The Fascism of The Sangh Parivar - Sumit Sarkar
The Fascism of The Sangh Parivar - Sumit Sarkar
The Fascism of The Sangh Parivar - Sumit Sarkar
The Fascism of the Sangh Parivar target-area steadily expands, and efforts
intensify to terrorise wider and wider
circles of potential dissent, that perhaps
Sumit Sarkar requires a little additional emphasis. The
Hitler analogy is, once again, appropriate:
Jew and communist had quickty expand-
Central to Hindutva as a mass phenomenon (or to Fascism) is the ed to cover social-democrats, liberals.
Catholics, everyone who dared to think
development of a powerful and extendable enemy image through with any independence—even, by June
appropriating stray elements from past prejudices, combining them 1934, a number of Nazis, massacred in the
with new ones skilfully dressed up as old verities, and "night of the long knives'. The BJP turn
towards open terror had begun with two
broadcasting the resultant compound through the most up-to-date incidents in Madhya Pradesh unconnected
media techniques. with the Ram Janmabhoomi movement—
the murder of Shankar Guha Neogy,
labour leader of unusual initiative and
FASCISM in contemporary Indian as violations of laws and constitutional originality, in autumn 1991, and the public
distinct from the European historical con- norms consequently had alternated in humiliation recently of B D Sharma,
text had appeared till the other day a mere Fascist and Nazi behaviour with loud pro- distinguished progressive retired civil ser-
epithet, worn out by overmuch, indis- testations of respect for legality. It is not vant. (The Shiv Sena of Maharashtra had
criminate use, signifying little more than always remembered, for instance, that shown the way even earlier, of course,
particular blatant acts of authoritarian Hitler had become chancellor on January smashing through street terror the oncc
repression or reactionary violence. With 30,1933 in an entirely constitutional man- formidable Red Flag unions of Bombay
the 6th of December and its aftermath, ner, as leader of the largest party in the in the 1970s.) The beating-up of jour-
elements frighteningly evocative of its Reichstag, at the invitation of president nalists on December 6 is thus not an aber-
totality of horror stalk our streets, obtain Hindenburg. He repeatedly asserted his ration, but part of a broader, emerging
connivance and implicit sustenance from party's respect for legality throughout the pattern. The forces of Hindutva have
within the highest corridors of power, next month—but meanwhile Goering assiduously cultivated the press, with great
emerge from everyday conversations with Nazified the Berlin police, organised street success till recently, but fascists always like
relatives, colleagues, friends of yesterday. encounters in which more than 50 anti- to combine persuasion with the occasional
Not that exact parallels can be found, in fascists were murdered, and set the scene bis; stick.
most part India 1992-93 remains very dif- for the notorious Reichstag fire, after
ferent from the Germany of 60 years back. which first the communists, and then all
Yet a closer look at the pattern of af- Certain little-reported developments in
opposition political parties and trade
finities and differences may help to Delhi acquire relevance here, i n d i c a t e
unions were quickly destroyed.
highlight certain crucial features—most once again the typical combination of
notably, the ways in which the implica- There is much, surely, that is ominously street violence with administrative collu-
tions of the current all-out offensive of the reminiscent here. A mosque is syste- sion even in a city where the December
Sangh Parivar go far beyond even the ob- matically reduced to rubble over five long riots were relatively localised and minor, 1
vious and terrifying fact that the subcon- hours, in total violation of a direct right next to a central government which
tinent has just witnessed the most wide- Supreme Court order and repeated assur- is said to have banned the RSS, the VHP,
spread round of communal violence since ances given by the leading opposition par- and the Bajrang Dal. Peace activists trying
the Partition years. The drive for Hindu ty and its allies, and the central govern- to do things as innocuous as singing
Rashtra has put in jeopardy the entire ment does not lift its little finger. Coun- songs, distributing leaflets calling for har-
secular and democratic foundations of trywide riots follow, marked by blatant mony. and staging street plays have been
our republic An old warning of Nehru police partiality, with the guardians of the repeatedly attacked: the police come a
sounds particularly appropriate today. law not unoften turning rioters them- little later, ignore the RSS-Bajrang Dal
Muslim communalism is in its nature as selves. And then come strange political elements supposedly under a ban, but ar-
bad as Hindu communalism, and may and judicial manoeuvres that in effect rest and harass the anti-communal groups.
even be stronger among Muslims than its have allowed the land-grabbing vandals to Even a peace march led by men as dis-
counterpart within the majority com- build a temporary 'temple' complete with tinguished as P N Haksar and Habib
munity. "But Muslim communalism can- darshan, where curfew exists for MuslimsTanvir was obstructed by the police, while
not dominate Indian society and intro- and not for Hindus, and which suddenly a Delhi University student in an anti-
duce fascism. That only Hindu commu- is not a 'disputed structure' unlike the communal group whose name begins with
nalism can" (quoted in Frontline, January 462-year-old monument it has displaced, Ram was slapped by the policeman who
1, 1993). Probing the fascist analogy, then, but something worthy of protection. had arrested him: a man with such a
may contribute towards a greater under- Meanwhile the BJP alternates between an name, he was told, should not be doing
standing of the dangers that confront us occasional apology and much more fre- such things.
today. Just occasionally, it may provide us quent aggressive justification, and V H P
The Bajrang Dal thugs often openly
also with what is most needed, and is in leaders add the Delhi Jumma Masjid to
declare that anyone who criticises the
woefully short supply: resources of hope. Varanasi and Mathura, and openly de-
destruction of the Babri Masjid will
nounce the Indian Constitution as
Fascism had come to power in Italy and have to go to Pakistan, while in the selec-
Germany through a combination of street tively curfew-bound Muslim pockets of
violence (carefully orchestrated from Seelampur in east Delhi, the police had
above but still undeniably with great mass EXPANDING T A R G E T - A R E A
rounded up all Muslim men in some areas,
support), deep infiltration into the police, beaten them up unless they agreed to say
bureaucracy and army, and the conni- It is this wider dimension, in which the Jai Shri Ram, and even pulled out the
vance of 'centrist' political leaders. Crude obvious, classically communal Muslim beard of a Muslim gentleman.