Quantum Mechanics of Collision Processes (Scattering?)

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Quantum Mechanics of Collision Processes∗


Max Born

21 July 1926


The Schrödinger form of Quantum Mechanics permits one to define in a natural

way the frequency of occurrence of a state with help of the intensity of the associated
eigenfunction. This understanding carries over to the theory of scattering where
the transition probability is determined through the asymptotic cases of aperiodic

1 Introduction

Collision processes have not only supplied convincing experimental proof for the basic as-
sumptions of Quantum Theory, but also seem suitable to explain more about the physical
meaning of the formal laws of the so-called “Quantum Mechanics”. On the one hand it
seems that Quantum Mechanics always gives the correct values for stationary states and
the correct values for radiative transitions. However, with regards to the physical inter-
pretation of the formulas, opinions are divided. The authors of the matrix formulation of
Quantum Mechanics1 are of the opinion that an exact description of the processes in space
and time are principally impossible. They are content therefore with a list of relations
between physical observables. Only in the classical limit can these physical observables
be interpretted as posessing the characteristics of [classical?] motion.
Schrödinger2 on the other hand, appears to ascribe to the wave (which he, according
to de Broglie’s process, regards as the carrier of atomic processes) the same kind of
characteristics as those which a light wave possesses. He tries to construct wave groups

See the preliminary publication, ZS. f. Phys. 37, 863, 1926.
W. Heisenberg, ZS. f. Phys. 33, 879, 1925; M Born and P Jordan, ibid. 34, 858, 1925. See also
P.A.M. Dirac, Proc, Roy, Soc, 109, 642, 1925; 110, 561, 1926.
E. Schrödinger, Ann. d. Phys. 79, 361, 489, 734, 1926. Vlg. besonders die zweite Mitteilung, S. 499.
Ferner Naturw. 14, 664, 1926.

[wave packets?] which have relatively small dimensions in all directions and should, as it
seems [to Born], directly represent moving corpuscles.
Neither of these two views seem satisfactory to me. I would like to attempt here a
third interpretation and test its applicability to collision processes. I thereby pin my
hopes on a comment of Einstein’s regarding the relationship between the wave field and
light quanta. He says roughly that the waves may only be seen as guiding [showing?]
the way for corpuscular light quanta, and he spoke in the same sense of a “ghost field”.
This determines the probability that one light quantum, which is the carrier of energy
and momentum, chooses a particular [definite?] path. The field itself, however, does not
have energy or momentum.
If one wants to bring Einstein’s thoughts into direct relation with Quantum Mechan-
ics, one is better off waiting until the electromagnetic field has been included into the
formalism. With regards to the complete analogy between a light quantum and the elec-
tron, one should not forget to formulate the laws of electron motion in a similar manner.
And here it is obvious to regard the de Broglie-Schrödinger waves as a “ghost field”, or
even better as a guiding field.
I would like to pursue the association further: The guiding field, represented by a scalar
function ψ of the coördinates of all participating particles and time, evolves according to
Schrödinger’s differential equation. Energy and momentum, however, are transferred as
if corpuscles (electrons) are literally flying around [behaving classically?]. The paths
of these corpuscles are only determined insofar as energy and momentum conservation
restrict them. Apart from that, we only have a probability for the choice of a certain
path. This probability is given by the value of the distribution of the function ψ. One
could summarise approximately, somewhat paradoxically: The movement of particles
follows a probability law, the probability itself however evolves in accordance with the
law of causality3 .
If one views overall the three steps of the development of Quantum Mechanics, one sees
that the first, namely periodic processes, is wholly unsuitable for verifying the usefulness
of [the proposed] picture. The second step, namely aperiodic stationary processes, is
somewhat more productive. It is this subject which will occupy us in this article. Really
the third step should be seen as the most significant one ie: non-stationary events. These
processes must show whether the interference of damped probability waves is sufficient to
explain phenomena which apparently point to a coupling independent of space and time.
A more precise description is only possible if grounded in a mathematical develop-
ment4 . It is to this development that we now turn; later we will return to the hypothesis
I define the law of causality thus: that the complete knowledge of a state at a certain instant
determines the distribution of the state for all later times.
Herr Prof. N. Wiener of Cambridge, Mass. has helped me with the mathematical aspects of this
work in a most friendly way. For this, I would like to express my thanks and acknowledge that without
him, I would have been unable to reach my goal.

2 Definition of Weights and Frequencies of occur-
rence for Periodic Systems

We begin with a completely formal view of a stationary non-degenerate state. This system
may be characterised by Schrödinger’s differential equation:
[H − W, ψ] = 0 . (1)
The eigenfunctions are normalised to unity5 :

ψn (q)ψm (q)dq = δnm . (2)

Any arbitrary function ψ(q) may be expanded in terms of eigenfunctions

ψ(q) = cn ψn (q) . (3)

So far we have only directed our attention towards the eigenfuctions ψn and eigenvalues
Wn . the picture developed in the introduction suggested that equation 3 should be related
to the probability that in a collection of equal, uncoupled atoms, a state should occur
with a certain frequency [multiplicity?]. The completeness relation
|ψ(q)|2 dq = |cn |2 (4)

suggests regarding this integral as representing the number of atoms. We have for a
single normalised eigenfunction a value of 1. (Or a-priori, the state has weight 1.) |cn |2
represents the frequency of occurrence of a state n and the entire number of atoms is
assembled additively out of these pieces.
In order to justify this interpretation, we consider for example the motion of a point
mass in 3-dimensional space under the influence of a potential energy U (x, y, z). Then
the differential equation reads

