Mustafa, Huda A. Fadella

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MUSTAFA, Huda. A. Fadelalla

M.Sc., Interior Architecture Department
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ceren KATİPOĞLU ÖZMEN

February 2018, 82 pages

This thesis analyzes the process of kindergarten design consideration regarding to

interior and specifically classroom design regarding the case study of Ankara
International Preschool and Kindergarten. The main purpose of this study is to
understand the design requirements and consideration applies on kindergarten
educational institution, to build ideal model of kindergarten design, and to understand
how the important factors such as child psychology, functionality, safety and efficiency,
can be considered in the design criteria.

Keywords: Kindergarten Design Consideration, Psychological development, Efficiency,

Functionality and Safety




MUSTAFA, Huda. A. Fadelalla

Yüksek Lisans, İç Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı
Tez Yöneticisi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ceren KATİPOĞLU ÖZMEN

Şubat 2018, 82sayfa

Bu tez, anaokulu tasarımı yaklaşımlarının iç mekân ve özellikle sınıf tasarımı ile ilgili
süreçlerini örnek çalışma olan Ankara Uluslararası Kreş ve Anaokulu üzerinden analiz
etmektedir. Bu tezin temel amacı, anaokulu eğitim kurumlarında uygulanan tasarım
ihtiyaçları ve yaklaşımlarını anlamak, anaokulu tasarımı için ideal bir model oluşturmak
ve çocuk psikolojisi, fonksiyonellik, güvenlik ve verimlilik gibi faktörlerin nasıl tasarım
kriteri olarak ele alınabileceğini anlamaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Anaokulu Tasarım Yaklaşımları, Psikolojik Gelişim, Verimlilik,

İşlevsellik ve Güvenlik


I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ceren Katipoğlu
Özmen, for her support, continuous guidance, meticulous suggestions and astute
criticism during the practical phase and for his inexhaustible patience during the
correction phase of this dissertation.

I would also like to express my thanks to all the members and staff at Çankaya

I would like to express my gratitude and thank to my family, my parents and brothers
who have never stopped believing on me, supporting and encouraging me in all stages of
my life.

Finally, I must express my gratitude to my friends who have given me constant support
and love


STATEMENT OF NON-PLAGIARISM PAGE .................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ iv
ÖZ ............................................................................................................................ v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. xii
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. xiii
CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................ 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Brief History on the Kindergarten Education ................................................. 1
1.2 Research Problem and Aimof the Study ........................................................ 3
1.3 Methodology and Structure of the Thesis ...................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................ 6
Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 6
2.1 The Roles and Goals of Kindergarten ............................................................ 6
2.2 Design Criteria for Kindergarten Internal Spaces .......................................... 8
2.3. Physical Requirements for Child Social and Psychological Development . 14
2.4 Functionality ................................................................................................. 15
2.5 Safety and Health Requirements .................................................................. 16
2.6 Efficiency .........................................................................................................

2.7 Cognitive Development ................................................................................ 17
2.8 Physical Development .................................................................................. 18
2.9 Design Requirements and Regulations in the World ................................... 19
2.9.1 Interior Design Requirements.................................................................... 22
2.9.2 Classroom Design Requirements .............................................................. 23
CHAPTER 3 .......................................................................................................... 25
Evaluation of the Case Study: Ankara International Preschool and Kindergarten 25
3.1 The Design of the Classrooms in Ankara International Preschool and Kindergarten
............................................................................................................................ 25
3.2 Efficiency, Safety and Functionality in IPK .......................................... 28
3.6 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Existing Design in IPK ............ 30
CHAPTER 4 .......................................................................................................... 32
Analysis of the Data ............................................................................................... 32
4.1 Ethical Issues ................................................................................................ 33
4.2 Demographic Statistics ................................................................................. 33
4.3 Selection of Case Study for the Questionnaire ............................................. 34
4.4 Evaluation of the Survey .............................................................................. 36
4.5 Findings and Analysis .................................................................................. 52
CHAPTER 5 .......................................................................................................... 55
A New Model for International Preschool and Kindergarten ................................ 55
5.1 The New Model ............................................................................................ 55
5.2 General Design Requirements ...................................................................... 56
5.2.1 Classrooms Design Requirements ............................................................. 57
5.2.2 Health & Administrative Requirements .................................................... 58
5.2.3 Activities and Entertainment Requirements .............................................. 59
5.3. Design Regulations...................................................................................... 61
5.4 Kindergarten Design & Psychology ............................................................. 62
5.4.1 Color .......................................................................................................... 63
5.4.2 Space ......................................................................................................... 63
5.4.3 Lighting ..................................................................................................... 64

5.5 Most Disliked Place at School...................................................................... 65
CHAPTER 6 .......................................................................................................... 71
Conclusion & Recommendations........................................................................... 71
6.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 71
6.2Recommendations ......................................................................................... 77
REFERENCES....................................................................................................... 78
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................ 82
SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................................... 82


Table 1: Respondent frequency in the findings ..................................................... 34

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of survey results .................................................... 38
Table 3: Implementation and strategies of Kindergarten design consideration ..... 39
Table 4: Intellectual, learning environment and psychological development........ 40
Table 5: Classroom and interior design with learning environment ...................... 41
Table 6: Colorful scheme of classroom and interior design .................................. 43
Table 7: Colorful scheme of kindergarten furniture and interior design ............... 44
Table 8: Child development and learning environment ......................................... 46
Table 9: Safety of child and learning environment ................................................ 48
Table 10: International standards of design and quality of safety system ............. 49
Table 11: New functions and resources under kindergarten education system ..... 50
Table 12: New functions of technology and reliable way of kindergarten classroom
learning environment ............................................................................................. 51


Figure 1. Deborah English Kindergarten. Source: ................................................................. 8
Figure 2: Waldorf Kindergarten in Istanbul, Turkey: Source: ...... 10
Figure 3. Deborah English Kindergarten Source: .................................................... 14
Figure 4 Istanbul International Preschool. Source:
us/home.aspx ............................................................................................................ 20
Figure 5 Istanbul International Preschool. Source:
us/home.aspx ............................................................................................................ 21
Figure 6: Doğa school kindergarten interior design, Turkey. Source: .............................................................. 22
Figure 7 One of the classroom of the British International School in Istanbul. Source: ...................................... 24
Figure 8: Istanbul International School. Source: 26
Figure 9: Istanbul International School. Source: 27
Figure 10 Istanbul International School. Source: 28
Figure 11 MEF International School Izmir. Source:
community/services/health-safety/ ........................................................................... 29
Figure 12 MEF International School Izmir .............................................................. 31
Figure 13 Implementation and strategies of Kindergarten design consideration ..... 39
Figure 14: Intellectual, learning environment and psychological development ...... 40
Figure 15: Classroom and interior design with learning environment ..................... 42
Figure 16: Colorful scheme of classroom and interior design ................................. 43
Figure 17: Colorful scheme of kindergarten furniture and interior design………..45
Figure 18: Child development and learning environment ....................................... 46

Figure 19: Safety of child and learning environment............................................... 48
Figure 20: International standards of design and quality of safety system .............. 49
Figure 21: New functions and resources under kindergarten education system ...... 50
Figure 22 New functions of technology and reliable way of kindergarten classroom
learning environment ............................................................................................... 52
Figure 23 Ankara International Preschool and Kindergarten Source: ............................................................................................. 53
Figure 24 Ankara International Preschool and Kindergarten Source: ............................................................................................. 54
Figure 25 The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 56
Figure 26 The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 57
Figure 27 The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 58
Figure 28 The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 59
Figure 29 The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 60
Figure 30 The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 61
Figure 31 The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 62
Figure 32 The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 64
Figure 33 The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 66
Figure 34 The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 67
Figure 35 The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author. ..................................................................... 67



1.1 Brief History on the Kindergarten Education

Early childhood is a basic period in kids' learning and improvement. Early

encounters, especially to the age of five, are known to "influence the nature of
brain engineering by building up either a strong or a delicate establishment for the
majority of the learning, wellbeing and conduct that take after". Young child’s
land in Kindergarten as exceptional people formed by their specific social
foundation, financial status, individual capacities, what's more, everyday
encounters, and at various phases of improvement. These factors impact their
capacity to achieve their maximum capacity. Encounters amid the early years
emphatically impact their future physical, mental, and enthusiastic wellbeing, and
their capacity to learn. Thus, kids' initial encounters at school are of foremost
significance. Quality early-learning encounters can possibly make strides kids'
general wellbeing and prosperity for a lifetime. By making, encouraging, and
managing learning situations that are minding, protected, comprehensive, and
tolerating, teachers can advance the flexibility and general prosperity of kids. The
subjective capacities, aptitudes, and propensities for mind that portray deep rooted
students have their establishment in the basic early years. (Ontario, 2016)
Kindergarten education makes the process of transferring and sharingthe
knowledge easier underthe development age of child.Also, it is an important factor
of decision making process, strategy, judgment, assessment and ultimately
identification of child in order to design an ideal model and framework for

education purpose.(Ondrejkova, 2013)The main purpose of the Kindergarten
educationisto build the momentum of learning of child’s physical, whole
development knowledge growth, knowledge about outdoor activities, real life
experience, playground equipment and enjoyment activities. It is also builds and
supports the child to learn new innovative ideas, knowledge, manage the
difficulties in early age, sensory motor development that could be effective aspect
in today’s model building of children. (Allen, K. &Marotz, 2006)

We can recognize kids at the age of six when they moved from a kindergarten to
school. The teacher with parents fills up the form of child co-operation and
development succession plan. The main targetfor this process is to focus on
articulation, expression and understanding of child growth.

The Kindergarten Education and learning guidelines are grounded in a solid

hypothetical system for conveying amazing instructive encounters to young kids.
The Preschool Instructing and Learning Models archive: Characterizes steady
learning situations for preschool children give direction on the evaluation of young
kids, verbalizes ideal connections between and among families, the group, and
preschools, distinguishes expected learning results for preschool kids by area, and
also formatively proper instructing hones that are known to help those results.

