Leadership Paper

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Throughout this class I have learned there is more than one way to define leadership. The
Northouse textbook defines leadership as, “the process whereby an individual influences a group
of individuals to achieve a common goal”. There are many different kinds of leadership, and that
is why I feel there are many ways to define leadership. Leadership is built on many behaviors,
characteristics, traits, and knowledge. Through different types of processes of leadership,
followers and leaders are able to achieve a common goal. Leadership has an extreme impact on
employee performance. Employee’s need the support, knowledge, and guidance of their
leadership team to achieve success. From personal experience, at my job we have been without a
manager, and it has felt as though we have had no direction. Currently, we all go to our assistant
manager who is in charge of everything. She has had no direction, and has been forced to learn to
lead on her own. Everyone else has a small window to receive direct help, overrides, or growth.

11 Leadership Models

Traits leadership theory describes the personality traits that make you a leader. Three strengths of
the trait leadership approach is its appealing, has 10 years of research behind the approach, and
gives a guideline to what makes a great leader. Three criticisms are, this approach fails to take
situations into account, these approaches have led to very subjective determinations, and this
approach gives an exact list of leadership traits which can be limiting.
Skills Leadership Theory that describes knowledge and abilities that make a leader. The three
strengths of this approach are, the wide ranging studies, the ability to have a leader that is both
task and behavior oriented, and it provides a broad understanding to where leaders can assess
their own actions. The three criticisms of this approach are, it has failed to find a style that can fit
any situation, there has not been enough research, and this approach gives the high leadership
most of the power.
Behavioral emphasises the behaviors of a leader, through task and relational characteristics.
Three strengths to this approach are, it has credibility, conceptual, and has a clear mapped out
dialogue. Three strengths are, it's not universal, not enough research, and not effective for all.

Situational combines directive and supportive leadership. Three strengths to this approach are, its
practical, gives various contexts, and this approach has been used for 400 of the top fortune 500
companies. Three drawbacks to this approach are, the approach has limitations, it's a very detail
oriented model to follow, and only a few research studies have been conducted.

Path-Goal Leadership theory focuses on the leaders ability to adapt to the followers. The type of
style and behavior that works best for the followers will be how the leader determines how to
achieve their goal. Three strengths to this approach are, it intensifies motivation, provides a
framework that can be used in multiple scenarios, and it is practical.

Leader-Member Exchange Leadership Theory focuses on the leader and follower working
together. The way they interact with one another determines how successful the working
environment will be. Three strengths to this theory are, it has intuitive appeal, it's treated as a
process that works between followers and leaders, and it provides a broad view of leadership.
Three criticisms of this approach are, it lacks clarity, the validity of the MLQ is not been
measured, and it overlaps similar concepts.

Transformational describes the exchanges between the leader and the followers. Exchanges that
uplift, build trust, and inspire creative vision. Transactional engagement with others that creates a
bond that gives others motivation. Three strengths of this approach are, this theory has been
widely researched, used as a process, and provides a broad view. Three weaknesses, lacking
clarity, were not meant to be used in corporations, and this theory treats leadership as a
personality trait.

Authentic leadership is described as “real leadership”. How do you define what is “real”? After
further reading Northouse describes it as, interpersonal process, intrapersonal perspective, and
the development approach. Interpersonal process is when the leaders' efforts towards the team
are based off of the followers. Overall the leader is genuine with his/her followers. Three
strengths to this approach is, trustworthy leadership, displays moral dimension, and can easily be
developed over time. Three criticisms are, parts of the theory are not fully explained, not fully
developed, and no research has been conducted.

Adaptive leadership is a follower centered to help ensure others are able to complete their work.
This type of leadership requires the leader to encourage followers to deal with difficult problems
head on. Northouse described adaptive leadership as, “ the behavior of and the actions,
undertaken by leaders to encourage others to address and resolve changes that are central in their
lives”. Three strengths are, this theory is a developed process, follower centered, and deals with
directing authority. Three weaknesses are, needs further refinement, too abstract, and very
limited research.
Servant leaders build successful followers, though etiquette support of their growth within the
companies they work for. Northouse describes servant leadership as being able to “recognize that
listening is a learned discipline that involves hearing and being receptive to what others have to
say. Through listening, servant leaders acknowledge the viewpoint of followers and validate
these perspectives”. Three strengths of this approach are, its Ethical, current research, and made
contributions to leadership. Three criticisms, core dimensions are unsolved, unrealistic, and parts
of the theory are unclear

Followership is defined as the influence of others to achieve a common goal of the group. Three
strengths are, it gives a clear leadership equation, responsibility is shared between leaders and
followers, and gives a new perspectives. Three criticisms are, a newer concept, hasn't been fully
researched, and the value won't be conceptualized until tested.


Out of the five followership styles I consider myself to be a Pragmatic Survivor. The leadership
models that fit best with my leadership philosophy are, Servant, Adaptive, Transformational
leadership.Two leadership theories that don't resonate with me are Followership and the LMX
Recently, I have used a lot of transformational leadership approaches to help the new employees
get developed at work. The complexity of the system to process transactions, and the many types
of transactions can be confusing. I have been able to help them develop their skills by teaching
them tips and tricks to help them be successful. I am not a manger but as the only full time teller,
who has been there the longest, I have a lot of experience to guide them in their learning.


In the list of top the top 200 CEOs what I noticed was there were more men than women on the
top of the list. Women are not able to obtain CEO postions as easy as men.

OPTION B Case Study 12.3 Penn State Sexual Abuse Scandal

1. Jerry Sandusky had lots of influence over his “co-workers”, because of his coaching reign
at Penn State. The leader was Jerry Sandusky, and the followers were all the members of
the coaching staff that stood by Sandusky. That includes, Paterno, Spanier, Schultz, and
2. Schultz and Curley follower style could be described as, conformist followers, because
they just did whatever Joe Paterno told them to do. McQueary however displayed passive
followership. He saw the abuse going on, he reported what he saw, and didn't care to
follow up. He expected others to take the lead, and handle the situation.
3. The followers in this situation displayed the power to act in a disciplinary manner, and
instead decided to keep quiet, to protect the school reputation. In wake of the actions by
Patero, Spanier, Schultz, and Curley there were all looked at as accomplices, considering
they did not do enough to protect these children. Therefore the organization’s reputation
took a hit, because of the lack of action by its leaders.
4. According to the Lipman-Blueman theory the reason people follow unhealthy leadership
is to feel included, security, chosen, community membership, fear of ostracism, and
powerlessness. In particular, I believe those could have reported, felt if they reported any
information that they would be ostracized from the program, and end up powerless.
5. Paterno’s intentions went wrong when he did not report the sexual misconduct to the
police, like he was contractually obligated to. Instead he tried to handle the situation
himself in turn causing Sandusky to cause more harm to his victims. Sandusky’s
followers could have changed the climate, by reporting the miss conduct, and removing
Sandusky immediately from the program.
6. I believe everyone involved in the situation should carry responsibility for the failure to
report the conduct of Jerry Sandusky. The person who cares the most blame has to be Joe
Paterno, because he was the one that ultimately saved the group to not make the
allegations public, and chose to handle the situation on his own.

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