An Excavatability Classification System For Surface Excavation in Sedimentary Rocks
An Excavatability Classification System For Surface Excavation in Sedimentary Rocks
An Excavatability Classification System For Surface Excavation in Sedimentary Rocks
DOI 10.1007/s10064-015-0807-9
Received: 23 May 2015 / Accepted: 25 September 2015 / Published online: 8 October 2015
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
242 M. Liang et al.
stratigraphy of the interbedding layers. The complex interaction between grains as weathering has taken place.
structure of these materials resulting from depositional, Hawkins and McConnell (1992) found that an increase in
weathering, and tectonic history, makes it difficult to moisture content of as little as 1 % from a dry state can
simplify and derive a general rock mass classification for have a marked effect on both strength and deformability of
excavation purposes. Weathering of surface rocks in trop- sandstones. They reported a 78 % reduction in uniaxial
ical regions has produced thick weathering profiles; in compressive strength of clay rich sandstones upon satu-
sedimentary rocks, these weathered profiles can increase ration, whereas siliceous sandstones reduced their strength
the variability of the parent and this marked variability by 8 % upon saturation. Their research also indicated that
requires adequate judgement of characteristics for planning development of pore pressure during loading is negligible
economic excavation (Ibrahim Komoo 1995; Zainab especially in pure sandstones and, hence, does not play a
Mohamed 2004). For example, combinations of sandstone, significant role in moisture-related strength reduction.
siltstone, and claystone have large differences in their They concluded that the degree of sensitivity to moisture
engineering properties, but can be found interlayered in the content is controlled primarily by the proportions of quartz
same rock mass. Higher strength layers can also be found and clay minerals present and to a lesser extent by the
to be interbedded between lower strength layers, which rock microfabric. Erguler and Ulusay (2009) report
feature can both assist and hinder excavation works. In reductions of up to 90, 93, and 90 % with increasing water
addition, discontinuities are usually present at a range of in UCS, average modulus of elasticity, and tensile strength
scales in sedimentary rock masses. The rock mass char- respectively of clay bearing rocks. The tested rocks were
acteristics can be further complicated by other factors, such collected from different parts of Turkey and included
as thickness and orientation of bedding and spacing of marl, mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, and tuff. In their
joints. The issues are even more critical and confusing, tested rocks, much of the strength reduction occurred
especially in a tropical climate where the rock strength and between 0 and 2 % water content, particularly with
excavatability might be susceptible to the weather or water stronger rocks.
content in the rock (Anon 1995; Matti 1999). The influence
of water content can be a great challenge in weak rock in
tropical areas where some original minerals and fabric have Studied sites
undergone alteration. Some of the secondary minerals will
absorb water easily and subsequently reduce the original Studies have been carried out in three different sedimentary
rock strength. Heavy rainfall will increase the water con- rock sites in South Johore, Malaysia from which the con-
tent of rock material especially for those highly weathered clusions in this paper are developed. The details of the sites
to completely weathered materials, due to the loose are as follows:
An excavatability classification system for surface excavation in sedimentary rocks 243
1. SiLC 1 is currently developed by UEM (M) Berhad. All of these sites are located in the Iskandar region,
Excavation works were carried out on fourteen panels, Nusajaya of South Johore, Malaysia. The locations of these
which included slightly weathered (SW) to completely sites are located in the map of Fig. 1.
weathered (CW) sandstone to SW to highly weathered
(HW) claystone; Geology
2. Legoland belongs to a private entity, Merlin Enter-
tainments. At this site, 20 panels were investigated, The selected sites are mainly comprised of claystone and
which included SW to CW sandstone and MW to CW sandstone layers of the Jurong Formation with bedding
claystone; and thicknesses varying from a few centimeters to approxi-
3. SiLC 2, which is also developed by UEM (M) Berhad, mately 2.0 m. Physical characteristics of the sandstone are
consists of 14 panels, which included SW to CW generally random in colour and are fine grained, ranging
sandstone to MW to HW claystone. from 0.063 to 0.2 mm. Plant fossils discovered in it have
Fig. 2 Geological map of Peninsular Malaysia (Mineral and Geoscience Department 2004)
