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TOPIC: Getting the main idea/ Theme selection

(First Grading)


Directions: Read the following paragraph and identify the main idea being used. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
The main idea is the most important information in a paragraph. It is what the author wants the reader to
remember. It is what the paragraph is about.
1. Ben has a bunch of bananas. “The monkeys will like the bananas,” he said. Ben wanted to feed
the monkeys. Ben gave each monkey a big ripe banana.
A. Ben has given each monkey a big ripe banana.
B. Ben wanted to feed the monkeys.
C. Ben has a bunch of banana.
D. The monkeys will like the banana.
2. A rainbow is a very lovely and colorful thing to see. It looks like a pretty bridge that spreads across
the sky. A rainbow comes out after a shower or a rainstorm. It is made of bands of beautiful
colors. In proper order, the colors are red, orange, yellow, green blue, indigo, and violet. Rainbows
do not last very long. They stay in the sky for several minutes or less than an hour.
A. A rainbow comes out after a shower or a rainstorm.
B. Rainbow does not last very long.
C. The rainbow stays in the sky for several minutes or less than an hour.
D. A rainbow is a very lovely and colorful thing to see.
3. There are many jeeps in the Philippines. Jeeps are very strong and useful. They can travel over
rough roads. Jeeps look like small open trucks. Most hunters use them in the jungles. The soldiers
use them in many different types of places. These jeeps are also used to fight forest fires.
A. There are many jeeps in the Philippines.
B. Jeeps look like small open trucks.
C. Jeeps are also used to fight forest fires.
D. The soldiers use jeeps in many different types of places.

4. A shark is a big fish that lives in the ocean. The whale shark is very big, but it is not dangerous to
people. Some sharks are dangerous while others are not. The whale shark does not have big
teeth. It has tiny teeth that are rather useless. Besides, the whale shark does not eat meat.
A. The whale shark does not eat meat.
B. A shark is a big fish that lives in the ocean.
C. The whale shark is very big, but it is not dangerous to people.
D. Some sharks are dangerous while others are not.
5. Star apple ( caimito ) trees are easy to grow. Take the seeds from the star apple and place them
in a dish of water overnight. In the morning, put them in some soil. You can grow your plant in a
paper cup or in a plastic bag. But a clay pot is best. Put your plant in a sunny place. Feel the soil
with your fingers to see if it is dry and needs water. Perhaps, you may never grow your own star
apple, but you will have a pretty plant. The leaves will be green and shiny.
A. The seeds from the star apple will place in a dish of water overnight.
B. Star apple ( caimito ) trees are easy to grow.
C. Put the star apple to the soil.
D. You can grow your plant in a paper cup or in a plastic bag.

Reference: Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 4


TOPIC: Getting the main idea/ Theme selection


Directions: Read the following paragraph and identify the main idea being used. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. The nightingale, sitting upon an oak, was seen by a hawk. The hawk swooped down and seized her.
The nightingale earnestly prayed to the hawk to let her go. She said she was not big enough to satisfy
the hunger of the hawk, which finds plenty of larger birds. “Do you happen to see many large birds flying
about?” the hawk said. “I should be foolish, indeed, to let you go for the sake of larger birds that are not
in the sight.”
A. The nightingale earnestly prayed to the hawk to let her go.
B. The nightingale said she was not big enough to satisfy the hunger of the hawk, which find
plenty of larger birds
C. The nightingale who swooped down and seized by a ha wk earnestly prayed to the hawk to let
her go.
D. The hawk swooped down and seized the nightingale.
2. A bat falling to the ground was caught by a weasel. The bat begged the weasel not to take his life. The
weasel said that it was against nature for a weasel to let the bird go. Whereupon, the bat insisted that he
was not a bird. To prove it, the bat called the attention of his mouse-like head and ears. This so confused
the weasel that he let the bat go.
A. A bat falling to the ground and begged the weasel not to take his life because he was not a
bird, it confused the weasel that let the bat go.
B. The weasel said that it was against nature for a weasel to let the bird go.
C. The bat begged and makes the weasel confuse.
D. The bat got confused that the weasel let go.
3. After working all day and catching nothing, a fisherman pulled up a little fish. The fish prayed to him to
let him go. He said that he was small. But later on, he would grow to a big fish and so he will be worth
catching. But the fisherman answered, “No, no, I have you now. It would be foolish of me to let you go. I
might not get you when you will have grown bigger.
A. I might not get you when you will have grown bigger.
B. The fish prayed to him to let him go.
C. It would be foolish of me to let you go
D. After working all day and catching nothing, a fisherman pulled up a little fish.

