Chapter6 Rizal
Chapter6 Rizal
Chapter6 Rizal
disgusted with the antiquated method of instruction in this Dominican-owned university and the racial
prejudice of Dominican professors against Filipino students, decided to complete his studies in Spain. At
that time the government of Spain was a constitutional monarchy under a written constitution which
granted human rights to the people, particularly freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom
of assembly. Aside from this ostensible reason, he had another reason, which was more important than
merely completing his studies in Spain. This was his "secret mission," which many Rizalist biographers
(including Austin Craig and Wenceslao E. Retana) never mention in their writings.
This mission which Rizal conceived with the approval of his older brother Paciano was to observe keenly
the life and culture, languages and customs, industries and commerce, and governments and laws of the
European nations in order to prepare himself in the mighty task of liberating his oppressed people from
Spanish tyranny. This was evidenced in his farewell letter which was delivered to his parents shortly
after his departure for Spain.
Aside from begging his parents' forgiveness for leaving the Philippines without their permission and
blessings, he said in this letter:
But as God has not made anything useless in this world, as all beings fulfill obligations or a role in the
sublime drama of Creation. I cannot exempt myself from this duty, and small though it be, I too have a
mission to fill, as for example: alleviating the sufferings of my fellow-men. I realize that all this means
sacrifices, and terrible ones. I imagine the pain which I must give you, but I feel something that obliges
and impels me to leave. I shall strive with fate, and I shall win or lose... God's will be done.
This Rizalian secret mission was likewise disclosed by Paciano in his letter to his younger brother dated
Manila, May 20, 1882, as follows:
When the telegram informing us of your departure was received in Calamba, as it was natural, our
parents were grieved, especially the old man (Don Francisco - Z) who became taciturn, always staying in
bed, and weeping at night, and the consolation offered by the family, the curate, and strangers was of
no avail. He made me go to Manila to find out with what means you were able to undertake the voyage.
On my return I assured them that your expenses were defrayed by some friends of yours in Manila,
hoping that this would calm him. Notwithstanding, he remained always sad. Seeing this and fearing that
his taciturnity might degenerate into a malady, I told him everything, but to him alone, begging him to
keep the secret and he promised to do so. Only since then have I seen him a little gay and return to his
usual ways. This is what occurred in the family.
It is said here that you will finish the medical course in Barcelona and not at Madrid. To me the principal
purpose of your departure is not to finish this course but to study other things of greater usefulness or
that to which you are more inclined. So I think that you ought to study at Madrid.
Before his secret departure, he wrote a farewell letter for his beloved parents and another one for his
sweetheart Leonor Rivera - both delivered shortly after he sailed away.
On May 3, 1882, Rizal departed on board the Spanish steamer Salvadora bound for Singapore. With
tears in his eyes and gloom in his heart, he gazed at the receding skyline of Manila. He hastly took paper
and pencil and sketched it as it vanished in view.
During the voyage to Singapore he carefully observed the people and things on board the steamer.
There were sixteen passengers, including himself - "five or six ladies, many children, and the rest
gentlemen. He was the only Filipino, the rest were Spaniards, British, and Indian Negroes.
The ship captain, Donato Lecha, from Asturias, Spain, befriended him. Rizal described him in his travel
diary as an affable man, "much more refined than his other countrymen and colleagues that I have met".
He was, however, peeved by some Spaniards (his fellows passengers) who spoke ill of the Philippines,
"to which they go for pecuniary reason".
To while away the tedious boredom of sea voyage, Rizal played chess with his fellow passengers who
were much older than he. He defeated them many times, for he was a good chess player.
On May 8, 1882, while the steamer was approaching Singapore, Rizal saw a beautiful island. Fascinated
by its scenic beauty, he remembered "Talim Island with the Susong Dalaga".
The following day (May 9) the Salvadora docked at Singapore. Rizal landed, registered at Hotel de la Paz,
and spent two days on a sightseeing soiree of the city, which was a colony of England. He saw the
famous Botanical Garden, the beautiful Buddhist temples, the busy shopping district, and the statue of
Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles (founder of Singapore).