244 M. Liang et al.
not yet been determined, but a number of fossil collections Rock mass description
from Singapore demonstrate an Upper Triassic to Mid
Jurassic age for the unit (Burton 1973). Figure 2 shows the In SiLC 1, the length of studied rock exposure is 140 m
geological map of the studied sites. and the height is 15.5 m. This site comprises sedimentary
Fig. 3 Sketches of Lithological zones and mass weathering states of studied sites at Nusajaya, Johor. a SiLC 1, b Legoland, and c SiLC 2
Table 1 Geotechnical descriptions of rock masses
Rock Weathering Description
type zone
Texture Friability R values No. of joint sets and Joint Joint trace Iron pan (mm) Moisture
major type spacing (m) length (m) condition
SS SW Preserved original Difficult to break the edges by [30 3, inclined 0.41–1.05 4.8–9.5 No Dry
texture many blows of geological
MW Preserved with some Easily broken along discontinuities \30 6, equally horizontal 0.06–0.98 1.0–8.0 Partially filled Dry
disintegration at by several blows of geological and vertical along joints
discontinuities hammer
HW Rock matrix slightly Easily broken by single blow of 15–30 4, equally horizontal 0.54–0.79 2.8–7.2 Partially filled Partially wet
decomposed geological hammer or can be and vertical along joints
crumbled by hand pressure under
wet conditions
CW Rock matrix highly Crumbled easily by hand pressure 0–15 3, inclined 0.19–0.36 0.8–1.6 Partially filled Wet
decomposed even when the rock is dry along joints
An excavatability classification system for surface excavation in sedimentary rocks
S SW Preserved original Strong and hard originally but \25 3, vertical 0.15–0.36 1.14–2.16 – Wet
texture breakable using geological
hammer under wet conditions
MW Preserved with some Easily broken along discontinuities \15 2, equally horizontal 0.32–0.58 0.8–2.8 – Dry
disintegration at by several blows of geological and vertical
discontinuities hammer
HW Minerals slightly Easily broken by single blow of 0 4, equally horizontal 0.06–0.20 1.4–2.6 Partially filled Dry
decomposed geological hammer or hardly and vertical along joints
crumbled by hand pressure
SS sandstone, S claystone
246 M. Liang et al.
layers with thicknesses from 6 to 31 m. The claystone is six different joint sets are physically observed. The sketch
found interbedded with sandstone layers on a few occa- of lithological sequences of SiLC 2 site is presented in
sions. Rock hardness determined from rebound hammer Fig. 3c. It was observed that the excavation in this site is
tests varies considerably, both due to differences in rock relatively easier with only one protruding rock mass found
type and weathering states. The joint spacing was also in a lithological sequence identified as 3SS5, which is SW
observed to be smaller at the upper portion compared to sandstone.
the bottom portion of the outcrop. The upper parts of the
rock mass, which are more weathered, and the finer
grained rocks can be readily excavated using a mechani- Field and laboratory studies
cal excavator, whereas the lower parts are harder to
excavate. Bedding dips are mainly in the range of 30°– Field investigations include practical excavation, charac-
50°. The distribution of the different rock types and terisation of rock masses (ISRM 2007) in terms of rock
degrees of weathering of the rock mass is presented in type, weathering, discontinuity set number, discontinuity
Fig. 3a. The limit of excavatability observed during spacing, discontinuity trace length, joint direction, iron
practical excavation tests is included in this figure. The pan, bedding, and Schmidt hammer hardness tests were
site is underlain by light grey SW sandstone where the carried out. Results of field investigations are given in
material cannot be broken by hand pressure even in wet Table 1. Block samples were taken from each area of the
conditions. It was observed that excavation is almost excavation, and rock property tests were conducted on
impossible even for weak rock when it is interbedded with specimens cored from those blocks, at the Geotechnic
strong layers, see 1S1 and 1S3. laboratory of the Department of Geotechnics and Trans-
For the Legoland site, the length of studied rock expo- portation of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The
sure is 171 m. The maximum and minimum height of the tests carried out included uniaxial compressive strength,
rock exposure is 7 and 20 m, respectively. This site has a point load strength, indirect tensile strength, density
reasonably consistent sequence of predominantly sand- determination, moisture content determination, and slake
stones and claystones. At the discontinuity surfaces, traces durability index. The results of these tests are given in
of iron pan can be observed, ranging from a few mil- Table 2. All laboratory testing and field investigations were
limetres to a few centimetres. Bedding dips are mainly at conducted in accordance with the International Society for
30°–60°. Lithological sequences, orientation of bedding, as Rock Mechanics Suggested methods (ISRM 2007).