4. Angela and Angelita are twins, but they are different in many ways. Angela is gently while Angelita
goes for outdoor sports. In school, Angela is studious while Angelita is the happy- go- lucky type. Angela
has only a few close friends but Angelita has many friends. Physically, the twins look alike but in many
ways, they are different.
A. Angela and Angelita are twins.
B. Angela is gently while Angelita goes for outdoor sports.
C. Angela and Angelita are physically looking alike but in many ways, they are different.
D. Angela has only a few close friends but Angelita has many friends.
5. The cat is a lively animal with sharp eyes. It is an excellent hunter. It can catch animals bigger than
itself. In the countryside, people keep cats to hunt rats and mice.
A. The cat is a lively and excellent hunter.
B. The cat is a lively animal and people keep it to hunt rats and mice.
C. Cat can catch animals bigger than itself.
D. Cat is an excellent hunter.

Reference: Skill Builders for Efficient Reading Grade 4


TOPIC: Getting the main idea/ Theme selection


Directions: Read the following paragraph and identify the main idea being used. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. A group of young boys went to mountain. When it was time to cook their food, they were surprised that
nobody brought matches to start a fire. Caleb brought out from his backpack two pieces of bamboo
sticks. He rubbed them continuously against each other. As he went on, fire was produced.
A. The group of young boys were surprised that nobody brought matches to start a fire.
B. Caleb brought out from his backpack two pieces of bamboo sticks.
C. Caleb rubbed the sticks continuously against each other.
D. A group of young boys went to mountain, and they were surprise that nobody brought matches
to cook their food aside from Caleb.
2. Birds build their nests in different places. Most birds build their nests on trees. Others build their nest
on the ground- among tall grasses, shrubs, and bushes. Birds use different kinds of materials for their
nests. Most birds use scraps of grass, and twigs.
A. Birds use different kinds of materials for their nests.
B. Birds build their nests in different places using different kinds of materials.
C. Birds build their nest on the ground- among tall grasses, shrubs, and bushes.
D. Most birds use scraps of grass, and twigs.
3. This is a rare kind of animal. The mouse deer or pilandok looks like a big cat. The male mouse deer
grows antlers but the female does not. This found in small islands in Southern Palawan.
A. The mouse deer or pilandok is a rare kind of animal that can be found in the Southern
Palawan. .
B. Mouse deer is an animal in a small island of Southern Palawan.
C. The male mouse deer grows antlers but the female does not.
D. Pilandok is a rare kind of animal.

4. It is a small town of rolling hills. The climate is cool. Floating pieces of driftwood in the winding rivers
look refreshing to a tired traveler. This hilly town is a tourist spot. San Rafael is a beautiful place to live in.
A. It is a small town of rolling hills
B. Floating pieces of driftwood in the winding rivers look refreshing to a tired traveler.
C. This hilly town is a tourist spot.
D. San Rafael is a beautiful place to live in.
5. The school ground is very much alive. There are children everywhere. They noisily greet one another.
They are telling stories about their experiences during the vacation. They are happy to see their friends.
A. They are telling stories about their experiences during the vacation.
B. They noisily greet one another.
C. The school ground is very much alive because the children are being noisy while telling
their stories during vacation..
D. They are happy to see their friends.

