Deep Geothermal Review Study Final Report Final
Deep Geothermal Review Study Final Report Final
Deep Geothermal Review Study Final Report Final
Final Report
Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC)
October 2013
Deep Geothermal Review Study
Final Report
This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for the Department of Energy &
Climate Change (DECC)’s information and use.
Atkins Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection
with this document and/or its contents.
Document history
Job number: 5119440 Document ref: 5119440-RPT-004
Revision Purpose description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date
Rev 1.0 DRAFT Report AN/IR PT/NK/OM DS/NA 05/07/13
Rev 2.0 Final Report AN/IR PT/OM DS/NA 31/08/13
Rev 3.0 Re-drafted Final Report DP IR/MH DS DP 27/09/13
Rev 4.0 Re-drafted Final Report DP IR/MH DS DP 18/10/13
Rev 5.0 Corrected Final Report DP IR/MH DS DP 21/10/13
Table of contents
Chapter Pages
Glossary of terms i
1 Introduction 1
1.1. Scope and Objectives 1
1.2. Background and Context 1
1.3. Limitations 3
2 UK Geothermal Resource 4
2.1. History of Geothermal Energy Exploration in the UK 4
2.2. UK Geothermal Resources 4
2.3. Major Radiothermal Granites 5
2.4. Hot Sedimentary Aquifers 7
3 Phases of a Deep Geothermal Power Project 14
3.1. Introduction 14
3.2. Preliminary Survey 14
3.3. Exploration Phase 14
3.4. Test Drilling 16
3.5. Well Testing, Tracer Testing and Logging 17
3.6. Reservoir Development 17
3.7. Production and Reservoir Monitoring 17
3.8. Phases of Deep Geothermal Power Project Cost and Risk Profile 18
4 Geothermal Power Generation Systems 21
4.1. Overview 21
4.2. Technologies 21
4.3. Existing Generating Plant Examples – ORC & Kalina Cycle 23
4.4. Case Study – Pump & Well Operation 24
4.5. Case Study – The German Situation 24
5 Lessons Learned From Past Projects 26
5.1. General Considerations 26
5.2. Rhine Valley 26
5.3. Experience from Other EGS Sites 28
6 Environmental, Regulatory & Other Considerations 34
6.1. Environmental Considerations 34
6.2. Regulatory 35
6.3. Other Considerations 36
7 Revenue and Subsidy /Funding Mechanisms 38
7.1. Sources of Revenue for Deep Geothermal 38
7.2. Grants 38
7.3. Commercial Models/ Routes and Types of Investment 39
8 Geothermal Power Schemes Feasibility Analysis 40
8.1. Introduction 40
8.2. Geology 40
8.3. Resource and Reserves 40
8.4. Screening for Geothermal Reserves in the UK 42
8.5. Scenario Analysis for Case Studies 52
8.6. Electrical Grid Connections 52
8.7. Summary of Risks Involved in Developing Deep Geothermal Projects 53
9 Case Studies 58
9.1. Rationale 58
9.2. Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS): Cornwall 60
9.3. Deep Hydrothermal (non- EGS) System: Weardale 67
9.4. Hot Sedimentary Aquifer (non-EGS) System: Crewe 72
9.5. Discussion on Modelling Parasitic Loads 76
9.6. Discussion on EMR and RHI Consultations 77
9.7. Discussion on Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) 78
9.8. Sensitivity to Resource Degradation 79
10 Outlook on Opportunities 80
10.1. Innovation 80
10.2. The Supply Chain 81
10.3. Economic Benefit of Sector Development 82
11 Stakeholder Consultation 85
11.1. General Issues 85
11.2. Financial & Investor Issues 85
12 Conclusions 87
13 References 91
Appendix A. Exploration Strategies and Techniques 95
A.1. Introduction 95
A.2. Preliminary Survey 95
A.3. Exploration 98
A.4. Drilling Phase 102
A.5. Well Testing, Tracer Testing and Logging Phase 104
A.6. Reservoir development phase 107
A.7. Production phase 109
A.8. Reservoir management and monitoring 109
Appendix B. Single well/Standing Column Wells (“coaxial tube”) systems 111
B.1. Single well systems 111
B.2. Standing column wells 111
Appendix C. Results of Stakeholder Consultation 112
C.1. DECC Deep Geothermal UK Review Study Stakeholder Engagement 113
C.2. Results of Stakeholder Questionnaire 124
Table 1–1 Summary of Resources and Reserves ...................................................................................... 3
Table 2-1 Summary of UK geothermal resources potentially suitable for electrical power production ... 12
Table 3-1 Geophysical methods .............................................................................................................. 15
Table 3-2 Geothermal gradient boreholes ............................................................................................... 16
Table 4-1 Summary of Existing ORC and Kalina based Generating Plants ............................................ 23
Table 4–2 EGS Soultz Geothermal Project (France): Line Shaft Pump (LSP) performance at two
different depths in GPK2 well .................................................................................................. 24
Table 5–1 Summary of lessons learnt from Non-EGS and EGS Projects in Crystalline Rock and Hot
Sedimentary Rock Geothermal Projects ................................................................................. 31
Table 8-1 Summary of assessment of resource and reserve areas in the UK (using definitions from the
Australian code) ....................................................................................................................... 43
Table 8–2 Typical capital cost breakdown ................................................................................................ 49
Table 8–3 Base Case Modelling Assumptions ......................................................................................... 50
Table 8–4 Minimum parameter geothermal scheme suggested by Paschen et al (Ref. 48) ................... 52
Table 8-5 Summary of Risks Involved in Developing Deep Geothermal Projects .................................. 54
Table 9–1 Cornwall scenario geothermal reservoir parameter................................................................. 60
Table 9–2 Cornwall: Specific modelling assumptions ............................................................................. 62
Table 9–3 Cornwall: Heat sale sensitivity ................................................................................................ 62
Table 9–4 Cornwall: Capital cost sensitivity (0% heat use) ...................................................................... 64
Table 9–5 Cornwall: Capital cost sensitivity (50% heat use) .................................................................... 64
Table 9–6 Cornwall: Heat Sale Price sensitivity (50% heat use).............................................................. 64
Table 9–7 Cornwall: Opex sensitivity (50% heat use) .............................................................................. 65
Table 9–8 Weardale Scenario Heat Reservoir Parameter ....................................................................... 68
Table 9–9 Weardale: Specific Modelling Assumption .............................................................................. 69
Table 9–10 Weardale: Heat sale sensitivity................................................................................................ 69
Table 9–11 Weardale: Capital cost sensitivity (0% heat use) .................................................................... 69
Table 9–12 Weardale: Capital cost sensitivity (50% heat use) .................................................................. 69
Table 9–13 Weardale: Heat Sale Price sensitivity (50% heat use) ............................................................ 70
Table 9–14 Weardale: Opex sensitivity (50% heat use) ............................................................................. 70
Table 9–15 Crewe scenario heat reservoir parameter ............................................................................... 72
Table 9–16 Crewe: Base Case Assumptions ............................................................................................. 74
Table 9–17 Crewe: Heat sale sensitivity ..................................................................................................... 74
Table 9–18 Crewe: Capital cost sensitivity (100% heat) ............................................................................ 74
Table 9–19 Crewe: Heat sale price sensitivity (100% heat) ....................................................................... 75
Table 9–20 Crewe: Opex sensitivity (100% heat,) ..................................................................................... 75
Table 9–21 Effect of RHI change on project IRR ....................................................................................... 78
Table 9–22 LCOE comparison table ........................................................................................................... 78
Table 10–1 Geothermal Supply Chain Jobs ............................................................................................... 81
Table 10–2 US Jobs Created by Resource Type (recreated from Deloitte, 2008 (Ref.15)) ....................... 83
Figure 2–1 Heat flow map of the UK (Ref 9) ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 2–2 Location of sedimentary basins and major radiothermal granites (Ref. 3) ................................ 5
Figure 2–3 Distribution and values of heat flow measurements in South West England (Ref. 19) - Heat
flow values in mW/m ................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2–4 Estimated temperatures at the centre of the Sherwood Sandstone Group in the Wessex Basin
(Ref. 19) 8
Figure 2–5 Estimated temperatures at the base of the Wessex Basin (Ref. 58)......................................... 9
Figure 2–6 Temperatures at the base of the Permian in the Cheshire Basin (Ref. 51) ............................ 10
Figure 3–1 Approximate Spend Profile for Phases of a Geothermal Project ............................................ 19
Figure 3–2 Stakeholder Engagement Investor View ................................................................................. 19
Figure 4–1 Flash Power Plant (Source: Geo-Heat Center) ....................................................................... 21
Figure 4–2 Binary Power Plant (Source: Geo-Heat Center) ...................................................................... 22
Figure 8–1 Resources and reserves in the context of depths that are likely to be found in the UK (Ref. 53)
Figure 8–2 Scheme of the borehole triplet at Soultz-sous-Forêts ............................................................. 44
Figure 9–1 Cornwall geothermal power conceptual model ........................................................................ 60
Figure 9–2 Heat Load Mapping around Redruth ....................................................................................... 63
Figure 9–3 The Major Fault Systems of Cornubia (after Camborne School of Mines, 1988) .................... 66
Figure 9–4 Weardale geothermal power conceptual model ...................................................................... 67
Figure 9-5 National Heat Map for the Weardale and Lake District resource area (green area is
approximate boundary of the geological resource) ................................................................. 71
Figure 9–6 Crewe geothermal power scheme conceptual model ............................................................. 72
Figure 10–1 Geothermal Supply Chain and Jobs ........................................................................................ 81
Glossary of terms
Term Meaning/Definition
Dm Darcy metre
EM Electromagnetic
Geothermal reservoir A heat reservoir in rocks from which the heat may
be extracted for utilisation.
Term Meaning/Definition
HF Hydrogen fluoride
mD Millidarcy
PI Productivity Index
Term Meaning/Definition
Atkins Deep Geothermal Review Study | Version 5.0 | 21 October 2013 iii
Deep Geothermal Review Study
Final Report
Executive Summary
Geothermal energy has the potential to provide a significant part of the worlds energy needs in the form of
low carbon renewable energy. This is most prominent in active tectonic zones such as Iceland, New
Zealand, Italy, Turkey, Japan and parts of the USA, where significant geothermal energy is being generated
currently at shallow depths. In these regions geothermal energy is widely exploited for power generation.
However, these active zones only account for part of the global geothermal resource, with potential for
generation in other less tectonically active areas.
Some locations with broadly similar thermal resource conditions and analogous geologies to the UK have an
active Deep Geothermal industry. Australia has some very hot geothermal granites with small scale power
plants (1MWe) being commissioned from 2013. Germany is a good example of the European context and
has been included in the review through the experience of study partners Geowatt and IF Technology.
Although generally for heat, small scale geothermal power production is underway in Germany with potential
for expansion.
In non-volcanic regions, generating power from deep geothermal resource has typically centred on binary
systems at lower temperatures or the development of Enhanced Geothermal System technologies (EGS) at
higher temperatures. EGS may require the use of stimulation such as hydraulic fracturing to produce a
subterranean reservoir to enable a sufficient flow of water. Binary systems are already established
technologies. However, the technological challenges, risks and uncertainties surrounding deep geothermal
EGS technologies mean that there has been only limited development to date. There are no deep
geothermal power plants currently in the UK.
DECC’s Energy Innovation Delivery Team has a remit to invest in technologies that will provide significant
benefits to the UK in terms of the secure supply of renewable and low carbon energy. In order to prioritise
investment, analysis has been undertaken to highlight where investment in certain energy and technology
sectors will deliver benefit to the UK. As part of this process this study has been commissioned to consider
the potential for deep geothermal power generation in the UK.
In addition to hot crystalline rocks such as radiothermal granites, there is also potential in the UK, albeit more
limited, from geothermal heat present in deep sedimentary basins. Generally such sources are of lower
thermal energy and therefore have potential for heat or combined heat and power rather than power
generation exclusively. With innovations in the use of working fluids with lower boiling points these lower
thermal energy resources may prove of increasing interest as a feasible power generating potential reserve.
Recent reports suggest that in certain regions of the UK the particular granite geology would be less reliant
on stimulation techniques as natural fissures and fractures potentially exist in the hot granite rock. These
fractures could potentially be used, greatly reducing the risk of not being able to create a sufficiently
permeable reservoir.
DECC wish to undertake further analyses to better understand the potential benefits and opportunities for
power generation from deep geothermal technologies in the UK and to ensure that benefit is derived from
any future investment decisions. This study is in response to DECC’s wishes to further their understanding
and focuses solely on geothermal energy for power generation, although includes heat re-use as a by-
product. It is important to note from the outset that the remit for this study and report is focussed on power
generation (i.e. the production of electricity), and not heat supply. However combined heat and power
system schemes have been considered in order to provide a viable business case.
A review of the work carried out in the area of deep geothermal to date.
Assessment of the feasibility of geothermal exploration and exploitation for the electrical power market;
Review of costs associated with exploration, exploitation and potential investment returns.
Identification of opportunities for technological innovations and their potential impact on risk and cost
Recommendations on next steps
There is currently uncertainty whether there is a viable resource which will not be overcome until deep
boreholes are drilled into the potential host rocks to demonstrate both reserve extent and exploitability.
The lack of certainty of reserves and other factors leads to financial risk and uncertainty of viability. This
financial risk is compounded by the uncertainty of the outturn costs and likely returns should the reserve be
proven. In order to better quantify such financial uncertainty a series of case study scenarios have been
The approach taken for selecting the case studies has employed two essential criteria:
Using these criteria, a short list of three areas of the UK has been identified; the radiothermal granites of
Cornwall; the radiothermal granites of Weardale in the North East stretching across towards the Lake
District; and the sedimentary basin of Cheshire. Other areas may, of course, be suitable for heat only
The two granite scenarios are interchangeable. Fractured granite has already been found in boreholes in the
North West but could also be reasonably inferred as likely to be present in the South West as well. A
sensitivity analysis of the costs has been carried out in order to provide context for investors on the potential
financial risks.
It has been concluded that economic viability of all schemes is heavily reliant upon heat sales and this
becomes a limiting factor, especially in more rural areas where the lower heat demand density makes district
heating less economically viable.
Therefore it has been determined that the current potential in South West England is up to approximately
100 MWe. This could increase considerably as the sector matures, uncertainties are removed and costs
In Weardale and the Lake District very little heat demand exists locally due the rural nature of the area.
Hence the upper limit potential is currently suggested in the order of 70 MWe. This comes with the proviso
that if heat could be piped to major conurbations this could rise to between 100 and 1000 MWe, although the
economic viability of this level being achieved is highly unlikely.
The total resource in the Cheshire Basin is of a lesser extent and of lower temperature. Accordingly there is
less potential for expanding the resource to cover a larger receiving community. Hence it is unlikely this
resource would prove viable other than to provide for localised needs for heat and potentially power.
If uncertainties can be reduced and resources become proven reserves; capital costs reduce with scale; and
experience and/or subsidy levels are altered such that expected rates of return based upon power
generation alone become acceptable to investors, then more of the potential resource can be exploited and
realised. Given the German context, where approximately 300MWe is planned by 2020 and the sector is
more mature, 1 to 1.5 GWe might be a reasonable estimate for the UK in the longer term (2050).
This equates to about 4% of the annual average current UK electricity requirements. This is significantly
lower than the c.20% of UK energy requirements presented in the forward to the SKM report (Ref. 61).
Estimates are very difficult to substantiate owing to the current absence of reservoir characterisation.
Longevity of schemes needs to be considered, with greater certainty needed with respect to total heat
outputs and potential for heat degradation of the resource.
The scenarios demonstrate that with sufficient understanding of the resources and linkages to the final users
there is potential for power generation from the granites. However, for commercial viability they will most
likely require not only power but also heat utilisation, at least until the perceived risks are reduced to permit
“utility” type returns on investment to be acceptable. For the deep sedimentary sources the most likely use
would be heat only, with a low probability of power generation potential. However, heat only or reliance on
heat to make a scheme viable would be dependent on a local heating network to distribute the heat from the
source to the user. Such heat networks would be more viable for new developments and potentially
complicated and expensive where retrofitting to existing users.
A secondary part of this study involved stakeholder engagement via a questionnaire, stakeholder
engagement day and limited interviews. This involved capturing key stakeholders’ views, especially
regarding why investment has not occurred to date. These stakeholder views have been taken into
consideration during this study and incorporated within the main body of the report where appropriate and
substantiated by other sources of information.
To date no wells have been drilled in the UK to sufficient depth to measure or prove the resource for power
generation. The cost of trial and exploratory wells is very high relative to the overall capital cost of the
project. In order to limit the risks and make projects more investable, stakeholders consulted during this
study suggested the following:
Further research studies and investigations of the identified resource areas to improve the
characterisation of the potential thermal reserve;
Two or three test boreholes drilled in each location;
Clear permitting and thermal rights of ownership clarified;
Funding or insurance for early stage test boreholes put in place; and
Adjustment of subsidy levels would promote investment. However the current large uncertainties
surrounding the drilling to characterise the resource make initial investment decisions relatively
insensitive to subsidies based upon operational revenues.
At present there is insufficient private sector appetite to de-risk the sector for power generation schemes.
Steps to limit the risks, as set out above, would need to be led and funded by Government.
It is concluded in this study that deep geothermal energy production in the UK has potential to generate
utility level returns for investors but not without significant risk and uncertainty. In order to reduce the risk
and uncertainty economically exploitable resources need to be proven to the level at which investor
confidence can be achieved. Developing confidence in reserve levels would need a programme, led and
funded by Government, of test boreholes drilled to the depth required for production and testing of such wells
to demonstrate reservoir properties and exploitability. Even with an increased level of confidence in
reserves, the inherent risk profile of project development (in which full viability of any given scheme is not
known until the project specific boreholes have been drilled) may continue to be an obstacle for private
sector investment.
1 Introduction
1.1. Scope and Objectives
This study to investigate the potential and viability of generating power from Deep Geothermal energy
resources in the UK has been commissioned by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
Power generation is the main focus of this study, however the combined use of heat with this power
generation is also considered. This study currently excludes all low temperature resources from which only
heat but not power could potentially be exploited using current technologies. However, the lower temperature
threshold for power generation is likely to change owing to advances in power generation technologies using
fluids that boil at a lower temperature than water. Therefore, some of the lower temperature resources
currently identified might become economic reserves in the future due to the electricity conversion for the
binary cycle having a lower temperature cut-off for economic viability. Such conditions are considered in this
DECC has currently excluded “heat only” schemes from this study. Deep Geothermal heat only projects are
already being developed in the UK – in Manchester and North Tyneside. There is increased confidence in
the overall Deep Geothermal energy resource potential (and the geographical match with heat loads) and
commercial backers are on board to support these developments. The only working Deep Geothermal
scheme (at Southampton, though currently being refurbished) is a heat only scheme linking into a district
heating network.
Although heat projects are being progressed, this is not the case with Deep Geothermal power projects
where no projects are currently advancing. There are three potential power sites, two in Cornwall and one in
the Weardale area of County Durham, which might be the first power projects. However, despite
Government grant funding, these projects have failed to attract commercial interest given the uncertainty
about the resource and the viability of establishing a power generation plant. DECC is testing whether there
is a case for the Government to do more to prove the resource and power generation potential. It is
important to note that all the proposed power projects would be CHP plants, so the heat element is an
important consideration.
DECC has indicated that there has been interest at local authority level in generating power from hot
sedimentary aquifers. Although it is likely that the temperatures involved do not make this a viable option,
DECC is testing this proposition through this study.
This report sets out the background information that provides the rationale and conditions for favouring
certain sites, and provides a methodology that will lead to case studies/‘scenario assessments’ for three
illustrative sites.
This report covers the scope set out by the Invitation to Tender (ITT) (Ref. 13) issued by DECC in February
Whilst this is an immense resource, currently there are limits to the economical viability of geothermal heat
extraction. In continental areas, for example, the earth’s crust is about 20-65km thick and currently only a
small fraction of this potential resource is practically available for use.
A binary cycle power plant is a type of geothermal power plant that allows cooler geothermal reservoirs to
be used than with dry steam and flash steam plants using a second "working" or "binary" fluid with a lower
boiling point, typically a butane or pentane hydrocarbon (see Section 2.1).
Deep Geothermal projects are usually executed in a phased process. The main phases for the development
of the sub-surface elements of a geothermal scheme are as follows:
1. Preliminary survey
2. Exploration
3. Test drilling
4. Well testing and logging
5. Reservoir development
6. Production and reservoir monitoring
These aspects of a geothermal project are discussed in detail in Section 3 and Appendix A.
This study considers the UK geology up to depths of approximately 5,000m and investigates the potential for
power generation by heat to electricity conversion from the geology at such depths and shallower.
1.2.1. Definitions
Definitions and interpretations of some of the key words and topics that were explored through this study are
given below.
Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) were developed to enhance the initial permeability of crystalline rocks
where natural fluid permeabilities are insufficient to facilitate economic flow rates (e.g. the granites at
Rosemanowes, UK and Soultz-sous-Forêts, France). Many EGS techniques are also applicable to
sedimentary aquifers.
In the context of the UK situation there are no current proven reserves as resources have not been drilled to
sufficient depth to prove temperatures suitable for energy generation, only heat reserves. To date, 2,000m
deep boreholes at Rosemanowes in Cornwall with bottom temperatures of 79°C and temperature gradients
of around 35 to 40°C per 1,000m (Ref. 19 and 4); and a 1,000m deep borehole at Eastgate and a 1,770m
deep borehole at Newcastle with bottom temperatures of 46°C and 73°C respectively and temperature
gradients of around 39°C per 1,000m (Ref. 70). This UK resource is further defined and discussed in this
report (see Section 2.1 and Table 8-1).
Definition The Recoverable The Recoverable The Recoverable That part of an Applies directly to
Thermal Energy Thermal Energy Thermal Energy Indicated Geothermal production satisfying
within an area/volume within a more reliably within a drilled and Resource for which all Modifying Factors.
that has enough characterised volume tested volume of rock commercial Directly related to that
direct indicators of of rock than the within which well production for the part of a Measured
Geothermal Inferred Geothermal deliverability has assumed lifetime of Geothermal
Resource character Resource. Sufficient been demonstrated, the project can be Resource for which
or dimensions to indicators to with sufficient forecast, or: That part commercial
provide a sound basis characterise indicators to of a Measured production for the
for assuming that a temperature and characterise Geothermal stated lifetime of the
body of thermal chemistry, although temperature and Resource for which project can be
energy exists, with few direct chemistry and with commercial forecast with a high
estimating measures indicating sufficient direct production for the degree of confidence.
temperature and extent. measurements to assumed lifetime of
having some confirm the continuity the project cannot be
indication of extent. of the reservoir. forecast with
sufficient confidence
to be considered a
Proven Geothermal
Reserve. The chance
of occurrence is
‘more likely than not’.
This reporting code has been applied in the context of this report in relation to power generation and not heat
only schemes.
1.3. Limitations
This study is limited to readily available information from literature review provided in the bibliography and
references and experience provided by study partners, Geowatt and IF Technologies. Best endeavours
have been made to provide a comprehensive review. However, as further research is undertaken,
technology advances made and additional literature becomes available the findings of this study might need
to be reviewed and re-evaluated. As such, where gaps in information have been identified, they are noted
along with recommendations made for further study.
2 UK Geothermal Resource
2.1. History of Geothermal Energy Exploration in the UK
The UK has a number of areas identified that contain low to medium grade heat resources. However, to
date no geothermal power only schemes have been developed and very few geothermal heat only schemes
are in operation. Compared with other countries such as Iceland, New Zealand and Turkey, where active
geological systems are present that generate large amounts of heat, the UK geothermal resource is largely
undeveloped and the resource is considered to be lower grade.
Jointly funded by the Department of Energy and the European Commission in the late 1970s, geothermal
energy research in extracting geothermal energy from hot dry rock was also conducted at the Rosemanowes
Quarry, Cornwall and experience was gained on applying techniques of heat reservoir engineering (Ref. 54).
As with Fenton Hill, the project was terminated; however, the site remained a research facility and its data
provided were widely used and contributed to the 1.5MWe EGS demonstration project in Soultz-sous-Forêts,
France for Deep Geothermal energy using permeability (fracture) enhancement (stimulation) techniques in
crystalline rock.
Although acquisition techniques for subsurface information, including seismic reflection surveys combined
with improved interpretation techniques, have advanced significantly and new data have been taken into
account in a hydro-geothermal study reported by Barker et al (2000) (Ref. 3), the British Geological Survey’s
(BGS) comprehensive work carried out between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s and reported by Down &
Gray (1986) is still the definitive reference to geothermal prospects in the UK, although supplemented by the
more recent work by Busby (2010)(Ref. 9).
In his Geothermal Prospects in the United Kingdom document, Busby (2010)(Ref. 9) provided a flux map
(see Figure 2–1) that was derived from 212 heat flow measurements supplemented by 504 heat flow
estimates. Comparison of the locations of areas of relatively highest heat flow with a simple geological map
(Figure 2–2) shows that these high flux areas are the radiothermal granites of South Western and Northern
Figure 2–1 Heat flow map of the UK Figure 2–2 Location of sedimentary basins and
(Ref 9) major radiothermal granites (Ref. 3)
In a recent 2013 publication, Westaway and Younger (Ref. 67) concluded that the past failure to correct
measured heat flow values for the residual effects of cooling during the last ice age has led to systematic
underestimation of temperatures at depth in Britain and, thus, of the overall geothermal energy resource.
This could have resulted in underestimates of previous temperature gradients of up approximately 6°C per
1,000m depths in some areas of the UK.
Figure 2–3 Distribution and values of heat flow measurements in South West England (Ref. 19) -
Heat flow values in mW/m
Currently, there is no evidence for the granite in the South West having transmissivity that would be sufficient
for geothermal exploitation without stimulation of the geothermal reservoir rock. However, this lack of
evidence is largely due to a lack of sub surface investigation of fault, fracture and weathered zones within
which exploitable natural permeability might exist similar to those found in other granites, such as that in
Northern England (see section 2.3.2 below).
High heat gradients are anticipated in the Weardale and Lake District granites (Refs 41, 60 and 70 – see
below), albeit with lower values of flux measured near the ground surface than in South West England owing
to the granites being buried by formations of lower thermal conductivity which insulate the granites.
Two boreholes, drilled to depths of approximately 1,000m and 1,800m, confirmed geothermal gradients in
the order of 38 to 39°C per 1,000m for locations in Weardale (Eastgate) and Newcastle (Ref. 70).
Manning, Younger and Dufton (Ref. 50) conclude that a temperature of 160°C may be present in this area
somewhere at depth as indicated by the highly mineralised chemistry of water samples obtained, which
could only have equilibrated with the country rock at high temperatures and pressures.
The Eastgate geothermal well, which was drilled into the Weardale granite in 2004, was targeted to intersect
the Slitt Vein; a major, linear, sub-vertical and potentially permeable natural fracture-zone. The well was
drilled to a depth of 995 m (723 m of which was within the granite) with a maximum bottom hole temperature
of 46°C recorded. A highly permeable zone was encountered at a depth of 411 m within the Slitt Vein
structure and a transmissivity of > 2,000 Dm was recorded. This is the highest value for any comparable
interval of granite reported in literature reviewed by Younger and Manning (Ref. 69), in a naturally occurring
permeable zone, and over 20 times greater than the maximum value derived from a compendium of data for
granites and similar crystalline rocks in North America (Ref. 69).
Younger and Manning (Ref. 69) suggest that there is a minimal need of extensive fracture stimulation in this
fractured zone of granite, which is encouraging for geothermal projects. Younger and Manning (Ref. 69)
further suggest that water at temperatures in excess of 100°C would be expected in a borehole around 2 km
deep, although this has yet to be proven. Although shallow data promotes optimism for good transmissivity
and temperatures sufficient for power generation at depth, drilling a sufficiently deep borehole to prove such
inferences would be needed to prove reserve in line with The Australian Geothermal Reporting Code (Ref.
In the UK, temperature data are available only for sedimentary basins that are post-Carboniferous in age and
the potential for geothermal power generation from such hot sedimentary aquifers is limited by the maximum
depths of the aquifers. This limitation is a consequence of the cut-off temperature for economic viability of
electricity conversion of a combined heat and power scheme being about 100°C (Note: this temperature cut-
off depends on details of the scheme; the cut-off temperature required for the economic viability of power
only schemes is usually greater).
The deepest post-Carboniferous sedimentary aquifers in the UK are within the Wessex and Cheshire Basins
for which literature (Ref. 8 and Ref. 68) from the British Geological Survey (BGS) suggests bottom-depths of
up to about 3,000m and 4,500m respectively (i.e. temperatures close to or above the 100°C cut-off for
economic viability of electricity generation are expected only at maximum basin depths).
Sedimentary aquifers in other post Carboniferous age basins in England (the East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire
and Worcester Basins) and Northern Ireland (the Larne, Rathlin, Lough Neigh and Northwest Basins) do not
extend to depths significantly below 2,000m. On this basis, there is a low prospect of temperatures being
encountered above the 100°C economic cut-off temperature in these shallower sedimentary basins.
Deep Carboniferous basins are present in the UK. However, as noted above, no data as to their likely
geothermal potential have been identified during this study.
As a result of considerations of their likely temperature, only the Wessex and the Cheshire basins (both of
Permo-Triassic, i.e. post-Carboniferous age) are considered in the assessments described below. This
conclusion concurs with assessments made in SKM’s 2012 report on Geothermal Energy Potential in the UK
(Ref. 61). Geological descriptions including temperatures and fluid permeabilities of the Wessex and the
Cheshire Basins are provided below.
