Exercise 2.5.3

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Assessing the Importance of the Primary Sources
in Understanding the Grand Narrative of Philippine History

INSTRUCTIONS: Give three (3) reasons why Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan is important to the
grand narrative of Philippine history.

1. The work of Emilio Aguinaldo, which is the Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan, is considered as
relevant to the grand narrative of the Philippine history since it does not only contain memoirs of
Emilio Aguinaldo, but also contains historical information about our history such as information
about Filipino ancestors. Similarly, it shows how the people of our country had passionately
fought back against the Spaniards in order to gain our freedom.

2. The document, Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan, would also provide the people an immense
information and knowledge within the period itself regarding the heroic acts and sacrifices that
were made by our ancestors during that time. Likewise, it provides an overview of the
nationalism and patriotism that the people had for their country, which would serve as a reminder
for us to have that same aspect as well.

3. One thing as well that would make the Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan a significant aspect to the
grand narrative of the Philippine history was that one would be able to comprehend effectively
and describe thoroughly through the historical information that was provided by the document
itself on how the overall Philippine society had functioned during that particular period of the
Philippine history.

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