FIPAT TA2 Part 5

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Second Edition (2.06)

International Anatomical Terminology

The Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology
A programme of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA)

Contents: Systemata integrantia II Integrating systems II

Caput XIV: Systema nervosum Chapter 14: Nervous system

Caput XV: Organa sensuum Chapter 15: Sense organs
Caput XVI: Integumentum commune Chapter 16: The integument

Bibliographic Reference Citation:

FIPAT. Terminologia Anatomica. 2nd ed. Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology, 2019

Published pending approval by the General Assembly at the next Congress of IFAA (2019)

Creative Commons License:

The publication of Terminologia Anatomica is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license

The individual terms in this terminology are within the public domain. Statements about terms being part of this international standard terminology should use
the above bibliographic reference to cite this terminology. The unaltered PDF files of this terminology may be freely copied and distributed by users. IFAA
member societies are authorized to publish translations of this terminology. Authors of other works that might be considered derivative should write to the
Chair of FIPAT for permission to publish a derivative work.

Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

5363 Systema nervosum Nervous system Nervous system Systema nervorum; Neurologia
5364 SYSTEMA NERVOSUM Pars centralis systematis CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Systema nervorum centrale
CENTRALE nervosi
5365 Substantia grisea Grey matter Gray matter
5366 Substantia alba White matter White matter
5367 Formatio reticularis Substantia reticularis Reticular formation Reticular formation
5368 Ependyma Ependyma Ependyma Ependyma ventriculorum

5369 Meninges Meninges Meninges

5370 DURA Dura mater; Pachymeninx DURA DURA Dura mater; Pachymeninx
5371 Dura cranialis Dura mater cranialis Cranial dura Cranial dura Cranial dura mater Dura mater encephali; Dura
5372 Pars periostea durae cranialis Pars periostea durae matris Periosteal cranial dura Periosteal cranial dura Periosteal cranial dura mater
cranialis; Endocranium
5373 Pars meningea durae cranialis Pars meningea durae matris Meningeal cranial dura Meningeal cranial dura Meningeal cranial dura mater
5374 Falx cerebri Falx cerebri Falx cerebri Cerebral falx
5375 Tentorium cerebelli Tentorium cerebelli Tentorium cerebelli Cerebellar tentorium
5376 Incisura tentorii Tentorial notch Tentorial notch Incisure of tentorium
5377 Falx cerebelli Falx cerebelli Falx cerebelli Cerebellar falx
5378 Diaphragma sellae Diaphragma sellae Diaphragma sellae Sellar diaphragm
5379 Cavum trigeminale Trigeminal cave Trigeminal cave Trigeminal cavity Meckel’s cave
Endnote 769
5380 (Spatium subdurale) (Subdural space) (Subdural space) Endnote 770
5381 (Spatium epidurale craniale) Spatium extradurale (Cranial epidural space) (Cranial epidural space) Extradural space Endnote 771
5382 Dura spinalis Dura mater spinalis Spinal dura Spinal dura Spinal dura mater
5383 Spatium epidurale spinale Spatium peridurale Spinal epidural space Spinal epidural space Cavum epidurale; Cavitas
5384 Filum terminale externum Pars duralis fili terminalis Filum terminale externum Filum terminale externum Dural part of filum terminale; Filum durae matris spinale; Filum
Coccygeal ligament terminale durale
5386 Arachnoidea Arachnoidea mater Arachnoid Arachnoid Arachnoid mater Arachnoid membrane
5387 Spatium subarchnoidalis Spatium subarchnoideum; Spatium Subarachnoid space Subarachnoid space Leptomeningeal space Cavum subarachnoideale; Cavitas
leptomeningeum subarachnoidealis
Endnote 772
5388 Liquor cerebrospinalis Cerebrospinal fluid Cerebrospinal fluid Endnote 773
5389 Granulationes arachnoideae Arachnoid granulations Arachnoid granulations Granulationes Pacchioni
5390 Trabeculae arachnoideae Arachnoid trabeculae Arachnoid trabeculae
5391 Arachnoidea cranialis Arachnoidea mater cranialis Cranial arachnoid Cranial arachnoid Cranial arachnoid mater Arachnoidea encephali
5392 Cisternae subarachnoidales Cisternae subarachnoideae Cranial subarachnoid cisterns Cranial subarachnoid cisterns
craniales craniales
5393 Cisterna pericallosa Pericallosal cistern Pericallosal cistern
5394 Cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri Cistern of lateral cerebral fossa Cistern of lateral cerebral fossa Sylvian cistern; Cisterna Sylvii TA2, Part 5 245

5395 Cisterna laminae terminalis Cistern of lamina terminalis Cistern of lamina terminalis
5396 Cisterna chiasmatica Chiasmatic cistern Chiasmatic cistern
5397 Cisterna interpeduncularis Interpeduncular cistern Interpeduncular cistern
5398 Cisterna ambiens Ambient cistern Ambient cistern Cisterna ambiens
5399 Cisterna quadrigeminalis Cisterna venae magnae cerebri Quadrigeminal cistern Quadrigeminal cistern Cistern of great cerebral vein
5400 Cisterna pontocerebellaris Pontocerebellar cistern Pontocerebellar cistern Waterbed of Hilton
5401 Cisterna cerebellomedullaris Lateral cerebellomedullary Lateral cerebellomedullary
lateralis cistern cistern
5402 Cisterna cerebellomedullaris Posterior cerebellomedullary Posterior cerebellomedullary Cisterna magna
posterior cistern cistern
5403 Arachnoidea spinalis Arachnoidea mater spinalis Spinal arachnoid Spinal arachnoid Spinal arachnoid mater
5404 Cisterna lumbalis Lumbar cistern Lumbar cistern
5405 Pia Pia mater Pia Pia Pia mater
5406 Pia cranialis Pia mater cranialis Cranial pia Cranial pia Cranial pia mater Pia mater encephali; Pia encephali
5407 Taenia chorioidea Tenia choroidea Taenia choroidea Tenia choroidea Choroid line Endnote 774
5408 Tela chorioidea Tela choroidea Tela choroidea Tela choroidea Endnote 775
5409 Plexus chorioideus Plexus choroideus Choroid plexus Choroid plexus
5410 Pia spinalis Pia mater spinalis Spinal pia Spinal pia Spinal pia mater
5411 Ligamentum denticulatum Denticulate ligament Denticulate ligament
5412 Septum cervicale intermedium Intermediate cervical septum Intermediate cervical septum
5413 Linea splendens Linea splendens Linea splendens Endnote 776
5414 Filum terminale internum Pars pialis fili terminalis Filum terminale internum Filum terminale internum Pial part of filum terminale; Pial Filum terminale; Terminal filum;
filament Filamentum terminale; Filum
terminale pialis