In Germany 1873, Mr. Frederich Froebel (educator) developed forthe first time
thetarget of kindergarten that he designs the learning structure “a garden of kids”
that based on a place where kids are “permitted to blossom”. He asserts that play is
the main target in kindergarten education process where children are permitted to
play and motivated to do so by attentive grown-ups instead of educational aspect
compulsory upon them. (Weaver, 2000)

In the early 1900’s, kindergarten process in America, playgrounds were developed

as combining of two main principal factors, child development and physical
fitness.(Weaver, 2000)Empirical studies data of England and American school
movement and restructuring of kindergartensfound that “play” isan important and

legitimate part of primary kids’ education. American educator Mr. John Dewey
organized the change of kindergartens in the U.S. He believed that in primary or
nursery educational process of Montessori and Froebel‘play’is the main role in the
development process. He assumed that “play” is one of the important tool that
helps kids to “process at significant levels of action and consciousness”. It is used
as process, structured or tool by instructors to support education but was not
realized as learning unto itself. The present emphasis on health disquiets and
essential of reduction in stress and relaxation for kinds has enhanced the interest in
leisure and play. (Weaver, 2000)From this perspective, the design of the
playgrounds is one of the most significant parts of the kindergartens.

1.2 Research Problem and Aim of the Study

Kindergarten is considered as one of the most important periods in a child’s life

where many abilities, potential and talents can be developed. Kindergartens are
sometimes designed without taking a lot of important factors into consideration
including child psychology, functionality, safety and efficiency.

Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the ideal kindergarten requirements and
thought relates to effective ideal model for the children success in the early age of
life on a selected case study in Ankara. Since kindergarten is reflected an essential
tool in child life, this study is helpful to understand the effective kindergarten
design requirements and consideration applies in the school in order to produce an
ideal model for the chosen kindergarten. In this study, kindergarten period will be
investigated, with emphasizing on the interior design of the case study, at the end
of this study, some recommendations will be proposed in order to enhance the
design ideas. The proposal for the kindergarten design requirements and
considerations are going to be discussed with the selected Case Study in Ankara.

The main objective of this study is to understand the design requirements and
consideration applies on kindergarten educational institution, to build ideal model

of kindergarten design, and to understand important factors into consideration such
as child psychology, functionality, safety and efficiency.

The main research questions for this study will be; how to design and understand
important factors into consideration such as child psychology, functionality, safety
and efficiency and how to build ideal model of kindergarten design.

1.3Methodology and Structure of the Thesis

The thesis research method is based on the quantitative research design and survey
data analysis. In this connection, the primary data and respective information is
collected regarding interior design evaluation, model design, requirements,
existing and a proposal for new model of kindergarten design consideration. The
data and relevant information is also analyzed in respect of models from the world,
design requirements and regulation in the world. Further, case study on Ankara is
also assessed based on the field survey, user survey (staff and teachers) and model
development .Also descriptive analytical method is used for analyzing the data
collected, and at the end of the thesis, an ideal model is suggested for the chosen
kindergarten in Ankara.

The thesis is structured under six main chapters. In the first chapter, as the
introductory part, the kindergarten will be introduced bygiving brief information
on the Interior Design for kindergarten system. The problem, aims, objectives and
the significance of the studyare discussed in this chapter.

Inchapter two, as the literature review chapter, the literature on design criteria for
kindergarten interior spaces, it is relation with child growth characteristics,
humanitarian measurements in design, functional and aesthetic foundations for
baby furniture are assessed.

In chapter three, the evaluation for the selected case study (Ankara International
Preschool and Kindergarten) are discussed by looking the advantages and
disadvantages of the existing designand evaluated with the ideal model.

In chapter four, the data collected with a questionnaire is evaluated by discussing

the findings form the related questionnaire.

In chapter five, based on the ideal rules on the kindergarten interior design criteria
and the evaluation of the questionnaire the inner space of the selected case study is
re-designed and modeled. By this way, a new interior design model for Ankara
International Preschool and Kindergarten is proposed.

Finally, in the conclusion chapter, chapter six, both the findings and the model are
discussed together.


Literature Review

The main objective of this chapter is to provide the necessary information about
kindergarten design and system from the past academic studies published in
journals, articles, books, industry magazines and related reliable website sources.
The primary sources of this research study are information gathering form
kindergarten administrators, teachers, children, parents, architects and others from
which the current information and the data which is gathering from the
questionnaire cited in the appendix. The secondary sources refer toacademic
studies, journals, books, articles, reports, libraries and reliable websites.

2.1 The Roles and Goals of Kindergarten

Burson shows that kids face certain periods of perusing improvement from
preschool through third gradefrom investigation of books to autonomous perusing.
He also discovers what kids at the kindergarten stage ought to have, and what
educators and families can do to bolster their improvement at this stage. In
kindergarten, kids create essential ideas of print and start to take part in and try
different things with perusing and composing. Furthermore, he examines the
valueto retell clear record stories or instructive compositions. He utilizes
enlightening language to clarify, investigate, perceive letters and letter sound
matches demonstrate recognition with rhyming and starting sounds see left-to-
right and through introduction and natural ideas of print, match talked words with

composed ones and start to compose letters of the letter set and some high-
recurrence words.(Burson, 2010)

Allan clarifies that all kids will have entry to high caliber and formatively fitting
preschool programs that help tofor making kids ready for school.He also
mentionsthateach parent in the United States will be a kid's first educator and give
time every day to helping pre-school kids learn, and guardians will have entry to
the preparation and bolster guardians require. He finds that kids will get the
sustenance, physical action encounters, and human services expected to touch base
at school with solid personalities and bodies, and to keep up the mental sharpness
important to be set up to learn, and the quantity of low birth weight children will
be altogether diminished through improved pre-birth wellbeing frameworks. In the
occasion that understudies are to enter kindergarten arranged to learn it is
indispensable for watchmen, early youth providers, instructors, and system makers
to have a run of the mill cognizance of school accessibility. Furthermore, he finds
that there are few communications that have a formal, statewide importance of
school status. The need to portray school accessibility is grabbing thought and
eagerness by the educational and research assembles. Besides Allan shows that
enhancing the school availability of understudies in kindergarten is regularly seen
as one of the answers for shutting the accomplishment service between sub
gatherings of understudies. Logical research led in the field of early adolescence
instruction, underpins the way that the early years of a child's life are a period of
quick development and improvement. (Allan, 2008)

Figure 1.Deborah English

2.2 Design Criteria for Kindergarten Internal Spaces

Ratliff says that the base space zone for Kindergarten must to be 1250 square
meters; the base space range for grade schools ought to be 2750 square meters,the
base space range for preliminary and optional schools ought to be 3500 square
meters,the base space range for the grounds of essential, preliminary and auxiliary
schools ought to be 8500 square meters,and the area of the school must not be
adjoining or near commotion sources, business or mechanical locales, and risky
areas like petrol station that may influence the instructive procedure. It ought to be
in a fitting, effectively open area, with passageways not near roadways and
primary streets; it should moreover have attractive parking spaces and school
transports, and tocase anything that may risk the security of understudies. Also, he
mentions that the school building must not be used for private purposes to oblige
school staff and masters, that extremely mostof two watchmen can remain in the
premises amid night shifts. It ought to have stopping range that is sheltered and
sufficiently vast to encourage simple development of autos and transports. (Ratliff,

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada states that a lot of schoolsfurnished with
an extra kindergarten classroom by including 134.4 m2 extra space to allotment
suit what remains of the kindergarten children (from 27 to 35). This as in

schoolGreen Leaf Friends Academy (GFA) made a space of 2,189 m2; which
addresses the issue, is more practical, and is in accordance with SQL Server
Analysis Services (SSAS) arrangements. Indian and Northern affairs Canada
(INAC's) Education Program gives healing direction, clinical administrations, and
other bolster administrations to understudies who have learning incapacities and
other uncommon needs. Thus, the office, gives extra space stipend for every
extraordinary, needs understudy in the assurance of the GFA remittance for a
school. The officeclarifies that this additional floor space can either be dispensed
towards bigger general classrooms or to exceptional classrooms as required.
(, 2016)

Dodge shows thatthe nursery school development in England in the 1900's,

alongside the going with change of kindergartens in the United States.An
American teacher initiated the change of kindergartens in the United States,also
the prior instructive models of Froebel and Montessori that utilized play as the
essential core interest. (Dodge, 2011)

Previous surveys demonstrated that early learning experiences accept a basic part
in the headway of scholarly capacities in adolescents. Coincidentally, early child
instructors don't totally agree on the sorts of experiences kindergartners should
have in the midst of the early years. Some early childeducator’s recommend that
activities in kindergarten should be solely in perspective of adolescents'
unconstrained play activities and see no space for intentional instructional
activities in kindergarten classrooms. Diverse instructors prescribe that the
essential aptitudes and major thoughts of number juggling, science, and capability
can be formally exhibited in the early years. (Sackes, Trundle, & Bell, 2013)

Lynch clarifies that kindergarten class time considered all thingsas "play" in the
classroom encourages upgrades in such subjects as science, language, early
education, and socio-enthusiastic aptitudes and it does as such for kids from both
low-and higher-pay situations. He also mentioned thatanalysts battle that, as a

noteworthy result, play helps kids figure out how to coordinate with others and
participate in socially proper conduct. In time, these social capabilities created
through play exchange to kids' regular practices. Since variety of the plays
increases, play has been proclaimed as a transformative and developmentally
imperative development. Second, and incomprehensibly, despite the numerous
benefits of play perceived by scholastics, late years have seen an enduring
diminishing in the measure of time kindergarten classes dedicated to play. Past
researches reported the difficulties that school kindergarten educators confront in
executing play in their classes and the shift towards all the more scholastically
engaged kindergarten educating. (Lynch, 2015)

Figure 2: Waldorf Kindergarten in Istanbul, Turkey: Source:

A few things can be made to advance kindergartener's social and enthusiastic

improvement are:

•Providing open doors for child’s to be physically and rationally required in

exercises including critical thinking and social exercises with others.

• Teaching and givinggood example of how to make and keep companions.

• Giving positive models and passionate reactions. Perused stories and talk about
emotions, for example, outrage, joy, blame, and pride.

• Givingchances to kids to be pioneer in undertakings and exercises.

