Subject: Excuse Request For Missing School

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Whom It May Concern,

Our Lady of Fatima University,

McArthur Highway, Dela Paz, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

12TH AUGUST, 2019

Subject: Excuse Request for Missing School

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, Wallen Jay D. Velasco, am a BSN 1Y1-2 student in your school. I am writing this letter to
request to be excused for having missed attending classes for the last two weeks from 31st of
July to 10th of August 2019. I was suffering from a chickenpox infection whose treatment and
recovery period according to the physician was supposed to last for the two weeks I was absent. I
have accompanied the physician’s report together with my letter.

In the process, I recuperated well and now, I am fit to resume with the school days. Please allow
me have some make up activities so that I can cope up with the lessons that I have missed. It
would be a pleasure for me.

Thank you so much and I’m hoping for your kindest consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Wallen Jay D. Velasco

Clarita D. Velasco


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