5415 Encephalon Brain Brain

5416 CEREBRUM Prosencephalon CEREBRUM CEREBRUM Forebrain Endnote 777
5417 Fissura longitudinalis cerebri Longitudinal cerebral fissure Longitudinal cerebral fissure
5418 Hemisphaerium cerebri Hemispherium cerebri Cerebral hemisphere Cerebral hemisphere
5419 Polus frontalis Frontal pole Frontal pole
5420 Polus temporalis Temporal pole Temporal pole
5421 Polus occipitalis Occipital pole Occipital pole
5422 Facies superolateralis Facies superolateralis Superolateral surface of cerebral Superolateral surface of cerebral Facies convexa cerebri; Facies
hemisphaerii cerebri hemispherii cerebri hemisphere hemisphere superolateralis cerebri
Endnote 778
5423 Margo superior hemisphaerii Margo superior hemispherii Superior margin of cerebral Superior margin of cerebral Margo superomedialis
cerebri cerebri hemisphere hemisphere Endnote 779
5424 Facies medialis hemisphaerii Facies medialis hemispherii Medial surface of cerebral Medial surface of cerebral Facies medialis cerebri
cerebri cerebri hemisphere hemisphere
5425 Margo inferomedialis Margo inferomedialis hemispherii Inferomedial margin of cerebral Inferomedial margin of cerebral
hemisphaerii cerebri cerebri hemisphere hemisphere
5426 Facies inferior hemisphaerii Facies inferior hemispherii Inferior surface of cerebral Inferior surface of cerebral Basis cerebri; Facies inferior
cerebri cerebri hemisphere hemisphere cerebri
Endnote 780
5427 Margo inferolateralis Margo inferolateralis hemispherii Inferolateral margin of cerebral Inferolateral margin of cerebral
hemisphaerii cerebri cerebri hemisphere hemisphere
5428 Fissura transversa cerebri Transverse cerebral fissure Transverse cerebral fissure TA2, Part 5 246

5429 Fossa lateralis cerebri Lateral cerebral fossa Lateral cerebral fossa Fossa Sylvii

5430 Telencephalon Telencephalon Telencephalon Endnote 781

5431 Lobi cerebri Cerebral lobes Cerebral lobes
5432 Gyri cerebri Cerebral gyri Cerebral gyri
5433 Sulci cerebri Cerebral sulci Cerebral sulci
5434 Sulci interlobares Interlobar sulci Interlobar sulci
5435 Sulcus centralis Central sulcus Central sulcus Fissure of Rolando; Sulcus Rolandi
5436 Sulcus lateralis Lateral sulcus Lateral sulcus Sylvian fissure; Fissura Sylvii
5437 Sulcus parietooccipitalis Parieto-occipital sulcus Parietooccipital sulcus
5438 Incisura preoccipitalis Incisura praeoccipitalis Pre-occipital notch Preoccipital notch Endnote 782
5439 Sulcus corporis callosi Sulcus of corpus callosum Sulcus of corpus callosum
5440 Sulcus cinguli Cingulate sulcus Cingulate sulcus
5441 Sulcus subparietalis Subparietal sulcus Subparietal sulcus
5442 Sulcus collateralis Collateral sulcus Collateral sulcus
5443 Sulcus rhinalis Rhinal sulcus Rhinal sulcus Endnote 783
5444 Sulcus circularis insulae Circular sulcus of insula Circular sulcus of insula Sulcus Reili
5445 Lobus frontalis Frontal lobe Frontal lobe
5446 Operculum frontale Frontal operculum Frontal operculum
5447 Gyrus frontalis inferior Inferior frontal gyrus Inferior frontal gyrus
5448 Pars orbitalis gyri frontalis Orbital part of inferior frontal Orbital part of inferior frontal
inferioris gyrus gyrus
5449 Ramus anterior sulci lateralis Anterior ramus of lateral sulcus Anterior ramus of lateral sulcus
5450 Pars triangularis gyri frontalis Triangular part of inferior frontal Triangular part of inferior frontal
inferioris gyrus gyrus
5451 Ramus ascendens sulci lateralis Ascending ramus of lateral Ascending ramus of lateral
sulcus sulcus
5452 Pars opercularis gyri frontalis Opercular part of inferior frontal Opercular part of inferior frontal
inferioris gyrus gyrus
5453 Sulcus frontalis inferior Inferior frontal sulcus Inferior frontal sulcus
5454 Gyrus frontalis medius Middle frontal gyrus Middle frontal gyrus
5455 Sulcus frontalis superior Superior frontal sulcus Superior frontal sulcus
5456 Gyrus frontalis superior Superior frontal gyrus Superior frontal gyrus
5457 Sulcus precentralis Sulcus praecentralis Precentral sulcus Precentral sulcus
5458 Gyrus precentralis Gyrus praecentralis Precentral gyrus Precentral gyrus
5459 Gyrus paracentralis anterior Anterior paracentral gyrus Anterior paracentral gyrus Anterior part of paracentral lobule
5460 Sulcus paracentralis Paracentral sulcus Paracentral sulcus
5461 Gyrus frontalis medialis Medial frontal gyrus Medial frontal gyrus
5462 Gyrus rectus Straight gyrus Straight gyrus
5463 Sulcus olfactorius Olfactory sulcus Olfactory sulcus
5464 Gyri orbitales Orbital gyri Orbital gyri
5465 Sulci orbitales Orbital sulci Orbital sulci
5466 Lobulus paracentralis Paracentral lobule Paracentral lobule
5467 Lobus parietalis Parietal lobe Parietal lobe
5468 Operculum parietale Parietal operculum Parietal operculum Operculum frontoparietale
5469 Gyrus postcentralis Postcentral gyrus Postcentral gyrus TA2, Part 5 247

5470 Sulcus postcentralis Postcentral sulcus Postcentral sulcus
5471 Lobulus parietalis inferior Inferior parietal lobule Inferior parietal lobule
5472 Gyrus angularis Angular gyrus Angular gyrus
5473 Gyrus supramarginalis Supramarginal gyrus Supramarginal gyrus
5474 Ramus posterior sulci lateralis Posterior ramus of lateral sulcus Posterior ramus of lateral sulcus
5475 Sulcus intraparietalis Intraparietal sulcus Intraparietal sulcus
5476 Lobulus parietalis superior Superior parietal lobule Superior parietal lobule
5477 Gyrus paracentralis posterior Posterior paracentral gyrus Posterior paracentral gyrus Posterior part of paracentral lobule
5478 Ramus marginalis sulci cinguli Sulcus marginalis Marginal branch of cingulate Marginal branch of cingulate
sulcus sulcus
5479 Precuneus Praecuneus Precuneus Precuneus
5480 Lobus occipitalis Occipital lobe Occipital lobe
5481 Gyri occipitales superiores Superior occipital gyri Superior occipital gyri
5482 Gyri occipitales laterales Lateral occipital gyri Lateral occipital gyri
5483 (Sulcus lunatus) (Lunate sulcus) (Lunate sulcus) Endnote 784
5484 Sulcus occipitalis transversus Transverse occipital sulcus Transverse occipital sulcus
5485 Cuneus Cuneus Cuneus
5486 Sulcus calcarinus Calcarine sulcus Calcarine sulcus
5487 Gyrus lingualis Lingual gyrus Lingual gyrus Endnote 785
5488 Lobus temporalis Temporal lobe Temporal lobe
5489 Gyrus temporalis superior Superior temporal gyrus Superior temporal gyrus
5490 Operculum temporale Temporal operculum Temporal operculum
5491 Gyri temporales transversi Transverse temporal gyri Transverse temporal gyri Heschl’s transverse convolutions
5492 Sulci termporales transversi Transverse temporal sulci Transverse temporal sulci
5493 Planum temporale Temporal plane Temporal plane
5494 Sulcus temporalis superior Superior temporal sulcus Superior temporal sulcus
5495 Gyrus temporalis medius Middle temporal gyrus Middle temporal gyrus
5496 Sulcus temporalis inferior Inferior temporal sulcus Inferior temporal sulcus
5497 Gyrus temporalis inferior Inferior temporal gyrus Inferior temporal gyrus
5498 Sulcus occipitotemporalis Occipitotemporal sulcus Occipitotemporal sulcus
5499 Gyri occipitotemporales Occipitotemporal gyri Occipitotemporal gyri Gyrus fusiformis; Fusiform gyrus;
Occipitotemporal gyrus
5500 Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus Endnote 786
5501 Gyrus occipitotemporalis Medial occipitotemporal gyrus Medial occipitotemporal gyrus Endnote 787
5502 Insula Lobus insularis Insula Insula Insular lobe Insula of Reil
Endnote 788
5503 Limen insulae Limen insulae Limen insulae Insular threshold Endnote 789
5504 Gyri breves insulae Short gyri of insula Short gyri of insula
5505 Sulcus centralis insulae Central sulcus of insula Central sulcus of insula
5506 Gyrus longus insulae Long gyrus of insula Long gyrus of insula
5507 Lobus limbicus Limbic lobe Limbic lobe Endnote 790
5508 Gyrus limbicus Limbic gyrus Limbic gyrus TA2, Part 5 248

