Renal Physiology I
Renal Physiology I
Renal Physiology I
Trans no.1 | Shifting No.3 | Dr. Fernando P. Solidum | February 16, 2021
OUTLINE → For many electrolytes, the kidneys are the principal route for
excretion from the body
I. Functions of the Kidneys X. Renal Blood Flow
→ Example: high sodium intake → accumulation of sodium →
II. Structure of the Human A. Autoregulation
raised ECF → hormonal changes and compensatory
Kidneys B. Relationship
mechanisms → sodium excretion
III. Ultrastructure of between RBF
the Nephron and GFR → 67% of solutes and H2O are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
A. Different Segments of C. Relationship (especially NaCl)
the Nephron between • Regulates acid-base balance
B. Different Types of Resistance → Normal pH is maintained by buffers within the body fluids and
Nephrons and RBF/GFR by the coordinate action of the lungs, liver, and kidneys
C. Vasa Recta D. Sympathetic → Example: Increased H+ in plasma → kidney excretes excess
D. Ultrastructure of Control of H+ ions → maintain normal plasma pH
Renal Corpuscle RBF and → In high pH, the role of the kidney is to conserve the H+ ions
IV. Filtration Barrier GFR • Excretes metabolic products and foreign substances
V. Mesangium E. Hormonal → Urea – from metabolism of amino acids
VI. Ultrastructure of Control of → Creatinine – from muscle creatinine
Juxtaglomerular RBF and → Uric acid – from nucleic acids
Apparatus GFR → Bilirubin – from end products of hemoglobin breakdown
VII. Mass-Balance XI. Transepithelial → Metabolites of various hormones
Relationship of the Kidney Solute and Water → Toxins and other foreign substances that are either produced
VIII. Assessment of Transport by the body or ingested:
Renal Function A. Proximal Tubule ▪ Pesticides
A. Renal Clearance B. Loop of Henle ▪ Drugs
B. Glomerular C. Thick Ascending ▪ Food additives
Filtration Rate Limb • Produces and secretes hormones
C. Filtration Fraction D. Distal → Renin
IX. Glomerular Filtration Tubules ▪ Enzyme that activates the RAA system (blood pressure
A. Determinants and regulation and Na+ & K+ balance)
of Ultrafiltrate Collecting → Calcitriol
Composition Ducts ▪ Metabolite of vitamin D3
B. Dynamics of XII. Review Questions ▪ Necessary for normal absorption of Ca++ by the GIT and
Ultrafiltration XIII. References for its deposition in bone
I. FUNCTIONS OF THE KIDNEY ▪ Renal disease → impaired ability to produce calcitriol →
decreased calcitriol level → decreased Ca++ absorption by
• Regulation of body fluid osmolality and volumes the intestine → bone formation abnormalities (long-term
→ Essential for maintenance of normal cell volume in all tissues consequence)
of the body → Erythropoietin
→ Maintenance of body fluid volume is necessary for normal ▪ Stimulates RBC formation by the bone marrow
function of the cardiovascular system ▪ CKD → decreased EPO production → decreased
→ Regulation of body fluid osmolality erythrocyte production → anemia
▪ Kidneys regulate movement of ions to ensure concentration ▪ In patients with chronic kidney disease: low hgb and
of solutes is normal hematocrit concentration because the kidney is already
▪ Can respond to dehydration and overhydration impaired
▪ Kidneys are able to detect high blood pressure • Regulates arterial pressure
− Ex: increase BP → increase perfusion pressure → → Long-term regulation: excretion of variable amounts of Na and
increase GFR → increase urine output H2O
− Kidneys regulate the amount of blood entering the → Short-term regulation: secretion of hormones and vasoactive
nephrons → urine output regulated factors or substances (ex. Renin) that lead to the formation of
vasoactive products (ex. Angiotensin II)
FYI: • Glucose synthesis
Osmolarity vs Osmolality → Kidneys synthesize glucose from amino acids and other
• Interchangeable, differs only in unit of measurement precursors during prolonged fasting (gluconeogenesis)
• Osmolarity (mOsm/L of water)
→ total no. of dissolved particles in a solution independent II. STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN KIDNEY
of mass, charge, or chemical composition
