United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,919,272 B2

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,919,272 B2

White (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 30, 2014
(54) AERODYNAMIC LIFT DEVICE AND USPC ................ 114/39.31; 114/39.29; 114/102.14;
(58) Field of Classification Search
(76) Inventor: Christopher Robert White, South CPC .................................. B63B 15/02; B63H 9/04
Dartmouth, MA (US) USPC ................. 114/39.29, 39.31, 102.29, 102.32,
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this See application file for complete search history.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (56) References Cited
(21) Appl. No.: 13/606,259 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
1-1. 3,032,848. A * 5/1962 Allen ........................... 24,599.7
(22) Filed: Sep. 7, 2012 3,408,973 A * 1 1/1968 Curtis et al. .................... 114/98
O O 4,685,410 A * 8/1987 Fuller . ... 114,39.31
(65) Prior Publication Data 4,690,088 A * 9/1987 Perini . ... 114/102.14
US 2013/OO61791 A1 Mar 14, 2013 4,848.258 A * 7/1989 Priebe ........................ 114,39.31
* cited by examiner
Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 61/573,129, filed on Sep. Primary Examiner — Edwin Swinehart
9, 2011. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Lathrop & Gage LLP:
Anthony J. Janiuk
(51) Int. Cl.
B63H 9/04 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
B63H 9/10 (2006.01) Embodiments of the present invention feature a device having
B63B IS/00 (2006.01) aerodynamic lift Surfaces that is capable of rotation about a
(52) U.S. Cl. stayed mast.
CPC. B63H 9/04 (2013.01); B63H 9/10 (2013.01);
B63B 15/0083 (2013.01) 21 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Dec. 30, 2014 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,919,272 B2

U.S. Patent Dec. 30, 2014 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,919,272 B2
U.S. Patent Dec. 30, 2014 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,919,272 B2


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US 8,919,272 B2
1. 2
AERODYNAMIC LIFT DEVICE AND to the mast and Substantially encasing the elongated body.
METHODS OF USING THE SAME The fairing member has a base end and a top end correspond
ing to the mast member and has a first section and a second
RELATED APPLICATIONS section. The first section extends from the base towards a
point inside the minimum cone of rotation. The first section
This Application is a continuation in part of a provisional has a symmetrical aerofoil cross-sectional shape with a pro
patent application Filed Sep. 9, 2011, entitled “Novel and jecting rounded forward face and an extending tapered back.
Aerodynamically Efficient Sailboat Mast’, Ser. No. 61/573, The second section extend from the first section to the about
129, to which priority is claimed and the contents of which are 10
the top end and has a cross-sectional shape, a second forward
incorporated by reference. face and a second back. The second forward face projecting
no further than and substantially parallel to the minimum
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERAL cone of rotation, and the second back extending no further
SPONSORSHIP than and Substantially parallel to the minimum cone of rota
15 tion. The fairing member can be rotated a full rotation about
Embodiments of the present invention were conceived and the mast to assume one or more positions relative to a wind to
made without Federal sponsorship. provide aerodynamic lift and one or more positions in which
FIELD OF INVENTION the fairing member provides no aerodynamic lift.
The fairing member allows the mast member, Supported
The present invention relates to aerodynamic lift devices and stabilized by one or more stays, to withstand extreme
for watercraft, ice craft and land craft which are powered wind conditions. The fairing can be released to feather in the
wind. wind, in the position in which no aerodynamic lift is gener
ated, without interference from the stays. The device, fitted to
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION a conventional mast equipped with stays, permits retrofitting
25 of craft formerly fitted with sails.