• Stating desires for proper conduct and talking about them with your kids.(Sackes,
Trundle, & Bell, 2013).

Lee states thatmost kindergarten kids, especially who have gone to preschool, are
anxious to be included, and can acknowledge a lot of duties. They like heading for
good things and getting things done, for example, taking a shot at undertakings,
testing, and working with others. Socially, kindergarten kids are in the meantime
single and autonomous laborers and developing in their capacity and yearning to
work agreeably with others, they need to be innovative and fruitful, alsotheir blend
of a state of mind and their participation and obligation to make them an
enjoyment to instruct and work withkids for developing persistently. He also
clarified thatall kids have their own examples of development; however, a few
qualities are normal to offspring of Kindergarten age to know these gives
instructors, guardians and parental figures a superior comprehension of the child.
(Lee, Teaching Tools, Teachers’ Rules: Scratch Jr in the Classroom, 2015)

Kindergarten kids will likely be; extremely dynamic, self-subordinate in eating,

dressing (with the exception of fastening and snapping etc.), growing quickly,
losing their first lower teeth, gaining dominance in engine control: will bounce,
hop and skip with fluctuating degrees of achievement, nonresistant to infections,
farsighted, requiring huge questions and close contact, and interested in other
children, yet individualistic. (Stucker, 2008).

Kindergarten children will most likely have; good thinking power, ability to make
judgments with grown-up direction, ability to arrange and do plans, desire to talk
obviously and to utilize new words, ability to relate encounters and to retell

stories, and changeable personalities step by step gaining more characterized
thoughts. (Stucker, 2008).

Kindergarten kids require; to feel secure and adored, to have amass endorsement
and acknowledgment, a couple of uncommon companions, a glad domain,
opportunity for practicing vast muscles, to share toys and alternate in play, to build
their vocabulary, alternate times of rest and movement, at least ten hours of rest
every night, and good sustenance propensities. (Hirsh, 2010)

Kindergarten guardians can help by; being occupied with the child's exercises,
providing sustenance and an open door for a lot of rest, having calm time every
day, inviting other kids to the home, giving gathering play, talking with the child
about new encounters while on strolls and rides, providing outings to the library,
reading out loud to help build up the familiarity with the composed word, and
encouraging the improvement of unselfish states of mind.(Hirsh, 2010)

Hirsh findsinventiveness is a vital and essential apparatus for managing the

financial, ecological, and compassionate difficulties of the 21st century and make
kids gets ready for this reality. Inventiveness is an essential that is esteemed in
many controls and callings, also he saidthat instruction requires rebuilding to
advance a self-ruling classroom that encourages imagination through expressions
of the human experience and innovative critical thinking to adequatelymakekids
get ready for the financial, natural, and compassionate difficulties of the new
century. (Hirsh, 2010)

Zain and Basri, guarantee that the rights and advantages of babies and young kids
are maintained at all circumstances, and that their perspectives and advancing
limits are considered. While choosing whether to intercede in a helpful setting, it is
basic that no mischief is done to the youngchild in the process, and that the child is
set at the focal point of all mediations.(Unicef, 2013)Maintain able philanthropic
personality in the examination alludes to people who have a high caliber not just
regarding learning, abilities, states of mind, identity and energy additionally the

individuals who are exceedingly concern and mindful to keep the necessities of
future eras by considering the ecological security. Instruction gave is not the finish
of the graduation procedure, but rather in addition vital is their valuation for the
educating and learning procured. He also mentioned that change of psyche is to
manageable mentality not just through the way toward instructing and learning in
the classroom, however to incorporate open air exercises related with our day by
day lives. The capacity to produce reasonable helpful personality requires
constant, systematic, and extensive, including all gatherings with a reason and
level of success for all and future eras.(Zain, Basri, Basri, Elfithri, &Tazilan, 2011)

The design is proficient by comprising the characteristics physical of texture,

shape, size, scale, color, and proportion and mass. The arrangement order and
elements of system is to build and manage functional issues and solve visual. The
visual relationship is resolute by shadow, light, contrast and edges. The functions
following the form are the design approaches whereby the building form is strong-
minded by the system of its parts and spaces as we see in figure 3. (Stucker, 2008)

Figure 3. Deborah English Kindergarten Source:

2.3. Physical Requirements for Child Social and Psychological Development

The health authorities are needed to analyze the social and school services for
helping kid’s emotional and social development. It refers to kids from hostile
home environment. The associations observed among the scopes of child-teacher
relationship, social and behavioral adjustment. Scopes of psychological risks are
related to the change from primary to secondary education system. (Smith, 2006)

This trend is regarding to several schools because of essential development of

social emotions into the kindergarten students’ success in life. The social-
emotional capability is described as the capacity and the character to use and
knowledge about social-emotional, abilities, regulatory, perspective taking,
empathy and social skills in a continuous manner which is suitable for the kids
within system of social context. The social-emotional things are self-concept, pro-
social behavior, self-regulation and self-efficacy with peers and teachers. The
social capabilities based on kindergarten education success are both interpersonal

skills such as co-operating, sharing, managing and helping and work-related skills
enhancement are organization, attention and direction to following. The
researchers analyzed that social-emotional dimensions and skills under the
kindergarten education system are to build related to education readiness and early
adjustment in school are positively correlated to initial and subsequent
achievement in the academic system and attention to development of social-
emotional and its progress in the school system is essential. (Powell, 2012)

2.4 Functionality

Kindergarten school can improve their designing functions as preschool learning

center, by providingkindergarten designing facilities as a place of daycare proving
thought to kids who stay for long hours. (Mext, 2010)

The School Function Assessment (SFA) analyzes the performance of student and
functional tasks which helps her or his participation in the social and academic
aspects of elementary education program for KG grades. This system support and
maintains collaborative decision-making strategies and planning for
comprehensive set of learning, common functions, school rules, education
material, classroom, performance and knowledge. (Pearson, 2008)

Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental procedures that
empower us to design, center consideration, recollect directions, and juggle
numerous undertakings effectively. Similarly, as an aviation authority framework
at a bustling air terminal securely deals with the landings and flights of numerous
air ship on different runways, the mind needs this range of abilities to channel
diversions, organize undertakings, set and accomplish objectives, and control

At the point when children have chances to create official capacity and self-
direction abilities, people and society encounter deep rooted benefits. These
abilities are pivotal for learning and improvement. They additionally empower

positive conduct and enable us to settle on sound decisions for ourselves and our

Official capacity and self-direction aptitudes rely upon three kinds of mind work:
working memory, mental adaptability, and poise. These capacities are exceedingly
interrelated, and the fruitful use of official capacity aptitudes expects them to work
in a joint effort with each other.

2.5 Safety and Health Requirements

Safety and Health are main requirements for every level of kindergarten school
system. Almost 7 million children under the age of 5 died in 2012 due to lack of
safety and health system within the given scope. These kids’ deaths are because of
lack of proper condition which can be prohibited or treated with contact to cheap
and simple interventions. Leading causes of demise in the early age kids are
preterm birth, pneumonia, asphyxia, malaria and diarrhea. Kindergarten schools
are primary place of actual awareness and information system to instruct people to
use safe and healthy life practices at large. Hence, WHO (World Health
Organization) were started operations in 1995 “Global School Health initiative) in
order to incorporate health education in kindergarten school level for kids.
Because safety and health are state of mental, physical, psychological, well-being
and social which reduce the several kinds of disease among the general
society.(Alattraqchi, Abu Bakar, & Mohamad, 2014)

The change in kindergarten school is an essential and complicated movement in

kid’s life, but for kids with special needs of health and safety and their families.
With special care of children required moderate complex way of transition to
kindergarten, these significant gaps exist. These children frequently need
additional support to manage to the environment of school and system at
satisfactory level for education. (Janus, Lefort, Cameron, &Kopechanski, 2007)

A kindergarten kids shows a major demographic cohort from a general society
perception since a significant foundation for education success and enjoy of
academic initiates in kindergarten. Moreover, the promotion of safety and
healthful behaviors at an initial stage of life will impact on lifestyle selection and
health lifelong. Additionally, the schedules and programs presented to
kindergarten students at school have the significant to potential impact on student
wellbeing.(Thirkill, 2015)

The development of education system is essential but it becomes so important to

have full time health awareness, security and safety for the children. The training
system of first aid during the situation of emergency to sanitation, cleanness and
healthy environment for kids, buses and vans used for transportation and care
centers all are designed with security and safety for kindergarten school system.
(Garcia, 2014)

2.6 Efficiency

The efficiency of kindergartens school includes the resources that include learners
with attractive opportunities and practice. Kindergarten education system is
essential for children which help them to understand efficient level of skills which
will create on throughout their life. At kindergarten kids will improve emotionally
and socially efficiently by their ability to learn new things, language recognize,
play, movement, motor skills, creative, self-confidence, communication skills,
reading and effective way of learning to develop more social improvements.
(Victoria, 2016)

2.7 Cognitive Development

"Kids' Home Environments: Social and Cognitive Effects", demonstrates that from
an early age, varieties in the social condition of the home have effect on the child's
psychological and social improvement. The sum, the sort, and the planning of the
social incitement gave by the social operators in a child's house are essential

determinants of his later improvement. Parke stresses that the young kids live in an
intricate social condition that includesmother, father, kin, companions, and
relatives. These operators assume an imperative stimulatory part in early
improvement. Judgment is a subjective evaluative process and is firmly associated
with many elements like information, feelings, states of mind, level of stress, or
age. Judgment is impacted by subjective capacity, identity, experience and
information.(Büyükpamukçu, 2004).

