This Study Resource Was: CSE396 Final Exam Answer Key Spring 2016
This Study Resource Was: CSE396 Final Exam Answer Key Spring 2016
This Study Resource Was: CSE396 Final Exam Answer Key Spring 2016
Open book, open notes, closed neighbors, 170 minutes. The exam has six problems and totals 267
pts., subdivided as shown.
(a) regular;
(c) a CFL but not a DCFL;
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(d) in P but not a CFL;
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(e) in NP, but not in P unless NP = P.
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(f) decidable, but not in NP unless NP = co-NP.
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(g) r.e. but not decidable.
You need not justify your answers, but brief justifications may help for partial credit–especially with
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1. L1 = { hGi : G is a context-free grammar and L(G) 6= ∅ }. Answer: (d) In P but not a CFL;
essentially the complement of ECF G .
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2. L2 = { hGi : G is a context-free grammar and L(G) 6= Σ∗ }. Answer: (g) R.e. but not decidable;
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essentially the complement of ALLCF G ; is c.e. because ACF G is decidable and one can guess a
string that G doesn’t derive.
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3. L3 = { hφi : The Boolean formula φ is not a tautology }. Answer: (e) In NP and complete since
it is essentially the complement of TAUT, which is equivalent to SAT.
5. L5 = { x ∈ { a, b }∗ : #a(x) ≥ #b(x) }. Answer: (b) DCFL but not regular: DCFL because a
DPDA can maintain the count of #a(y) − #b(y) for prefixes y of x by pushing either a or a
character meaning “IOU an a” if the string starts with a b, for instance. Not regular by S = a∗
using “wlog. m < n” given x = am and y = an taking z = bm+1 .
7. L7 = { ai bj ak : i 6= k ∨ j 6= k }. Answer: (c) CFL but not a DCFL: CFL since union of two
DCFLs seen in class; not CFL since complement (when intersected with the regular set a∗ b∗ c∗ )
is { an bn cn }—or at least has the same CFL Pumping Lemma proof as seen in class.
8. L8 = { Java programs P : on some input x, P (x) prints “Hello World!” }. Answer: (g) R.e. but
not decidable; transparently equivalent to N ET M .
9. L9 = { Java programs P : for all inputs x, P (x) prints “Hello World!” }. Answer: (h) Not r.e.,
in fact neither r.e. nor co-r.e., since transparently equivalent to ALLT M .
10. L10 = { hM1 , M2 i : M1 and M2 are DFAs and L(M1 ) ∩ L(M2 ) = ∅ }. Answer: (d) In P but not
a CFL: in P via Cartesian product and EDF A algorithm, not a CFL since uses encodings.
(2) 6 × 6 = 36 pts. True/false with justifications. You must write out the word true or false
in full (3 pts.), and then write a brief justification—it need not be a proof (3 pts.).
(a) True/false?: For every DPDA D that does not accept , there is a context-free grammar G in
Chomsky normal form such that L(G) = L(D). Answer: True, since every DPDA recognizes a
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CFL and every CFL has a grammar in ChNF (with special allowance for if needed).
(b) True/false?: The intersection of two CFLs is always a CFL. Answer: False—e.g. {an bn cn } can
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arise this way.
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(c) True/false?: The generally quickest way to tell if a given string x matches a given regular
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expression α is to convert α into an equivalent DFA Mα and then run Mα (x). Answer: False
because this can have exponential blowup; better is to convert the regexp to an NFA N as in
class then simulate N (x) directly as on PS10.
(d) True/false?: The union of two regular languages is always a DCFL. Answer: True because it is
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(e) True/false?: It is possible to write a “version 2.0” of Turing Kit such that whenever the user
draws a DFA M , there is an efficient menu option to tell whether L(M ) = Σ∗ . Answer: True
because EDF A has a polynomial-time (indeed, truly efficient) algorithm.
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(f) True/false?: It is possible to write a “version 3.0” of Turing Kit such that whenever the user
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draws a deterministic Turing machine M , there is an efficient menu option to tell whether
L(M ) = Σ∗ . Answer: False because ET M is undecidable.