∆ψ + (W − U ) ψ = 0 . (5)
One substitutes here for W and ψ, an eigenvalue Wn and eigenfunction ψn , multiply the

equation by ψm and integrate over all space. Thus one obtains
3 ∗ 2µ ∗
d q ψm ∆ψn + 2 (Wn − U ) ψm ψn = 0 .
According to Green’s Theorem and with the orthogonality relation (2) we have
~2 h ~
Z i
δmn Wn = d3 q ~ ∗ ) + U ψn ψ ∗ .
(∇ψn ).(∇ψ (6)
m m

For simplicity I set the Dichtigkeitsfunktion equal to 1. (Sorry, I cannot translate this - can anyone

Every energy level can be understood as a volume integral of the energy density. One can
construct now the appropriate integral for any arbitrary function:
Z  2 
3 ~ ~ 2 2
W = dq |∇ψ| + U |ψ| . (7)

So one obtains through the use of (3) the expression
W = |cn |2 Wn . (8)

According to our interpretation of |cn |2 , the right-hand side of (8) is the average value of
the total energy of the atomic system. This average value can be represented as a volume
integral of energy density of the function ψ. As long as we dwell on periodic processes,
there is nothing else substantial to be said in favour of our Ansatz.

3 Aperiodic Systems

We therefore consider aperiodic processes and regard first for the sake of simplicity the
case of linear motion with constant velocity along the x-axis. Here the differential equation
d2 ψ 2µ
+ k2ψ = 0 ; k2 = 2 W . (9)
dx ~
Its eigenvalues W are all positive and it has eigenfuctions:

ψ = ce±ikx .

In order to define weights and frequencies of occurrence, one must normalise all the
eigenfunctions. The integral form of equation (2) fails. (The integral diverges.) It is
therefore obvious to use the average value instead:
Z +a
c2 +a −ikx ikx
1 2
lim |ψ(k, x)| dx = lim e e dx = 1 . (10)
a→∞ 2a −a a→∞ 2a −a

It follows that c = 1 and one has as normalised eigenfunctions:

ψ(k, x) = e±ikx . (11)

Any function of x can be constructed out of these. It is still necessary to select a calibration
for the k-scale. It is necessary to determine on which portion [of the x-axis?] the weight
1 will fall. For this, one may view free motion as the limiting case of periodic motion;
namely the normal modes of a finite piece of the x-axis. It is generally known that  the

∆k 1
number of normal modes per length ∆x and per interval ∆k is given by =∆
2π λ
where λ is the wavelength. As one expects,
Z ∞   Z ∞
k 1
ψ(x) = c(k)ψ(k, x)d = c(k)eikx dk (12)
−∞ 2π 2π −∞

c(−k) = c∗ (k) . (13)
Then |c(k)|2 can be viewed as the measure of frequency of occurrence for the interval
. For a collection of atoms whose distribution is given by c(k), the number of atoms is

represented as in equation (4), by the integral
Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ 2
2 1 ikx

|ψ(x)| dx = dx c(k)e dk . (14)
−∞ (2π)2 −∞ −∞

Consider the case where only a small interval k1 ≤ k ≤ k2 is occupied. Then

Z ∞ Z k2
ikx c̄ ik2 x
eikx dk = − eik1 x ,

c(k)e dk = c̄ e
−∞ k1 ix
where c̄ represents the average value. Therefore one has:
Z ∞
|c̄|2 ∞ dx ik2 x
2 ik1 x
 −ik2 x −ik1 x

|ψ(x)| dx = e − e e − e
−∞ 4π 2 −∞ x2
|c̄|2 ∞ dx |c̄|2
k2 − k1
= sin x = (k2 − k1 ) .
4π 2 −∞ x2 2 2π
Now the momentum of the translatory motion, belonging to the eigenfunctions (11), is
given by de Broglie’s equation
p = = ~k . (15)
It is perhaps not superfluous to remark that p can be understood as a “matrix”. One
must therefore define the matrix in the regime of a continuous spectrum through average
values rather than through integrals.
Z +a
0 ~ 1 ∂ψ(k 0 , x)
p(k, k ) = lim ψ ∗ (k, x) dx
i a→∞ 2a −a ∂x
Z +a
~ 1 0
= lim e−ikx ik 0 e−ik x dx .
i a→∞ 2a −a
for k = k 0 ,

0 ~k
⇒ p(k, k ) = (16)
0 for k 6= k 0 .
Finally, through , one sets ∆k = k2 − k1 , and so,
Z ∞
|ψ(x)|2 dx = |c̄|2 . (17)
−∞ h
With this, one has the result that a box of dimensions ∆x = 1 and ∆p = h has a weight
of 1, which is in agreement with the multiply verified ansatz of Sackur and Tetrode6 . The
A. Sacker, Ann. d. Phys. 36, 958, 1911; 40, 67, 1913; H. Tetrode, Phys. ZS. 14, 212, 1913; Ann. d.
Phys. 38, 434, 1912.

second result is that |c(k)|2 is the frequency of occurrence of a motion whose momentum
is p = ~k.
Now we turn our attention to accelerated motion. Here we can naturally define a
certain distribution of events in an analogous manner. This is however not a rational
[approach?] with regards to collision processes. With these processes, one has asymptotic,
straight-line motion before and after a collision. The particles exist therefore in practically
free states for long periods of time (as compared with the duration of the impact itself)
before and after the collision. One comes therefore to the following understanding (which
is in accordance with problems raised by experiments): If, for asymptotic motion before
impact, the distribution function |c(k)|2 is known, can one obtain from it the distribution
function after impact?
Naturally, we are referring here to a stationary beam of particles. Mathematically,
our task amounts to the following: The stationary oscillation field ψ must be divided into
incoming and outgoing waves. These are asymptotic plane waves. One can represent both
of these through Fourier integrals of the form (12) by choosing the coefficient function
c(k) for the incoming wave arbitrarily. Then it shall be shown that c(k) for the outgoing
wave is completely determined. c(k) yields a distribution into which the given collection
of particles is transformed by the impacts. To gain a clearer picture, we must first consider
the 1-dimensional case.