→ Normal fluid osmolarity: 280-300 mOsm/L • Kidneys – paired organs that lie on the retroperitoneal space
• Osmolality (mOsm/kg of water) → There is up to 1.2 million nephrons per kidney
→ total no. of dissolved particles per kg of water • Hilum – an indented region at the medial side of the kidney
through which pass the renal artery and vein, lymphatics, nerve
• Regulation of electrolyte balance supply, and ureter, which carries the final urine from the kidney
→ For maintenance of homeostasis, excretion of water and to the bladder
electrolytes must precisely match intake • Two important regions:
▪ Intake > excretion: positive balance → Medulla
▪ Intake < excretion: negative balance ▪ Innermost layer, where majority of absorption occurs
→ Includes Na+, K+, Cl−, bicarbonate (HCO3-), hydrogen (H+), ▪ Divided into conical masses called renal pyramids
Ca++, and Pi
PHYS – LEC Trans no. 2 | Ang, Canlas, Corsino, Ferido, Genilla, Landicho, Mendoza, M., Mendoza, S., Moreno, Sarmiento, Soriano, Suelto, Sugon, Tegrado | TH: Babol 1 of 16
▪ Base of each pyramid originates at the border between the → Presence of the brush border which increases the surface
cortex and medulla and the apex terminates in a papilla, area
which lies within a minor calyx → Handled in an isosmotic manner (equal proportion of solute
→ Cortex and water)
▪ Outermost later, where the glomerulus resides • Loop of Henle
→ Minor calyces – collect urine from each papilla; expand into → Thin Descending Limb (Concentrating Segment)
two or three open-ended pouches called the major calyces ▪ Single cell of membrane that separates the tubular fluid
→ Major calyces – feed into the pelvis from the medullary interstitium
→ Pelvis – upper expanded region of the ureter, which carries ▪ Water permeable in the presence of a concentration
urine from the pelvis to the urinary bladder gradient between the tubular fluid and the medullary
• Contractile elements from the calyces, pelvis, and ureter propel interstitium, water will tend to move away from the tubular
urine toward the bladder and emptied via micturition fluid into the medullary interstitium and into the circulation
• Flow of filtered fluid: ▪ Prevents solutes from being reabsorbed from the tubular
→ Pyramids → papillae → minor calyces → major calyces → fluid
pelvis ▪ As water moves away from the tubular fluid, the solutes are
trapped by NaCl, making the tubular fluid hyperosmolar
→ Thin Ascending Limb [2023D Trans]
▪ Water impermeable, permeable to solutes
− Unlike next segment, there is less Na/K ATPase
▪ Entire segment remains in the medullary space and drains
to thick ascending limb which will be the one to enter the
cortical space
→ Thick Ascending Limb (Diluting Segment)
▪ Water impermeable
▪ Almost all of solutes are reabsorbed by several transporters
and channels; can even cross the tight junctions between
the cells of the thick ascending limb
▪ When almost all of the solutes are reabsorbed into the
medullary interstitium the tubular fluid becomes
Figure 1. General organization of the kidneys and the urinary system [Hall, 2016]
hypoosmotic (very dilute)
FYI: • Distal tubule
• Ultrafiltrate – fluid in the Bowman’s space → Divided into two parts: first and second half
• Tubular fluid – fluid in the nephron → First half is impermeable to water
• Urine – fluid after entering the calyx; will eventually leave the → Second half and collecting duct system
collecting duct system; cannot be modified ▪ Permeability depends on the presence of ADH
− Normally water impermeable, fluid would be lost to the
− Presence of ADH would insert aquaporins in the apical
A. DIFFERENT SEGMENTS OF THE NEPHRON membrane of the cells of the collecting duct system that
allows water to use it as a channel to move to one
• Nephron
compartment to another (tubular fluid to the medullary
→ Functional unit of the kidneys
→ Parts:
− Movement also depends on the existing concentration
▪ 1 renal corpuscle
▪ Proximal tubule
▪ Loop of Henle Table 1. Histological features of each renal tubule segment [Koeppen & Stanton, 2018; 2023D
▪ Distal tubule Trans]