5509 Area subcallosa Area paraolfactorius Subcallosal area Subcallosal area Paraolfactory area Area parolfactoria Brocae;
Adolfactory area; Paraolfactory
area of Broca
Endnote 791
5510 Gyri paraolfactorii Para-olfactory gyri Paraolfactory gyri
5511 Sulci paraolfactorii Para-olfactory sulci Paraolfactory sulci
5512 Gyrus fornicatus Fornicate gyrus Fornicate gyrus Endnote 792
5513 Gyrus cinguli Cingulate gyrus Cingulate gyrus Endnote 793
5514 Isthmus gyri cinguli Isthmus of cingulate gyrus Isthmus of cingulate gyrus Isthmus gyri fornicati
5515 Gyrus parahippocampalis Parahippocampal gyrus Parahippocampal gyrus Gyrus hippocampi
Endnote 794
5516 Uncus Uncus Uncus Uncinate gyrus; Gyrus ambiens
5517 Gyrus paraterminalis Paraterminal gyrus Paraterminal gyrus Subcallosal gyrus
Endnote 795
5518 Hippocampus Hippocampus Hippocampus Hippocampal formation
5519 Subiculum Subiculum Subiculum
5520 Cornu ammonis Hippocampus proper Cornu ammonis Cornu ammonis Hippocampus proper; Ammon’s
5521 Gyrus dentatus Dentate gyrus Dentate gyrus Endnote 796
5522 Sulcus hippocampalis Hippocampal sulcus Hippocampal sulcus
5523 Alveus hippocampi Alveus Alveus Endnote 797
5524 Fimbria hippocampi Fimbria of hippocampus Fimbria of hippocampus Fimbria of fornix
5525 Gyrus fasciolaris Fasciolar gyrus Fasciolar gyrus Fasciola cinerea
Endnote 798
5526 Indusium griseum Indusium griseum Indusium griseum Supracallosal gyrus Endnote 799
5527 Pallium Pallium Pallium Cortex cerebri; Cerebral cortex
5528 Cortex cerebri Cerebral cortex Cerebral cortex Pallium
5529 Allocortex Allocortex Allocortex
5530 Archicortex Archicortex Archicortex Archaecortex; Archecortex;
Hippocampal allocortex
5531 Paleocortex Palaeocortex Paleocortex Olfactory allocortex
5532 Neocortex Neocortex Neocortex
5533 Juxtallocortex Mesocortex Juxtallocortex Juxtallocortex Mesocortex Periarchicortex
5534 Isocortex Isocortex Isocortex
5535 Claustrum Claustrum Claustrum
5536 Pars basalis telencephali Basal forebrain Basal forebrain Endnote 800
5537 Structurae olfactoriae Olfactory structures Olfactory structures Rhinencephalon; Olfactory lobe
5538 Bulbus olfactorius Olfactory bulb Olfactory bulb
5539 Tractus olfactorius Olfactory tract Olfactory tract Olfactory stalk
5540 Stria olfactoria medialis Medial olfactory stria Medial olfactory stria
5541 Stria olfactoria lateralis Lateral olfactory stria Lateral olfactory stria
5542 Trigone olfactorium Olfactory trigone Olfactory trigone
5543 Nucleus olfactorius anterior Regio retrobulbaris Anterior olfactory nucleus Anterior olfactory nucleus Retrobulbar region
5544 Substantia perforata anterior Anterior perforated substance Anterior perforated substance Substantia basalis; Substantia
innominata; Olfactory tubercle;
Tuberculum olfactorium TA2, Part 5 249

5545 Nuclei magnocellulares Complexus nuclearis basalis Magnocellular nuclei of basal Magnocellular nuclei of basal Basal nuclear complex; Basal Nuclei magnocellulares basales
telencephali basalis forebrain forebrain forebrain cholinergic cell groups telencephali; Cholinergic cell
groups Ch1-4
5546 Nucleus basalis Nucleus basalis Nucleus basalis Nucleus of Meynert; Cholinergic
cell group Ch4
5547 Stria diagonalis Diagonal band Diagonal band Bandaletta diagonalis Brocae;
Diagonal band of Broca;
Cholinergic cell groups Ch2 and
Endnote 801
5548 Nuclei septales Septal nuclei Septal nuclei Septal area; Septal region; Septum
verum; Precommissural septum;
Cholinergic cell group Ch1
5549 Corpus amygdaloideum Amygdala Amygdaloid body Amygdaloid body Amygdaloid complex; Amygdala Nucleus amygdalae
Endnote 802
5550 Cortex periamygdaloideus Peri-amygdaloid cortex Periamygdaloid cortex Regio periamygdaloidea
5551 Nuclei basolaterales amygdalae Basolateral amygdaloid nuclei Basolateral amygdaloid nuclei
5552 Nuclei centromediales Centromedial amygdaloid nuclei Centromedial amygdaloid nuclei
5553 Areae transitionum amygdalae Transition areas of amygdala Transition areas of amygdala
5554 Pars sublenticularis amygdalae Sublenticular extended amygdala Sublenticular extended amygdala
5555 Nucleus striae terminalis Bed nucleus of stria terminalis Bed nucleus of stria terminalis
5556 Pallidum ventrale Ventral pallidum Ventral pallidum
5557 Striatum ventrale Ventral striatum Ventral striatum
5558 Nucleus accumbens Nucleus accumbens Nucleus accumbens
5559 Corpus striatum Nuclei basales telencephali Corpus striatum Corpus striatum Basal nuclei of telencephalon Basal ganglia
Endnote 803
5560 Striatum dorsale Dorsal striatum Dorsal striatum Neostriatum
5561 Nucleus caudatus Caudate nucleus Caudate nucleus
5562 Caput nuclei caudati Head of caudate nucleus Head of caudate nucleus
5563 Corpus nuclei caudati Body of caudate nucleus Body of caudate nucleus Endnote 804
5564 Cauda nuclei caudati Tail of caudate nucleus Tail of caudate nucleus
5565 Pontes grisei caudatolenticulares Caudatolenticular grey bridges Caudatolenticular gray bridges Transcapular grey bridges;
Transcapular gray bridges
5566 Putamen Putamen Putamen
5567 Nucleus lentiformis Lentiform nucleus Lentiform nucleus Lenticular nucleus
5568 Lamina medullaris lateralis nuclei Lamina medullaris externa Lateral medullary lamina Lateral medullary lamina External medullary lamina
5569 Globus pallidus Pallidum dorsale Globus pallidus Globus pallidus Dorsal pallidum Paleostriatum
5570 Globus pallidus lateralis Lateral segment of globus Lateral segment of globus External segment of globus
pallidus pallidus pallidus
5571 Lamina medullaris medialis Lamina medullaris interna Medial medullary lamina Medial medullary lamina Internal medullary lamina
nuclei lentiformis
5572 Globus pallidus medialis Medial segment of globus Medial segment of globus Internal segment of globus pallidus
pallidus pallidus
5573 Substantia alba telencephali White matter of telencephalon White matter of telencephalon
5574 Centrum semiovale Semi-oval centre Semioval center TA2, Part 5 250