4 Asymptotic Behaviour of Eigenfunctions of the Con-

tinuous Spectrum for One Degree of Freedom

The Schrödinger differential equation reads:

d2 ψ 2µ
+ 2 (W − U (x)) ψ = 0 , (18)
dx2 ~
where U (x) represents the potential energy. For expediency, we set
2µ 2µ
W = k 2 and U (x) = V (x) . (19)
~ ~2
Then we have
d2 ψ
+ k2ψ = V ψ . (20)
We examine the asymptotic behaviour of the solution at infinity. To have simple relations,
we assume that V (x) falls off faster than 2 as x → ∞, ie:
|V (x)| < 2 , (21)
where K is a positive number7 . We now determine ψ(x) through an itterative process.
We start with
u0 (x) = eikx . (22)
With this assumption, the cases of pure Coulomb and dipole fields are excluded.

Then u1 (x), u2 (x), . . . are solutions of the approximation equation
d2 un
+ k 2 un = V un−1 ,
which vanish as x → ∞.
1 ∞
un (x) = un−1 (ξ)V (ξ) sin k(ξ − x)dξ ,
k x
as one can directly verify. One has
1 ∞
un (x) ≤ |un−1 (ξ)| . |V (ξ)| dξ .
k x
We show now that  n
1 K
|un−1 (ξ)| ≤ .
n! kx
For n = 0, this equation is true since, in agreement with (22), |u0 (x)| ≤ 1. We assume
now that it is correct for n − 1:
1 K
|un−1 (ξ)| ≤ ;
(n − 1)! kξ
it then follows
 n−1 Z ∞  n
1 1 K −n+1 −2 1 K
|un−1 (x)| ≤ K ξ ξ dξ = ,
k (n − 1)! k x n! kx
as has been stated. Therefore the series

ψ(x) = un (x) (23)

converges uniformly for any finite interval of x. ψ(x) lends itself to being differentiated
term by term arbitrarily often, and is thus, as can clearly be seen, the desired solution of
our differential equation.
However, since all terms u1 , . . . , un vanish as x → ∞, the function ψ asymptotically
approaches u0 (x) = eikx as x → ∞. In a similar way, one sees that another solution exists.
This solution asymptotically approaches e−ikr as x → ∞. Since the general solution has
only two constants, the solution for x → ∞ must have the form

ψ + = aeikx + be−ikx . (24)

Here the degeneracy of the system becomes obvious. To each energy W , there are asso-
ciacted two values of k (±k) and two linearly independent solutions.
It follows similarly that the general solution for x → −∞ must have the same form:

ψ − = Aeikx + Be−ikx . (25)

Therefore the amplitutes A and B are definite functions of a and b.
We separate the solution into incoming and outgoing waves and we include a time
factor eikvt (kv = 2πν = ) and set
a = ci eiϕi t , A = Co eiφo t ,
b = co e−iϕo t , B = Ci e−iφi t .
ψ + (x) = ci eik(x+vt+ϕi ) + co e−ik(x−vt+ϕo ) ,
ψ − (x) = Co eik(x+vt+φo ) + Ci e−ik(x−vt+φi ) .
The respective parts are distinguished with indices i and o. i denotes the incoming wave
and o denotes the outgoing wave. We are interested in the case where only one wave
arrives at x = +∞. In this case Ci = 0. Moreover, one can arbitrarily set ϕi = 0. Then
one obtains:
ψ + (x) = ci eik(x+vt) + co e−ik(x−vt+ϕo ) ,
ψ − (x) = Co eik(x+vt+φo ) .
It has been seen that through the integration, ψ − is determined by ψ + , ie: A and B are
particular functions of a and b. In the case Ci = 0, B = 0 also; in addition we have two
equations of the form )
A = A(a, b),
0 = B(a, b).
From these two, one can express b in terms of a and thus express A in terms of a alone.
This means however that the constants of the reflected and transmitted waves can be
calculated from the amplitude of the incident wave. One can now see that a relation exists
between the intensities of the three waves. The simplest way to obtain this relationship
is through energy conservation.

5 The Principle of Conservation of Energy

To derive this principle, we must return to the form of the Schrödinger equation which
does not presuppose purely periodic oscillations. The wave equation takes on the form:
∂2ψ 1 ∂2ψ
− =0 (30)
∂x2 v 2 ∂t2
Here v is the wave velocity. One arrives to the Schrödinger equation with the help of de
Broglie8 :
hν = W = u2 + U,
v = λν,
= p = µu.
We disregard Special Relativity and calculate with Classical Mechanics

Then we have µ 2
1 h2 1 µ2 u 2 u .2µ 2µ
= 2 2 2 = 2
= 2 2 = 2 (W − U ). (31)
v λ hν W W W
One now seeks a solution whose time dependence is give by the factor e2πiνt = eiW t/~ . So
one obtains:
d2 ψ 2µ
+ 2 (W − U ) = 0.
dx2 ~
We consider however the general form (30) and multiply the equation by :
∂ 2 ψ ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ 2 ψ
∂ ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ 1 ∂ψ
= − = − .
∂x2 ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂t ∂x ∂x∂t ∂x ∂x ∂t ∂t 2 ∂x
When v depends only on x, we obtain
"    2 #
∂ ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ
− + 2 = 0. (32)
∂x ∂x ∂t ∂t 2 ∂x 2v ∂t

Integrating over all space, one obtains:

∞ (   2 )
∂ ∞ 1
∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ
− + 2 dx = 0 (33)
∂x ∂t −∞ ∂t −∞ 2 ∂x v ∂t

As was show in section 2, the volume integral has to be interpretted as the total energy
available in space. However, the expression does not interest us because we are concerned
with the in and out-flow of energy. This is represented by the surface term in equation (33).
The time average of the second term vanishes for a periodic process. One obtains by use
of the notations introduced in equations (24) and (25)
∂ψ − ∂ψ − ∂ψ + ∂ψ +
= . (34)
∂x ∂t ∂x ∂t
This equation demonstrates that the incoming and outgoing energies are equal. By in-
serting here the real parts of (27) we obtain
Co2 − Ci2 = c2i − c2o , (35)
or in the case Ci = 0 (as in equation (28)):
c2i = c2o + Co2 . (36)
This means however that for any wave front of a given k, the incoming intensity is split
up into both left and right scattered waves. Or in the language of corpuscular theory: If
a particle of given energy strikes an atom, it is either reflected or transmitted. The sum
of probabilities for both these events is 1.
The principle of conservation of energy implies therefore the conservation of number
of particles. The reason for this lies in the degeneracy of the system. There is more than
one path associated with the same energy and these paths are set in relation with each

6 Generalisation to Three Degrees of Freedom. Mo-
tion With Constant Velocity

We consider now the motion of particles in space under the influence of a potential energy
U (x, y.z). Similarly to (30), one has the differential equation

1 ∂2ψ
∆ψ − = 0, (37)
v 2 ∂t2
where v (in approximation with Classical Mechanics) is given again by equation (31).
Here the conservation principle reads:
~ ∂ψ ~ ∂ 1 ~ 2 1 ∂ ψ
∇. ∇ψ − (∇ψ) + 2 = 0, (38)
∂t ∂t 2 v ∂t2

or integrating over all space,

Z Z "  2 #
∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ 1 ~ 2 1 ∂ψ
ds − (∇ψ) + 2 d3 r = 0, (39)
∞ ∂t ∂n ∂t 2 v ∂t

where ds is an infinite closed surface with outer normal n̂. For periodic processes it follows
that the time average Z
∂ψ ∂ψ
ds = 0. (40)
∞ ∂t ∂n
In this case the differential equation reads

∆ψ + (k 2 − V )ψ = o, (41)

2µ 2µ
k2 = W, V (~
r) = U (~
r ). (42)
~2 ~2

The differential equation for unaccelerated motion is given by

∆ψ + k 2 ψ = 0, (43)

with the solution:

ψ = eik.~ . (44)
r is the vector (x, y, z) and the vector ~
Here ~ k satisfies the equation
k = kx2 + ky2 + kz2 ≡ k 2 . (45)

It is equal, up to a factor, to the momentum vector:

~ = ~~
p k. (46)

The de Broglie wavelength is given by = p = |~p| = ~k. The solution (44) should be
seen as normalised in the sense of an average (see (10)).
The general solution of (43) is
r ) = u0 (~
r) = c(ŝ)eik(~
r .ŝ) dω; c(ŝ) = c∗ (ŝ), (47)

where ŝ is a unit vector and dω is an element of solid angle. This represents unaccelerated
[inertial] motion in all possible directions with the same energy. According to our principle,
|c(ŝ)|2 computes the number of particles flying in direction ŝ per unit solid angle.
We want to deduce an asymptotic representation for u0 which will clearly show the
behaviour of u0 at infinity. Although it is very simple to obtain this result, we want to
obtain it here by means of a more general method; one which can be transferred later to
handle more complicated cases. We consider here a new orthogonal coördinate system
introduced with the help of the orthogonal transformation:

x = a11 X + a12 Y + a13 Z, X = a11 x + a21 y + a31 z, 

y = a21 X + a22 Y + a23 Z, Y = a12 x + a22 y + a32 z, (48)

z = a31 X + a32 Y + a33 Z, Z = a13 x + a23 y + a33 z

At the same time we introduce a new unit vector Ŝ in place of ŝ with the aid of the same
orthogonal transformation. Then the volume angle element dω becomes dΩ and

~ ~ Ŝ.
r .ŝ = R. (49)

Now we choose the new coördinate system in particular so that

X = 0, Y = 0, (50)

and so p
Z=r= x2 + y 2 + z 2 . (51)
Our integral becomes
u0 (x, y, z) = u0 (a13 Z, a23 Z, a33 Z) = dΩc(a11 Sx + a12 Sy + a13 Sz , . . .)eikZSz .

Now we introduce polar coördinates for Ŝ:

Sx = sin ϑ cos ϕ, Sy = sin ϑ sin ϕ, Sz = cos ϑ, (52)

and setting cos ϑ = µ;

Z 2π Z 1 p 
u0 = dϕ dµc 1 − µ (a11 cos ϕ + a12 sin ϕ) + µa13 , . . . eikZµ .
0 −1

Through partial integration
Z 2π
dϕ c(a13 , a23 , a33 )eikZ − c(−a13 , −a23 , −a33 )e−ikZ
u0 =
ikZ 0
Z 2π
1 d p 
− dϕ c 1 − µ2 (a11 cos ϕ + a12 sin ϕ) + µa13 , . . . eikZµ dµ.
ikZ 0 dµ
Repeated application of the same process shows that the second term vanishes as Z −2 . One
x x
inserts now Z = r, a13 = = , . . ., and so one obtains the asymptotic representation
Z r
2π h  x y z  ikr  x y z i
0 (x, y, z) = c , , e − c − , − , − e−ikr
, (53)
ikr r r r r r r
or in Euler notation with c = |c|eikγ :
4π  x y z  sin k r + γ xr , r , zr

u0 (~
r) = c , , . (54)
k r r r r
This means that u0 behaves asymptotically like a spherical wave whose amplitude and
phase depend on direction. The intensity as a function of ŝ determines the rate of incoming
particles passing through a solid angle element dω in the direction ŝ.