In Singapore Rizal transferred to another ship Djemnah, a French steamer, which left Singapore for
Europe on May 11. It was a larger and cleaner vessel which carried more passengers. Among these
passengers were British, French, Dutch, Spaniards, Malays, Siamese, and Filipinos (Mr. and Mrs. Salazar,
Mr. Vicente Pardo, and Jose Rizal). French was mostly spoken on board because it was a French vessel
and the majority of the passengers were French-speaking. Rizal attempted to converse with his fellow
passengers in French, but to his surprise and embarrassment, he found out that his book French which
he learned at the Ateneo could not be understood, so that he had to speak in mixed Spanish-Latin
supplemented by much gesticulations and sketching on paper. By conversing daily with the French
passenger, he was able gradually to improve his knowledge of the French language.
On May 17, the Djemnah reached Point Galle, a seacoast town in southern Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Rizal
was unimpressed by this town. On his travel diary, he wrote: "The general appearance of Point Galle is
picturesque but lonely and quiet and at the same time sad."
The following day the Djemnah weighed anchor and resumed the voyage towards Colombo, the capital
of Ceylon. After a few hours of sailing, she reached this city on the same day. Rizal was enamoured by
Colomho because of its scenic beauty and elegant buildings. He delightfully scribbled on his diary:
"Colombo is more beautiful, smart and elegant than Singapore, Point Galle, and Manila."
From Colombo, the Djemnah continued the voyage crossing the Indian Ocean to the Cape of Guardafui,
Africa. For the first time, Rizal sighted the barren coast of Africa, which he called an "inhospitable land
but famous".
At the next stopover - in Aden - Rizal went ashore to see the sights. He found the city, hotter than
Manila. He was amused to see the camels, for it was the first time he saw these animals. From Aden, the
Djemnah proceeded to the city of Suez, the Red Sea terminal of the Suez Canal. Upon arrival at Suez,
Rizal disembarked and went sightseeing, like an ordinary tourist. What impressed him most was the
beautiful moonlight which reminded him of Calamba and his family.
It took the Djemnah five days to traverse the Suez Canal. Rizal was thrilled because it was his first trip
through this canal which was built by Ferdinand de Lesseps (French diplomat-engineer). It was
inaugurated on November 17, 1869.
At Port Said, the Mediterranean terminal of the Suez Canal, Rizal landed in order to see the interesting
sights. He was fascinated to hear the multi-racial inhabitants speaking a babel of tongues - Arabic,
Egyptian, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish, etc.
From Port Said, the Djemnah proceeded on its way to Europe. On June 11, Rizal reached Naples. This
Italian city pleased him because of its business activity, its lively people, and its panoramic beauty. He
was fascinated by Mount Vesuvius, the Castle of St. Telmo, and other historic sights of the city.
On the night of June 12, the steamer docked at the French harbor of Marseilles. Rizal, after bidding
farewell to his fellow-passengers, disembarked. He visited the famous Chateau d'If, where Dantes, hero
of The Count of Monte Cristo, was imprisoned. He had enjoyed reading this novel of Alexander Dumas
when he was a student at the Atenco. He stayed two and a half days in Marseilles, enjoying every day of
his sojourn.
On the afternoon of June 15, Rizal left Marseille by train for the last lap of his trip to Spain. He crossed
the Pyrenees and stopped for a day at the frontier town of Port Bou. Here he noticed the indifference
accorded by the Spanish immigration officers to tourists, in direct contrast with the courtesy of the
French immigration officers.
After the passport inspection at Port Bou, Rizal continued his trip by rail, finally reaching his destination -
Barcelona on June 16, 1882.