5575 Corona radiata Corona radiata Corona radiata
5576 Capsula interna Internal capsule Internal capsule Endnote 805
5577 Crus anterius capsulae internae Anterior limb of internal capsule Anterior limb of internal capsule Pars frontalis capsulae internae
5578 Radiatio anterior thalami Radiatio thalami anterior Anterior thalamic radiation Anterior thalamic radiation Radiationes thalamicae anteriores
5579 Genu capsulae internae Genu of internal capsule Genu of internal capsule
5580 Crus posterius capsulae internae Posterior limb of internal capsule Posterior limb of internal capsule Pars occipitalis capsulae internae;
Thalamolenticular part of internal
Endnote 806
5581 Radiatio centralis thalami Radiatio thalami centralis Central thalamic radiation Central thalamic radiation Radiationes thalamicae centrales
5582 Fibrae thalamoparietales Thalamoparietal fibres Thalamoparietal fibers
5583 Pars retrolentiformis capsulae Retrolentiform limb of internal Retrolentiform limb of internal Retrolenticular limb of internal
internae capsule capsule capsule
5584 Radiatio optica Fibrae geniculocalcarinae Optic radiation Optic radiation Geniculocalcarine fibres; Radiatio Gratioleti
Geniculocalcarine fibers
5585 Radiatio posterior thalami Radiatio thalami posterior Posterior thalamic radiation Posterior thalamic radiation Radiationes thalamicae posteriores
5586 Pars sublentiformis capsulae Sublentiform limb of internal Sublentiform limb of internal Sublenticular limb of internal
internae capsule capsule capsule
5587 Radiatio acustica Fibrae geniculotemporales Acoustic radiation Acoustic radiation Geniculotemporal fibres;
Geniculotemporal fibers
5588 Capsula externa External capsule External capsule Endnote 807
5589 Capsula extrema Extreme capsule Extreme capsule
5590 Stria longitudinalis lateralis Lateral longitudinal stria Lateral longitudinal stria
5591 Stria longitudinalis medialis Medial longitudinal stria Medial longitudinal stria
5592 Stria terminalis Stria terminalis Stria terminalis
5593 Fibrae associationis telencephali Association fibres of telencephalon Association fibers of telencephalon
5594 Fibrae breves associationis Fibrae associationis breves Short association fibres Short association fibers
5595 Fibrae arcuatae cerebri Cerebral arcuate fibres Cerebral arcuate fibers U-fibres; U-fibers
5596 Fibrae longae associationis Fibrae associationis longae Long association fibres Long association fibers
5597 Cingulum Cingulum Cingulum
5598 Fasciculus longitudinalis Inferior longitudinal fasciculus Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
5599 Fasciculus longitudinalis Superior longitudinal fasciculus Superior longitudinal fasciculus Fasciculus arcuatus; Arcuate
superior fasciculus
5600 Fasciculus uncinatus cerebri Uncinate fasciculus of Uncinate fasciculus of
cerebrum cerebrum
5601 Fasciculus occipitofrontalis Inferior occipitofrontal Inferior occipitofrontal
inferior fasciculus fasciculus
5602 Fasciculus occipitofrontalis Superior occipitofrontal Superior occipitofrontal Fasciculus subcallosus;
superior fasciculus fasciculus Subcallosal fasciculus
5603 Fibrae commissurales telencephali Commissural fibres of Commissural fibers of
telencephalon telencephalon
5604 Corpus callosum Corpus callosum Corpus callosum
5605 Rostrum corporis callosi Rostrum of corpus callosum Rostrum of corpus callosum
5606 Genu corporis callosi Genu of corpus callosum Genu of corpus callosum
5607 Truncus corporis callosi Body of corpus callosum Body of corpus callosum Truncus of corpus callosum
5608 Splenium corporis callosi Splenium of corpus callosum Splenium of corpus callosum TA2, Part 5 251

5609 Radiatio corporis callosi Radiation of corpus callosum Radiation of corpus callosum
5610 Forceps frontalis Forceps minor Frontal forceps Frontal forceps Minor forceps
5611 Forceps occipitalis Forceps major Occipital forceps Occipital forceps Major forceps
5612 Tapetum Tapetum Tapetum Endnote 808
5613 Commissura anterior Anterior commissure Anterior commissure
5614 Pars anterior commissurae Anterior part of anterior Anterior part of anterior
anterioris commissure commissure
5615 Pars posterior commissurae Posterior part of anterior Posterior part of anterior
anterioris commissure commissure
5616 Commissura hippocampi Commissura fornicis Hippocampal commissure Hippocampal commissure Commissure of fornix Fornix transversus; Psaltarium;
Lyre of David
Endnote 809
5617 Fibrae projectionis telencephali Projection fibres of telencephalon Projection fibers of telencephalon
5618 Fibrae corticospinales Corticospinal fibres Corticospinal fibers Tractus corticospinalis; Tractus
5619 Fibrae corticopontinae Corticopontine fibres Corticopontine fibers Tractus corticopontinus
5620 Fibrae frontopontinae Frontopontine fibres Frontopontine fibers
5621 Fibrae parietopontinae Parietopontine fibres Parietopontine fibers
5622 Fibrae occipitopontinae Occipitopontine fibres Occipitopontine fibers
5623 Fibrae temporopontinae Temporopontine fibres Temporopontine fibers
5624 Fibrae corticonucleares Corticonuclear fibres Corticonuclear fibers Tractus corticobulbaris;
Corticobulbar fibres
Endnote 810
5625 Fibrae corticonucleares Mesencephalic corticonuclear Mesencephalic corticonuclear
mesencephalli fibres fibers
5626 Fibrae corticonucleares pontis Pontine corticonuclear fibres Pontine corticonuclear fibers
5627 Fibrae corticonucleares bulbi Fibrae corticonucleares medullae Medullary corticonuclear fibres Medullary corticonuclear fibers Bulbar corticonuclear fibres; Bulbar
oblongatae corticonuclear fibers
5628 Fibrae corticoreticulares Corticoreticular fibres Corticoreticular fibers
5629 Fibrae corticomesencephalicae Corticomesencephalic fibres Corticomesencephalic fibers Endnote 811
5630 FIbrae corticorubrales Corticorubral fibres Corticorubral fibers
5631 Fibrae corticotectales Corticotectal fibres Corticotectal fibers
5632 Fibrae corticothalamicae Corticothalamic fibres Corticothalamic fibers
5633 Fornix Fornix Fornix
5634 Crus fornicis Crus of fornix Crus of fornix
5635 Corpus fornicis Body of fornix Body of fornix
5636 Columna fornicis Column of fornix Column of fornix
5637 Fibrae precommissurales Fibrae praecommissurales Precommissural fibres Precommissural fibers Precommissural fornix
5638 Fibrae postcommissurales Postcommissural fibres Postcommissural fibers Postcommissural fornix
5639 Ventriculus lateralis Lateral ventricle Lateral ventricle
5640 Cornu frontale Cornu anterius ventriculi lateralis Frontal horn Frontal horn Anterior horn of lateral ventricle Endnote 812
5641 Foramen interventriculare Interventricular foramen Interventricular foramen Foramen Monroi
5642 Pars centralis ventriculi lateralis Body of lateral ventricle Body of lateral ventricle Central part of lateral ventricle
5643 Atrium ventriculi lateralis Atrium of lateral ventricle Atrium of lateral ventricle Endnote 813
5644 Cornu occipitale Cornu posterius ventriculi lateralis Occipital horn Occipital horn Posterior horn of lateral ventricle
5645 Cornu temporale Cornu inferius ventriculi lateralis Temporal horn Temporal horn Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
5646 Parietes ventriculi lateralis Walls of lateral ventricle Walls of lateral ventricle TA2, Part 5 252

