Tool Life When High Speed Ball Nose End Milling Inconel 718: Adrian Sharman, Richard C. Dewes, David K. Aspinwall
Tool Life When High Speed Ball Nose End Milling Inconel 718: Adrian Sharman, Richard C. Dewes, David K. Aspinwall
Tool Life When High Speed Ball Nose End Milling Inconel 718: Adrian Sharman, Richard C. Dewes, David K. Aspinwall
Tool life when high speed ball nose end milling Inconel 718TM
Adrian Sharmana,*, Richard C. Dewesa, David K. Aspinwalla,b
School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
IRC in Materials for High Performance Applications, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Following a brief introduction of high speed machining (HSM) and the machinability of Inconel 718, the paper details experimental work
using TiAlN and CrN coated tungsten carbide ball end mills, operating at cutting speeds up to 150 m/min. Inconel 718 is one of a family of
nickel based superalloys that are used extensively for gas turbine applications requiring high temperature strength. It is an extremely
dif®cult material to machine, not the least, because it maintains much of its strength at elevated temperatures (6008C), has low thermal
conductivity and is prone to work harden during cutting.
A 3 factor, full factorial cutting experiment at two levels is outlined with the workpiece inclined at 458 and 608 from the horizontal. The
longest tool life was obtained when operating at 90 m/min cutting speed with TiAlN coated products. The choice of tool coating was the
main factor in¯uencing tool life. The primary tool wear mechanism was adhesive wear, which affected the CrN coating to a greater extent.
This was accompanied by peeling off the coating to expose the K10 carbide substrate. Irrespective of the tool coating, notches developed
close to the depth of cut position. With the workpiece orientated at 608C, greater tool de¯ection occurred which exacerbated notch wear and
edge chipping. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0924-0136/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 8 5 5 - X
30 A. Sharman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 118 (2001) 29±35
2. Machinability of Inconel 718 during end milling Kang et al. [13] found that cutting forces
actually increased with cutting speed. The most likely cause
Inconel 718 is one of a family of nickel based superalloys of this was work hardening and retention of strength as cutting
which are used extensively for applications requiring high temperature was increased. When end milling Inconel 718,
temperature strength and high corrosion resistance [2,3]. It is non-uniform ¯ank wear and depth of cut notch wear have been
widely employed in the aerospace industry for components reported as the main causes of tool failure [10]. Rahman et al.
in the hot sections of gas turbine engines. The microstructure [6] and Kitagawa et al. [7] also found that the depth of cut
of Inconel 718 comprises an austenitic face centred cubic notch wear was a limiting factor when turning Inconel 718, the
(FCC) matrix phase (denoted g) with other secondary phases. notch being caused in part by abrasion from the strain
The principal strengthening phase is the precipitate gamma hardened layer of the previous cut.
double prime (g00 ). This consists of disc shaped particles which Currently, it is estimated that over 75% of all carbide tools
are coherent with the FCC parent matrix. The intermetallic g00 sold are coated [14]. The composition and range of coatings
(Ni3Nb) has a body centred tetragonal (BCT) structure. The g is extremely diverse; for example, recent superlattice pro-
phase is formed by a precipitation hardening process, which ducts comprise several thousand individual layers each
involves a solution treatment at 970±11758C, followed by one 1±2 nm thick. In contrast to turning, there is relatively little
or more precipitation treatments at 600±8158C [4]. This published information on the milling of nickel based super-
results in a microstructure of large grains containing the Ni3Nb alloys and in particular Inconel 718 with coated cutting tools.
precipitated phase and a heavy concentration of carbides at the Gatto and Iuliano [15] and Coll et al. [16] suggested that the
grain boundaries. The dif®culty of dislocation motion through newer CrN and TiAlN coatings act as thermal barriers due to
the g00 /g microstructure is responsible for the high tensile and their low thermal conductivity and thus prevent high cutting
yield strength of Inconel 718 (approximately 1300 and temperatures acting on the substrate. Ezugwu and Wang [17]
1100 MPa, respectively, at temperatures up to 6008C) [4]. put forward the same argument to explain the improved
This structure breaks down only when held at temperatures performance of TiC/Al2O3/TiN multilayer coatings when
higher than its ageing temperature for extended periods. compared to a TiN coating of higher hardness when turning
The main problems encountered when machining Inconel Inconel 718. The Al2O3 was cited as the main thermal barrier;
718 are short tool life, workpiece surface damage (tearing, however, overall a TiN/TiCN/TiN multilayer coating pro-
cracking, etc.) and subsurface metallurgical damage (recrys- vided the best tool life results. MacGinley and Monaghan
tallisation, microhardness variation and residual stress [18] detailed substantially improved tool life using coated
effects) due to work hardening. In general, material removal tools over uncoated products when turning Inconel 718.