Intellectual advancement is subdivided into four sorts of play, each adding to a

child's psychological improvement at various ages. These sub-classifications
incorporate utilitarian/hone play, productive play, emotional/typical play and
diversions with standards. At long last, the social/mental formative stage is
partitioned into five sub-classifications. Singular play, parallel play, aggregate
play, helpful play/critical thinking and self-regard/character are the sorts of play
exercises that bolster this kind of improvement. This network is not intended to be
an outline for a fruitful scene configuration, yet to graphically demonstrate the
numerous potential outcomes for making formatively suitable plans for various
gatherings of children.(Ondrejkova, 2013)

2.8 Physical Development

Formative classifications incorporate physical improvement (counting

languageadvancement), subjective improvement, and social/mental advancement.
Thoughts were acknowledged, disposed of and additionally adjusted to work with
the physical outline of an instructive scene for kids. Assessing the thoughts
required looking not just at the thought as it is introduced additionally perceiving
the superseding idea driving the thought. Thoughts in regards to openness were
extended the present ADA definition to incorporate the idea of different scales –
making the scene and components inside it available to offspring of any age, sizes
and formative stages. By and large, eighteen outline contemplations are
recommended and give a far-reaching structure to the scene planner to make

formatively fitting instructive scenes. They address the ideas of physical
improvement, subjective advancement, social/mental advancement and scholarly
advancement inside the setting of play.(Burson, 2010).

The improvement of gross and fine engine abilities propels along for the partof
unfaltering course of events for most ordinary kids. By the age of three, most kids
have faced an assortment of abilities; bouncing, jumping on one foot, skipping,
and running. By four or five years old these abilities have turned out to be more
refined, with an expansion in body control. One reason engine abilities grow so
quickly amid the preschool years is that children invest a lot of energy honing
them. "To end up distinctly an ace player is the tallness of accomplishment for
kid’s age's three to five". Physical play is the work of early youth, used to create
body .and aptitudes. (Fitzpatrick, 2014).

2.9 Design Requirements and Regulations in the World

The Primary School Design Guidelines express the particular plan necessities and
room among connections appropriate to the outline of elementary schools. A
decent quality sunshine dispersion is required in each live with the normal day
lighting variable for each space to be in the range 4.5 to 5.5% with the
accentuation on an even light circulation all through the space. A timetable of all
rooms and related sunlight element is to be given. All spaces ought to have the
advantage of 1/3 high and 2/3 low level characteristic ventilation opening areas in
the windows. Tilt and turn windows are not proper. The window plan as for
geometry and opening segments must be founded on overheating computations
which ought to consider the air snugness standard. Sufficient normal ventilation
ought to be achievable without drafts.(Eccles, 1999).

Figure 4Istanbul International Preschool. Source:

In any case, play areas had kept on developing in Europe. Issues encompassing
child improvement had changed the play area past a straightforward bit of practice
hardware. In the late 1800's, Dr. Marie Zakerzewska, (an American guest to
Germany), bring back data on the 'sand heap' play areas that she had found in that
nation. Created as a major aspect of Froebel's kindergarten, these regular play
areas gave kids the chance to communicate with nature. Soil, sand, water, plants,
and creatures turned into the "hardware" of this play area. Play was not so much
organized but rather more creative. The presentation of 'sand greenhouses' in 1886
denoted the start of the primary genuine play development in the United States
coordinated at youngchildren. (Elliott, 2014)

Figure 5Istanbul International Preschool. Source:

The essential mission of the Jamestown Settlement is instructive. The primary

sentence of the establishment's statement of purpose expresses; the mission of the
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation is to teach and advance comprehension and
familiarity with Virginia's part in the formation of the United States of America."
This instructive mission and the dynamic showcasing of the Jamestown Settlement
toward grade school age kids in conjunction with the Virginia Standards of
Learning bolster the determination of this site for investigation in light of the plan
contemplations. (Ondrejkova, 2013).

The most ideal approach to instruct children was to attach it to their encounters of
their general surroundings. The play could be valuable in helping kids to "capacity
at larger amounts of cognizance and activity". Play would be utilized as a device,
organized by instructors to bolster training however was not seen as instructive
itself. This play/training development has proceeded and extended from that point
forward. In the most recent a quarter century investigation of play has taken a rise.

The present concentrate on wellbeing concerns and the significance of stress
decrease and unwinding for both grown-ups and kids has supported the enthusiasm
for play and recreation.(Elliott, 2014).

2.9.1 Interior Design Requirements

Tezuka clarifies thatthe kindergarten school education systems are designed to

allow kids to move and mix around at will. There are less fixed walls among the
classroom, and kids will move among the groups of class. When children have an
issue, they may ask to the staff members for help, and they can link members or
play individually their curiosity dictates and mood. All furniture and fixture would
be efficiently reorganized to accommodate several sizes of groups and activities.
The desks and chairs for the kids, there are many boxed of wooden which are used
to panel minor areas and to include more benches for seating. This furniture boxed
is also effective to play or store things, material learning, shoes and coats for
children. It is also including more interior space and flexibility is often
reconfigured in the year. Wood furniture is used to design the room appearance
kind and welcoming. The accident with fall is obvious of damages among kids.
Solid oak and floor joists reduce the injuries from falling. (Tezuka, 2007)

Figure 6: Doğa school kindergarten interior design, Turkey.Source:

2.9.2Classroom Design Requirements

The kindergarten education system was integrated to design classroom with more
resources, convenience, mobility, bulletin board, hooks, whiteboard, colorful wall,
and workplace zone for students, casters to chairs, plywood desks, group tables,
furniture and fixture to create nooks and visualizing. (Wade, 2016)

A kindergarten room ought to be intended for kids to take part in vast and little
gathering exercises while additionally upgrading regularly developing free and
self-improvement aptitudes. A preschool room ought to have a substantial covered
region for amass socialization. Unmistakable and all around characterized zones,
as characterized by situation of furniture and gear, will permit for self-coordinated
direction and encourage the stream of movement inside the room. A bigger
washroom space and cubby range, with child measure civilities, will additionally
improve self-improvement abilities. As usual, room estimate, divider shading,
regular lighting, and giving an assortment of surfaces, inside a comprehensive
setting, keep on being foremost, Necessities: A play action space for not more than
24 kids with an unhindered floor territory of 8m2 for each kid, washing, dressing,
toileting, space for seclusion, stockpiling, for programs 6 hours and more for each
day. The room should have: An unhindered coated window territory identical to at
least 10% of the floor zone, stockpiling for quaint small inns, space for eating,
resting (kids and staff), Nourishment planning zone; office zone; and stockpiling
for open air hardware, and allude to DNA and Utilitarian Arrangement as we see
in figure 7. (New Jersey, 2014)

Figure 7 One of the classroom of the British International School in Istanbul.

Kindergarten classroom design requirement and environment are very essential.

The size of the interior and classroom areas must be colorful walls, attractive
furniture and fixture, lights, room arrangements that all influence students
learning. The classroom must also include several colors such as red (active,
passionate, strong, grabs, attention); yellow (high visible, cheerful); green (natural,
relaxing, quiet, attention grabs) and blue (comfort, attention and security). (USC,


Evaluation of the Case Study: Ankara International Preschool and


3.1 The Design of the Classrooms in Ankara International Preschool and


The classroom interior design is essential to inspire the children under the
kindergarten education level. This study is designed to analyze the ways of
enhancing the children learning environment. The analysis of International
Preschool and kindergarten has an attractive classroom interior include child
development, environment, play theory, exterior and interior classroom and
furniture. The classroom design of the International Preschool and Kindergarten
(hereinafter IPK) have interesting interior and design includes, organized, neat,
care, furniture, colorful, space, extension and collection of several attractive things
which empower the children and get in touch with new ideas, tips, resources, fun,
cohesive green-and-blue color combo, display walls, bookshelf, charts, group /
teamwork desk and classroom theme.

Classrooms are usually used for whole-class, individual and group learning in
general across the subjects of the curriculum. For young students, the classroom
design is very essential. The shape of the classroom and interior spaces, the color
selection of the walls, the furniture and flooring, the light, and the room design
will affect how students learn. The selection of Classrooms and their places related
to the external environment should be taken in the consideration of the

kindergarten. Glare should be avoided where practicable or controlled using
translucent blinds.

A floor to ceiling height of 3.15meter is required, taking into consideration the

distribution of light and natural breath across the floor of the room. In designing
the classroom the class group that will use the room should be taken into
consideration. Also, consideration should be given to the activity zones
intolearningareas, and to the positions of chalkboards, white and green boards, and
pin boards.

The position of these boards should be taken into consideration at design stage
and should match with the location of surface mounted services. Also, the room
furniture layout should be taken into consideration, so that a number of layout
options are available for consideration and discussion with the School
Administration. Alsoa suitable water-resistant, easy clean sheet should be

Figure 8: Istanbul International School. Source:


Figure 9: Istanbul International School.Source:

Classroom design and learning environment highlight the education environment

involved the students towards remarkable place and process. The analysis is
indicating that IPK have several kinds of whiteboards to draw pictures, graphs,
interactive pictures, visual things, actions, remarks and lighting system to ensure
the children role building and engage with new things.

The study is also indicating that classroom design of IPK address the children
psychology and plays several roles in actual building classroom of kindergarten
way of learning method. They have been provided several things specifically
design to enhance the child character and psychological building includes painting,
tables, boxes and other involved with pride and ownership which take in the

Figure 10Istanbul International School. Source:

3.2 Efficiency, Safety and Functionality in IPK

Classroom under IPK ensure the children to engage with ability to enhance the
internal efficiency work process which motivate and helps to increase the
brainstorming. It builds the collaborative space in the educational/ classroom that
identify the activities and needs to examine the challenges with various
perspective. IPK management has been more closely relates to enhance the
children efficiency through designing of classroom with changing market needs
and tracking to manage the area with social psychological development. Following
are the main things are included in the classroom design and consideration
efficiency in the IPK:Emotional development, Character building, Ideas,
Innovation, Cognitive development, Intrapersonal intelligence skills and system,
Fine and gross motor skills, Attractive classroom design and color, and positive

Figure 11MEF International School Izmir. Source:

The analysis of IPK is also indicating that management needs to further enhance
the level of learning based on the standard of education and process design by
international education community in order to increase the kindergarten education
and design consideration more effectively and efficiently.

3.3 Colors

It is known that colors are the most important things that attract the attention of the
child, and affect the psychological side, so it must be the educational environment,
which is kindergarten full of color, the walls of the separation must be combined
between more than two colors at least , and these colors must be carefully chosen,
furniture Floors, games, garden furniture and kindergarten building from abroad
also help the child to hang on to the place and develop psychological development
and ease of learning.

