Org Pattern Task Cards
Org Pattern Task Cards
Org Pattern Task Cards
task cards
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2. Have you eve is a fun wa y wa y they
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paragraph to—
The author org
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of eating tac
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Perfect for independent practice,
A chron olo gic al ord er
nged over tim
e A. Explain a fru mmon obstacle
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D. tell when Ta
1. If you’ve ever been to a Mexican restaurant, you’re 2. Have you ever been to a party and seen that the host has
probably familiar with tacos and enchiladas. While both are set up a taco bar? This is a fun way for party guests to
delicious dishes, they do have some differences. Tacos can be serve themselves and create a taco that is just the way they
served on either flour or corn tortillas, and they can be filled like it. Creating your own taco bar is easy! First, purchase
with pretty much whatever toppings you like, such as the ingredients, such as tortillas, several types of meat,
tomatoes, meat, cheese, lettuce, and more! Enchiladas, on the beans, rice, cheese, and tomatoes. Then, prepare the
other hand, are usually made with just cheese, chicken, beef, ingredients. Next, you will need to put each ingredient into a
or pork. Tacos can be served with or without salsa, while separate bowl to keep the taco bar organized. Finally, set out
enchiladas are almost always topped with some sort of sauce. paper plates, napkins, and silverware for your guests to use.
The next time you eat out, order them both and see for Now you’ve got a delicious treat for your guests to enjoy!
By organizing this paragraph sequentially, the author is able
The author organizes this paragraph in a compare-and- to—
contrast pattern to illustrate— A. explain the steps for setting up a taco bar
A. the history of tacos and enchiladas B. explain the benefits of having a taco bar
B. why tacos are more popular than enchiladas C. compare a taco bar to other food options
C. how tacos and enchiladas are different D. explain how to make tacos
D. where the best enchiladas are made
3. Tacos are an extremely popular food, but their origins are 4. It’s happened to almost everyone. You’ve spent time
unclear. Many historians have a theory that tacos did not creating the perfect taco with all the toppings you love. You
make an appearance in America until 1905, when migrant take a big, delicious bite, and—CRACK! Your taco shell breaks
workers from Mexico began working on railroads and and in half, and now your carefully selected toppings have spilled
mines in America. In the years to come, as Mexican immigrants out onto your plate. This is a common problem that many taco
became acclimated to the food served in America, they began enthusiasts face. Thankfully, there is a solution. Taco bowls
to incorporate American toppings into this traditionally are an equally tasty way to eat your taco without spilling
Mexican dish. For example, they started including cheddar everything inside. Simply put all of your taco toppings in a
cheese and iceberg lettuce as taco toppings. In the 1940s, bowl, and then top your dish with tortilla chips or a crushed-
Mexican chefs created the hard taco shell that is commonly up hard taco shell. It will taste exactly the same and will be
used today, and in the 1960s, Taco Bell was created. Tacos easier to eat! The next time you eat a taco, give this method
became a fast food staple soon afterwards. a try.
A chronological order is used in this paragraph to— The author organizes this paragraph in a problem-and-solution
A. Illustrate how tacos have changed over time pattern to—
B. Explain the history of the taco A. Explain a frustrating part of eating tacos
C. Show that historians do not know when the taco was B. Explain how to fix a common obstacles to enjoying tacos
created C. Describe how to make a taco bowl
D. tell when Taco Bell was created D. Persuade the reader to stop eating tacos
5. When it’s a hot and sweltering summer day, many people 6. Making an ice cream sundae is an activity that is easy and
reach for a cold ice cream cone or a freezing popsicle. But if enjoyable! You only need a few materials to create a dessert
you’re going to enjoy one of these sweet treats, you better that everyone will love. First, decide what type of ice cream
act fast! Because these desserts are frozen, they will melt if you want to use. Something simple, like chocolate or vanilla, will
you leave them out for too long. After you take them out of go well with many different toppings. Next, decide what
the freezing, try to eat them right away. Waiting too long will toppings you want to use. Popular ice cream toppings include
result in a sticky mess that you have to clean up. chocolate syrup, sprinkles, maraschino cherries, Oreos, and
gummy worms. Finally, scoop your ice cream into a bowl and
By organizing this paragraph using a cause-and-effect add however many toppings you’d like. Voila! Now you’ve got a
pattern, the author is able to— delicious treat that was made just the way you like it.