Rizal's first impression of Barcelona, the greatest city of Cataluña and Spain's second largest city, was
unfavorable. He thought that it was ugly, with dirty little inns and inhospitable residents, because he
happened to stay upon his arrival at a dingy inn situated on an unimpressive narrow street in the
"town's most ugly side" and the staff and guests in this inn were indifferent to him. Later, he changed his
bad impression and came to like the city. He found it to be really a great city, with an atmosphere of
freedom and liberalism, and its people were open-hearted, hospitable, and courageous. He enjoyed
promenading along Las Ramblas, the most famous street in Barcelona.
The Filipinos in Barcelona, some of whom were his school mates in the Ateneo, welcomed Rizal. They
gave him a party at their favorite cafe in Plaza de Cataluña.After the customary exchange of toasts, they
told their guest of the attractions of Barcelona and the customs of the Spanish people; in turned he gave
them the latest news and gossips in the Philippines.
"Amor Patrio"
In progressive Barcelona, Rizal wrote a nationalistic essay entitled "Amor Patrio" (Love of Country), his
first article written on Spain's soil. He sent this article to his friend in Manila, Basilio Teodoro Moran,
publisher of Diariong Tagalog, the first Manila bilingual newspaper (Spanish and Tagalog).
Rizal's "Amor Patrio," under his pen-name Laong Laan, appeared in print in Diariong Tagalog on August
20, 1882. It was published in two texts - Spanish and Tagalog. The Spanish text was the one originally
written by Rizal in Barcelona. The Tagalog text was a Tagalog translation made by M.H. del Pilar. The
article caused quite a sensation among the readers in the Philippines because of its nationalistic flavor.
As in his prize-winning "Juventud Filipina," Rizal in his "Amor Patrio" urged his compatriots to love their
fatherland, the Philippines. Among other things, he wrote:
After the fashion of the ancient Hebrews who offered in the temple the first fruits of their love, we in a
foreign land, dedicate our first accounts to our country, enshrouded among the clouds and mists of
morn, always beautiful and poetic, but ever more idolized in proportion as we are absent and away from
it. Under whatever aspect, whatever its name, we love her (patria) always just as the child loves its
mother in the midst of hunger and misery.
And how strange! The poorer and more miserable she is, the more we suffer for her, and the more she is
idolized and adored; yes, there is real joy in suffering for her.
Child, we love play; adolescent, we forget it; youth, we seek our ideal; disillusioned, we weep and go in
quest of something more positive and more useful; parent, the children die and time gradually cases our
pain just as the air of the sea slowly effaces the shores as the boat departs from them. But, love of
country can never be effaced, once it has entered the heart, because it carries in itself the divine stamp
that makes it eternal and imperishable.
It has always been said that love is the most potent force behind the most sublime deeds; very well, of
all loves, the love of country is what produced the greatest, the most heroic, the most disinterested.
Read history...
Publisher Basilio Teodoro Moran, deeply impressed by "Amor Patrio," congratulated Rizal, and
requested for more articles. In response to his request, Rizal wrote the second article for Diariong
Tagalog entitled "Los Viajes" (Travels). His third article, entitled "Revista de Madrid" (Review of Madrid),
which he wrote in Madrid on November 29, 1882, was returned to him because the Diariong Tagalog
had ceased publication for lack of funds.
While sojourning in Barcelona, Rizal received sad news about the cholera that was ravaging Manila and
the provinces. Many people had died and more were dying daily. According to Paciano's letter, dated
September 15, 1882, the Calamba folks were having afternoon novenas to San Roque and nocturnal
processions and prayers so that God may stop the dreadful epidemic, which the Spanish health
authorities were impotent to check.
Another sad news from the Philippines was the chatty letter of Chengoy recounting the unhappiness of
Leonor Rivera, who was getting thinner because of the absence of a loved one.
In one of his letters (dated May 26, I882), Paciano advised his younger brother to finish the medical
course in Madrid. Evidently, heeding his advice, Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of 1882 and established
himself in Madrid, the capital of Spain.