The water temperatures over significant areas of the Wessex Basin are expected to be in the region of 40 to
60 C at depths greater than 1,000m in the centre of the Sherwood Sandstone Group. Thermal gradients of
about 36 to 38 C per 1,000m depth are suggested by data reported by Down & Gray (Ref. 19) and pumping
tests during the Southampton geothermal project. Temperatures during pumping tests from a c.1,700 metre
deep borehole in Southampton were about 75°C, with the data reported by Down & Gray (Ref. 19) indicating
the presence of up to 80°C at similar depths elsewhere in the Wessex Basin. A figure showing the
estimated temperature distribution at the centre of the Sherwood Sandstone Group in the Wessex Basin (the
exact depth is not well defined) is given below. For the same area, Rollin et al (Ref. 58) suggest 100°C at the
base of the Wessex Basin (see Figure 2–5). However, at some places, the bottom of the Sherwood
Sandstone Group is expected to reach depths of up to 3,000m. At such depths, temperatures are projected
to be more than 100°C (i.e. greater than the cut-off value for geothermal power), but it should be noted that
these temperatures are inferred rather than measured.
Figure 2–4 Estimated temperatures at the centre of the Sherwood Sandstone Group in the Wessex
Basin (Ref. 19)
Figure 2–5 Estimated temperatures at the base of the Wessex Basin (Ref. 58)
These two figures appear inconsistent compared with the temperature identified in the Southampton
borehole (75 °C at 1,800m depth). This illustrates the uncertainty in predicting temperatures at depth from
inferred thermal gradients.
Maximum transmissivities of Sherwood Sandstone are in the order of 10 to 20Dm. There are very few direct
measurements of the Sherwood Sandstone transmissivity at depth in the Wessex Basin, and those that have
been made are mainly confined to the Southampton area and to an area to the west of Bournemouth. The
Sherwood Sandstone transmissivity near Southampton is about 5 Dm.
The geothermal gradient within the Permo-Triassic Sandstones of the Cheshire Basin is low being about
20°C per 1,000m depth. Across the wider Cheshire basin, the temperature at the base of the basin is
expected to be around 40 to 60°C (Ref. 3).
However, the Permo-Triassic sequence is expected to reach maximum depths of approximately 4 to 4.5km
within the Cheshire Basin at its deepest point to the east of Crewe where Rollin et al (Ref. 58, see Figure 6)
suggest 100°C at the base of the basin in this area.
Figure 2–6 Temperatures at the base of the Permian in the Cheshire Basin (Ref. 51)
The transmissivity, based upon geophysical investigations only, is believed to exceed 10 Dm (Ref. 3) and
may be increased in areas of faulting, such as the Bridgemere Fault. However, this is based on the
interpretation of geophysical logs and not direct test data (Ref. 3).
Main resource for heat to power conversion are the radiothermal granites in the south west
(Cornwall) and northern England (Lake District and Weardale).
The Grampian granites (Scotland) have been considered as providing a potential resource, but the
likelihood of geothermal temperatures sufficient to generate electricity is considered low. No
suitable strata for geothermal power have been identified in Northern Ireland.
The prospect for geothermal power generation appears highest in South West and Northern
England due to the relatively high heat gradient (up to 38°C per 1,000m) suggesting temperatures
of up to approximately 200°C at 5,000m depths.
The potential for small scale geothermal power generation schemes within the deepest areas of the
Cheshire and Wessex sedimentary basins are possible based on inferred geothermal temperatures
of greater than 100°C. Other sedimentary basins of post-Carboniferous age in Britain are
unsuitable for power generation due to their limited depths and relatively low heat gradients.
Carboniferous age basins could potentially enable heat abstraction from greater depths and higher
temperatures beneath post-Carboniferous basins. However, these older basins have not been
taken into account because insufficient information is available.
Table 2-1 Summary of UK geothermal resources potentially suitable for electrical power production
The aim of each phase is to reduce risk and uncertainty, but each subsequent phase has its own financial
risk, with potential to identify a project as unlikely to be viable at each stage resulting in no return for the
investment up to current phase. The phases are:
1. Preliminary survey
2. Exploration
3. Test drilling
4. Well testing and logging
5. Reservoir development
6. Production and reservoir monitoring
These phases of a geothermal project are discussed in detail in Appendix A and summarised as follows.
The topics for consideration and general order of progression are as follows:
Literature review;
Data collection, compilation and evaluation (e.g. geological, structural, petrophysical, thermal and
geophysical data);
Conceptual modelling;
Numerical modelling;
Potential study and resources assessment;
Seismic risk evaluation;
Environmental Impact Assessment (if required);
Technical and economic feasibility; and
Legal and societal aspects.
All of these topics need to be addressed in order to identify possible barriers and opportunities for the
development of a geothermal project in the UK.
weathering at the surface and also topographical variations, which often indicate the geology that is present
at greater depths.
Exploration methods most commonly used are geophysical techniques (seismic, gravimetric, electrical and
electromagnetic methods) and the drilling of shallow geothermal gradient boreholes. A summary of these
methods along with their benefits and limitations are presented in Table 3-1.
The drilling of shallow geothermal gradient boreholes is carried out to enable extrapolation of heat changes
with depth from shallower elevations to those of the deep reservoir. A summary of the benefits and
limitations of such investigation is summarised in Table 3-2.
Geochemistry can also be used in the exploration phase and encompasses a wide range of methods.
Examples of these methods are listed below, with each one fulfilling a different objective.
Chemical geothermometers - aim to estimate the fluid temperature at a depth to provide better
understanding of the flow systems.
Electrical conductivity measurements - performed on rock samples in the laboratory to characterize
the thermal characteristics of the different rock type.
Other hydrochemical fluid parameters - provide relevant information for the understanding of deep
flow systems and include parameters such as pH, Eh, cation and anion concentrations.
Gas content - obtained at the surface or in natural springs or water wells, includes parameters such
as radon and CO2 and may give important information on subsurface structures.
The aspects that need to be considered as part of the drilling phase are as follows:
1. Choosing an appropriate drilling rig (one of the most important decisions in well planning) and drilling
2. The design of the geothermal wells. The well diameter and corresponding diameters of injection and
production strings are larger than hydrocarbon wells due to the high production rates.
The drilling techniques applied in geothermal reservoir exploration do not differ fundamentally from those
applied in drilling oil and gas wells. Particular attention should be paid to the large diameter of geothermal
wells, directional drilling and techniques that avoid damaging the ground from which heat may be extracted
at depth. This has implications not only on drilling costs, but also for the borehole wall. The drilling bit
generally has to be chosen according to the drilled geological formation.
Technical matters that may need to be addressed during the drilling process include; reducing or increasing
drilling rate; mud invasion into the surrounding formation from injection into the well bore; clay mineral
mobilisation; thermally induced stress on the casing during hot water production; and fluid circulation behind
the casing.
A sidetrack is a secondary well drilled from the original well as an offshoot. Sidetracks might be used, for
example, to bypass an unusable section of the original wellbore or explore a geologic feature nearby.
Well testing comprises water or air pumping or injection in order to evaluate the quantity of water/gas/oil that
can be extracted/injected from/to the reservoir.
Tracer testing consists of injecting solute compounds directly into the reservoir formation. The
behaviour of the solute compounds provides information about the hydrodynamic properties of the
reservoir; and
Well logging describes all the technologies that are aimed at determining the properties of the well
and the rock at or close to the well’s wall. Technologies include downhole geophysics, stress
measurements using over coring and hydraulic fracturing.
This well testing phase usually commences directly after the achievement of the first exploration well
although for some tests at least one pair of wells, an abstraction and an injection well, will be required.
Dependent on the overall strategy and its suitability for abstraction versus injection, the first exploration well
will become the abstraction or injection well of the final scheme. Usually, the overall strategy will be finalised
when all wells are complete and have been tested. Normally, the final geothermal power/energy scheme will
comprise a well doublet system with one abstraction and one injection well as a minimum. A single
well/standing column wells (“coaxial tube”) system is an exception. The concept of single well/standing
column wells (“coaxial tube”) systems are outlined in Appendix B.
Shearing and opening of natural fractures through shear failure, at low pressures. The shearing of
fracture planes induces seismicity; and
Creation of artificial fractures (Hydraulic fracturing) at high pressures (tensile fracturing).
Knowledge about the stress regime is of great importance to understand or even to predict the hydraulic
fracturing process. The response of the rock mass to hydraulic stimulation (fracturing / stimulation) can be
predicted with geomechanical analysis, and thus prior to the water injection.
Chemical stimulation consists of acid injection into the open hole at pressures low enough to avoid formation
fracturing. Three sequences are needed for the treatment of a classic geothermal reservoir:
Preflush – performed most often with an HCl solution, first to displace the formation brines;
Main flush – used to remove fine materials such as drill mud and residual broken rock created during
the drilling process with potential to block fluid pathways. This flush is most often a mixture of HF
and HCl or organic acids pumped into the well; and
Overflush - displaces the non-reacted mud acid into the formation and the mud acid reaction
products away from the well bore.
An adequate monitoring program combined with methods of reservoir modelling leads to a better
understanding of the geothermal system and helps to avoid overexploitation of the geothermal reservoir.
The risk profile decreases with time and expenditure as additional data are gathered. However, many of the
project costs are up front and therefore the early levels of risks are extremely high, with a large chance of
scheme failure after spend of c.60% of overall scheme budget. This makes early scheme investment
unacceptable to investors owing to the high risks for limited return on investment. These risks and the
investor view of them are summarised in Figure 3-2.
The stakeholder engagement carried out as part of this study involved capturing key stakeholders’ views,
especially regarding why investment has not occurred to date. The conclusion drawn was that Deep
Geothermal in the UK for power generation is currently un-investable as the resource remains to be fully
identified and characterised and therefore falls within the research phase. As demonstrated by Figure 3-2,
the state of UK geothermal is in the upper risk bracket of the research phase as no potential production wells
have been drilled into the resources to prove reserves. Until such time as this has been carried out and the
risk profile moves towards development phase, the financial institutions will remain of the opinion that such
projects are not investable.
Elsewhere in the world there is more appetite for investment. For example Geodynamics and TATA are
currently investing in a 1MW power plant in the Cooper Basin in South Australia (Ref. 23). However, this is
an area which has been sufficiently drilled and tested in order to move the project into development and
towards the construction phase.
In Chile, in order to move through the development phase and appeal to investors the government are
considering drilling insurance (Ref. 18). Such insurance should manage the risk of failed drilling such that
geothermal energy schemes are more appealing to investors.
1 to 2 2 to 3 1 to 2
90% years years years
Reservoir engineering
Well 2
Grid connection
Pipes Valves etc
Planning and testing
Infrastructure for Drilling site
Institutional capital
Research Development Construction Operational Government
Subsidy Focus
Project Phase
Investment decisions very insensitive
to Operational Phase subsidy levels
Deep Geothermal for power is at the research phase = unproven = uninvestable
NOTE: IRR levels, funding types and boundaries are for broad illustrative purposes
and should not be considered as exactly defined.
A preliminary survey will assess the economic and technical feasibility of a project and to identify
potential opportunities, barriers and constraints.
The survey will compromise a study of the geology. This could involve geophysical methods of
exploration prior to the drilling of boreholes (wells).
The level of resource testing and understanding will be dependent on the number of wells drilled,
i.e. only limited testing can be carried out with a single well but better data gathered and
understanding gained from double or multiple well testing.
Hydraulic stimulation can be used as a method to develop the reservoir / increase the reservoir
fluid permeability, thereby facilitating increased flow rates required for the geothermal power
In order to safeguard its sustainable utilisation, the reservoir should be monitored for induced
seismicity and changes in temperature, flow rates, pressure etc.
Initial costs to prove reserves are high and the risks make the project unpalatable to investors
currently owing to limited return on investment.
There are locations around the world where steam is directly emitted from geothermal locations and power
plants are constructed to utilise this (Dry Steam Plant). Such sites are extremely limited and most of the
operational geothermal power stations use geothermal heat to generate steam directly from below ground
directly to drive a turbine and generate electricity (Flash Power Plant). Steam from underground can also be
used indirectly via a heat exchanger. Condensate water is normally returned to the underground thermal
Where temperatures are insufficient to directly generate steam a binary system approach is used. Binary
plants typically use an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. This uses hot water to boil off a secondary
working fluid which has a lower boiling point than water. The resulting vapour expands and is used to drive a
turbine in a similar approach to a conventional steam turbine. The two fluids are kept entirely separate.
Modified ORC systems have also been developed utilising mixed working fluids such as water and ammonia
in the Kalina cycle. This allows generation from lower temperature heat sources and can operate with
marginally higher efficiencies than a conventional ORC system.
4.2. Technologies
4.2.1. Flash Power Plant
The Flash Power Plant design (Figure 4–1) is used extensively throughout the world. However, it typically
requires geothermal temperatures in excess of 180°C and is therefore unlikely to have application for
geothermal generation within the UK. Most Flash Power Plants utilise cooling towers in the condensing
process which leads to a water consumption of between 6,500 to 15,000 l/MWh of generation. Air cooling
can be used but is less efficient and can be problematic in summer.
The Binary Geothermal Power Plant (Figure 4–2) is commonly used for power generation and it is estimated
that around 15% of plants use this system. It can operate with resource temperatures as low as 74 C and up
to 180 C. Water is extracted from the production well and the reservoir is replenished through the injection
well. At lower temperatures the transmissivity of the reservoir is very important because if it is too low, the
power required for pumping the water between injection and abstraction wells will outweigh the power
generated. These plants operate as a closed loop system with the above ground water being pumped
through a heat exchanger, where it heats the working fluid and is then returned to the injection well. The
working fluid, which is vaporised by the heat exchanger, drives the turbine and is then condensed back to a
liquid. Where sufficient temperature remains and there is a suitable heat source, the cooled water may be
used for low grade heating prior to returning it to the injection well. In these cases as the useful output is
power and heat, they are referred to as Combined Heat and Power (CHP).
The typical efficiency of a binary power plant is in the range 10 – 13% with the higher end of this efficiency
range being achievable where higher temperatures (circa 180°C) are available. The lower the temperature
the lower the efficiency.
Kalina Cycle
The Kalina Cycle is an improvement in thermal power plant design over that of the Rankine Cycle binary
plants. This is due to the Kalina Cycle utilising an ammonia-water mixture as a working fluid to improve
system efficiency and provide more flexibility in various operating conditions.
A number of projects have recently been developed in Europe which utilise the Kalina cycle. Here, the
working fluid utilises a mixture of ammonia and water, which boils over a range of temperatures and has a
good temperature profile match with the heat profile of the heat exchanger. This enables higher transfer
efficiencies over a range of temperatures. Also, through varying the ratio of ammonia to water (typically
70:30), some control over the properties of the fluid can be achieved enabling a system to be optimised for a
varying heat source. A consequence of using an ammonia-water based fluid rather than conventional ORC
fluid (e.g. pentafluoropropane) is that a larger heat exchanger is required and the system is more complex.
Power Output
In all but the flash steam cycle plants the gross power produced is significantly reduced by the power
required to operate the abstraction and return pumps and other station auxiliary plant. The greater the
requirement for such pumping powers the lower the net efficiency and economic return of the plant.
District Heating
Whilst District Heating Networks (DHN) are not presently common in the UK, it is recognised as an important
part of the movement towards a low carbon economy. DHN aggregate a number of heat loads into a
common single supply circuit, the heat is then provided by one or more centralised energy sources of which
geothermal is considered suitable. Several major UK cities such as Sheffield operate DHN and a number of
other UK cities are currently making plans to introduce them.
Where such a DHN network is in close proximity to a geothermal project, it provides an ideal opportunity to
maximise the heat available from the geothermal scheme, this can be both a geothermal heat only scheme
and Geothermal CHP schemes. The viability of introducing a new or connecting to an existing DHN will be
dependent on the distance from the geothermal scheme, the total heat load and the number / size of the
individual heat loads – with increasing distance and a higher number of smaller loads the costs associated
with the DHN are likely to increase along with the system losses of transporting the heat.
Table 4-1 Summary of Existing ORC and Kalina based Generating Plants
Table 4–2 EGS Soultz Geothermal Project (France): Line Shaft Pump (LSP) performance at two
different depths in GPK2 well
Pump efficiency curves often drop dramatically as the duty point moves away from the Best Efficiency Point
(BEP) and the results of poor matching of the pump to the duty point can be seen in the table. With multi-
stage line shaft pumps each stage will increase the head without any increase in flow capacity. It may be
possible to remove stages from existing pumps to match a reduced change in duty to achieve the best
efficiency. Therefore care is needed with pump design to ensure that parasitic power losses from inefficient
pump provision is minimised.
In 2004, the advantageous feed in tariff was increased, including support for geothermal power production,
and by 2009 the overall installed electrical capacity had increased to 6.61 MWe with the construction of the
CHP plants at Landau and Unterhaching.
In 2010, the installed capacity represented around 0.021% (10 MWe) of the total installed electricity
generation capacity from renewable energies (53,944MW). Renewable energy sources supplied
approximately 17% of the electricity demand in Germany (485,000 GWh). Geothermal in 2010 provided 27
GWh of electricity or 0.006% of total demand.
By 2013, there is now 12.3 MWe installed, a further 48 MWe under construction and an additional 90 MWe in
the planning stage. Heat production from CHP and heat only plants is currently at 223 MWth.
The German national plan projects rates of installed capacities from geothermal to increase to ~300 MWe
and ~1700 GWh respectively by 2020 (Ref. 30). This geothermal energy will be approximately 0.3% of the
national generation from renewable resources. By then, 35% of the electricity demand is to be supplied from
renewable resources and geothermal would contribute around 1.2% of annual consumption.
Flash Power Plants are unsuitable for the UK geothermal situation owing to the high geothermal
temperatures needed (in excess of 180 °C), which are not readily available in the UK.
ORC, Kalina or CHP plants are more applicable (operating temperatures potentially as low as
c.100°C), with efficiency and economic sustainability likely to need a heat element as well as a
power element of the power plant.
Managing and maintaining pump efficiency is essential to limit net loss of power through the system
and maximise profitability of the plant.
Power can be produced with temperatures generally over 100°C and the higher the temperature
the more efficient the power production from a given quantity of hot water.
CHP applications increase the utilisation of heat extracted, particularly where low grade heat can
be used.
The following sections focus on stimulation (EGS) technologies applied to crystalline rocks. They can also be
applied to sedimentary aquifers where enhancement of the rock permeability may be required.
The Rhine Valley is currently the main area for EGS projects in predominantly crystalline rocks, albeit with
overlying sedimentary rocks, and provides an initial focus for many lessons learned. An overview of other
EGS projects is also provided together with lessons learned in sedimentary aquifers. A summary of the
lessons learnt as relevant to the UK and described in the following sections is provided in Table 5–1.
The Soultz-sous-Forêts EGS site (France) is a R&D EU-financed pilot project active since 1986. The
current installed capacity is 1 MWe. Three deep wells were drilled to 5 km depth in granite. Methods of
stimulation enhancements (EGS) to create the geothermal reservoir were carried out within the granite.
The Landau power plant (Germany) has been in operation since 2007. Two 3 km wells were drilled; the
open sections of the wells are located in the Buntsandstein and in the top of an igneous intrusion. These
open sections target regional faults. One of the two wells was found sufficiently productive without
stimulation. For the second well stimulation, comprising hydraulic fracturing and acidizing, was
undertaken, presumably targeting both the Buntsandstein and the igneous intrusion. The installed
capacity is 3.6 MWe.
The Insheim power plant (Germany) has a drilling target the same as in Landau (fault zones at the top of
the igneous intrusion and within the Buntsandstein). Since 2008, two wells with depths of 3500m have
been drilled. The installed capacity is 4 MWe. A sidetrack was successfully drilled from the first well,
because of a poor well production in comparison with the second well.
The Rittershoffen project (France) had its first successful borehole drilled in 2012. Start of operation is
planned in 2014. This project also targets faults zones at the top of the granite.
The Basel site (Switzerland) is located in the southern boundary of the Rhine Graben. One 5 km
borehole was drilled in 2006 into the basement. Seismic events of 3.4 on the Richter scale occurred
during stimulation, which led to the cessation of the overall project (Ref. 17).
The major findings of the Rhine Valley projects can be summarized as follows:
In Soultz-sous-Forêts and in Basel the top of the granite is always much more fractured and permeable than
the deeper granite. Consequently, the target of the more recent project was the fault zones located in the top
crystalline and the bottom of the sediments. These fault zones appear to be very efficient for geothermal
exploitation (see for example Landau, Insheim and Rittershoffen).
Vertical seismic profiles (VSP) were performed in Soultz. These seismic techniques appeared to be relatively
cost intensive and results were disappointing in the granite environment.
5.2.2. Drilling
The open-hole section should be drilled under balanced conditions, i.e. with a density of the drilling mud
selected to minimize drilling mud and cuttings entering the formation during the drilling.
The drilling well’s orientation should be chosen according to stress field orientation. Stimulation pressures
directed into the direction of minimum horizontal stresses are more likely to open fractures with a higher
success rate in increasing the transmissivity.
Well alignment should be parallel to maximum horizontal stress in order to allow the best hydraulic
connection between wells, whilst minimising the risk of short circuiting the geothermal reservoir.
Techniques to improve the near-wellbore region up to a distance of few tens of metres are chemical
treatments, and thermal fracturing.
The only approved stimulation method with the potential to improve the connectivity within the geothermal
field for greater distances, up to several hundreds of metres away from the borehole, is hydraulic fracturing.
The wells must be cleaned (cuttings removed) before hydraulic stimulation can take place. The original
concept in Soultz-sous-Forêts was to perform hydraulic stimulation without cleaning the well first (i.e. with
cuttings still present). The aim was to use the cuttings as a natural proppant in order to keep the sheared
fractures open. Following hydraulic stimulation it appeared that the cuttings plugged the fractures and also
damaged the production pumps afterwards, which is still an issue currently.
There is evidence in Basel and Landau that the increase in fluid permeability due to hydraulic stimulation
was within close vicinity of the well only, a distance of around 10 to 50 m. It is not known whether this was a
result of local well conditions limiting the extent of hydraulic stimulation or owing to the use of other, near well
stimulation techniques such as chemical or thermal stimulation. However, if the former, this study highlights
the risk of potential limited stimulation which might limit the fluid movement and thermal recovery within a
well field.
It is understood that the first well Landau was very productive and did not require stimulation. However, the
second well required was not so productive and required both “massive hydraulic stimulation and acidizing”
[DiPippo 2012 (Ref. 17) and personal conversations with D Baumgaertner during the geothermal workshop
in June 2013]. As a result, it is possible that, whilst the overall permeability of reservoir unit was good, the
open section of the second well was unluckily placed in a local zone with low permeability only. Therefore, it
is possible that a short distance was all that was required and the stimulation was never planned to increase
the permeability further afield (as this may not have been necessary).
Geomechanical analysis prior to the stimulation enables a proper design of the stimulation scheme. This is
essential as hydraulic stimulation has to be carried out with care, to avoid seismic events (risk mitigation).
Seismic events felt by the population can halt a project (see Ref. 17). The risk of producing significant
seismic events increases with injection time. This was experienced during hydraulic stimulation in Soultz and
Basel for example. During all stimulation, the largest events occurred at the end of the injection or during
shut-in of the well. As a consequence, short-term stimulation, using high flow-rates and high pressure, give
best results in terms of stimulation efficiency. It offers the advantage of limiting the risk of significant seismic
events (i.e. those noticeable to the population). For further discussion on seismicity see Sections 6.3.1 and
Reservoir tomography (seismic velocity distribution) appears to be a highly beneficial tool to monitor the
reservoir during stimulation. Tomography studies used in Soultz showed that some seismic slips could occur
in the reservoir (creating permeability without associated acoustic emission).
Methods have been recently developed in order to understand and predict micro-seismicity during hydraulic
stimulation in geothermal reservoirs (Ref. 5).
5.2.4. Production
Seismic events could occur also during production/operation of the reservoir (as was the case in Landau) as
well as during reservoir stimulation. Consequently, the best option to minimize the influence of the
geothermal exploitation on the reservoir is to use the most productive borehole for injection and the least
productive one for production. Thus, the overpressure induced by injection is minimized.
In Soultz, deposits and scaling minerals collected in the pipes, filters and heat exchangers were radioactive.
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material NORM deposits have to be treated with appropriate care and under
supervision of the adequate authority similar to the descaling of gas pipelines for example, where NORM
materials also accumulate.
5.2.5. Monitoring
Geophysical monitoring using seismic techniques may be done using an existing regional or national seismic
grid, where there are seismic stations of the grid in the vicinity of the EGS development site, or by installing a
dedicated seismic monitoring system which can be tailored to the site-specific conditions and particular
stimulation parameters (Ref. 17).
For example in Soultz, a downhole seismic network of six stations registered the micro-seismic events
occurring during stimulation, while a surface seismic network was also available and well adapted for the
micro-seismic event determination (Ref. 42). These micro-seismic events can be used to geophysically map
the reservoir in order to provide a better understanding of where stimulation is occurring, the fracture and
therefore flow network and other geophysical properties of the area being exploited.
In Soultz and in Basel it has been shown that the accuracy of the seismic monitoring network is of key
importance, as the quality of the seismic information gathered during reservoir stimulation and operation
could definitely help with the understanding of processes occurring in the geothermal reservoir.
The proof of concept was established (drilling and artificial connection between wells was possible);
Fractures could be artificially created by hydraulically stimulating wells drilled in hot, deep, intrusive rock;
The stress field may vary with depth;
The second well should be drilled after the first one has been stimulated, in order to target the best
newly created features;
Directional drilling control was possible in hard crystalline rock;
Acoustic emission (seismicity) and tracer tests could help mapping the reservoir; and
It was not possible to create a closed reservoir, as water losses between the wells were important at the
high pressures needed for operation.
It was clearly shown for the first time that permeability enhancement achieved through hydraulic
stimulation was due to shearing of pre-existing fractures and not by tensile fracturing of unknown rock
This shearing is linked to the fact that the stress field is anisotropic in basement rocks, implying that the
natural fractures fail in shear, long before the opening of fractures (jacking) occurs, or before new
fractures are created;
The hydraulic conductivity of the reservoir could not reach a commercial level; pumping costs were
always too high; and
Direct connections could be established between wells. It was clearly shown that cold injected fluids
could find some short pathways through the reservoir, resulting in a lower production temperature.
The well locally influences the stress field, as the growth direction of the seismic cloud changes at a
certain distance of the well.
Seismic events were produced during the production/circulation phase.
Injections on short term at high pressures could improve the well’s injectivity.
Long term injections and circulation at lower pressures had an even more beneficial effect. This is
because the reservoir grew and connectivity improved more during circulation tests than during efforts to
stimulate at high pressures.
Thermal short-circuits occurred. This is why well spacing should be carefully considered owing to short-
circuits being more likely to occur with narrow spacing. However, the fluid connection between the
abstraction and injection zone is more difficult to establish with a wider spacing.
Six wells are known to have been drilled (maximum depth 4,900 m) at the time of writing. This Cooper Basin
geothermal site is characterized by an overthrust faulting mechanism. Although the altered granite was
relatively easy to drill, some drilling problems occurred. Equipment was lost in a hole and the drilling of a
sidetrack was necessary as the fractured unstable rock meant that balancing drilling fluids was critical to
successful drilling.
Although such drilling issues were encountered, the basin reserves and the ability to exploit them were
confirmed sufficient to move from the research to the development phase. Geodynamics and TATA power
have commissioned a 1MW plant, as reported in June 2013, after which it is anticipated that significant
further development of power generation in the basin will be carried out (Ref. 23).
The over exploitation of the geothermal field (steam production) during the 80’s led to a drastic pressure drop
in the field. This pressure drop resulted in a decline of the production of all the power plants. The pressure
drawdown due to overexploitation of the Geysers geothermal field has been notably reduced since the water
reinjection programme started in 1992.
One of the aims of this project is to investigate whether the geothermal fluid temperature will be maintained
over a minimum of 20 to 30 years (only over such time periods are geothermal power stations commercially
The location of this geothermal power plant is representative of areas in Germany that are underlain by
sedimentary aquifers. If it is possible to construct a plant in these areas, economically generating electricity
from geothermal power, then it should be possible in many other areas and geothermal power could
purportedly provide at least 5% of heat energy and power demand in Germany (Ref. 40).
Scaling problems can be solved with inhibitors. In the Paris Basin, where about 30 doublets target
the Dogger aquifer for heating purpose, scaling and mineral deposits in the wells could lead to the
abandonment of a well after a few years of exploitation only. Therefore, scaling inhibitors, injected in
the production well using a downhole pipe were successfully developed and applied in the 1980s;
The logging campaigns of the cased sections of the well should not be neglected. For example,
realising an imaging log such as a UBI or a FMI in cased sections (realised before installing the
casing) can help identify large scale structures, which could eventually be targeted by a sidetrack
later on if the first well is not productive. This scenario was observed in Blumau (Austria);and
3D seismic techniques can bring a decisive advantage to a geothermal project (at least in deep
sediments), as it allows an optimal targeting of the well. Kirchweidach, Germany (Ref. 45) is an
example where a successful sidetrack was planned based on 3D seismic attributes analysis from a
non-productive borehole.
Table 5–1 Summary of lessons learnt from Non-EGS and EGS Projects in Crystalline Rock and Hot Sedimentary Rock Geothermal Projects
During the operational phase there is expected to be very little water lost from the reservoir, so water
requirements should be very low. At this stage, it is not known if the power plant will be air or water-cooled; if
it is to be water cooled, additional water would be required and such requirements would need careful
consideration as to their environmental impact and implications.
Fractures induced by investigation, aquifer stimulation and the associated micro seismicity could provide a
pathway to overlying aquifers or surface waters; the fluid injected during fracture stimulation or operation
could migrate along this pathway and, potentially, contaminate water bodies. The fracture lengths induced by
Deep Geothermal projects are small, in the order of tens to hundreds of metres (Ref. 2). Therefore, although
considering the zone of fracture propagation is likely to be in the order of 4 to 5 km below ground level could
generally be considered as an insignificant risk, it will be necessary to evaluate such risk taking into account
the rock mechanics and stress fields identified at initial investigation stage and drilling stage as part of the
project planning process.
If best practice guidance regarding the handling and storage of potentially contaminated materials is adhered
to then spills or leaks and potential for contamination should be very low in probability. However, all will
need to be assessed both for planning and as part of the application for the likely requirement of an
Environmental Permit. Additionally an RSR (Radioactive Substances Regulations) permit might be needed
where NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) is encountered, which is particularly likely in
radiothermal granites where minerals containing uranium and other elements with potentially radioactive
isotopes can be present.
