The Ultimate Cel DN Guide
The Ultimate Cel DN Guide
The Ultimate Cel DN Guide
Please note that this guide is organized in the way I would recommend a new player
should prioritize gearing. You may skip around as you please.
Once you have downloaded the game and created your character, open
your inventory (I) and open your lv. 80 Reward Chest. You will obtain a
Rarestone. Speak to Delilah (Ironwood) or Jenny (Mana Ridge) and select
the Starter option. Sell the Rarestone and buy all of the Savior armor +
weapons for your class (armor is unified). Next, you will want to speak to
Lea (Ironwood) or Lilith (Mana Ridge) and fly to Saint Haven.
Saint Haven
Once you have farmed 26,600 lebrium points talk to the Interdimensional
Chat 6s Plus NPC and open the Lebria Store [1]. Buy your Calypso armor
and weapons from the Lebria Store. Calypso gear has 4 tiers of
enhancement. It starts at tier 1 and once it is tier 1 +20, you will be able
to tune it to tier 2 +0. Each tier will have higher stats than the tier before
it. In order to tune your gear you will need Item Tuner - Legend, which
can be crafted at any blacksmith under the General Tab.
You are able to enhance calypso gear for free using Enhancement
Hammer - Weapon/Armor. However, enhancing from +0 to +5 does not
use any mats, so use gold to enhance from 0 to 5. Hammers are obtained
from the slayer shop at Brother Elijah [2]. You are able to buy the
hammers for 4500/3500 points respectively. In order to run Slayer Nest
you must run the Slayers Testing Ground in
Heart of Merca. Run the 4x version for the most
Slayer Shards. Once you have around 100 of each
shard return to Brother Elijah and buy Slayer
Entry Tickets. Enter the Garden of Eternity and
run slayer nest until you have 2000 slayer points.
Once you have 2000 points buy any Hector
Armor Box. Open the box and extract the gear at
any extractor [3]. There is a 50% chance you will
get 10,000 points. Once you get 10,000 points
continue buying boxes and extract the gear until
you have approximately 2,000,000 points.
Once your gear is t3 +0 make sure you accept the growth reward in the
mail for clearing Volcano Nest that contains 10,000 Golden Goose Points.
Speak to Dishonest Merchant Pero [4]. Buy Golden Goose VIP Membership
7-Day Coupon from the faction shop. This halves the cost of
enhancement. In order to earn gold, buy a Gold Goblin Coin from Mocha
in the Custom Point Shop tab. Then teleport to the Daredevil Faire [5]
and select the Golden Goble Dungeon. You can earn around 200k gold
depending on how many goblins you kill. Note, you can only hold 420k
gold in your inventory and storage at any given time.
Next, you will need Item Protection Jellies. Teleport to Mocha and
purchase Zesty Miracle Jelly from Custom Point Shop tab. Teleport back
to the Daredevil Faire and enter the Jelly Dungeon. If you find yourself
low on nest points run Volcano Nest on the normal difficulty for around
~16000 points per run.
L-Grade Gems
If you are not an innate element class such as a Sniper, Gladiator, etc.
you will need 1 Champion Attribute Enhancement Dragon Jade, 3
Champion Attack Enhancement Dragon Jade, and 7 Champion Defence
Enhancement Dragon Jade.
Each of your gems will come with a random stat roll. In order to “reroll”
the stats to the ones you want you will need High Grade Dragon Jade
Modifier (lv95). You can buy them at the Lebria Store under “other” or at
the Crystal Point Shop under “General”. It is recommended to use
Lebrium points as Crystal Points will be used
to buy lapis. The stats you want to roll for
are as follows:
Replace the magic% for
phys% if you are a
physical class, replace
the intellect stat for
agility or strength
depending on the main
stat of your class. You
will want this roll for
your conversion gem, just
a different element%.
The stat you are converting to will always have a negative element
percent. Please use the growth guide if you are uncertain which rolls
you are getting.
Conversion Costume
You should prioritize buying Hero’s Conversion Box (Armor) first [1].
Second, the Horse Conversion Box and key [2]. Third, the Transformation
of the magic actor box and its key [3]. Please note, each box and key are
highlighted, even if the names are backwards.
Once your gear is t3 +0 you should begin spamming the Fission Core at the
highest difficulty you can. You will need around 15000 Garnet and QLGE.
You will also need around 1000 Lapis. You are able to purchase lapis at
the Crystal Points Shop for 10,000 points each. You are also able to
convert 30,000 Nest Points into 15,000 Crystal Points at Mocha in the
Custom Point Shop. You can also get 20 Lapis from Floor 50 Labs if you
know anyone who is willing to help you. Lapis also drops from Dragon
Hunter Practice mode. The easiest way to farm DH practice is to run
Green Dragon Nest. 40 Lapis Drops from each run.