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(3) 11 × 5 = 55 pts. Multiple Choice: Circle clearly the one best answer for each. This time no
justifications are needed, though they could help for partial credit.
1. In a Myhill-Nerode proof that the language L = { a2n b2n : n ≥ 0 } is non-regular, the proof can
begin with:
(a) Take S = a∗ b∗ ;
(b) Take S = (aa)∗ ;
(c) Take S = (bb)∗ ;
(d) Take S = (aa ∪ bb)∗ .
2. In a Myhill-Nerode proof that the same language L = { a2n b2n : n ≥ 0 } is non-regular, suppose
we took S = a∗ instead—this is slightly inferior but workable. Suppose the “adversary” gives
you x = am , y = an where m and n are odd. Then your next step can be:
(a) Take z = bm .
(b) Take z = b2m ;
(c) Take z = abm+1 ; or
(d) Take z = a(bb)m .
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(c) Show ATM ≤pm B;
(d) Show B ≤pm ATM .
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Answer: (a)—the others allow or force B not to be in NP.
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4. The union of two non-regular DCFLs can possibly be:
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(a) Regular;
(b) A non-regular DCFL;
(a) (AA)∗ ;
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(b) Σ∗ ;
(c) A∗ ;
(d) None of the above.
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7. If M1 , M2 , and M3 are DFAs with 100 states each, then L(M1 ) ∩ L(M2 ) ∩ L(M3 ) is:
(a) Always empty;
(b) Always recognized by a DFA with 100 states;
(c) Possibly non-regular;
(d) Always regular, but the smallest DFA that recognizes it might need 1 million states.
Answer: (d)—and the limit is reached when L = {x : #a(x), #b(x), #c(x) all ≡ 0 (mod 100)}.
8. In the CFG G = S −→ aS | bS | a | b :
(a) The string abb is ambiguous;
(b) The string aba is ambiguous;
(c) The empty string is ambiguous;
(d) No string in L(G) is ambiguous.
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(a) In P;
(b) NP-complete;
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(c) Equal to { };
(d) Undecidable.
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Answer: (a)—by the same basic algorithm as for ECF G .
10. In a proof that {ai bj ck : i < j < k} is not a CFL, upon being given a “pumping length” p, you
(a) s = ap bp cp ;
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Answer: (b)—string (a) isn’t in the language and string (c) can’t work when the “adversary”
picks vxy = c.
11. The undecidability of the Halting Problem, noting also the Church-Turing thesis, means that:
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(a) Extraterrestrial civilizations may be able to build computers that can solve it, even though
Answer: (b)—not (a) since the Church-Turing thesis is “universal”; not (c) since projects to
solve tough halting problems have succeeded; not (d) because those models are equivalent to
TMs in computability.
(4) (39 pts.)
A person who likes to keep poSitive and N egative values separate once wrote the following context-
free grammar G = (V, Σ, R, S) with V = { N, S } and rules:
S −→ S + S | N + S | S − (N ) | 0 | 1
N −→ −(S) | (N − S)
(d) A hint: at least one of your answers in (b,c) will be “no”—that is, the substring can occur. But
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it is possible to change one rule in R such that neither substring can occur, in any x ∈ L(G),
and without using more than one pair of parentheses in any rule. Make the change to obtain a
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new grammar G0 , and then prove this fact about your G0 .
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Important Note: You may and should make liberal but reasonable use of the phrase “This case is
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similar to a previous one” in order to shorten the proof(s). Parts (b)–(d) total 33 pts., but saying how
they are subdivided would give too much away.
Answer: (a) The tree has S =⇒ S − (N ) at the root. The N derives −(S), which shows how the
leading - sign can come in. The two S-es then derive 1+0 and 1+1, respectively.
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right-hand side N + S (or just around the N ). The latter main one gives this G0 :
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S −→ S + S | (N + S) | S − (N ) | 0 | 1
N −→ −(S) | (N − S)
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• PS = “Every x I derive has no +- or -- and begins and ends with a parenthesis or constant.”
