending upon the free space in stripper
anolyte loop 102. As an example, where a sodium chlorite column 208 and desired delivery rate of CIO solution.
(NaClO) solution is used as reactant feedstock 202, sodium 0036) The CIO gas removed from stripper column 208
ions from the anolyte loop 102 migrate to catholyte loop
through a cationic membrane 302, in electrochemical cell using gas transfer pump 216 is directed to an absorber tank
210, to maintain charge neutrality. Water in the catholyte is 402 of the absorption loop. In a preferred embodiment,
reduced to produce hydroxide and hydrogen (H) gas. The discharge side 404 of gas transfer pump 216 delivers ClO.
resulting byproducts in catholyte loop, in the example of a gas into a 0.5-inch (13-mm) poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC)
NaClO reactant feedstock, are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) injection line 406 external to absorber tank 402. Injection
and hydrogen gas. The byproducts are directed to a byprod line 406 is an external bypass for fluid between the lower to
uct tank 304. the upper portions of the absorber tank 402. A gas injection
line can be connected to injection line 406 using a T-con
0030. In an embodiment of catholyte loop in the example nection 408. Before CIO gas is directed to absorber tank
of a NaClO reactant feedstock, a soft (that is, demineral 402, the tank 402 is filled with water to approximately 0.5
ized) water source 306 can be used to dilute the byproduct inch (13 mm) below a main level control 410. Main level
NaOH using a solenoid valve 308 connected between soft control 410 can be located below where injection line 406
water source 306 and the byproduct tank 304. Solenoid connects to the upper portion of absorber tank 402. Intro
valve 308 can be controlled with PLC system 108. In a ducing CIO gas into injection line 406 can cause a liquid lift
preferred embodiment, PLC system 108 can use a timing that pushes newly absorbed CIO solution up past a forward
routine that maintains the NaOH concentration in a range of only flow switch 412 and into absorber tank 402. Flow
5 percent to 20 percent. When byproduct tank 304 reaches switch 412 controls the amount of liquid delivered to
a predetermined level above the base of byproduct tank 304, absorber tank 402. Absorber tank 402 has a main control
the diluted NaOH byproduct above that level is removed level 410 to maintain a proper tank level. In addition to main
from catholyte loop. control level 410, safety control levels can be employed to
US 2006/0226023 A1 Oct. 12, 2006

maintain a high level 414 and low level 416 of liquid where 0040 FIG. 5 is a process flow diagram of an embodiment
main control level 410 fails. A process delivery pump 418 of a neutralization system 500 for waste products from an
feeds CIO solution from absorber tank 402 to the end electrochemical CIO generator 100, such as the generator
process without including air or other gases. Process deliv described in the 681 application. As illustrated in FIG. 1,
ery pump 418 is sized to deliver a desired amount of water wastes from the anolyte loop 102 can be fluidly connected
per minute. The amount of CIO gas delivered to absorber to the neutralization system 500 by way of a connection
tank 402 is set by the vacuum and delivery rate set by gas from the stripper column. Another embodiment illustrates
transfer pump 216. the wastes from the catholyte loop 104 fluidly connected to
0037 PLC system 108 can provide a visual interface for the neutralization system 500 by way of a connection from
the operator to operate the chlorine dioxide Solution gen a byproduct tank. Hydrogen byproduct wastes from the
erator 100. PLC system 108 can automatically control the catholyte loop typically exit the byproduct tank by way of
continuous operation and safety of the production of CIO the blower 312 as shown in FIG. 3, where the hydrogen can
solution. PLC system 108 can set flow rates for anolyte loop be diluted with air and discharged into the atmosphere at a
102 and catholyte loop 104. The safety levels of absorber preferred concentration of less than 0.1 percent hydrogen.
tank 402 can also be enforced by PLC system 108. PLC Caustic soda or sodium hydroxide from the catholyte loop is
system 108 can also control the power for achieving a also typically collected in the byproduct tank 304, such as,
desired current in an embodiment using an electrochemical for example, where a chlorite reactant feedstock is used in
cell 210. In a preferred embodiment, the current ranges from the anolyte loop 102.
