Robo Solution
Robo Solution
Robo Solution
// robots.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
// Manifest constants
const int MAXROWS = 20; // max number of rows in the arena
const int MAXCOLS = 40; // max number of columns in the arena
const int MAXROBOTS = 200; // max number of robots allowed
const int UP = 0;
const int DOWN = 1;
const int LEFT = 2;
const int RIGHT = 3;
// Auxiliary function declarations
int decodeDirection(char dir);
void clearScreen();
// Type definitions
class Arena; // This is needed to let the compiler know that Arena is a
// type name, since it's mentioned in the Robot declaration.
class Robot
// Constructor
Robot(Arena* ap, int r, int c);
// Accessors
int row() const;
int col() const;
// Mutators
void move();
Arena* m_arena;
int m_row;
int m_col;
class Player
// Constructor
Player(Arena *ap, int r, int c);
// Accessors
int row() const;
int col() const;
int age() const;
bool isDead() const;
// Mutators
string takeComputerChosenTurn();
void stand();
void move(int dir);
bool shoot(int dir);
void setDead();
Arena* m_arena;
int m_row;
int m_col;
int m_age;
bool m_dead;
int computeDanger(int r, int c) const;
class Arena
// Constructor/destructor
Arena(int nRows, int nCols);
// Accessors
int rows() const;
int cols() const;
Player* player() const;
int robotCount() const;
int nRobotsAt(int r, int c) const;
void display(string msg) const;
// Mutators
bool addRobot(int r, int c);
bool addPlayer(int r, int c);
bool destroyRobot(int r, int c);
bool moveRobots();
int m_rows;
int m_cols;
Player* m_player;
Robot* m_robots[MAXROBOTS];
int m_nRobots;
class Game
// Constructor/destructor
Game(int rows, int cols, int nRobots);
// Mutators
void play();
Arena* m_arena;
// Robot implementation
Robot::Robot(Arena* ap, int r, int c)
: m_arena(ap), m_row(r), m_col(c)
if (ap == NULL)
cout << "***** A robot must be in some Arena!" << endl;
if (r < 1 || r > ap->rows() || c < 1 || c > ap->cols())
cout << "***** Robot created with invalid coordinates (" << r << ","
<< c << ")!" << endl;
int Robot::row() const
return m_row;
int Robot::col() const
return m_col;
void Robot::move()
// Attempt to move in a random direction; if we can't move, don't move
switch (rand() % 4)
case UP: if (m_row > 1) m_row--; break;
case DOWN: if (m_row < m_arena->rows()) m_row++; break;
case LEFT: if (m_col > 1) m_col--; break;
case RIGHT: if (m_col < m_arena->cols()) m_col++; break;
// Player implementations
Player::Player(Arena* ap, int r, int c)
: m_arena(ap), m_row(r), m_col(c), m_age(0), m_dead(false)
if (ap == NULL)
cout << "***** The player must be in some Arena!" << endl;
if (r < 1 || r > ap->rows() || c < 1 || c > ap->cols())
cout << "**** Player created with invalid coordinates (" << r
<< "," << c << ")!" << endl;
int Player::row() const
return m_row;
int Player::col() const
return m_col;
int Player::age() const
return m_age;
string Player::takeComputerChosenTurn()
// How dangerous is it to stand?
int standDanger = computeDanger(m_row, m_col);
// if it's not safe, see if moving is safer
if (standDanger > 0)
int bestMoveDanger = standDanger;
int bestMoveDir = UP; // arbitrary initialization
// check the four directions to see if any move is
// better than standing, and if so, record the best
if (m_row > 1)
int d = computeDanger(m_row-1, m_col);
if (d < bestMoveDanger)
bestMoveDanger = d;
bestMoveDir = UP;
if (m_row < m_arena->rows())
int d = computeDanger(m_row+1, m_col);
if (d < bestMoveDanger)
bestMoveDanger = d;
bestMoveDir = DOWN;
if (m_col > 1)
int d = computeDanger(m_row, m_col-1);
if (d < bestMoveDanger)
bestMoveDanger = d;
bestMoveDir = LEFT;
if (m_col < m_arena->cols())
int d = computeDanger(m_row, m_col+1);
if (d < bestMoveDanger)
bestMoveDanger = d;
bestMoveDir = RIGHT;
// if moving is better, move
if (bestMoveDanger < standDanger)
return "Moved.";
// If we're not going to move, we may as well shoot at the nearest
// robot. Search the four directions at increasing distances for
// a robot.