Life in Madrid
On November 3, 1882, Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid (Central University of Madrid)
in two courses - Medicine and Philosophy and Letters. Aside from his heavy studies in the university, he
studied painting and sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, took lessons in French,
German, and English under private instructors; and assiduously practised fencing and shooting in the
Hall of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell. His thirst for knowledge of music, he visited the art galleries and
museums and read books on all subjects under the sun, including military engineering, in order to
broaden his cultural background.
Rizal led a Spartan life in Madrid. He knew that he came to Spain to study and prepare himself for
service to his fatherland. Accordingly, he rigidly budgeted his money and time. He lived frugally,
spending his money on food, clothing, lodging, and books - never wasting a peseta for gambling, wine,
and women. His only extravagance was investing a few pesetas for a lottery ticket in every draw of the
Madrid Lottery. He spent his leisure time reading and writing at his boarding house, attending the
reunions of Filipino students at the house of the Paterno brothers (Antonio, Maximino, and Pedro), and
practicing fencing and shooting at the gymnasium. At other times, during the summer twilights, he
sipped coffee and fraternized with the students from Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, etc. at the Antigua Cafe
de Levante.
On Saturday evenings, he visited the home of Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey who lived with his son (Rafael) and
daughter (Consuelo). Don Pablo had been city mayor of Manila during the administration of the liberal
governor general Carlos Ma. de la Torre (1869-1871) and was later promoted vice-president of the
Council of the Philippines in the Ministry of Colonies (Ultramar).
Rizal was not a handsome man. In physique, he was neither dashing nor imposing, for he was a shy small
man - a few inches above five feet in height. But he possessed an aura of charisma due to his many-
splendored talents and noble character which made him attractive to romantic young women. No
wonder the prettier of Don Pablo's daughters (Consuelo) fell in love with him.
Rizal being a lonely young man in a foreign country, far from his natal land, was attracted by Consuelo's
beauty and vivacity. He even composed a lovely poem on August 22, 1883 dedicated to her. In this poem
titled A La Señorita C. O. y P. (To Miss C. O. y P.), he expressed his admiration for her. He found solace
and joy in her company.
However, before his romance with Consuelo could blossom into a serious affair, he suddenly backed out
for two reasons: (1) he was still engaged to Leonor Rivera and (2) his friend and co-worker in the
Propaganda Movement, Eduardo de Lete, was madly in love with Consuelo and he had no wish to break
their friendship because of a pretty girl.
ln I882 shortly after his arrival in Madrid, Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano-Filipino (Hispano-Philippine
Circle), a society of Spaniards and Filipinos. Upon the request of the members of this society, he wrote a
poem entitled "Me Piden Versos" (They Ask Me For Verses) which he personally declaimed during the
New Year's Eve reception of the Madrid Filipinos held in the evening of December 31, 1882. In this sad
poem, he poured out the cry of his agonizing heart.
Rizal economized on his living expenses, and with the money he saved, he purchased books from a
second-hand book store owned by a certain Señor Roses. He was able to build a fair-sized private library.
His collection of books included The Bible, Hebrew Grammar, Lives of the Presidents of the United States
from Washington to Johnson, Complete Works of Voltaire (9 volumes), Complete Works of Horace (3
volumes), Complete Works of C. Bernard (16 volumes), History of the French Revolution, The
Wandering Jew, Ancient Poetry, Works of Thucydides, The Byzantine Empire, The Characters by La
Bruyere, The Renaissance, Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Works of Alexander Dumas,
Louis XIV and His Court, and numerous books on medicine, philosophy, languages, history, geography,
arts and sciences.
Rizal was deeply affected by Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin and Eugene Sue's The Wandering Jew.
These two books aroused his sympathy for the oppressed and unfortunate people.