Unless the context of the text requires otherwise, the term One embodiment features a fairing member having a fair
“craft' means any vehicle, watercraft, or ice craft. Examples ing length and the forward face and extending tapered back
of a vehicle would include wheeled vehicles and the like. define a fairing chord distance. The chord distance is approxi
Watercraft comprise by way of example, without limitation mately constant in the first section. The ratio of the fairing
single, multihull and hydrofoil vessels. As used herein, ice 30
length and fairing chord distance is between 5:1 and 60:1. A
craft comprise vehicles having skis and/or skate like blades further embodiment features a ratio of the fairing length and
for traveling over ice or snow surfaces. fairing chord distance is between 8:1 and 45:1. And, in a
As used herein, the term “mast’ will meana rigid structural further embodiment the fairing length and fairing chord ratio
member projecting in a generally vertical direction from a is between 9:1 and 35:1.
deck or base to which it is attached. A “stay” is rigid or 35
An embodiment of the present invention further comprises
flexible structural member providing lateral Support to a mast a flap. The flap has a first flap section and a second flap
to which it is attached. A stay is generally attached to a mast
at a point away from the masts point of attachment at a deck section. The first flap section has a symmetrical aerofoil shape
or base, that is, up the mast, and secured to the deck or mast having a flap front and a flap back, and having a flap chord
away from, or distal to the attachment of the mast to the deck 40 extending therebetween. The flap is moveably affixed at the
or base. flap front to the extending tapered back of the fairing. The flap
As used herein, the term "sail means a flexible sheet in the first section extends from the tapered back of the fairing
nature of fabric, membrane, or sheet used to capture wind or member, from the base to a point inside the minimum cone of
provide an aerodynamic lift. rotation by a distance of the flap chord. The second flap
It is desirable to have a sailing mast capable of carrying 45 section extends from the first flap section to the approxi
rigid aerodynamic lift Surfaces that can be controlled through mately the second section of the fairing member and having a
all wind directions, and structurally robust to also carry one or flap back edge Substantially parallel to and inside the mini
more sails. mum cone of rotation. The flap is moveable to assume one or
more positions relative to the fairing member to increase
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 50 aerodynamic lift or moveable to assume a position in which
the flap provides no aerodynamic lift.
Embodiments of the present invention feature a device One embodiment of the present device features a fairing
capable of carrying rigidaerodynamic lift Surfaces that can be member having a fairing length and the forward fairing face
controlled through all wind directions, and is structurally and flap back define a fairing flap chord distance which is
robust for carrying one or more sails and methods of using 55 approximately constant through the first flap section, the ratio
such mast. One embodiment is directed to a device for pow of the fairing length and fairing flap chord distance is between
ering a craft by aerodynamic forces. For example, without 5:1 and 60:1. And, in a further embodiment the ratio of the
limitation, the craft has a mast member having a base end, a fairing length and fairing flap chord distance is between 8:1
top end and an elongated body. The base end is constructed and 45:1. And, in a further embodiment the fairing length and
and arranged for attachment to a base of a craft and the top end 60 fairing flap chord ratio is between 9:1 and 35:1.
has one or more stay attachment points for at least one stay. The embodiments of the present device feature fairing
The at least one stay has a mast securing end and a craft member having an exterior shell selected from the group of
securing end. The at least one stay and the elongated body materials consisting of plastic, aluminum, fiberglass, carbon
define at least one cone of rotation when secured to the craft fiber and fabric. Non-rigid materials need to be placed over a
and mast member. At least one of the cones of rotation is a 65 structural skeleton or a core. A core allows rigid exterior shell
minimal cone of rotation. The device comprises a fairing materials to be used in a manner minimizing thickness. Core
member constructed and arranged for rotational attachment materials are selected from the group consisting of expanded
US 8,919,272 B2
3 4
plastic foam, balsa wood and honeycomb materials. A pre These and other features and advantages of the present
ferred core has an axial hollow for rotationally receiving the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art upon
maSt. viewing the Drawings and reading the detailed description
Embodiments of the present device further comprising one that follows.
or more bearing means interposed between the fairing mem 5
ber and the mast. The bearing members reduce friction BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE DRAWINGS
between the fairing member and the mast.
Embodiments of the present device feature fairing control FIG. 1 depicts a device for powering a craft mounted to a
means for compelling said fairing member to assume a posi watercraft embodying features of the present invention;
tion with respect to the wind. And, embodiments which com 10
FIG. 2 depicts a top view of a watercraft having a device
prise a fairing member and flap, at least one of the fairing embodying features of the present invention;
member and flap has flap control means for compelling the FIG.3 depicts a sectional view through a device embody
flap to assume a position with respect to the wind. ing features of the present invention;
One embodiment of the present device comprises a mast. FIG. 4A depicts a device in a non-powering position;
However, the device can readily be fitted to existing masts. 15
FIG. 4B depicts a device in powering position;
Similarly, the device may further comprise a craft body. The FIG. 4C depicts a device in a powering position; and
mast is secured to the craft body by at least one head stay. One FIG. 4D depicts a device in a non-powering position.
embodiment features at least one head stay that carries a sail.