• PN = “Every y I derive has no +- or -- and ends with a parenthesis.” (Notes: It does not
matter if you vacuously added, “or constant.” If you did the N → (−S) change instead then
PN ≡ PS . It was also enough to say “. . . does not begin/end with an operator.”)
Doing three rules is (more than) enough to make the picture plain:
This covers all three “danger cases,” and the safety of the other rules is entirely similar.
from a string in A. An example of a string in E is aaba, since changing the last a to b gives a string
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in A. Note that E contains A, and that the strings in E have the same lengths as strings in A. Define
G to be the context-free grammar ({ S, T, U }, { a, b }, R, S), where the rules in R are:
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S −→ aSb | aT U | U T b
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U −→ a | b.
(a) For each of the following strings, say whether it belongs to E, and if so, give a parse tree or
leftmost derivation for it in G: (i) , (ii) bb, (iii) aaabb, (iv) aaaabb.
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(b) Can any string x that begins with b and ends with a belong to E? Justify your answer briefly.
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(c) If x ∈ E and x = awa or x = bwb for some string w, then what must be true about w?
(d) Prove by induction that E ⊆ L(G). In fact the languages are equal, but you only need to prove
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the containment. Your answers to (b) and (c) may help you simplify the induction.
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Answer: (a) (i) no, ∈/ L(G) since every rule for S has a terminal; (ii) yes: S =⇒ U T b =⇒ bT b =⇒
bb; (iii) no: the length is odd; (iv) yes: S =⇒ aSb =⇒ aaSbb =⇒ aaaT U bb =⇒ aaaU bb =⇒ aaaabb.
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(b) No: it requires changing at least those two characters to match the a+ b+ form required for A,
and that is one change too many. [Note that it was incorrect to say that the grammar couldn’t derive
it; we have not yet established that G is comprehensive.]
(c) Since x = awa and x = bwb each use up the one allowed “error,” w must have no more errors:
it must either belong to A or be the empty string.
(d) Prove (∀n)P (n), where P (n) ≡ for each x ∈ {a, b}n , if x ∈ E then S =⇒∗ x. From the answer
to part (c) we see that T drives exactly the strings in A ∪ {} = {an bn : n ≥ 0}. We can use that as
a “lemma” to avoid braiding T into the induction, and since U obviously derives just either a or b,
we can leave it out too. So no “enhanced P 0 (n)”—just go with the old P (n). Note that P (0) holds
vacuously since ∈/ E, and P (n) is also vacuous for odd n. So we can think of n = 2 as the “real
Basis (n = 2): The strings aa, ab, bb all belong to E. We derives bb above and get S =⇒ aT U =⇒
aU =⇒ aa and S =⇒ aT U =⇒ aU =⇒ ab for the other two. So P (2) holds.
Induction (meaningfully n ≥ 4): Assume (IH) the statements P (m) for all m < n (again noting
that P (m) for odd m are vacuous but don’t hurt anything). Let x ∈ E with |x| = n. Then considering
the first and last chars of x we have that for some string w ∈ Σ∗ , |w| = n − 2, either (i) x = awa, (ii)
x = awb, or (iii) x = bwb. Note that x = bwa is ruled out by part (b), and in all cases w 6= since
n ≥ 4.
Case (i) x = awa: Then w ∈ A ∪ {} by part (c), so by the “lemma” for T , T =⇒∗ w. Then we
build the derivation S =⇒ aT U =⇒∗ awu =⇒ awa = x. So S =⇒∗ x in this case.
Case (ii) x = awb: Then w ∈ E and |w| = n − 2 < n, so P (n − 2) applies inductively to give
S =⇒∗ w. So we build: S =⇒ aSb =⇒∗ awb = x.
Case (iii) x = bwb: Similarly to case (i), we get T =⇒∗ w by part (c) and the “lemma” LT = A∪{}.