A. Explain why ice cream is so popular
B. Describe popular summer desserts A sequential pattern is used in this paragraph to—
C. Persuade the reader to avoid these types of desserts A. inform the reader about popular ice cream toppings
D. Explain what will happen if these treats are not eaten B. explain how to make an ice cream sundae
quickly C. compare an ice cream sundae to other types of desserts
D. explain why chocolate or vanilla ice cream is better than
other flavors
7. If given the choice, would you choose to eat a popsicle or an 8. It’s no secret that ice cream cones are delicious, especially
ice cream sandwich? Both are delicious desserts that are when you get a cone that includes your favorite toppings
perfect for warm days. However, they taste very different. mixed in with your ice cream. However, if you wait too long to
Popsicles are more likely to be fruit-flavored, while ice cream eat your ice cream, you’ll soon find it dripping all over your
sandwiches are normally just chocolate or vanilla. There is also hands, wrists, and arms. This is an annoying problem to have
a difference in how you eat each sweet. Popsicles are formed when you’re just trying to enjoy your dessert. Eating your ice
around a wooden stick, so if you don’t eat the popsicle fast cream out of a bowl can solve this common problem. Most ice
enough, the popsicle will begin to melt onto your hand. An ice cream shops will serve your ice cream in a bowl if you ask
cream sandwich can melt too, but it comes in a wrapper that them, and you will be able to add all the toppings you want! It
can protect your hand from getting messy. will still melt if you eat it too slowly, but at least it won’t melt
all over you.
The author organizes this paragraph in a compare-and-
contrast pattern to— By organizing this paragraph using a problem-and-solution
A. describe how popsicles taste pattern, the author is able to—
B. describe how popsicles and ice cream sandwiches are A. explain why ice cream melts
similar and different B. describe a common problem related to eating ice cream
C. describe popular ice cream sandwich flavors C. explain how to enjoy ice cream without getting messy
D. describe how popsicles and ice cream sandwiches are D. explain why eating ice cream in a bowl prevents it from
packaged melting
9. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are one of the most popular snacks 10. When it comes to chips, do you prefer hot and spicy chips,
among students today, but do you know the history of these or are you partial to more mild flavors? Flamin’ Hot Cheetos
tasty chips? Hot Cheetos were created by a janitor, Richard are similar to their non-spicy counterpart in several ways.
Montanez, who had been working in the Frito-Lay plant in Both Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and regular Cheetos will leave your
California since 1976. One day, a machine at the factory fingers coated in crumbs if you eat too many. In addition,
malfunctioned and some Cheetos were not dusted with the both types of Cheetos are sold in both crunchy and puffy
famous orange powder. Richard took those Cheetos home and varieties. However, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos definitely have more
topped them with chili powder. Soon afterwards, he pitched of a kick than the regular type of Cheeto. If you can handle
his idea for a spicier version of Cheetos to company spicy foods, you may enjoy them, but if your eyes start to
executives. His idea was accepted, and he is now in charge of water at the thought of a spicy snack, you should probably
the Frito-Lay Hispanic marketing team. stick to the regular orange Cheetos.
The author organizes this paragraph in a chronological order By organizing this paragraph using a compare-and-contrast
to— pattern, the author is able to—
A. Explain how Flamin’ Hot Cheetos were created A. Persuade the reader that Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are
B. Explain how Flamin’ Hot Cheetos got their name superior
C. Compare Flamin’ Hot Cheetos to regular Cheetos B. Describe how Flamin’ Hot Cheetos taste
D. Explain how to make Flamin’ Hot Cheetos at home C. Illustrate how popular Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are
D. Explain what both types of Cheetos have in common
11. Anyone who has ever eaten several Cheetos knows that 12. Have you ever wanted to throw the perfect movie night
these tasty chips will leave your fingers coated in a bright for your friends? Many people love to eat snacks while they
orange powder if you eat more than a few. This coating can enjoy a film, so if you’re hosting a movie night, you need to be
be a dead giveaway to your parents or teachers that you’ve sure to set up a snack area for your guests. First, think
been snacking when you’re not supposed to. Thankfully, there about what kind of snacks you want to include. Young movie-
are several ways to avoid this issue. First, try eating the watchers will want different kinds of snacks than older
Cheetos one at a time, picking each chip up with a napkin. The guests. Second, make sure you have an equal split between
cloth will protect your digits from the colorful Cheeto dust. sweet snacks, salty snacks, and sour snacks. This way,
You can also try eating Cheetos while wearing gloves, or use a everyone can find something they like! Finally, place your
spoon to bring the chips to your mouth. Any of these snacks in individual bowls and give guests plates to put their
strategies will help you snack more stealthily! snacks on. This set-up will create a movie night that everyone
is sure to enjoy!