• Blood flows from the afferent arteriole (AA) into the glomerulus
and enter the efferent arteriole (EA) and go to the peritubular
capillaries and supply the different nephron segments (such as
the PT)
• Glomerulus
→ Specialized network of capillaries that originate from the fusion
of the AA and EA
→ Compromised of several layers that acts as a sieve for filtering
the solutes that would become part of the ultrafiltrate
→ Ultrafiltrate is the fluid that accumulates in the Bowman’s
space after filtration of the glomerulus
→ Layers (Filtration barrier):
Figure 3. Types of nephrons found in the kidney ▪ Capillary endothelium
• Cortical Nephrons ▪ Basement membrane
→ Nephrons found in the cortex ▪ Podocytes
→ The loop of Henle is deeper and extends deep into the medulla
→ The efferent arteriole forms a series of vascular loops called • Made up of the afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole, and the
“Vasa Recta” glomerulus [Solidum, 2021]
▪ Vasa recta is the extension of the efferent arteriole → Imagine that the afferent and efferent arteriole is just onse
Table 3. Cortical and Juxtamedullary nephrons [Koeppen & Stanton, 2018; 2023D Trans] single vessel and in the middle, they have a curling which
becomes the glomerulus
→ Blood flow: afferent arteriole → glomerulus → efferent
• Blood from the efferent arteriole will enter the peritubular
capillaries and supply the nephron segments specifically the
proximal tubule
• Network of capillaries supplied by the afferent and efferent
• Has high hydrostatic pressure: 60mmHg
• Has 3 filtration layers which is important in acting like a sieve
→ Capillary endothelium
→ Basement membrane
→ Podocytes
▪ Acts as the visceral layer of the Bowman’s capsule.
→ Creatinine clearance
▪ Creatinine
− Used to measure GFR clinically and provides a
reasonably accurate measure.
− By product of muscle creatinine metabolism
− GFR = urine concentration of creatinine x urine flow/
Plasma creatinine
− Concerns in the use of creatine:
o Can be secreted by the renal tubules leading to an
Figure 7. Fick Principle (mass balance) estimation of GFR.
• Based on Fick's principle o Assumes that all individuals have the same
• The amount of substance that enters the afferent arteriole that is production of creatinine and same serum
neither synthesized nor metabolized = amount that is excreted in concentration.
the urine + amount that goes back to the renal venous blood o Slight increase would correspond to a decrease in
• The amount of substance X that enters the kidney in the renal renal function from 100% of normal (1.0 to 1.5
artery is equal to the amount that leaves the kidney to the mg/DL).
systemic circulation and urine via the renal vein and urethra,
• Renal clearance
→ Rate at which a substance is excreted into the urine.
→ Urinary excretion rate of X (Ux x V) is proportional to the
plasma concentration of X (Pax)
→ A theoretical measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate
(GFR) and Renal Blood Flow (RBF)
→ The virtual volume of blood plasma from which that substance
is completely removed (cleared) per unit time.
• Clearance
→ Is the volume in which all substance is excreted in the urine
→ Only considers the rate at which the substance is excreted into
the urine
→ Also determines if a substance is reabsorbed or secreted
• “For any substance that is neither synthesized nor metabolized,
the amount that enters the kidneys is equal to the amount that
leaves the kidneys in the renal venous blood.”
• Normal Values
→ 90-140 mL/min in males Figure 8. Relationship between GFR and creatinine
Figure 9. Varying dextran solutions. For a patient with massive blood loss,
polyanionic dextran is recommended because it is less likely to be filtered and
excreted out of the body because of negative charge [Solidum PPT, 2021]
• 1.25 L/min.
• 25% of cardiac output
→ 25% of the blood enters the kidneys
• Reabsorbs 67% of the filtered water, Na+, K+, Cl-, HCO3-, all
the glucose and amino acids
→ Done in an isosmotic fashion
▪ Moves equal proportion of solutes and water
→ Osmolarity of the tubular fluid DOES NOT change.
