4037 Additional Mathematics: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2015 Series
4037 Additional Mathematics: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2015 Series
4037 Additional Mathematics: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2015 Series
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.
log3 x
1 (a) M1 Can use other interim bases if all correct
log3 27 but M1 when in base 3 only
log3 x A1 NOT log3 x ÷ 3
(b) y
B1 correct shape;
4 B1 y intercept marked or seen nearby;
B1 intent to tend to y = 3 (i.e. not tending to
or cutting x-axis)
1 51 − 8 19 20 − 5
3 (a) A= − M1
4 31 2 65 15 − 10 25
8 −2 6
A = A1 Integer values
4 3 10
(b) (i) The (total) value of the stock in each of the 3 B1 Must have “each” oe
(ii) The total value of the stock in all 3 shops B1 Must have “total” oe
PT 3π PT 8
4 (i) = tan oe M1 =
8 8 3π π
sin sin
8 8
1 2 3π 1 2 3π
(ii) ×8 × oe (75.4) M1 or ×8 ×
2 4 2 8
8 tan × 8 – their sector oe (=154.5-‘75.4’) M1 8 × their PT – their sector
79.1 A1 awrt 79.1
(iii) 8 oe (18.8) M1
6π +16 tan 8 = 57.5 A1 Accept 57.4 to 57.5
∫ ( 2t −14t +12 ) dt
(ii) M1
3 2
2t 14t
( s =) − +12t A2,1,0 −1 for each error or for +c left in or
3 2 limits introduced
(iii) ( a =) ( 4t − 14 ) M1
[4(3) – 14 =] −2 cao A1
Comment: e.g. the vectors are scalar multiples of B1dep Dep on both B marks being awarded.
each other AND they have a common point (A, B
or C as appropriate)
(ii) (2i + 11j) isw B1fT ft their answers from (i)
5 5
i − 4 j + 3i + 7 j 2i +11j
(iii) or i − 4 j + or M1
2 2
2i +11j
3i + 7 j −
2i + 1.5 j A1
1 4(3) + 3
( e − e4(2.5)+3 ) or better DM1 ft their integral attempt
1 15 13
706 650.99… = 707 000 to 3 sf or better A1 Accept
(e − e )
(b) (i) k sin (+ c) M1 any constant, non-zero k
k=3 A1
π 1
(ii) 3sin × − 3sin ( 0 ) DM1 Dep on their integral attempt in sin;
6 3 condone omission of lower limit
0.520 944… = 0.521 to 3 sf or better A1 Accept 3 sin
x −1 x3
(c) ∫(x + 2 + x 2 ) dx =
+ 2x + B1 Expands – accept unsimplified
−1 3 M1 integration of their 3 term expansion
A1 Fully correct
+c B1 +c
(iii) O
B1 Correct shape with maximum in second
-9 1
quadrant and crossing positive and
negative axes correctly
10 (i) ln y = ln( Ab x ) ⇒ ln y = ln A + ln b x M1
⇒ ln y = ln A + x ln b A1
11 (i) 7 − x, x, 6 − x oe B1
their attempt at 7 − x + x + 6 − x + 16 = 25 oe M1
(ii) 23 − y, y, 9 − y oe B1 or n( A ∪ C ) = 48 −16 = 32