42GasElectro mechanicalValvesAP

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Gas Electro-mechanical Valves 10-30.

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Assembly Numbers
Gas Electro-mechanical Valves

To determine the Configured Item Number:

Select one choice each from the following five categories

Configured Item Number

Valve size Flow capacity Valve type Normal position Area classification

Valve size Flow capacity Normal position

075 - 3/4” S - Standard 1 - Normally-closed shut-off valve
100 - 1” C - CP body construction 2 - Normally-open vent valve
125 - 1-1/4” H - High capacity
150 - 1-1/2” Area classification
200 - 2” Valve type 1 - General purpose
250 - 2-1/2” MA - MAXON automatic (motorized) 2 - Non-incendive, Class I, Div. 2
300 - 3” MM - MAXON manual valve 4 - Valve body only
400 - 4”
600 - 6”

Configured Item Numbers are designated as follows:

Valve size space Flow capacity space Valve type, normal position, area classification

To order a 3” CP body, automatic valve, normally-closed shut-off valve for general purpose use, make the following selections:

Valve size ........................... 300

Flow capacity..................... C
Valve type .......................... MA
Normal position................. 1
Area classification ............ 1
The Configured Item Number for this valve is: 300 C MA11

Segment choices are shown on the following pages

w w w . m a x o n c o r p . c o m
combustion systems for industry
Maxon reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice.
© 2013 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Segment choice detail

NOTE: Some choices may not be available with all sizes and types of valves.

Segment choices
Segment name Segment description Segment choice description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
MODEL NUMBER 1 Calculated ---
MODEL NUMBER 2 Calculated ---
SIZE Determined by Calculated ---
FLOW CAPACITY Configured item number Calculated ---
VALVE TYPE selection Calculated ---
NORMAL POSITION Calculated ---
A (A) ANSI threaded
B (B) ANSI flanged
C (C) ISO threaded
D (D) DIN flanged
BODY CONNECTION Type of body connection E (E) Socket welded nipple
(F) Socket welded nipple w/ANSI
Class 150 flanges
(H) EN 1092-1 PN16 flanged (ISO
7005-1 PN16)
A (A) Buna o-rings/Buna bumper
B (B) Viton o-rings/Buna bumper
Material specification for C (C) Viton o-rings/Viton bumper
valve body seals and bum- (D) Ethylene propylene o-rings/
per Ethylene propylene bumper
E (E) Omniflex o-rings/Buna bumper
F (F) Omniflex o-rings/Viton bumper
1 (1) Cast iron
2 (2) Carbon steel
BODY MATERIAL Type of valve body material
5 (5) Stainless steel
6 (6) Low temp carbon steel
1 (1) Trim package 1
Materials used for valve
INTERNAL TRIM PACKAGE 2 (2) Trim package 2
body internal components
4 (4) Trim package 2, oxy clean
A (A) 120VAC 50 Hz
B (B) 120VAC 60 Hz
C (C) 230VAC 50 Hz
Electrical voltage D (D) 230VAC 60 Hz
E (E) 208VAC 50 Hz
F (F) 24VDC
G (G) 120VDC

w w w . m a x o n c o r p . c o m
combustion systems for industry
Maxon reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice.
© 2013 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Segment choice detail

NOTE: Some choices may not be available with all sizes and types of valves.

Segment choices
Segment name Segment description Segment choice description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
A (A) 115VAC 50 Hz
B (B) 115VAC 60 Hz
Motor voltage - actuator
C (C) 230VAC 50 Hz
(Automatic valves)
D (D) 230VAC 60 Hz
SIDE PLATE OPTIONS A (A) Standard handle
B (B) Tandem main
Handle side plate options -
C (C) Tandem blocking
actuator (Manual valves)
D (D) Tandem overhead
E (E) Wheel and chain
* * - N/A for manual valves
Opening time desired 1 (1) 2.5 second
(automatic valves ONLY) 2 (2) 6 second
3 (3) 12 second
0 (0) VOS1/NONE
1 (1) VOS1/VCS1
Switch options - automatic
2 (2) VOS2/VCS2
3 (3) VOS2/VCS1
0 (0) NONE
Switch options - manual 1 (1) VOS1/VCS1
valves 2 (2) VOS2/VCS2
3 (3) VOS2/VCS1
A (A) NEMA 4
ENCLOSURE RATING Rating of actuator enclosure
Second language for valve

w w w . m a x o n c o r p . c o m
combustion systems for industry
Maxon reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice.
© 2013 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Segment choice detail

NOTE: Some choices may not be available with all sizes and types of valves.

