Sika® Fastplug 102: Safety Data Sheet

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Sika® Fastplug 102

Version 2.3 SDS Number: 000000606233 Revision Date: 08.01.2018

SECTION 1: Identification of the hazardous chemical and of the supplier

Product name : Sika® Fastplug 102

Product code : 000000606233

Type of product : solid

Manufacturer or supplier's details

Company : Sika Kimia Sdn. Bhd.
Lot 689 Nilai Industrial Estate
71800 Nilai

Telephone : +60 6799 1762

Telefax : +60 6799 1980

E-mail address : [email protected]

Emergency telephone : -

Contact point :

SECTION 2: Hazards identification

Classification of the hazardous chemical

Skin corrosion/irritation : Category 2

Serious eye damage/eye : Category 1


Specific target organ toxicity - : Category 3 (Respiratory system)

single exposure

Label elements
Hazard pictograms :

Signal word : Danger

Hazard statements : H315 Causes skin irritation.

H318 Causes serious eye damage.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.

Precautionary statements : Prevention:

P261 Avoid breathing dust/ fume/ gas/ mist/ vapours/ spray.
P280 Wear protective gloves/ eye protection/ face protection.
P304 + P340 + P312 IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air


Sika® Fastplug 102

Version 2.3 SDS Number: 000000606233 Revision Date: 08.01.2018

and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a

POISON CENTER or doctor/ physician if you feel unwell.
P305 + P351 + P338 + P310 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with
water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present
and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON
CENTER or doctor/ physician.
P403 + P233 Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container
tightly closed.
P501 Dispose of contents/ container to an approved waste
disposal plant.

Other hazards which do not result in classification

None known.

SECTION 3: Composition and information of the ingredients of the hazardous chemical

Substance / Mixture : Mixture

Hazardous components
Chemical name CAS-No. Concentration (%)
Cement (chromium reduced) 65997-15-1 >= 30 - < 60
Limestone 1317-65-3 >= 5 - < 10
calcium dihydroxide 1305-62-0 >= 1 - < 3
Quartz (SiO2) 14808-60-7 >= 1 - < 3

SECTION 4: First aid measures

General advice : Move out of dangerous area.

Consult a physician.
Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.

If inhaled : Move to fresh air.

Consult a physician after significant exposure.

In case of skin contact : Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.
Wash off with soap and plenty of water.
If symptoms persist, call a physician.

In case of eye contact : Small amounts splashed into eyes can cause irreversible
tissue damage and blindness.
In the case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty
of water and seek medical advice.
Continue rinsing eyes during transport to hospital.
Remove contact lenses.
Keep eye wide open while rinsing.

If swallowed : Clean mouth with water and drink afterwards plenty of water.
Do not give milk or alcoholic beverages.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Obtain medical attention.


Sika® Fastplug 102

Version 2.3 SDS Number: 000000606233 Revision Date: 08.01.2018

Most important symptoms : irritant effects

and effects, both acute and Cough
delayed Respiratory disorder
Excessive lachrymation
See Section 11 for more detailed information on health effects
and symptoms.
Causes skin irritation.
Causes serious eye damage.
May cause respiratory irritation.

Notes to physician : Treat symptomatically.

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media : Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local
circumstances and the surrounding environment.

Physicochemical hazards arising from the chemical

Hazardous combustion : No hazardous combustion products are known

Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighters

Special protective equipment : In the event of fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus.
for firefighters

Specific extinguishing : Standard procedure for chemical fires.


SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

Personal precautions, : Use personal protective equipment.

protective equipment and Deny access to unprotected persons.
emergency procedures

Environmental precautions : Try to prevent the material from entering drains or water

Methods and materials for : Pick up and arrange disposal without creating dust.
containment and cleaning up Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage


Precautions for safe handling

Advice on protection against : Normal measures for preventive fire protection.
fire and explosion


Sika® Fastplug 102

Version 2.3 SDS Number: 000000606233 Revision Date: 08.01.2018

Advice on safe handling : Do not breathe vapours/dust.