5647 Septum pellucidum Septum pellucidum Septum pellucidum
5648 Cavum septi pellucidi Cave of septum pellucidum Cave of septum pellucidum
5649 Laminae septi pellucidi Laminae of septum pellucidum Laminae of septum pellucidum
5650 Lamina affixa Lamina affixa Lamina affixa Endnote 814
5651 Taenia chorioidea ventriculi Choroid line of lateral ventricle Choroid line of lateral ventricle Endnote 815
5652 Fissura chorioidea Fissura choroidea Choroid fissure Choroid fissure Choroidal fissure Endnote 816
5653 Taenia fornicis Taenia of fornix Tenia of fornix Endnote 817
5654 Plexus chorioideus ventriculi Plexus choroideus ventriculi Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle
lateralis lateralis
5655 Glomus chorioideum Glomus choroideum Choroidal enlargement Choroidal enlargement
5656 Pes hippocampi Pes hippocampi Pes hippocampi
5657 Trigonum collaterale Collateral trigone Collateral trigone
5658 Eminentia collateralis Collateral eminence Collateral eminence
5659 Bulbus cornus occipitalis Bulbus cornus posterioris Bulb of occipital horn Bulb of occipital horn Bulb of posterior horn Endnote 818
5660 Calcar avis Calcarine spur Calcarine spur

5661 Diencephalon Diencephalon Diencephalon

5662 Habenula Habenula Habenula
5663 Trigonum habenulare Habenular trigone Habenular trigone
5664 Sulcus habenularis Habenular sulcus Habenular sulcus
5665 Pulvinar thalami Pulvinar Pulvinar
5666 Corpus geniculatum laterale Lateral geniculate body Lateral geniculate body
5667 Corpus geniculatum mediale Medial geniculate body Medial geniculate body
5668 Chiasma opticum Optic chiasm Optic chiasm Optic chiasma
5669 Tractus opticus Optic tract Optic tract Endnote 819
5670 Radix lateralis tractus optici Lateral root of optic tract Lateral root of optic tract
5671 Radix medialis tractus optici Medial root of optic tract Medial root of optic tract
5672 Infundibulum hypothalami Infundibulum of hypothalamus Infundibulum of hypothalamus
5673 Tuber cinereum Tuber cinereum Tuber cinereum
5674 Corpus mamillare Mamillary body Mammillary body
5675 Epithalamus Epithalamus Epithalamus Roof of third ventricle
Endnote 820
5676 Nucleus habenularis lateralis Lateral habenular nucleus Lateral habenular nucleus
5677 Nucleus habenularis medialis Medial habenular nucleus Medial habenular nucleus Cholinergic cell group Ch7
5678 Thalamus Thalamus dorsalis Thalamus Thalamus Dorsal thalamus Thalamencephalon
Endnote 821
5679 Nuclei anteriores thalami Anterior nuclei of thalamus Anterior nuclei of thalamus
5680 Nuclei mediales thalami Medial nuclei of thalamus Medial nuclei of thalamus
5681 Nucleus mediodorsalis thalami Nucleus medialis dorsalis thalami Mediodorsal nucleus Mediodorsal nucleus Medial dorsal nucleus Dorsomedial nucleus; MD Nucleus
5682 Laminae medullares thalami Thalamic medullary laminae Thalamic medullary laminae
5683 Lamina medullaris externa Lamina medullaris lateralis thalami External medullary lamina of External medullary lamina of
thalami thalamus thalamus
5684 Lamina medullaris interna Lamina medullaris medialis thalami Internal medullary lamina of Internal medullary lamina of
thalami thalamus thalamus
5685 Nuclei intralaminares thalami Intralaminar nuclei of thalamus Intralaminar nuclei of thalamus Nuclei of internal medullary lamina TA2, Part 5 253

5686 Nuclei laterales thalami Lateral nuclei of thalamus Lateral nuclei of thalamus
5687 Nuclei ventrales thalami Ventral nuclei of thalamus Ventral nuclei of thalamus
5688 Nucleus ventralis anterior Ventral anterior nucleus Ventral anterior nucleus VA nucleus
5689 Nuclei ventrales laterales Ventral lateral nuclei Ventral lateral nuclei VL nuclei; Nucleus ventralis
thalami intermedius
5690 Nuclei ventrales mediales Ventral medial nuclei Ventral medial nuclei VM nuclei
5691 Nuclei ventrales posteriores Nuclei ventrobasales Ventroposterior complex Ventroposterior complex Ventrobasal complex VP nuclei
5692 Nucleus ventralis Ventral posterolateral Ventral posterolateral VPL nucleus
posterolateralis nucleus nucleus
5693 Nucleus ventralis Ventral posteromedial Ventral posteromedial VPM nucleus
posteromedialis nucleus nucleus
5694 Nucleus ventralis posterior Ventral posterior inferior Ventral posterior inferior VPI nucleus
inferior nucleus nucleus
5695 Nuclei dorsales thalami Dorsal nuclei of thalamus Dorsal nuclei of thalamus
5696 Nucleus dorsalis lateralis Lateral dorsal nucleus Lateral dorsal nucleus LD nucleus
5697 Nucleus lateralis posterior Lateral posterior nucleus Lateral posterior nucleus
5698 Nuclei pulvinaris Pulvinar nuclei Pulvinar nuclei Nuclei pulvinares; Nucleus
posterior thalami; Posterior nuclei
of thalamus
5699 Nuclei periventriculares thalami Nuclei mediani thalami Periventricular nuclei of thalamus Periventricular nuclei of thalamus Midline nuclei of thalamus; Median Nucleus centralis thalami
nuclei of thalamus
5700 Nuclei corporum geniculatorum Metathalamus Nuclei of geniculate bodies Nuclei of geniculate bodies Metathalamus; Geniculate nuclei Endnote 822
5701 Nucleus corporis geniculati Nucleus dorsalis corporis Lateral geniculate nucleus Lateral geniculate nucleus Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus LG nucleus
lateralis geniculati lateralis
5702 Nuclei corporis geniculati Medial geniculate nuclei Medial geniculate nuclei MG nucleus
5703 Prethalamus Praethalamus Prethalamus Prethalamus
5704 Nucleus reticularis prethalami Nucleus reticularis thalami Reticular nucleus of prethalamus Reticular nucleus of prethalamus Reticular nucleus of thalamus Nuclei reticulares thalami
5705 Nucleus pregeniculatus Nucleus praegeniculatus; Nucleus Pregeniculate nucleus Pregeniculate nucleus Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus
ventralis corporis geniculati
5706 Nuclei campi perizonalis Nuclei of perizonal fields Nuclei of perizonal fields Fields of Forel; Nuclei of fields H,
H1 and H2; Nuclei areae H, H1, H2
Endnote 823
5707 Zona incerta Zona incerta Zona incerta Dopaminergic cell group A13
5708 Subthalamus Subthalamus Subthalamus Ventral thalamus
5709 Nucleus subthalamicus Subthalamic nucleus Subthalamic nucleus Corpus of Luys; Corpus Luysii;
Nucleus hypothalamicus
5710 Area preoptica Area praeoptica Preoptic area Preoptic area Pars optica hypothalami
Endnote 824
5711 Nucleus preopticus Nucleus praeopticus Periventricular preoptic nucleus Periventricular preoptic nucleus Median preoptic nucleus
periventricularis periventricularis
5712 Nucleus preopticus medialis Nucleus praeopticus medialis Medial preoptic nucleus Medial preoptic nucleus
5713 Nucleus preopticus lateralis Nucleus praeopticus lateralis Lateral preoptic nucleus Lateral preoptic nucleus
5714 Hypothalamus Hypothalamus Hypothalamus Floor of third ventricle
Endnote 825 TA2, Part 5 254