The wells will be cased with at least one layer of steel during drilling, and subsequently sealed with a cement
grout, inhibiting contact with any surrounding groundwater, and preventing any contamination. This should
also be geophysically surveyed using a cement bond log to quality assure the seal.
It should be noted that the potential for pollution of water from geothermal exploration and exploitation is
lower than other similar deep resource exploration and exploitation such as for unconventional gas. There is
some similarity to the processes used in oil and gas; however there are significant differences as shown in
Ref. 29. The key differences are, unlike shale gas, EGS can use water extracted in situ and does not require
a large amount of external water. Furthermore, it does not produce wastewater as a by-product (Ref. 29),
and the fluids are re-circulated in the reservoir. Where potentially contaminative fluids are introduced, they
are in relatively small amounts solely for the chemical stimulation of the reservoir during the development
phase or for removal of drilling fluids. No further chemicals should be introduced during the operation of the
plant apart from potentially scaling and biological inhibitors where fouling could be an issue.
If the power plant is cooled by water, which is subsequently discharged to surface water or groundwater,
then there is the possibility of thermal pollution during power plant operation. This will need to be assessed
fully as part of planning and environmental permitting as appropriate.
Once operational the geothermal power plant should be designed such that it has minimal noise and visual
impact in accordance with likely planning conditions.
6.2. Regulatory
The requirements for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the circumstances in which one should
be undertaken are established by the European Directive on ‘the assessment of the effects of certain public
and private projects on the environment’ Directive 85/337/EEC (as amended by the Directive 97/11/EEC and
2003/35/EC). The European Directive has been transposed into U.K. legislation by the Town and Country
Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 (EIA Regulations).
These Regulations contain two lists of development projects. Schedule 1 identifies all the types of
developments for which and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is mandatory irrespective of their
location. Schedule 2 identifies the types of developments where an EIA must be carried out if the
development if any part of the development is to be carried out in a ‘sensitive area’. The EIA Regulations
define ‘sensitive areas’ as including nature conservation sites with national or higher level designations (e.g.
Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Special Protection Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and Ramsar
sites), Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, National Parks, World Heritage Sites and Scheduled Ancient
Schedule 2 developments must also be assessed based on the likelihood to have a significant impact on the
environment by virtue of its nature, size or location. Regulation 4(5) advises that, where a decision as to
whether Schedule 2 development is an EIA development, an account should be taken of the selection
criteria as set out in Schedule 3 of the EIA Regulations. These criteria relate to the characteristics of the
development, the location of the development and the characteristics of the potential impact as listed below.
During the desktop stage it will be necessary to seek a “screening opinion” from the local authority. This will
require a brief letter of request as to whether the proposed development will require an EIA. It will include a
basic description of the scheme and of the existing site, a comment about the screening criteria and a
preliminary listing of possible effects on the environment.
Cornwall County Council is the only Local Authority which appears to have a policy regarding Deep
Geothermal energy installations (Ref. 11). They detail their position within Renewable Energy Planning
Guidance Note 8: The Development of Deep Geothermal, Draft (July 2012), which states:
“Planning consent will normally be required for the development of a Deep Geothermal energy
facility. For some Deep Geothermal energy proposals an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
may also be required”.
The need for an EIA will be dependent upon the outcome of a Screening Opinion. Further guidance
regarding the decision process is highlighted within this Cornwall County Council document.
The Environment Agency details their official position on groundwater related subjects, as well as a summary
of the regulatory regime, in Groundwater protection: Principles and practice (Ref. 27). This states that:
“some deep geothermal schemes operate by the injection of water that is subsequently re-abstracted
from a depth considerably below the active Hydrogeological zone as there is negligible natural
groundwater at this depth. These types of schemes do not require a GIC [groundwater investigation
consent] or abstraction licence to re-abstract this water from depth as there is no abstraction from a
source of supply. Discharges at this depth do not require environmental permit again if there is
negligible groundwater and therefore not considered by us to be a groundwater activity.... Abstraction
of shallow groundwater or surface water to fill these schemes will require licensing where abstraction
volumes are greater than 20 m per day”.
Further details on abstraction requirement including a position statement of the Environment Agency on
Deep Geothermal energy can also be found in Ref. 26.
Where NORM is anticipated an RSR permit will be needed to ensure such materials are managed in a
controlled manner. This would also be the case where radioactive sources might be used in the equipment
used to carry out geophysical assessments, such as gamma logging equipment.
Micro-seismic events are normally caused by changes in natural in situ stresses that exist in the Earth, due
to pressurised fluid injection. In general, the micro-seismic events associated with geothermal power
production are too small to be felt. They routinely occur during mining activities, oil and gas abstraction and
storage, carbon capture and sequestration, geothermal power production and stimulation as well as any
other activities where liquids are injected or abstracted at significant depths.
The size of a micro-earthquake event (given by its magnitude at the source) and the surface acceleration
(how the event is measured at the surface) are influenced by local geology. It is a general rule that a Deep
Geothermal project cannot cause an event larger than that which would have occurred naturally at some
time. In the UK, the geology is relatively stable. Micro-earthquakes caused by Deep Geothermal projects are
believed to be small and very unlikely to cause damage.
However, natural earthquakes do occur and will occur in the future. A Deep Geothermal project will cause
earthquakes and could potentially cause an event that would be felt at the surface. The sudden fracturing of
rock caused by the injection of water into the reservoir zone is the cause of the earthquakes. This was the
case during the Rosemanowes project (see Section 5.3.2). The Rosemanowes project caused thousands of
micro-seismic events but only 2 were felt and no damage was caused (Ref. 2).
However, there have been notable exceptions such as in Basel, Switzerland 2006 (Ref. 17) where a Deep
Geothermal project caused a magnitude 3.4 event resulting in minor damage to buildings. The Deep
Geothermal project was stopped. It was predicted at the time that the Basel event would halt Deep
Geothermal development in Switzerland. Instead, the Swiss decided that the best approach would be to
develop an inclusive policy and involve and inform the local population. The involvement of the local
community has lead to a number of new Deep Geothermal projects now being developed (Ref. 2).
In the UK, micro-seismicity in association with shale gas extraction has raised public and governmental
awareness of the issue in recent years. The micro-seismicity has caused both media reaction and severe
delays to the shale gas project near Blackpool recently in the UK.
Monitoring and interpretation of micro-seismic events is an essential tool used to understand the
development and extent of a reservoir. On the other hand, public perception and, in rare cases, actual minor
damage resulting from earthquakes could potentially cause public alarm that would require authorities to limit
development of Deep Geothermal projects. Therefore, it would be sensible to start thinking about public
consultation at an early stage of the project.
It should be noted that, unlike shale gas extraction, for geothermal exploitation the hydraulic fracturing is
short term for reservoir development. After reservoir development the only fluids circulated within the
geothermal reservoir are recirculated hydrothermal fluids rather than continued frac fluid and proppants,
which are needed in shale gas to continually develop the resource. The water usage and treatment facilities
are significantly lower as a result with respect to geothermal operations compared with shale gas.
Other significant differences in hydraulic stimulation between shale gas and geothermal reservoir
development are the generation of multiple vertical fracs from horizontal wells in shale gas exploitation,
compared with opening of existing fractures and development of shear planes to increase permeability
between generally vertical wells in geothermal networks.
Power Export: The net power generation from a geothermal combined heat and power station is the
power that is available to be sold either directly via a private wire to a local consumer (should sufficient
demand be available) or exported to the local distribution network. It is expected that a geothermal
power station would operate base load i.e. continuously at a steady output, and would enter into a long
term power purchase agreement with a licensed electricity supply company. If a local consumer could be
directly connected then this would attract a higher tariff and improve the economic returns of the project
despite the additional cost of installing the direct electrical connection.
ROC’s / FIT’s and CfD: Up until the 1st April 2017, under the Renewables Obligation (RO), accredited
renewable generating stations are eligible to claim Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROC) based on
the volume of gross power generated. Power generated from geothermal is currently supported at 2
ROC’s / MWh and the value of each ROC can vary. The April 2013 ROC price was approximately £44.
Post 1st April 2017 no accreditation will be available under the RO for new renewable generating
Under the Energy Bill 2012 and Electricity Market Reform (EMR) a Contract for Difference (CfD) Feed in
Tariff (FiT) will be open from 2014/15 which aims to encourage investment in low carbon generation and
reduce an investor’s exposure to changes in wholesale energy prices. Under the CfD FiT scheme a
generator will receive the usual electricity market price plus a top up to a pre-agreed Strike Price (SP).
The draft SP for Geothermal (with or without CHP) in 2014/15 is £125/MWh.
Between 2014/15 and 1st April 2017 there will be a transitional period and both the RO and CfD FiT
support schemes will co-exist. Investors will have a one off opportunity to choose between the RO and
the CfD FiT regimes. Further clarification is required on how the value of the ROC will be supported post
We have based our financial analysis on the RO ROC scheme and assumed that the ROC price will not
devalue below April’s 2013 price of £44/MWh.
Heat Export: The usable heat that is available for sale (subject to suitable heat loads nearby) can be
sold on a price per metered kW sold. The rate at which the heat can be sold at will be dependent upon
the cost of other primary fuel sources such as gas. Heat would need to be priced so that it is competitive
with existing fossil fuel costs as is currently being done at a growing number of district heating schemes
in the UK. The sale price may also reflect a premium as it is from a low carbon source and therefore
avoids various carbon costs, depending on the circumstances in which it is used.
RHI: As the heat generated from a geothermal source is renewable, it is eligible for the Renewable Heat
Incentive (RHI). Deep Geothermal heat supplied by a plant over 100kW currently qualifies for a rate of
3.5 p/kWh. There is a consultation underway at present (2013) which could potentially increase the RHI
for Deep Geothermal heat to 5.0 p/kWh.
7.2. Grants
From time to time there are funding streams from UK or EU targeted at specific technologies or activities that
may be used to incentivise the development, uptake or deployment of low carbon technologies. There can
be technology specific funding or ‘technology agnostic’ funding aimed more generally at carbon reduction
measures or delivery partners (e.g. Higher Education or local government). These funds can be for capital
plant or technological support such as consultancy support or R&D. This is a rapidly changing scene but
there are no specific measures currently available to target Deep Geothermal projects.
The main revenue stream is from electricity sales, either to the grid or local clients.
Support for renewable electricity sales from deep geothermal power is currently 2 ROCs/MWh.
The current market value of ROCs is £44 per ROC.
Under the EMR, CfDs are planned to come into operation in 2014/15 and there will be transitional
arrangements from ROCs to CfDs.
The currently proposed CfD strike price for geothermal is similar to the current value of the ROC
Heat sales can compliment electricity sales if local customers require heat.
The RHI currently supports geothermal heat sales with a supplement worth 3.5p/kWh for plants of
over 100kW. It is currently proposed that the RHI is increased to 5.0p/kWh in the near future.
There are currently no direct grants for deep geothermal energy in the UK.
Obviously, for such generic plants, none of these figures will be accurate but by using sensitivity analysis on
various elements enables upper and lower extremes of potential investor returns, and hence financial
viability, to be assessed.
It should also be noted that until the resources are drilled to the depths necessary to supply the heat required
for power generation the thermal energy, fluid permeability of the rock and other geophysical parameters are
indicative only and therefore the actual reserve once proven could vary from the illustrative scenarios. For
example, the Weardale granite could be less transmissive and the Cornubian granite more transmissive,
therefore the two scenarios could apply similarly to either region, as could many others. However, these
scenarios are considered adequate to illustrate the points made.
8.2. Geology
A geothermal resource defines itself by the temperature of the ground or geological formation. In this respect
a geothermal resource is present where heat is present at temperatures that can be utilised for geothermal
power generation. However, for geothermal resource to be utilisable it also needs to be technically
accessible. The technical accessibility of the resource for geothermal power generation is satisfied if the
following conditions are present:
The well production temperature is high enough to allow the thermal energy to be converted to
electrical energy using currently available technologies;
Means of temperature transfer exists to extract the geothermal energy, for example via the flow of a
geothermal fluid.
In the UK the geology that might provide each of these conditions at depths that are currently technically
achievable is limited.
Only a proportion of the resource that is technically accessible can be regarded as a reserve. The likelihood
of a geothermal resource to be classified as a reserve depends on a number of technological, economical,
legal, environmental, land access, social and governmental factors.
The Australian Reporting Code defines a regime of classifying geothermal resources and reserves
depending on the economic feasibility of a project, as defined in Section The geology of the UK
meeting the requirements of a resource or reserve is discussed in the following sections.
Below ground energy sources, including geothermal energy is classified as resources and reserves, as
supported by the Australian Geothermal Reporting Code (Ref. 54).
In broad terms related to geothermal energy, the geothermal resource is an estimate based on both direct
measurements and inferences from the geology of how much geothermal energy is actually in the ground.
However the geothermal reserves of any particular area are defined as the amount of measured geothermal
resource that could be expected to be economically extracted using current commercial technology and
current economic conditions. Therefore geothermal reserves represent a small and changeable percentage
of geothermal resources, which can change based on the technology used to extract it, and the value of the
thermal energy which is currently directly linked to fossil fuel prices for heat only and power prices where a
geothermal reserve is used for power or CHP production.
Both resources and reserves are further subdivided into a number of categories.
Resources can be subdivided into Inferred, Indicated and Measured resources and are outlined below in
order of reducing risk:
Measured – The geothermal resource based on direct measurements to gain high accuracy and
would often include flow and production temperatures.
Geothermal Resource estimates should clearly identify any known potential technical risks, including
geological factors such as faults which could prejudice production or sources of cool fluid intrusion which
could degrade the resource.
Reserves can be subdivided into Proven and Probable. Only Proven and Probable Reserves should be used
when considering the economic feasibility of a project. Definitions of each reserve term are outlined below:
Probable – The geothermal reserve which has been both demonstrated and also deemed to be
economically and technologically usable at any given time.
Proven – The geothermal reserve that might reasonably be expected to be extracted and used. This
is sometimes also called the recoverable reserve and a ‘recoverability’ factor is often applied
dependent upon a number of factors such as well flows and temperatures.
The process of conducting a feasibility study should refine the assessment of Reserves using more project-
specific technical, environmental, regulatory and commercial criteria.
An illustration of the geothermal resources and reserves in the context of depths that are likely to be found in
the UK is shown in Figure 8–1.
Figure 8–1 Resources and reserves in the context of depths that are likely to be found in the UK
(Ref. 53)
8.4.2. Resources
Largely based on work performed by Downing & Gray (Ref. 19), areas with a high geothermal inferred
reservoir are present within the ‘South West Cornubian Batholith’, the Weardale and the Lake District
granites at approximately 3 to 5 km depths, as indicated by temperature gradient evidence from
Rosemanowes and Eastgate respectively (see Section 2.3).
In addition, under natural conditions, it is unlikely the permeability in most of these areas will support flow
rates sufficient for a commercial power plant without stimulation. State of the art stimulation techniques
require targeting features (e.g. geological faults) with higher permeabilities from the outset.
Therefore, it is presumed that reserve areas exist within the ‘South West Cornubian Batholith’, the Weardale
and the Lake District granites which are characterised by favourable conditions for stimulation. A number of
further factors need to be considered when determining areas that constitute probable reserves (e.g. legal,
environmental, land access, social and regulatory). However, as no boreholes have been drilled to depths
sufficient to prove the required minimum temperatures for power generation, these strata cannot be
considered as reserves for power generation under the Australian code definitions (Ref. 63).
Due to their anticipated lower reservoir temperatures (~100°C) and transmissivity (≤10Dm) the likelihood of
the base of Wessex and Cheshire sedimentary aquifers to serve as reserves for geothermal power
generation is also assessed as probable, albeit at the lower heat end suggesting that heat generation is
more likely to be viable than electrical power generation. However, again, as no boreholes have proven the
required temperatures the aquifers can only be considered indicted resources rather than reserves.
A summary of UK geothermal resources and reserves that might be suitable for power generation is
presented in Table 8-1.
Table 8-1 Summary of assessment of resource and reserve areas in the UK (using definitions
from the Australian code)
This category comprises all other areas for which temperature gradients (≤20°C per 1,000m) or for which
required drilling and EGS creation depths (>5,000m) are likely to render potential geothermal scheme as
economically unviable. However, this is dependent on state of the art technologies and technical
advancement, for example in drilling techniques, may supersede this presumption in the future.
Whilst the land take can hamper the construction of geothermal power schemes in urban areas, the extent of
pipes networks can be reduced by means of directional drilling. This drilling technique ensures sufficient
reservoir abstraction and injection zones spacing with short distance between abstraction and injection wells
at surface. An example of a borehole arrangement by directional drilling is illustrated in Figure 8–2 below
showing the borehole triplet scheme at Soultz-sous-Forêts.
It is likely that, fluid permeability enhancement (i.e. stimulation) technologies will generally be necessary for
the majority of the radiogenic granites to be sufficiently permeable for economic power generation from
granites at 3000 - 5000 m depths to be feasible. In discussions about fluid permeability enhancement
technologies [i.e. Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)], much emphasis is given on the importance of
identifying areas with increased permeability and associated fault zones. This means that EGS technologies
are more likely to be applied to a proportion of the granite exhibiting the thermal properties required.
Compared to granites (with matrix permeabilities in the order of 1mD), sedimentary aquifers are generally
characterised by significantly higher matrix permeabilities. However, for sandstones at depths within the
Cheshire and Wessex Basin, maximum formation transmissivities of around 10 Dm and 20 Dm have been
reported. For the utilisation of a power generation scheme to be economically feasible, Paschen et al (Ref.
55, see also Section 8.2) suggest a minimum reservoir transmissivity of approximately 5 Dm.
Whilst, permeabilities tend to decrease with increased depth, it may be possible for zones of higher
permeabilities to be present in deeper fault zones. Alternatively, in the presence of zones of increased
porosity, stimulation may lead to permeability enhancements as per experience from the Groß Schönebeck
research project (Ref. 42). In the case study for power generation utilising heat from a deep sedimentary
basin (Cheshire basin) reported below (see Section 0) stimulation to increase the reservoir permeability has
not been considered.
Apart from specific risks such as subsidence and induced micro-seismicity, other potential impacts of
geothermal power stations under operational conditions are comparable with those of conventional power
stations and comprise:
Water pollution;
Solids (fugitive dust) emission to the surface and the atmosphere;
Potentially radiological impact if naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) are present in host
Noise pollution;
Land use;
Water use;
Disturbance of wildlife habitat and vegetation;
Alteration of natural vistas; and
Health and safety risks.
Such impacts of a geothermal power station or elements of a geothermal scheme will be regulated as
discussed in Section 6.2. Subsidence
It is difficult to draw generalisations about subsidence because of the wide range of experiences among
geothermal fields. However, the operation of a number of large schemes (≥500MW) is not reported to have
resulted in significant subsidence. Problems with subsidence have not been generally reported for schemes
where most of the water is returned (Ref. 17). In the case studies discussed in this report, where the
geothermal fluid is returned to the geothermal reservoir, the probability of subsidence is considered very low. Scoping
The scoping stage of the project would comprise a high level review of information on a site and economical
appraisal of the proposed project. The key aim of this stage is to identify risks and uncertainties associated
with development of a particular resource/reserve in terms of both the surface and underground facilities.
Site screening and selection, potentially including scoping for planning, would be carried out as part of this
stage in order to ensure that there are no significant constraints on surface development prior to expenditure
on costly investigation.
Economic appraisal would include high level cost assessment and analysis of likely return on investment
based on market analysis. Pre-feasibility
Pre-feasibility studies might include more detailed data assessment and review and some non-intrusive
investigations such as surface geophysics. Where significant constraints for surface facilities have been
identified then additional data gathering and assessment might be undertaken to characterise these
constraints and identify whether they are likely to be critical to achieving project objectives.
The economic appraisal would be updated at this stage to identify any significant changes.
Drilling and testing would be carried out to characterise the reserve, the data from which would be used to
firm up the financial model.
During this phase of works outline front end engineering design would be carried out, subject to the findings
of the investigation, and planning permission would be sought in order to resolve key constraints prior to the
next stage.
Where Internal Rate of Return (IRR) figures are quoted they are based on equity investment excluding any
tax considerations. As they can be affected by many variables, these figures should not be taken to be the
actual rates of return that an investor might achieve but they do allow for comparison of the cases and
sensitivities produced from the modelling done for this report.
Capital Costs
Capital, operating costs and revenues have been developed to analyse the possible range of financial
returns. Geothermal energy development costs can vary widely between different geologies and approaches
and therefore it is not easy to generalise. Comparing a number of sources from developers and previous
reports a range of costs for a plant of <10 MWe are suggested from £2 – 10m / MWe. Scale of plant and
number of wells has a large bearing on this cost. A mid-point of £6m/MWe (net) has been used for the base
case analysis and then sensitivities applied to show the effect of that variable. At the base figure £6M per
MWe the cost of a 2.5MWe plant as shown in our case study of £15M (although it should not assume that a
specific plant of this size could be could be built for this cost). Whilst this cost may seem low for that
particular example, it also gives a value of £60M for a 10MWe scheme, which is consistent with other data.
The reason for using this approach is that the modelling is intended to reflect the situations that may be
expected to occur, for a whole range of plant sizes which may be considered between now and 2050. Any
potential comparison with current projects in the planning stage has been intentionally avoided to prevent
any inference of project returns for those specific projects which would be outside the competence of a
generalised report such as this.
There is a certain minimum cost for drilling the first pair of wells, and this is not directly proportional to the
energy extraction capability which is dependent on the ground permeability, abstraction rate and
temperature, and power conversion technology. Whilst the use of a cost per MWe figure can therefore get
distorted, the chosen baseline, with sensitivity the range of analysis applied, gives a reasonable expected
range of capital costs for plants of over 2MW that would be expected to be developed in the UK in various
types, locations, geologies and numbers of boreholes over the long term.
Where the cost per MWe approach is not applicable is in the case study for the Cheshire basin (Crewe).
Here the abstracted water temperature is significantly lower than the other two cases and hence the
electrical output is significantly reduced so the baseline cost/MWe approach above would result in a capital
cost of under £2 M which is too low considering the similar drilling costs to the other two case studies. For
this example the baseline capital cost has been set at £15M (similar to case study for Cornwall) and similar
sensitivity percentage adjustments applied to this figure as used for the other two cases.
Capital costs are expected to reduce over time if the technology becomes more commonly deployed. This
will be due to increased business efficiencies from competition entering the market and the increased
volume of production, and supply of capital plant, also reducing costs. Some work undertaken as input to a
recent DTI study into the deep geothermal industry suggested that a 15 to 19% reduction by 2050 could be
expected, with the majority of that (11 to 16%) occurring by 2025 and reduction tailing off thereafter.
The 2012 Government response to the consultation on proposals for the levels of banded support under the
Renewables Obligation for the period 2013-17 and the Renewable Obligation Order 2012 (Ref. 37), in Annex
D, “Capital and Operating Cost Assumptions used in Banding Review Analysis for Selected Years” shows an
expected fall in the Cap Ex of Deep Geothermal of 25% from 2010 to 2015 and a 2-3% reduction per five
year period thereafter until 2030. The ranges shown there are approximately £2.7M – 8.0M /MW in 2010
reducing to £1.9M – 5.5M /MW by 2030. These are broadly consistent with those used in the modelling for
this report.
The high level split of capital cost items for a geothermal combined heat and power station can be
summarised into the following key areas:
Geothermal well: The costs associated with the exploration and drilling of the production and depending
on the scheme, the re-injection well(s). These costs would include all associated site preparation and
infrastructure such as access roads etc to reach the well site. The Geothermal well capital costs will be
very much dependent on the location of the site, the depth and the geological structure. The costs may
also be dependent upon the oil price as this has an impact on the availability of drilling rigs.
Geothermal fluid transportation: The costs associated with harnessing the geothermal fluid from the
well head to the power generating station e.g. flow and return pipework to/from the well and associated
pumps for extraction and re-injection. Depending on the location it may not be possible to site the power
station directly at the well head or there may be multiple wells at different locations feeding a single
power station. The capital costs associated with transporting the geothermal fluid from the geothermal
well will be directly proportional to the distance to/from the power generating station.
Power Generating Station: The conversion technology may vary e.g. ORC or Kalina cycle, but will
include a prime mover, generator, electrical transformers / switchgear, condenser cooler e.g. water / air
type radiator, associated control systems and buildings / structures for housing the power generating
station. The power generating station would also include the capital costs of the electrical connection to
the district network operator (DNO) so that surplus power can be exported. The capital costs of the
power generating station will be largely dependent on the installed MW capacity, but also the specific
technology / conversion type used.
District Heating: As district heating is an important part of the government’s strategy for renewable heat
it is envisaged that district heating will become a more widely spread technology over the coming years.
It is therefore assumed for the purpose of this report that if there is a reliable constant source of low
carbon heat available from Deep Geothermal in an area where there is a sufficient heat demand
currently being met by fossil fuel, investment will come in from other sources to construct the heating
network. These costs have not therefore been included in this report. The costs that would need to be
met by others would include: the piping network; pumps heat substations; and energy meters. The
capital costs associated with a district heating circuit will be dependent on the length and complexity of
the pipework route, its capacity and the number and size of the connected heat loads. It should be
emphasised that the cost of installing a DHN is not inconsiderable and is greater in a retrofit situation
than if there is an opportunity to include it in a ‘new build’ situation (i.e. a new residential or commercial
development). The cost of including a DHN solely to increase the utilisation of a Deep Geothermal
project may therefore outweigh the financial benefits to the project. In new build situations, not only are
the installation costs of DHN lower than in a retrofit situation, but there are other costs of providing the
low carbon solutions which are required to meet planning obligations which will be offset by the provision
of heat from a low carbon source.
The high level cost breakdown for a typical double well geothermal power plant is given in Table 8–2 below:
Category Sub-Category %
Well doublet Infrastructure for Drilling site 4%
Electricity development <1%
Well 1 23%
Well 2 18%
Planning and testing 6%
Reservoir engineering 4%
Sub-total 55%
Geothermal Loop Production and injection pumps 3%
Heat exchangers/filters pipework 2%
Sub-total 5%
Binary Power Plant Turbine and generator unit 13%
Building 5%
Coolers 2%
Sub-total 20%
Infrastructure Pipes Valves etc <2%
Grid connection <3%
Sub-total 5%
Fees / Incidentals / Contingencies 15%
TOTAL 100%
Operational Costs
The high level operational costs for a geothermal combined heat and power station can be summarised as
Personnel costs: The cost of human time to operate the station. Due to the nature of a geothermal CHP
system, once operational it requires relatively little human interaction except to perform routine checks
and inspections, some of which could be performed remotely. The most human interaction would be
required for regular routine inspections, at start-up / shutdown of the plant and during maintenance
Routine maintenance costs: All the equipment associated with the geothermal CHP station such as
valves, pumps, the generator, switchgear etc will have required maintenance works to maintain its
performance and life.
Consumables: The cost of consumables is considered to be items such as filters, oil and chemicals,
which will have a relatively low overall operational cost. However, depending upon the geothermal site /
system, water and dosing chemicals may be required on an ongoing basis especially if water is not all
re-injected / recovered from the well.
It is unlikely that a geothermal well will have sufficient natural pressure gradient to produce a flow of
geothermal fluid and for this reason a lift pump and possibly a re-injection pump are required. These electric
pumps would require power to drive them. It has been assumed that for the majority of the time (except
during plant start-up and shutdown) the pumps would be powered by the output of the generating station
therefore reducing the net power available for export (i.e. a reduction in revenue rather than an increased
cost payable to others). For this reason the pumps parasitic power usage is not considered as an
operational cost, but instead seen as reduced revenue. The parasitic pump load will vary from site to site and
depend on the lift head required and the permeability of the geo-structure.
Plant Degradation
The base case financial modelling that has been carried out for this study assumes there is no degradation
of the thermal abstraction temperature with time. If a reduction in the abstraction temperature did occur, this
would result in a lower power output from the project and hence reduced revenues. The heat produced by
the well has been assumed in the base case to remain constant over the life of the project. There is some
evidence that there is potentially an annual degradation in available temperatures and therefore the power
production and the potential effect of this has been considered in the sensitivity analysis.
In estimating the annual energy volumes and hence revenues produced by the installation, a capacity factor
of 90% has been assumed for all plants. This capacity factor takes into account both the performance and
availability of the installation.
To calculate the potential revenue from the energy volumes, it has been assumed that the base load power
price is £45.00/MWh (a realistic price for baseload power at the time of writing, 2013) and that each MWh of
generation is eligible for 2 ROC’s at a price of £44.00/ROC (based on the April 2103 auction price). Deep
Geothermal is currently supported at 2 ROC’s/MWh and this has been used in the base case. For heat,
Deep Geothermal is currently supported at £35.00/MWh and in the base case we have also assumed that
heat can be sold at £25.00/MWh. As noted above the potential heat sales will be dependent upon suitable
heat load customers that can be connected to the station via a district heating network.
For calculating the timing of project revenues it has been assumed that the plant output in the first full year of
operation after construction would be 50% of the final anticipated full load output. This is due to ramping up
of the production well and other factors involved with the operation of a new plant.
For calculating the NPV a discount rate of 10% has been assumed as the base case and that electricity
prices will increase at a rate of 3.8% per annum which is a figure from the published National Grid, UK
Energy Price Scenarios report of September 2012 using the “Gone Green” scenario. Gas prices (and
therefore the equivalent heat sale prices for CHP plant) have been assumed to increase at 1.2% per annum,
an average figure between now and 2030, taken from the DECC Fossil Fuel Price Projections report of July
2013. (NB. The equivalent gas price increase from the National Grid report used for electricity predicts a gas
price growth of 2.3% per annum). The base case assumptions are summarised in Table 8–3 below. Prices
for electricity have been based on the current market prices at the time of writing this report.
It should be noted that a lower discount rate will affect the NPV, however it will not impact the IRR.