rates are low, irrespective of the cutting process. Tools fail Derrien and Vigneau [19] found that CrN coated cutters
rapidly due to ¯ank wear, chipping, depth of cut notching gave lower cutting forces than equivalent TiN coated pro-
and deformation of the cutting edge even at low cutting ducts when contour milling Inconel 718; however, the result-
speeds. The hard carbides contained in the microstructure ing workpiece surface roughness (Ra) was higher.
(CrC, TiC, MoC, WC, FeC and NbC at grain boundaries [2]) When milling steel, Schintlmeister et al. [20] showed that
cause abrasive wear [5,6]. In addition, the poor thermal multilayer coatings reduced the extent of thermal cracking
conductivity of Inconel 718 (11.4 W/m 8C) leads to high when a base coating with a low coef®cient of thermal
cutting temperatures with values up to 12008C reported in expansion was used. This was explained by reduced strains
the shear zone when using carbide tools [7]. This is suf®- in the coating due to a smaller difference in the expansion
ciently high to present problems even for advanced ceramic coef®cient between coating and substrate. Whether this holds
tools and state-of-the-art oxide/nitride coatings, let alone for true when operating at the high temperatures generated when
carbide tools, which suffer excessive diffusion and loss of machining nickel based superalloys is questionable. With
strength at such temperatures [8,9]. higher cutting speeds, it has been shown that the tool life of
Nickel based superalloys have high chemical af®nity for coated tools when turning Inconel 718 is dominated by ¯ank
many tool materials and, as such, often form an adhering layer wear, chipping and fracture caused by a combination of
leading to diffusion and attrition wear. They are also very plastic deformation, diffusion, abrasion and adhesion [17].
sensitive to strain rate and will readily work harden causing The following experimental work was undertaken to
further tool wear, particularly at the leading and trailing edges assess the performance of TiAlN and CrN coated carbide
of the tool. In general, when cutting speed is increased, the tools during high speed ball end milling Inconel 718.
cutting forces decrease until a minimum value is reached
beyond which they increase slightly. Alauddin et al. [10] stated
that when end milling Inconel 718 ``cutting forces decreased 3. Experimental work
for an increase in cutting speed, because the chip thickness
decreased and so lowered the chip load''. In contrast, Sadat and 3.1. Tool/workpiece materials and equipment
Reddy [11,12], in a machining study on Inconel 718, found
that cutting forces reduced only slightly with an increase in Rectangular blocks of solution treated and aged Inconel
cutting speed (900±800 N from 12 to 96 m/min). Similarly, 718 approximately 110 mm 110 mm 300 mm were used
A. Sharman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 118 (2001) 29±35 31
Table 1 Table 2
Selected mechanical and physical properties of PVD coatings employed Variable operating factors and levels for the machining trials
with a hardness of 43 1 HRC. All the cutting tools used together with a feed rate of 0.1 mm/tooth. In addition, all
were 8 mm diameter ball nose end mills with two teeth. trials were performed dry with the tool cutting in a hor-
These had a 308 helix angle and 108 rake angle and were izontal downwards climb milling con®guration. A list of
manufactured from K10 grade carbide. The tools employed variable operating factors and levels is shown in Table 2. The
commercial TiAlN and CrN PVD coatings and were collect cutter approach to the workpiece (horizontal downwards)
mounted in a BT40-CTH10-60 Mizoguchi toolholder. was shown to be the best, in terms of tool life, by a parallel
Table 1 details selected mechanical and physical properties study [22]. A 23 full factorial experiment was undertaken
for the two coatings [21]. A longer than normal tool which entailed 8 trials. Each trial was replicated once to
overhang of 60 mm was employed in order to simulate improve the statistical accuracy of the results. During the
industrial practice when machining turbine blades. All the trials, ISO 8688-2 [23] was followed as closely as possible.