5715 Zona hypothalamica Zona periventricularis hypothalami Periventricular hypothalamic zone Periventricular hypothalamic zone
5716 Zona hypothalamica medialis Zona medialis hypothalami Medial hypothalamic zone Medial hypothalamic zone
5717 Zona hypothalamica lateralis Zona lateralis hypothalami Lateral hypothalamic zone Lateral hypothalamic zone
5718 Area hypothalamica anterior Area anterior hypothalami Anterior hypothalamic area Anterior hypothalamic area Anterior hypothalamic region; Supraoptic hypothalamic area
Chiasmatic hypothalamic area
5719 Nucleus periventricularis anterior Anterior periventricular Anterior periventricular
hypothalami hypothalamic nucleus hypothalamic nucleus
5720 Nucleus suprachiasmaticus Suprachiasmatic nucleus Suprachiasmatic nucleus
5721 Nucleus supraopticus Supra-optic nucleus Supraoptic nucleus
5722 Nucleus paraventricularis Paraventricular hypothalamic Paraventricular hypothalamic
hypothalami nucleus nucleus
5723 Pars anterior areae Pars anterior areae lateralis Anterior part of lateral Anterior part of lateral
hypothalamicae lateralis hypothalami hypothalamic area hypothalamic area
5724 Area hypothalamica intermedia Area intermedia hypothalami Intermediate hypothalamic area Intermediate hypothalamic area Intermediate hypothalamic region; Infundibulotuberal hypothalamic
Tuberal hypothalamic area area
5725 Nucleus periventricularis Posterior periventricular Posterior periventricular
posterior hypothalami hypothalamic nucleus hypothalamic nucleus
5726 Nucleus arcuatus hypothalami Nucleus infundibularis Arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus Arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus Infundibular nucleus Dopaminergic cell group A12
5727 Nucleus perifornicalis Perifornical nucleus Perifornical nucleus
5728 Nucleus dorsomedialis Dorsomedial hypothalamic Dorsomedial hypothalamic
hypothalami nucleus nucleus
5729 Nucleus ventromedialis Ventromedial hypothalamic Ventromedial hypothalamic
hypothalami nucleus nucleus
5730 Pars tuberalis areae Pars tuberalis areae lateralis Tuberal part of lateral Tuberal part of lateral
hypothalamicae lateralis hypothalami hypothalamic area hypothalamic area
5731 Area hypothalamica posterior Area posterior hypothalami Posterior hypothalamic area Posterior hypothalamic area Posterior hypothalamic region; Mammillary hypothalamic area
Mamillary hypothalamic area
5732 Nucleus mamillaris medialis Nucleus mammillaris medialis Medial mamillary nucleus Medial mammillary nucleus Medial nucleus of mamillary body
5733 Nucleus mamillaris lateralis Nucleus mammillaris lateralis Lateral mamillary nucleus Lateral mammillary nucleus Lateral nucleus of mamillary body
5734 Nucleus tuberomamillaris Nucleus tuberomammillaris Tuberomamillary nucleus Tuberomammillary nucleus
5735 Nucleus tuberalis lateralis Lateral tuberal nucleus Lateral tuberal nucleus
5736 Pars posterior areae Pars posterior areae lateralis Posterior part of lateral Posterior part of lateral
hypothalamicae lateralis hypothalami hypothalamic area hypothalamic area
5737 Area hypothalamica dorsalis Dorsal hypothalalmic area Dorsal hypothalalmic area
5738 Nucleus posterior hypothalami Posterior hypothalamic nucleus Posterior hypothalamic nucleus
5739 Pretectum Area pretectalis; Praetectum; Area Pretectum Pretectum Regio pretectalis
5740 Nuclei pretectales Nuclei praetectales Pretectal nuclei Pretectal nuclei Nucleus of optic tract
5741 Nucleus commissurae posterioris Nucleus of posterior commissure Nucleus of posterior commissure
5742 Nuclei accessorii tractus optici Accessory nuclei of optic tract Accessory nuclei of optic tract
5743 Tegmentum prerubrale Tegmentum praerubrale Prerubral tegmentum Prerubral tegmentum Diencephalic tegmentum
5744 Nucleus interstitialis Interstitial nucleus Interstitial nucleus Interstitial nucleus of Cajal
5745 Nucleus ellipticus Elliptic nucleus Elliptic nucleus Nucleus of Darkschewitsch
5746 Substantia alba diencephali White matter of diencephalon White matter of diencephalon
5747 Stria medullaris thalami Stria medullaris thalami Stria medullaris thalami
5748 Commissura habenularum Habenular commissure Habenular commissure TA2, Part 5 255