Reference: English For You and Me, Reading Grade 4


TOPIC: Getting the main idea/ Theme selection


Directions: Read the following paragraph and identify the main idea being used. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. There are animals that look like a carabao, but it is smaller, it is called a tamaraw. Its horns grow
straight like a letter “V” while the carabao’s horns form a wide “C.” The tamaraw can be found in the
island of Mindoro. When it is full- grown, it is measures 120 centimeters.
A. Tamaraws measure 120 centimeters when it is full- grown.
B. There are animals that look like a carabao called a tamaraw, it can be found in the island of
C. Tamaraw have horns grow straight like a letter “V” while the carabao’s horns form a wide “C.”
D. The tamaraw can be found in the island of Mindoro.
2. A painting of the beautiful sunset at Manila Bay was displayed in the spacious hall of building. The red
rays of the setting sun, in contrast against the blue sky, gave a lovely picture. These rays were reflected
in the still waters of the sea. One could almost feel the stillness and coolness of the surroundings.
A. One could almost feel the stillness and coolness of the surroundings.
B. The red rays of the setting sun, in contrast against the blue sky, gave a lovely picture.
C. A painting of the beautiful sunset at Manila Bay was displayed in the spacious hall of building.
D. These rays were reflected in the still waters of the sea.
3. Curiosity is a great ambler, and I believe, a natural inborn asset. It can be enhanced and may become
a constructive inner resource. As such, it can be a powerful motivator for self- development in all areas.
However, it can also be stunted and destroyed.
A. Curiosity is a natural inborn asset.
B. Curiosity can be enhanced and may become a constructive inner resource.
C. Curiosity is a great enabler, it enhance and can be a powerful motivator for self- development
in all areas.
D. Curiosity can be stunted and destroyed.
4. Some doctors believe that dancing can heal a person physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
The way the body responds to the beat of the music, the holding of hands with the partner is a
collaboration of art. There is a mutual relationship between oneself and the people around you. Dancing
makes a person healthy.
A. Some doctors believe that dancing can heal a person physically, mentally, emotionally, and
B. The way the body responds to the beat of the music, the holding of hands with the partner is a
collaboration of art.
C. There is a mutual relationship between oneself and the people around you.
D. Dancing makes a person healthy.
5. The largest desert in the world is Sahara. It is almost as large as the entire United States. The only
parts of this great desert that are fertile are the narrow strips of land along the Nile River and the many
scattered oases. In summer, the temperature in the broiling sun often reaches 130 degrees.
A. Sahara is largest desert in the world.
B. The only parts of this great desert that are fertile are the narrow strips of land along the Nile
River and the many scattered oases.
C. It is almost as large as the entire United States.
D. In summer, the temperature in the broiling sun often reaches 130 degrees.

Reference: English For You and Me, Reading Grade


TOPIC: Getting the main idea/ Theme selection


Directions: Read the following paragraph and identify the main idea being used. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. The rain began early in the morning. It fell as hard drops, one after another. The sky was full of dark
purple clouds. Thunder began as a soft rumble and became louder and louder. Lightning crashed every
few minutes, making the sky a brilliant white.
A. The farms needed the rain.
B. The thunder hurt the people’s ears.
C. Lightning made the sky bright.
D. The storm was very strong.
2. James and his sister, Anna, went to the carnival on Saturday. They rode the merry go-round, the roller
coaster and the Ferris wheel. James ate popcorn and a hot dog. Anna drank lemonade and ate an apple.
They saw many exciting shows. They were tired when they went home.
A. James and Anna were hungry.
B. James and Anna did many things at the carnival.
C. The merry-go-round was broken.
D. The carnival was on Saturday.
3. Lee, who is ill, wishes to play with her friends. But her mom won’t allow her to leave her room. She
feels that Lee should eat, and then sleep so she will get well. Lee feel sad, she put her elbows on the
window sill, sits still, and listens to the kids’ screams.
A. Lee was ill and wishes to play with her friends but her mom won’t allow and she feels sad.
B. Mom feels that Lee should eat, and then sleep so she will get well.
C. Lee is ill and wanted to play.
D. Lee feels sad because her mom won’t allow her to play.
4. A group of Japanese tourists went to Banaue. They alighted from the bus to get a close look at the
Banaue Rice Terraces. They interviewed some people they met to ask how the terraces were made.
A. A group of Japanese interview people they met.
B. Japanese tourist went to Banaue to look at the Banaue Rice
C. Japanese tourist alighted from a bus.
D. Japanese tourist wants to know more about Banaue Rice Terraces