7 Elastic Collisions

We turn our attention now to the integration of the general equation (41).
∆ψ + (k 2 − V )ψ = 0. (55)
This represents the physical case where a single electron collides with an unexcited atom.
As in section 4, we determined ψ through an itterative procedure. This served as a
starting point for the function u0 (equation (47)). So then we can calculate u1 , u2 , . . . one
after another from the approximation equation
∆un n + k 2 un = V un−1 = Fn−1 . (56)
Green’s Theorem yields the solution which is equivalent to an outgoing wave with time
factor eikvt : 0
Z −ik|~
r −~
r |
1 0 e
r) = −
un (~ Fn−1 (~
r ) d3 r0 . (57)
4π |~
r−~ r 0|
The convergence of the procedure can be proven based on the assumption that V falls
off9 as 2 . We do not focus on this however. Instead we assume that a solution may be
represented by a series
ψ(~r) = un (~
r ).
Herewith, the case of ions is excluded. Concerning this, one must take as a starting point for our
approximation procedure, a hyperbolic path rather than linear motion. See here also the the soon to be
appearing publication of J.R. Oppenheimer, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 26 July 1926.

We examine the asymptotic behaviour of un (~ r ). We write explicitly:

Z −ik (x−x0 )2 +(y−y 0 )2 +(z−z 0 )2
1 e
r) = −
un (~ Fn−1 (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) p dx0 dy 0 dz 0 .
4π 0 2 0 2
(x − x ) + (y − y ) + (z − z ) 0 2

As in section 6, we rotate the coördinate system and apply the same rotation to the
integration variables. We have then

02 02 02
e−ik X +Y +Z
1 0 0 0 0
un(x,y,z) = un(a13 Z, a23 Z, a33 Z) = − Fn−1 (X ,Y ,Z ) p dX 0dY 0dZ 0 .
4π 02 02
X +Y +(Z −Z ) 0 2

Fn−1 (X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 ) = Fn−1 (a11 X 0 + a12 Y 0 + a13 Z 0 , . . . , . . .) . (59)
Now introduce polar coördinates

X 0 = ρ sin ϑ cos ϕ; Y 0 = ρ sin ϑ cos ϕ; Z 0 = ρ cos ϑ.


Z 2π Z ∞ Z π −ik ρ2 +Z 2 −2ρZ cos ϑ
1 0 e
un = − dϕ ρ2 dρ sin ϑdϑFn−1 (ρ sin ϑ cos ϕ, . . .) p .
4π 0 0 0 ρ2 + Z 2 − 2ρZ cos ϑ

Instead of ϑ, we introduce the integration variable µ through

p Z
ρ2 + Z 2 − 2ρZ cos ϑ = Zµ, sin ϑdϑ = µdµ.
The limits of integration become
ρ ρ
ϑ = 0 : µ = − 1 ; ϑ=π : µ= +1

and cos ϑ and sin ϑ become special functions c(ρ, Z, µ) and s(ρ, Z, µ). c(ρ, Z, µ) and
s(ρ, Z, µ) take on values c = 1, s = 0 in the lower limit and c = −1, s = 0 in the
upper limit. Thus one obtains
Z 2π Z ∞ Z +1
1 Z
un = − dϕ ρdρ Fn−1 (ρs cos ϕ, ρs sin ϕ, ρc)e−ikµZ dµ.
4π 0 0 | ρ
−1 |

Through partial integration we obtain the asymptotic representation as in section 6:

Z 2π Z ∞
∞ 1 1  0
Fn−1 (0, 0, ρ)e−ik(Z+ρ) − Fn−1
(0, 0, −ρ)e−ik|Z−ρ| .

un = dϕ ρdρ
4π 0 0 ikZ

Using equation (59)

 ρx ρy ρz 
Fn−1 (0, 0, ρ) = Fn−1 (a13 ρ, a23 ρ, a33 ρ) = Fn−1 , , ,
r r r

 ρx ρy ρz 
Fn−1 (0, 0, −ρ) = Fn−1 (−a13 ρ, −a23 ρ, −a33 ρ) = Fn−1 − , − , − .
r r r
So we obtain:
e−ikr ∞ −ikrZ r
eikr ∞
Z  ρx  Z
−ikρ e
 ρx   ρx 

un = ρdρFn−1 , . . .e − ikρ
ρdρFn−1 − , . . . e − ρdρFn−1 − , . . . e−ikρ .
2ikr 0 r 2ikr 0 r 2ikr r r
Here the last integral vanishes as r → ∞. In explaining why this term vanishes, we use
as a starting point |V | ≤ ar−2 and so, because |u0 | ≤ br−1 , we have |Fn−1 | ≤ 3 , and thus
Z ∞  ρx Z ∞

dρ A
ρdρFn−1 − , . . . e ≤ A 2
= .