3.4 The space

The space is a key factor in the design of kindergartens must be considered so that
the child needs more spaces to play and the practices of daily activities and
hobbies, taking into account the colors of these spaces to create an attractive

environment for the child and catalyst for the process of learning, and this space is
very important to empty energy, whether inside the kindergarten, Is the classroom
or room activities and reading rooms and dining room, or outside, which is the
garden surrounding the kindergarten, which is necessary to be covered with green,
which brings joy in the same child and create a healthy atmosphere for the child,
so must comply with international standards in the design of space in


It is recommended that the lighting used is natural and artificial. It depends on the
location of the kindergarten, the location of the windows and the lighting openings
and the extent of the light reaching the classrooms and corridors, especially the
activities and recreation room, where the child spends most of the time. The light
plays a very important role with the colors and space available to create a
comfortable environment. For the child and helps to develop the psychological and
cognitive side, where you should choose places of artificial lighting carefully, such
as placed on the walls and the ceiling

3.6 The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Existing Design in IPK

Following are the major advantages of existing interior design:

It is attractive, modern interior design, colorful, store and work, includes arts and
science design, Interactive whiteboards, Projectors, books shelf’s, charts and
images presentations, more concentration of children, colorful desk, ensure the
teamwork management among students, educational material, and ensure the
psychological development, as we see in figure 12.

Figure 12MEF International School Izmir



Analysis of the Data

In order to analyze the research questions, a survey is used as an effective tool.

The research questions are formalized to analyze the overview of Kindergarten
school design and seek option to make generalization about the certainty in a
population (Saunders, Thornhill, & Lewis, 2009).There are two major types of
research design as qualitative and quantitative research methods. Most of the
points are consolidate varied level of strategies for collection of data and relevant
information such as interviews, studies, observation, focus group study and dialogs
etc. All of these methods are helpful for analyst in assessing of results from
significant number of group of people. (Saunders, Thornhill, & Lewis, 2009)

There are qualitative research design includes survey for collection of data and
information from the concerned population. The quantitative research design study
deal with gathering of data from the main respondents. The quantitative study is
based on the statistical way of data collection that would be summarized through
specialized software. The five liker’s scale of questionnaire was used to collect the
data in respect to analyze the particular data.(Mackey & Gass, 2013)

For this study, both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies are used as
the way of collection of data and information from the concerned respondents.For
this reason, this chapter aims to analyze the data of the survey as one of the
significant tool for understanding the kindergarten design consideration.

4.1Ethical Issues

Ethical issues and problem were seriously taken into the research study during the
course of conducting the entire study. In the collection of data process of
quantitative methods; ethical issues are in top significances of the researchers.
Other issues of ethics are un-biasness was ensured during the research study.
(Malhotra, 2007)

The researcher had ensured to undertake all kinds of ethical consideration during
the course of preparation of research study as per the university rules and

4.2Demographic Statistics

The research was based on the kindergarten consideration design in the education
system of Ankara, Turkey. Total 83 respondents including (Istanbul International
Pre-School, British International School, MEF International Schools, Kemer Kids
Garden, Istanbul International Community School),those pre-schools were
considered the most important kindergartens in Turkey, the respondents were
student’s parents, the researcher choose them randomly, which the primary
responses were collected include male (53) and female (30) as mentioned in the
following table 1.

Gender wise statistics

Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Male 53 65% 65%

Female 28 35% 100%

Total 81 100%

Respondents Frequency
Male Female
Frequency 53 28

Table 1: Respondent frequency in the findings

4.3 Selection of Case Study for the Questionnaire

The Kindergarten international preschool in Ankara, Turkey has been provided an

early childhood study program.The reasons behind choosing this kindergarten as a
case study are teaching a new language, encourage students to learn about other
cultures holidays, and traditions in other countries with activities involving music
and dance and mainly to analyze the various activities perform by management
with regards to development of child psychology, functionality, safety and
efficiency in the early year of life and education.The main language use under
kindergarten school system is English. The main aim of the International schools/
kindergarten in Ankara, Turkey aims to manage kid route these implausible early
years. Under this study environment children educational and development needs
are being met in friendly environment, loving, safe, careful and playing
environment and kindergarten schools are developed and designed intellectual,
physical, emotional and social skills. (, International Preschool,

Toddler group

Under the international preschool and kindergarten education system, they have
been provided friendly, safe and warm learning environment for kids to participate
in several activities in an inspiring environment. The children will enjoy the
kindergarten education system that interact children to become more socialize,
culture, play, learn, encouragement, self-confidence and take part in teamwork
where every student is valuable, race, age, gender and culture background and
special attention on every growing matter. (, International
Preschool, 2017)

Younger Nursery

A lovely, warm, responsive, caregiver learning environment is offered to promote

and enhance the competency of problem solving. In this section, we have provided
children to further developing of intentional behavior, purposeful, ability to
manage the problems, relationship with cause effect such as to get one purpose.
The young kids will learn and understand their roles, actions, motivational
environment and cause to change occur which develop the concepts.
(, International Preschool, 2017)

Older Nursery

Under this system and process of education to learning, development and support
of children we have education system where process accelerates the development
of kids. In this school premises are designed to manage and build the momentum
of child development, strengthen and learning. In this program, child can attain the
emotional and social development, self-help, hygiene, motor skills and language
develop skills. (, International Preschool, 2017)


The pre-kindergarten is reinforcing and introducing general concepts and main

skills for life through more varied activities. Students learn to contribute and
entertainment in full teamwork activities. Language and communication skills
such as speaking, physical expression, listening is skillful through group
discussion, songs, reading times, dramatic movements and finger plays. Through
several development projects, they can shape confidence in their ability to start to
accomplish working self-sufficiently in a kind and development environment that
creates positive behavior is satisfied and tributes, and they thrive and blossom.
(, International Preschool, 2017)

Existing Design

Kindergarten is an essential design and step to build the education life at

international preschool and kindergarten. They have design kindergarten students
to learn and achieve life skills and get knowledge of themselves within teamwork
or group. They have always astonished to create the enhancement in their self-
confidence, creativity, ability to learn more, new resources, curriculum, teachers,
experiments, nature, peers, material, play, co-curricular activities, self-
improvement and achievements. They are also think about kindergarteners that
they must have the ability to work with others, guidance, confidence, motivation,
resolve conflict, instructions, learning and love entertainment.

4.4 Evaluation of the Survey

The user’s evaluation survey was designed by the researcher in connection to

understand and assess the main purpose of the study. The researcher was also
conducted the survey through five Likert scale of questionnaire in connection to
analyze the respondents’ responses about kindergarten design consideration in line
with psychology, efficiency, safety and functionality of children education

The researcher was designed the five Likert scale of questionnaire in connection to
understand the four major factors of kindergarten design consideration for children
such psychological development, efficiency, safety and functionality in education
environment. Following table 2 is showing the descriptive statistics of survey

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

There is implementation of strategies 81 1.00 5.00 3.5432 1.14072

Kindergarten design consideration that
develops the children psychological

We have developed intellectual and 81 1.00 5.00 3.5802 .98570

learning environment for children that
create the new ideas and psychological

Our existing classroom design and interior 81 1.00 5.00 3.4938 1.07382
integrate the learning environment.

Colorful classroom design and interior 81 1.00 5.00 3.4074 .99722

develop the children psychological
development, socially and cognitively.

We have adopted favorite color scheme in 81 1.00 5.00 3.4444 .97468

school furniture / interior design.

We provide the efficient child development 81 1.00 5.00 3.5309 .93657

learning environment.

We ensure safety of children that ensure 81 1.00 5.00 3.6543 1.08582

the effective learning environment.

We follow the ISO standards in material 81 1.00 5.00 3.5679 1.11734

quality and safety system.

We introduce new functions and resources 81 1.00 5.00 4.0864 .97721

for the level of kindergarten education.

We integrate the new functions of 81 1.00 5.00 4.1481 1.03816

technology with reliable classroom
learning environment.

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of survey results

The statistical data of research study analysis regarding kindergarten design

consideration of descriptive information was mentioned in the above table. There
were total 10 questions design and respondent’s response was demonstrated
accordingly. The said table, showing that the most or highest mean / average value
is of question 10 (4.1481); (4.0864) question number (9); (3.6543) question
number (7); (3.5802) question number (2); (3.5679) question number (8); (3.5432)
question number (1); (3.5309) question number (6); (3.4938) question number (3);
(3.4444) question number (5) and (3.4074) question number (4) respectively.

Furthermore, the statistical data analysis is signifying that standard deviations of

all questions are almost 1, which shows that our results is sloping positive
direction and provides satisfactory outcome.

Question One:

The statistics of first question data is described the implementation of kindergarten

design consideration strategies and child psychological development. As we see in
table 3, and figure 13, the survey results are indicating that most of the respondents
agreed with this current statement as (7) extremely disagree; (9) disagree; neutral
(10); agree (43); and extremely agree (12) which explains that implementation of
strategies of kindergarten design consideration creates the positive impact on child
psychological development.

There is implementation of strategies Kindergarten design consideration that develops the children
psychological consistently.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 7 8.6 8.6 8.6

Disagree 9 11.1 11.1 19.8

Neutral 10 12.3 12.3 32.1

Agree 43 53.1 53.1 85.2

Extremely agree 12 14.8 14.8 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 3: Implementation and strategies of Kindergarten design consideration

Figure 13 Implementation and strategies of Kindergarten design consideration

Question Two:

The statistics of second question data is described the intellectual and learning
environment and psychological development and new ideas. As we see in table 4,
and figure 14, the survey results are indicating that most of the respondents agreed
with this current statement as (3) extremely disagree; (9) disagree; neutral (18);

agree (40); and extremely agree (11) which explains that new classroom and
building design consideration as per standard of kindergarten create the intellectual
and learning environment for children which develop the psychology and new

We have developed intellectual and learning environment for children that create the new ideas
and psychological development.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 3 3.7 3.7 3.7

Disagree 9 11.1 11.1 14.8

Neutral 18 22.2 22.2 37.0

Agree 40 49.4 49.4 86.4

Extremely agree 11 13.6 13.6 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 4: Intellectual, learning environment and psychological development

Figure 14: Intellectual, learning environment and psychological development

Question Three:

The statistics of third question data is described the classroom and interior design
to enhance the learning environment. As we see in table 5, and figure 15, the
survey results are indicating that most of the respondents agreed with this current
statement as (5) extremely disagree; (10) disagree; neutral (17); agree (38); and
extremely agree (11) which explains that attractive classroom design with interior
ensure the effective learning environment.