Segment choices
Segment name Segment description Segment choice description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
AMM Ammonia
BUT Butane gas
COKE Coke oven gas
DEL Delco combusted
DIG Digester gas
ENDO Endothermic AGA 302
EXO Exothermic
HYD Hydrogen gas
LAND Landfill gas
FUEL Type of fuel to be used
MFGD Manufactured gas
NAT Natural gas
NIT Nitrogen gas
OXYH Oxygen (up to 200 psig, <200 fps)
OXYL Oxygen (up to 30 psig, <200 fps)
OXYX Oxygen (up to 255 psig, <175 fps)
PROP Propane gas
REF Refinery gas
SOUR Sour natural gas
TOWN Town gas
AW Away
L Left
R Right
TO Toward
ALW Aluminum (wire-on)
NONE No tagging
TAGGING Type of tagging
SSP Stainless steel (permanent)
SSW Stainless steel (wire-on)
No choices available Calculated ---
MOTOR CURRENT No choices available Calculated ---
AGENCY SANCTIONS No choices available Calculated ---

w w w . m a x o n c o r p . c o m
combustion systems for industry
Maxon reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice.
© 2013 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved.
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General purpose valves: MA11, MA21, MM11, MM21

075 S - 200 S - 300 C - 400 H -
Switch option 125 S 150 S 250 C 600 S
100 S 300 S 400 C 600 H
(0) VOS1/NONE or
19599 19599 19599 19599 24470 24470 24470 25377
(1) VOS1/VCS1 57325 57337 57349 57252 57323 57371 57371
(2) VOS2/VCS2 57328 57340 57352 57255 57330 57374 57374
(3) VOS2/VCS1 or 25846,
57327 57339 57351 57254 57329 57373 57373
VCS2/VOS1 25595
26460, 26460, 26460, 26460, 26461, 26461,
26454 26454 26454 26454 26456 26456

Non-incendive valves: MA12, MA22, MM12, MM22

075 S - 200 S - 300 C -
Switch option 125 S 150 S 250 C 600 S
100 S 300 S 400 C
(0) VOS1/NONE or VCS1/NONE 50116092-001 50116092-001 50116092-001 50116102-001 50116106-001 50116106-001 N/A
(1) VOS1/VCS1 or VCS1/VOS1 50116093-001 50116096-001 50116099-001 50116103-001 50116107-001 50116110-001 50116114-001
(2) VOS2/VCS2 or VCS2/VOS2 50116094-001 50116097-001 50116100-001 50116104-001 50116108-001 50116111-001 N/A
(3) VOS2/VCS1 or VCS2/VOS1 50116095-001 50116098-001 50116101-001 50116105-001 50116109-001 50116112-001 N/A

w w w . m a x o n c o r p . c o m
combustion systems for industry
Maxon reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice.
© 2013 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved.
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General purpose valves: MA11, MA21, MM11, MM21

Voltage 075 S - 150 S 200 S - 300 S 250 CP - 400 CP 600 S MM11
24VDC 39543 1040580 1040581
120VDC 43665 1051047 1059437
115v50 37742 37748 37754 37754
115v60 17555 22055 23243 23243
208v50 37744 37750 37755 37755
230v50 37745 37751 37756 37756
230v60 21026 22056 23244 23244

Non-incendive valves: MA12, MA22, MM12, MM22

Voltage 075 S - 150 S 200 S - 300 S 250 CP - 400 CP 600 S MM12
24VDC 1040851 1040580 1040581
120VDC 1051048 1051047 1059437
115v50 47120 47121 47122 47122
115v60 47120 47121 47122 47122
230v50 47123 47124 47125 47125
230v60 47123 47124 47125 47125

w w w . m a x o n c o r p . c o m
combustion systems for industry
Maxon reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice.
© 2013 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Motor operators

Motor operators
General purpose valves Non-incendive valves
(MA11, MA21) (MA12, MA22)
Timing Voltage
400 H MA11
075 S - 400 C 075 S - 400 C
600 H MA11
115VAC 50/60 Hz 41635 37465
2.5 second timing [1]
230VAC 50/60 Hz 41647 43747
115VAC 50/60 Hz 41637 37466
6 second timing 230VAC 50/60 Hz 41649 43748
24VDC (unlisted) 36648
115VAC 50/60 Hz 32093
12 second timing
230VAC 50/60 Hz 32094
[1] 2.5 second timing is not available for CP body constructions

Top assembly components

Top assembly components

Component 400 H MA11 600 H MA11
115VAC 50/60 Hz
Replacement top assembly 400 H MA11 ACT 600 H MA11 ACT
230VAC 50/60 Hz
Replacement circuit board 25354
Replacement clutch assembly 1094960

Wheel & chain accessory options

Wheel & chain accessory

Normally-closed valves Normally-open valves
(MM11, MM12) (MM21, MM22)
Wheel & chain options
250 C - 400 C,
075 S - 150 S 200 S - 300 S 075 S - 150 S 200 S
600 S
Overhead wheel & chain Single valve WCSMALL WCINT WCCP WCSMALL WCINT
assembly Tandem valve TOSMALL TOLARGE TOLARGE
Tandem overhead valve linkage assembly 57978 57984 [1] 57986 [1]
Extra chain for above (1 foot increments) 00035 [2]
[1] Position TO (towards) or AW (away) must be specified on order
[2] Overall chain length not to exceed 25 feet; standard length on CP body constructions and 6” valve sizes is 7 feet; all other valves standard
length is 5 feet

w w w . m a x o n c o r p . c o m
combustion systems for industry
Maxon reserves the right to alter specifications and data without prior notice.
© 2013 Copyright Maxon Corporation. All rights reserved.

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