Term Assumption
Capacity factor 90%
Capital Cost £6m per MW net
Opex cost (year 1) £200k per MW net
Discount Rate 10%
Heat Sale Price £25.00 /MWh
RHI Value £35.00 /MWh
Power Sale Price £45.00 / MWh
ROC Value £88.00/ MWh (ie 2 ROCs / MWh @ £44.00 /ROC)
Rate of Inflation 2% per annum
Term Assumption
Electricity Cost Increase 3.8% per annum
Gas (therefore heat) price increase 1.2% per annum
Construction Period 3 years
First year output 50% of anticipated full output
Assessment Period 25 years
The financial cost model has been based on these site requirements to develop the capital cost.
Temperatures >100°C
Heat gradients > UK average (20°C per 1000m) - allowing the geothermal reservoirs to be created at
economical drilling depth of 5000m
-12 3
Heat reservoir permeability >5 x 10 m (~5mD)
Radiogenic granites of Cornwall, Weardale and the Lakes District are being suggested as probable reserves
for geothermal heat generation and therefore have been used in two of these examples. However, it should
be noted that the current status of these granites is inferred resource owing to the lack of characterisation.
However, projects utilising geothermal energy from temperatures (~100°C) at the base of the Wessex and
Cheshire sedimentary aquifers may also have potential and therefore an example describing such a project
has also been included. Current technology conversion efficiency from thermal energy to electrical energy is
directly linked to the production temperature that is supplied. A lower production temperature reduces the
conversion efficiency and 100°C is currently considered the minimum temperature that can be used to make
a project economical. A feasibility study for geothermal power generation in Germany has been carried out
by Paschen et al (Ref.46) which suggests specific parameters for a heat reservoir to be economically
feasible and is summarised in Table 8–4. Paschen et al also suggest 1 to 2 km distance between the
abstraction and injection wells for doublet systems as being suitable to utilise geothermal energy. These
suggested parameters have been taken into account in the case studies.
Table 8–4 Minimum parameter geothermal scheme suggested by Paschen et al (Ref. 48)
Parameter Value
Smaller plants (2 – 10 MWe) would be connected into the distribution network at either 11kV or 33kV.
Ideally the connection would be directly into a primary (33/11kV) substation or a grid supply point (132/33kV)
substation. However the distance to these sites may not be economically viable.
Alternatively the connection could be made by a ‘T’ connection into an existing cable or overhead line
passing near to the generator either directly or by establishing a switching point. Suitability of the existing
cable or overhead line would need to be carefully assessed to ensure voltage stability; circuit rating and
protection clearance times are not exceeded.
In some parts of the distribution network, generation levels may exceed demand and this could cause
reverse power flow in the transformers from the lower to higher voltage level. If this occurrence exists,
transformer investigations would be required to ensure the transformer reverse power flow capabilities are
not exceeded. This may well be the case in regions which have traditionally not had much generation but are
now handing growing amounts of wind power.
Connection of larger multiple plants (10 – 50+ MWe) would necessitate a connection into either the 132kV or
400kV networks. If the connection was into the 132kV network the connection maximum capacity would be
approximately 200 - 250MW. Exceeding this level would require a 400kV connection.
Establishing this size of connection would require clustering multiple generation plants into a 132/33kV or
275/33kV or 400/33kV node point and then clustering the node points into a single substation connected to
either the DNO or National Grid Transmission networks. In creating the generator plant clusters the network
would operate at distribution voltage levels. In doing so this could facilitate the creation of a new
Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO). The benefit of a new IDNO would be dependent on the
number of geothermal schemes within a close proximity, the capacity of the existing electricity network and /
or the costs of upgrading the existing electricity network compared to a new IDNO. Ofgem has currently
issued six distribution licences to IDNOs.
Detailed studies would be required for each scenario to ensure the distribution or transmission networks are
capable of connecting the generation. The studies would include voltage stability, fault level, reverse power
flow, protection clearance times, telecommunication systems and network capability.
Likeli- Overall
Risk Category Description of Risk Consequences Severity Risk Mitigation
hood Score
Power Price Economic The power price can decrease A fall in the power price would 5 5 10 Forward fix power prices and
both in the long and short term increase the payback period of a volume to gain budget certainty
depending on market conditions project.
ROC Price Economic The ROC price can change A fall in the ROC price would 3 5 8 Continue to monitor the market.
depending on the market surplus increase the payback period of a Contract forward if possible and
/ shortfall. project. monitor the market
ROC Support Economic / The ROC support level for A lower ROC support level would 3 5 8 It is likely that a developed or
Level Policy Geothermal Power is currently reduce the revenue to a project granted project would continue to
set at 2 ROC’s / MWh. The and hence reduce the payback. receive grandfathered ROCs.
current level of support is set to Continue to monitor the market
drop to 1.8 ROC’s / MWh in 2017,
RHI Rate Economic / Deep Geothermal heat currently A lower RHI rate would reduce 1 5 6 It is likely that a developed or
Policy qualifies for the renewable heat the revenue to a project and granted project would continue to
incentive at a rate of 3.5p/kWh. hence reduce the payback. receive grandfathered FITs.
There is a risk that this level of Continue to monitor the market
support could reduce in the
Other Natural Economic / The geothermal development Potential geothermal sites are not 3 4 7 Ensure that the appropriate
Resources Policy / area may have other more developed as there are economic, regulatory and policy
Regulatory profitable or conflicting resources economically attractive options. are put in place to make
/ minerals, for example shale gas. Development of geothermal geothermal energy attractive.
There may also be cases where energy becomes limited.
wells from different companies
are using the same aquifer and
hence the production and / or
resources may be reduced.
Likeli- Overall
Risk Category Description of Risk Consequences Severity Risk Mitigation
hood Score
Skills and Economic / The appropriate skills and Development of geothermal 3 3 6 Although geothermal energy is
Resources Policy / resources are not available to energy becomes limited or costs relatively new in the UK, when split
Regulatory develop geothermal energy in the increase as the skills / resource is into its individual component parts,
UK needed from overseas the skills and resources could be
established from other industries
such as oil & gas and power
Planning Regulatory Planning permission is rejected or A project is delayed or does not 4 4 8 Planning permission can be
Permission takes a long time due to lack of proceed at all. Can potentially determined upfront in the early
awareness / public also add additional costs to a development stages of the project
misconceptions project to help reduce the risk of unknown
Easements Regulatory Where the geothermal production Easements and wayleaves may 2 3 5 Easements and wayleaves can be
and and return pipe and / or power not be agreed / granted for the established at the development
wayleaves cables cross other owners land, most economic route. Alternative stage of the project so that the
easements and wayleaves will routes may be needed increasing costs are known and risks reduced
need to be established the cost of the project
Licensing Regulatory Licensing and the legal Could lead to large areas of 4 5 9 Put appropriate licensing in place
ownership of geothermal debate; this is a significant risk for so that ownership is defined.
resources in the UK is currently geothermal energy development.
not clear
Changes to Regulatory Laws and regulations are Any negative changes in law or 4 4 8 Continue to monitor
laws / currently established; however regulations could put off potential
regulations there could be changes or new developers and investors.
(EA) / permits laws / regulations in the future
Access Regulatory Access to the drilling site will be If the required access cannot be 1 5 5 Permission and cost can be
required achieved then an alternative site determined upfront in the early
or access may be required development stages of the project
potentially increasing the cost. and hence significantly reduce the
A project may not proceed. risk of unknown costs.
Likeli- Overall
Risk Category Description of Risk Consequences Severity Risk Mitigation
hood Score
Available Technical The exact geothermal resource As the resource determines the 4 4 8 Carry out detailed modelling and
resource available can only be established volume of energy available, it is a test wells to establish the resource
at the later stages of the project large contributing factor to the as far as possible
cycle. overall revenue the project will
generate and hence the
economics. Considerable upfront
capital required to determine the
Exploration / Technical There are various risks A well is unproductive or has to 3 5 8 Carry out exploration studies as far
drilling risk associated with drilling such as be abandoned as possible to help gain certainty
encountering unexpected strata
and these will not be fully known
until the drilling progresses.
Availability / Economic The availability and cost of a A higher oil price makes it more 3 5 8 Arrange a drilling rig in advance to
cost of rigs for drilling rig is linked to the oil price, attractive to develop more achieve favourable pricing
drilling expensive oil fields and hence
there is competition to secure an
appropriate drilling rig. This could
either delay the program until a
rig is available or increase the
cost of drilling. A fall in the oil
price would provide the opposite
Water Technical A water resource may be Could increase the cost of a 2 3 5 The availability of water resources
required to provide the geothermal project and also has can be established at the
geothermal fluid. environmental considerations. development stages of a project
and a good idea of costs
Likeli- Overall
Risk Category Description of Risk Consequences Severity Risk Mitigation
hood Score
Grid Technical If a geothermal CHP plant is to The availability and proximity of a 3 3 6 The feasibility and cost of the
connection export the surplus power suitable grid connection can add connection can be determined
proximity and generated then it will need a considerable cost to the project upfront in the early development
cost connection to the local stages of the project and hence
distribution network. significantly reduce the risk of
unknown costs.
Well Technical A wells production temperature A reduction in the energy 3 5 8 Carry out detailed testing and
degradation could reduce over time or reduce available and hence the revenue logging of the well to establish its
quicker than expected. for the same or increased viability before continuing
production costs. development.
Heat load Economic / To develop a CHP system, there If there are no head loads then 2 4 6 An estimate of the heat demand in
proximity and Technical needs to be a suitable heat CHP will not be possible and this the area can be established in the
cost load(s) within a reasonable will reduce the economics. If early feasibility stages; however
proximity to the power generating potential heat loads are a long the exact heat demand would need
station. distance away, this will increase to be firmed up during the
the costs of distribution and development phase of the project
hence reduce the project and commitments agreed with the
economics heat load owners.
Performance Technical The revenue modelling of a If the performance or availability 1 4 5 The techno-economic model
and geothermal energy project is is less than expected then the should be an ongoing process
availability based on the overall performance project revenue would be incorporating new / gained
and availability of the geothermal reduced. information and hence increasing
system. certainty
Operating Economic Operating costs are higher than Higher operating costs would 1 4 5 There will always be some
costs estimated / budgeted. reduce the project economics unplanned operational events and
these will need to be covered as
contingency in the operational
9 Case Studies
9.1. Rationale
9.1.1. Scenario rationale
For a geothermal power plant to be economically feasible a good flow of heat is required. Power generation
rates depend on the flow rate of geothermal fluid and its temperature. Flow rates are governed by the
hydraulic characteristics of the rock and need careful consideration. The three case study schemes reflect a
mixture of scenarios applicable to the UK situation and the main performance parameters are based on the
following assumptions:
Cornwall Scheme
Representative of granites where permeability restricts flow rates and stimulation is required. Note zones of
faulting and features in this area can be reasonably expected to be present as per the Weardale scheme
below but this is as yet unproven.
Reflects the experience derived from the testing of boreholes at Rosemanowes. Permeabilities of the
granite to some depths have been investigated and reported. However, Rosmanowes was chosen for its
absence of geological features. As a result, the permeability values found are only representative for the
much lower matrix permeability that cannot be relied upon when creating a geothermal reservoir.
The granites in the Upper Rhine Graben are an analogous area where the following can been inferred:
- Based on the reservoir index of the reservoir constructed in a fault zone at Soultz-soulz-Forets, a
conservative pre-stimulation permeability of approximately 1 mD can be assumed.
- Stimulation is presumed to enhance the permeability by a factor of 19 as per experience from the
Soultz-soulz-Forets site.
- The application of a pressure of 60bar is considered reasonable to overcome the reservoirs
resistance to flow, its thickness and fluid viscosity. A post stimulation flow rate of 40 l/s was
It is possible similar features (as per the Weardale Granite) facilitating higher flow rates exists in the
Cornish Granites, however, this scenario tests a case where such features are absent.
If absent, ‘geological disturbances’ generated by faulting can provide higher permeabilities.
Dependent on a number of plant specific parameters (e.g. return temperature and conversion efficiency)
the 190°C hot fluid (indicated at depths between 4,500 and 5,000m) flowing at a rate of 40l/s after
stimulation results in a gross electricity generation rate of about 3.1MW.
Weardale Scheme
Representative of granites with features where the permeability is not limiting flow rates. The presence of
such features has been reported by the Eastgate studies.
The presence of a geological feature (Slitt Vein) in the granite suggests unusually high permeability.
Provided such permeabilites persist to the base of the reservoir (estimated at c.4,500m), then large
technically and economically feasible flow rates may be possible. Based on geothermal power plant sites
where high permeabilites are not the limiting factor for flow, a rate of 80l/s has been used for this
Dependent on a number of plant specific parameters (e.g. return temperature and conversion efficiency)
the 160°C hot fluid flowing at a rate of 80l/s results in a gross electricity generation rate of about 4.5MW.
Crewe Scheme
Although based on an interpretation of geophysical logs and not direct test data, Barker at al 2000 (Ref.
3) suggests that the transmissivity in the sandstone is likely to exceed 10 Dm. No information is given as
to what depth range the transmissivity applies to. However, permeability and transmissivity, as a product
of permeability and aquifer thickness, decrease with depths. Therefore, a 10 Dm transmissivity has been
used when calculating flow rates for this scenario.
A pressure of 80bar is considered technically feasible however, to overcome the reservoirs resistance to
flow and has been applied to the scenario together with the reservoir permeability and thickness, and the
fluids viscosity, to calculate a flow rate of 40l/s.
Dependent on a number of plant specific parameters (e.g. return temperature and conversion efficiency)
the 100°C hot fluid (inferred at depths between approximately 3,650 m and 4,250 m) flowing at a rate of
40l/s results in a gross electricity generation rate of about 0.7 MW. The moderate gross electricity
generation rate, the majority of which would be taken up by parasitic loads, is low due to the relatively
low temperatures anticipated (100°C).
Recovery factors are used when calculating the overall potential of generating electricity from source rocks
on a regional rather than scheme specific scale, following the heat in place concept. A low recovery factor
determines the maximum rate of energy that can be extracted from a single scheme to a lesser extent than it
puts limitations on the overall rate that can be abstracted from an entire region (e.g. the granites of South
West England).
Whilst the heat recovery factors for naturally fractured geothermal systems generally lie between 5 % and 15
% (Ref. 38). Because of the difficulty in emulating naturally fractured systems, the heat recovery factors for
an EGS system is expected to be lower. Grant & Garg 2012 (Ref. 38) suggest a recovery factor of 2% for
reservoirs engineered in the granites of the Cooper Basin.
For the scenario development a variety of recovery factors has been used for illustrative purposes; a low 2%
for an EGS system in granite; a higher 10% for naturally permeable fractured granite and a high 20% for a
fractured sedimentary aquifer with additional intergranular porosity. In reality, the recovery factors will be
variable in the host rock as a result of differences in natural fracturing, with areas of higher and lower
recovery in all systems. However, by providing varied factors in the scenarios the effect of such variation
can be demonstrated.
2500 m
100 – 110 C
Heat gradient:
4500 m 0.035 – 0.04 C
170 – 190 C
K = 19 mD
T = 9 Dm
Reservoir temperature:
5000 m
180 – 200 C
185 – 210 C
The heat reservoir in this scenario is created within faults zones at depths between 4500 m and 5000 m. The
presumed permeability (1mD) of the granite in this scenario is increased by means of stimulation (EGS). At
the depth of the reservoir, depending on detailed design, the abstraction and injection zones are
approximately 1000 to 2000 m distant from each other. The granite at the fault zone is presumed to exhibit
an initial permeability and porosity of 9.9 * 10 m2 (1 mD) and 15% respectively. In this scenario, stimulation
by means of hydraulic fracturing is estimated to result in a permeability improvement 19 times the original
value. This compares with the result at Soultz-sous-Forêts (Ref. 42), and post the stimulation the reservoir
2 3
shows average permeability and transmissivity values of 1.9 * 10-14 m (19 mD) and 9.4 * 10-12 m (9 Dm)
Depending on local heat gradients (the anticipated range varies between 35 °C per 1,000m and 40 °C per
1,000m the average reservoir temperature anticipated is between 180 °C and 200 °C. Parameters, specific
for the reservoir presumed in the scenario are summarised in Table 9–1 below.
Parameter Value
Stratigraphy Granite
Thermal gradient 35 – 40 °C per 1,000m
Depths (reservoir thickness) 4500 m – 5000 m (500m)
Reservoir Temperature 180 – 200 °C
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid type Brine
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid density 1200kg/m
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid viscosity 0.0007 Pa s
Parameter Value
-16 2
Permeability(prior to stimulation) 9.9 * 10 m (1 mD)
-14 2
Permeability (post stimulation) 1.9 * 10 m (19 mD)
-12 3
Transmissivity (post stimulation) 9.4 * 10 m (9 Dm)
Reservoir index (productivity / injectivity) 0.7 l/s/bar (24 m /h/MPa)
Injection pressure 6 MPa (60 bar)
3 3
Flow rate 0.040 m /s (40l/s, 144m /h)
-3 -1
Volumetric heat capacity (Granite) 2.4MJ m K
Recovery factor 2%
Conversion coefficient 13%
Economic life of project 25 years
Heat reservoir volume 1.4 km
Power generation (gross) 3.0 MW
Parasitic load (pump for pressure difference) 0.5 MW
Power generation (net) 2.5 MW
With R (°C) = reservoir temperature, 0.0035 – 0.04 °C/m = thermal gradient; d (m) reservoir depth and 12 °C
subsurface temperature
Reservoir permeability
-16 2
The granite at the fault zone is presumed to exhibit an initial permeability and porosity of 9.9 * 10 m
(1 mD) and 15% respectively. In this scenario, stimulation by means of hydraulic fracturing results in a
permeability improvement 19 times the original value.
Based on these assumed parameters and with the presumed fluid viscosity and injection pressure (pressure
3 3
difference), the flow rate is calculated to equate to 0.04 m /s (40 l/s or 144 m /h).
It is assumed that geothermal fluid after the binary cycle power plant could be used for district heating
purposes with an assumed minimum re-injection temperature of 45°C, although the minimum return
temperature will be determined from the specific chemistry of the water in each case as crystallisation of any
salts needs to be avoided. In this case the available heat output rate available is up to 5 MW. It should be
noted that this is the maximum heat output rate and the volume of usable heat would be dependent on the
connected thermal loads. Although not assumed possible in this case study, if the low grade heat (circa 20 –
45°C) could be used from the power plant condenser (which is separate to the well circuit and would
otherwise be dissipated) , then significantly larger quantities of heat could be available. Based on the
installed capacity, for the base case we have assumed a capital cost of £15 M and annual operational cost of
£500k. The capital costs include all costs associated with the geothermal well, electrical generation station,
grid connection and associated pipe work and auxiliary equipment. All the base case assumptions are
summarised in Table 8–3, with specific assumptions summarised in Table 9–2.
With the base case assumptions set as per Table 8–3, a sensitivity analysis has been carried out on the
volume of heat sales and the effect on the project NPV and IRR. The ability to use and sell the heat would be
dependent upon one large heat user or a number of smaller users connected to a heating network. The
costs associated with delivering the heat to the user(s) would be very much dependent upon the distance
from the geothermal wells along with the size and number of heat customers to be connected. A single heat
load customer taking all the heat available within close proximity to the geothermal well is likely to provide
the most economic option compared with a small number of heat loads a long distance away from the
geothermal well being the least or uneconomic option.
For this reason the heat volume sale sensitivity analysis has been carried out assuming zero cost for
delivering the heat to the customer. Dependent upon the distance, number and size of the heat loads, the
cost for delivering the heat would increase and hence reduce the economic case.
The results of the sensitivity analysis without including costs for delivering the heat are shown in Table 9–3.
It can be seen initially with the base case of zero heat sales that the NPV is low. However as an increasing
volume of heat sales will increase the revenue to the project, it can be seen that when 75% of the potential
heat volume is sold the IRR reaches approximately 17%.
District heating is normally considered to be viable in areas with a high heat density with some good base
loads which are both large and constant (often referred to as anchor loads). Having availability of space for
routing underground heat distribution pipework is also beneficial to district heating. This is not typically how
one would describe the situations in small Cornish towns. However, as the benefits of the low carbon of
district heating become more widely understood we may move away from the traditional ‘norms’ just
In order to put the heat loads potentially available from geothermal energy into context with the area, the
online DECC heat mapping tools have been used to estimate the heat requirements. If our sample case
study plant was situated at Redruth in Cornwall, then the map below (Figure 9–2) shows the heat loads
within a 1km radius as indicated by the small blue/purple circle.
This tool suggests that these sectors have an annual thermal demand for approximately 50,000 GWh in that
area with 43,000 GWh being domestic load. Comparing this to an existing city centre district heating
scheme in Sheffield, the online mapping suggests that within the same 1km radius of the city centre the
matching load categories have a demand of 141,000 GWh with 64,000 GWh being domestic load. That area
in Sheffield is fed by a 45MW (thermal) district heating scheme with 45 km of pipework feeding some 140
buildings including two universities and various municipal buildings.
Whilst the two areas are very different in nature and no conclusive comparison can be made, it would appear
that this area around Redruth, which is probably typical of other small Cornish towns, could well be supplied
with heat from a Deep Geothermal plant of 2.5 MWe net giving 5.0 MWth output.
The mapping shows that a large proportion of the relevant heat demand in Redruth (87%) is domestic.
Typical consumption profiles for domestic properties show that around 75% will be seasonal demand for
heating homes and will only be required in winter and the remaining 25% will be for heating hot water and
will be required all year round.
In order that a large proportion of the available heat from the geothermal plant can be used it would need to
be matched close to the base load available throughout the year, with the peak winter demand being met by
conventional heating plant.
The capital cost per MWe has been varied between £3M/MWe and £9M/MWe, which are generally in the
range used for other studies and these levels approximate to the Low/Medium/High figures in Ref. 12. As
expected the NPV and IRR decrease with increasing capital costs. This shows for any geothermal project
that the capital costs need to be as low as possible and it is expected that capital costs would decrease as
the geothermal industry matures (see section 8.4.7).
Table 9–4 shows the effect on NPV and IRR for a power only scheme. The results assuming 50% heat
utilisation are shown in Table 9–5.
Any heat sales would attract the RHI tariff, which is currently £35.00/MWh for Deep Geothermal and also
potentially an additional price per MWh from the heat load customer. The costs for any heat network have
not been included at this stage but would (depending on distance, size and location) increase the project
capital costs and also add a cost of sales in delivering the heat to the customer. Under the base case the
heat sale price to the customer has been assumed to be £25.00/MWh. In comparison, the cost to generate
heat from a natural gas boiler is approximately £30.00 - 50.00/MWh for a residential customer, depending on
the gas price and boiler efficiency, so the geothermal heat price has been set lower in the base case model
so that it is more economically attractive than conventional heating. The heat sale price that could be
achieved would be dependent on the heating network and its ownership e.g. if the heating network was pre-
existing then a lower heat sale price may be expected, but the project returns may remain the same or better
due to the capital cost for the heating network being reduced or not required.
Based on an assumption of being able to use 50% of the heat volume, a sensitivity analysis was carried out
on the effect of increasing or decreasing the price at which the geothermal heat could be sold. This analysis
has been carried out with the RHI fixed at the current rate and changing the heat price only, e.g. at a heat
price of £0/MWh, the project would still be attracting the RHI on 50% of the heat volume and hence receiving
a revenue income for the heat. This heat revenue income will then increase with an increasing heat sale
price (assuming 50% of the heat volume is sold).
Table 9–6 shows how NPV and IRR increase as the assumed heat sale price rises. NB. Even with zero heat
sale price the revenue of the plant is still increased by the value of the RHI.
Table 9–6 Cornwall: Heat Sale Price sensitivity (50% heat use)
A sensitivity analysis was carried out to look at the effect of varying the operational cost on NPV and IRR.
Table 9–7 shows the results on the analysis and it can be seen than a £100k/MWe per annum increase in
the opex cost results in approximately a £1.7M decrease in the NPV and a 0.8% decrease in the IRR.
Normal investment cases would be expected to require an IRR of in excess of 15%. However due to the
high up front risk of Deep Geothermal where a large amount of the capital cost is required for drilling before
the success of the project can be guaranteed, we could expect investors to require IRR figures in excess of
20%. Generally 50-60% of the capital costs of a project are involved in the drilling and preparation of the
Based on the financial analysis presented above we can conclude that there is a potentially viable
investment case (IRR circa 15% plus) for this case study based on the lowest assumed capital cost and the
ability to use 50% or more of the available heat for sale through a district heating network to commercial and
residential loads for space and hot water heating.
We can therefore use information about the populations in Cornwall and West Devon, which are situated on
the granite formations being utilised for geothermal energy in this case, to extrapolate the potential for the
technology based on electricity and heat generation. The example for heat use above is discussed for the
largest conurbation in Cornwall of Camborne and Redruth, which has a population of around 40,000. There
are five communities in Cornwall with a population of 20,000 – 30,000. In West Devon there are three large
communities of Plymouth (circa 260k pop), Exeter (circa 120k pop) and Torbay (circa 130k pop) and five with
populations of 10,000-30,000.
Very roughly therefore, scaling on population one might envisage an opportunity for 10 projects of
approximately the size of this example plus three larger schemes at the larger conurbations in west Devon.
These together could therefore amount to around the size of twenty two of the plants in this case study. This
would equate to a net generation capacity of 55 MWe over the whole of the granite thermal resource in the
region that could support heat and power schemes. Given the levels of uncertainty around this
methodology, this could be expressed as somewhere in the range of 0 - 100 MWe.
The case study example assumes the extraction of heat from an area of 2.6km . These plants combined
would therefore utilise an area of approximately 60km of the granite resource. This is a very small fraction of
the resource area in the cornubian batholith granite which amount to some 2,500 km .
An alternative approach to this estimation is to consider the regional heat demand as assessed from the
DECC on-line heat mapping tool. This shows that the total heat load for non industrial users is around
3000 MW of thermal demand. As our case study produces 5 MW of thermal energy this implies there could
be an opportunity to replicate the plant 300 times in the region assuming half of the heat load could be fed
from similar plants which would result in some 750 MWe of electricity production. Whilst this is unlikely to be
realistically possible (due to the excessive cost of the heat network that would be required and the
complexity of creating heat networks with long term heat contracts for multiple existing heat users) it forms
another estimation of the upper limit of utilisation. This would represent heat being extracted from
approximately 800 km of granite or around 30% of the total resource area.
There is therefore plenty of energy resource that is available but cannot be utilised as a combined heat and
power scheme based on assessments of heat demand. Power only schemes have been shown to provide a
lower attractive economic return (circa 11%) than those with heat use under the assumptions made to define
the base case described above. However, if future economies of scale and technology development were to
reduce the capital cost significantly then the IRR would again rise to around 18%.
If such plants become economically attractive then they are not limited by the thermal loads but by the heat
available in the underlying geology. In that case using the ‘heat in place concept’ explained in the SKM
report 2012 (Ref. 61), then, a purely theoretical installed gross generation capacity of up to 4,000MW is
possible for 25 years. However, a number of constraints apply such as the parasitic power required for
producing and re-injecting the geothermal brine and the availability of suitable production temperatures, both
of which would constrain the overall amount of net energy that could be extracted for the purpose of power
conversion. Properties (e.g. permeability), which preferentially can be found in fault zones determine the
likelihood of EGS being successfully applied in granite. Although, as technologies improve, the application of
EGS may become employable for a wider range of conditions, at present, the reliance on properties with
favourable conditions has a significant influence on the amount of energy that can be extracted for the
purpose of power conversion (see also Section 8.4.4).
The fault zones are shown in Figure 9–3 below, together with the granite outcrop in solid red and subcrop in
shaded red.
Figure 9–3 The Major Fault Systems of Cornubia (after Camborne School of Mines, 1988)
Optimistic abstraction rates in this scenario are based on findings from the Eastgate geothermal well drilled
to a depth of 995 m (723 m of which was within the granite) into the Weardale batholith (granite) targeting to
intersect the Slitt Vein, a major, linear, sub-vertical and potentially permeable natural fracture-zone (see
Section 2.3).
The geothermal fluid in this scenario is assumed to be available at rates that a doublet system (one
abstraction and one injection well) would support. This is based on the Slitt Vein and associated network of
fractures in the granite to be highly transmissive (a transmissivity of > 2,000 Dm was recorded during the
well drilling mentioned above) and assuming such transmissivity extends to 4000m then at such depths
water may be present at temperatures of circa 160°C.
Parameter Value
Stratigraphy Granite
Thermal gradient 38 – 39 °C per 1,000m
Depths (reservoir thickness) 3,500 m – 4,000 m (500m)
Reservoir Temperature 160 °C
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid type Brine
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid density 1200kg/m
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid viscosity 0.0007 Pa s
-13 2
Permeability > 2.6 * 10 m (>250 mD)
-10 3
Transmissivity > 1.3 * 10 m (>100 Dm)
Reservoir index (productivity / injectivity) >8 l/s/bar (>290 m /h/MPa)
Injection pressure <10 MPa (<10 bar)
3 3
Flow rate 0.080 m /s (80l/s, 288m /h)
-3 -1
Volumetric heat capacity (Granite) 2.4MJ m K
Recovery factor 10%
Conversion coefficient 13%
Plant capacity factor 0.9
Economic life of project 25 years
Heat reservoir volume 0.64 km
Power generation (gross) 4.4 MW
Parasitic load (pump for pressure difference) 0.5 MW
Power generation (net) 4.1 MW
With R (°C) = reservoir temperature, 0.0038 – 0.039 °C/m = thermal gradient; d (m) reservoir depth and 12
°C subsurface temperature
Reservoir permeability
Due to the high transmissivity of the granite that is associated with the Slitt Vein and network of fractures, the
geothermal fluid in this scenario is available at any rate that a doublet system (one abstraction and one
injection well) would support. On this basis a flow rate of 80 l/s is suggested.