→ It is the volume of the fluid and solutes that change.
→ High reabsorption rate is due to the presence of brush
borders in the apical membrane of the cells.
→ 2/3 moves across the membrane through transcellular
→ 1/3 moves across the membrane through paracellular
pathway. Figure 23. Mechanism of Na+/glucose symporter located in the apical
• Na+/K+ ATPase in the basolateral membrane acts as the key membrane. GLUT2 transporter in the basolateral membrane is also shown.
element in the reabsorption of the solutes.
→ Other Na+ reabsorption mechanisms and transporters
▪ Na+ enters the proximal tubule cells via several symporter
• Transport from apical to basolateral = REABSORPTION mechanisms including:
• Transport from basolateral to apical = SECRETION − Na+/amino acid
− Na+/Pi
First Half of the Proximal Tubule
− Na+/lactate
• Na+ is reabsorbed with bicarbonate (HCO3), and a number of • Basolateral Membrane
other solutes (e.g., glucose, amino acids, Pi, lactate)
→ Na+/K+ ATPase
• Reabsorbs significantly more Na+ than the second half. ▪ Any Na+ that enters the cell across the apical membrane
• Apical Membrane leaves the cell and enters the blood via this transporter.
→ Na+/H+ Antiporters (NHE3) → Na+/HCO3- symporter (NBC1)
▪ Couples entry of Na+ with extrusion of H+ from the cell ▪ Transports sodium with bicarbonate towards the
▪ H+ ion comes from the condensation of CO2 and H2O interstitium and reabsorbed in the blood
through the use of carbonic anhydrase to produce → Glucose transporter (GLUT2)
carbonic acid. ▪ Transports reabsorbed glucose from the tubular fluid
▪ Carbonic acid will be dissociated into H+ and HCO3-. towards the circulation
− H+ will be excreted into the tubular fluid. ▪ Inactivation of GLUT2 results in glucosuria and decreased
− HCO3- will be reabsorbed into the interstitium glucose reabsorption
o This is done with the reabsorption of sodium using
Na+/HCO3- symporter (NBC1) located in the Second Half of the Proximal Tubule
basolateral membrane • Na+ is reabsorbed with chloride (Cl-).
• 67% of NaCl is reabsorbed via transcellular (2/3 of the total NaCl
reabsorption) and paracellular (1/3) routes.
• Paracellular route
Figure 26. Routes of reabsorption of water and solute across the proximal
Figure 25. Concentration of solutes in tubule fluid as a function of length along tubule.
the proximal tubule. TF: concentration of substance in tubular fluid; P:
concentration of substance in plasma
PHYS - LEC Trans no. 1 | Renal Physiology I 13 of
Protein Reabsorption in the Proximal Tubule • 50% of the reabsorption
• The concentration of proteins in the glomerular ultrafiltrate is only • Apical Membrane
~40 mg/L. → 1Na+/1K+/2Cl- Symporter (NKCC2)
• ~100% of the protein in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed. ▪ Responsible for the take up of solutes from the tubular
→ Therefore, the urine is essentially protein free. fluid
• Proteins are brought in the circulation in the form of amino acids ▪ Couples movement of 1Na+ with 1K+ and 2Cl-
• Filtered proteins are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule by ▪ Using the energy released by the downhill movement of
endocytosis. Na+ and Cl-, drives the uphill movement of K+ into the
• Protein reabsorption → Partial enzyme degradation of protein in cell
the surface of proximal tubule cells → Endocytosis of the → K+ channels (ROMK and Maxi-K)
degraded proteins → Further intracellular breakdown of proteins ▪ Allow the K+ transported into the cell via the
into amino acids → Amino acids leave the cell via the basolateral 1Na+/1K+/2Cl- symporter to be recycled back into the
membrane → Capillary circulation tubular fluid
• Proteinuria − K+ in the tubular fluid is relatively low, K+ recycling is
→ Presence of protein in the urine required for continued operation of the 1Na+/1K+/2Cl-
→ Maybe due to the disruption of the glomerular filtration barrier symporter.
