Procedures:: Solving Problems Involving Functions
Procedures:: Solving Problems Involving Functions
Procedures:: Solving Problems Involving Functions
Q1Wk1 Construct mathematical models to represent real-life 3. A user is charged P300 monthly for a particular mobile
situations using functions. plan, which includes 100 free text messages. Messages in
excess of 100 are charged P1 each. Represent the amount a
Specific Objectives for the Day consumer pays each month as a function of the number of
solves problems involving functions, messages m sent in a month. Supposed that at the end of the
including piecewise defined function month you have sent 500 text messages, how much should
your monthly bill be?
Learning Material in General Mathematics pp
7-10 Step 1. Understand the Problem
Given: Monthly Plan of 300 including 100 text messages
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: P1/text (excess charge)
1. Follow the PROCEDURES (1-5) enumerated below. Let t(m) represent the amount paid by the consumer each
2. If you encounter difficulties in following the steps, please month.
don’t hesitate to ask help from your parents, siblings, or you Step 2. Set-up an equation.
may consult directly your teacher. BE RESOURCEFUL! The problem above can be expressed by the piecewise
PROCEDURES: function:
1. Prepare the items below:
300 ,∧0≤ m≤ 100
Notebook, pen, paper, SLA for the Day, Coloring
materials (optional) and Cellphone, Laptop or PC with internet
t ( m )=
connection (optional) Step 3. Solve
2. If you have internet or mobile data, please go to youtube Now, for m=500,
app, type the link below and watch it until the end. Consider t ( m )=300+(m−100) ,we used this function because text
playing the video again and again until everything is messages sent in a month is more than 100
t ( 500 ) =300+(500−100) ,do the operation inside the parenthesis
In the case that you don’t have internet connection or gadget, ¿ 300+ 400 ,perform the operation
proceed to the next step below. ¿ 700 ,hand in answer
3. Read the short introduction below before you proceed to 4.PERFORMANCE TASK. In your activity notebook, do
problem solving. the following:
FUNCTIONS IN REAL-LIFE SITUATIONS 4.1 Observe. In problem no.3 above, which step is the most
Some real life situations can also be represented by functions. challenging? Why?
Take a closer look at how some events are written as 4.2Explore. Do you have other way of solving the problem? If
functions! yes, please write it in your activity notebook.
1) Suppose that s(T) is the top speed (in km per hour) of a 4.3 Analyze. What have you noticed in Step 2 of Problem 3
runner when the temperature is T degrees Celsius. Explain above? Which part in the worded problem that tells us that the
what the statements s(15) = 12 and s(30) = 10 mean. equation should be like this and not like that?
Solution: The first equation means that when the temperature 4.4 Synthesize. Do problem no.3 again, but this time try to
is 15⁰C, then the top speed of a runner is 12 km per hour. understand how to get from one step to the next. Write down
However, when temperature rises to 30⁰C, the top speed is all the errors you made. Repeat this step until you commit no
reduced to 10 km per hour. errors.