Term Assumption
Electrical efficiency 13%
Gross Capacity 4.45 MW
Net Capacity 4.15 MW
Capacity factor 90%
Capital Cost £24.8 m (£6m per MW net)
Opex cost (year 1) £829 k £ pa (£200 k per MW net)
With the base case assumptions set as per Table 8–3, a sensitivity analysis has been carried out on the
volume of heat sales for the Weardale case and the effect on the project NPV and IRR. The results of the
sensitivity analysis are shown in Table 9–10. It can be seen initially with the base case of zero heat sales
that the NPV is low however as an increasing volume of heat sales will increase the revenue to the project, it
can been seen that when 75% of the potential heat volume is sold, the IRR reaches approximately 18%.
Tables of Sensitivity to Cap Ex, heat sale price and opex for the Weardale case study are presented in Table
9–11, Table 9–12, Table 9–13, and Table 9–14 below. In general the trends are similar to the Cornwall case
study, with reducing Cap Ex, increasing heat sale quantity or price, or reducing operational costs all
increasing the IRR for the project. In all cases, with optimistic scenarios, there appears to be the level of
return that an investor would require for a project with a ‘normal’ degree of risk.
Table 9–13 Weardale: Heat Sale Price sensitivity (50% heat use)
Properties (e.g. permeability), which preferentially can be found in fault zones determine the likelihood of
EGS being successfully applied in granite, which is applicable for any granite and not just that in Weardale
and the Lake District. Although, as technologies improve, the application of EGS may become employable
for a wider range of conditions, at present, the reliance on properties with favourable conditions has a
significant influence on the amount of energy that can be extracted for the purpose of power conversion (see
also Section 8.1.1).
The Weardale and Lake District resource area (see Figure 9-5 below) is approximately 2,800km in size.
It can be seen that the concentrations of heat load in the region do not coincide with the region of granite in
the area. If only combined heat and power plants were used to support heat loads in the region, the potential
would be limited to a few relatively small plants in the conurbations such as Penrith, Bishop Auckland and
Keswick. DECC online heat mapping tools suggest that the annual heat load above the region of geological
reserves is 1,300 GWh and if all of this could be met from the deployment of geothermal CHP it would only
support approximately 70 MW of electrical generation. In reality, with such widely dispersed communities,
only a very small percentage of this would be practical.
If the heat loads of the major conurbations of Newcastle and Middlesbrough can be included, the annual
heat load increases to approximately 20,000 GWh. If all of this could be met from geothermal CHP it would
support around 1,000 MWe of electrical generation. As those centres of population are some way from the
main reserves this would involve piping the heat some considerable distance which will likely be impractical
or at excessive cost. Again in practice meeting 100% of the thermal load in any area is not practical so the
real capacity of geothermal CHP electricity production that could possibly be developed in the long term
would be limited to a few hundred megawatts, although probably at excessive costs to be financially viable.
Figure 9-5 National Heat Map for the Weardale and Lake District resource area (green area is
approximate boundary of the geological resource)
For power production only, without the use of CHP, if the economic case became sufficiently strong there
could be a number of large plants constructed across the region constrained mainly by land use, planning
and suitability of electrical connections.
The SKM report (Ref. 61) indicates from their “heat in place” process that a theoretical 5.3 GWe is available
from the Weardale and Lake District granites combined. The scale of this would equate to having power
plants of 50 MWe spaced with approximately 3 miles between each across the whole region and is not
considered to be practical, especially as this region encompasses remote areas of natural beauty such as
the Lake District.
Main resource for power is in the granites of the Weardale and the Lake District, with other granites
such as those in Scotland considered likely to be unsuitable for power generation, although
potentially with useable heat.
Inferred temperatures are circa 160°C.
Power only applications have potential over much of the region.
Targeting faults zones should provide best permeability.
Power generation from CHP applications will be restricted mainly to the large heat loads available
in the East of the region.
The heat in this model scenario is abstracted from Permian Sands at its deepest point of the Cheshire Basin.
Here, at a depth of approximately 4250 m, a reservoir temperature of approximately 100°C is presumed.
Further to this, parameters, specific for the reservoir presumed in the scenario are summarised in Table 9–
15 below.
Parameter Value
Stratigraphy Permian Sands
Thermal gradient 0.023 °C/m
Subsurface temperature 10 °C
Depths (reservoir thickness) 3650 m – 4250 m (600m)
Reservoir Temperature ~100 °C
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid type Brine (saline)
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid density 1100kg/m
Geothermal (reservoir) fluid viscosity 0.001 Pa s
-12 3
Transmissivity 9.9 * 10 m (10Dm)
-14 2
Permeability 1.6 * 10 m (17mD)
Reservoir index (productivity / injectivity) 0.5 l/s/bar (17.7 m /h/MPa)
Injection pressure 8 MPa (80 bar)
3 3
Flow rate 0.039 m /s (39l/s, 142m /h)
-3 -1
Volumetric heat capacity (Sandstone) 2MJ m K
Parameter Value
Recovery factor 20%
Conversion coefficient 10%
Plant capacity factor 90%
Economic life of project 25 years
Heat reservoir volume 0.12 km
Power generation (gross) 0.7 MW
Parasitic loads (pump for pressure difference) 0.5 MW
Power generation (net) 0.2 MW
With R (°C) = reservoir temperature, 0.023 °C/m = thermal gradient; d (m) reservoir depth and 10 °C
subsurface temperature
Reservoir permeability
Based on current data, it is unlikely the Cheshire Basin sandstones permeability values at its base exceed
10Dm. However, higher permeabilities may be present in the area of faults.
With the above values for transmissivity, viscosity and maximum injection pressure (pressure difference) the
3 3
flow rate is calculated to equate to 0.039m /s (39l/s, 142 m /h).
As the costs of drilling makes up a large proportion of the total capital costs and are similar to the other case
studies, the effective cost per MWe is much higher in this case. It has therefore been assumed a base case
capital cost of £15M and an annual opex cost of £400,000 which are similar to the other two cases despite
the power output being an order of magnitude lower. The potential heat output for district heating however
remains similar to the Cornwall case.
The general base case assumptions are summarised in Table 8–3 but the case specific assumptions are
given in Table 9-16 below.
Term Assumption
Electrical efficiency 10%
Gross Capacity 0.7 MW
Net Capacity 0.17 MW
Capacity factor 90%
Capital Cost £15,000,000
Opex cost (year 1) £400,000 £ pa
Discount Rate 10%
It can be seen that with the base case assumptions, the NPV is -£14 m. As the electrical output is low the
returns do not increase to levels that look even remotely attractive compared to the other cases unless heat
sales are at 75-100% of the available heat output. It has therefore assumed for the following sensitivity
tables that heat sales are 100%.
The effect of sensitivity of the returns to varying capital cost assumptions is shown in Table 9–18. As
explained in Section 8.5.1, using the baseline cost per MW installed figure for this case study is not relevant
as the power output is very low due to the lower water temperatures compared to the other case studies,
despite similar boreholes being required. With a low capital cost scenario the returns begin to approach the
lower bounds of investible levels.
As the plant output is more skewed towards heat than for the other two case studies, as one would expect,
the returns are more sensitive to heat sale price with the IRR increasing approximately three fold over the
range of heat sales prices investigated.
As can be seen in Table 9–20 below, the returns are not highly sensitive to variations in opex costs.
Based on the financial analysis presented above we can conclude that there is only a potentially viable
investment case (IRR circa 18%) for this case study based on the lowest assumed capital cost and the ability
to use 75% or more of the available heat. i.e. heat sale through a district heating network to commercial and
residential loads for space and hot water heating or a connection to a low temperature industrial demand.
We can therefore use information about the populations in towns which are situated on the Permian being
utilised for geothermal energy in this case to extrapolate the potential for the technology based on electricity
and heat generation.
A plant the size of the base case could supply a community with a population of approximately 3,000 people.
The largest conurbation situated on the Permian and which happens to be at the highest temperature of the
Permian is Crewe with a population of around 68,000. There are approximately 3 other nearby towns with
populations of circa 40,000 – 50,000.
Considering the distance between abstraction and injection well should be between 1000m and 2000m and
the approximate Cheshire Basin area is 3km , there is relatively limited scope for scaling this case study up
other than by increasing the pilot plant to an approximately 0.5MWe net scheme.
An alternative approach to this estimation is to consider the regional heat demand as assessed from the
DECC on-line heat mapping tool. Using a 1km radius around Crewe, the domestic heating load is around
85 MW, which far exceeds the 5 MW thermal production of the case study at the base case.
There is therefore plenty of heat load within the area (assuming that it can all be connected) to utilise CHP in
this case. A power only scheme would not provide an economic return under the assumptions made to
define the base case and therefore the scheme and scalability depends heavily on the heat resource and
The conclusion for this case study is therefore that although there is a possibility to develop a Deep
Geothermal CHP plant to serve a local community the overall potential in relation to the national picture is
negligible in this region.
For the Crewe, Cornwall and Weardale example, using Equation 6, neglecting static fluid levels (hSFL), hDFL
levels equate to 740m, 510m and 100m respectively. For such conditions, using Equation 7, further
neglecting friction losses (ploss) and wellhead pressures (pwh), pump parasitic load requirements of 0.5 MW
(Crewe), 0.4 MW (Cornwall) and 0.3 MW (Weardale) have been calculated. Wellhead pressures (p wh) and
static fluid levels (hSFL) depend on site conditions. Given the variability of site conditions such losses have
been considered by rounding pumps parasitic loads to 0.5MW.
For example, with 200m for hSFL and 10 bar for ploss and pwh, the total parasitic load requirement (Pprod) to
produce fluid from the geothermal reservoir (as per Equation 8) equates to 0.5 MW. With higher fluid
production rates (if testing confirmed this not to result in unacceptable high risks of fluid loss or short
circuiting for example), then increasing hDFL would result in higher pump parasitic load requirements.
However, in this case the gross power rate would be increased too. For example, if for the Cornwall scenario
the geothermal fluid production rate is increase from 40l/s to 60l/s, then the parasitic pump load increases
from 0.5 MW to 1 MW (the latter is a level which Legarth 2003 (Ref. 49) regards as the pump power upper
technical limit). However, in this case rates for gross and net power increase to about 4.6 MW and 3.5 MW
Equation 6: Calculation of dynamic fluid levels (hDFL) neglecting static fluid levels (hSFL)
Equation 7: Calculation to calculate the effort to produce geothermal fluid (Pprod) neglecting friction losses
(ploss) and wellhead pressures (pwh)
Equation 8: Calculation of dynamic fluid levels (hDFL) (Source: Huenges 2009(Ref. 42))
Equation 9: Calculation to calculate the effort to produce geothermal fluid (Pprod) (Source: Huenges 2009
(Ref. 42))
For these equations: Vgeo is the volume of geothermal fluid; PI is the productivity index of the reservoir; g is
the gravity constant; ρgeo is the density of the geothermal fluid; ηp is the efficiency of the pump; and Δploss is
the pressure increase applied by the down hole pump. All other terms are described above.
sets the level of the pre-agreed 'top-up' to the revenue which a generator will receive from selling its
output into the market (based on a market reference price); but
also puts a 'cap' on the total revenue available to a generator from the sale of its electricity, as
generators must pay back the difference when the market reference price goes above the Strike
For Geothermal power (with or without CHP) the draft Strike Price is £125/MWh for 2014/15 falling to
£120/MWh thereafter. The Strike Price is consistent with the level of support currently offered to developers
though the RO, i.e market electricity export price + 2 ROC’s. So for the purposes of the financial modelling
above, with the draft geothermal Strike Price having a similar value to 2ROC’s plus the export price of
electricity the models are relatively unaffected. If anything the draft Strike Price value is slightly lower which
will slightly reduce the revenue and hence returns of a project however a CfD provides increase price
certainty for an investor and is linked to RPI for 15 years.
9.6.2. RHI
In September 2012, the Government initiated three consultations covering the RHI, these consultations
covered proposals for the domestic sector, proposals to expand the existing non-domestic RHI scheme and
proposals for air to water heat pumps and energy from waste. The non –domestic RHI scheme is applicable
to Geothermal heat only and Geothermal CHP.
Currently deep geothermal heat is supported under the RHI with a tariff of 3.5p/kWh, however a new tariff of
5.0p/kWh is currently proposed by the Government. This is likely to further support geothermal heat only
schemes and encourage power schemes to become geothermal CHP where possible. For geothermal power
generation, which is the purpose of this report, the effect of the proposed new tariff will be very dependent on
a scheme by scheme basis and its ability to supply heat to a nearby heat demand. For example, The new
RHI tariff will have relatively small effect on a geothermal CHP scheme that has very little heat sales
compared to say an increase in the power Strike Price. However where a geothermal CHP scheme has a
high volume of heat sales, the new tariff will provide a significant increase to the RHI revenue to the scheme.
To compare the case studies above, the model was run again with the base case assumptions, with the RHI
at the existing tariff and the new tariff for various percentage heat loads. The results are shown in
Table 9-21.
% of Project IRR with RHI @3.5p/kWh Project IRR with RHI @5.0p/kWh
Heat Sold Cornwall Weardale Crewe Cornwall Weardale Crewe
The results of the analysis clearly show that where a geothermal CHP scheme can make more use of the
available heat, the project IRR increases due to increasing RHI revenue. If the RHI price was to increase as
per the proposed new tariff then for the same heat volumes the RHI revenue would increase further still
therefore improving the project IRR. If 50% of the available heat is sold, for both the Cornwall and Weardale
case studies, an increase in the RHI to 5.0p/KWh improves the project IRR by approximately 1%. However
for the Crewe case study the project IRR improved by nearly 2%, this is due to the Crewe case study having
a relatively small power output compared to heat, i.e. the project is more heavily heat weighted than power –
a higher heat to power ratio.
Utilising the Cap Ex ranges set out in section 8.4.7 a range of potential LCOE values has been calculated
using the methodology set out in DECC report (Ref 13) similarly utilising a discount rate of 22%. For projects
becoming operational in 2018, the LCOE values obtained are shown in Table 9–22.
These estimates broadly align with previous figures published by DECC (Ref 13). While this report uses
slightly different central modelling assumptions from DECC’s most recent central case all assumptions
remain within the range previously modelled. The high discount rate utilised is commensurate with
technology uncertainty (as it is similar to that utilised for wave and tidal energy), but it does not necessarily
reflect the resource uncertainty, nor the risk profile of individual projects. As such, LCOE figures should be
treated with caution, as they are highly sensitive to Cap Ex spend profile and discount rate, both of which are
highly uncertain in a nascent industry.
This includes slightly different central capital and operational costs, and a different hurdle rate. Please also
note that these figures are not comparable with DECC’s recently published estimates (Ref 13) as they apply
for a different time period.
* The Cap Ex of a district heating network for the transportation of heat to clients is excluded from this
calculation as explained in Section 8.4.7.
10 Outlook on Opportunities
Deep Geothermal energy has the potential to deliver economic benefits to the UK through the generation of
economic activity and jobs, as well as through the economic benefits associated with delivering a non-
intermittent renewable energy source and aiding the UK’s transition to a low carbon economy.
This section undertakes a review of the available literature on the economic benefits associated with the
potential development of a Deep Geothermal energy sector in the UK. The majority of literature surrounding
Deep Geothermal energy is focussed on the resource potential and the techno-economic feasibility of
exploiting it. Given that the Deep Geothermal market is still in the process of moving from research to
commercialisation this is unsurprising. As such only tentative conclusions can be drawn from this review. It
is recommended that an analysis from first principles is undertaken to establish a realistic understanding of
the potential economic benefits, in part reviewing the proliferation of demonstration projects across Europe.
10.1. Innovation
Deep Geothermal is an established global industry which continues to evolve and innovate. With reference
specifically to the UK application, the following areas provide the most likely opportunities with the greatest
potential to make a significant impact.
There are a number of exploratory and investigative methods used in the oil and gas industry that have
potential application to the geothermal sector including well logging and reservoir modelling. Typically these
tend to be less cost effective when applied to geothermal as they have been developed for use in a higher
cost base environment. However, it can be anticipated that as technology matures and the global geothermal
market grows the cost base will decrease and they will become increasingly affordable. An example would
be the application of 3D seismic geophysical investigative methods although further innovation will be
required to improve usefulness in UK crystalline rocks but this method could allow better targeting of more
permeable fault zones.
There have been recent developments that improve the stimulation modelling and prediction of micro-
seismicity (Ref. 5) and, given the need for informed public consultation in the UK, further innovations and
studies in this area have the potential to have a significant impact on the UK deep geothermal sector.
Exploration and research work to further develop the overall understanding of the geology at depth in the UK
in relation to geothermal power generation is required if resources are to become characterised as reserves.
Innovative coupling of new and revised ground models to targeted drilling programmes seeking particular
fault zones and other preferential zones would improve drilling success rates. This would also inform, and
potentially be financed by, subsequent auctioning of geothermal rights.
A key criterion assumed in this report is the minimum temperature required at which geothermal power
generation becomes viable. For example, this temperature relates to binary systems which use a secondary
working fluid that vaporises at a lower temperature than water. Further innovations and efficiencies are likely
as recently introduced technology matures and evolves. This would assist the exploitation in the UK where
there is a lower enthalpy resource than found in many other areas of the world.
To date the UK deep geothermal power sector is proving to be commercially unappealing. Innovation in
financial models could provide a step change in commercial feasibility. Drawing on experience in continental
Europe, Chile and elsewhere suggests some form of insurance backed exploratory drilling would reduce the
investor risk profile significantly. The specialist insurance industry could be engaged but it is likely
government involvement, at least in the early stages, would also be required. If exploration can be
underwritten, with payback tied to operational revenues, this would constitute an innovation for the UK that
could have a significant impact.
Some of the innovations considered here will develop naturally as part of the global evolution of deep
geothermal for power generation. Other innovations such as UK focussed financial modelling and the
improvement of the UK geological understanding and associated targeted drilling are more UK specific and
would require UK policy and strategy development.
% of jobs supported
Supply chain stage
Lower bound Higher bound
Start-up 1 2
Exploration 2 3
Feasibility drilling 13 13
Drilling & construction 55 57
Operation & maintenance 1 3
System manufacturing 28 23
Source: Adopted from Geothermal Energy Association (2010) (Ref. 35).
The IEA (2011) (Ref. 44) notes that skilled companies and well‐trained personnel for Deep Geothermal
drilling and reservoir management are currently concentrated in just a few countries.
A report by Arup (2011) (Ref. 12) notes that current geothermal development in the UK appears to be
focused on radiogenic granites. If this trend continues then much of future geothermal technology will be
located within the granites of Cornwall, north of England and Scotland. The report concludes that there are
no significant supply chain constraints for the development of this resource, as technologies can be imported
from countries where geothermal energy developments are already established. Furthermore, the likely
scale of future UK geothermal development is unlikely to be of a significant scale as to strain the resources
of the established global industry.
However, a report by AECOM (in press) (Ref.1) highlights that the technology requirements for the
development of UK resources may not match those employed elsewhere in the world. It notes that the global
geothermal industry has to date concentrated on developing easily accessible high temperature resources,
whereas in Scotland opportunities are low temperature resources. As such it concludes that ‘there is a
significant opportunity for Scotland to develop unique skills in developing low temperature geothermal
resources, and then exporting these skills internationally, to countries with similar types of geothermal
resource’ (Ref.1). Some of these skills might be applicable to geothermal power generation even though the
Scottish resource is likely only to be used for heat generation.
The European Commission’s research concurs with the position portrayed in AECOM (in press) (Ref.1). It is
noted in European Commission (2011) (Ref. 28) that new technological developments for EGS are
necessary for the broader development of HDR resources. EGS technologies are still at an early stage of
exploitation and the associated supply chain is therefore considered to be a future market, not a current one.
Whilst there is limited current installed capacity, there has been a proliferation of demonstrator projects
across Europe. The European Commission notes that the market has ‘huge potential’.
A simple review of the available resources across Europe shows that the UK does not have a natural
comparative advantage in the sector, unlike the wave and tidal energy sector. As such domestic demands
on the supply chain may grow at a slower rate and to a lower level than that serving the European (and
global) markets. If this is the case, as the US and Europe move towards geothermal energy, UK companies
will need to capitalise on serving non-UK developments in order to establish a position in the supply chain.
The success of UK companies contributing to this supply chain will determine the extent to which the UK
geothermal energy sector relies on imported goods and services, and will therefore directly affect the extent
of the economic benefits which may arise. Examples already existing of UK companies exporting Deep
Geothermal energy goods and services into international markets.
There are currently no active geothermal projects in the UK producing electricity. However some UK firms
are active in the sector and are involved in the broader European and global market. There are 17
companies who are members of the UK Renewable Energy Association’s (REA) Deep Geothermal group. It
should be noted that this does not necessarily represent the extent of UK commercial activity in the global
geothermal market, and does not represent the extent of existing companies who could respond to the
supply chain demands that would be created through a broader development of Deep Geothermal energy
Roger Tym & Partners (2008) NI Renewable Energy Supply Chain (Ref. 57)
The study includes an estimate of the potential GVA and jobs that could be generated through exploitation of
renewable energy resources in Northern Ireland. The estimate for geothermal/GSHP is based on an
assumption that such energy developments deliver 10 jobs per MW. This assumption is based on the
weighted average of jobs per MW for the renewable energy sector as a whole, published by DTI (2004) (Ref.
The original DTI study does not establish sector-specific estimates per MW for the geothermal sector as it
considers the sector to be unlikely to achieve commercialisation within the study’s assessment time horizon
(2030). The jobs data in the report refers to direct, indirect and induced jobs supported by renewable energy
The report is focussed on the Scottish sector, however the supply chain conclusions can be considered to
apply to UK sector.
developments (not including geothermal), adjusted for imports and exports. The weighted average of 10 jobs
per MW includes a range of 5.3 to 24.8 jobs. Gross jobs per MW, excluding adjustments for imports and
exports is estimated at between 13.4 and 29.9.
Innovas (2009). Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services (LCEGS): an industry analysis (Ref.
The report assesses the value of a range of UK LCEGS sectors and their supply chains, including
geothermal. A definition of the sector is not provided in the report, although it is assumed not to include
significant activity associated with Deep Geothermal. The report values the UK geothermal sector and its
supply chain at £9.2bn in 2007/8, made up of activities including manufacture of pipes, pumps and heat
exchangers as well as ground source heat pumps. The industry has a large supply chain contribution, with
65% additional market value uplift due to the supply chain. It is estimated that 75,800 jobs are supported by
the sector (2007/8 data). No ‘per MW’ data is provided in the report and it is not appropriate to use these
figures to generate such a figure.
Geothermal Energy Association (2009). GEA Issue Brief. Geothermal Energy and Jobs (Ref. 34).
The report includes a number of sources and calculations that demonstrate the potential levels of
employment supported through geothermal energy developments.
The report cites a 2004 employment survey (Ref. 32) that estimated the total number of jobs (direct, indirect
and induced) support by the sector in the US. These estimates correspond to 1.7 permanent jobs per MW.
As the report notes, employment in the industry is probably at a historic low since power plant construction
has been minimal between 1993 and 2004. As a snapshot of the geothermal sector at a point in time, the
jobs per MW figure does not include the full level of employment generated through the construction and
operation of geothermal energy plants – i.e. construction employment associated with existing plants is not
included. In terms of just operation and maintenance of plants, the report cites figures from the employment
survey of 0.74 O&M jobs per MW.
The report cites U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (2006)(Ref. 64) estimates of total job creation for a
500MW geothermal plant at 27,050 person-years. This can be assumed to equate to 5.4 jobs per MW.
The report cites a report by Deloitte (2008)(Ref. 15) which establishes estimates of jobs per MW for a series
of energy resources. These figures are set out in Table 10–2 below. The total employment estimate for
geothermal energy is 5.7 jobs per MW.
Table 10–2 US Jobs Created by Resource Type (recreated from Deloitte, 2008 (Ref.15))
Western Governors Association (WGA) (2005). CDEAC - Geothermal Task Force (Ref. 66).
The report (cited in Geothermal Energy Association (2006) (Ref. 33) estimates that the development of the
U.S western states’ near-term geothermal potential of 5,600 MW of geothermal energy would result in the
Using Atkins rule of thumb assumption that 10 person years = 1 full time job.
creation of almost 100,000 new power plant, manufacturing, and construction jobs. Direct employment
results in 1.7 fulltime positions and 6.4 person-years per MW (which can be assumed to equate to 2.3 jobs
per MW). Induced and indirect impacts were calculated assuming a 2.5% multiplier; for a total direct, indirect,
and induced employment impact of 4.25 full-time positions and 16 person*years per MW. This can be
assumed to equate to 5.85 jobs per MW.
Data on the geothermal energy sector in the US indicates a possible range of between 5 and 6 jobs per MW.
For the UK, no real comparable data is available. The Roger Tym & Partners (2008) (Ref. 57) study for
Northern Ireland uses a figure of 10 jobs per MW, although the figure is a crude proxy based on the average
of other renewable energy technologies and should not therefore be relied upon. There is no currently
published data available on the jobs generated through the construction and operation of demonstrator Deep
Geothermal projects across Europe.
The average 10 jobs per MW for the UK renewable energy sector presented in DTI (2004) (Ref. 21) and
used by Roger Tym & Partners (2008) (Ref. 57) for the geothermal sector compares to between 5 and 6 for
US studies. Coincidentally a similar order of magnitude difference exists between UK and US estimates for
jobs per MW in the wind sector. A comparison of UK and US jobs per MW from DTI (2004) (Ref. 21) and
Deloitte (2008) (Ref. 15) respectively shows that for wind energy (onshore only for UK), jobs per MW are
estimated at approximately 6 for the UK and 2.9 for the US, and for landfill gas jobs per MW are
approximately 8 for the UK and 6 for the US. It is unclear to what extent these US/UK differences are due to
actual differences in the level of jobs supported or due to methodological differences between the studies.
However, existing estimates of the economic contribution of the geothermal energy sector in the UK and
elsewhere cannot be considered to be sufficiently robust data from which to make estimates of inferences on
the likely scale of economic benefits of a potential UK Deep Geothermal sector. This is because existing
geothermal energy activity does not include HDR Deep Geothermal activity, for which many of the
technologies involved will differ from other forms of geothermal energy activity. In markets such as the US, a
variety of shallow and deep resources are exploited by the sector.
This report does not therefore establish any such estimates, but recommends that primary analysis should
be carried out to establish the potential economic contribution. This could include an assessment of the
current and developing demonstrator projects in the UK and the rest of Europe.
Using Atkins rule of thumb assumption that 10 person years = 1 full time job
11 Stakeholder Consultation
As part of this study stakeholders were consulted to identify the key issues as they perceived them for
developing geothermal power production in the UK. This consultation took the form of a questionnaire, a
workshop event and a number of one to one interviews. The overall consultation process is presented in
Appendix C with key issues that were raised and not dealt with elsewhere in this report or warrant repeating
summarised as follows.
Effective communication of the risks and uncertainties to government, the public and the investment
and insurance communities is a key factor to successful commercial deployment.
Permitting and ownership of ‘geothermal rights’ is currently not clear and therefore could provide an
upfront barrier to development.
o Learning point: In order to remove such barriers the government needs to provide clarity on
the issue to give confidence to investors as to extent and length of ownership.
There is a balance of cost versus return from power generation relating to the interacting effects of
drilling depth, heat flows encountered and stimulation measures. Drilling costs are not linear with
depth. Stimulation measures add considerable cost and the degree required is not known with
certainty from the outset.
Understanding the Deep Geothermal resource, including the geology (better than we do currently)
and associated temperature, stress regimes (which affect stimulation fracturing process), existing
amounts and locations of fractures is a key starting point. Where existing fractures provide better
permeability this should be targeted by geothermal wells but the required detailed data does not
currently exist. There is a lack of relevant data in the UK regarding the potential for thermal
degradation of the Deep Geothermal resource over the lifecycle of the project and beyond.
The carbon friendly base load from geothermal power would be beneficial to the grid and help to
compensate for the intermittency of other forms of renewable such as wind power.
There are environmental challenges but they appear solvable at project scale including water issues.
However if the industry is scaled up this could prove limiting if for example multiple plants are
required in close proximity, particularly in densely populated areas.
Risk versus return ratios are currently not attractive to investors. Subsidy levels do not effect initial decision
to invest in terms of the upfront risk uncertainties. There are current uncertainties regarding strike prices and
future subsidy levels given the design life and financial model lifecycles of 20 to 25 years that are commonly
considered. Investment market understands the risks and uncertainties well and this is why investment has
not occurred. It is not the case that they need educating. Past experience with renewable energy has been
patchy and there are clear risks that investors could potentially lose money in this sector. The government
would benefit from listening to the market rather than trying to create and impose a market solution. A
relatively small government funding outlay of £50m to £100m could finance a number of trial wells. Only then
will there be clarity as to whether there is viable Deep Geothermal for Power potential in the UK at a
reasonable scale that is worth further investment in. Key risks and potential investors views are summarised
in Figure 3–2 presented in Section 3.8.
If government funding for a demonstration or commercial scale project was provided there could be an
opportunity to assemble a collective of companies and experts to undertake the scheme to provide the best
chance of success and to help with onwards effective knowledge transfer to subsequent schemes. However
there would be a number of issues to overcome.
12 Conclusions
It is concluded that the potential for geothermal power production is concentrated in the granites of South
West England (Devon and Cornwall) and Northern England (Weardale and the Lake District), with a much
smaller potential in the deepest parts of the Wessex and Cheshire sedimentary basins. However, the
economic viability of geothermal power schemes relies heavily on the associated sale of geothermal heat (as
district heating through combined heat and power (CHP) schemes ) and this becomes a limiting factor,
especially in rural areas where the lower density of heat demand makes district heating less economically
In the granite of South West England a current potential for the development of up to 100 MWe of electrical
production has been determined based on plants supplying the potential heat loads in the area. This could
grow considerably as the sector matures, uncertainties are removed and costs reduce making power only
schemes more viable.
In Weardale and the Lake District, whilst the geological resource may theoretically support up to a few
gigawatts of electricity production, there is very little heat demand locally due to the rural nature of the area.