Preferably, the sail is fitted to a boom and the boom extends DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
from about the head stay at the craft body to a point towards
the mast allowing the fairing member, and if the device com
prises a fairing member and flap, allowing the fairing member Embodiments of the present invention will be described in
and flap, to freely rotate. detail as a device having rigid aerodynamic lift Surfaces that
A further embodiment of the present invention is directed can be controlled through all wind directions, and comprising
to a method for powering a craft by aerodynamic forces. The 25 or used in conjunction with a mast and a sailing vessel. Such
craft has a mast member having a base end, a top end and an as a single hulled or multi-hulled boat. Those skilled in the art
elongated body, with the base end constructed and arranged will recognize that the device may be used on land craft or ice
for attachment to a base of a craft and the top end having one boats as well. The depictions of the device used on watercraft
or more stay attachment points for at least one stay. The at feature larger vessels with the understanding that Smaller
least one stay having a mast securing end and a craft securing 30 vessels and crafts, including simple board-like craft can
end, the at least one stay and the elongated body defining at readily be used with embodiments of the present invention.
least one cone of rotation when secured to the craft and mast These described embodiments exemplify the best mode of the
member, and at least one of the cones of rotation being a invention and the manner of making and using such invention.
minimal cone of rotation. The method comprises the step of However, embodiments of the present invention are subject to
providing a device having a fairing member constructed and 35 modification and alteration and the best mode contemplated
arranged for rotational attachment to the mast and encasing may change over time.
Substantially the elongated body. The fairing member has a Turning now to FIG. 1, a vessel, generally designated by
base end and a top end corresponding to the mast member and the numeral 11, is depicted having a device 15, embodying
has a first fairing section and a second fairing section. The first features of the present invention for powering a vessel 11 by
fairing section extends from the base towards a point inside 40 aerodynamic forces. The device 15 is depicted in partial cut
the minimum cone of rotation. The first fairing section has a away, to reveal a mast member 17.
symmetrical aerofoil cross-sectional shape with a projecting The mast member 17 has a base end 21, a top end 23 and an
rounded forward face and an extending tapered back. The elongated body 25. As depicted in FIGS. 2 and 3, elongated
second fairing section extends from the first section to the member 25 is cylindrical in shape with a substantially round,
about the top end and has a cross-sectional shape a second 45 circular cross-section, although other cross-sectional shapes
forward face and a second back. The second forward face may be used. The base end 21 is fixed to a base of a vessel 11.
projects no further than and Substantially parallel to the mini A typical mast member for a twenty-five foot monohull vessel
mum cone of rotation, and the second back extends no further is about twenty five to thirty feet. Multihull vessels typically
than and Substantially parallel to the minimum cone of rota will have longer mast members for their respective hull
tion. Thus, the fairing member can be rotated a full rotation 50 length. As best seen in FIGS. 1 and 2, the top end 23 has a
about the mast to assume one or more positions relative to a masthead 33 with one or more stay attachment points of
wind to provide aerodynamic lift and one or more positions in which three are shown, designated 27a and 27b for stays
which the fairing member provides no aerodynamic lift. The directed to the stern of the vessel 11 and 27c for a single stay
method further comprises the step of rotating the fairing directed to the bow or forward part of the vessel 11.