A problem-and-solution pattern is used in this paragraph to—
A. Offer a solution to a common Cheeto problem The author uses a sequential pattern to explain—
B. Describe a common problem related to eating Cheetos A. why including different snacks is important
C. Explain why Cheetos turn your fingers orange B. how to host a successful movie night
D. Persuade the reader to use a napkin while snacking C. that different guests enjoy different types of snacks
D. what snacks are most popular with movie guests
13. If you ask a child what their favorite food is, there’s a 14. Did you know that it’s easy to make delicious pizza in your
good chance that they will say pizza! This popular dish has its own kitchen? With just a few ingredients, you can turn your
origins in Italy, where the first documented pizza was enjoyed home into an Italian pizzeria. The first step is to purchase
in the year AD 997. For the most part, pizza remained in Italy ingredients. You will need a pizza crust, pizza sauce, cheese,
until the late 19th century, when Italian immigrants coming to and any other toppings you enjoy, such as pepperoni, olives,
America brought their cuisine with them. The first pizzeria or peppers. Then you will need to read the instructions on the
was opened in 1905 in New York, but pizza still was eaten crust to know what temperature to preheat the oven.
primarily by Italian-Americans until World War II. Soldiers Spread the pizza sauce on the crust, top with cheese and
fighting in Italy had been exposed to pizza and when they your toppings, and place in the oven for 15-18 minutes. When
returned home to the United States, they continued to enjoy the timer dings, you’ll be ready to enjoy your meal!
the Italian dish. Pizza became a mainstream dish soon
afterwards. By organizing this paragraph sequentially, the author—
A. provides the steps needed to make a pizza
The author uses a chronological pattern mainly to— B. describes how easy it is to make a pizza
A. Explain why pizza originated in Italy C. persuades the reader to includes toppings on his/her pizza
B. Explain why pizza is so popular D. explains why making a pizza at home is better than
C. Explain the history of a popular dish ordering a pizza
D. Explain when the first pizzeria opened in America
15. Have you ever been to a pizza buffet? Having so many 16. If you have ever eaten pizza off of a paper plate or a
different pizza options to choose from can be awesome, but napkin, you may have noticed that your slice leaves behind a
also overwhelming! You really have to think about all the grease stain after you pick it up. The cause of this grease is
choices and decide what kind of pizza you are hungry for in the different oils that come out when the pizza is cooked. The
the moment. Two of the most popular kinds of pizza are plain different ingredients in pizza, such as cheese and meats,
cheese and pepperoni. Pepperoni pizza is well-loved because release oil that you can see when you pick up a slice. If a pizza
the pieces of pepperoni give your slice an extra kick of flavor. has a lot of cheese, you will see more oil on the pizza. Some
Cheese pizza, on the other hand, is delicious because of how people are bothered by this grease and choose to dab it off
simple it is—because there are no other toppings, you can with a napkin, while others do not care if there’s a little extra
really appreciate the cheese flavor. These two types of pizza oil.
are both tasty, so you can’t go wrong with either one!
By organizing this paragraph in a cause-and-effect pattern,
A compare-and-contrast pattern is used in this paragraph the author—
to— A. explains what causes pizza to be greasy
A. Persuade the reader to eat cheese pizza B. provides a solution for greasy pizza
B. Explain the steps to eating at a pizza buffet C. argues that pizza should be less greasy
C. Describe a pizza buffet D. describes what pizza grease looks like
D. Explain how cheese and pepperoni pizza are different
Student Recording Sheet
Name: _____________________________
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
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