Hence the potential is determined as being less than 70 MWe, with the proviso that if heat could be
economically piped to major conurbations in the east of the region this could rise to between 100 and 1000
The total resources in the deep sedimentary Cheshire and Wessex Basins are of a lesser extent and of
lower temperature than in the granites of South West and Northern England. The reduced temperature in
these basins (and therefore reduced power yield) means that the economic returns for power only plants are
currently uninvestable. There is therefore less scope for scaling up the size and number of plants, and it is
unlikely these resources would prove viable for more than a small number of district heating schemes in the
area with potentially small amounts of power generation.
The project development risk profile for deep geothermal power schemes does not currently support
investment principally because of uncertainties about the geological and geothermal conditions (the ‘ground
risk’). In many renewable energy technologies, risk can be reduced at an early stage of the project
development process through investigation and analysis at a cost which is a relatively low proportion of
project Cap Ex (for example, a wind resource analysis study to de-risk energy yield, and ground investigation
to de-risk foundation design). In contrast to this, a deep geothermal project is only substantially de-risked
through the drilling of the boreholes and subsequent reservoir investigation, which absorbs approximately
50% of the overall Cap Ex of the project.
A Government sponsored research campaign drilling test boreholes across a region would go some way to
mitigate the ground risk. However, a substantial level of individual project risk would remain after regional
borehole investigations, and stakeholder engagement undertaken as part of this study indicates that bearing
this risk remains an unattractive proposition for the investor community.
Other risks include the technological risks of extracting, using and distributing geothermal energy and the
regulatory risks of planning and operating such schemes, including: the local appetite for such plants;
emotive attitudes to and perception of hydraulic stimulation; ownership of resource; and uncertainty of
regulatory approach to such schemes.
With the current level of two ROCs/MWh for electricity and RHI of 3.5p/kWh, scenario analyses of costs have
suggested pre tax Internal Rates of Return (IRR) for schemes in granite regions of between 13% and 19%
when heat sales are taken into account. However, this reduces to around 10% for power only schemes at
the baseline levels of costs, whilst in the most optimistic capital cost scenario considered this increases to
around 17%. The IRR for deep sedimentary basins varies between 0% and 10% depending on the level of
heat sales. With the proposed higher level of RHI of 5p/kWh the IRRs increases to circa 20% for granite
regions and 13% for deep sedimentary basins at the baseline capital costs and where significant levels of
heat sales can be achieved.
It should be noted that these scenarios are generic for illustrative purposes, with analysis to demonstrate the
sensitivity of the modelling to changes in capital cost, operational cost, heat sale volumes and heat sale
price. In cases assuming heat sales the returns do not take into account the cost of installing a district
heating network which may, in many instances prove prohibitive as it drives returns below investable levels.
However, over the next two to three decades, it is expected that district heating schemes will increase in
number and will be considered at the planning stage for most new developments.
Whilst the calculated levels of return are generally at the lower end of the investable scale for mature power
generation projects, it is the high level of risk that developers currently face that is currently preventing
investment. The likelihood of subsidy levels continuing at the modelled rate for projects developed over the
next decade should also be considered, as CfD auctions move to a technology-neutral basis under current
Electricity Market Reform plans.
Levelised cost of electricity figures have been calculated using a range of Cap Ex values and these broadly
align with those previously issued by DECC, differing slightly for reasons discussed in 9.7. They are highly
sensitive to discount rate and Cap Ex spend profile, and these are both of which are highly uncertain in a
nascent industry.
In order to limit the risks and make projects more investable, stakeholders consulted during this study
suggested the following:
Further research studies and investigations of the identified resource areas to improve the
characterisation of the potential thermal reserve;
Two or three test boreholes drilled in each location;
Clear permitting and thermal rights of ownership clarified;
Funding or insurance for early stage test boreholes put in place; and
Adjustment of subsidy levels would promote investment. However the current large uncertainties
regarding the development stages of the project (i.e. borehole drilling and reservoir investigation) make
initial investment decisions relatively insensitive to subsidies based upon operational revenues.
At present there is insufficient private sector appetite to de-risk the sector for power generation schemes.
Steps to limit the risks, as set out above, would need to be led and funded by Government.
If uncertainties can be reduced, resources become proven reserves, capital costs reduce with scale, and
experience and/or subsidy levels are altered such that expected rates of return based upon power
generation alone become acceptable to investors, then more of the potential resource can be exploited and
realised. This potential for geothermal power is currently difficult to quantify, but tentatively 1 to 1.5 GWe
could be argued in the longer term (2050) for the UK as a whole. This equates to 3-4% of current average
UK electricity demand (or 1.0 – 1.7% of current UK generating capacity).
If Government determine that they wish to provide further support to the industry, a full scale power
generation demonstrator project is considered currently to be a sensible future step if investment needs to be
attracted. However, notwithstanding the need for a demonstrator, the initial priority is to prove the reserve.
Therefore it is recommended that actions are taken to resolve this through:
- Establish a roadmap for deep geothermal power generation which should include clarification on
geothermal rights of ownership
- Provide a Government backed development fund to support initial project phases including drilling
insurance and to finance deep boreholes for research and development (to be undertaken by
academic or professional institutions and organisations such as joint industry projects in
collaboration with the British Geological Survey)
In addition, the strike price for geothermal energy should be fixed at a rate for sufficient time to make such
schemes attractive to investors, particularly large financial institutions looking to make long term investments.
A development potential of 100MWe of electricity generation in the South West of England and
70MWe in Weardale and the Lake District has been identified. Limitations are set by available heat
demand. Sedimentary basins in Cheshire and Wessex are deemed not economically viable for
power generation schemes.
Investable level returns are potentially attainable if the lower end of the estimated Cap Ex range is
achieved. However, this is based on the existing support mechanism of two ROCs/MWh for
electricity and RHI of 3.5p/kWh. It is unlikely that such levels of support will remain available under
technology-neutral CfD auctions.
The risk profile of project development is inherently unattractive to investors, as up to 50% of the
capital cost of the project is required to de-risk the project by drilling boreholes and fully
investigating the reservoir. A level of project risk reduction can take place through a broader,
regional, characterisation programme, but this would require Government leadership and funding.
If Government is to actively pursue a deep geothermal energy programme, efforts should
concentrate on proving reserves and developing a power generation demonstrator project. This will
need to be supported by an appropriate level of financial support certainty to encourage investment
over the long term to develop projects.
13 References
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1. Preliminary survey
2. Exploration
3. Test drilling
4. Well testing and logging
5. Reservoir development
6. Production and reservoir monitoring
In this Section, the various underground technologies are presented for each of these phases.
The preliminary survey can be broken down into a list of aspects to be considered or addressed. However,
these aspects are not restricted to the preliminary survey only and can be considered or revisited in later
phases. The topics for consideration and general order of progression is as follows:
Literature review;
Data collection, compilation and evaluation, e.g. geological, structural, petrophysical, thermal and
geophysical data;
Conceptual modelling;
Numerical modelling;
Potential study and resources assessment;
Seismic risk evaluation;
Environmental Impact Assessment;
Technical and economic feasibility; and
Legal and societal aspects.
All of these topics need to be addressed in order to identify possible barriers towards the development of a
geothermal project in the UK, although the degree to which each is undertaken can vary according to
available information or early indications in the process of insurmountable risks.
In the following sections, a few topics related to the preliminary survey are explored in more detail.
The most pertinent data relates to information such as the temperature profile with depth, but also the
evidence of the presence of high permeability structures in the deep subsurface.
Available data sources and data providers should be consulted as part of the data collation process. Data
providers could be private companies or public authorities. Data could be collected from individuals,
companies, public agencies or from international databases. Remote sensing data are becoming
increasingly important.
Whilst collecting data, legal aspects relating to the rights of use of these data needs to be correctly
For compiling the data, appropriate data management tools are required. The data management tools should
be flexible enough to integrate the existing data, but also sufficiently flexible to integrate additional and
diverse data that will be acquired during the further phases of the project. Data management tools based on
geographical information system (GIS) technologies constitutes the principal tools which are currently
available. Such tools allow the operator to process two dimensional (2D) information, but can have limited
capability when it comes to handling three dimensional (3D) data, where more complex data management
tools may be required. 3D CAD can be integrated with the GIS to enhance the 3D understanding of the
systems. The increasing degree of sophistication of such tools can improve understanding but also
increases costs, which can be a significant consideration for a project and therefore the degree of 3D
modelling needs careful consideration.
Geowatt has in recent years assisted some sectors in Europe with the development and implementation of
highly sophisticated tools initially developed for the oil and gas industry. Although these tools provide high-
end solutions for data management, structural modelling and reservoir modelling, their use for a geothermal
project is questionable due to the associated costs. These tools offer a function that has been specifically
developed for the oil and gas industry. Most of these functions cannot be applied to a geothermal project.
The costs associated with the application of these tools are very high and are not suitable in the context of
the framework of a geothermal project. The main drawback of these tools is that they are based on protected
formats that are not easily transferable to other systems.
When these tools are utilised as part of a project it is difficult to transfer them to another system further down
the line. Previous experience has also shown that the associated costs become extremely high at the end of
a project.
Geowatt has also assisted in the development of private and public nationwide or international online
geothermal databases. The data is accessed through so-called web portals, directly accessible by the
classical web browsers. The rights on these data, the related costs and the kind of data that are effectively
accessible depend on the database and/or on the subscription form.
Because induced seismicity is a detrimental factor for the development of geothermal projects (see for
instance Basel in 2006, Ref. 17), it is essential to collect information about the rock mechanics, the natural
seismicity and the regional stress field during the preliminary survey phase of the study.
The conceptual model is established according to the investigation scale (local or regional). It is of major
importance for site screening. The conceptual model will be refined and updated during the exploration and
drilling phases, as more data will be gathered and the knowledge of the subsurface will increase.
3D geological modelling is becoming the state-of-the art method of integrating a variety of pre-existing
geological and geophysical data in a 3D structural model, as well as newly acquired geophysical data. 3D
geological modelling is also used as a basis for the calculation of the geothermal potential. Therefore it is
strongly recommended to start setting up a regional 3D geological model (to include the structural elements)
already during the preliminary survey phase of the study.
The regional 3D geological model will then be used in the further phases, mainly for the following purposes:
Moreover, the regional 3D geological model can be used during the exploration phase to best define the
borehole target.
The model should be updated throughout the duration of the project with borehole data (e.g. geological logs)
or production data (e.g. temperature, flow), to validate previous assessment and assumptions
The use of the standard oil and gas tools for the development of the geological model may be cost
prohibitive. However, other more economical tools might be suitably effective, such as those used for
geotechnical engineering ground modelling.
Based on the regional 3D geological model, a 3D hydrothermal numerical model could be implemented to
evaluate the geothermal potential within a given area.
These models allow the best estimation of the temperature at depth (prediction) as well as a quantitative
estimation of the geothermal potential (heat in place, and recoverable heat), and an assessment of the
Results are provided in the form of maps that could be used as an additional criterion during the site
screening process.
These numerical models usually consider thermal diffusive processes only. ‘Natural convection’ processes
could be included as well, but the associated costs are generally an order of magnitude higher. Natural
convection processes should be taken into consideration only if evidence of high velocity flow circulations
exist based on the conceptual and geological models. However, such convection processes might be added
at a later stage if identified from the exploration phase and should additional modelling be considered
Model sensitivity should be tested and verified where possibly, although this verification will only occur in the
later exploration stage, should the project progress that far. The sensitivity analysis provides an
understanding of the uncertainty which should be used to focus further investigation and data gathering to
refine the 3D geological and geothermal modelling at later phases prior to constructing the reservoir model.
Natural convection is a mechanism, or type of heat transport, in which the fluid motion is not generated by
any external source (like a pump, fan, suction device, etc.) but only by density differences in the fluid
occurring due to temperature gradients.
A.3. Exploration
A.3.1. General Considerations
The exploration phase ideally aims to characterise the structure and the properties of the deep subsurface.
The main objective is to identify and target the geothermal reservoir before proceeding with the first drilling.
The first phase of drilling, commonly called exploration drilling, can be considered as part of the exploration
phase. However, other less costly and complex investigation is needed prior to drilling to limit the risks of
abortive drilling costs. Therefore, drilling could be considered as a separate phase to this initial exploration
During the exploration phase, most of the methods that could be used to investigate the deep structure and
their petrophysical characteristics prior to drilling are applied from the ground surface (e.g. surface based
geophysical methods). Such investigation techniques result in an indirect image of the subsurface. This
image needs careful interpretation to obtain the relevant characteristics of the subsurface together with an
understanding of the uncertainty in the technique used. Only once there is sufficient confidence in the
interpretation would the investigation move to the more costly and technically complex drilling phase to
validate the model interpretation.
Most common exploration methods are geophysical methods that include seismic methods (see Section
A3.2 here below) and more recent methods such as gravimetric, electric and electromagnetic methods, and
thermal gradient boreholes (see Sections A3.3, A3.4 and A3.5 below). Non geophysical methods such as
geochemistry and other geoscience surveys are described in Sections A3.6 and A3.7 respectively.
2D seismic is the traditional method for oil and gas exploration, but also for geothermal exploration. Where
supported by conditions and budget, 2D seismic methods are supplemented by 3D methods (see next sub-
As the method is based on seismic velocity contrast, the application of this method in crystalline or basement
areas can be of limited efficiency. Very often, 2D seismic data already exists for a given region. These data
should be utilised where possible. Due to the rapid advances in improvement of seismic data post-treatment
methods, reprocessing and reinterpretation of already existing seismic data are highly recommended.
However, because the target investigation depth defines the frequency of the seismic source, an old seismic
campaign that is aimed at shallower oil and gas prospect, would not necessarily give sufficiently accurate
information for deep rocks underlying oil and gas reservoirs and therefore more characterised targeted
seismic investigation might be required to characterise geothermal reservoirs at depth.
Limited efficiency in granite or basement rocks, as seismic velocity remains relatively homogeneous
in such rocks;
Inability to detect vertical faults;
Inability to derive fault directions in three dimensions;
Limited information about the hydrodynamic properties; and
Not relevant for the thermal properties.
3D seismic
3D seismic campaigns are recently more frequently used in the geothermal industry than traditional 2D
surveys. 3D seismic allows a much better characterisation of the geothermal reservoir than 2D seismic, but
the associated costs are much higher.
The area covered by 3D seismic campaigns is usually larger than a single small target reservoir for one
specific power plant. Results of a 3D seismic campaign could then be used for the implementation of several
geothermal power plants. For example, such campaigns were carried out for geothermal exploration in the
following geothermal areas in Europe:
None the less, 3D seismic campaigns may lead to limited results in granite or basement rocks, due to the low
seismic velocity contrasts of the deep structures.
It should be noted that some private insurance companies, insuring non discovery risk for geothermal wells,
require the execution of a 3D seismic campaign during the exploration phase, in order that best efforts are
used to define the target zone and assess the risk of non-discovery.
Some successful projects across Europe would have failed without the use of 3D seismic (see case studies
in Section 5).
Furthermore, the characterisation of the geothermal reservoir can be increased by the computation of the
seismic attributes of 3D seismic. Seismic attributes are measurements derived from the seismic data, like
amplitude, shape and position of the seismic waveform. They can provide additional information on the
geological facies and on fracture patterns, which is important when considering likely fluid and heat flow
within the potential reserve and thus potential for exploitation. Additionally, these data can influence the
engineering considerations, risks and constraints to reservoir exploitation.
A high resolution of the underground structures; and
The ability to derive fault directions in 3D.
Higher costs than 2D;
Difficult to deploy in an urban environment; and
Requires a larger survey area.
Gravity data provides information about the geological structure at depth and at a local scale, when
correlated with other kinds of data, such as 3D geological models. They are used to better characterise
subsurface geological structures.
By attributing reasonable densities to the lower crust, to the upper mantle and to the major rock types in the
area, the density distribution in the upper crust can be defined through a modelling approach. Because
density is temperature dependent, the geothermal gradient within the area of investigation should be
considered as well. Density values could then be attributed to the various formations and elements of the
geothermal systems, e.g. intrusions, faults and reservoirs.
The comparison between the simulated distribution of gravimetric anomalies based on the geological model
and the measured gravimetric anomaly distribution can be used to eliminate, constrain or select hypotheses
on the subsurface structures.
Gravity data are particularly effective for determining location and depth of vertical and sub-vertical
geological structures with density contrasts. These density contrasts can be, for example, limits of
sedimentary basins, vertical or sub-vertical faults (steps) and boundaries of bodies with different porosities.
These data also allow the determination of the shape of sedimentary basins where the density contrast is
strong enough (> 50 kg·m ) although it is unlikely that an accurate outline of the basin is obtained as image
resolution is generally too poor.
Lower cost than other investigation techniques;
Delineation of vertical or sub vertical structures; and
Most useful for identifying hydrothermal areas and large igneous intrusions.
Only effective for structures with good density contrast; and
Would ideally require a 3D geological model for comparison between modelled and measured
anomaly distribution.
Since the behaviour of the geology is profoundly affected by temperature and the presence of fluids, low
electrical resistivity may be an indication of structurally weak zones in the lithosphere within which
deformation is most likely to occur. Moreover, active deformation greatly influences fluid interconnectivity, so
that low resistivity may also represent the degree of deformation. Electrical resistivity models may offer an
image of fluid generation during active crustal thickening and its transportation towards the surface in major
zones of crustal weakness (Ref. 65).
In addition to investigating the structural geology, resistivity distribution at various depths may show the
location of possibly enhanced fluid concentration and the presence of intrusions that are still molten. On the
other hand, resistivity should always be considered with care. Experience has shown that the correlation
between low resistivity and fluid concentration is not always correct since mineral alterations produce
comparable and often a greater reduction in resistivity. Moreover, although water-dominated geothermal
systems have an associated low resistivity signature, the opposite is not true, and the analysis requires the
inclusion of geological and possibly other geophysical data in order to limit the uncertainties.
Among EM methods only magnetotelluric (MT) may provide the suitable investigation depth for regional
characterization. Disadvantages of the MT method are its low geometrical resolution (though lateral
resolution may be improved when using short site spacing) and noise (both geological and industrial)
Lower cost than other investigation techniques;
Identification of rheologically weak zones; and
Phase changes from liquid to gas can be clearly visualised
Low geometrical resolution at higher depth; and
Non-unique explanation for low-resistivity zones.
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However, heat flow is influenced by numerous phenomena and processes such as the spatial variation of
thermal conductivity and heat production due to different rock types, sedimentation and erosion, groundwater
flow, volcanism, etc. In such cases the heat flow and the temperature gradient vary with depth and the
prediction of temperature at great depth is carried out by numerical modelling. Most of these processes act
on a local scale (e.g. groundwater flow) and less on a regional scale (e.g. erosion). On continental and
regional scales the assumption of conductive heat transport is a good approximation. Therefore, the average
heat flow describes well the underground temperature conditions.
Lower cost than other investigation techniques; and
Identification of geothermal active area.
Only suitable where geothermal anomalies occur.
Gas content (e.g. Radon, CO2) at the surface or in natural springs or water wells may give important
information on subsurface structures. For example, it is well known that the detection of Radon anomalies in
surface waters can reveal the presence of moving groundwater at depth (see for example Durrance, 1986,
Ref. 22).
Characteristics of the underlying geology such as its petrology and lithology, allow the rock type to be better
understood in the context of its reservoir potential. Evidence of past chemical changes such as the alteration
of the rock mineral fabric may indicate its close proximity to an igneous intrusion. Indicators of geological
structural deformation that have occurred over time such as faulting, folding etc. can also be observed at a
cliff face for example and may also be reflected as hummocky or ‘hilly’ surface topography.
Many kinds of surface geoscience studies, such as geological mapping or surface facies characterisation,
could be applied during the exploration phase to contribute to the site selection process or in identifying and
locating a geothermal reservoir. This information can also be combined with subsurface data to improve the
characterisation of the 3D geological model.
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The choice of an appropriate drilling rig is one of the most important decisions in well planning. The rig
should have a sufficient safety margin against failure at the depths anticipated to ensure that it can drill
safely beyond the anticipated depth if so required. Its technical specifications (e.g. hook load, rig horse
power) should fit to the specifics of the planned well. In order to avoid unnecessary costs, standard bit sizes
and casing diameters should be used wherever possible.
During the drilling process, the drilling rig has to fulfil the following functions:
Rotation of the drilling bit, either by rotating the whole drill string or by delivering the hydraulic energy to
drive the downhole motor, in order to achieve penetration through the rock formations;
Ensure circulation of the drilling mud, so that the drill cuttings can be transported up the well bore to the
surface; and
Provide traction power for the drill string to be pulled out of the well and to control the weight on the drill
bit during drilling.
The design of geothermal wells presents important differences to the design of hydrocarbon wells. For
example, due to the high production rate in geothermal wells, the well diameter and corresponding diameters
of injection and production strings have to be larger.
With only very few exceptions, a drilling mud will be circulated within the well bore to the surface during the
drilling operations. The drilling mud has to fulfil various functions within the drilling process:
Transportation of the cutting material away from the drill bit, up the well bore;
Stabilization of the well bore by means of balancing the pressures at the borehole wall; and
Cooling of the drilling equipment.
To enable a continuous operation, a sufficient supply of drilling mud has to be ensured. Mud pumps have to
be dimensioned such that they are capable of providing drilling mud at adequate rates. Mud cleaning
facilities have to be installed and, if necessary, mud cooling services as well.
In order to obtain flow rates in geothermal wells, which are high enough to sustain an economically viable
operation of a geothermal power plant, the borehole and casing diameters have to be sufficiently large.
Diameters of geothermal wells are therefore generally larger than the diameters of corresponding
hydrocarbon wells of comparable depth. This has implications not only on drilling costs, but also for the
borehole wall. Taking into account the strength of any particular formation and stress field with its associated
anisotropy, the potential for borehole failure increases with the borehole diameter. This becomes even more
important for wells deviated from vertical. It is therefore necessary to carefully investigate the in-situ stress
field and borehole stability ahead of well planning, such that the well path (particularly its direction in relation
to the stress field), the weight of drilling mud and the casing programme can be selected accordingly.
In order to hit the subsurface target zone with a sufficient degree of accuracy, it is generally necessary to
proceed with directional drilling. Directional drilling is accomplished through the use of proper bottom hole
assembly (BHA) configurations, 3D well bore path measurement instrumentation, data linking
instrumentation to communicate downhole measurements to the surface, mud motors and special BHA
components and drill bits. Drilling parameters like weight on bit (WOB) and rotary speed (rpm) are also
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sometimes used to deflect the bit away from the axis of the existing well bore. The orientation of the bit in the
desired direction is done through the use of a bend in a downhole steerable mud motor assembly.
The drilling bit generally has to be chosen according to the geological formation to be drilled. In sedimentary
environments this will in most cases be a roller-cone bit, which either has steel teeth or may have hard metal
inserts made from tungsten carbide (TCI-bits). Polycrystalline Diamond Compacts (PDC) bits have been
used successfully when drilling uniform sections of carbonates and evaporates, that are not broken up with
shale stringers (Ref. 6). Although successful use of these bits has also been reported from sandstone,
siltstone and shale formations, PDC bits cannot be recommended generally in these formations. Although a
high drilling speed (ROP = rate of penetration) is generally desirable in order to keep drilling costs low, for
technical reasons it is not always recommended. While drilling ductile formations like clay or claystone for
example, it may be appropriate to reduce drilling speed and, if necessary, also the WOB in order to keep the
bit in a cutting mode, and not turn into a pressing mode.
In order to achieve the highest flow rates possible from the geothermal well formation damage, for example
due to mud invasion, has to be avoided. When drilling in sandstone dominated formations it is desirable to
avoid mobilisation of clay minerals. Special drilling mud should be used which will reduce clay mineral
mobilization. A marble-flour might be added to the drilling mud which will help to build up a thin mud cake,
which protects the reservoir formation. If necessary, this thin mud cake might later easily be removed
through acidization.
Thermally induced stress on the casing during hot water production has to be considered. Casing damage in
general has to be prevented. As the casing ‘heats up’ the casing material can become more elastic and start
to stretch or elongate. This commonly requires a complete cementing of the casing along the whole well
profile. Alternatively the uncemented part of the casing string has to be pulled in tension in order to
compensate the thermally induced elongation.
In order to prevent fluid circulation behind the casing within the overburden, cementation up to the surface is
essential. The bond between tubing, cement and the rock has to withstand the thermal tensions and the
pressure changes during the entire life span of the well. Blast furnace cement has turned out to be very
suitable for this purpose. The process of cementation up to the surface represents a high pressure load for
the unlocked formations. The cement slurry density can be adapted to these conditions by specific additives.
Usually cementing of a well will be performed from the base to the top, but in case this is not successful then
other techniques can be used such as a squeeze cementation performed from the top of the well to the
former cement infiltration zone. It is generally recommended to verify the successful placement of the
cement. This can either be achieved by means of conventional cased-hole logging (Cement Bond Log, CBL)
operations or by thermal logging.
Attention has to be paid when drilling through gas bearing formations. The choice of mud weight has to be
great enough to avoid the gas entering the drilling mud. Potentially gas bearing formations also have to be
considered when planning the casing program for the well.
A.4.3.1. Sidetrack
A sidetrack is a secondary wellbore drilled away from the original hole. It is possible to have multiple
sidetracks, each of which might be drilled for a different reason. A sidetracking operation may be done
intentionally or may occur accidentally. Intentional sidetracks might bypass an unusable section of the
original wellbore or explore a geologic feature nearby. In the bypass case, the secondary wellbore is usually
drilled substantially parallel to the original well, which may be inaccessible due to an irretrievable object in
the hole, or a collapsed wellbore.
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Well testing comprises the different technologies based on water or air pumping or injection in order to
evaluate the quantity of water/gas/oil that can be extracted/injected from/to the reservoir.
Tracer testing consists of injecting solute compounds directly into the reservoir formation. The behaviour of
the solute compounds provides information about the hydrodynamic properties of the reservoir, such as
porosity, permeability and dispersivity. It also enables the hydraulic connections between the reservoir and
overlying or underlying aquifers, that may separated from the reservoir by an aquitard, to be detected, thus
helping determine whether there might be impacts on other water bodies as a result of water abstraction or
injection in the geothermal reservoir.
Well logging describes all the technologies that are aimed at determining the properties of the well, the
surrounding rock or the fluid itself, throughout the borehole profile.
Pressure build-up or recovery tests measure the bottom hole pressure response during the shut in period
which follows a pressure drawdown. It is also called the recovery phase. Such testing is useful for measuring
reservoir properties and near well interferences such as skin effects, without perturbations of the pump itself.
In this test the flow rate is known and equal to zero.
A step-flow and stimulation test consists of injecting water with a step-increased flow rate until reaching
stimulation pressure. The aims are primarily to determine the minimum stimulation pressure of the reservoir
and secondarily to reduce near well bore hydraulic impedances.
In a multi-rate-pre-fracturing hydraulic test, the injection flow rate is increased in steps. In each step the flow
rate is maintained as constant until the injection pressure reaches an asymptotic value. The test delivers
valuable information on the reservoir transmissivity, the significance of turbulence and on details of fracture
dilation (Ref. 51).
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For injection tests, common surface pumps are generally used (see details in section A7.1).
Depending on the tracer test methodology, different information on transport properties and hydraulic
connections can be obtained. This information is essential for characterizing heat exchange and for fluid re-
injection in geothermal reservoirs (Ref. 59, Ref. 36). Information is derived from the data collected during the
tests after their interpretation through a modelling approach.
As the physicochemical behaviour of the tracers under given reservoir conditions (e.g. high salinity fluid, very
low redox potential, low pH) is not always well known, the use of a minimum of two tracers is recommended.
Comparison with a natural tracer or laboratory experiments could be executed as well.
In the literature, the following tracer compounds (liquid phase tracers only) are recommended for application
at high temperature conditions:
Naphthalene (di, tri)sulfonates (nds, nts, ns) family: 1,5-, 1,6-, 2,6-, 2,7-nds, 1,3,5- and 1,3,6-nts, 1- and
2-ns (Rose et al., 2001);
Aromatic compounds: sodium benzoate or other benzoates (Adams et al., 1992);
Fluorobenzoic acids are water tracers widely used and preferred in oil reservoirs; and
Fluorescein (T < 260°C; the other organic dyes are not recommended).
A.5.2.4. Logging
Temperature log
The aim of temperature logging is to provide direct information about the temperature in a borehole.
Drilling and drilling fluid circulation alter the original temperature by cooling the bottom of the borehole and
heating the upper part of the borehole. In the case of deep boreholes the decay of the disturbances takes a
few months. Due to economic reasons it is generally not possible to wait for steady state conditions to be
reached. The original formation temperatures can be corrected from repeated temperature logs measured
during the recovery period (Ref. 41). Undisturbed temperature profiles provide information about relevant
heat transport processes near the borehole.
The temperature log is interpreted together with available geophysical, geochemical, hydrologeological and
geological data. One of the routine methods is the calculation of the heat flow per depth interval. The
lithology along the borehole profile is known from core samples, cuttings, gamma ray and resistivity logs. The
estimated thermal conductivity of the rock is based on the lithology. The heat flow is then calculated using
the thermal conductivity and the temperature gradient that has been measured or derived from the
temperature log. Heat flow variation with depth is indicative of groundwater flow.
Temperature measurements are also good indicators for locating drilling fluid losses or entry points of
formation fluids into the borehole. These locations are marked by rapid temperature changes. Gas release
into the borehole is indicated by a temperature drop. Temperature logs are also applied to check the quality
of cementing behind the casing.
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As the reflection surface seismic method is hardly able to image subsurface structures within the crystalline
basement, the borehole seismic techniques constitute an attractive way to collect spatial information about
the major and potentially permeable structures in the vicinity of the geothermal wells drilled in fractured
basement rocks. Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) permits acquisition of an inter-well image of the deep-
seated rock beyond the borehole wall. The main permeable major faults can be imaged and localised by the
VSP method. Moreover, VSP data allow a better constraint of the velocity model, useful for reflection and
refraction interpretation. 3-D geophysics and VSP are not routinely used in geothermal exploration, due to
their high costs.