r r ρ rr
With this, we finally obtain

e−ikr ∞
Z h  ρx   ρx  i

un = ρdρ Fn−1 , . . . e−ikρ − Fn−1 − , . . . e−ikρ . (60)
2ikr 0 r r
This expression can be brought into a more transparent form. To that end, we introduce
the Fourier co-efficients of the function Fn−1 :
Z Z ∞ Z
1 −i~
k .~
r 1 ~
fn−1 (k) = 3
Fn−1 (~r )e 3
dr= 3
r dr dωFn−1 (rŝ)e−ir(k.ŝ) . (61)
(2π) (2π) 0
By the procedure already used, we determine the asymptotic value and obtain:
Z ∞      
∞ ~ 1 rkx ikr rkx −ikr
fn−1 (k) = 2 rdr Fn−1 , . . . e − Fn−1 − ,... e .
4π ik 0 k k
Z ∞
∞ 1 h  ρx 
fn−1 (−kŝ) = 2 ρdρ Fn−1 ,... e − Fn−1 − , . . . e . (62)
4π ik 0 r r
Inserting equation (60), we finally obtain

n (~

r ) = 2π 2 fn−1 (−kŝ) . (63)
Comparing this with equations (47) and (54) we can see tha an observer standing at
infinity will recognise the scattered radiation as a plane wave whose amplitude
k 2 ∞ ∞
2π fn−1 (−kŝ) = kπ fn−1 (−kŝ)

depends on the direction ŝ. Therefore the probablility that an electron with direction ŝ
is scattered into a solid angle element dω, is given by
X ∞
2 2 ∞
Φdω = π k fn (−kŝ) dω. (64)


The complete solution has the asymptotic form:

" ∞
X 2π X
ψ ∞ = u∞ 0 + u∞
n = |c(ŝ)|eik(r+δ) + kπ fn∞ (−kŝ)e−ikr .
k n=1

One includes here a time factor eikvt and so one easily obtains “conservation of number
of particles” from equation (40).
To first approximation one has

Φdω = π 2 k 2 |f0∞ (−kŝ)|2 dω, (65)

where one either strictly calculates f0 from the formula

1 ~r 3
f0 (k) = 2
r )e−ik.~
F0 (~ d r, (66)
or one immediately makes use of the expression given by (62):
Z ∞
∞ 1
ρdρ F0 (ρŝ) eikρ − F0 (−ρŝ) e−ikρ .
f0 (−kŝ) = 2 (67)
4π ik 0

8 Inelastic Electron Collisions

An atom (or a molecule, but we prefer to always speak of an “atom”) is represented by

the Hamiltonian function H a (p, q)10 . If the Schrödinger differential equation has been
solved, the eigenvalues Wna and eigenfunctions ψna (q) identically satisfy the equations

[H a − Wna , ψna ] = 0. (68)

An electron collides with an atom. The Hamiltonian function of the free electron is
Hε = p2x + p2y + p2z .

Its eigenvalues W ε are all positive and the eigenfuctions are
2µ ε
e±kr (11 ) where k 2 = W . (69)
The general solution which corresponds to the incoming wave is
ψk = c0 (ŝ)eik(~
r .ŝ) dω. (70)
r .ŝ>0
It satisfies the differential equation

[H ε − W ε , ψkε ] = 0 or ∆ψkε + k 2 ψkε = 0. (71)

We write in abbreviated form p, q in place of p1 , p2 , . . . , pn , q1 , q2 , . . . , qn .
This must be a misprint in the original paper. It should read e±ikr .

The potential energy of the atom-electron interaction is

U (q; x, y, z). (72)

The interaction between the two particles leads to the Hamiltonian function

H = H 0 + λH (1) ,

H0 = Ha + Hε and λH (1) = U.
The undisturbed system has the solution
Wnk = Wna + W ε , 0
ψnk = ψna ψkε .

We solve the Schrödinger differential equation of the perturbed system

[H − W, ψ]

through the Ansatz

ψ = ψ 0 + λψ (1) + . . .
The one obtains the approximation equations
h i
H 0 − Wnk 0
, ψnk = −U ψnk 0
h i
(2) (1)
H 0 − Wnk 0
, ψnk = −U ψnk ,
......................... ...............

whose left hand sides are in agreement with each other. We write explicitly:
h i h i
(1) (1) (1)
H a , ψnk + H ε , ψnk − Wnk
0 0
ψnk = −U ψnk ,

or h i ~2
(1) (1) (1)
H a , ψnk − ∆ψnk − W (0) ψnk = −U ψnk

We seek to solve this equation through the Ansatz:
ψnk = u(1)
nm (~
r )ψm ,

ie: through the expansion in eigenfuctions of the unperturbed atom whose coefficients are
still undetermined functions of the position vector ~
r of the electron.
Now, according to (68),
h i X
H a , ψnk = u(1) r ) [H a , ψm
nm (~
= u(1) r )Wma ψm
nm (~

The right hand side of the equation can be expanded in the same manner:
U ψnk = ψkε U ψna = ψkε a
Unm ψm .

The co-efficients Unm make up a matrix which represents the potential energy. We insert
this expression into the differential equation and obtain:
X   X
a (1) a (1) (1) a ε a
ψm unm (~ r )Wm − ∆unm (~r ) − unm (~
r ) (Wm + W ) = − ψm Unm ψkε .
2µ m

By equating co-efficients of ψm one obtains a differential equation for u(1)
nm (~
r ). We multiply

this equation by − 2 , and using the abbreviations
2µ 2µ
V = 2 U, Vnm = 2 Unm , (73)
~ ~
2 2µ 2µ
knm = 2 (Wna − Wma + W ε ) = 2 (hνnm a
+ W ε) , (74)
~ ~
we have
∆u(1) 2 (1)
nm + knm unm = Vnm ψk .
In this way we have related the problem to the earlier treatment of inelastic collisions,
since all following approximations lead to the same wave equation. The difference, how-
ever between this case and the earlier one is as follows: Any transition (n → m) of an
atom corresponds to a distinct [unique?] differential equation whose right hand side is
determined by the corresponding matrix element of the potential energy. Furthermore,
the k value of the incoming wave is always replaced by another k value, knm , whose energy
corresponds to
ε ~2 2 a
Wnm = k = hνnm + W ε. (76)
2µ nm
Already the fundamental qualitative laws of electron scattering follow: The energy of an
electron after a collision is not generally equal to its energy before, but the energy of
the atom differs by an energy step of hνnm . For any collision process, a corresponding
probability function
Φnm = π 2 knm
|f0∞ (−knm ŝ)|2 (77)
may be computed with the aid of equations (66) and (67).