machining trials were carried out on a Matsuura FX-5 CNC Horizontal cuts of 110 mm in length were taken across the
machining centre, with a variable spindle speed of 200± workpiece. Wear measurements were made at intervals
20,000 rpm, a feed rate up to 15 m/min and a power rating between 1 and 20 passes depending on the level of wear
of 15 kW. experienced. Maximum ¯ank wear (VBmax) was recorded
Tool wear was measured using a Hilger and Watts tool- against length cut. The tests were stopped when the max-
maker's microscope ®tted with a Mitutoyo XY digital micro- imum wear/chipping at any point on the tool reached
meter measuring platform. Photographs of the tools were 0.3 mm. A statistical analysis was subsequently carried
taken before and after the tests using an Olympus micro- out based on tool life/length cut, together with SEM tool
scope ®tted with a JVC TK-1280E CCD vision system and a wear evaluation.
Mitsubishi CP50B video printer. Worn out tools were further
examined using a Joel 5410 scanning electron microscope 3.3. Results and discussion
Fig. 1 shows the results for tool life in terms of length
3.2. Experimental procedure cut. All of the tests resulted in low tool lives, the longest
occurring with TiAlN coated tools at 90 m/min cutting
Machining trials were designed to investigate tool life and speed.
wear patterns when cutting with the workpiece at an angle Typical tool wear patterns observed throughout the trials
from the horizontal. In this con®guration, the centre of the are shown in Fig. 2. One large notch located towards the high
ball nose end mill, which was effectively at zero cutting speed position together with a smaller notch at the leading
speed, was not engaged. Axial and radial depths of cut of edge position were generally evident. This pattern was
0.5 and 1 mm, respectively, were used throughout the trials consistent regardless of cutting speed or tool coating. With
Fig. 2. Tool wear patterns and chips observed at 458 and 608 workpiece angles: (a) flank wear at 458; (b) flank wear at 608; (c) flank/ notch wear at 458; (d)
edge chipping at 458; (e) chip produced at 458; (f) chip produced at 608.
an increase in workpiece angle, the leading edge notch that in Fig. 2c, used under the same cutting conditions, did
became dominant (see Fig. 2b). not chip. This inconsistency caused the statistical error in the
Due to the high tool overhang used, relatively large tool results to be relatively high (see Table 3). In addition, the
de¯ections were encountered. This caused the tool to wear smaller chip-tool contact length at 608, produced smaller
on the secondary relief face. Fig. 3 shows how tool de¯ection and thicker chips than at 458 (see Fig. 2e and f), thus
would cause the depth of cut to be reduced so that as the tool increasing the stress on the tool and exacerbating chipping.
rotated, the secondary relief face of the tool was brought into
contact with the machined workpiece surface. The tool wear Table 3
photographs, see Fig. 2b, support this theory by showing ANOVA results for tool life (length of cut)
wear on the relief face that could only have resulted from Factor Degrees of Sum of Mean sum Ftab0.05a Fcalc PCR%
rubbing against the workpiece. Tool de¯ection could be freedom squares of squares
minimised by reducing tool overhang (therefore creating Cutting speed 1 7.891 7.891 4.75 6.27 6.6
a more rigid assembly). Tool de¯ection led to vibration Coating 1 60.373 60.373 4.75 47.42 45.3
which caused increased chipping of the cutting tool edge. Angle 1 18.233 18.233 4.75 14.32 16.6
Fig. 2c and d shows CrN tools used at 90 m/min cutting Residual 12 15.278 1.273 31.5
speed with the workpiece at 458. The tool shown in Fig. 2d Total 15 101.865
failed quickly due to chipping with little ¯ank wear, while a
95% confidence level.
Fig. 3. Tool deflection and rubbing effects: (a) side section view of ball nose end mill; (b) section through A±A.
A. Sharman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 118 (2001) 29±35 33
Fig. 4. Main effects plots of: (a) cutting speed; (b) tool coating; (c) workpiece angle against tool life.