The enhancement rate from +0 - +15 is 100%. However, from +10 - +15
you will need some lapis. From +15 - +20 you will need Item Protection
Jellies. Make sure you have jellies before you attempt enhancing past
+15, your gear can break when it fails. After +15 there is also a chance of
the gear piece degrading to a lower tier even if you use jellies. Please
note, jellies only make it so the gear does not break.
[3] - Acc’s that drop randomly from labs. Should always keep earrings.
Should keep necklace until you get [4]. Rings are interchangeable with
[2]. These accessories can be enhanced at any blacksmith under
Purchase/Repair > Equipment. It takes a considerable amount of gold, so
only enhance the earrings while you have a conversion gem (attribute
enhanced dragon gem). Every time you enhance the earrings the element
on them will change. Once they are level 5 at 11.00% they are maxed out.
If you do not get the same element as your conversion gem/innate
element, either look to trade them with someone else, or start again with
new earrings.
[4] - Acc’s that are found from Green Dragon Nest Time Attack. You
should only use the rings and necklace. Keep lab earrings over GDNTA
earrings. You are able to enhance these acc’s up to level 3 using Crystal
Points at Cherry. Make sure you pick the
correct main stat while upgrading. Upgrade
Serene Nature Ring with the Green Crystal,
and the Krakas Green Ray Ring with the
White Crystal.
[5] - Genesis acc’s. Found in Goblynn’s Fav Box which drop from lv. 93
Abyss dungeons, and occasionally from Dimensional Storm. In order to
open Goblynn’s Fav Box you must buy Old Rusty Key either from Mocha
with Nightmare Points, or use EC. Genesis acc’s. are also craftable at any
blacksmith with the cubes that drop from DH. You get approximately 50
of each cube from DH per clear. The Earrings and Necklace have a higher
drop rate in “Gob Boxes” than rings. If you are thinking about crafting
them, start with the rings first.
Genesis Ring = 400 Light Cubes, 330, Shadow Cubes, 999 Space Cubes,
and 500 Time Cubes.
Genesis Necklace = 300 Light Cubes, 650 Shadow Cubes, 999 Space Cubes,
and 600 Fusion Cubes.
Genesis Earrings = 350 Light Cubes, 500 Shadow Cubes, 999 Space Cubes,
and 999 Harmony Cubes.
Once you have a Genesis Acc. you have to refine it using more cubes.
Refined Genesis Ring = 150 Light Cubes, 230 Shadow Cubes, 10 Ascension
Cubes, and 500 Time Cubes.
Refined Genesis Necklace = 150 Light Cubes, 230 Shadow Cubes, 10
Ascension Cubes, and 200 Fusion Cubes.
Refined Genesis Earrings = 150 Light Cubes, 230 Shadow Cubes, 10
Ascension Cubes, and 750 Harmony Cubes.
Once you have refined the acc’s you must buy Chalice of Caprice from
any blacksmith under General. This will make the accessory lv. 95 and
you will be able to craft it into a survivor accessory with 30 Essence of
the Survivor.
Ultimately, if you are fire/ice innate/converted you can use all 4 Survivor
Acc’s. You will get substantially more hp and crit damage over using a lab
earring. You will also lose negligible damage (<1% of your dps).
Otherwise, you will want to use 2 Survivor Rings (with your
conversion/innate element), 1 Survivor Necklace, and 1 lab earring (with
your conversion/innate element).
The rolls that are highlighted in red are the rolls you will want on your
Survivor Accessories. Please note there is no Light/Dark/Fire roll on rings.
You can go elemental defense rolls on necklace — however, there is no
int and it has lower max hp%.
Holy Religion Spirit and Skill Up Crest
Dragon Hunter
Before you attempt Dragon Hunter (DH) you will want to have all of your
gear at t4 +20, a completed set of L-Grade gems, at least GDNTA
accessories, at least 4 of your unique/lgrade crests, Teardrop title, and
most of your conversion costume. You will want around 5,000,000
physical or magic damage, and at least 12,000,000 hp.
Dragon Hunter is the end game raid where you will randomly get Sea
Dragon, Green Dragon, Desert Dragon, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, or Ice
Dragon nest. You will only fight the dragon phase in this version of the
raid. Since the dragon you get is randomly selected, you must know the
mechanics of all of the dragons. If you need to practice any of the
dragons there is a practice mode in the Garden of Eternity. Completing
the practice version will yield 40 Lapis and a
Dragon Hunter Entry Pass.
