TDS Hardcarb 60 (#ETT - EN - 20.1)
TDS Hardcarb 60 (#ETT - EN - 20.1)
TDS Hardcarb 60 (#ETT - EN - 20.1)
Hardcarb® 60
Hardfacing consumables: Covered stick electrodes, flux-cored tubular wires, tubular electrodes Page 1/2
Iron base hardfacing alloy suitable for applications subject to severe impact, high pressure and cavitation combined with corrosion. Also used for
dissimilar joints between manganese steel and construction steels and as a cushion layer before hardfacing in case of heavy reclaiming. The weld
deposit is non-magnetic and exhibits excellent work hardening properties.
Alloy summary
Classification: 40 45 50
Covered stick electrode EN 14700 E Fe 9 35
Tubular wire, tubular electrode EN 14700 T Fe 9
Mechanical properties of pure-weld-metal (typical values):
Hardness* 210 - 250 HB (as welded) 25 80
450 - 550 HB (work hardened)
Tensile strength - 90
Elongation - Impact
20 Erosion 100
Service Temperature 250 °C Abrasion
Chemical Composition
Major alloying elements C Si Mn Cr Fe
Welding recommendations
£ The surface to be welded should be free from grease, oil, rust £ The deposits are extremely tough, non-porous, generally
and other foreign matter. crack-free and work-harden readily under impact loading.
£ All cracked or fatigue metal should be removed by gouging Both, weave bead and stringer bead techniques can be used in
and grinding prior to welding. Buffer layers of Nicrolloy 18.8.6 case of tubular wires.
may be used, if required, to provide a sound base for heavy Mn £ The weld deposit is machinable with metallic carbides or Cubic
steel sections and also prior to surfacing mild or alloy steels. Boron Nitride (CBN) tipped tools.
£ Multi-layer weld deposits are possible without any limitations.
£ For manganese steels, weld with a minimum heat input (low
current, short beads) in order to respect an interpass
temperature of 200°C maximum. Do not preheat the part
being welded and use water cooling to eliminate possible
carbide formation and embrittlement.
Hardcarb® 60
Hardfacing consumables: Covered stick electrodes, flux-cored tubular wires, tubular electrodes Page 2/2
General storage and handling recommendations (for all types of welding consumables)
£ Whenever welding consumables are transported, care must £ Open stick electrode containers should be stored in a drying
be taken that the material itself or the packaging is not oven to prevent moisture pickup. If the container has been
damaged. The stacked height of cartons and packages should opened and not used immediately, it may be necessary to
not exceed 6 units and precautions should be taken to avoid bake in an oven for a specific duration (refer table above).
storage in damp areas. £ In all cases the products require protection against
£ Always ensure that older production lots are used before contamination from moisture, dirt and oil products. During
newer ones (first in, first out). interruption of the production process for more than 8 hours,
£ All welding consumables should be stored in their original wire spools shall be stored in their plastic bag in the above
closed containers in a clean, dry room which is free of dust and mentioned storage conditions. In case it becomes really
is sufficiently ventilated. To protect the welding consumables necessary to re-dry the cored wires, they have to be unpacked
against moisture pick up during long-term storage, they and placed in the drying oven for 3 hours at a temperature of
should be placed under controlled warehouse conditions such 150°C. Note that cored wires delivered on plastic spools
as: cannot be redried!
- Temperature 17-27°C, relative humidity: <60% £ Cored wires that are rusty, have suffered from serious water
- Temperature 27-37°C, relative humidity: <50% and moisture contamination, or have been exposed to the
£ Temperature fluctuations should be avoided in order to atmosphere over long periods of time cannot be restored in
prevent condensation. Storage in direct contact with the floor their original condition and should be discarded.
or walls should be avoided.
Welding products and techniques evolve constantly. All descriptions and properties given in this data sheet may change without notice and can only be considered as suitable for general
guidance. Statements on mechanical and chemical properties always refer to the pure-weld-metal according to valid standards. The results obtained using this product are affected by
variables such as welding procedure, base material composition, weldment design, method of fabrication, test procedures, quality of testing equipment and operating service conditions
which are beyond our control. It is the sole responsibility of the user to determine the serviceability of a structure using this product and the information contained in this data sheet.