member to assume the one or more positions relative to the 55 As seen in FIG. 2, each stay 27a, 27b and 27c has a mast
wind to provide aerodynamic lift to power the craft and rotat securingend31a,31b and 31c fixed to the mast member 17 or,
ing or allowing the fairing member to passively assume the as depicted to a mast head 33 fixed to the top end 23 of mast
one or more positions in which the fairing member provides member 17. And, each stay 27a, 27b and 27c has a craft
no aerodynamic lift when it is desired to maintain the craft in securing end 35a, 35b and35c fixed to the craft 11. The stays
an unpowered State. 60 27a, 27b and 27.c are positioned and constructed to provide
Embodiments of the present method further comprise a the mast with support. Typically, stays 27a, 27b and 27.c are
device having a fairing and a flap. The method further com stainless steel cables, however, other materials such as carbon
prises the step of rotating the flap to provide aerodynamic lift fibers, plastics and metals may be used as cables or Solid
to power the craft and rotating or allowing the flap to passively Supports may be used. Loads placed on the mast member 17
assume the one or more positions in which the flap provides 65 are transferred to the stays 27a, 27b and 27.c and to the craft 11
no aerodynamic lift when it is desired to maintain the craft in to provide a robust structure capable of operating in extreme
an unpowered State. wind conditions.
US 8,919,272 B2
5 6
Each stay 27a, 27b and 27.c and the elongated body 25 structural skeleton not shown or a core 81, as illustrated.
define at least one cone of rotation 41a and 41b, if rotated in Core 81 allows rigid exterior shell materials, such as plastic,
space. That is, a triangle occupying the space between the aluminum, fiberglass and carbon fiber to be used in a manner
elongated member and a stay 27a, 27b, or 27 will form a cone minimizing thickness. As illustrated the core 81 Supports an
shape when rotated about the center of the elongated member 5 exterior shell 79 comprising fiberglass. Materials suitable for
25. Stays 27a and 27b share a common cone of rotation 41a the core 81 are selected from the group consisting of
because stays 27a and 27b are fixed to a commonpoint at mast expanded plastic foam, balsa wood and honeycomb materi
head 33 and an equal distance from the mast base 21. Refer als.
ring now to FIG. 1, the cone of rotation 41a for the two back Fairing member 51 has an axial hollow 83 for rotationally
stays 27a and 27b is depicted in dotted lines 43a and 43b and 10
receiving the mast member 17. One or more bearing means
the back stay 27a. This cone of rotation is the available space are interposed between and affixed to or held in place by at
for rotation about the elongated member without interfering least one of the fairing member 51 and mast member 17.
with the stay. Bearing means comprise Such bearing articles such as low
Referring to FIG. 2, forward stay 27c defines a larger cone
of rotation 41b which is shown only in part due to the limita 15 friction bushings 85 and rotatable bearing cylinders or balls
tion of drawing space. Of the two cones of rotation 41a and with races and the like not shown. The bearing members
41b, cone of rotation 41a is Smaller and is a minimal cone of reduce friction between the fairing member 51 and the mast
rotation. As used herein, the minimum cone of rotation means member 17.
the cone of rotation closest to the mast member 17 for a given The fairing member 51 allows the mast member 17, Sup
point above the mast base 21. ported and stabilized by one or more stays 27a, 27b and 27c,
Now returning to FIG. 1, the device 15 comprises a fairing to withstand extreme wind conditions. The fairing member 51
member 51 constructed and arranged for rotational attach does not bear significant compression forces associated with
ment to the mast member 17 and Substantially encasing the the structural mast member 17 and stays 27a, 27b and 27c.
elongated body 25. The fairing member 51 has a base end 53 The device, fitted to a conventional mast equipped with stays,
and a top end 55 corresponding to the mast member 17. The 25 permits retrofitting of craft formerly fitted with sails.
fairing member 51 has a first section 59 and a second section The fairing member 51 has been depicted and described as
61. The first section 59 has a symmetrical aerofoil cross a unitary structure. However, the fairing member 51 can be
sectional shape with a projecting rounded forward face 63 and made in segments not shown which stack and fit to each
an extending tapered back 65. The first section 59 extends other. The segments can be assembled for different mast
from the base end 53 upwards along the forward face 63 and 30 heights or with different first sections 59 and second sections
tapered back 65 to a point inside the minimum cone of rota 61 to accommodate different vessels.