0 to 100 amperes, although currents higher than this average
are possible. The amount of current determines the amount 0041 FIG. 5 illustrates anolyte waste and catholyte
of CIO gas that is produced in anolyte loop 102. The current waste directed into a pH treatment tank 510. In a preferred
of the power supply can be determined by the amount of embodiment, both waste streams are combined into the same
CIO, that is to be produced. PLC system 108 can also be used tank. The pH treatment tank 510 is fluidly connected to a
to monitor the voltage of electrochemical cell 210. In a number of pumps including a recirculation and transfer
preferred embodiment, electrochemical cell 210 can be shut pump 520 and a neutralization feed pump 530. A single
down when the Voltage exceeds a safe Voltage level. In pump can perform one or more functions. For example, the
another preferred embodiment, 5 volts can be considered a recirculation and transfer pump 520 can perform both recir
safe voltage level. culation and transfer operations or two separate pumps can
0038. As described in the 681 application, another be used to individually perform each separate operation. The
operation that can be monitored with PLC system 108 is the neutralization feed pump 530 can allow uninterrupted flow
temperature of electrochemical cell 210. If overheating to the pH treatment tank 510 using a pH control system 540
occurs, PLC system 108 shuts down electrochemical cell that can continuously modulate the neutralization feed pump
210. PLC system 108 can also monitor the pH of the anolyte 530. The recirculation and transfer pump 520 can serve a
using a pH sensor 212 (shown in FIG. 2). During operation dual function of treating (that is, mixing or neutralizing)
of electrochemical cell 210, the pH of the solution circulat waste products in the pH treatment tank 510 and transferring
ing in anolyte loop decreases as hydrogen ions are gener or discharging the treated waste products to an effluent
ated. In the exemplary embodiment of the NaClO reactant holding tank 5.50, which can have a drain 555 to remove
feedstock, when the pH goes below 5, additional reactant waste products. The effluent holding tank can also accept
feedstock is added using PLC system 108. Control of pH can dilution water.
also be handled by adding a reactant that decreases the pH
when the pH is too high. 0042. A waste product that can result in the anolyte loop
0039. In another embodiment, the transfer line from gas 102 process is unseparated CIO, from the stripper column
transfer pump 216 can be connected to absorber tank 402 operation. In one embodiment, a typical concentration range
directly without injection line 406, and can allow for of a chlorine dioxide waste product from the anolyte loop is
increasing the pump transfer rate. Other embodiments can 700 ppm to 1500 ppm. For a CIO, concentration at this level,
include a different method of monitoring the liquid level in it is difficult to tolerate the odor and the overall effects can
absorber tank 402. For example, an oxidation and reduction be toxic, thus making neutralization of the toxic effects of
potential (ORP) can be dipped in absorber tank 402. ORP the chlorine dioxide waste a desired outcome. Since the
can be used to monitor the concentration of CIO in the waste from the catholyte loop of an electrochemical chlorine
solution in absorber tank 402. PLC system 108 can be used dioxide generator includes sodium hydroxide, the catholyte
to set a concentration level for the CIO as monitored by waste can neutralize the chlorine dioxide waste produced
ORP, which provides an equivalent method of controlling from the anolyte loop, as represented by the following
the liquid level in absorber tank 402. Optical techniques chemical equation:
Such as photometers can also be used to control the liquid
level in absorber tank 402. Absorption loop 106 can be a part
of the chlorine dioxide solution generator or it can be 0043. The quantity of chlorine dioxide waste that is
installed as a separate unit outside of the chlorine dioxide produced in the electrochemical reaction is typically much
Solution generator. In another embodiment, process water less that the quantity of sodium hydroxide. As the anolyte
can be fed directly in absorber tank 402 and treated water and catholyte waste streams enter the pH treatment tank 510
can be removed from the absorber tank 402. The process and combine, the overall mixture is typically alkaline in
water can include a demineralized, or soft, water source 420 nature where the pH can range from approximately 12 to 13.
and the process water feed can be controlled using a Solenoid This high pH range is due to the larger quantity of catholyte
valve 422. waste compared to the anolyte waste.
US 2006/0226023 A1 Oct. 12, 2006

0044) In consideration of various disposal options, the

waste products can be neutralized with acid prior to disposal. TABLE 1.
In a preferred embodiment, hydrochloric acid or muriatic Qhemical concentration that will neutralize 1 ppm of chlorite
acid, Such as that which is commercially available for use in
Swimming pools, can be used as a neutralizing agent. By Neutralizer Concentration
Compound (ppm)
way of the neutralization solution tank 520, hydrochloric
acid can be added to the pH treatment tank 510. The addition FeCl2.H2O 11.8
of the hydrochloric acid to the combined anolyte and Na2SO 3.7
Na2SOs 2.8
catholyte wastes in the pH treatment tank is preferably done Na2(SO).5H2O 14.7
with sufficient mixing to limit the formation of chlorine
dioxide, which can occur when the pH in the treatment tank
510 decreases to less than approximately 4. In a preferred 0050. In a preferred embodiment, the chlorite neutraliz
embodiment, the neutralization system 500 illustrated in ing compound. Such as those described in Table 1, can be
FIG. 5 can have the pH control system 540 monitor the pH combined with a dilute acid (for example, a solution of 5
so that the addition of acid is stopped when the pH of the percent acid) for Subsequent neutralizing of the alkaline
treated waste stream drops below 9. In another embodiment, anolyte and catholyte waste mixture held in the pH treatment
the pH level of the treated waste stream is maintained above tank 510. The chlorite neutralizing compound and dilute
acid can be combined in the neutralization solution tank 560.