During his first summer vacation in Madrid Rizal went to Paris, sojourning in this gay capital of France
from June 17 to August 20, 1883. At first, he was billeted at the Hotel de Paris on 37 Rue de Maubange;
later, he moved to a cheaper hotel on 124 Rue de Rennes in the Latin Quarter, where it was cheaper to
Like all tourists, Rizal was charmingly titillated by the attractive sights of Paris, such as the beautiful
boulevards (particularly the Champs Elysses), the Opera House, the Place de la Concorde, the Arch of
Triumph, the Bois de Boulogne (magnificent park), the Madelaine Church, the Cathedral of Notre Dame,
the Column of Vendome, the Invalides (containing the tomb of Napoleon the Great), and the fabulous
Versailles. Unlike ordinary tourists, whose main interest in visiting foreign countries is to see the
beautiful sights, to enjoy themselves in night clubs and theatres, and to shop for souvenir items, Rizal
improved his mind by observing closely the French way of life and spending many hours at the
museums, notably the world-famous Louvre; the botanical gardens, especially the Luxembourg; the
libraries and art galleries; and the hospitals, including the Laennec Hospital, where he observed Dr.
Nicaise treating his patients and the Lariboisiere Hospital, where he observed the examination of
different diseases of women.
On the lighter side of his visit in Paris, Rizal ws mistaken by the Parisians as a Japanese. The prices of
food, drinks, theatre tickets, laundry, hotel accommodations, and transportation were too high for his
slender purse so that he commented in a letter to his family: "Paris is the cosliest capital in Europe."
Rizal as a Mason
In Spain Rizal came in close contact with prominent Spanish liberal and republican Spaniards, who were
mostly Masons, including Miguel Morayta, statesman, professor, historian, and writer; Francisco Pi y
Margal, journalist, statesman, and former President of the short-lived First Spanish Republic; Manuel
Becerra, Minister of Ultramar (Colonies); Emilio Junoy, journalist and member of the Spanish Cortes; and
Juan Ruiz Zorilla, parliamentarian and head of the Republican Progressive Party in Madrid.
Rizal was impressed by the way the Spanish Masons openly and freely criticized the government policies
and lambasted the friars, which could not be done in the Philippines. In due time, in March 1883, he
joined the Masonic lodge called Acacia in Madrid. His reason for becoming a mason was to secure
Freemasonry's aid in his fight against the friars in the Philippines. Since the friars used the Catholic
religion as a shield to entrench themselves in power and wealth and to persecute the Filipino patriots,
he intended to utilize Freemasonry as his shield to combat them.
Later he transferred to Lodge Solidaridad (Madrid), where he became a Master Mason on November 15,
1890. Still later, on February 15, 1892, he was awarded the diploma as Master Mason by Le Grand
Orient de France in Paris.
As a Mason, Rizal played a lukewarm role in Freemasonry, unike M.H. del Pilar, G. Lopez Jaena, and
Mariano Ponce who were very active in Masonic affairs. His only Masonic writing was a lecture titled
"Science, Virtue and Labor," which he delivered in 1889 at Lodge Solidaridad, Madrid.
Financial Worries
After Rizal's departure for Spain, things turned from bad to worse in Calamba. The harvest of rice and
sugarcane failed on account of drought and locusts. On top of this economic disaster, the manager of
the Dominican-owned hacienda increased the rentals of the lands cultivated by the Rizal family. This
hacienda manager, frequent guest at the Rizal home, used to ask for a turkey from Don Francisco (the
hero's father), who was a good raiser of turkeys.
the turkeys. When the manager requested for turkey, Don Francisco had to deny him because he
needed the few surviving turkeys for breeding purposes. Enraged by his failure to receive a turkey, the
vindictive manager arbitrarily increased the rentals of the lands leased by Don Francisco and Paciano.
Due to hard times in Calamba, the monthly allowances of Rizal in Madrid were late in arrival and there
were times when they never arrived, causing much suffering to him. At one time Paciano was forced to
sell his younger brother's pony in order to send money to Madrid.
A touching incident in Rizal's life in Madrid occurred on June 24, 1884. Because he was broke, he was
unable to take breakfast that day. With an empty stomach, he attended his class at the university,
participated in the contest in Greek language and won the gold medal. In the evening of the same day
he was able to eat dinner, for he was a guest speaker in a banquet held in honor of Juan Luna and Felix
Resurreccion Hidalgo at Restaurant Ingles, Madrid.