tion 41a. Turning now, again, to FIG. 1, a further embodiment of
The second section 61 extends from such point inside the device 15 comprises a flap 91. The flap has a first flap section
minimum cone of rotation 41a to the about the top end 55 and 93 and a second flap section 95. As best seen in FIG.3 the first
has a cross-sectional shape, a second forward face 67 and a 35 flap section 93 has a symmetrical aerofoil cross sectional
second back 69. The second forward face 67 projects no shape, and has a flap front 97 and a flap back99. The flap back
further than and is Substantially parallel to the minimum cone 99 and flap front 97 define a flap chord extending therebe
of rotation 41a. The second back 69 extends no further than tween designated by bracket EC, as best seen in FIG. 3. The
and is substantially parallel to said minimum cone of rotation. flap 91 is moveably affixed at the flap front 97 to the extending
The cross-sectional shape of second section 61 starting at the 40 tapered back 65 of the fairing member 51 by cooperating
first section 59 and moving up, has the appearance of the first hinges, pins and retaining holes and the like not shown
section 59 depicted in FIG. 3 and moves toward a more known in the art. The flap first section 93 extends from the
circular shape and the second forward face 67 and second tapered back 65 of the fairing member 51, from the base 53 to
back 69 moves closer to the center of the axis of rotation. a point inside the minimum cone of rotation 41a by a distance
Thus, the fairing member 51 can be rotated a full rotation 45 of the flap chord EC. Returning to FIG. 1, the second flap
about the mast 17 to assume one or more positions relative to section 95 extends from the first flap section 93 to the approxi
a wind to provide aerodynamic lift and one or more positions mately the second section 61 of the fairing member 51. The
in which the fairing member provides no aerodynamic lift. second flap section 95 has a back edge 101 substantially
The fairing can be released to feather in the wind, in the parallel to and inside minimum cone of rotation 41a. The flap
position in which no aerodynamic lift is generated, without 50 91 is moveable to assume one or more positions relative to the
interference from the stays. fairing member to increase aerodynamic lift or moveable to
As can best be seen in FIG. 1, the fairing member 51 has a assume a position in which the flap provides no aerodynamic
fairing length defined by the top end 55 and base end 53. And, lift.
turning to FIG. 3, the forward face 63 and extending tapered As illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 3 the device features a fairing
back 65 define a fairing chord distance denoted by bracket 55 member having a fairing length and the forward fairing face
FC. The chord distance, returning now to FIG. 1, is approxi 63 and flap back 97 which define a fairing flap chord distance
mately constant in the first section 59. The ratio of the fairing denoted by bracket TC. The total fairing flap chord length is
length and fairing chord distance is between 5:1 and 60:1. A approximately constant in the first flap section, the ratio of
further embodiment features a ratio of the fairing length and said fairing length and fairing flap chord distance is between
fairing chord distance is between 8:1 and 45:1. Some embodi 60 5:1 and 60:1. And, in a further embodiment the ratio of said
ments of the present fairing feature a fairing length and fairing fairing length and fairing flap chord distance is between 8:1
chord ratio of 9:1 and 35:1. and 45:1. Some embodiments of the present fairing feature a
Returning now to FIG.3, fairing member 51 has an exterior fairing length and fairing flap chord ratio of 9:1 and 35:1.
shell 79 selected from the group of materials consisting of The flap 91 is made in a manner similar to the fairing
plastic, aluminum, fiber glass, carbon fiber, plastic sheets 65 member with a core and shellor is a solid piece of lightweight
(such as Mylar) or foil and fabric. Non-rigid materials, such material Such as plastic, fiber glass, light weight metals, or
as plastic sheets, foil fabric are preferably to be placed over a carbon fiber.
US 8,919,272 B2
7 8
The device 15 has fairing control means for compelling Thus, the fairing member 51 can be rotated a full rotation
said fairing member 51 to assume a position with respect to about the mast to assume one or more positions relative to a
the wind. The fairing control means comprises one or more wind to provide aerodynamic lift and one or more positions in
arms projecting from the fairing member which are pushed or which the fairing member provides no aerodynamic lift.
pulled by lines or hydraulics or fitted with gears or wheels for 5 Turning now to FIG. 4a, the step of rotating the fairing mem
turning the fairing member 51. FIG. 3 depicts two control ber 51 to assume a position in which no aerodynamic lift is
arms 103a and 103b projecting from the sides of the fairing provided is illustrated, for example when the vessel is steered
member 51. The control arms are preferably fitted with lines directly into the wind or the vessel is at anchor and the fairing
which would be powered by winches. The control arms 103a 10
member is allowed to feather.