The amount of neutralizer compound can be calculated
0045. In addition to the alkalinity of the wastes from an based on the amount of chlorite present in the waste stream.
electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator, the levels of A typical concentration range of chlorite is 0 to 0.3 moles/
chlorite from the anolyte loop wastes can also preferably be liter (that is, molarity (M)) in an electrochemical chlorine
dioxide generator.
converted or neutralized. This can be done by converting the
chlorite into chloride by reacting the sodium chlorite waste 0051 FIG. 5 illustrates the electrochemical chlorine
product with any of a number of compounds. For example, dioxide generator 100 fluidly connected to the pH treatment
sodium chlorite can be reacted with ferrous chloride as tank 510 by way of connection to the anolyte and catholyte
demonstrated by the following chemical equation: waste discharges from the electrochemical chlorine dioxide
generator 100. Following the mixing of the catholyte and
anolyte waste streams in the pH treatment tank 510, the pH
In a preferred embodiment, 67.45 grams of chlorite will of the combined wastes typically ranges from around 12 to
react in the above equation with 795.24 grams of ferrous 14. A recirculation or mixing process can be performed with
chloride tetra hydrate. the pH treatment tank 510 using the recirculation and
transfer pump 520. Recirculation is typically performed
0046. As another example, sodium chlorite can be when a diverting valve 570 between the recirculation and
reacted with sodium sulfite as demonstrated by the following transfer pump 520 and the effluent holding tank 550 is
equation: closed. A recirculation process is preferred to help keep the
concentration of the waste products uniform and diluted so
that the wastes in the pH treatment tank 510 do not become
In a preferred embodiment, 67.45 grams of chlorite will acidic and cause CIO to form.
react in the above equation with 252.08 grams of sodium 0052. In a preferred embodiment, residual chlorine diox
sulfite. ide from the anolyte waste stream reacts with sodium
hydroxide from the catholyte waste stream to form chlorite
0047. In another embodiment, sodium chlorite can be and chlorate when the pH in the pH treatment tank 510 is
reacted with sodium metabisulfite as demonstrated by the maintained between approximately 12 and 14. Following the
following equation: reaction of the chlorine dioxide waste, the waste product in
the pH treatment tank 510 can be adjusted to have a pH of
less than 10 using a dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl concen
In a preferred embodiment, 67.45 grams of chlorite will tration less than 30 percent). Adjusting and maintaining a pH
react in the above equation with 190 grams of sodium of less than 10 can be accomplished by monitoring the pH
metabisulfite. of the waste product in the pH treatment tank 510 using a
probe 545 connected to the pH control system 540 and
0.048 Sodium chlorite can also be reacted with sodium automatically adding the neutralizing hydrochloric acid with
thiosulfite as demonstrated by the following equation: the neutralizing feed pump 530 which is also connected to
the pH control system 540. Although the probe can be placed
anywhere in the neutralization system 500 where it can
In a preferred embodiment, 67.45 grams of chlorite will monitor the pH of the product in pH treatment tank 510, in
react in the above equation with 992.68 grams of sodium a preferred embodiment the pH probe 545 is placed in the
thiosulfate pentahydrate. recirculation loop. The recirculation loop includes the recir
culation and transfer pump 520 and the pH treatment tank
0049 Table 1 summarizes preferred chlorite neutralizing 510. The waste products in the pH treatment tank 510 are
compounds and the concentration of neutralizer compound recirculated in the recirculation loop using the pump 520 to
that will neutralize 1 ppm of chlorite into chloride. mix the waste products.
US 2006/0226023 A1 Oct. 12, 2006

0053. In a further embodiment, chlorite neutralizing 5. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
chemicals such as those identified in Table 1 can be mixed claim 1, wherein at least one of said electrochemical chlo
with the dilute hydrochloric acid in the neutralization solu rine dioxide generator and neutralization system is con
tion tank 560. Preferably, the chlorite neutralizing chemicals trolled with a programmable logic controller.
are in excess of the concentrations identified in Table 1. As 6. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
the neutralization feed pump 530 adds neutralization solu claim 1, wherein said neutralization system comprises a pH
tion to the pH treatment tank 510, the remaining chlorite in treatment tank for receiving waste products, wherein said pH
the wastes in the pH treatment tank 510 will be converted treatment tank is fluidly connected to at least one of said
into chloride. In a preferred embodiment, the neutralization anolyte loop and said catholyte loop.