Borehole acoustic imaging tools (such as “Ultrasonic Borehole Imaging” – UBI from Schlumberger or
“Formation Micro Imaging” – FMI from Baker-Hugues) provide essential information concerning the fractures
intersecting the borehole. Orientation and damage zone thickness of faults and fractures can be derived from
such acoustic logs. Local variations of the fracture orientations can also give important information on the
variations of the stress field orientation. A sonic log allows an estimation of variations in porosity along the
borehole. Borehole electrical image logs are also a very valuable method for characterising the fracture
system and the present-day stress field in EGS.
Gamma ray logs provide valuable information about the natural radioactivity and therefore the various
lithologies penetrated by the well. Spectral gamma ray logs provide continuous variations of uranium,
thorium, and potassium content of the well, which, combined with density, allows the calculation of heat
production of the rock mass. In a granitic context, lithology variations as well as hydrothermal alteration can
be evidenced from these logs.
Resistivity log
Resistivity logs provide information about the electric conductivity of the rock. Resistivity is expressed in
Ohm·m. It is sensitive to the type of rock and to the amount of water in the rock mass (depending on the
porosity). Other factors also influence the resistivity, such as temperature and composition of the formation
fluid. Therefore, the correlation between temperature, porosity and resistivity is not straightforward. In spite of
this, contrasts observed in resistivity logs, cross-checked with other well data can provide information
concerning the ability of the media to constitute an economical and accessible geothermal reservoir.
Stress determination
The knowledge of the in-situ stress field within a geothermal reservoir is fundamental for the design of the
stimulation tests.
The characterisation of the in-situ stress field is mainly done by determining the orientation and the
magnitude of the three principal stress components: the minimal horizontal stress, the maximal horizontal
stress and the vertical stress.
The orientation and amplitude of the three principal stress components and their depth dependency have to
be determined with sufficient accuracy.
A comprehensive review of stress characterisation has been achieved for engineered geothermal systems
(Ref. 31).
- Based on borehole samples, overcoring allows the calculation of the magnitude and directions of the
stresses existing in hard rocks.
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UBI/FMI and calliper logs allows observation and analysis of vertically induced fractures, ovalisation
processes, borehole breakouts, en echelon fractures, or more general borehole instabilities. In cases of
inclined wells, the rotation of borehole-near stress tensor need to be considered in analysing artificial
fractures. As such tools have their own system of inclinometry, the orientation of principal stresses can be
The stress field can also be deduced at a more regional scale from a focal mechanism solution of
earthquakes, i.e. the use of seismic waves produced by earthquakes to produce a seismic model of the
resource geology.
If no information on stress magnitude is available, stress models can be developed. These models usually
assume that in-situ stress magnitude in the crust does not exceed the condition of frictional sliding on well-
oriented faults.
If the in situ stress field is known, geomechanical reservoir models could help defining local stress
perturbations along faults and in compartment blocks.
The slip-tendency analysis helps to understand the fault behaviour under changing stress conditions whilst
drilling and stimulating the rock mass.
Wellbore stability and fault reactivation potential could then be quantified by classical geomechanical
Shearing and opening of natural fractures through shear failure, at low pressures. The shearing of
fracture planes induces seismicity; and
Creation of artificial fractures (Hydrofrac or fracking), at high pressures (tensile fracturing).
It should be noted that shearing of large fracture planes could lead to a seismic event. An event induced by
this kind of mechanism would occur at a magnitude of approximately three on the commonly used Richter
Scale (which is a base-10 logarithmic scale ranging from one to ten).
Since the early 1980s, research at various sites confirmed that shearing is the dominant process rather than
tensile fracturing (Ref. 56). Natural joints, favourably aligned with the principal stress directions, fail in shear
mode. As a consequence, formations with high stress anisotropy and hence a high shear stress should be
best candidates for hydraulic fracturing in low permeability rock.
Knowledge about the stress regime is of great importance to understand or even to predict the hydraulic
fracturing process. Borehole breakouts, borehole fractures, location and amplitude of micro-seismic events
and stimulation pressures could be evaluated to better determine the orientation and amplitude of the
principal stress components.
Proppants are used as part of the hydraulic stimulation process to keep the fracture open after pumping has
stopped and pressure drops below the fracture opening pressure. The proppant is injected into the
subsurface as part of the hydraulic stimulation medium, and usually comprises a sand or man-made
aggregate material. The choice of proppant and proppant concentration used in the hydraulic stimulation
process is important to ensure that the long term productivity of the reservoir is maintained.
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Proppant ‘trials’ should be carried out in a controlled, laboratory environment, prior to injection. Larger
diameter proppants generally have an overall higher hydraulic conductivity, but are more sensitive to stress.
Smaller diameter proppants have an initial lower hydraulic conductivity;, however this is maintained over time
and generally has a higher average hydraulic conductivity over the life span of the well. Proppant
concentration affects the hydraulic width and is important for long-term hydraulic conductivity under
production conditions (Ref. 42).
The response of the rock mass to hydraulic stimulation can be predicted with geomechanical analysis, and
thus prior to the water injection. This analysis requires the following data:
The fracture orientations and distribution, resulting from the interpretation of a UBI log; and
A knowledge of the orientation and magnitudes of the regional/local stress fields, through literature
analysis and well tests (hydrofrac/minifrac test or HTPF Hydraulic Test in Pre-existing Fractures).
One method to reduce the risk of creating shortcuts is the isolation of intervals in the borehole. Stimulation is
then performed successively along these intervals. The effective fracture area obtained by proceeding this
way is larger than by applying a massive stimulation over a long open-hole section. Such strategy is also
favourable to reduce the risk of inducing large seismic events. This methodology is limited by the efficiency
of the open-hole packers, which are often subject to leaks in deep hot reservoirs.
Cases of induced seismicity have been reported from hydraulic stimulation programs in geothermal and oil &
gas wells. However, not all geological formations are prone to induce such events. Induced seismic events,
which could be felt at the surface, have been reported from hard rock environments (such as in Basel, see
Section 6.3.1).
Since the permeability in these formations is a fracture-permeability, the pressures generated to stimulate
the formation can only diffuse through the fracture and fault network, which will lead to a reduction in the
effective stress. In sedimentary environments, due to the nature of their matrix porosity and permeability,
elevated pressures will commonly diffuse through the porous matrix rather than fracture and fault pathways.
A potentially considerable sedimentary coverage of a hydraulically stimulated hard rock formation may also
dampen induced seismic events.
Three sequences are needed for the treatment of a classic geothermal reservoir: preflush, main flush and
overflush. The preflush is performed most often with an HCl solution, first to displace the formation brines.
The main flush is used to remove the damage and most often, a mixture of HF and HCl or organic acids is
pumped into the well. Finally the overflush performs the displacement of the non-reacted mud acid into the
formation and of the mud acid reaction products away from the well bore.
Coiled tubing is a very useful tool for improving acid placement. Coiled tubing is of less use in fracturing
acidizing because of pumping rate limitations. It is still best to pump fracturing treatments through larger
strings, such as production tubing. In larger open-hole sections, acid diversion is important, otherwise only
the immediate borehole area or open fractures will be treated first. Diversion of acidification fluids to specific
areas of the borehole and reservoir can be achieved with packers.
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The shaft driven submersible pump comprises a multistage downhole centrifugal pump and surface mounted
motor plus long drive assembly extending from the motor to the pump. This pump is used for shallow depths
down to 200 m, and 80-130°C temperature.
Electric submersible pumps (ESP) consist of a multistage centrifugal pump connected to an electrical motor,
directly set in the base of the well. They can be used at larger depths and have a capacity of up to 2,000
L/min, about seven times more than that of the shaft driven pumps. As 50% of the pump breakdowns are
due to electrical problems, any water infiltration must be eliminated by the waterproof design for the motor. In
the case of bottom hole high fluid temperature (200°C), special electric oil filled motors are available.
Submersible turbopumps have a hydraulic part driven by a turbine, itself driven by pressurised geothermal
water circulation aided by a surface pump. It has lower energy efficiency, but needs less maintenance.
However, it should be noted that this type of technology is not commonly used and is relatively innovative in
comparison with the other pump mechanisms that have been discussed.
The implementation of a seismic monitoring network constitutes best practice in every geothermal project. A
seismic monitoring network should be in place before the drilling phase, in order to monitor the natural
Monitoring of the chemical composition of water and steam discharged from wells in exploited geothermal
fields provides valuable information on the response of the reservoir to the production load. For example,
withdrawal of deep reservoir fluid generally induces recharge, which may alter the chemistry of the fluid,
especially if a significant portion of the recharge water has a very different chemistry. Monitoring of the
dilution trends can provide information about the rate of lateral movement of the invasion front.
Any monitoring of a geothermal reservoir should commence at the latest at the time the actual production
begins (Ref.43). It should be performed frequently enough that natural variations can be distinguished from
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exploitation induced changes. The data have to be archived and documented in such a way that they are
accessible for the potentially changing personnel that will interpret these data over the entire field life.
For reservoir management purpose, integrated numerical modelling at a geothermal site scale is being
developed more widely in Europe (instead of reservoir scale modelling).
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Where preferential hydrogeological conditions exist (i.e. the heat reservoir formation is or can be modified to
become permeable due to stimulation), the efficiency of a Standing Column Well is lower compared to a
multiple well solution.
However, in a standing column well, the reliance on the permeability of the ground is reduced to the following
A lower than anticipated permeability of the geological formation at the depths of the heat reservoir results in
less drawdown within the rock matrix whilst still ensuring sufficient flow rates. However, the lower
permeability also results in higher rates of flow through the annulus between the open well bore and inner
standpipe, bypassing the rock/sediment representing the heat reservoir. This results in a reduced contact of
the water with the aquifer matrix and reduced rates of efficiency.
However, a benefit of the Standing Column Well system is the reduced capital costs due to the need for the
construction of one rather than two wells.
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The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has commissioned Atkins to undertake a review
study of the deep geothermal potential in the UK with respect to the power sector. Deep Geothermal as a
power source has a number of advantages given it can provide carbon friendly base load to the grid provided
it can be successfully exploited commercially and at sufficient scale. The study is considering the potential of
power generation from sedimentary aquifers and crystalline rocks, some of which may require the application
of EGS technologies to stimulate existing fracture networks. In the past the UK Government has financially
supported some Deep Geothermal activity. However there is currently only one Deep Geothermal scheme
operational in the UK (at Southampton) and this is a heat only scheme. DECC requested that Atkins engage
with a range of stakeholders to inform the report. The agreed format for engagement was a three stage
process with an initial questionnaire sent out, followed by a workshop event and finally a series of one to one
telephone interviews or meetings for identified key individuals or sector representatives. The lists of
participates invited to contribute to the engagement process was agreed with DECC. Project timescales
have limited the ability to analyse and incorporate the engagement process findings, particularly post
workshop where additional submissions have been received. This section provides a factual report of the
stakeholder process and responses together with a summarised view of the Key findings and comments
The approach adopted is to report comments and findings from the workshop and interviews as unattributed
other than by general sector or organisational type. This is intended to assist freedom of expression.
Atkins and DECC would like to thank all those that participated in the engagement process. It is recognised
that people and organisations have generously donated their time and expertise on a voluntary basis.
In summary the aim of the stakeholder engagement was to identify the main reasons why Deep Geothermal
schemes have not developed in the UK with respect to Power or Combined Heat and Power.
The aim was to have a diversity of participants to ensure views were received from a range of organisations.
Although as the process was voluntary, the views and comments received are necessarily limited to those
that were willing to take part.
In total 30 questionnaires were sent out, in general to people and organisations which were considered to
have a specialist Deep Geothermal knowledge relevant to the UK and 9 responses were received. All
received an invite to the workshop event. The questions asked were:
1. What expertise do you have in the drilling of deep wells in the UK and internationally, developing
geothermal reservoirs, and operating geothermal plants in the last five years?
2. For those directly involved in UK deep geothermal projects:
a) For each project, please provide a brief description covering for example: temperature,
geological prognosis, anticipated geothermal system and projected scale of deep
geothermal energy output (MWe/MWth), time scale and project cost
b) What is the current status of the project?
c) What do you perceive as the major financial and non-financial barriers to the project
progressing now?
d) In addition, are you able to identify the barriers to development you have either met or
anticipate meeting at the various points in the project lifecycle?
e) What is the timescale (after the removal of any barriers to progress) for developing the
project to the point of commercial operation?
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f) How reliant is your commercial model on supplying heat in addition to exporting electricity to
the grid?
3. What is the potential for replication of different types of deep geothermal project in terms of plant
numbers and/or MW in the UK? What evidence can you provide to support your answer?
4. What technological innovation will be needed to maximise the potential of deep geothermal power
generation, and to help de-risk projects?
5. What are the potential synergies with other renewable and oil and gas technology developments?
6. What are the wider potential benefits to the local and/or national economy of deep geothermal
energy? What evidence can you provide to support your answer?
7. What potential do you foresee to use your geothermal technology and knowhow for the export
market worldwide and how are you intending to do this?
The invitation list for the workshop was expanded to also cover other sectors such as financiers, insurers
and cross over skill sets such as deep drilling and renewable energy specialists. An overall total of 66
workshop invitations were sent out.
On 12th June 45 people attended the stakeholder workshop event in London comprising:
8 Atkins
4 Local Councils
5 Engineering Consultancies
The balance included representatives from academia, the BGS, the Environment Agency, legal consultancy
and carbon and power markets.
DECC representatives attended but largely in a passive role although they were able to contribute at some
points to answer points arising from debate and discussion. The workshop format consisted of a series of
presentations in the morning session to provide an introduction and background to the study and the
engagement process. The afternoon session was devoted to a series of breakout sessions in smaller
groups. The timings were arranged to provide significant amounts of time for discussion. The overall aim was
to listen and capture views. Mark Hinton (Atkins Chief Geotechnical Engineer) chaired the workshop
throughout the day providing attendees with the opportunity to contribute to the discussion and express their
10.30 – 10.45 Definitions and Timeline of events to date - David Shilston, Atkins
11.00 – 11.20 The Current Review Study Report - Natalyn Ala , Atkins
11.40 – 12.00 Costings, Subsidy, Scale and Economics - Ian Richardson, Atkins
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15.30 – 16.30 Breakout Session Feedback & Discussion - Mark Hinton + Facilitators
During the afternoon, the attendees were split into four groups rotated through four breakout sessions, where
they were provided with further opportunity to exchange their opinions on the commercial barriers to
investment; the technical barriers; the next steps that should be taken to advance the sector; and finally the
opportunities of economic growth and the public perception of the sector. These sessions were facilitated by
Ian Richardson, Andreas Neymeyer, Mark Hinton and Natalyn Ala. At the end of the sessions each facilitator
presented to the audience the main findings of the exercise to stimulate further collective discussion.
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Mark Hinton gave the welcome talk, outlining the structure of the engagement process and the workshop
and explained that it was taking place under a form of the Chatham House rules to encourage expression of
views without concern of attribution.
He also discussed the stakeholder questionnaire which all attendees were given a copy of.
Dr Paul Hollinshead, Director of the Science and Innovation Group from DECC, welcomed the attendees on
behalf of DECC.
The presentations session started with David Shilston (Atkins) outlining definitions of the terms related to
deep geothermal with regards to geology and methods of exploitation, discussing the Hot Dry Rock (HDR),
Hot Fractured Rock (HFR) and Hot Sedimentary Aquifer (HSA) types of geology and fractured conditions
and the need of Engineered Geothermal System (EGS). This prompted a debate regarding terminology.
Key finding: The terminology and definitions used need to be understandable to a non-expert audience.
There are a confusing number of interrelated terms used, some of which apply to types of geology and
others that relate to processes. Within our report we are resolving this by referencing the geology in terms of
either Crystalline Rocks or Sedimentary Rocks.
Varying degrees of natural fracturing will be present with associated levels of permeability. Varying levels of
temperature will be present depending upon the particular depth and temperature gradient. Scheme
requirements as they evolve during geothermal well development will require varying degrees of stimulation
to be applied in the form of EGS processes which commonly include artificial fracturing of the rock mass. The
use of the terms Hot Dry Rock (HDR) and Hot Fractured Rock (HFR) could in particular lead to some
Within the report three specimen case scenarios have been developed to allow cross comparison and to
illustrate the only areas where applied criteria dictate viable Deep Geothermal schemes with a power
component can be developed. These relate to the chosen definitions in that Crystalline rocks apply to the
Granites of the South West e.g. Rosemanowes Quarry and Redruth United Downs in Cornwall, and also
apply to the North East of England e.g. Newcastle and Weardale areas. Sedimentary rocks relate to the
Cheshire Basin e.g. Crewe area, and also the Wessex Basin e.g. Southampton’s operational district heating
only scheme.
Key finding: Feedback has illustrated the report needs to be clear that the three scenarios developed are not
directly applicable to any actual schemes. Investment decisions should not be developed for particular
schemes by direct comparison with the developed scenarios as conclusions drawn are likely to be flawed.
The scenarios have been developed at a scale and type to allow comparative statements, comments on
scalability and overall viability criteria to be made. They relate to the overall potential of Deep Geothermal for
an area or volume of technically or economically recoverable resource.
David Shilston then highlighted, with chronology, the main relevant reference studies and publications dating
back to the BGS study from 1986 to the present. Seven notable commercial or research projects were
- Fenton Hill, New Mexico, USA (1974-1993), the first HDR project using EGS;
- Rosemanowes Quarry, Cornwall, UK (1977-1992), an HDR project using EGS;
- Southampton, Hampshire, UK (1986-Present), which is the only commercial use of geothermal
energy as district heating in the UK;
- Soultz-sous-Forêts, France (1986), an EU financed pilot HDR project;
- Weardale, County Durham, UK (2004), an HFR project intersecting the Slitt Vein natural fracture
- Basel, Switzerland (2006), an HDR project in which operation ceased in 2006 due to induced
seismicity; and
- Unterhaching, Munich, Germany (2009), the first HSA project in the low enthalpy region of South
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Key finding: Some participants had knowledge of the scheme in Basel and observed that the situation with
the project stopped due to seismic issues could have been avoided if the public perception issues had been
better handled.
Natalyn Ala presented on the structure of the report including the literature review, discussion of investigation
and exploitation technologies, the lessons learnt from past projects in the UK and abroad, environmental,
regulatory and other considerations. She went on to explain the methodology adopted in the report which
included the criteria used to develop the finding that viable Deep Geothermal potential ‘reserves’ for power
in the UK is limited to three geographic areas (although heat only schemes could be more widely applicable).
Namely the Granites of south West England; the Granites of North East Weardale area extending west
towards the Lake District area; and sedimentary Cheshire Basin in the Crewe area.
A number of lessons learnt were compiled from five projects in the Rhine Valley and additional international
EGS projects located in UK, Austria, France, Germany, US, Australia and Japan. They were grouped
according to the geothermal project phases: exploration, test drilling, well testing and logging, reservoir
development, and production and reservoir monitoring. .
The environmental considerations mainly referred to the use of water and potential pollution, gas emissions,
radioactive solids and waste disposal, noise and visual nuisance, land-take and habitat removal and induced
micro-seismicity. The regulatory considerations included the Environmental Impact Assessment as part of
the planning and groundwater abstraction and discharge considerations. The ownership of geothermal rights
was questioned as part of the regulatory framework.
Key finding: Permitting and ownership of ‘Geothermal rights’ is currently not clear. It is analogous to mineral
rights and could be subject to auction in the same fashion. It is an upfront barrier to investment and scheme
development from the outset. This requires government to provide clarity as a matter of urgency and is a first
step barrier that prevents any further commercial development stages. Investors demand clarity on extent
and length of ownership.
Such auctions could be used to recoup expenditure on research work to characterise the resource to
sufficient detail to promote investor involvement. Stakeholders considered in general that this should be a
relatively straightforward issue to resolve but had not been given sufficient attention to date. Becomes
especially relevant if scale is applied when multiple developments take place in adjacent areas where there
is the potential to draw on or influence the thermal resource of the neighbouring scheme.
The selection criteria of the three geothermal heat to power conversion scenarios of the report were
explained in more technical detail by Andreas Neymeyer, who explained the technical principles used to
assess the basic parameters (viscosity, permeability, flow etc) and then compared them for each of the
Ian Richardson’s presentation was focused on the commercial aspect of deep geothermal projects. He
outlined the key assumptions made in the three scenarios including plant type, sizing, outputs and the
pricing, costing and subsidy levels and financing assumptions used to establish the viable economic case.
The basic findings in relation to the balance between heat and power sales and returns were outlined. The
approach used where heat sales is required as a component of a viable case business requires a heat
customer in reasonable proximity. This was illustrated with heat load maps for the three areas under
consideration. The presentation also outlined some of the limitations that would apply that would prevent the
full technically recoverable resource being exploited, even where a viable economic case could be made,
due to practicalities, permitting, scaling and heat market considerations.
The event was then opened up to the floor for discussion and questions.
The term EGS and definitions were debated. There was consensus that a distinction based upon crystalline
and sedimentary rocks would provide clarity. Past definitions had been arrived at for a variety of reasons.
Distinctions associated with porosity could also be useful as matrix and local fractures mean permeability
can vary for sedimentary rocks whilst in crystalline rocks permeability relates solely to the fracture properties
and is often therefore enhanced by some form of EGS fracture stimulation process.
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Key finding: There is a balance of cost versus return from power generation relating to the interacting effects
of drilling depth, heat flows encountered and stimulation measures. Drilling costs are not linear with depth.
Stimulation measures add considerable cost and the degree required is not known with certainty from the
Understanding of the geology is key and several participants emphasised that this should be the starting
point for everything else and that currently there is a general lack of suitable data to allow resources to be
confidently quantified. However the basic geology is known and is was argued that a staged approach could
nearly always ensure that a technically viable solution could be found by drilling deeper or increased
amounts of stimulation or additional wells. However there was less clarity offered as to where the
economically viable cut off points would be. Where heat is required an understanding of the local market
which exists or needs to be created through new district heating systems is required.
Key finding: Understanding the geology (better than we do currently) and associated temperature, stress
regimes (which affect stimulation fracturing process), existing amounts and locations of fractures is a key
starting point. Where existing fractures provide better permeability this should be targeted by geothermal
wells but the required detailed data does not currently exist.
The four breakout sessions were rotated to allow everyone to participate in each. They were on the topics of:
There was a wide range of views and plenty of discussion during the breakout sessions and the final period
where the results were summarised and opened for general debate. There were some points of general
consensus or noteworthy comments or views which can be summarised as follows
Key Finding: Some degree of increased certainty can be provided by investigation surveys involving for
example geophysical survey methods. Survey alone will not provide sufficient increase in certainty of
resource to lead to unaided investment.
There is a limit to the increase in certainty provided and expensive techniques used in the oil and gas
industries are not always appropriate to apply due to costs. Geological conditions can vary over short
distances and depths.
Key finding: A number of trial wells would increase confidence in the likelihood of success for subsequent
wells in the same area and possibly elsewhere as overall confidence in the UK sector gains momentum.
Early wells will have a lower chance of economic success and the percentage likelihood of economic
success can be expected to improve with each additional well.
After a number of successful wells the commercial insurance market would be encouraged to offer
underwriting of exploratory wells. Views on the number of wells varied but generally 2 to 3 no. to 5km depth
in each region would be thought a good start and be relatively inexpensive compared to government
investment in other renewable industry sectors. Models around government match funding or 100%
underwriting of early wells were suggested. Slim hole wells for research work of a lesser diameter than
commercial wells would reduce drilling costs.
Resource exploitation is always planned with mitigation strategies in mind. In order to be successful
measures such as increased well depth, additional wells, directional drilling and stimulation can be applied to
maximise the chances of a technically successful well(s) being developed.
Key finding: Without an example scheme or example wells to prove the resource (using suitable logging,
geophysics and trialling), deep geothermal for power generation is unlikely to proceed in the UK.
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Heat only schemes have a lower threshold barrier and are more likely to progress without government
funding intervention. In the future Heat only schemes could act as a catalyst for the eventual emergence of
power schemes but this would take time for the sector to mature sufficiently.
Key finding: The scenario parameters used in the report will need to take due regard of the likelihood of
existing fractures and the need for some form stimulation being required to induce fractures. This needs to
be evidentially based where possible but also should allow reasonable assumptions to be made to ensure
fair comparisons to be drawn between the two areas. It should not be presumed that there are no faults in
Cornwall and all the granite in the North of England is highly fractured.
Some of the scenario parameters presented included flow rates that differed between the granites of the
North East and those of the South West of England. There is more evidence in the North East of zones of
existing fracturing associated with faults from a trial bore undertaken. However it is known that faulting and
natural fracturing of granites in the South West is present but it has not as yet been proven in a trial well.
This could be addressed by considering a range of parameters for each scenario.
Key finding: Effective communication of the risks and uncertainties to government, the public and the
investment and insurance communities is a key factor to successful commercial deployment.
If handled correctly the public perception can be positively maintained as illustrated by the successful
engagement of local communities and government in Cornwall and to other extents in other areas as well. If
the public expectations around the induced seismic risks are not managed effectively there is a risk that
public support will be withdrawn.
Key finding: Deep Geothermal offers an opportunity to develop a new UK industry, with some export
potential, in areas that would welcome economic development. With the co operation of local government
this could be associated with local enterprise or development zones, leading to both direct and in direct
employment opportunities.
This could suit CHP particularly well as a means to create a heat market without the costs of retro fit.
However where there is a reliance in part on heat sales there is a ‘what comes first problem’ with a
requirement to create a heat market for CHP and CHP being required before a heat market (that requires a
heat network investment) develops.
Key finding: There is scope for technology transfer from the oil and gas sector although differing cost models
may prove limiting. In time drilling costs will decrease as scale and experience grows but only to an extent.
Rig availability and costs could be a future problem if Deep Geothermal develops at scale at least for a
period until the supply chain matures. In the short term the supply chain can provide some drilling rigs but
this a global market with other energy markets and territories having their own developing demands.
Key finding: The carbon friendly base load would be beneficial to the grid and help to compensate for the
intermittency of other forms of renewable such as wind power.
Secondary benefits leading to economic growth would be the grid development, high skilled and salary jobs
especially at construction phase, creation of new businesses and even development of tourism (e.g.
Eastgate planning permission for a spa).
Key finding: Public perceptions of shale gas drilling, hydraulic fracturing and associated risks could be linked
to Deep Geothermal by the public although currently local government and community support have
generally managed to promote a positive image for the sector. The experience of stakeholders is that pro
active public engagement is crucial from the earliest stages.
Seismic risks could be managed with regard to public perception by adopting a mitigation approach with
baseline monitoring. For example in London, tunnel induced settlements are assessed on an individual
structure basis and specific mitigation measures developed. This could help to differentiate Deep
Geothermal stimulation from Shale Gas fracturing and the association with general measurements of seismic
activity. Support form NGO’s can help with public support.
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Key finding: Risk versus return ratios are currently not attractive to investors. Subsidy levels do not effect
initial decision to invest in terms of the upfront risk uncertainties.
Investor views were under represented at the workshop but the views were consistent that investors are
unlikely to finance schemes where there are large degrees of uncertainty and risk. At the workshop there
was not a clarity as to what degree this was due to permitting and rights issues, uncertainties of the proven
resource, relatively high exploratory and development phase costs or the power and heat market subsidy
Key finding: Deep Geothermal has the potential to improve UK Energy Security. There are uncertainties but
there is a known power resource that can provide low carbon base load and can be developed relatively
quickly when compared to other forms of energy such as Nuclear.
There are a handful of projects poised to commence that have the potential to act as a catalyst to further
sector development. Deep Geothermal projects have the potential to reach operational phase relatively
quickly when compared to nuclear or offshore wind farms for example.
Key finding: There are environmental challenges but they appear solvable at project scale including water
issues. However if the industry is scaled up this could prove limiting if for example multiple plants are
required in close proximity.
The deep geothermal resource does happen to coincide with areas of natural beauty and therefore planning,
permitting and environmental impact assessments will be issues. However the footprint for deep geothermal
plants are relatively small and once the short term drilling phase is over the impacts on the environmental
are considerably reduced. The issues will however multiple the larger the scale of overall deployment in an
Key finding: There is a lack of relevant data in the UK regarding the potential for thermal degradation of the
deep geothermal resource over the lifecycle of the project and beyond.
Until an actual deep geothermal power scheme is operational in UK conditions for a number of years it is not
yet clear if there is any potential for the thermal resource to reduce over time. For crystalline rocks the heat is
generated from radioactive decay and there is a lack of data regarding the steady state condition and the
heat recharge cycle. For the government to invest in a new industry at a large scale they need to see a long
term future and a sustainable resource. There were differing views from stakeholders on this issue ranging
from being a non issue to an important piece of research being required.
Key finding: The report scenarios are based around a relatively small power output model and commercial
scale project would likely need to be larger.
The model used in the report scenarios for comparison is 2.5 MWe. This allows cross scenario comparison
and an investigation of scaling effects. However a commercially viable project is more likely to be 5 to 15
Key finding: Heat markets are local and deep geothermal would be competing against other heat sources
such as waste to energy. Geology is also local and therefore the two need to be matched where heat sales
are a governing factor. The electricity markets are national and energy markets are international and
therefore for power generation project location can be more flexible and suitable geology targeted.
Financial support measures and subsidy levels for local and national and international forms of energy are
different as different factors are in play.
Key finding: There are current uncertainties regarding strike prices and future subsidy levels given the design
life and financial model lifecycles of 20 to 25 years that are commonly considered.
In addition to comments regarding the ongoing current uncertainties in energy policy, some stakeholders
pointed out the current differences with wave and tidal power (higher) subsidy levels which they considered
to be sectors at a similar level of maturity to deep geothermal.
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Key finding: If government funding for a demonstration or commercial scale project was provided there could
be an opportunity to assemble a collective of companies and experts to undertake the scheme to provide the
best chance of success and to help with onwards effective knowledge transfer to subsequent schemes.
However there would be a number of issues to overcome.
There would be a number of issues around building a ‘collective’ of national and local government, major
energy companies, leading academics, drilling companies etc. Each have different business drivers and
priorities. Government would need to demonstrate that any financial support given had been fairly and
effectively deployed which could for example suggest some form of competition for funding would be
A number of individuals and sectors were not able to attend the workshop event and were interviewed on a
one to one basis. These included academics that have specialised in Deep Geothermal and the investment
sector which was not well represented at the workshop.