bool shot = false;
bool shotSuccess;
for (int k = 1; k < m_arena->rows() || k < m_arena->cols(); k++)
if (m_row-k >= 1 && m_arena->nRobotsAt(m_row-k, m_col) > 0)
shotSuccess = shoot(UP);
shot = true;
if (m_row+k <= m_arena->rows() && m_arena->nRobotsAt(m_row+k, m_col) >
shotSuccess = shoot(DOWN);
shot = true;
if (m_col-k >= 1 && m_arena->nRobotsAt(m_row, m_col-k) > 0)
shotSuccess = shoot(LEFT);
shot = true;
if (m_col+k <= m_arena->cols() && m_arena->nRobotsAt(m_row, m_col+k) >
shotSuccess = shoot(RIGHT);
shot = true;
if (shot)
if (shotSuccess)
return "Shot and hit!";
return "Shot and missed!";
// No robots to shoot. Just stand, then.
return "Stood.";
void Player::stand()
void Player::move(int dir)
switch (dir)
case UP: if (m_row > 1) m_row--; break;
case DOWN: if (m_row < m_arena->rows()) m_row++; break;
case LEFT: if (m_col > 1) m_col--; break;
case RIGHT: if (m_col < m_arena->cols()) m_col++; break;
bool Player::shoot(int dir)
if (rand() % 3 != 0) // miss with 2/3 probability
return false;
// determine row and column delta for the direction
int rDelta = 0;
int cDelta = 0;
switch (dir)
case UP: rDelta = -1; break;
case DOWN: rDelta = +1; break;
case LEFT: cDelta = -1; break;
case RIGHT: cDelta = +1; break;
default: return false; // Bad direction!
// check along the direction until we find a robot
// or encounter the edge
int r = row();
int c = col();
if (m_arena->nRobotsAt(r, c) > 0)
m_arena->destroyRobot(r, c); // The shot kills one robot.
return true;
r += rDelta;
c += cDelta;
} while (r >= 1 && r <= m_arena->rows() &&
c >= 1 && c <= m_arena->cols());
return false;
bool Player::isDead() const
return m_dead;
void Player::setDead()
m_dead = true;
int Player::computeDanger(int r, int c) const
// danger is the number of robots who might move to
// position r,c. Notice that if r,c is at an edge,
// then a robot at that position is dangerous,
// because it might not be able to move off that spot
// at its turn.
int danger = 0;
if (r > 1)
danger += m_arena->nRobotsAt(r-1, c);
danger += m_arena->nRobotsAt(r,c);
if (r < m_arena->rows())
danger += m_arena->nRobotsAt(r+1, c);
danger += m_arena->nRobotsAt(r,c);
if (c > 1)
danger += m_arena->nRobotsAt(r, c-1);
danger += m_arena->nRobotsAt(r,c);
if (c < m_arena->cols())
danger += m_arena->nRobotsAt(r, c+1);
danger += m_arena->nRobotsAt(r,c);
return danger;
// Arena implementations
Arena::Arena(int nRows, int nCols)
: m_rows(nRows), m_cols(nCols), m_player(NULL), m_nRobots(0)
if (nRows <= 0 || nCols <= 0 || nRows > MAXROWS || nCols > MAXCOLS)
cout << "***** Arena created with invalid size " << nRows << " by "
<< nCols << "!" << endl;
for (int k = 0; k < m_nRobots; k++)
delete m_robots[k];
delete m_player;
int Arena::rows() const
return m_rows;
int Arena::cols() const
return m_cols;
Player* Arena::player() const
return m_player;
int Arena::robotCount() const
return m_nRobots;
int Arena::nRobotsAt(int r, int c) const
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < m_nRobots; k++)
const Robot* rp = m_robots[k];
if (rp->row() == r && rp->col() == c)
return count;
void Arena::display(string msg) const
// Position (row,col) in the arena coordinate system is represented in
// the array element grid[row-1][col-1]
char grid[MAXROWS][MAXCOLS];
int r, c;
// Fill the grid with dots
for (r = 0; r < rows(); r++)
for (c = 0; c < cols(); c++)
grid[r][c] = '.';
// Indicate each robot's position
for (int k = 0; k < m_nRobots; k++)
const Robot* rp = m_robots[k];
char& gridChar = grid[rp->row()-1][rp->col()-1];
switch (gridChar)
case '.': gridChar = 'R'; break;
case 'R': gridChar = '2'; break;
case '9': break;
default: gridChar++; break; // '2' through '8'
// Indicate player's position
if (m_player != NULL)
// Set the char to '@', unless there's also a robot there,
// in which case set it to '*'.
