Electrochemical Treatment of Slaughterhouse and Dairy Wastewater: Toward Making A Sustainable Process
Electrochemical Treatment of Slaughterhouse and Dairy Wastewater: Toward Making A Sustainable Process
Electrochemical Treatment of Slaughterhouse and Dairy Wastewater: Toward Making A Sustainable Process
ScienceDirect Electrochemistry
Review Article
precipitation by acid addition. Prazeres et al. [8] used An increase in j increases the concentration of oxidants
strong acids such as sulfuric, nitric, and hydrochloric (M(OH)) (Eq. (3)).
acids, and they observed COD and turbidity removal
efficiencies between 87e92% and 94e96%, respec- M þ H2 O/Mð OHÞ þ H þ þ e 3
tively. Biological SWW/DWW treatment is mainly
applied as a secondary treatment. Aerobic and anaerobic
processes are used. Bustillo-Lecompte and Mehrvar [9] The removal of recalcitrant organics may be improved by
studied a combined biological process (anaerobic baffled coupling the AO process with hydrogen peroxide (AO-
reactor and aerobic activated sludge reactor) to treat H2O2) and ultraviolet C light (AO-UVC-H2O2) [21].
meat processing effluents. They observed TOC and TN The presence of chloride ions in SWW/DWW partici-
removal efficiencies of 85 and 72%, respectively. In pates in the indirect oxidation.
addition, the biogas generation was analyzed.
Vidal et al. assessed the degradation of the organic
AOPs such as Fenton, electro-Fenton (EF), high- matter contained in real [22] and synthetic SWW [23]
frequency ultrasonication, photoelectro-Fenton (PEF), using a combined biological (anaerobic digestion)/EAOP
solar photo-Fenton, sono-Fenton, UV/H2O2, (solar PEF) process. COD removal efficiency above 91%
photocatalytic-ozonation (UV/TiO2/O3), and vacuum was achieved. Moreover, an uncolored solution was
UV-photolysis are becoming a post-treatment alterna- observed. The solar PEF is considered a clean, renew-
tive in SWW/DWW [10e18], which have reached TOC/ able, and cheap alternative. The highest removal effi-
COD removal efficiencies above 80%. However, in some ciency is based on the regeneration of ferrous ion with
cases, a poor removal was obtained, which is attributed additional generation of OH (Eq. (4)) and the photo-
to the characteristics of SWW/DWW. According to the decarboxylation of complexes of ferric ion (Eq. (5)).
optimization of operating parameters, the recycle ratio is
highly significant to meet a maximum TOC removal FeðOHÞ2þ þ hv/Fe2þ þ OH 4
value (if a reactor with recirculation is used), which is
attributed to the retention time. When the SWW/DWW
contains higher organic matter concentration, a contin- FeðOOCRÞ2þ þ hv/Fe2þ þ CO2 þ R 5
uous mode of operation is preferred at slow flow rate.
In acidic medium, the cathodic two-electron reduction EC is an electrochemical technique that aims to remove
of injected air into the solution at the cathode surface existing contaminants from SWW. Once the electrodes
prevails (Eq. (1)). It is important to note that the use of are connected to an external power supply, the oxidation
carbonaceous cathodes increases the electrogeneration process starts at the anode, generating metallic cations.
of H2O2. Therefore, in the case of Fenton-based pro- Concurrently, water is reduced to form hydrogen gas
cesses, where the highest TOC/COD removal effi- bubbles and hydroxide ions at the cathode.
ciencies are obtained due to the production of hydroxyl
radicals (OH) (Eq. (2)) [19], pH is the most important n
MðsÞ þ nH2 O/MðOHÞn þ H2 6
factor (optimal pH value of 3). 2
O2 þ 2H þ þ 2e /H2 O2 1
A charge neutralization of pollutants present in SWW/
DWW is induced when an isoelectric point is reached by
Fe2þ þ H2 O2 /Fe3þ þ OH þ OH 2 the coagulating agents (M(OH)n) (Eq. (6)) [24]. These
species collide resulting in fast-growing, larger, and
adsorbent flocs that induce the removal of pollutants. At
Over the last few years, different electrochemical subsequent stages, flocs are removed from water by
technologies such as electrochemical advanced oxida- physical separation processes.
tion processes (EAOPs) and electrocoagulation (EC)
have been studied to treat SWW/DWW. Electrochemical EC has been performed alone or in combination with
oxidation (EO), also called anodic oxidation (AO), is the other processes such as electroflotation, EO/reduction
simplest EAOP. Ozturk and Yilmaz [20] assessed SWW (EOR), peroxi-EC, and phytoremediation [25e34]. In
treatment through AO using a Ti/Pt anode. They found EC tests, COD removal is more notorious at the
removal efficiencies of 88, 92.2, 93.5, and 99.9% for beginning of the treatment of SWW/DWW because both
TOC, COD, TN, and color, respectively. In this type of organic pollutants and generated iron/aluminum hy-
process, the current density (j) limits the reaction rate. droxides are available in sufficiently large quantities,
Comparison of different technologies and their combination for slaughterhouse and dairy wastewater treatment.
