Harvard Mens Health Watch January 2021 Harvard Health
Harvard Mens Health Watch January 2021 Harvard Health
Harvard Mens Health Watch January 2021 Harvard Health
Boost vitality by engaging your brain On Call��������������������������������� 2
Continuing work and satisfaction in life can help older adults ϐϐHow important are whole grains?
greatest fear of older adults. The good Loaded carry walks show the way.
news is that you can take steps to maintain Self-care for bursitis��������������� 5
your thinking and memory for many years Home remedies manage flare-ups.
to come. Get FITT for heart health ������ 6
A healthy diet, regular aerobic exercise, This program protects against heart
and proper sleep are essential to keep your attack and stroke.
brain healthy. But work engagement and life Research briefs������������������� 8
satisfaction are two additional factors that ϐϐGeneral anesthesia not linked
prostate cancer, defined as a tumor that Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
is confined to the prostate gland and Knowing your prostate cancer’s growth risk can
unlikely to grow or spread. It involves Punching numbers help you plan for future treatment options.
monitoring prostate-specific antigen The two calculators were developed score). Although the calculators have
(PSA) levels in the blood for changes by researchers as part of the Prostate some differences, both of them provide
and having regular digital rectal exams Active Surveillance Study (PASS). (You a percentage chance that the next biopsy
to look for abnormal areas on your can find both at www.canarypass.org/ will or will not show features of a more
prostate. calculators.) They should only be used aggressive form of prostate cancer. This
During active surveillance, you have by men who have had a least one pros- information can help a man and his
a PSA test and a digital rectal exam tate biopsy. The calculators use the doctor decide to stick with the current
every six months and prostate biopsies results of subsequent biopsies done plan, wait longer to have the next biopsy,
approximately every other year. If during surveillance, along with other or begin cancer treatment now.
your PSA level rises, your doctor will measures, such as
likely recommend a prostate MRI or ϐϐ age Using the information
an immediate prostate biopsy to see if ϐϐ body mass index The calculators have been shown to be
the cancer has become more aggressive. ϐϐ PSA levels effective. A study published online Aug.
If so, you and your doctor can decide ϐϐ prostate volume (higher volume is 27, 2020, by JAMA Oncology applied the
whether to continue with active linked with a higher risk or cancer) calculators to 533 men with low-risk
surveillance and have another biopsy ϐϐ time since prostate cancer diagnosis, prostate cancer who followed active
six months or a year later, or move in years surveillance. The investigators found
ahead to treatment, such as radiation, Both calculators rely heavily on how that the results helped to better tailor
hormonal therapy, or surgery. many biopsy samples were taken, how the approach to the men’s specific risks.
many of the samples showed cancer “Therefore, men can be monitored
A popular choice and the cancer aggressiveness score of with less intensity and hopefully fewer
Active surveillance is popular because the positive biopsies (called the Gleason biopsies and less anxiety,” says Dr.
it doesn’t require any immediate treat- Wagner.
ment and is often just as safe (or safer) Keep in mind that the calculators
than starting treatment right away. Still,
What are the odds? offer only an estimated outcome. For
the approach has its downside, such as What risk percentages from the instance, a 10% chance your cancer
the potential for wait-and-see anxiety, calculators are considered “good”? will get upgraded by the time of your
the necessity for repeated PSA tests It varies from person to person, and next biopsy or over the next four years
(which are not always definitive), and depends on multiple factors besides is considered relatively low.
the pain and risk of repeated biopsies. a number—like age, other health “But that doesn’t mean your cancer
Two newly created online calculators issues, and a person’s risk tolerance, won’t become more aggressive,” says
could help with these issues. They according to Dr. Andrew Wagner, a Dr. Wagner. “It just means you could
estimate how likely is it that low-risk urologic oncologist at Harvard- consider skipping your biopsy and
prostate cancer will progress and affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess waiting longer to see if you need to
invites a more nuanced approach to Medical Center. “Some men may begin treatment.”
be fine with anything less than 50%,
surveillance regimens. Men are encouraged to ask their
while others want less than 10%,” he
“With this information, men can doctors to help them work through the
says. “In general, we have found that if
have a conversation with their doctor PASS calculators. Alternatively, they
the risk of cancer progression is less
about how they may want to approach than 20%, most men are comfortable can use the calculators themselves,
their active surveillance strategy continuing with active surveillance.” provided they have the necessary
moving forward,” says Dr. Andrew information.
www.health.harvard.edu January 2021 | Harvard Men’s Health Watch | 3
How to build a better core
Your core is more than just your abdominals—it also
involves your hips, back, and even your shoulders. To
strengthen your entire core, take a loaded carry walk.