9 Physical Conclusions

First we see that our formulas correctly describe the qualitative behaviour or atoms in
collisions, therefore also the fact of “energy limits [levels?]”. These energy limits [levels?]
are always seen as the cornerstone of Quantum Mechanics and the grossest violation of
Classical Mechanics. We arrange the energy levels of the atom from smallest to largest:
W0a < W1a < W2a < . . .

The index 0 labels the ground state and so
hνnm = Wna − Wma > 0 for n > m.
We consider first the case where the atom starts in its ground state. Then νm0 > 0 for all
m and it follows from equation (76) that
W0m = W ε − hνm0

If W ε < hν10
a ε
, W0m would become negative for m > 0, which is impossible. Thus m = 0
W00 = W ε.
Elastic reflection takes place with [yield?] Φ00 . Let W ε increase until
hν10 < W ε < hν20
Now W0m is only positive for m = 0 and m = 1. Therefore one either has elastic reflection
with yield Φ00 , or resonance excitation with yield Φ01 . If we increase W ε further until
hν20 < W ε < hν30

then we have three cases: Elastic reflection with yield Φ00 , excitation of the first quantum
jump with yield Φ01 , or excitation of the second quantum jump with yield Φ02 . One can
continue in the same way.
Now consider the case where the atom starts in its second quantum state (n = 1).
a a
Then ν10 > 0 and ν1m < 0 for m = 2, 3, . . . One has therefore
W10 = W ε + hν10
ε ε
W11 = W ,
W1m = W ε − hν1m
, m = 2, 3, . . .

If W ε < hν21
then W1mε
is negative for m = 2, 3, . . . Therefore either a collision of the
second type with energy gain of the electron of hν10 and yield Φ10 or elastic reflection
with yield Φ11 exists. If
hν21 < W ε < hν31a
then the state n = 2 contributes to these processes with yield Φ12 . And so it goes on . . .
In the general case, if the atom starts in the nth state, for

W ε < hνn+1,n

there are only collisions of the second type. Here the atom can drop into states 0, 1, . . . , n−
a a a
1 and transfers energies hνn0 , hνn0 , . . . , hνn,n−1 to the electron with yields Φn0 , Φn1 , . . . , Φn,n−1
and elastic reflection Φnn . Increase W ε above hνn+1,n a
so that
hνn+1,n < W ε < hνm+1,n

then excitations contribute with yields Φn,n+1 , Φn,n+2 , . . . , Φn,m .
The next task would be to discuss the formula for the yields (77). However we will have
to be satisfied here with a very preliminary [provisional?] and probably quite controversial
picture. We assume that the potential U can be expanded in a power series in . For a
neutral atom we have to first approximation the dipole equation:
U (x, y, z) = 3 B~r, (78)
where B(q) is the electrical moment of the atom. We represent this with a matrix Bnm .
Then according to (73),  
2µc ~
Vnm = 2 Bnm 3 . (79)
~ r
Naturally this ansatz can only be correct for electrons which pass by the atom at a
considerable distance. Our view is therefore limited to such electrons where12 r > r0 .
Therefore from equation (67)
Z ∞
∞ 1
ρdρ Fnm (ρŝ) e−iknm ρ − Fnm (−ρŝ) eiknm ρ .
f0 (−knm ŝ) = 2
4π iknm 0
We assume that the incoming electrons constitute a parallel bundle corresponding to a
plane wave. Then
2µe eikρẑ
Fnm (ρŝ) = Vnm eikρẑ = 2 (Bnm , ŝ) 2 .
~ ρ
iπknm f0∞ (−knm ŝ) = (Bnm , ŝ) A, (80)
where, with ẑ = cos ϑ; Z ∞

A= cos [ρ(k cos ϑ − knm )] , (81)
r0 ρ
A = Ci (r0 [k cos ϑ − knm ]) , (82)
where Ci (x) is the integral cosine13 .
Therefore from equation (77), the yield function becomes
 µe 2
Φnm = |Bnm , ŝ|2 A2 . (83)
Finally, one averages over all positions of the atom and so the products of pairs of com-
ponents of Bnm all vanish. The averages of squares of components of Bnm become equal
to |Pnm |2 where P denotes the magnitudes of the electrical moments. So one obtains:
4µ2 e2
Φnm = 2
|Pnm |2 A. (84)
The exclusion of central impacts means that we must preliminarily give up the (ability to?) inter-
pret an extremely interesting group of phenomena, namely the transparency of atoms to slow electrons
(Ramsauer Effect).
S.E. Jahnke and F. Emde, Funktionentafeln, Leipzig 1909, S. 19.