So S =⇒ U T b =⇒ bT b =⇒∗ bwb = x.
Since we get S =⇒∗ x in each of three cases that are mutually exhaustive for the language E, we
deduce P (n), so (∀n)P (n) follows by strong induction. This shows E ⊆ L(G). [The soundness of
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these rules is pretty transparent, so E = L(G) does follow.]
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(5’) (36 pts.)
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[Spring 2017: This alternative problem was considered for last year’s exam and is more represen-
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tative for you.] Let Σ = { a, b }. Consider the following two languages, both of which are nonregular.
(a) Give an example of a string z of length 8 such that there is exactly one way to write z = xy
with x ∈ A and y ∈ B. (That is, there is a unique way to break z into a string x that has more
a’s than b’s followed by a string y that has more b’s than a’s. (6 pts.)
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(b) Give an example of a string z of length 8 such that there are 7 different ways to write z = xy
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(c) Let D = A · B. Prove that D is non-regular. (Note: I do not know how to do this with the
version of the “Pumping Lemma” given in the text, but it is possible with a careful Myhill-Nerode
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argument that applies some of the ideas from your answers to (a) and/or (b). 24 pts.)
Answer: (a) z = abbbbaaa = a · bbbbaaa. Also good is abbababa = a · bbababa, but z = abbbbaaa is
intuitively the most extreme case and suggests the proof in part (c).
(b) z = aaaabbbb. Any one of the internal breakpoints works.
(c) Take S = ab+ . Let any x, y ∈ S, x 6= y, be given. Then there are numbers m, n ≥ 1
where wlog. m < n such that x = abm and y = abn . Take z = an−1 (which is well-defined because
n ≥ 1). Then yz = abn an−1 is in A · B—indeed with the unique breakdown shown in part (a). But
xz = abm an−1 ∈ / A · B because n − 1 ≥ m, so no suffix has more b’s than a’s. Thus L(xz) 6= L(yz),
and sinze x, y ∈ S are arbitrary, L is non-regular by the Myhill-Nerode Theorem.
(6) (6 + 24 + 6 = 36 pts.)
Consider the following decision problem:
Instance: A deterministic Turing machine M .
Question: Do there exist strings x, y ∈ Σ∗ such that M accepts x but M does not accept y?
(b) Prove that L is undecidable, by reduction from a known undecidable problem such as AT M or
(c) Is L recognizable? Justify your answer briefly. (A full proof using another reduction is worth 6
pts. exam extra-credit.) End of Exam.
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Answer: (a) L = { hM i : L(M ) 6= ∅ ∧ L(M ) 6= Σ∗ }.
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(b) Given any instance x = hM, wi of the Acceptance Problem, define f (x) to be the code of a TM
M 0 that works as follows on any input y: “Simulate M (w) open-endedly. If and when M (w) halts,
accept y if and only if y 6= [or, to tie this in to PS10, iff y = 0n 1n for some n ≥ 1].” (If x is not a
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valid code, map it to some TM M0 such that L(M0 ) = ∅ so hM0 i ∈ / L. Or ignore this issue.) Then:
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hM, wi ∈ AT M ≡ M (w) ↓= 1 L(M 0 ) = (Σ∗ \ {}) (or = {0n 1n })
L(M 0 ) 6= ∅ ∧ L(M 0 ) 6= Σ∗ =⇒ f (x) = hM 0 i ∈ L;
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hM, wi ∈
/ AT M =⇒ L(M 0 ) = ∅ =⇒ f (x) = hM 0 i ∈
/ L.
So AT M ≤m L, so L is undecidable. (The only hitch was realizing that the simple “all-or-nothing
switch” fails because it jumps into the “= Σ∗ ” clause. Reductions testing x == w also worked fine.)
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(c) L is not recognizable. The intuitive reason is that it still involves checking some kind of “all.”
To prove that L is in fact neither c.e. nor co-c.e., it suffices to show DT M ≤m L. This actually follows
by the solution to PS10, problem (1), as in fact did part (b).
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