5. Ants live together in colonies. Each ant has a job to do. Some ants are workers. They look for food to
clean the nest. Others are soldiers. They help protect the nest. The ant colony takes care of her. She
lays all the eggs. Without her, there would be no ant colony.
A. Ants live together as a colony.
B. Ants protect and clean their nest.
C. Ants help each other and live together at their colonies.
D. There would be no ant colony if they didn’t live together.

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. B

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. A

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C

TOPIC: Noting Details in the Selection

PELC6L 4 (Second Grading)

Direction: Read the story carefully and answer the questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

One day, two mothers went to see King Solomon. They were quarrelling about a baby. “This is not
true. The baby is mine,” said the first mother. King Solomon got the baby and asked a soldier to get a
sword. “I shall cut the baby into two,” said the king. “Please do not cut the baby. Give it to her,” cried the
first mother. “You may cut the baby into two,” said the second mother. “Go away! The baby is not yours,”
shouted the king to the second mother. Then, he gave the baby to the first mother.
1. Who served as the judge in the story?
A. The soldier C. King Solomon
B. The second mother D. The first mother
2. Why are they quarrelling?
A. Because of the baby
B. Because of the mother
C. Because King Solomon
D. None of the above
3. When did the story happen?
A. One night C. One day
B. One summer D. One winter
4. Who are the characters in the story?
A. Two mothers, King Solomon, and a dog
B. Two mothers, King Solomon and baby
C. One mother, King Solomon, and a dog
D. Two mothers and King Solomon
5. Who is the mother of the baby?
A. Second mother C. King Solomon
B. First mother D. None

Reference: Old Testament

TOPIC: Noting Details in the Selection


Direction: Read the story carefully and answer the questions. Choose the letter of the correct

A habitat is a place where an organism lives. A pond is an example of a habitat. It provides

the organisms living there with their need to live and grow. A habitat can usually support some
organisms. A pond habitat can have skaters, dragon flies, and some aquatic plants. A field is
another example of a habitat. Different types of grasses may grow there. Flies, crickets, ants and
spiders also make their habitat. Another example of a habitat is the beach. Crabs and hermit
crabs live there.
1. Where do organism lives?
A. habitat C. beach
B. pond D. trees

anisms live on beach?

A. crabs C. spiders
B. ants D. flies

3. Why do organisms survive in their environment?

A. they move most of the time
B. They can adjust to their habitat
C. Some organisms prefer to live alone
D. some organisms are similar to one another

4. What are the different kinds of habitat in the story?

A. pond, beach, field
B. pond and beach
C. beach only
D. field and beach
5. What is the importance of habitat based on the story?
A. It provides the organisms living there with their need to
live and grow.
B. It destroys the organism.
C. It provides food of the organism
D. It helps the organism to become beautiful


TOPIC: Noting Details in the Selection


Direction: Read the story carefully and answer the questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Mindanao Brothers..........Facts to Ponder On