solution tank 560 can have double wall jacketing to provide 7. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
leak containment. claim 6, wherein said neutralization system further com
0054. In a preferred embodiment, level sensors are used prises a neutralization Solution tank fluidly connected to said
to control the level of the waste products in the pH treatment pH treatment tank.
tank 510. A level sensor arrangement can include a level 8. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
sensor high (LSH) 580 and a level sensor low (LSL) 585. claim 6, further comprising a recirculation pump fluidly
LSH 580 can open diverting valve 570 when the level in the connected to said pH treatment tank, wherein said recircu
pH treatment tank 510 is high and needs to be lowered by lation pump mixes said waste products in said pH treatment
diverting some of the waste product to the effluent holding 9. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
tank 550. When the level in the pH treatment tank decreases claim 6, further comprising an effluent holding tank fluidly
to a level that triggers LSL 585, the diverting valve 550 will connected to said pH treatment tank, wherein said effluent
close. Any additional diversion of waste product to the holding tank receives neutralized waste products.
effluent holding tank 550 occurs by opening the diverting 10. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
valve 570. The diverting valve can also be controlled by a claim 9, further comprising a transfer pump for transferring
pH sensor 547 that limits waste products of high or low pH said neutralized waste products to said effluent holding tank,
from being discharged into the effluent holding tank 550. wherein a diverting valve controls said fluid connection
0055. In a preferred embodiment, the neutralization sys between said pH treatment tank and said effluent holding
tem 500 and/or electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator tank.
100 can be controlled with a PLC 590. For example, for the 11. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
neutralization system 500, the PLC 590 can be used to claim 7, wherein an acidic Solution contained in said neu
control the neutralization feed pump 530, the recirculation tralization Solution tank is used to neutralize said waste
and transfer pump 520, the level sensors 580, 585, the products in said pH treatment tank.
diverting valve 570, the pH probe 545, pH sensor 547, 12. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide solution genera
and/or the pH control system 540. The PLC 590 can be tor of claim 11, wherein said acidic solution comprises
further used to control the electrochemical chlorine dioxide hydrochloric acid.
generator 100. 13. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
0056 While particular elements, embodiments and appli claim 11, wherein said acidic solution further comprises a
chlorite neutralizing compound.
cations of the present invention have been shown and 14. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
described, it will be understood, of course, that the invention claim 13, wherein said chlorite neutralizing compound is
is not limited thereto since modifications can be made by selected from the group of ferrous chloride tetra hydrate,
those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of sodium sulfite, sodium metabisulfite, and sodium thiosulfate
the present disclosure, particularly in light of the foregoing pentahydrate.
15. An electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator with a
What is claimed is: neutralization system comprising:
1. An electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator com (a) a pH treatment tank for receiving waste products from
prising: said electrochemical generator,
(a) an anolyte loop fluidly connected to a neutralization (b) a neutralization solution tank fluidly connected to said
system; and pH treatment tank, wherein a neutralization feed pump
(b) a catholyte loop fluidly connected said neutralization transfers a neutralization solution to said pH treatment
system; tank;
wherein said neutralization system neutralizes waste (c) a recirculation pump fluidly connected to said pH
products from at least one of said anolyte loop and said treatment tank, wherein said recirculation pump mixes
catholyte loop. said waste products in said pH treatment tank;
2. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of (d) an effluent holding tank fluidly connected to said pH
claim 1, wherein an absorption loop is fluidly connected to treatment tank; and
said anolyte loop.
3. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of (e) a transfer pump for transferring neutralized waste
claim 1, wherein a stripper column within said anolyte loop products from said pH treatment tank to said effluent
is fluidly connected to said neutralization system. holding tank.
4. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of 16. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of
claim 1, further comprising a pH control system to monitor claim 15, wherein said neutralization solution is an acidic
the pH of said waste products in said neutralization system. Solution.
US 2006/0226023 A1 Oct. 12, 2006

17. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of (b) adding a neutralizing solution to said waste product in
claim 18, wherein said acidic solution further comprises a said pH treatment tank;
chlorite neutralizing compound. (c) recirculating said waste products to achieve at least
18. The electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator of one of the removal of substantially all chlorite and a pH
claim 13, wherein said chlorite neutralizing compound is between 4 and 10; and
selected from the group of ferrous chloride tetra hydrate,
sodium sulfite, sodium metabisulfite, and sodium thiosulfate (d) transferring said waste products from said pH treat
pentahydrate. ment tank to an effluent holding tank.
19. A method for neutralizing waste products from an 20. The method of claim 19, further comprising control
electrochemical chlorine dioxide generator comprising: ling said neutralizing of waste products with a program
mable logic controller.
(a) collecting waste products from said electrochemical
generator in a pH treatment tank; k k k k k

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