Our existing classroom design and interior integrate the learning environment.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Extremely 5 6.2 6.2 6.2
Disagree 10 12.3 12.3 18.5
Neutral 17 21.0 21.0 39.5
Agree 38 46.9 46.9 86.4
Extremely agree 11 13.6 13.6 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 5: Classroom and interior design with learning environment

Figure 15: Classroom and interior design with learning environment

Question Four:

Statistics of fourth question data is described the colorful classroom and interior
design to improve psychological development, cognitive and social improvement.
As we see in table 6, and figure 16, the survey results are indicating that most of
the respondents agreed with this current statement as (2) extremely disagree; (15)
disagree; neutral (21); agree (34); and extremely agree (9) which explains that
colorful classroom design and interior develop the children psychological
development, socially and cognitively.

Colorful classroom design and interior develop the children psychological development, socially
and cognitively.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 2 2.5 2.5 2.5

Disagree 15 18.5 18.5 21.0

Neutral 21 25.9 25.9 46.9

Agree 34 42.0 42.0 88.9

Extremely agree 9 11.1 11.1 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 6: Colorful scheme of classroom and interior design

Figure 16: Colorful scheme of classroom and interior design

Question Five:

The statistics of fifth question data is described the favorite color scheme of
furniture / interior. As we see in table 7, and figure 17, the survey results are

indicating that most of the respondents agreed with this current statement as (2)
extremely disagree; (12) disagree; neutral (25); agree (32); and extremely agree
(10) whichexplains that favorite color scheme with attractive features of interior or
furniture improve the learning efficiency under the kindergarten education system.

We have adopted favorite color scheme in school furniture / interior design.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 2 2.5 2.5 2.5

Disagree 12 14.8 14.8 17.3

Neutral 25 30.9 30.9 48.1

Agree 32 39.5 39.5 87.7

Extremely agree 10 12.3 12.3 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 7: Colorful scheme of kindergarten furniture and interior design

Figure 17: Colorful scheme of kindergarten furniture and interior design

Question Six:

The statistics of sixth question data is described the efficient child development
and learning environment. As we see in figure 18 and table 8, the survey results
are indicating that most of the respondents agreed with this current statement as
(1) extremely disagree; (12) disagree; neutral (21); agree (37); and extremely agree
(10) which explains that efficient learning environment includes colorful scheme,
interior design, building, play land and other things improve the child development
under the kindergarten education system.

We provide the efficient child development learning environment.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 1 1.2 1.2 1.2

Disagree 12 14.8 14.8 16.0

Neutral 21 25.9 25.9 42.0

Agree 37 45.7 45.7 87.7

Extremely agree 10 12.3 12.3 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 8: Child development and learning environment

Figure 18: Child development and learning environment

Question Seven:

The statistics of seventh question data is described the safety and kindergarten
learning environment. The survey results are indicating that most of the

respondents agreed with this current statement as (3) extremely disagree; (10)
disagree; neutral (18); agree (31); and extremely agree (19) which explains that
management must ensure to provide safety and implement international standards
of safety in order to ensure the effective learning environment for the children
under the kindergarten education system.

We ensure safety of children that ensure the effective learning environment.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 3 3.7 3.7 3.7

Disagree 10 12.3 12.3 16.0

Neutral 18 22.2 22.2 38.3

Agree 31 38.3 38.3 76.5

Extremely agree 19 23.5 23.5 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 9: Safety of child and learning environment

Figure 19: Safety of child and learning environment

Question Eight:

The statistics of eighth question data is described the ISO standards and material
quality. As we see in figure 20 and table 10, the survey results are indicating that
most of the respondents agreed with this current statement as (5) extremely
disagree; (8) disagree; neutral (21); agree (30); and extremely agree (17) which
explains that ISO standards of material quality and safety system must be in place
to improve the children growth and development.

We follow the ISO standards in material quality and safety system.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 5 6.2 6.2 6.2

Disagree 8 9.9 9.9 16.0

Neutral 21 25.9 25.9 42.0

Agree 30 37.0 37.0 79.0

Extremely agree 17 21.0 21.0 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 10: International standards of design and quality of safety system

Figure 20: International standards of design and quality of safety system

Question Nine:
The statistics of ninth question data is described the new functions and resources.
As we see in figure 21 the survey results are indicating that most of the
respondents agreed with this current statement as (2) extremely disagree; (5)
disagree; neutral (8); agree (35); and extremely agree (31) which explains that

management of school must introduce new functions and resources for all level of
kindergarten education system.
We introduce new functions and resources for the level of kindergarten education.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 2 2.5 2.5 2.5

Disagree 5 6.2 6.2 8.6

Neutral 8 9.9 9.9 18.5

Agree 35 43.2 43.2 61.7

Extremely agree 31 38.3 38.3 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 11: New functions and resources under kindergarten education system

Figure 21: New functions and resources under kindergarten education system

Question Ten:

The statistics of tenth question data is described the new functions and technology
with reliable classroom. The survey results as we saw in figure 22 are indicating
that most of the respondents agreed with this current statement as (2) extremely
disagree; (5) disagree; neutral (11); agree (24); and extremely agree (39) which
explains that management must introduce and integrate the new functions of
technology with reliable classroom learning environment.

We integrate the new functions of technology with reliable classroom learning environment.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Extremely disagree 2 2.5 2.5 2.5

Disagree 5 6.2 6.2 8.6

Neutral 11 13.6 13.6 22.2

Agree 24 29.6 29.6 51.9

Extremely agree 39 48.1 48.1 100.0

Total 81 100.0 100.0

Table 12: New functions of technology and reliable way of kindergarten classroom learning

Figure 22 New functions of technology and reliable way of kindergarten classroom
learning environment

4.5Findings and Analysis

Based on the result of the questionnaire, there were total 81 respondents from
which primary data was collected. The primary sources are school/ education
system under the kindergarten way of learning system. The analysis is indicating
that kindergarten education system and building design provides the significant
effect on the psychological development, growth, experience, playground,
activities and functions. It includes the children support to understand new
activities, ideas, knowledge, sensory motor growth and other effective effect on
the model character of children.

The analysis is also shows that psychological development of children and

kindergarten design consideration place is important with the safety, functionality
and interior design to provide the attention in the encouraging, playing activity,
enhance the children learning experience, counseling, strengthen and

sustainability. Stylish visibility of interior design and classroom decoration
enhance the children motivation of learning. The analysis is also indicating that
exterior finishing is also influence the children under the kindergarten education

Figure 23AnkaraInternational Preschool and Kindergarten Source:

The analysis is signifying that kindergarten design requirement are includes colors,
interior design, wall textures, colorful design of building, playground, furniture,
elegance and style way of presentation in the classroom and other premises of the
building. All of these increase the learning environment and influence them
towards higher level of satisfactions as we see in figure 23.

Furthermore, the study is indicating that ideal model of kindergarten design must
be carried out on the basis of children kindergarten design consideration of
psychological development, functionality, safety and efficiency.

Most of the participants of study are agreed that implementation of strategies in

line with the standard of kindergarten design consideration develop and maintain
the psychological development of children. The intellectual and learning

environment for children are important to build new innovative ideas, creativity,
growth and psychological development under the effective way of design

Figure 24AnkaraInternational Preschool and Kindergarten


The analysis is also indicating that classroom design and interior must also include
the learning material. It must also base on the colorful classroom design, interior,
wall paper and other various things to develop the children psychology, social,
cognitive development as we see in figure 24.

Most of the respondents were also agreed that favorite color scheme in the
classroom and interior designing effectively manage the children growth and
learning experience in the kindergarten education system. These schools must
include the international standards of child growth development plans under the
preschool system. It should also base on the safety, effective learning environment,
new functions, resources, education material, reliable technology and ideas to
increase the child growth.


A New Model for International Preschool and Kindergarten

In this chapter, the interior design of the International Preschool and Kindergarten
will be re-designed and proposed a model with reference to the needs specified by
the users’ comments. The proposed model design criteria and requirements are
based on the following things:

Different colorful scheme and designing
Interior designing
Specific playing crafts and games
Interior and exterior design
Supportive learning environment

5.1 The New Model

The new model of kindergarten design consideration for the International

Preschool and Kindergarten School needs to include the following images in their
respective premises. It includes the several colorful interior and exterior design,
playground, various colorful scheme and designing, playing crafts and games,
supportive learning environment and new resources of technology which
significantly improve the psychological development, efficiency, functionality,
growth and safety of preschool (kindergarten) children.

5.2 General Design Requirements

The general design requirements for the kindergarten consideration is design of

school or education place to ensure the effective way of providing educational
facilities where children will take study and innovative way of learning abilities
with innovation.(Ratliff, 2014) As formally characterized at the related rules,
understudies are compensated and rebuffed as an outcome of various sorts of
practices or accomplishments yet there isn't such a reasonable direct framework,
toward the point that understudies' practices are watched, assessed, evaluated and
recorded in a reliable way. Additionally, neither corridor passes nor other formal
and methodical understudy following frameworks are generally utilized as a part
of Turkish schools.

Figure 25The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in

Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

Figure 26The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

As in seen in Figure 24 and Figure 25, the respective design of kindergarten

building is prepared through specialized software AutoCAD. The proposed 3D
model of kindergarten school building includes several kinds of play and attractive
area which enhance the attraction and influence over the children.

5.2.1 Classrooms Design Requirements

The classroom design for kindergarten education place that set up and develop the
learning place that provide the comfortable place to students and parents with
innovative and productive area. The effective classroom increases the children
behavior in the classroom. (Dodge, 2011) In this study analysis, classroom design
that largely determined by the amount of availability of premises space, doors,
windows, flooring area. In order to develop the interested area of learning,
classroom design must include art center, table, library, play area, discovery /
science, lights, windows and informative place.

The following image (figure 27) is showing the general classroom design by
researcher used in this given study analysis. It includes the attractive tables, chairs,
color scheme, space, window, door, wall shades and floor design for the
kindergarten education place.

