Viscosity: Lab #F

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“In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful”

Prepared By:
Mohd Rosdzimin bin Abdul Rahman
Date of Experiment:
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Universiti Malaysia
Pahang (UMP)
Lab Instructor:

Lab Location:
Fluids Mechanics Laboratory

Lab Objectives:

By the end of the semester, student should be able to:

• Understand the viscosity behavior.
• Determine effect of viscosity.

Sudent Name Section

Possible Awarded
Marks Marks
Results presentation(data collection)

Results discussion(answers and

Others( style,neatness,safety and
Total marks 100

0 Date Delivered:

BMM 3521 Engineering Fluid Mechanics Lab_F_Viscosity

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1.0 Introduction and theory.


As explained in the introduction to this section, viscosity is one of the

most important properties of fluids since it determines the behavior
whenever relative movement between fluids and solids occurs. In a simple
case in which a section of fluid is acted on by a shear stress it can be shown
that a velocity gradient is produced which is proportional to the applied
shear stress τ . The constant of proportionality is the coefficient of viscosity
µ and the equation is usually written:

τ =µ

Where dy is the velocity gradient normal to the plane of the applied stress.

Equation (1) is derived in most text books and represents a model of a

situation in which layers of fluid move smoothly over one another. This is
termed viscous or laminar flow. For such conditions, experiments show
that Equation (1) is valid and the µ is constant for any given temperature.
For other conditions at higher velocities, when turbulent eddies are formed
and mixing takes place between the layers, the behavior cannot be
represented so simply and we will not consider these cases here.

Equation (1) shows that if fluid flows over an object, there will be a
velocity gradient in the flow adjacent to the surface, and a shear force
transmitted to the fluid which tends to resist its motion. Similarly, if an object
moves through a fluid, velocity gradients will also be set up and a force
generated on the object which tends to resist its motion. In all such cases,
acknowledge of µ is required to calculate the forces involved. It should be
noted that µ varies with temperature, so values for a given fluid are usually
tabulated for various temperatures. In the SI system µ has units of Ns/m2.
In fluid mechanics the term ρ often appears and this is called the Kinematic
Viscosity and is denoted by:

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Coefficien t of viscosity , µ
Density, ρ

Kinematic viscosity is very often more convenient to use and has units
of m2/s which are often easier to work with. There are many experimental
methods which can be used to determine µ and these are generally less
direct than measuring the parameters in Equation (1). One common method
is to consider the rate at which a smooth sphere will fall through a liquid for
which it is required to determine the viscosity. Under equilibrium conditions,
the shear or ‘friction’ forces on the sphere will equal its weight, and the
sphere will fall at a constant velocity v , called the terminal velocity. An
equation due to Stokes defines the terminal velocity and this is called
Stokes’ Law.
The equation can be written:

gd 2 σ 
µ=  − 1
18ν ρ 

d is the diameter of sphere
σ is the density of the sphere
ρ is the density of the fluid
ν is the kinematics viscosity of the fluid

This equation is only applicable for viscous flow, for which a variable called
Reynolds Number is below a certain value where:

ρud ud
Reynolds Numbers, Re = =
µ ν

The limiting value of Re is often taken as 0.2 and, above this value, the
errors in applying Equation (3) becomes significant.

In considering Equation (3) it is clear that the velocity decreases as ν

increases, and this can be demonstrated for a range of different liquids. It is
also possible to determine ν (or µ ) from Equation (3) and this can be done
using the falling sphere viscometer supplied with the apparatus.

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2.0 Experimental Apparatus.

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3.0 Experimental Procedure.

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The viscosity of relatively high viscosity fluids, such as oil, glycerine, castor
oil and so on, can be determined. Fill each of the three graduated jars with
different fluids. Test each fluid in turn by:

a) Inserting the ball guide.

b) Set the upper timing band marker approximately 20 mm below the

level of the base of the ball guide.

c) Set the lower timing band marker to approximately 200 mm below the

d) Drop the ball into the fluid and time the descent between the markers
using the stopwatch.

e) Measure the distance between the markers.

f) Measure the temperature of the liquid.


a) Moveable timing band markers are used to allow practical timings for
very viscous fluids where less than a 200 mm fall is required.

b) A vertical reference for the timing band markers is provided by the

volume scale on the jar.

4.0 Data Analysis.

Typical time fall Kinemat

200 mm (s) ic
Kinematic y (v x
viscosity (x 10-5)
Liquid gravity at
10-5) m2/s at 1.6mm 3.2 mm m2/s
20°C from
20°C ball ball
ent at
Water 1.0 0.1
Medium oil 0.89 12
Smoke Oil 1.26 60

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Density of ball: 7800kg/m3

5.0 Discussions.

a) Explain about viscosity and why it’s so important?


b) What are the differences in term of result for different sized balls
and different liquid?
c) What is the difference between dynamics viscosity and kinematics

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6.0 Conclusion:

7.0 Reference:

BMM 3521 Engineering Fluid Mechanics Lab_F_Viscosity

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