Dryer Section Energy System Measurement and Energy-Saving Potential Analysis For A Paper Machine
Dryer Section Energy System Measurement and Energy-Saving Potential Analysis For A Paper Machine
Dryer Section Energy System Measurement and Energy-Saving Potential Analysis For A Paper Machine
flashed to steam as a lower pressure environment. The Dryer groups Numbers Steam pressure Steam
flashed steam is then led to the next steam group. The (Bar) temperature (°C)
condensate is finally returned to the boiler house which
acts as the supply water to the boiler. This kind of steam Group 1.1 (#1-6) 6 N/A N/A
supply form is the most common multi-phases supply Group 1.2 (#7-14) 8 0.46 111
method that has been applied in the majority of the Group 1.3 (#15-21) 7 1.05 121
multicylinder paper machines.
All of the cylinders are arranged in the traditional Group 1.4 (#22-48) 27 1.60 129
double-felted configuration in the studied dryer section. Group 2.1 (#49-50) 2 0.10 102
It should be noticed that the steam in the final dryer Group 2.2 (#51-52) 2 0.35 108
section was operated at a higher pressure than the
pre-dryer section. The operated value in the final dryer Group 2.3 (#53-62) 10 2.65 140
section is 2.65Bar as compared to 1.6Bar in the Total 62 – –
pre-dryer section in Table 2. The dryer section is enclosed
by a semi-open hood, where the top half of the cylinders Table 2: Dryer section structure and steam properties
is covered with an insulated hood but not covered at the
bottom of the cylinders. The size of the semi-open hood Parameter Value Value
covered in the pre-dryer section is 70m×8m×8m (Units) (Pre-dryer) (Final-dryer)
(length×width×height). There is no hot supply air sent D (m) 1.5 1.8
to the pocket for improving mass transfer in the
L1 (m) 1.9 2.3
semi-open hood. The air is just suctioned to the hood
as a result of negative surrounding pressure in the hood. L2 (m) 1.8 2.1
The air that contained the water evaporated and was α1 (°) 27.8 28.7
exhausted from the hood directly without heat recovery.
α2 (°) 42.5 41.3
According to the statistical data of the case paper
machine, the specific thermal energy consumption is β (°) 219 220
10.75GJ/ton paper, which is higher than the best Lcp (m) 2.87 3.46
practice value of 9.58GJ/ton paper [17]. In order to
Lpa (m) 1.38 1.58
improve its energy performance we surveyed the dryer
section systematically and then identified the energy Lcp+Lpa (m) 4.25 5.04
saving opportunities for the studied paper machine.
Table 3: The geometric parameters
4. Results and Discussion can be calculated further. The drying rate of pre-dryer
The quantity of dewatering in each part of the paper and final-dryer section is 12.25kg/m2h and 12.31kg/m2h,
machine was calculated on the basis of water balance, respectively. It is only half of TAPPI drying rate for
and the results are shown in Figure 3. It shows that corrugating medium. Thus, there are opportunities for
98.5% of water is dehydrated in the wire and press improvement in this dryer section, which can be
section and only 1.5% is removed in the dryer section.
Water in paper: 750 kg/h
However, the dryer section is the most energy intensive 856800 kg H20/h
process in terms of thermal energy consumption,
representing more than 80% of thermal energy used in
paper making. The steam flow is ranged from 16.9 to
19.6ton/h with an average value of 18.6ton/h. The Suction system: 819100 kg/h
specific steam consumption could be determined which 95.6%
Press system: 23950 kg/h
is 1.7-1.9 tons steam/ton paper. 2.8%
Dryer system: 13000 kg/h
Table 3 presented the geometric parameters of the 1.5%
dryer section from which the contact and convection
drying areas can be determined. Then the drying rate Figure 3: Dewatering process of paper machine
6. Acknowledgements
Figure 7: Relative humidity of pocket air
This work was carried out with the financial support from
Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and
Technology (Project No.2010A080801002). Lin Zhizuo,
Yongjun Yin and Hezi Jiang are also acknowledged for
their assistance in the experiment.
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