Figure 27The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

5.2.2 Health & Administrative Requirements

It is important to have all kinds of facilities requirements under the kindergarten

education place. The administrative and healthcare area should be in place as per
international standards and attractive way of influencing the children. The
administrative staff must bepreparing to have skills and facilities / resources to
manage the kindergarten education system effectively and efficiently (Powell,

The following image figure 28 (is showing the rest and healthcare area under the
premises of our kindergarten design of education system. It includes colorful
window, walls, furniture, bed and other interior things under the kindergarten
education system. (Mext, 2010)

Figure 28 The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International Preschool in
Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

5.2.3Activities and Entertainment Requirements

The arts, activities and entertainment facilities section include the framework refer
to accommodation of physical for the several activities of arts, playing, forms and
nature. The kindergarten education design system also includes the playing area,
arts, toys, media, music, performance, drama and other entertainment things.
(Alattraqchi, Abu Bakar, & Mohamad, 2014)

Figure 29The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International
Preschool in Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

The following image (figure 30) is showing the current study kindergarten
education system and design of entertainment and activities that would be placed.
It includes several kinds of toys, play area, facilities, colorful design and other
important tools to enhance the children knowledge about current learning

Figure 30The proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International
Preschool in Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

5.3. Design Regulations

According to the Turkey, the regulation of design of kindergarten education

system building in conventionality with technologies of construction should be
made by collaborating with facilities of architecture of the schools. There are
things must be included in the kindergarten school:

The environment of the school must be open to focus on the social,

sportive and cultural activities,
The kindergarten school must also provide the physical special education
for disabled children,
School will have almost thirty students per classroom,
Administration is needs to provide resources assignments, professional
values, building interest, social skills and information technology facilities.

The administration and teacher must also ensure to provide national and
foreign standards with regards to building, personnel, equipment’s in
education region. (Education, 2001).

Figure 31The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International

Preschool in Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

5.4 Kindergarten Design & Psychology

The kindergarten design and psychology consideration are presented in the given
study analysis. These considerations are linked to research undertaken by
psychology, architecture design, education, environment, playing, social,
functionality, safety and efficiency as we see in figure 31. There are also various
kinds of strategies and development stages important to address the kindergarten
design and psychology outdoor play area, spaces, colors and educational

The change to kindergarten school is important and complex way in any children
life, but for kids with special needs of psychology, health and safety and their
families. With special care of children required moderate complex way of
transition to kindergarten, these significant gaps exist. These children frequently
need additional support to manage to the environment of school and system at
satisfactory level for education. The teachers must understand the psychology
needsof children and develop the study environment in order to enhance the
creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, efficiency, healthcare, play and
entertainment. (Janus, Lefort, Cameron, &Kopechanski, 2007)

5.4.1 Color

The kindergarten education system need to provide kids to the significant level of
colors, textures, material, climate, space, smells, shapes, objects, sounds,
movement, people, change, interactions, time and sized. The sensory elements also
need to develop in the pre-school level of kids that reinforce the information which
allow them tosigns to their choice or way of comfortable form upon it.

In our model of kindergarten education system and consideration design, we have

included colorful spaces, puzzles, souvenirs, tokens, shapes, climate, textures,
material, spaces, books coloring and other great opportunities under the pre-school
age for children. All of the above cited things will improve the psychology level of
children in connection to become more valuable in the general society, innovation,
creativity, character building and emotions.

5.4.2 Space

A diversity of space under the kindergarten education system from small to high
level, are important to build various sized groups of kinds engaged in altered social
activities. The spaces recommendation within the landscape or space with sized-
child exhibits or furniture’s are need to attract the children.

Figure 32The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International
Preschool in Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

As we see in figure 32, the kindergarten education system design consideration

needs to have space to provide in silent cognitive, manipulative play, social, small
groups or individual. The undefined spaces premises of the physical design which
not include specific programming system or values would be all the kinds’ needs,
encouraging, wants imaginary play. (Weaver, 2000).

5.4.3 Lighting

The middle is normally lit with adequate common daylight in the classrooms. The
corridor or the center focus of the kindergarten has no common daylight;
consequently, the architect had treated one of the classrooms with floor stature
sliding entryway, puncturing light into the center. There are a few issues with a
classroom close to the administrator where it's dim.

Brilliant toned dividers and normally splendid classrooms are fundamental

components to kids to keep them intrigued and fortified in their condition.
Concerning sun radiation issues, the inside utilizations characteristic components
inside the limit from trees for coordinate sun insurance. This will give common

solace to the kids while playing. The cantilevered area likewise offers protect from
the sun underneath the house. Watchful plan thoughts will extraordinarily improve
kids' understanding while at the same time realizing there.

5.5 Most Disliked Place at School

Among girls in tremendous classrooms, responses for the most despised put at the
school varied among the empty space at the point of convergence of the classroom
(38%), staircase (13%), TV room (13%) saw as debilitating in light of the way that
one couldn't talk there, evolving territory (13%) in light of the way that one
anticipated that would hustle while using it, while another 23% responded by
saying there was no such most loathed put. Young ladies in little classrooms
demonstrated that there was no place they couldn't have cared less for at school.
Among young men in significant classrooms, responses were passed on among the
hairdressing corner (25%), family recreations corner (25%) and evolving region
(13%) for its being unreasonably dull, while another 37% said there was no
loathed put for them at school. half of the young men from little classrooms said
they couldn't have cared less for the garden flanking the working in light of the
way that the organization staircase was arranged there, while the remaining half
responded by saying that there was no such place. (Walden, 2009).

All around, it has been watched, in light of the responses, that there is no place
abhorred by the understudies. In any case, the delineation of a place prevented
from claiming light as the school's most abhorred region and the unmistakable
evidence of the organization staircase at the flanking garden as a despised put due
to the danger of falling into the stairwell should fill in as data for thought in
plot.(Şahin & Türkün Dostoğlu, 2012)

5.6 Designing a Model

Following image (figure 33) showing the entrance and external location of new
proposed model which includes colorful scheme, playground, entrance location,
followers and air ventilation under the kindergarten design consideration.

Figure 33The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International

Preschool in Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

As we can see in figure 34, this image is showing the background of the
building that includes cartoon and wall printing, wall designing, building style and
colorful scheme decoration that create the attraction and influence on the children
and parents.

As we see in figure 36, the proposed model of interior design includes the colorful
design table, chair, bench, door, wall paper, wall design, windows and floor
designing that significantly improve the psychological, functionality, safety and
efficiency level of the children under the kindergarten education system.

Figure 34The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International
Preschool in Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

Figure 35The Proposed 3D Model for the Kindergarten International

Preschool in Ankara. Source: Designed by Author.

5.7 Analyses

The analysis of the chapter indicates that kindergarten design consideration has
been significant in the preschool level of children psychological growth,
functionality, safety and efficiency in connection to improve the growth,
innovation, and experience and knowledge effectiveness. The new proposed model
includes all cited factors to enhance the quality of education and learning

environment in the preschool or kindergarten education system with attractive
design and colorful scheme.

The analysis for the case study is showing that kindergarten design requirements
are includes interior design, colors, wall textures, colorful design of building, and
playground, furniture, elegance and style way of presentation in the classroom and
other premises of the building. All of these increase the learning framework and
influence them towards higher level of satisfactions.

The investigation is likewise demonstrating that classroom plan and inside must
likewise incorporate the learning material. It should likewise base on the bright
classroom outline, inside, backdrop and different things to build up the kid’s brain
science, social, intellectual advancement.

The greater part of the respondents are likewise concurred that most loved shading
plan in the classroom and inside planning adequately deal with the kids
development and learning knowledge in the kindergarten instruction framework.
These schools must incorporate the worldwide benchmarks of child development
advancement designs under the preschool framework. It should likewise base on
the wellbeing, successful learning condition, new capacities, and assets, training
material, dependable innovation and thoughts to expand the child development.

Basically, this questionnaire was done to decide the issues looked by the
guardians in taking part in the instruction of kids in the school and build up an
option model to handle the issues confronted. This new model gives a popularity
based stage of choices about child’s instruction. These choices are shared by the
two sides that have obligation in child’s instruction.

The experience gained amid preschool years greatly affects the consequent
achievements of an individual, and that kindergartens affect kid improvement
since these are places where children invest the vast majority of their preschool
energy. Early adolescence training has an extraordinary significance among all

other instruction forms since advancement is molded at a substantial degree amid
the 0-6 year time of kids. Amid the initial three years, tend to kids is given at
different foundations, for example, kindergartens and day mind focuses, however
particularly at home, and different projects are done to help early youth

Preschool instruction depends on programs conveyed at playschools or preschools

for children aged 3 to 6, so as to give children a healthier start in life. In Turkey,
preschool instruction is conveyed by and large by official and private autonomous
playschools (for child’s 36-72 months of age) or in playschools that are built up
inside schools (for child’s 60-72 months of age).

The procedure of preschool instruction contributes with short and long haul
impacts on kids and society since early adolescence improvement is seen as a key
to social advancement. The nature of the physical and social condition influences
child improvement in this instruction procedure.

With a specific end goal to enhance the states of the physical condition, fashioners
can endeavor to achieve best plan arrangements, by getting kids' thoughts
regarding their instructive condition. In an examination directed at a kindergarten
it was expected that the thoughts of preschool understudies about the physical
condition in kindergartens can help creators to pick up learning about kids'
necessities and this may lead new plans and innovations for supporting solid child

Really, pre-school education is a processing which child’s leave the confined

home climate to join a more extensive informal community. Superb training adds
to a child's intelligent person, social, physical and enthusiastic improvement.
(Cirhinlioglu, 2001)

The process running between the ages of 0 and 6 is one of the periods with
quickest physical, scholarly and social advancement. Children increase a large

portion of their fundamental engine aptitudes and capacities as a piece of physical
advancement in the preschool time frame. In addition, this is the period when
identity, social affectability and inventiveness begin to be formed. It is realized
that the advancement procedure that happens in this period enormously influences
resulting years and that 60-70% of learning capacity is picked up in the preschool
time frame. (Berk, 2003, Bilgin, 2006)

As of late, preschool instruction has been getting a charge out of developing

interest and fame. The expansion in the rate of working ladies, the affirmation of
the significance of preschool instruction for the eventual fate of social orders, the
want of families for their childs to improve a begin at school and in life, and the
perception of long haul beneficial outcomes of high quality early adolescence
projects can be referred to as purposes behind the developing interest for preschool
training. (Wortham, 2003)

Considering that the present child’s invest a large portion of their energy in school
structures and that the premium in preschool training has developed, the physical
traits of such structures will unquestionably pick up significance in view of their
impact on kid advancement.