Rizal's Salute to Luna and Hidalgo
The banquet on the evening of June 25, 1884 was sponsored by the Filipino community to celebrate the
double victory of the Filipino artist in the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid - Luna Spoliarium
winning first prize and Hidalgo's Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace, second prize. It was attended
by prominent Spanish artists, newspaperman, and men-of-letters, statesmen, and Filipinos.
Speaking in sonorous Castilian, Rizal held his audience spellbound. He saluted Luna and Hidalgo as the
two glories of Spain and the Philippines, whose artistic achievements transcended geographical frontiers
and racial ongins, for genius is universal - "genius knows no country, genius sprouts everywhere, genius
is like light, air, the patrimony of everybody, cosmopolitan like space, like life, ike God." He also assailed
with refined sarcasm the bigotry and blindness of certain unworthy Spaniards (referring to the bad friars
in the Philippines) who could not comprehend the universality of genius.
This magnificent speech of Rizal was greeted with wild ovation, for seldom did the Spaniards hear such
an oration from the lips of a brown Filipino which was almost peerless in nobility of thought, in Spanish
rhetoric, in sincerity of feeling, and in sonorous eloquence.
On November 20, 21, and 22, 1884, the serene city of Madrid exploded in bloody riots by the students
of the Central University. Rizal and other Filipino students participated, together with Cuban, Mexican,
Peruvian, and Spanish students in the tumult. These student demonstrations were caused by the
address of Dr. Miguel Morayta, professor of history, at the opening ceremonies of the academic year on
November 20, in which he proclaimed "the freedom of science and the teacher". Such a liberal view was
condemned by the Catholic bishops of Spain, who promptly excommunicated Dr. Morayta and those
who applauded his speech.
Angered by the bigotry of the Catholic bishops, the universe city students rose in violent
demonstrations. They rioted in the city streets, shouting: "Viva Morayta! Down with Bishops!" Practically
all the students in various colleges (Law, Medicine, Philosophy and Letters, etc.) joined the massive
demonstrations, including Rizal, Valentin Ventura, and other Filipinos. The police and the army troopers
tried to suppress the angry students, but in vain. Bloody fights raged in the university buildings and in
the city streets. The students armed with clubs, stones, and fists, fought the government forces. Many
university professors openly supported the student rioters. The Rector, who also took the side of the
students, was forced to resign and was replaced by Doctor Creus, "a very unpopular man, disliked by
The appointment of the new Rector intensified the fury of the student demonstrators. More student
demonstrations convulsed the city. Recounting the tumultuous riotings to his family in letter dated
November 26, 1884, Rizal said: (letter)
His scholastic records in medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid were as follows:
Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and Letters, with higher grades. He was awarded the degree
of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters by the Universidad Central de Madrid on June 19, 1885 (his 24th
birthday), with the rating of "Excellent" (Sobresaliente). His scholastic records in this course follow:
At long last, Rizal completed his studies in Spain. By obtaining the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and
Letters, he became qualified to be a professor of humanities in any Spanish university. And by receiving
his degree of Licentiate in Medicine, he became a full-fledged physician, qualified to practise medicine.
He did not bother to secure the post-graduate degree of Doctor of Medicine because it was, together
with the licentiate in philosophy and letters, good only for teaching purposes. Being a man of high
intelligence and foresight, he knew that with his brown color and Asian racial ancestry no friar-owned
university or college in the Philippines would accept him in its faculty staff. Thus he said, in his letter to
his family written in Madrid, November 26, 1884: "My doctorate is not of very much value to me
because although it is useful to a university professor, yet I believe they [Dominican friars - Z] will never
appoint me as such in the College of Santo Tomas. I say the same thing of philosophy and letters which
may serve also for a professorship, but I doubt if the Dominican fathers will grant it to me."