well as limits of excavatability of the rock mass are pre-
sented in Fig. 3b. In this site, several protruding areas of
rock are left behind as can be identified by 2SS4, 2SS11, Practical excavations
2SS13, 2SS15, and 2SS17 in this figure. This protruding
rock mass is not excavatable by excavator Komatsu PC 300 The practical excavation rate (Q) was recorded in exca-
and blasting is expected to be required. vations, which include MW, HW, and CW sandstones and
In the SiLC 2 site, the length of studied rock exposure claystones. It should be noted that the SW zone is beyond
is approximately 130 m. The site has almost flat topog- the limit of excavatability for the plant in use as the
raphy, with an average height of 17 m. The upper portion material was found to be too strong. The Q was designed to
of the rock mass has experienced greater weathering be comparable for different excavators with various prop-
compared to the bottom portion of the rock mass. At least erties as shown in the equation as follows:
An excavatability classification system for surface excavation in sedimentary rocks 247
Q m3 =kWh The mean Q in each lithological zone was calculated as the
average of three continuous excavation cycles of 2 min.
Number of Bucket Reference Bucket Capacityðm3 Þ
¼ : The excavation operation was carried out by Komatsu
Engine powerðkWÞ Time of ExcavationðhÞ
PC300-6 hydraulic excavator. The properties and opera-
ð1Þ tional specifications of the selected excavator are presented
in Table 3. Table 4 shows the excavation measurements.
Table 3 Specification of Komatsu PC300-6 hydraulic excavator
Specification Value
Komatsu PC300-6
Statistical analysis for prediction of productivity
Engine power 128 kw
Operating weight 28,850 kg In order to analyze the correlation of all tested parameters
Max travel speed 5.5 km/h (recorded from laboratory tests and field study), all the
Track gauge 2590 mm parameters together with Q obtained from practical exca-
Reference bucket capacity 1.3 m3 vation were processed through a statistical model versus
Q in SPSS. The Q was introduced as a dependent variable,
248 M. Liang et al.
whilst all other parameters were introduced as independent the chart are proposed based on the field study and labo-
variables. It should be noted that the model was analyzed ratory test results. Table 5 shows the proposed excavation
using multiple linear regression. The processed parameters assessment chart for sedimentary rock, namely Excavation
include point load strength (Is50), Schmidt Rebound Index of Sedimentary Rock (EISR). The summation of
hammer value (R), uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), rates is introduced as the EISR index.
density (Density), indirect test strength (ITS), second-cycle
of slake durability index (Id2), joint number (Jn), joint
spacing (Js), joint length (JL), joint direction (Jd), existence Ease of excavatability assessment studies
of iron pan (IP), moisture content (Mc), and existence of
bedding (Bedding). Based on the results of multiple linear In this section, the EISR of each respective studied sites
regression in SPSS, it was found that some parameters can was calculated. The calculated EISR values were compared
be excluded from the list of predictors where the accuracy with the production rate obtained through practical exca-
of model is still guaranteed. vation. In order to examine the correlation between sug-
gested EISR and practical production rate Q, Fig. 4 was
plotted. Observation of Fig. 4 shows that there is a
Development of a new excavatability classification remarkable correlation between the EISR values and
system Q. Hence, it was evident from this figure that Q can be
accurately estimated by the proposed EISR rating system.
Pearson correlation coefficients (PCC) were used in this Based on the concentration of data points in Fig. 4, five
study to determine the significance of each parameter as an classes of excavatability were proposed based on the
individual predictor of Q (SPSS 2007). Maximum rate of excavation rate. The borderlines of each excavatability
excavation can then be suggested for the rock mass rating class are illustrated. The excavatability condition in class i
system based on the correlation of the relevant parameter to iv are respectively very easy, easy, moderate, difficult,
with Q in PCC. and blasting or ripping is required. It is worth noting that
By using the suggested maximum rate, an excavation class v represents the class with EISR values less than or
assessment chart for surface excavation in sedimentary equal to 0. Table 6 shows the proposed chart of exca-
rock was proposed. The ranges of rating of parameters in vatability of sedimentary rock.
An excavatability classification system for surface excavation in sedimentary rocks 249
Verification of proposed classification system condition, and material properties were obtained by con-
ducting a discontinuity survey, a field study, and laboratory
Practical excavation was performed in another sedimentary sampling tests. The results are listed in Table 7.
rock site in order to verify the applicability of the proposed By using the EISR rating system, the excavatability
geomechanical model for surface excavation. This site, class was predicted in each zone. Table 8 shows the pre-
namely the Medini site, is also located in the Iskandar dicted excavatability class for the Medini Site.
region, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Figure 5 shows the over- Practical excavation was performed in the correspond-
view of rock mass outcrop at the Medini Site. It should be ing zones to obtain the Q. Similar to previous sites, the
noted that seven excavatable zones were selected for machine used is the Komatsu PC 300-6 hydraulic exca-
practical excavation. Each respective zone with its identi- vator. The mean production rate in each zone was calcu-
fication are shown in Fig. 5. lated based on the average of three consecutive excavations
In the previous section, the required parameters to be within 2 min. The results are presented in Table 9.
used in calculating EISR were presented. These parameters By comparing the predicted Q using EISR with the
were measured in each respective zone to estimate the actual Q obtained from practical excavation, it was found
EISR value and compared with the production rate that the proposed EISR rating system is applicable and,
obtained through practical excavation. Similar to the pre- thus, verified. Table 9 also reveals that the actual Q from
vious studied sites, the joint characteristics, relative ground practical excavation is perfectly fitted within the predicted
range of Q by the proposed model.
45 (i) Very easy
Summary and conclusions
35 (ii) Easy
30 Practical excavation was performed in SiLC 1, Legoland,
25 (iii) Moderate and SiLC 2 to obtain the actual Q for statistical analysis.
20 EISR = 18.382Q + 5.2901
R² = 0.8899
All parameters, including field and laboratory tests were
15 analysed using statistical software SPSS to obtain the
best combination of these parameters in order to predict
(iv) Difficult Q. It was found that the effective parameters are Is50, R,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 UCS, c, ITS, Js, JL, Jd, the existence of iron pan, and
Q (m3/kwh) moisture content, whereas some other parameters such as
existence of bedding, Id2 and Jn can be excluded from
Fig. 4 Excavatability classes of EISR versus Q
the model without significantly influencing the efficiency
of the model. Based on the statistical results, a chart of
Table 6 Proposed excavatability classification in sedimentary rock
Excavation Index of Sedimentary Rock (EISR) was
Class EISR Q (m3/kWh) Excavatability condition proposed.
i [40 [1.8 Very easy
The EISR value for each lithological zone of the studied
sites was calculated and plotted versus their respective
ii 30–40 1.25–1.8 Easy
actual Q obtained from practical excavation. Subsequently,
iii 20–30 0.8–1.25 Moderate
the excavatability classes were proposed, which consist of
iv 0–20 \0.8 Difficult
five classes from very easily excavated to blasting or rip-
v \0 0 Blasting/ripping
ping that is required. The proposed EISR index ranges from
250 M. Liang et al.
Table 7 Parameters and respective rates based on the EISR rating system in the Medini Site
Zone Is50 (MPa) R UCS (MPa) c (kN/m3) ITS (MPa) Js (m) JL (m) Jd (°) Ip Mc EISR
M1 4.96 (0) [30 (0) 45.16 (2) 23.5 (4) 1.75 (2) 0.175 (4.5) 1.73 (3) 45–70 (1.5) No (1) Dry (0) 18
M2 0.59 (2) 18 (1) 8.9 (4.5) 23.8 (2.5) 0.4 (5) 0.67 (0) 3.75 (0) 20–45 (1) No (1) Dry (0) 17
M3 1.45 (2) 15 (2) 12.3 (4.5) 24.7 (1.5) 0 (0) 0.13 (4.5) 2.8 (1.5) 45–70 (1.5) Yes (0) Wet (4) 21.5
M4 0.2 (5) 0 (3) 0 (7) 25.1 (0) 0 (8) 0.05 (6) 0.8 (5) 45–70 (1.5) Yes (0) Damp (2) 37.5
M5 0.4 (2) 16 (1) 0 (7) 24.9 (1.5) 0 (8) 0.34 (2.5) 1.78 (3) 20–45 (1) No (1) Damp (2) 29
M6 0.01 (8) 0 (3) 0 (7) 24.1 (2.5) 0 (8) 0.05 (6) 0.8 (5) 45–70 (1.5) Yes (0) Wet (4) 45
M7 0.04 (8) 0 (3) 0 (7) 25.1 (0) 0 (8) 0.05 (6) 0.95 (5) 45–70 (1.5) Yes (0) Wet (4) 42.5
The value in the bracket indicate the calculated rate based on EISR
Table 8 Predicted
Zone EISR Class Predicted Q (m3/kWh) Excavatability condition
excavatability class for the
Medini Site M1 18 iv \0.8 Difficult
M2 17 iv \0.8 Difficult
M3 21.5 iii 0.8–1.25 Moderate
M4 37.5 ii 1.25–1.8 Easy
M5 29 ii 1.25–1.8 Easy
M6 45 i [1.8 Very easy
M7 42.5 i [1.8 Very easy
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