Prevalence of Bioethical Issues: Abortion: Nurs 09 - Health Care Ethics
Prevalence of Bioethical Issues: Abortion: Nurs 09 - Health Care Ethics
Prevalence of Bioethical Issues: Abortion: Nurs 09 - Health Care Ethics
A. Position Paper
In the Philippines, abortion is one of the most controversial issue that is being
discussed. Abortion is the act of removal of pregnancy tissue which is the product of
conception or the fetus and placenta from the uterus. It is often performed to end an
unplanned pregnancy and when the tests reveals that there is an abnormality in fetus
and mother’s pregnancy that could risk their lives. As reported by the United Nations, by
the data that they have gathered up to 2019, abortion is allowed in 98% of countries.
However, the Philippines is included in the remaining percent of countries that has not
yet legalized the abortion. The Philippines is known to be a Christian country that is why
the proposal of legalizing the abortion in the country is strongly opposed by the Catholic
church as it is believe that the action is disobeying the Law of God which is written in
the Bible.
In spite of their opposition, my stand to this issue is that abortion must be considered
to be accepted but with some exemption. I strongly believe that abortion must only be
accepted when the reason is by medical basis such as when there is an abnormality in
the pregnancy which could result on risking the life of the mother. I honestly do not
support abortion if the reason is only for their self-interest just like saving their reputation
or because it is an unwanted pregnancy. As a standpoint of a Christian, I still believe
that life is precious that we must take care of as it is given by God to us. So, even
though it is a planned and unwanted, there are still other and alternative ways to deal
with their situation.
Therefore, I believe that we can allow abortion but it must be carefully study to be
consider and must be stated what are the only situation that must be allowed for the
woman to undergo an abortion which is specifically for medical reasons only and the
procedure must be only performed strictly by the licensed physician.
B. Case Study
On March 28, 1992, The Wall St. Journal reported that the New Jersey supreme
Court had tossed out the appeal of a man seeking to stop his girlfriend from having an
abortion. Much has been written about the woman’s right over her body, but relatively
little about the father’s rights.
Abortion is one of the most common issue in the present age and its focus is
commonly on the right of the mother and the unborn child. However, sometimes the
society and law overlooked the right of the father concerning the decision on undergoing
abortion. In this study, the man and his girlfriend are not yet married and based on the
law if the man’s partner wants to undergo abortion, the father’s consent is not legally
required as it is the woman’s choice to put an end to her pregnancy even it is against
the father’s objections. The reason is based on the woman’s right to medical privacy
and the fact that of the female body is the most directly affected by the pregnancy.
However, if the man and woman are married, according to the US Supreme Court, in
the case of Planned Parenthood v. Danforth (1976) which is a provision of a Missouri
law regulating abortion were unconstitutional. That law, House Bill 1211 restricted
abortion by requiring a written consent from the woman’s husband before the abortion
procedure. In regards to the right of man vetoing pregnancy, according to the law,
though the man would prefer to remain childless and objects to the woman’s pregnancy,
after birth, the father generally will be responsible for supporting the child. This led some
fathers’ rights advocates to oppose and argue that a man should be able to decide that
he does not want to be a father. They believe that man deserves the same right as the
woman. For such equality to be achieved, however, man needs the right to a financial
abortion. This right requires the woman to notify the man about her pregnancy earlier.
They must make a decision quickly whether they want to undertake the legal rights and
responsibilities of parenthood or not. According to the Bioethicist Jacob Appel that if one
grants a man veto power over a woman’s choice to have an abortion in cases where he
is willing to pay for the child, asking why should they not grant the man his right to
demand an abortion where he is unwilling to provide for the child. Therefore, making up
with the decision of continuing or ending the pregnancy comes with a mutual agreement
between the man and woman.
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