These discussions were to an informal format although the central theme for discussion was centred around
the reasons why Deep Geothermal schemes have not as yet progressed in the UK otherwise described as
identifying the tipping points to investment.
The Key findings arising from these less formal discussions can be summarised as:
A new paper has been recently published by Younger et al that proposes that heat flow estimates in
the UK have to date been under estimated.
There have been developments in knowledge and drilling since the original work on Deep
Geothermal was undertaken in the 1970’s and 1980’s by BGS and others.
Natural permeability can be expected in the granites associated with re-activated faults during the
tertiary period and there is evidence these have resulted in open fractures that exist currently. The
stress regime suggests vertical or sub vertical faults with a NW/SE or NE/SW orientation.
Drillability of granites is becoming less of an issue and there is relevant world experience to draw
upon. A scale of market will be required to establish a UK deep drilling industry.
Detecting and targeting faults is not easy and investigation techniques such as geophysics are
helpful but not definitive.
In the Cheshire basin the sandstones run out and therefore looking at the Sandbach area as well as
Crewe for heat customers is sensible.
With best effort targeting initial wells could be considered to have a 60% chance of technical success
rising to 80% in an area after more wells installed.
The best approach is to target permeability to try and achieve a viable well without the need for
additional stimulation. However the need for EGS and the risk if induced micro seismic activity
cannot be ruled out.
The UK sector would at this stage benefit from a research focus in terms of immediate next steps.
Newcastle geothermal district heating scheme is likely to go out to tender shortly. Power is not the
main consideration currently. There has been investor interest but the local council wishes to retain a
degree of control. However seeking funding remains an issue. Aim will be for local government to
invest in research and aim to recover costs once sold onto a developer. The local heat market is not
yet in place but planned e.g. planned science park development and retro fit of existing hospitals.
Energy to Waste schemes have not always been a positive experience and Heat from geothermal
therefore has attractions.
Investment market understands the risks and uncertainties well and this is why investment has not
occurred. It is not the case that they need educating. Past experience with renewable energy has
been patchy and there are clear risks that investors could potentially lose money in this sector.
Carbon pricing needs sorting out as currently the market lacks clarity and this feeds uncertainty for
renewable energy investment decisions.
The government would benefit from listening to the market rather than trying to create and impose a
market solution.
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A relatively small government funding outlay of £50m to £100m could finance a number of trail wells.
Only then will there be clarity as to whether there is viable Deep Geothermal for Power potential in
the UK at a reasonable scale that is worth further investment in.
At the current time the sector is un-investable as it remains in the research phase. Some expenditure
on research and development would therefore be beneficial and could be recouped via the
government taking equity stakes in return for early stage investment or via rights auctions.
The sector will only take off at scale once the smaller independent developers are replaced by larger
energy and utility companies and significant EPC contractors become involved.
There is a scale of expected return on investment associated at each project or sector phase. This is
a progression from higher returns at venture capital entry points at early stage development though
equity type returns profile during the construction phase reducing to institutional levels of return at
the operational phase where revenues and levels of subsidy are more certain. At the current time the
sector can be characterised as being in the research phase and will not attract investment other than
via government measures.
Institutional capital
Research Development Construction Operational Government
Subsidy Focus
Project Phase
Investment decisions very insensitive
to Operational Phase subsidy levels
Deep Geothermal for power is at the research phase = unproven = uninvestable
NOTE: IRR levels, funding types and boundaries are for broad illustrative purposes
and should not be considered as exactly defined.
Regardless of the size of the theoretical technically or economically exploitable resource there will be
several limiting factors that reduce the UK potential for power from Deep Geothermal including – rig
and supply chain availability; grid connections; infrastructure such as roads required for the
construction phases of multiple plants, environmental issues. In summary it will not be practical to
deploy a grid of geothermal plant every few miles.
Key parameter assumptions are based on a limited evidential basis and therefore sensitivity needs
to be addressed around which are known and which are unknown and which can be determined at
what degree of certainty. Technical and financial models can be sensitive to key parameter variation.
Although there is overseas experience of Deep Geothermal for power in broadly similar enthalpy
conditions, such as can be found in Germany, there is less clarity as to the actual levels of power
output achieved in relation to the level of government subsidy deployed. Pumping effort can lead to
high parasitic loads for example.
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Final Report
In advance of the DECC Deep Geothermal Stakeholders Workshop held on the 12th of June 2013, a
questionnaire was send out to the majority of the invitees in order to ensure that the Atkins team are able
to engage with a full range of key UK deep geothermal stakeholders to inform the final report. Out of the
30 questionnaires sent, 9 responses were received and 8 respondents agreed to publish their replies. It
should be noted that the views expressed in the responses are the personal views of the respondents and
do not essentially represent the views of their organisations nor those of DECC.
Responses received
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As you will be aware, two UK based companies have formed to develop deep geothermal projects in
Cornwall. EGS Energy Ltd plans to deliver a 4.3MWe power plant at the Eden Project and Geothermal
Engineering Ltd plans to develop a 10 MWe power plant at United Downs in Cornwall. Both projects
received planning permission in 2010 and aim to drill to 4.5km, with two wells at Eden and three at United
Geothermal Engineering Ltd and EGS Energy Ltd will respond individually to the DECC Deep Geothermal
Review Study Stakeholder Engagement Questionnaire. On behalf of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local
Enterprise Partnership we would like to support these submissions and reiterate the potential benefits to
the economy that the development of this sector would bring to Cornwall and potentially the United
In 2013 the leading geothermal research organisations in the UK: Durham, Glasgow and Newcastle
Universities plus the BGS have combined to form BritGeothermal. This new organisation, managed by
Durham University, will ensure the UK comes to the fore in global geothermal research as well as providing
the underpinning for geothermal energy development and commercialisation in the UK.
8. What expertise do you have in the drilling of deep wells in the UK and internationally, developing geothermal
reservoirs, and operating geothermal plants in the last five years?
Cheshire East Council is not a direct drilling or operating company. Instead, the Council is a lead partner in bringing
forward geothermal energy schemes in the Cheshire Basin, both as major landowner and key stakeholder. Therefore
we have developed extensive experience of the systems, frameworks and legislation in place covering the delivery of
deep geothermal schemes and the differing models of delivery available to the public sector.
Our geothermal well was originally drilled over 25 years ago. However, we have recently removed the old
turbine based pump from the well, as part of a programme to replace this with a new electric submersible
pump (ESP). This has involved working with a specialist geothermal consultant and a drilling contractor to
remove the pump set, fish and remove the packer, wash and log the well condition, and undertake
injectivity testing. We continue to operate the district energy scheme that was built around the
geothermal resource, now primarily producing its heat from gas-fired CHP. Following the pump
replacement, we will continue to operate the geothermal well as a heat resource, as part of the district
heating scheme.
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Final Report
None as our involvement has been limited to providing an initial advisory role regarding the ability to
translate oilfield practices to geothermal test projects for potential investors.
Durham University, led by me, has been the joint venture partner with Newcastle University in the drilling
of Eastgate 2 to 470m in 2010 and Science Central (Newcastle) to 1850m in 2011. Previously I worked in the
oil industry on late field life reservoirs and of which were low enthalpy geothermal systems with hot water
production massively exceeding oil production. These projects included planning and executing operations.
We are not developers, so we haven’t done any hands-on development in the last 5 years. In the past we
have had, both on UK and USA programmes. We have provided consultancy services to others carrying out
these activities and we have done all the technical, drilling, geological and geothermal reconnaissance and
feasibility work for the United Downs project.
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Final Report
Statoil has extensive experience in drilling deep wells (mostly offshore) but has not developed or operated
any geothermal plants.
a) For each project, please provide a brief description covering for example: temperature, geological
prognosis, anticipated geothermal system and projected scale of deep geothermal energy output
(MWe/MWth), time scale and project cost
The Cheshire East deep geothermal scheme is in the latter stages of development, with an intention to go to market
with a proposed site in January 2014 with a partner in place by June 2014. As part of the 'All Change for Crewe'
programme, this project will develop a deep geothermal energy centre at Leighton West, near Crewe and potentially a
deep geothermal research and development hub outlined in Point 9.
The project will provide renewable heat and potentially power for local use, focused on nearby major industrial users
as the primary heat loads, followed by forthcoming residential development and ancillary industrial and agricultural
users as secondary loads. The project has been estimated to cost approximately £27m, which includes a 20%
contingency. We have added this relatively high contingency because this will be the first deep geothermal energy
project developed in the Cheshire basin. There is therefore a greater likelihood that this project will encounter some
cost over-runs that have not yet been foreseen.
Below is the outline model for costs and heat / energy usage which summarises the proposed model based on
forthcoming geophysical testing.
Return Temperature 60 60 60 °C
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Final Report
The Council has prepared a proposed model based on the above and use of the Council’s land on a lease
basis. The envisaged model will follow the timescale set out below;
1 Full Council approval of proposals and business case. Initial Sept/ Oct
promotion commences. 2013
2 PQQ for restricted procurement process issued and advertised Jan 2014
3 Bidders appraised and successful party agreed. Terms of lease June 2014
5 Developer submits planning application and applications for EA July 2014
6 Full geophysical study of site carried out Sept 2014
11 Financial and geological case for Well 2 established. Stimulation April 2016
and further testing of Well 1
12 Design, planning and preparation for Well 2 Aug 2016
Please note, the above timetable is based on comparative procurement schemes for other infrastructure. However, as
this will be the first such scheme, and there are a number of existing operators in place they may be able to massively
expedite the delivery of the scheme and the infrastructure provision once they are on board.
In terms of the geological prognosis, the proposed site is located on the Triassic age. The Keuper Marls at out crop at
the surface, overlying sandstones and pebble beds of the lower Triassic age. It is probable that Permian age red beds
are present below the Hercynian age rocks. Structurally, the site is in the Cheshire Basin, a large Permo-Triassic age
graben, which appears to comprise sandstones up to 4km deep to the east of the Crewe area. There are many
geologic faults in the area and these are associated with the graben structure.
The permeability of the sedimentary rock at the target depths is not known, although sandstone units do typically
have a higher permeability than many other rock types. The extent to which geologic faults pass through the
sandstone at the required depth beneath the site is not known. If the wells can be targeted at pre-existing geologic
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Final Report
faults then the permeability is likely to be greater than within the surrounding formation. This would enable
commercial flow rates to be achieved with acceptable pumping costs. The actual permeability and associated flow
rates will only be known once one of the deep wells has been drilled at the site. For the purpose of evaluating the
resource, a flow rate of 35 L/s was used and is similar to that achieved from a deep well drilled into the Sherwood
Sandstone formation in Southampton.
Triassic sandstone aquifer, circa 1,800 metres deep. Water in aquifer at 76°C (74°C at surface). Heat only.
Circa 2MW useful heat available.
The United Downs project envisages a 10MW power plant producing from a depth of 4,500 – 5,000m
within a faulted fracture system in the granite, at a temperature of 180 – 200OC. Project cost of
approximately £50million.
As noted above [response to previous question], the Council is in the final stages of preparation ready to go out to
market with a detailed and financially viable model for delivery. The Council has full control of the land for delivery,
has ongoing and detailed engagement and support from the Environment Agency and has end users ready to enter in
to an agreement with any provider coming on board.
Durham University, sponsored by BP alternative energy are undertaking an assessment of all low enthalpy
geothermal systems in the UK. Current work is concentrating upon: North Pennines, Cheshire, East
Midlands and Wessex. Heat is the principle target output. This is research that will underpin subsequent
commercial development.
Planning permission granted almost three years ago. On hold, awaiting funding.
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Final Report
c) What do you perceive as the major financial and non-financial barriers to the project progressing now?
As with all geothermal projects, there is significant upfront capital expenditure associated with drilling the wells, in
this case circa £27m to get the system up and running. This capital is at risk until the wells have been shown to
maintain sufficient flow for commercial production. In many countries in Europe, this risk is covered by State or World
Bank funded risk insurance. This is not the case in the United Kingdom and the potential returns from such a project
would not be considered attractive enough to justify the risk exposure to private capital. It is for this reason that a bid
was made to the Regional Growth Fund to cover 29% of the total cost, a comparative percentage to that offered in
Germany, France and other locations in order to attract delivery partners to take the initial capital risk on the scheme.
This lack of up front risk reduction is, in our view, the primary financial and non financial barrier to project delivery.
The other key issue going forward is the certainty of the RHI funding. The RHI funding scheme offers the primary
incentive for delivery partners to become involved in renewable energy in the UK and particularly deep geothermal
schemes. Simply put, it will be this payment that will make any and all scheme’s viable. At the current levels, our
financial modelling shows that the £50Mwh RHI payment, coupled with a useable flow rate and critically the target
temperature will make a scheme not only commercially viable, but very attractive to investors. However, there is
concern about the levels of RHI subsidy going forward and even the commitment to its ongoing future within the
context of the Government’s austerity measures. The Government have given a number of welcome reassurances
about the nature of this funding and these have been well received, the perception remains, particularly with end
users who aren’t part of the industry, that the Government may end or much reduce the RHI tariffs which in turn
would be a cost passed on to consumers, which dissuades them from entering in to such arrangements.
Extra works required, not originally identified by the geothermal specialist. Not able to receive Renewable
Heat Incentive despite expectation that the system would be able to (the legislation with regard to re-
payments of grants was drafted differently to the expected policy mechanism, resulting in our project
effectively being locked out of the RHI funding, due to having received a capital funding grant from the
Deep Geothermal Challenge Fund). Programming the works can be challenging, as the well-head is located
in land used as a car park by a retail third party.
The project is perceived as being too risky. The high initial capital costs discourage investors. Support is
required to mitigate the risks and/or increase the incentives for successful development. The lack of a
regulatory framework is also a problem.
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Final Report
d) In addition, are you able to identify the barriers to development you have either met or anticipate meeting at
the various points in the project lifecycle?
As part of its detailed modelling and work, Cheshire East Council has examined, in detail, the potential risks and issues
that may arise moving forward and how they can be proactively mitigated or reduced. This is detailed below for
Risk register
Planning permission difficult to obtain Engage in public consultations and perform EIA
Loss of hole due to failure of drilling rig or Ensure competent drilling contractor is selected
associated equipment
Loss of hole due to difficult drilling conditions Proper well engineering and supervision
Drilling significantly more time consuming, and Ensure competent drilling contractor with high
expensive than planned standard, proper supervision
Temperature significantly lower than expected Consider usefulness of lower temperatures, or
at target depth abandon project
Fail to hit defined geological target Assess data and evaluate likelihood that target
can be reached by further drilling or sidetrack
Fail to encounter sufficient natural permeability Carry out stimulation and reassess
Excessive seismicity during stimulation Comprehensive seismic monitoring and
implement decision tree system
Fail to develop sufficient permeability during Consider options for further stimulation or, if
stimulation none are available, abandon project
Fail to successfully drill second, or subsequent, As above
Fail to connect the wells together in a circulating Consider further stimulation and / or
system recompletion options or, if none are available,
abandon project
Rapid temperature decline in connected system Consider recompletion options to stop short
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Final Report
From its initial work it is clear that one of the other major barriers faced by the construction and development of deep
geothermal plants will be the public perception of such infrastructure. Whilst the principle of deep geothermal energy
is strongly supported by a number of key bodies and lobby groups, and initial indications are there is also strong public
support for the principle of such a scheme, it is anticipated that when the first scheme comes to the development
stage, unless there is significant advanced preparation, publicity and strong high profile support from Government and
other bodies it is likely to meet opposition from a vocal minority. The actions necessary to facilitate drilling,
particularly the geophysical survey work and the resulting drilling operation can be easily misconstrued by unaware
members of the public, which in turn may become opposition to a scheme based on false assumptions that these
operations (drilling, surveys using explosive devices etc).
Additionally [response to previous question], there was risk of failures at a number of stages of the re-
pumping project, some of which would have incurred extra costs and some of which could have resulted in
loss of the well as a usable resource.
There are many technical challenges. We will also have to deal with the mis-information and exaggerated
(but understandable) concern over induced seismicity.
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Final Report
e) What is the timescale (after the removal of any barriers to progress) for developing the project to the point
of commercial operation?
As outlined above [response to previous question], in terms of the Cheshire East scheme, the only barrier to delivery is
the perception of risk and the resulting need to underwrite such risk. We anticipate moving forward on the timetable
set out in Part 2 a), with a delivery partner on board by June 2014 and start on site in September 2014.
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Final Report
f) How reliant is your commercial model on supplying heat in addition to exporting electricity to the grid?
As the industry is aware, any geothermal scheme is unable to accurately confirm the flow rates and final levels of heat
generated until the infrastructure is in place and the wells dug (hence the need for risk insurance). Accurate estimates
can be taken using geophysical surveys and other advanced analysis, but until the well is in the ground and pumping
and settled in to an operational cycle, the flow and temperature can never be truly confirmed.
In order to be commercially viable, it’s our view, and one shared with our advisors and other partners we have
discussed emerging schemes with, that any business model for deep geothermal energy needs to be based around
achieving commercial viability as a heat only source, with the potential for electricity generation as an additional
extra, rather than a prerequisite. In the simplest terms, a scheme will always be able to draw heat from the ground
(albeit to differing temperatures), commercially and technically viable electricity schemes require a source of a
particular minimum heat, and it is not viable to base a commercial model on an uncertain estimate and potential.
Therefore the model is based around supply of heat to industrial partners and forthcoming residential properties, with
the additional potential for electricity generation to the grid or via direct supply dependant on the final agreements
reached with end users. We have identified that at a base temperature of 90 degrees, which is very achievable in the
Cheshire Basin, a heat only model is very viable.
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Deep Geothermal Review Study
Final Report
10. What is the potential for replication of different types of deep geothermal project in terms of plant numbers
and/or MW in the UK? What evidence can you provide to support your answer?
The Cheshire East scheme is purposefully designed to be a proof of delivery project, kick starting investment in the UK
geothermal market and particularly within Cheshire East and the Cheshire Basin. Through initial discussions with
delivery partners, users and industry professionals it is clear that the emerging view is that there is strong support for
the geothermal industry within the UK and significant potential for geothermal heat and potentially power – however
the up front risk outlined previously is holding back any investment required to deliver these schemes. It is proposed
that by using public sector influence and resources to prove that a scheme can be both deliverable and profitable, that
this will unlock the investment in further schemes within the area. This is a position backed up by the UK Green Bank
which identifies that whilst it will invest in deep geothermal schemes, they must be proven viable and operational –
and so the Cheshire East scheme will unlock investment from the UK Green Bank in the geothermal industry, in turn
delivering many other sites. To this end, Cheshire East Council have identified 6 other suitable sites within its
ownership which it will look to bring forward private sector investment to deliver deep geothermal plants (both heat
and electricity) once the first scheme is in place.
We are not sufficiently expert in the geology and drilling of new wells to answer this. We are aware of the
recent SKM report on the subject.
We have not been involved in that breadth of investigation but more focused on individual local schemes.
The potential for power generation has been grossly exaggerated in most reports. However, there is no
reason why several (perhaps tens) of power plants cannot be developed across the UK, if the concepts are
proven by the proposed pilot projects, and their sizes can increase with experience. I think if the UK had
500MW of installed capacity within 20 years that would be a worthwhile and commendable achievement.
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Final Report
11. What technological innovation will be needed to maximise the potential of deep geothermal power
generation, and to help de-risk projects?
Whilst there are many innovations that would make the delivery of deep geothermal schemes more cost effective and
quicker to deliver, the primary technical innovation that would maximise the potential for deep geothermal energy in
the UK would be a more efficient and effective electricity production process. Currently Organic Rankine Cycle and
similar technology relies on efficient transfer of heat, and therefore an ideal extracted water temperature of
approximately 120 degrees (though operational from 90 degrees, commercial viability is only achieved at 120 degrees
Any enhancement and innovation in this field, particularly in improving conductivity and reducing the underlying heat
requirements would go some significant way to making electricity generation more viable with UK temperature levels
which in turn would make schemes exponentially more commercially viable and deliverable.
We are not sufficiently expert on the technologies to answer this fully, though we expect that sufficient
growth in the UK market could bring down costs for later projects, improving financial viability.
The majority of potential for the UK appears to reside with EGS schemes which will require the reliable
placement of injector producer configurations such that efficient transfer of heat from deep rocks via an
efficient transfer fluid can be accomplished in reasonable time frames. Thus technology that we hope to be
able to bring and improve is well placement and fracture prediction at a reservoir scale.
Current organic rankine systems are very low efficiency at typical deep basin temperatures experienced in
the UK. Durham University is in the midst of a research project addressing optimisation of power extraction
from such systems. Results to date indicate the potential to double power off take.
The pie-in the sky innovation would be a surface-based exploration technique that could reliably identify
potential deep reservoir host rocks. That won’t happen any time soon (if ever). Improved/novel drilling
technologies have also been proposed as game-changers but, again, that is not in our near future. The key
to successful development now is to properly understand the engineering requirements to create systems
with commercial circulation performance.
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Final Report
Statoil has only considered deep geothermal projects in the Cornwall region. In this region there are a
number granite occurrences and we would expect that resource potential can support 5-10 10-MW.
12. What are the potential synergies with other renewable and oil and gas technology developments?
Whilst there are numerous technological synergies and learning between the renewable energy industry and the oil &
gas industries, the particular linkage that Cheshire East Council has been looking to explore is biodigestion and
composting. After initial usage for industrial and residential customers, there is significant potential for residual heat
to be used in anaerobic digestion and composting facilities and the Council is exploring how this might be best utilised.
As the municipal authority in charge of waste collection and disposal there is a significant opportunity to link the two
operations to more effectively deal with both waste handling and the generation of heat and potentially electricity.
Significant potential synergy with district heating but only where the deep geothermal resources are
developed near to sufficient heat loads. Heat appears to be something of an afterthought currently.
I am hopeful that 3D reservoir modeling of fluid flow can emulate heat flow with thermal conductivity
emulating permeability. This advancement would allow 3D reservoir modeling for thermal resources to be
The oil and gas industry has a massive contribution to make in terms of drilling, completions, injection,
water conditioning, fluid processing and recycling, pump systems, sand control... The list is extensive.
Published work by Gluyas indicates that the power depleted N Sea platforms in the Viking Graben could
supply 30-60% of their power requirements from co-produced water. On a global scale waste water from
the oil industry could supply an optimised power at 13x greater than the global geothermal industry
combined (Gluyas unpublished work).
Limited, other than the oil & gas-driven improvements in drilling and geophysical logging technologies. The
main synergy should be with the ‘conventional’ geothermal industry.
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Final Report
13. What are the wider potential benefits to the local and/or national economy of deep geothermal energy? What
evidence can you provide to support your answer?
It is well documented that in the short term, development of deep-geothermal does not offer a very
attractive financial return. However, the potential economic and socioeconomic benefits that deep-
geothermal energy can deliver in the longer term are significant. These are highlighted below:
Direct employment opportunities: A detailed analysis into employment in the geothermal sector has been
conducted by the United States’ Department of Energy and Geothermal Energy Association. The full reports
are provided at Annex 1 to this letter.
This research concludes that geothermal projects in the USA produce nearly 5 times as many permanent
jobs per 500 MW than solar and wind projects. According to data for a proposed deep-geothermal project
in California, the average wage is more than double that for the surrounding areas. As a significant amount
of the employment created is skilled or highly skilled, it is estimated that the average salary at a geothermal
power plant in the United Kingdom will be twice that of the national average.
The data analysis for the development of the deep-geothermal sector in Cornwall confirms that the number
of direct jobs created from the proposed developments at the Eden Project by EGS Energy Ltd and United
Downs by Geothermal Engineering Ltd can be estimated at 210 to 260. This data also suggests that if deep-
geothermal development progressed in the long-term, between 1400 and 1720 jobs could be created. This
is clearly very significant and does not include any employment related to the use of renewable heat.
Indirect and induced employment opportunities: The employment generated by the development of the
deep-geothermal industry in the United Kingdom will not only mean job creation in the sector but related
industries, such as engineering, manufacturing and construction. It is also anticipated that indirect
employment will be generated through economic activity associated with businesses supplying goods and
services to those involved in the primary industry i.e. plant works that purchase goods and services in the
local community. The multiplier effect generated by the re-spending of wages earned by those directly and
indirectly employed is typically considered to be a factor of two i.e. there are likely to be twice as many
indirect and induced jobs in addition to the direct jobs created.
An existing business base: The development of the geothermal industry in Cornwall will present an
opportunity for current businesses in the geological and related sectors to expand capacity. There will also
be an opportunity to attract further industry to the area through the use of renewable heat.
Secondary industry: In other countries such as Germany the development of the deep-geothermal sector
has attracted a number of secondary industries. For example, the accessibility of readily available heat has
proved attractive to a broad range of industries including, horticulture, aquiculture, animal husbandry, food
processing, resort and spa developers etc.
Deep-geothermal enterprise zone: The establishment of a Cornwall deep geothermal enterprise zone will
also encourage secondary spin-off industries around the deep-geothermal projects. These secondary
industries are necessary for the intermediate and longer-term development of the sector and will provide
significant socio-economic and employment opportunities. Cornwall Council and the Local Enterprise
Partnership already have experience of successfully initiating an enterprise zone at Newquay Aero-hub and
we are therefore in a very good position to lead this activity.
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Expanding academic research: Cornwall is internationally recognised for its deep geothermal resource due
to the world renowned Department of Energy research programme that was run at the Rosemanowes
quarry near Penryn in the 1970s and 1980s. During this period leading academic expertise was developed
and this research base has continued through the Camborne School of Mines and the Environment and
Sustainability Institute at the Combined Universities in Cornwall, Tremough Campus.
The development of the geothermal sector in Cornwall will further enhance the academic research and
expertise which, given the international growth in geothermal energy, could lead to significant
opportunities for exporting skills and local knowledge nationally and globally.
Cheshire East (with support from external partners) has undertaken significant research in to the economic
benefits and particularly the job creation benefits of not only the first deep geothermal scheme at Leighton
West, but the resulting potential job creation within the wider industry.
We believe that the project will be a prime example of how energy developments can bring growth and
jobs to an area. Not only will the project create and safeguard at least 60 highly skilled jobs in Crewe, but it
will also create jobs through an extensive supply chain, and will benefit a major local employer through the
delivery of an affordable and reliable source of energy. The equivalent industry in Germany has created
9000 new jobs in the last 10 years, and has brought significant inward investment to those regions
As a result of the Councils work on submitting a Regional Growth Fund Round 4 bid we have compiled
detailed information on the job creation and resulting economic impacts of both a single well and rolling
this on to future wells within the sub region. A copy of this evidence is attached and should provide
significant information on the potential for geothermal energy within the UK.
Deep Geothermal offers system advantages in delivering low carbon heat or power which is potentially
scalable, dependent on the available resource.
Dispatchable renewable power options are relatively few on the ground giving system advantages.
Also, given the clear policy direction or move to low carbon heat, and the low number of options, suggests
that if the costs are not excessive it would have valuable system advantages. DECC policy on heat is now for
district heating in urban areas – because of the excessive network strain that heat pumps would cause -
which would complement geothermal well.
Low carbon and potentially lower cost energy (including heat). Potential for jobs growth and exportable
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Low enthalpy geothermal systems could replace the majority of domestic and industrial heating
requirements in the UK with a reserves to production ratio of 100 years. This would cut >30% from the
nation's indigenous and imported fossil fuel bill as well as a similar quantity of the nation's emissions.
Provision of low carbon, sustainable, reliable, clean baseload power, at very high utilisation rates, with
minimal land use and disturbance to the environment. Provision of renewable heat to local communities,
businesses and facilities. The evidence is abundantly available from the conventional geothermal industry,
which has been doing this for 50 years.
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14. What potential do you foresee to use your geothermal technology and knowhow for the export market
worldwide and how are you intending to do this?
We see the Leighton West deep geothermal well as leading the innovation and delivery of deep geothermal
energy within the UK. The site is identified, end users are on board or willing to enter in to partnership
arrangements and significant background research has built a strong business case. Once a delivery partner
is on board and the issues with up front risk are dealt with, this scheme will be the first deep geothermal
scheme of this magnitude within the UK, and will set the precedent for further UK investment.
Crewe has a strong industrial background, substantial industrial facilities in place and significant university
links through both Manchester Metropolitan University and Keele University (both of which with strong
renewable and geothermal credentials) and alongside its geothermal heat potential it therefore presents
the potential to become the hub for geothermal research and development within the UK.
With relatively little investment or effort, DECC and its partners could be in a position to deliver a UK hub
for geothermal exploration and innovation in Crewe within 12 months. With significant geothermal
resources under Crewe, facilities already in place, University partners ready to lead the development and
innovation in these technologies and a test scheme ready to deliver, if DECC was so inclined there would be
no other better place to begin the development and delivery of a UK hub for geothermal research.
By creating such a hub for geothermal research and development within the UK (similar to existing hubs for
space and bio-sciences) the UK will be able to export its learning and technological innovations to a
worldwide market, both from innovations and knowledge developed by the drilling and operation of the
Leighton West scheme, and by the development of a research and development hub in Crewe which could
turn this learning in to commercially saleable products.
We remain focussed on district energy delivery rather than geothermal development in particular. We are
potentially interested in developing district energy schemes around geothermal resources that are
developed by others. We remain committed to share our experiences with geothermal energy for the
betterment of the industry.
Significant! Geothermal energy is good for base load, has low impact both in terms of materials and visual
(size of plant), is flexible (can be combined with gas to power inc biogen), will not run out (on any human
timescale) and is pretty evenly spread on a global basis. It will become one of the leading parts of global
energy provision. The UK can adapt its oil and gas know how to make us international leaders in
geothermal energy development and production.
Limited. We are the new kids on the block. However, if we can demonstrate engineering techniques that
can reliably create commercial “EGS” systems, the geothermal world will take a lot of notice.
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Woodcote Grove
Ashley Road
KT18 5BW