and 103b are located about the base 53 of the fairing member FIG. 4b depicts fairing member 51 rotated to provide aero
51. dynamic lift with wind approaching the craft from a 2 o’clock
The device 15 has flap control means for compelling the position. FIG. 4c depicts the fairing member 51 rotated to
flap to assume a position with respect to the wind. Flap provide aerodynamic lift with the wind approaching from a 4
control means comprise one or more flap control arms pro 15 o'clock position.
jecting from at least one of the fairing member 51 or flap 91 FIG. 4d depicts the fairing member 51 allowed to feather or
which are pushed or pulled by lines or hydraulics or fitted freely rotate about the mast member 17 as wind approaches
with gears of wheels for turning the flap 91 with respect to the the craft from the 5 o'clock position, assuming a position in
fairing member 51. As best seen in FIG.3, as illustrated, flap which no aerodynamic lift is generated. This position is
control means in the form of flap control arms 105a and 105b important where the craft may be experiencing extreme winds
project from each side of the flap 91 and are controlled by flap in a storm.
control lines which travel through line channels not shown FIGS. 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d depict the fairing member 51 and
running down the fairing member to the base 53. flap 91. Fairing member 51 and flap 91 are used in conjunc
The fairing member 51 rests on base bearings 107 allowing tion to increase the efficiency of device 15. The flap is set
the fairing member 51 to rotate about the mast member 17. 25 relative to the wind and fairing member 51 to increase aero
The fairing member 51 does not need to carry the weight and dynamic lift or if no lift is desired allowed to feather of left in
structural load of the mast member 17 and stays 27a, 27b and line with the fairing member 51. For example, referring to
27c and can assume positions influenced by the wind when FIG. 4a, no lift is desired while a craft 11 is stationary as a
control means are not determining the position. That is, the watercraft at anchor. The flap 91 is set inline with or allowed
fairing member 51 can be readily feathered, in a non-power 30 to assume a position in line with fairing member 51.
ing position. FIG. 4b depicts fairing member 51 rotated to provide aero
The device 15 may have an integrated mast member 17 or dynamic lift with wind approaching the craft from a 2 o’clock
can readily be fitted to existing masts. Similarly, the device 15 position and flap 91 set to provide additional aerodynamic lift
may be integrated into a craft Such as craft 11. As illustrated by being pulled in with respect to the direction of the wind.
craft 11 features at least one head stay 27c that carries a sail 35 FIG. 4c depicts the fairing member 51 rotated to provide
111. The sail 111 is fitted to a boom 113. The boom 113 aerodynamic lift with the wind approaching from a 4 o'clock
extends from about the head stay 27c to a point towards the position and flap 91 set to provide additional aerodynamic lift
mast member 17 allowing said fairing member 51, and if the by being pulled in with respect to the direction of the wind.
device comprises a fairing member 51 and flap 91, allowing FIG. 4d depicts the fairing member 51 allowed to feather or
the fairing member 51 and flap 91, to freely rotate. 40 freely rotate about the mast member 17 as wind approaches
The method of the present invention for powering a craft 11 the craft from the 5 o'clock position assuming a position in
will now be described with respect to the operation of the which no aerodynamic lift is generated and flap 91 is held in
device 15 with respect to FIGS. 1 and 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d. The an inline position or freely rotate to assume such inline posi
craft 11 has a mast member 17 having a base end 21, a top end tion also providing no aerodynamic lift. Again, this position is
23 and an elongated body 25. The base end 21 is attached to 45 important where the craft may be experiencing extreme winds
the craft 11 and the top end 23 has a mast head 33 with stay in a storm.
attachment points. Each stay 27a, 27b and 27.c is secured to Thus, we have described the device and methods of making
the mast member 17 and the craft 11 defining at least one cone and using the device. The device has rigid aerodynamic lift
of rotation and at least one of said cone of rotation being a surfaces that can be controlled through all wind directions,
minimal cone of rotation. The method comprises the step of 50 and is structurally robust for carrying one or more sails.