Despite the relatively large error, the analysis of variance likely that any BUE adhered more strongly in these areas
(ANOVA) results (see Table 3) indicate that the tool coating, due to the higher chemical af®nity of the workpiece for the
cutting speed and workpiece angle were all signi®cant at the substrate. The wear of the coatings then proceeded by an
5% level and therefore had a major effect on tool life. In adhesive wear mechanism. This can be seen in the series of
addition, tool coating and cutting speed were signi®cant at photographs shown in Fig. 5 which details a CrN coated
the 1% level. The main effects plot for cutting speed (see tool used at 90 m/min cutting speed. A diffusion bond was
Fig. 4a) shows that the average tool life was longer at 90 m/ formed between parts of the coating and the BUE under
min than at 150 m/min which was most likely a result of high pressure. In some areas, this would be expected to be
lower cutting temperatures. stronger than the bond between the coating and the sub-
Of the factors tested, tool coating had the biggest in¯u- strate; therefore, as BUE material was lost, so was the
ence on tool life with a percentage contribution ratio (PCR) coating thus revealing the substrate. Fig. 5a shows evidence
of 45.3%. This gives the total percentage that each factor for this mechanism, with regions of exposed substrate and
contributes to the total variation in the results and is a areas where the coating has started to peel away. In Fig. 5b,
measure of how much the performance could be improved the edge of the coating is fragmented, highlighting the
if the factor was controlled exactly. Fig. 4b shows that, on an brittle nature of coating fracture. The coating has been
average, TiAlN coated cutters removed three times more completely removed, thereby exposing WC grains; how-
material than the CrN coated tools. However, in previous ever, the substrate appears relatively undamaged and the
experiments with a 08 workpiece angle, CrN coated tools original tool grinding marks can be seen. The higher
gave a longer tool life [24]. These results can be explained magni®cation micrograph of the substrate in Fig. 5c shows
by examining the mechanical/physical properties of both that particles of WC have been pulled out, possibly due to
coatings. It has been shown by Dewes et al. [25] that when weakening of the binder as suggested by Liao and Shiue
cutting hardened tool steel (AISI H13) at 608, the tempera- [26]. Fig. 5d details a section of the coating which has been
ture generated was higher than for a 08 orientation (3858C partially peeled off from the substrate. For the TiAlN
compared to 3018C) because of the higher average cutting coating, this type of wear was only seen at 150 m/min
speed on the ball nose tool. It is likely that in the present cutting speed and even then it was minimal in comparison
work, the cutting temperatures generated at a workpiece to the CrN coating. It has been shown in sliding wear tests
angle of 458 and 608 were also higher than at 08. CrN has carried out at 5008C that CrN chemically reacts with
lower hardness and oxidation resistance than TiAlN. Con- Inconel 718 [27]. The large areas of peeling seen with
sequently, under conditions where thermal rather than the CrN coating suggests that it has a higher chemical
mechanical stresses predominate, the TiAlN coating would af®nity for Inconel 718 than TiAlN.
be expected to give better results. A workpiece angle of 458 gave the longest tool life for
Initial coating wear appeared to occur as a result of the both coating materials (see Fig. 1) with a PCR of 6.6%. This
strain hardened chip edges abrading the tool at leading/ would be expected because of the lower average cutting
depth of cut and trailing edge locations. The presence of speeds on the ball nose and the lower stresses on the tool than
built-up edge (BUE) on the tool suggests either high at 608 (caused by thicker chips). None of the interaction
pressure or high chemical af®nity between the tool and effects were statistically signi®cant at the 5% level. This can
workpiece. Liao and Shiue [26] postulated that a diffusion be clearly seen in the interaction plots shown in Fig. 6. For
wear mechanism occurred between carbide tools and example, the cutting speed±tool coating interaction plot
Inconel 718. This involved the diffusion of work material (Fig. 6a) shows that both coatings respond in the same
(Fe and Ni) into the Co binder of the tool material which manner and magnitude to an increase in speed, the absence
weakened the bond between WC particles, allowing them of crossover indicating no interaction. The interaction
to be lost by attrition. The loss of tool particles can be seen plots also highlight the better average performance of the
in Fig. 5c. During the initial stages of coating wear, it is TiAlN coating.
34 A. Sharman et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 118 (2001) 29±35
Fig. 5. (a) Initial coating wear; (b) brittle fracture of coating; (c) exposed substrate showing WC grain pull out; (d) coating ``peeling''.
Fig. 6. Interaction plots for: (a) cutting speed±tool coating; (b) workpiece angle±tool coating; (c) cutting speed±workpiece angle.
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