Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Jaipur
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Jaipur
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Jaipur
1. The Original work on the Research Project should be submitted in hard-bound cover of black
colour with cellophane paper cover, with the following information printed on the hard bound
(i) Title of the Research Project
(ii) The name of your guide
(iii) The names of students who have prepared the research project
(iv) Batch of 2013-16
(v) Semesters & Year of study – 5th & 6th Semesters of Final Year BH & HA
2. The actual content of the Research Project should contain a minimum of 5000 words (approx 50
pages). Printing should be on one side only.
3. The format for preparation of the research project is
Title page
Acknowledgement – Should acknowledge support received from the guide, principal and other
sources for collecting information.
Table of Contents – Includes
Introduction – Introduction to the project
Methodology adopted for collection of data required for the project.
Various chapters under which the project may have been done.
Interpretation and Conclusion and Recommendation for further research if any.
Limitations –if any.
Bibliography – Sources of information.
Appendices if any (e.g. questionnaire, interview, subject index, brochures, special information, tables
& figures if any)
5. Research Project Presentation may be held along with other practical examinations or separately before
the final examinations. It would be informed later.
6. The project presentation is by power point in front of a panel consisting of Principal, External
Examiner and Internal Examiner. Time for presentation is 10 minutes followed by Viva Voce.
This is to certify that (Name of the Candidates), Final year students of B H & H A
have completed the Research Project (Name of the Research Project) in partial
fulfillment of the requirements as laid down by Institute of Hotel Management
Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Jaipur (As per NCHMCT Curriculum
requirements) for The Bachelor in Hospitality & Hotel Administration, during the
Academic Year 2015-16.