Business Gun-Card - Rubber Band Gun: Alert: Alert: Don't Use This War-Equipment The Wrong Way

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Business Gun-Card - Rubber Band Gun

by ruudcreates

Here it is, the business shooter card for all backyard you move through the eld. You got them both
inventors. But what is wrong with a normal business before they even know where you are. The battle was
card you ask? yours, now it's time to win the war. Time to reload and
enter the job interview.
What if you're about to have a job interview and the
persons next to you have one of clide's business Ale rt : don't use this war-equipment the wrong way
cards? Using their heavy artillery, both the cardapult when the nal battle is at hand, the war isn't won that
and trebucard, they try to shoot you right out of the way.
eld. But wait, you have a big advantage over your
opponents, you're agile. With your two shot gun-card

Step 1: Materials:

De s ig n:

Pen and paper

CAD software

Business Gun-Card - Rubber Band Gun: Page 1

Ca rd:

3D printer
Three rubber bands - 1 for the mechanism, 2 to shoot
Sand paper / small le

Step 2: Design

It all started out as an idea when I was at a mini maker mechanism didn't work and the trigger was way too
faire a couple of years ago. There was a guy showing imsy. Proto 2 solved the trigger, but only after that
all his homemade rubber band guns. I saw the iteration I realized the mechanism didn't work. So
business cards of Clide just before that when then came the third iteration, but before I made this
searching for business cards here on Instructables. So one, I changed the idea a bit.
I started talking to the guy and an idea was borne in
my head. In the end the business card was a combination of the
last Excel-design and Jimmy Diresta's Key Card. The
I designed the rst three versions using Microsoft gun is constructed of three printed layers glued
Excel (see image). Turned all cells in squares and together. It took me another 3 3D design iterations to
started 'drawing' my design. The design was a three get to the nal version of the card. The two outer
layered double shot revolver the size of a credit card. layers have a debossed area. By transferring that
A part of the card, which should contain my info, was debossing using pencil, one can get your contact info.
removable. I build the rst prototype, but the

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Step 3: Print and Build Your Card

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Before you print your card, rst you need to add your rst. After gluing you can remove some of the excess
contact information to the design. You can use glue. I also attened the prints with a le to remove
whatever CAD-software you like. Add the info en any sticking out lament (due to for example
deboss it 0.2mm downwards. Only add information to retraction). Now glue on the other side. If you did it
the outer layers, the middle layer won't be visible. A correct, you still have 4 small pieces left. Make sure
version with the Instructables logo is uploaded as the gun is in it's 'loaded' position, you are then able to
well. glue the 4 pieces to the middle layer.

Once you have added your contact info, export the 3d The gun should now be able to work. But to make the
les to you favorite slicer software. The card is business card part work optimal I would advise to
designed to be printed in 0.2mm layers. A gap of sand the outer layers a bit smooth.
0.2mm is left open between the sliding parts. If your
printer is not accurate enough, consider printing the Only one task ahead before we can go and shoot our
parts 'out of place'. You can afterwards tweak the t card, to add a rubber band in the 'center' of the card
with a le or sandpaper. as can be seen in the image. This rubber band brings
the card in shooting position.You should now have a
After printing it is time to glue the parts together. The working gun-card.
rst glue image shows which parts need to be glued

Business Gun-Card - Rubber Band Gun: Page 4






Step 4: Play

Alright, time to get to the fun part. Using your gun- Put the paper on top of the gun-card and start
card. 'scratching' with the pencil. The debossed information
should now transfer to the paper. Provide the
Add two rubber bands as can be seen in the image. employer with the paper and thank him for the
Ready?? .. .. .. Fire!! Great shot, you hit the trash can. interview. The battle again seems to be in your favor,
Fire!! Another great hit. Your future employer seems but only time will tell whether the war is won.
enthusiastic. Quickly grad a piece of paper and pencil.

Business Gun-Card - Rubber Band Gun: Page 5

This is totaly hilarious! I must make this! Thank you so much for sharing your idea!

Great play on the classic rubber band gun!

Thanks. Glad you like it.

Business Gun-Card - Rubber Band Gun: Page 6

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