Raw Precipitation with acid addition pH 6, magnetic stirring from Absorbance at 410 nm e [8]
SWW (H2SO4, HCl, HNO3). 1200e1400 to (51.9e80.8%), COD
300e400 rpm, T = 25 C, (87e92.2%), turbidity
treatment time 24 h. (93.7e96.4%), TSS
(98.4e99.4%), nitrates
(49.7e87.8%), TP
(5.6e14.1%), BOD5
Raw Oxidation process pH 6.9, concentration Absorbance at 410 nm e [8]
SWW (Ca(ClO)2, of 1, 2, and (21.1e53.3%), COD
H2O2, CaO2). 1 g Le1, respectively. (83.9e92.9%), turbidity
89.5e94.7%), TSS
(95e99.6%), nitrates
(81.6e89.4%), TP
(21.8e75.1%), BOD5
Raw Anaerobic–aerobic process pH 6.84, influent TOC TOC (84.9%), TN Methane production 2.2 L KgTOC [9]
SWW (continuous mode. concentration 343 (70.6%), TSS (97.4%). (daily generation
mg Le1, flow rate 63 mL min 0.48 kW h)
Raw UV/H2O2 Influent TOC concentration TOC (81%), H2O2 residual e [10]
SWW (photoreactor with recycle). 23.9 mg Le1, influent H2O2 (1.3%).
concentration 861.5 mg Le1,
flow rate 15.2 mL mine1,
recycle ratio 0.18,
treatment time 120 min.
Raw Anaerobic–aerobic–UV/H2O2 pH 6.6, influent TOC TOC (91.3%), TN (86.1%), Methane production 2.5 mL mgTOC [11]
SWW processes concentration H2O2 residual (1.5%). (daily generation
(continuous operation mode). 626 mg Le1, influent H2O2 0.05 kW h)
concentration 350 mg Le1
, flow rate
45 mL mine1, treatment
time 6.8, 2.4, and 0.78 h,
Raw Photoelectro-Fenton, pH 3, Ti-RuO2 anode, carbon TOC 92, 92, and 95%, e [12]
SWW solar photo-Fenton, felt cathode, current density respectively.
and Fenton/solar 2.5 mA cme2, initial H2O2
concentration 200 mg Le1,
photo-Fenton processes
(batch operation mode). initial Fe2+
concentration 111.6, 55.8,
and 27.9
and 111.6 mg Le1,
influent treatment time 60, 60,
and 80 min, respectively.
Raw UV-C/H2O2/VUV process Influent TOC concentration TOC (45.7%), H2O2 e [13]
SWW (batch recirculation 213 mg Le1, residual (1%).
operation mode). influent H2O2 concentration
450 mg Le1, irradiation time
9 min,
treatment time 2.4 h
Raw Electro-Fenton process Iron electrodes, interelectrode COD (92.4%), color removal e [14]
SWW (poultry) (batch operation mode). gap 3 cm pH 4.38 and 3.4, (88.1% at 340 nm).
current density 74.1 and
67.9 mA cme2, molar ratio
(H2O2/Fe2+) 3.7 and 3.6,
H2O2/SWW ratio 1.6 and 1.4
mL Le1, treatment time
55.6 49.2 min for COD
and color removal,
Industrial wastewater Galvanic, galvanic Fenton, Iron anodes and copper Using galvanic-Fenton process: e [15]
(include SWW) and H2O2 processes cathodes, TOC (79%), COD (71%),
(batch operation mode). electrodes, interelectrode color (76%), nitrates (48%),
gap 2 mm pH 2.8, initial BOD5 (43%).
H2O2 concentration
7840 mg Le1,
initial Fe2+
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2021, 26:100662
Raw SWW (poultry) Electrocoagulation and Iron electrodes, monopolar Electrocoagulation: e [28]
peroxy-electrocoagulation configuration, COD (89.4%).
(continuous operation mode). treatment time 90 min. Peroxy-electrocoagulation:
Electrocoagulation: current COD (95.5%).
40 mA cme2, pH 7.1, flow
rate 0.05 L mine1.
density 50 mA cme2, pH 3,
flow rate 0.03 L mine1, initial
concentration 0.2 M, initial
polyaluminum chloride
0.5 g Le1.
Raw SWW/DWW Combined system Electro-oxidation: pH 6.3 and Electro-oxidation: e [29]
electrooxidation 2.7 for COD (97% and 88% for
and electrocoagulation SWW and DWW, SWW and DWW,
(semicontinuous respectively, respectively).
operation mode). Si/BDD electrodes, Electrocoagulation:
monopolar and COD (89% and 74% for
bipolar configuration, SWW and DWW,
inter-electrode space 1 mm, respectively).
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2021, 26:100662
TOC, total organic carbon; BOD, biological oxygen demand; COD, chemical oxygen demand; TSSs, total suspended solids; TN, total nitrogen; TP, total phosphorous.
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