5749 Commissura posterior Posterior commissure Posterior commissure Commissura epithalamica
5750 Tractus habenulointerpeduncularis Fasciculus retroflexus Habenulo-interpeduncular tract Habenulointerpeduncular tract Fasciculus Meynerti
Endnote 826
5751 Ansa lenticularis Ansa lenticularis Ansa lenticularis Endnote 827
5752 Fasciculus lenticularis Lenticular fasciculus Lenticular fasciculus
5753 Ansa peduncularis Ansa peduncularis Ansa peduncularis
5754 Fasciculus peduncularis Fasciculus peduncularis Fasciculus peduncularis
5755 Fasciculus subthalamicus Fasciculus subthalamicus Fasciculus subthalamicus
5756 Fasciculus thalamicus Fasciculus thalamicus Fasciculus thalamicus
5757 Fasciculus mamillothalamicus Mamillothalamic fasciculus Mammillothalamic fasciculus Mamillothalamic tract Fasciculus Vicq d’Azyri
5758 Fasciculus mamillotegmentalis Mamillotegmental fasciculus Mammillotegmental fasciculus Von Gudden’s tract
5759 Commissurae supraopticae Supra-optic commissures Supraoptic commissures Endnote 828
5760 Commissura supraoptica dorsalis Dorsal supra-optic commissure Dorsal supraoptic commissure Ganser’s commissure; Meynert’s
commissure; Commissura
5761 Commissura supraoptica Ventral supra-optic commissure Ventral supraoptic commissure Von Gudden’s commissure;
ventralis Commissura Guddeni
5762 Fibrae periventriculares thalami Periventricular fibres of thalamus Periventricular fibers of thalamus
5763 Fibrae periventriculares Periventricular fibres of Periventricular fibers of Endnote 829
hypothalami hypothalamus hypothalamus
5764 Fasciculus medialis telencephali Fasciculus telencephalicus Medial forebrain bundle Medial forebrain bundle Endnote 830
5765 Tractus hypothalamohypophysialis Hypothalamohypophysial tract Hypothalamohypophyseal tract Endnote 831
5766 Tractus supraopticohypophysialis Fibrae supraopticae tractus Supraopticohypophysial tract Supraopticohypophyseal tract Supraoptic fibers of
hypothalamohypophysialis hypothalamohypophysial tract
5767 Tractus Fibrae paraventriculares tractus Paraventriculohypophysial tract Paraventriculohypophyseal tract Paraventricular fibers of
paraventriculohypophysialis hypothalamohypophysialis hypothalamohypophysial tract
5768 Tractus retinohypothalamicus Retinohypothalamic tract Retinohypothalamic tract
5769 Ventriculus tertius Third ventricle Third ventricle
5770 Recessus suprapinealis Suprapineal recess Suprapineal recess
5771 Recessus pinealis Pineal recess Pineal recess
5772 Recessus infundibuli Recessus infundibularis Infundibular recess Infundibular recess
5773 Recessus supraopticus Supra-optic recess Supraoptic recess Recessus opticus
5774 Apertura superior aquaeductus Apertura superior aqueductus Superior opening of aqueduct of Superior opening of aqueduct of Superior opening of cerebral Rostral opening of aqueduct of
mesencephali mesencephali; Apertura superior midbrain midbrain aqueduct midbrain; Rostral opening of
aquaeductus cerebri cerebral aqueduct
5775 Parietes ventriculi tertii Walls of third ventricle Walls of third ventricle
5776 Lamina terminalis Lamina terminalis Lamina terminalis
5777 Tuberculum anterius thalami Anterior thalamic tubercle Anterior thalamic tubercle
5778 Adhaesio interthalamica Adhesio interthalamica Interthalamic adhesion Interthalamic adhesion Massa intermedia Endnote 832
5779 Sulcus hypothalamicus Hypothalamic sulcus Hypothalamic sulcus Sulcus Monroi
Endnote 833
5780 Organa periventricularia ventriculi Periventricular organs of third Periventricular organs of third
tertii ventricle ventricle
5781 Organum vasculosum laminae Vascular organ of lamina Vascular organ of lamina
terminalis terminalis terminalis
5782 Organum subfornicale Subfornical organ Subfornical organ TA2, Part 5 256

5783 Organum subcommissurale Subcommissural organ Subcommissural organ
5784 Eminentia mediana Median eminence Median eminence
5785 Taenia thalami Taenia thalami Tenia thalami Endnote 834
5786 Plexus chorioideus ventriculi tertii Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii Choroid plexus of third ventricle Choroid plexus of third ventricle
5787 Tela chorioidea ventriculi tertii Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii Tela choroidea of third ventricle Tela choroidea of third ventricle Choroid membrane of third


5789 Arbor vitae Arbor vitae cerebelli Arbor vitae Arbor vitae Endnote 835
5790 Fissurae cerebelli Cerebellar fissures Cerebellar fissures Sulci cerebelli
Endnote 836
5791 Folia cerebelli Folia of cerebellum Folia of cerebellum Gyri cerebelli
Endnote 837
5792 Corpus cerebelli Body of cerebellum Body of cerebellum
5793 Lobus anterior cerebelli Lobus cerebelli anterior Anterior lobe of cerebellum Anterior lobe of cerebellum Lobus cranialis cerebelli; Lobus
rostralis cerebelli
5794 Fissura prima Fissura preclivalis; Fissura Primary fissure Primary fissure Preclival fissure
5795 Lobus posterior cerebelli Lobus cerebelli posterior Posterior lobe of cerebellum Posterior lobe of cerebellum Lobus caudalis cerebelli
5796 Fissura horizontalis Horizontal fissure Horizontal fissure
5797 Fissura secunda Secondary fissure Secondary fissure Endnote 838
5798 Fissura posterolateralis Fissura dorsolateralis Posterolateral fissure Posterolateral fissure Dorsolateral fissure Endnote 839
5799 Lobus flocculonodularis Flocculonodular lobe Flocculonodular lobe
5800 Vallecula cerebelli Vallecula of cerebellum Vallecula of cerebellum
5801 Pontocerebellum Pontocerebellum Pontocerebellum Neocerebellum;
5802 Spinocerebellum Spinocerebellum Spinocerebellum Paleocerebellum
5803 Vestibulocerebellum Vestibulocerebellum Vestibulocerebellum Archicerebellum
Endnote 840
5804 Hemisphaerium cerebelli Hemispherium cerebelli Hemisphere of cerebellum Hemisphere of cerebellum
5805 Ala lobuli centralis Wing of central lobule Wing of central lobule
5806 Lobulus II hemisphaerii cerebelli Lobule II of cerebellar Lobule II of cerebellar Lobule H II
hemisphere hemisphere
5807 Lobulus III hemisphaerii cerebelli Lobule III of cerebellar Lobule III of cerebellar Lobule H III
hemisphere hemisphere
5808 Lobulus quadrangularis anterior Anterior quadrangular lobule Anterior quadrangular lobule
5809 Lobulus IV hemisphaerii cerebelli Lobule IV of cerebellar Lobule IV of cerebellar Lobule H IV
hemisphere hemisphere
5810 Lobulus V hemisphaerii cerebelli Lobule V of cerebellar Lobule V of cerebellar Lobule H V
hemisphere hemisphere
5811 Lobulus quadrangularis posterior Lobulus VI hemisphaerii cerebelli; Posterior quadrangular lobule Posterior quadrangular lobule Lobule VI of cerebellar Lobule H VI
Lobulus simplex hemisphere; Simple lobule
5812 Lobuli semilunares Lobulus VIIA hemisphaerii Semilunar lobules Semilunar lobules Lobule VIIA of cerebellar Lobule H VIIA
cerebelli; Lobulus ansiformis hemisphere; Ansiform lobule
5813 Lobulus semilunaris superior Crus I lobuli ansiformis Superior semilunar lobule Superior semilunar lobule Crus I of ansiform lobule Lobulus semilunaris cranialis;
Lobulus semilunaris rostralis
5814 Lobulus semilunaris inferior Crus II lobuli ansiformis Inferior semilunar lobule Inferior semilunar lobule Crus II of ansiform lobule Lobulus semilunaris caudalis TA2, Part 5 257