providing a device 15 having a fairing member 51 constructed Embodiments of the present invention described and illus
and arranged for rotational attachment to the mast member 17 trated herein are the best mode presently contemplated for
and Substantially encasing the elongated body 25. The fairing making and using the invention and as such are capable of
member 51 has a base end 53 and a top end 55 corresponding modification and alteration. Therefore, the present invention
to the mast member 17 and has a first fairing section 59 and a 55 should not be limited to the precise details set forth herein but
second fairing section 61. The first fairing section 59 extends should encompass such Subject matter of the claims that
from the base towards a point inside the minimum cone of follow and their equivalents.
rotation 41a. The first fairing section 59 has a symmetrical
aerofoil cross-sectional shape with a projecting rounded for The invention claimed is:
ward face 63 and an extending tapered back 65. The second 60 1. A device for powering a craft by aerodynamic forces,
fairing section 61 extends from the first fairing section 59 to said craft having a mast member having a base end, a top end
the about the top end 55 and has a cross-sectional shape a and an elongated body, said base end constructed and
second forward face 67 and a second back 69. The second arranged for attachment to a base of said craft and said top end
forward face 67 projects no further than and substantially having one or more stay attachment points for at least one
parallel to the minimum cone of rotation 41a, and the second 65 stay, said at least one stay having a mast securing end and a
back 69 extends no further than and substantially parallel to craft securing end, said at least one stay and said elongated
said minimum cone of rotation 41a. body defining at least one cone of rotation when secured to
US 8,919,272 B2
said craft and mast member, and at least one of said cone of 9. The device of claim 8 wherein said core is comprised of
rotation being a minimal cone of rotation; said device com a material selected from the group consisting of expanded
prising: plastic foam, balsa wood and plastic honeycomb.
a fairing member constructed and arranged for rotational 10. The device of claim 8 wherein said core has an axial
attachment to said mast member and Substantially hollow for rotationally receiving said mast member.
encasing the elongated body, said fairing member hav 11. The device of claim 10 further comprising one or more
ing a base end and a top end corresponding to said mast bearing means for reducing friction between said fairing
member and having a first fairing section and a second member and said mast member.
fairing section, said first fairing section extending from 12. The device of claim 1 further comprising fairing control
the base towards a point inside the minimum cone of
10 means for compelling said fairing member to assume a posi
rotation, said first fairing section having a symmetrical tion with respect to the wind.
13. The device of claim 4 wherein at least one of said
aerofoil cross-sectional shape with a projecting rounded fairing member and flap has flap control means for compel
forward face and a extending tapered back, said second ling said flap to assume a position with respect to the wind.
fairing section extending from said first fairing section to 15 14. The device of claim 1 further comprising a mast mem
the about the top end and having a cross-sectional shape ber.
a second forward face and a second back, said second 15. The device of claim 14 further comprising a craft.
forward face projecting no further than and Substantially 16. The device of claim 15 wherein said mast member is
parallel to the minimum cone of rotation, and said sec secured to said craft by at least one stay and said at least one
ond back extending no further than and Substantially stay comprises at least one head stay.
parallel to said minimum cone of rotation; 17. The device of claim 16 wherein said at least one head
such that said fairing member can be rotated a full rotation stay carries a sail.
about said mast to assume one or more positions relative 18. The device of claim 17 wherein said sail is fitted to a
to a wind to provide aerodynamic lift and one or more boom and said boom extends from about the head stay at the
positions in which the fairing member provides no aero 25 craft to a point towards said mast allowing said fairing mem
dynamic lift. ber to freely rotate.