char& gridChar = grid[m_player->row()-1][m_player->col()-1];
if (gridChar == '.')
gridChar = '@';
gridChar = '*';
// Draw the grid
for (r = 0; r < rows(); r++)
for (c = 0; c < cols(); c++)
cout << grid[r][c];
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// Write message, robot, and player info
cout << endl;
if (msg != "")
cout << msg << endl;
cout << "There are " << robotCount() << " robots remaining." << endl;
if (m_player == NULL)
cout << "There is no player." << endl;
if (m_player->age() > 0)
cout << "The player has lasted " << m_player->age() << " steps." <<
if (m_player->isDead())
cout << "The player is dead." << endl;
bool Arena::addRobot(int r, int c)
// Dynamically allocate a new Robot and add it to the arena
if (m_nRobots == MAXROBOTS)
return false;
m_robots[m_nRobots] = new Robot(this, r, c);
return true;
bool Arena::addPlayer(int r, int c)
// Don't add a player if one already exists
if (m_player != NULL)
return false;
// Dynamically allocate a new Player and add it to the arena
m_player = new Player(this, r, c);
return true;
bool Arena::destroyRobot(int r, int c)
for (int k = 0; k < m_nRobots; k++)
if (m_robots[k]->row() == r && m_robots[k]->col() == c)
delete m_robots[k];
m_robots[k] = m_robots[m_nRobots-1];
return true;
return false;
bool Arena::moveRobots()
for (int k = 0; k < m_nRobots; k++)
Robot* rp = m_robots[k];
if (rp->row() == m_player->row() && rp->col() == m_player->col())
// return true if the player is still alive, false otherwise
return ! m_player->isDead();
// Game implementations
Game::Game(int rows, int cols, int nRobots)
if (nRobots > MAXROBOTS)
cout << "***** Trying to create Game with " << nRobots
<< " robots; only " << MAXROBOTS << " are allowed!" << endl;
// Create arena
m_arena = new Arena(rows, cols);
// Add player
int rPlayer = 1 + rand() % rows;
int cPlayer = 1 + rand() % cols;
m_arena->addPlayer(rPlayer, cPlayer);
// Populate with robots
while (nRobots > 0)
int r = 1 + rand() % rows;
int c = 1 + rand() % cols;
// Don't put a robot where the player is
if (r == rPlayer && c == cPlayer)
m_arena->addRobot(r, c);
delete m_arena;
void Game::play()
Player* p = m_arena->player();
if (p == NULL)
string msg = "";
msg = "";
cout << endl;
cout << "Move (u/d/l/r/su/sd/sl/sr/c//q): ";
string action;
if (action.size() == 0)
switch (action[0])
default: // if bad move, nobody moves
cout << '\a' << endl; // beep
case 'q':
case 'c': // computer moves player
msg = p->takeComputerChosenTurn();
case 'u':
case 'd':
case 'l':
case 'r':
case 's':
if (action.size() < 2) // if no direction, nobody moves
cout << '\a' << endl; // beep
switch (action[1])
default: // if bad direction, nobody moves
cout << '\a' << endl; // beep
case 'u':
case 'd':
case 'l':
case 'r':
if (p->shoot(decodeDirection(action[1])))
msg = "Hit!";
msg = "Missed!";
} while ( ! m_arena->player()->isDead() && m_arena->robotCount() > 0);
// Auxiliary function implementations
int decodeDirection(char dir)
switch (dir)
case 'u': return UP;
case 'd': return DOWN;
case 'l': return LEFT;
case 'r': return RIGHT;
return -1; // bad argument passed in!
#ifdef _MSC_VER // Microsoft Visual C++
#include <windows.h>
void clearScreen()
HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi);
DWORD dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;
COORD upperLeft = { 0, 0 };
DWORD dwCharsWritten;
FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, TCHAR(' '), dwConSize, upperLeft,
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, upperLeft);
#else // not Microsoft Visual C++, so assume UNIX interface
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
void clearScreen()
static const char* term = getenv("TERM");
static const char* ESC_SEQ = "\x1B["; // ANSI Terminal esc seq: ESC [
if (term == NULL || strcmp(term, "dumb") == 0)
cout << endl;
cout << ESC_SEQ << "2J" << ESC_SEQ << "H" << flush;
// main()
int main()
// Initialize the random number generator. (You don't need to
// understand how this works.)
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
// Create a game
// Use this instead to create a mini-game: Game g(3, 3, 2);
Game g(15, 18, 100);
// Play the game;