The most important things that drop from DH are the Essence of the
Survivor, and the Survivor Enhanced Dragon Gems. 8 Gems will drop per
run so there is enough for 1 gem per person. The Essence of the Survivor
is used to create Survivor Tuners [2] and to enhance your survivor gear
once it is tuned. You are able to buy one tuner per week, per lv. 95
character. Extracting any survivor gem/talisman or plate will yield 10
Essence. You are able to transfer gems to your alts and server storage
tuners to your main. The last thing you can buy with essence is Survivor
Controllers. These are used to reroll survivor gems, plates, and talismans.
When rerolling survivor gems all of the stats can change, for example, an
agi/crit damage gem can change to an int/max hp gem. Gems cannot be
rerolled from defensive to offensive, however. On plates/talismans you
can reroll a 2nd stat. Some plates cannot get a 3rd stat such as defensive
and offensive crests. Plates also have high roll and low roll 3rd stats. For
example, low roll magic damage will be +1699, while a high roll will be
+2719. Talismans do not have low/high roll stats, only one roll.
The rolls you will want on your gems are either 58k dmg, your main stat,
and 2.5% vitality aka “High Damage Gems” or 42k dmg, your main stat,
2.5%, and 7% max hp aka “High Hp Gems”. For offensives you will want
107k dmg, 9.5 phys/magic (depending on your class) and 3.5% hp. For
conversion gems, you will want 107k dmg, -5% element (the one you’re
converting to), 9.5% phys/magic (depending on your class), and 3.5% hp.
Survivor Talismans drop from only Black Dragon Nest. Survivor Crests drop
from only Desert Dragon Nest. 2 will drop per run and are completely
The order in which you are going to want to tune your weapons and armor
is as follows: Mainhand -> Chest -> Offhand -> Pants -> Helmet ->
Boots/Gloves. When you tune each armor/weapon you will unlock 1 extra
gem slot, meaning you will have room for 1 Survivor gem and one L-Grade
gem for your armors, and 2 Survivor gems for your weapons. On your
mainhand weapon and chest armor you will unlock a 3rd gem slot for
“Skill Gems”. The most useful Defensive Skill gems are the 30% healing
gems, and the 50% reduce damage gem. The most useful Offensive Skill
gems are the 50% additional damage on crit, 50% active cd, and in DH
+30% damage output. When you tune your weapons, you will lose a small
amount of damage, however this is made up by the extra gem slot, and a
small amount of enhancing (+8).
You will want to optimize your character in such a way that you have
capped Defense, Magic Defense, Crit, Crit Damage, and Final Damage.
Generally with full survivor crests and talismans, you wont need 3rd stat
defense rolls. However, many classes will need 3rd stat MDef. This is
most easily obtained on crests (low roll = 4700, high roll = 6300). Some
agi classes will still need 3rd stat Crit Damage even with a limit plate.
Low roll 3rd stat crit damage is 26000, while the high roll is 45000. It is
very easy to Cap FD with survivor equips/accs. You will not need 3rd stat
fd. Damage 3rd stats are low on crests, so focus your damage 3rd stats on
talismans, then move to plates once you have capped all of the stats
stated above.
The caps for Defense and Magic Defense are 244,000. Critical is 835,000.
Crit Damage is 1,350,000. FD cap is 15,000. Use these numbers while you
are planning your 3rd stat rolling.
Celestial Pots
Celestial Pots are potions that are bought with Celestial Points. You can
only obtain Celestial points from [MOD] or [CM] events. These points can
be redeemed at Cherry by selecting the Special Shop. While gearing it is
recommended to use them on Lapis until you are at t4 +20. After that you
should use them on either Dragon Hunter Entry Pass or Potion of
Compassion (Attack Power) [Cel Pots]. Please note, Cel Pots break the
buff - damage cap. This means that you can go above twice your town
damage. Cel Pots last for 30 minutes each and you get 5 for 1500
Celestial Points. They are very useful for farming Lebrium Points from
labs. These potions will stack with the Dreamy Super Attack Potion
available at Mocha for 7500 Nest Points. Combined with Cel Pots you will
have +80% damage.
Use the DNP you get from events/CC/questpoints to buy yourself a
costume. Once you have your full conversion costume you can use the
Magical Costume Mirror next to Trisha (spirit growth) to transfer the
conversion costume stats to your visual costume.
Hope you all find this guide useful! If there’s anything you think should be
added, please feel free to post your suggestion in the #suggestions
channel in the Celestial DN Discord Server:
Happy gaming!
- matt