→ Or due to increase in filtered proteins (increased proteins in → Na+/H+ antiporter (NHE3)
the plasma) ▪ Mediates Na+ reabsorption as well as H+ secretion
▪ Uptake of Na+ in exchange for H+
Organic Anion and Cation Secretion Across the Proximal ▪ The production of H+ inside the cell generates HCO3-
Tubule through the action of carbonic anhydrase
• Plays a key role in regulating the plasma levels of: • Basolateral Membrane
→ Xenobiotics (e.g., variety of antibiotics, diuretics, anti- → Na+/K+-ATPase pump
inflammatory drugs, statins) ▪ Maintains a low intracellular Na+, which provides a
→ Toxic compounds (either exogenous or endogenous) favorable chemical gradient for the movement of Na+
• Organic Anion Secretion from the tubular fluid into the cell
→ Utilizes PAH in exchange for organic anion reabsorption. → Cl-/HCO3- antiporter
→ Para-aminohippuric Acid (PAH) ▪ Exit of HCO3- (produced from the carbonic acid) from the
▪ Reduces the secretion of penicillin by the proximal tubule. cell towards the interstitium in exchange for Cl -
▪ Infusion of PAH into individuals receiving penicillin reduces → K+ and Cl- channels and K+/Cl- symporter
penicillin excretion, thus prolonging its effect. ▪ Pathway of K+ and Cl- out of the cell
▪ Used in WWII when penicillin has a short supply. 2. Paracellular Pathway
• Organic Cation Secretion • 50% of the reabsorption
→ Organic cation is secreted across the apical membrane in • Tubular fluid is positively charged relative to blood.
exchange for hydrogen ion. → Increased NaCl transport by the thick ascending limb
▪ Uses multidrug and toxin transporters (MATE1 and increases the magnitude of the positive voltage in the
MATE2-K) lumen.
B. LOOP OF HENLE → This voltage is an important driving force for the
reabsorption of Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ across the
• Reabsorbs ~25% of the filtered NaCl paracellular pathway.
• Reabsorbs ~15% of the filtered water
• NaCl reabsorption
→ Occurs in both the thin and thick ascending limb
→ Does not occur in the descending thin limb
• Water reabsorption
→ Occurs only in the descending thin limb
• Responsible for the pumping of solutes into the medullary
interstitium to maintain the countercurrent multiplication system
→ Due to the action of the Na+/K+-ATPase pump
• Acts as the counter current multiplier
→ It multiplies the osmolarity of the medullary interstitium.
Figure 28. Transport mechanism for NaCl reabsorption in the early segment of
the distal tubule.
Late Distal Tubule and Collecting Duct
• Composed of three cell types:
→ Principal Cells
→ Two types of intercalated cells (ɑ and β)
• Principal Cells
→ Reabsorb NaCl and water
→ Secrete K+
→ Epithelial Na+-selective channels (ENaC)
▪ Found in the apical membrane
▪ Reabsorbs the Na+ from the tubular fluid
▪ The negative voltage inside the cell drives the Na + entry.
→ Na+/K+-ATPase
▪ Found in the basolateral membrane.
▪ Activity of this pump control the Na + reabsorption and K+
→ Na+ entry → Generates negative luminal voltage → Provides
the driving force for paracellular reabsorption of Cl-.
→ 2 Steps of K+ secretion into the tubular fluid
1. Uptake of K+ across the basolateral membrane mediated
by the Na+/K+-ATPase
2. K+ leaves the cell via passive diffusion through apical cell
membrane K+ channels (ROMK and BK)
− Electrochemical gradient K+ across the apical
membrane promotes the secretion of K+ from the cell
into the tubular fluid. [Recall: K+ has a higher intracellular
concentration than extracellular]
→ Aldosterone enhances K+ secretion by increasing the activity
of the Na+/K+-ATPase pump. Figure 29. Transport pathways in the principal cells, ɑ-intercalated cells, and β-
intercalated cells of the late segment of the distal tubule and collecting duct.