2. The device of claim 1 wherein said fairing member has 19. The device of claim 18 further comprising a flap, said
a fairing length and said forward face and extending tapered flap having a first section and a second section, said first
back define a fairing chord distance which is approximately section having a symmetrical aerofoil shape having a flap
constant in said first section, the ratio of said fairing length 30 front and a flap back, and having a flap chord extending
and fairing chord distance is between 5:1 and 60:1. therebetween said flap moveably affixed along said extending
3. The device of claim 1 wherein said fairing member has tapered back and extending from the tapered back of said
a fairing length and said forward face and extending tapered fairing member from said base to a point inside said minimum
back define a fairing chord distance which is approximately cone of rotation by a distance of said chord and said second
35 section extending from said first section to said second sec
constant in said first section, the ratio of said fairing length tion of said fairing member and having a flap back edge
and fairing chord distance is between 8:1 and 45:1. Substantially parallel to and inside said minimum cone of
4. The device of claim 1 further comprising a flap, said flap rotation, said flap moveable to assume one or more positions
having a first flap section and a second flap section, said first relative to said fairing memberto increase aerodynamic lift or
flap section having a symmetrical aerofoil shape having a flap 40 moveable to assume a position in which no aerodynamic lift
front and a flap back, and having a flap chord extending is increased, said boom extending from about the head stay at
therebetween said flap moveably affixed along said extending the craft body to a point towards said mast allowing said
tapered back and extending from the tapered back of said fairing member and said flap to freely rotate about said mast.
fairing member from said base to a point inside said minimum 20. A method for powering a craft by aerodynamic forces,
cone of rotation by a distance of said chord and said second 45 said craft having a mast member having a base end, a top end
flap section extending from said first flap section to said and an elongated body, said base end constructed and
second section of said fairing and having a flap back edge arranged for attachment to a base of a craft and said top end
Substantially parallel to and inside said minimum cone, said having one or more stay attachment points for at least one
flap moveable to assume one or more positions relative to said stay, said at least one stay having a mast securing end and a
fairing member to increase aerodynamic lift or moveable to 50 craft securing end, said at least one stay and said elongated
assume a position in which the flap provides no aerodynamic body defining at least one cone of rotation when secured to
lift. said craft and mast member, and at least one of said cone of
5. The device of claim 4 wherein said fairing member has rotation being a minimal cone of rotation; said method com
a fairing length and said forward face and flap back define a prising the step of
fairing flap chord distance which is approximately constant in 55 providing a device having a fairing member constructed
said first flap section, the ratio of said fairing length and and arranged for rotational attachment to said mast and
fairing flap chord distance is between 5:1 and 60:1. encasing Substantially the elongated body, said fairing
6. The device of claim 4 wherein said fairing member has member having a base end and a top end corresponding
a fairing length and said forward face and flap back define a to said mast member and having a first section and a
fairing flap chord distance which is approximately constant in 60 second section, said first section extending from the base
said first section, the ratio of said fairing length and fairing towards a point inside the minimum cone of rotation,
flap chord distance is between 8:1 and 45:1. said first section having a symmetrical aerofoil cross
7. The device of claim 1 wherein said fairing member has sectional shape with a projecting rounded forward face
an exterior shell selected from the group of materials consist and a extending tapered back, said second section
ing of plastic, aluminum, fiberglass, and carbon fiber. 65 extending from said first section to the about the top end
8. The device of claim 7 wherein said fairing member has and having a cross-sectional shape a second forward
a CO. face and a second back, said second forward face pro
US 8,919,272 B2
11 12
jecting no further than and Substantially parallel to the
minimum cone of rotation, and said second back extend
ing no further than and Substantially parallel to said
minimum cone of rotation;
such that said fairing member can be rotated a full rotation
about said mast to assume one or more positions relative
to a wind to provide aerodynamic lift and one or more
positions in which the fairing member provides no aero
dynamic lift;
and rotating said fairing member to assume said one or 10
more positions relative to the wind to provide aerody
namic lift to power said craft and rotating or allowing
said fairing member passively assume said one or more
positions in which the fairing member provides no aero
dynamic lift when it is desired to maintain the craft in an 15
unpowered State.
21. The method of claim 20 wherein said device further
comprises a flap, said flap having a first section and a second
section, said first section having a symmetrical aerofoil shape
having a flap front and a flap back, and having a flap chord
extending therebetween said flap moveably affixed along said
extending tapered back and extending from the tapered back
of said fairing member from said base to a point inside said
minimum cone of rotation by a distance of said chord and said
second section extending from said first section to said second 25
section of said fairing member and having a flap back edge
Substantially parallel to and inside said minimum cone of
rotation, said flap moveable to assume one or more positions
relative to said fairing member to increase aerodynamic lift or
moveable to assume a position in which the flap provides no 30
aerodynamic lift.

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