Avoid exceeding the given occupational exposure limits (see
section 8).
Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing.
For personal protection see section 8.
Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited in the
application area.
Follow standard hygiene measures when handling chemical


Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Conditions for safe storage : Store in original container.
Keep in a well-ventilated place.
Observe label precautions.
Store in accordance with local regulations.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls and personal protection

Control parameters
Components CAS-No. Value type Control Basis
(Form of parameters /
exposure) Permissible
Cement (chromium reduced) 65997-15-1 TWA 10 mg/m3 MY PEL
Further information: The value is for particulate matter containing
no asbestos and <1% crystalline silica
PEL 5 mg/m3 MY PEL
PEL (Total 10 mg/m3 MY PEL
TWA 1 mg/m3 ACGIH
Limestone 1317-65-3 PEL 5 mg/m3 MY PEL
PEL (Total 10 mg/m3 MY PEL
TWA 10 mg/m3 MY PEL
(particulate) (Calcium
Further information: The value is for particulate matter containing
no asbestos and <1% crystalline silica
calcium dihydroxide 1305-62-0 TWA 5 mg/m3 MY PEL
TWA 5 mg/m3 ACGIH
Quartz (SiO2) 14808-60-7 TWA 0.1 mg/m3 MY PEL
PEL 0.1 mg/m3 MY PEL


Sika® Fastplug 102

Version 2.3 SDS Number: 000000606233 Revision Date: 08.01.2018

TWA 0.025 mg/m3 ACGIH
(Respirable (Silica)
Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment
Eye/face protection : Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should
be used when a risk assessment indicates this is necessary.

Skin protection : Choose body protection in relation to its type, to the

concentration and amount of dangerous substances, and to
the specific work-place.

Hand protection : Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an

approved standard should be worn at all times when handling
chemical products if a risk assessment indicates this is

Respiratory protection : Use respiratory protection unless adequate local exhaust

ventilation is provided or exposure assessment demonstrates
that exposures are within recommended exposure guidelines.
The filter class for the respirator must be suitable for the
maximum expected contaminant concentration
(gas/vapour/aerosol/particulates) that may arise when
handling the product. If this concentration is exceeded, self-
contained breathing apparatus must be used.

Hygiene measures : Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety
When using do not eat or drink.
When using do not smoke.
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

Appearance : solid

Colour : grey

Odour : odourless

Odour Threshold : No data available

pH : No data available

Melting point/range / Freezing : No data available


Boiling point/boiling range : No data available

Flash point : Not applicable

Evaporation rate : No data available


Sika® Fastplug 102

Version 2.3 SDS Number: 000000606233 Revision Date: 08.01.2018

Flammability : No data available

Upper explosion limit : No data available

Lower explosion limit : No data available

Vapour pressure : No data available

Relative vapour density : No data available

Density : 1 g/cm3 (20 °C (68 °F) ())

Water solubility : No data available

Solubility in other solvents : No data available

Partition coefficient: n- : No data available


Auto-ignition temperature : No data available

Decomposition temperature : No data available

Viscosity, dynamic : No data available

Viscosity, kinematic : Not applicable

Explosive properties : No data available

Molecular weight : No data available

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

Reactivity : No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use.

Chemical stability : The product is chemically stable.

Possibility of hazardous : Stable under recommended storage conditions.


Conditions to avoid : No data available

Incompatible materials : No data available

No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

Information on likely routes of : None known.



Sika® Fastplug 102

Version 2.3 SDS Number: 000000606233 Revision Date: 08.01.2018

Acute toxicity
No data available
Skin corrosion/irritation
Causes skin irritation.
Serious eye damage/eye irritation
Causes serious eye damage.
Respiratory or skin sensitisation
Skin sensitisation: Not classified based on available information.
Respiratory sensitisation: Not classified based on available information.
Germ cell mutagenicity
Not classified based on available information.
Not classified based on available information.
Reproductive toxicity
Not classified based on available information.
STOT - single exposure
May cause respiratory irritation.
STOT - repeated exposure
Not classified based on available information.
Aspiration toxicity
Not classified based on available information.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

No data available
Persistence and degradability
No data available
Bioaccumulative potential
No data available
Mobility in soil
No data available
Other adverse effects

Additional ecological : There is no data available for this product.

SECTION 13: Disposal information

Disposal methods
Waste from residues : Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with
chemical or used container.


Sika® Fastplug 102

Version 2.3 SDS Number: 000000606233 Revision Date: 08.01.2018

Send to a licensed waste management company.

Contaminated packaging : Empty remaining contents.

Dispose of as unused product.
Do not re-use empty containers.

SECTION 14: Transport information

International Regulations
Not dangerous goods
Not dangerous goods
Not dangerous goods
Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code
Not applicable for product as supplied.

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

Safety, health, and environmental regulations specific for the hazardous chemical
Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous
Chemicals) Regulations 2013.
Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to
Health) Regulations 2000.
International Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) : Not applicable
Schedules of Toxic Chemicals and Precursors

SECTION 16: Other information

Date format :

The information contained in this Safety Data Sheet corresponds to our level of knowledge at
the time of publication. All warranties are excluded. Our most current General Sales
Conditions shall apply. Please consult the product data sheet prior to any use and processing.

Changes as compared to previous version !


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