Conclusion & Recommendations


Kindergarten stage ought to give kids the best nature of training. This could be
accomplished just if the architect, and additionally policymakers, knows about the
elements that advance a superior domain for these child’s. The goal of this study is
to discover the adequacy as opposed to perceiving the issues that exist inside a
kindergarten spatial condition. It is basic for a kindergarten to offer every natural
jolt to additionally upgrade the nature of early-age instruction through viable plan
and engineering drew nearer as sketched out, in order to give the best key training
in understanding to Turkish’s national motivation. From the discoveries above, it
is discovered that common setting is a critical component for a helpful learning
condition that empowers child's development and advancement in training Yet
because of requirements with regards to urban living in present day society like
restricted land space, value climb of property and land possession issues,
kindergarten these days must choose the option to utilize existing structures like
private and business typologies as learning focuses. Be that as it may, from the
investigation led, single abiding write kindergarten is much fitting to be considered
as instruction communities for preschool children on account of wellbeing,
security and protection reasons. Such case is regarding the flexibility of room in
which remodel and extension can happen indoor and open air. This advances

experiential what's more, investigation esteems as a learning procedure when kids
wander about in green and huge open spaces.

In this research, the kindergarten design considerations, interior design and other
relevant resources were analyzed, to improve the children psychology
development, efficiency, safety, functionality and innovation in Ankara, Turkey.
Kindergarten design consideration includes room; building and interior design are
the important places and things in which kids are the primary active users. The
decision making and strategies of design consideration of cited things must be
made by the reflection of young kids as the main user. The main purpose of the
study about kindergarten designs requirements and considerations and applies in
Ankara, Turkey in order to produce an ideal model for the chosen kindergarten.
Within this study framework, the properties and characteristics of kindergarten
school period kids are learned from cognitive, motor, psychological, innovative,
entrepreneur, social, efficiency, functional growth and development points of

The study was divided into five chapters, in chapter one, the introduction was
made for the kindergarten stage, problem of the study, main purpose, methodology
and structure of the study.

In chapter two a literature Review introduced, including the roles and goals of
kindergarten, design for kindergarten internal Spaces, physical requirements for
child social and psychological development, functionality, safety and health
requirements, efficiency, cognitive development physical development, design
requirements and regulations in the world, interior design requirements, classroom
design requirements, really, kindergarten classroom design requirement and
environment are very essential. The size of the interior and classroom areas must
be colorful walls, attractive furniture and fixture, lights, room arrangements that all
influence students learning. The classroom must also include several colors such
as red (active, passionate, strong, grabs, attention); yellow (high visible, cheerful);

green (natural, relaxing, quiet, attention grabs) and blue (comfort, attention and

In chapter three we made an evaluation for the selected case study (Ankara
International Preschool and Kindergarten) including evaluation for the design of
the classrooms in Ankara International Preschool and Kindergarten, Efficiency,
Safety and Functionality in IPK, and determining the advantages and
disadvantages of the existing design in IPK.This study is designed to analyze the
ways of enhancing the children learning environment. The analysis of
International Preschool and kindergarten found that it has an attractive classroom
interior include child development, environment, play area, exterior and interior
classroom and furniture. The classroom design of the International Preschool and
Kindergarten have interesting interior and design was organized, neat,
care,colorful, space, extension and collection of several attractive things which
empower the children and get in touch with new ideas, tips, resources, fun,
cohesive green-and-blue color combo, display walls, bookshelf, charts,
group/teamwork desk and classroom theme.

In chapter four, data analysis was made to analyze the research questions, and
discussion was introduced, a survey is used as an effective tool. The research
questions are formalized to analyze the overview of Kindergarten school design
and seek option to make generalization about the certainty in a population with
showing demographic statistics, case study and objectives, and assessing the need
and the purpose of new model of case study of interior, classroom design are the
main activity of kindergarten design which was discussed and evaluated in a
kindergarten education system. The analysis is indicating that main kindergarten
design includes under the preschool education are colorful building design,
colorful scheme, interior design, floor style, furniture, entrance of building,
wallpapers, chairs, exterior and all other resources and environment have been
significant impact on the child mental, psychological development, work

efficiency, learning, safety, functionality of all relevant operation in the preschool

The analysis is also shows that psychological development of children and

kindergarten design consideration place is important with the safety, functionality
and interior design to provide the attention in the encouraging, playing activity,
enhance the children learning experience, counseling, strengthen and
sustainability. Stylish visibility of interior design and classroom decoration
enhance the children motivation of learning. The analysis is also indicating that
exterior finishing is also influence the children under the kindergarten education

The necessary things about interior and classroom design were also analyzed and
signifying that efficiency and elegance style of design, standards, finishes,
material, anthropometric and dimensions, color and safety have been major impact
on the child growth and development and all of these should be in line with the
requirement of preschool (kindergarten) period of learning.

In chapter five anew model for International Preschool and Kindergarten was
introduced, that the interior design of the International Preschool and Kindergarten
re-designed and proposed a model with reference to the needs specified by the
users’ comments. The proposed model design criteria and requirements are based
on playground, different colorful scheme and designing, interior designing,
specific playing crafts and games, interior and exterior design supportive learning
environment, resources

In chapter six conclusion and recommendations were made to give advises for
researchers and kindergarten pre- schools makers, while establishing their own
project, to make all this regulations into considerations.

The analysis of the case study is showing that kindergarten design requirements
are includes colors, interior design, wall textures, colorful design of building, and

playground, furniture, elegance and style way of presentation in the classroom and
other premises of the building. All of these increase the learning framework and
influence them towards higher level of satisfactions.

The greater part of the respondents was likewise concurred that most loved
shading plan in the classroom and inside planning adequately deal with the
children development and learning knowledge in the kindergarten instruction
framework. These schools must incorporate the worldwide benchmarks of child
development advancement designs under the preschool framework. It should
likewise base on the wellbeing, successful learning condition, new capacities, and
assets, training material, dependable innovation and thoughts to expand the child

Finally, the questionnaire was made to decide the issues looked by the guardians in
taking part in the instruction of kids in the school and build up an option model to
handle the issues confronted. This new model gives a popularity-based stage of
choices about child’s instruction. These choices are shared by the two sides that
have obligation in child’s instruction.

The results gained amid preschool years greatly affect the consequent
achievements of an individual, and that kindergartens affect kid improvement
since these are places where children invest the vast majority of their preschool
energy. Early adolescence training has an extraordinary significance among all
other instruction forms since advancement is molded at a substantial degree amid
the 0-6 year time of kids. Amid the initial three years, tend to kids is given at
different foundations, for example, kindergartens and day mind focuses, however
particularly at home, and different projects are done to help early youth

Preschool instruction depends on programs conveyed at playschools or preschools

for children aged 3 to 6, so as to give children a healthier start in life. In Turkey,
preschool instruction is conveyed by and large by official and private autonomous

playschools (for child’s 36-72 months of age) or in playschools that are built up
inside schools (for child’s 60-72 months of age).

The procedure of preschool instruction contributes with short and long-haul

impacts on kids and society since early adolescence improvement is seen as a key
to social advancement. The nature of the physical and social condition influences
child improvement in this instruction procedure.

With a specific end goal to enhance the states of the physical condition, fashioners
can endeavor to achieve best plan arrangements, by getting kids' thoughts
regarding their instructive condition. In an examination directed at a kindergarten
it was expected that the thoughts of preschool understudies about the physical
condition in kindergartens can help creators to pick up learning about kids'
necessities and this may lead new plans and innovations for supporting solid child

At the end, Turkish education system has democratic, modern, secular and
coeducation characteristics. The objectives of the system are to build thriving and
welfare of Turkish residents and society, to help and quicken monetary, social,
social advancement as per national solidarity and respectability, and to make
Turkish Country contemporary civilization’s valuable, imaginative and recognized

Standards of education system are resolved as giving instruction that points

efficiency in life and occupation as per national structure, topography, culture and
traditions, getting ready reasonable instruction programs and course books, setting
up present day schools with logical open doors, giving materials required to
instruction and shaping the vital administration and preparing staff who can
complete training and preparing administrations at the most abnormal amount.

Development should start from kindergarten stage, which it is the basic stage in
child’s life, and its effects continued to all other stages, sowed should make a
strong basic to child to face the next stages of life with a strong base.

6.2 Recommendations

We can suggest the main recommendations of this study as follows: The

education system needs to implement and analyze the international standards
of kindergarten way of education system, the management must provide safety
and security in every section of building design, interior and exterior design
and furniture should be in place with elegance design and standards, the
kindergarten design consideration must include the elements of children
growth and psychological development, the safety, functionality and efficiency
of children growth are important factors of kindergarten design consideration
should be in place, and the management must ensure to check and balance in
each level of stage of child growth and development.

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Name: ______________________Age: ____________ Gender: __________________

Religion: ___________ Marital Status: ____________Qualification: _____________

Designation: _______________________ Department: __________________________



Extremely Disa Neut Agree Extremely

Questions Disagree gree ral Agree
1 2 3 4 5
There is implementation of strategies
Kindergarten design consideration that
develops the children psychological
We have developed intellectual and learning
environment for children that create the new
ideas and psychological development.
Our existing classroom design and interior
integrate the learning environment.
Colorful classroom design and interior
develop the children psychological
development, socially and cognitively.

We have adopted favorite color scheme in
school furniture / interior design.
We provide the efficient child development
learning environment.
We ensure safety of children that ensure the
effective learning environment.
We follow the ISO standards in material
quality and safety system.
We introduce new functions and resources
for the level of kindergarten education.
We integrate the new functions of
technology with reliable classroom learning


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