We want to briefly discuss this expression for the yield function.
First one sees that in our approximation, the yield is proportional to |Pnm |2 , ie: the
yield is proportional to the co-efficients of the transition probabilities bnm of the Einstein
radiation theory. These co-efficients correspond to the processes of absorption and stim-
ulated emission (but no the probabilities for spontaneous emission anm = bnm )14 .
The yield for elastic reflection is proportional to |Pnn |2 , a magnitude which is optically
unfeasible. In general, the diagonal elements of the matrix Pnm become zero15 , except
in a few cases where the linear Stark effect exists (such as the hydrogen atom). Herr
Pauli has informed me that he can even deduce that the diagonal elements of quadrupole
and higher multipole moments vanish for the s-wave states of the alkali metals and for
the ground states of the noble gases and alkali-earth metals. This result represents an
exact expression for the spherical symmetry of the effective [scattering?] region of the
atom. Our approximation is insufficient for the calculation of elastic reflections. For this,
one must take the approximation a step further. It should soon be possible to test our
theory against large quantities of data (Lenard and others) of mean free paths of electons
in unexcited gases. Without exact calculation one can see that terms of fourth order in
Pnm will determine the yield. These terms are much smaller than |Pnm |2 . Thereafter we
can see that the cross-section of atoms for slow electrons (which is of the same order of
magnitude as that calculated using the kinetic theory of gases) is far smaller than the
cross-section for fast electrons (which are capable of exciting the atom)16 .
The dependence of the yield on direction is determined by the function A2 from (82).
This apparently corresponds to diffraction.
W. Elsasser17 drew this conclusion from the de Broglie theory about a year ago. In
taking seriously the wave picture, he concluded that slow electrons must scatter off an
atom in such a way that their distribution after scattering should correspond approxi-
mately to the intensity pattern of light diffracting around a small sphere18 . He showed
the connection between the observations of Ramsauer19 about the mean free path of elec-
S.J.H. van Vleck, Phys. Rev. 23, 330, 1924; Journ. Opt. Soc. Amer. 9, 27, 1924. M. Born and P.
Jordan, ZS. f. Phys. 33, 479, 1925.
In the case of the harmonic oscillator for example, they are zero, in the case of the anharmonic
oscillator, they exist.
This may be found in the literature in the recently published book by J. Franck and P. Jordan,
“Anregung von Quantensprüngen durch Stösse” (Berlin, J. Springer, 1926).
W. Elsasser, Die Naturwiss. 13, 711, 1925. The relations between orders of magnitude upon which
Elsasser’s considerations are based, are based on de Broglie’s formula for the wavelength:
2π h
λ= =√
k 2µW

For 300V radiation, one has roughtly λ = 7 × 10−9 cm, in other words, waves of atomic dimensions.
S.K. Schwartzchild, Sitzungsber. d. Kgl. Bayer. Akad. d. Wiss., S. 293, 1901; G. Mie, Ann d. Phys.
25, 377, 1908; P. Debye, Ann. d. Phys. 30, 57, 1909.
C. Ramsauer, Ann. d. Phys. 64, 513, 1921; 66, 546, 1921; 72, 345, 1923. For further literature see
“Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften”, 3. Bd. (Berlin, J. Springer, 1924), Artikel R. Minkowski

trons and the experiments of Davisson and Kunsman20 about the angular distribution of
electrons being reflected off a platinum plate. In the mean time, the correctness of these
considerations has been proven by the experiments of Dymond21 . He directly observed
the occurance of interference maxima of electrons reflected off helium. A proof of our
formalism from the data will follow later.

10 Final Remarks

Based on the previous considerations, I would like to express the opinion that Quantum
Mechanics not only permits the formulation and solution of the problem of stationary
states, but also the problem of transition processes. The Schrödinger formulation seems
to do justice to these problems in the simplest way. Furthermore, it allows us to retain
our conventional [ordinary?] view of space and time, in which events take place in a
wholly normal manner. However, the proposed theory is not in accordance with the
consequences of the causal determinism of single events. I have especially stressed this
point about indeterminism in my preliminary publication, since it seems to me to be
in agreement with the practical experience of experimenters. It is however natural for
anyone who is dissatisfied with the above interpretation, to freely assume the existence
of further parameters which may be introduced into the theory and which will determine
single events. In Classical Mechanics, this appears as the “phase” of motion. For example,
the coördinates of a particle at a certain instant. At first it seemed to me improbable that
one could include physical quantities corresponding to these phases into the new theory.
However, Herr Frenkel as informed me that it may be possible after all. In any case, this
possibility would not change the practical indeterminism of collision processes, since one
cannot give the values of these phases. In addition, this possibility must lead to the same
formulas which appear in the suggested “phaseless” theory.
I would like to believe that the laws of motion for light quanta allow themselves to be
treated in a completely analogous manner22 . Now, immediately with the basic problem
of free radiation, we no longer have a periodic process, but rather a decay process. This
means an initial value problem rather than a boundary value problem for the for the
coupled wave equation of Schrödinger’s ψ and the electromagnetic field. Understanding
the laws of this coupling is probably one of the most urgent problems. This is, as I know,
being worked on in more than one place23 . When these laws have been formulated, it will
perhaps become possible to develop: a rational theory of lifetimes of states, the transition
probabilities of radiative processes and the damping and spectral line widths.
and H. Sponer, S. 67.
Davisson and Kunsman, Phys. Rev. 22, 243, 1923.
Dymond, Nature.
The difficulties one has encountered so far with the introduction of “ghost fields” into optics seems
to me to be based partially on the implicit assumption that the wave centre and emitting particle must
be in the same place. This is however already not the case with the Compton effect and will probably
never be the case in general.
See for example the recently appearing publication by O. Klein, ZS. f. Phys. 37, 895, 1926.

11 Translators’ Notes and Acknowledgments

I would like to thank Andreas Zech and Michael Sindel, without whose valued assistance,
this translation would have been impossible.
The purpose of this translation is to analyse the language and analogy used by Born.
Hence some of the translation is rather literal and if there is some uncertainty in his
language use, I have put alternatives in square parenthesis. If I am still unsure of the best
translation, the alternative is accompanied by a question mark. Otherwise the alternatives
may have a more elaborative purpose. There are occasions where the exact meaning is
not important and in these places I have tended to be loose in translation. I have also
taken the liberty of updating some, but not all of the antiquated notation.


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