The Tausugs are the largest of the Muslim groups who live in Jolo and are also considered to be
the bravest. It is said that they have never been conquered by any tribe in 300 years. Tausugs are
described as warlike people but most of them are friendly, peaceful, and hospitable. They are also lovers
of music and dance. Honor and self- esteem are valued traits among the Tausugs. They wear amulets
for protection. Many of the believed in Black magic, sorcery, and love potions. The word badjao means
fisherman. Adapted from Grade 6 Experiencing English
1. Where do Tausugs and Badjaos live?
A. Luzon
B. Visayas
C. Mindanao
D. Manila
2. What characteristics are the Tausugs known for?
A. Cultured men
B. Bravest groups
C. Most thrifty
D. Cutest
3. What do Tausugs believe in to protect themselves from getting hurt?
A. Wearing helmet
B. Wearing amulets
C. Wearing vest
D. Wearing accessories
4. What other things do Tausugs believe in?
A. Black magic, sorcery, and love potions
B. Perfume, flowers, and candles
C. Love letters, knives, and flowers
D. Superstitious beliefs
5. What does the word Badjao mean?
A. Farmer C. fisherman
B. Fireman D. Carpenter

Experiencing English Grade


TOPIC: Noting Details in the Selection


Direction: Read the story carefully and answer the questions. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.

It was raining very hard. Six men with pale faces slumped on
two rows of make-shift bench and there was no catch for the day.
Gloomy skies above gave them intangible pale faces. None of them
knew the color of the sky while their eyes looked upon the waves
that swept toward them. These waves were of different colors
except for its top, which were foaming white. All of the men knew
the color of the sea. The horizon narrowed and widened, and
dipped and rose and all the time they were ready for the big waves
to swallow them quickly. And finally they saw an island in the
1. What would likely happen to the six men?
A. They will transfer to another boat.
B. They will reach the island safely.
C. They will not survive.
D. They will cross the sea.
2. The men in the story were probably ____.
A. tourists C. farmers
B. swimmers D. fishermen
3. What is the general mood shown in the beginning of the selection?
A. Happiness C. fear
B. excitement D. sadness
4. Which of the following events happened last?
A. It was raining very hard.
B. The horizon narrowed and widened.
C. They saw an island in the horizon.
D. Their eyes looked upon the waves of different colors.
5. Lorna, ______, reads a nice poem.
A. himself C. yourself
B. herself D. themselves


TOPIC: Noting Details in the Selection


Direction: Read the story carefully and answer the questions. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.
The old folks in Kalanganan in the province in Maguindanao
used to believe in the ‘’kapre’’. It was so big and tall that a man
reached up only to his knees. He lived in the big trees and
appeared only at night smoking a big roll of tobacco.
He was friendly and did not frighten the villagers. When
strangers came to Kalanganan with evil plans the ‘’kapre’’ appeared
to frighten them. The men never accomplished their plans and
never came back to the area.
The people believed that the ‘’kapre’’ provided them security
against bad elements. Eventually, the ‘’kapre’’ left the place for
another place because the large trees where it lived were out down
when the village’s population increased.
1. What is the main idea of the selection?
A. Old people in Maguindanao believe in ‘’kapres’.
B. Old people in the Maguindanao were fond of ‘’kapres’’.
C. “Kapres’’ were mysterious creatures.
D. “Kapres’’ love to say under the trees.
2. In what way did the ‘’kapre’’ help the people?
A. He swayed the trees when there are strong typhoons.
B. His loud voice sent people running away.
C. He did people lost along the way behind the trees
D. He drove away men with evil plans in the area.
3. What mood I expressed in this line.
‘’The people believe that the ‘’kapre’’ provided them security against
bad elements.’’
A. Protective
B. Indifferent
C. Sarcastic
D. Humorou
4. What detail supports this statement?
‘’When strangers came to Kalanganan the ‘’kapre’’ appeared.’’
A. The ‘’kapre’’ lived in big trees.
B. The ‘’kapre’’ smokes a big roll of tabacco.
C. The ‘’kapre’’ frightens men with evil plans to the people in
the area.
D. The’’kapre has nowhere to live since the trees where cut
5. What conclusion can be made about the selection?
A. All ‘’kapres’’ are friendly creatures.
B. Not all ‘’kapres’’ are bad creatures.
C. “Kapres’’ hide most of the time
D. Most ‘’kapres’’ have evil intension.


1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. B

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B
English for You and Me VI

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