5815 Lobulus gracilis Lobulus VIIB hemisphaerii Gracile lobule Gracile lobule Lobule VIIB of cerebellar Lobule H VIIB
cerebelli; Lobulus paramedianus hemisphere; Paramedian lobule
5816 Lobulus biventer Lobulus VIII hemisphaerii cerebelli Biventral lobule Biventral lobule Lobule VIII of cerebellar Lobule H VIII
5817 Tonsilla cerebelli Lobulus IX hemisphaerii cerebelli Tonsil of cerebellum Tonsil of cerebellum Lobule IX of cerebellar hemisphere Lobule H IX
5818 Flocculus Lobulus X hemisphaerii cerebelli Flocculus Flocculus Lobule X of cerebellar hemisphere Lobule H X
5819 Vermis cerebelli Vermis of cerebellum Vermis of cerebellum
5820 Lingula cerebelli Lobulus I vermis Lingula of cerebellum Lingula of cerebellum Lobule I of vermis
5821 Lobulus centralis vermis Central lobule Central lobule Lobus centralis vermis
Endnote 841
5822 Lobulus II vermis Lobule II of vermis Lobule II of vermis
5823 Lobulus III vermis Lobule III of vermis Lobule III of vermis
5824 Culmen Culmen Culmen
5825 Lobulus IV vermis Lobule IV of vermis Lobule IV of vermis
5826 Lobulus V vermis Lobule V of vermis Lobule V of vermis
5827 Declive Lobulus VI vermis Declive Declive Lobule VI of vermis
5828 Folium vermis Lobulus VIIA vermis Folium of vermis Folium of vermis Lobule VIIA of vermis
5829 Tuber vermis Lobulus VIIB vermis Tuber of vermis Tuber of vermis Lobule VIIB of vermis
5830 Pyramis vermis Lobulus VIII vermis Pyramis of vermis Pyramis of vermis Lobule VIII of vermis
5831 Uvula vermis Lobulus IX vermis Uvula of vermis Uvula of vermis Lobule IX of vermis
5832 Nodulus vermis Lobulus X vermis Nodule of vermis Nodule of vermis Lobule X of vermis
5833 Substantia grisea cerebelli Grey matter of cerebellum Gray matter of cerebellum Gray substance of cerebellum
5834 Cortex cerebelli Cerebellar cortex Cerebellar cortex Substantia corticalis cerebelli
Endnote 842
5835 Nuclei cerebelli Cerebellar nuclei Cerebellar nuclei Endnote 843
5836 Nucleus dentatus Nucleus lateralis cerebelli Dentate nucleus Dentate nucleus Lateral cerebellar nucleus
5837 Hilum nuclei dentati Hilum of dentate nucleus Hilum of dentate nucleus Hilus nuclei dentati
5838 Nucleus emboliformis Nucleus interpositus anterior Emboliform nucleus Emboliform nucleus Anterior interpositus nucleus
5839 Nucleus globosus Nucleus interpositus posterior Globose nucleus Globose nucleus Posterior interpositus nucleus Nuclei globiformes
5840 Nucleus fastigii Nucleus medialis cerebelli Fastigial nucleus Fastigial nucleus Medial cerebellar nucleus
5841 Substantia alba cerebelli Corpus medullare cerebelli White matter of cerebellum White matter of cerebellum White substance of cerebellum
5842 Laminae albae cerebelli Medullary lamellae of cerebellum Medullary lamellae of cerebellum
5843 Commissura cerebelli Cerebellar commissure Cerebellar commissure
5844 Pedunculus flocculi Peduncle of flocculus Peduncle of flocculus Tract of Loewy; Stalk of flocculus
5845 Pedunculi cerebellares Cerebellar peduncles Cerebellar peduncles
5846 Pedunculus cerebellaris superior Superior cerebellar peduncle Superior cerebellar peduncle Brachium conjunctivum;
Pedunculus cerebellaris cranialis;
Pedunculus cerebellaris rostralis
Endnote 844
5847 Tractus dentatothalamicus Dentatothalamic tract Dentatothalamic tract Fibrae dentatorubrales
5848 Pedunculus cerebellaris medius Middle cerebellar peduncle Middle cerebellar peduncle Brachium pontis; Pedunculus
cerebellaris pontinus
5849 Fibrae pontocerebellares Pontocerebellar fibres Pontocerebellar fibers
5850 Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior Inferior cerebellar peduncle Inferior cerebellar peduncle Pedunculus cerebellaris caudalis
Endnote 845
5851 Corpus restiformis Restiform body Restiform body
5852 Fibrae cuneocerebellares Cuneocerebellar fibres Cuneocerebellar fibers TA2, Part 5 258

5853 Tractus olivocerebellaris Olivocerebellar tract Olivocerebellar tract
5854 Corpus juxtarestiformis Juxtarestiform body Juxtarestiform body
5855 Fasciculus uncinatus cerebelli Uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum Uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum Tract of Russell

5856 TRUNCUS ENCEPHALI Truncus encephalicus BRAINSTEM BRAINSTEM Endnote 846

5857 Nuclei nervorum craniales Nuclei of cranial nerves Nuclei of cranial nerves Nuclei nervorum cerebralium
5858 Nucleus originis nervi cranialis Nucleus motorius nervi cranialis Nucleus of origin of cranial nerve Nucleus of origin of cranial nerve Motor nucleus of cranial nerve Nucleus originis nervi cerebralis
5859 Nucleus terminationis nervi Nucleus sensorius nervi cranialis Terminal nucleus of cranial nerve Terminal nucleus of cranial nerve Sensory nucleus of cranial nerve Nucleus terminales nervi
cranialis cerebralis; Nucleus recipiens nervi
5860 Substantia alba trunci encephali White matter of brainstem White matter of brainstem
5861 Lemniscus medialis Medial lemniscus Medial lemniscus Endnote 847
5862 Lemniscus trigeminalis Tractus trigeminothalamici Trigeminal lemniscus Trigeminal lemniscus Trigeminothalamic tracts Endnote 848
5863 Tractus trigeminothalamicus Tractus trigeminothalamicus Anterior trigeminothalamic tract Anterior trigeminothalamic tract Ventral trigeminothalamic tract
anterior ventralis
5864 Tractus trigeminothalamicus Tractus trigeminothalamicus Posterior trigeminothalamic tract Posterior trigeminothalamic tract Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
poterior dorsalis
5865 Lemniscus spinalis Spinal lemniscus Spinal lemniscus Endnote 849
5866 Lemniscus lateralis Lateral lemniscus Lateral lemniscus
5867 Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis Medial longitudinal fasciculus Medial longitudinal fasciculus Endnote 850
5868 Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior Posterior longitudinal fasciculus Posterior longitudinal fasciculus Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus Endnote 851
5869 Tractus tegmentalis centralis Central tegmental tract Central tegmental tract
5870 Tractus rubroolivaris Fibrae rubroolivaris tractus Rubro-olivary tract Rubroolivary tract Rubroolivary fibers of central
tegmentalis centralis tegmental tract
5871 Tractus cerebelloolivaris Cerebello-olivary tract Cerebelloolivary tract
5872 Tractus spinalis nervi trigemini Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve Spinal trigeminal tract Trigeminospinal tract
5873 Tractus mesencephalicus nervi Mesencephalic tract of trigeminal Mesencephalic tract of trigeminal Mesencephalic trigeminal tract Tract of Probst; Tractus
trigemini nerve nerve mesencephalicus trigeminalis

5874 Mesencephalon Midbrain Midbrain

5875 Fossa interpeduncularis Interpeduncular fossa Interpeduncular fossa Fossa intercruralis; Fossa Tarini
5876 Substantia perforata posterior Posterior perforated substance Posterior perforated substance Substantia perforata intercruralis;
Substantia perforata
5877 Sulcus lateralis mesencephali Lateral groove of midbrain Lateral groove of midbrain Lateral sulcus of midbrain
5878 Pedunculus cerebri Cerebral peduncle Cerebral peduncle Pedunculus cerebralis
Endnote 852
5879 Basis pedunculi Pars anterior pedunculi cerebri Base of peduncle Base of peduncle Pars ventralis pedunculi cerebri
5880 Crus cerebri Crus cerebri Crus cerebri Basis pedunculi; Pars anterior
pedunculi cerebri; Cerebral
Endnote 853
5881 Substantia nigra Substantia nigra Substantia nigra Nucleus niger
Endnote 854
5882 Pars compacta substantiae Compact part of substantia Compact part of substantia Dopaminergic cell group A9
nigrae nigra nigra TA2, Part 5 259

5883 Pars reticularis substantiae Reticular part of substantia Reticular part of substantia
nigrae nigra nigra
5884 Pars lateralis substantiae Lateral part of substantia nigra Lateral part of substantia nigra
5885 Tegmentum mesencephali Pars posterior pedunculi cerebri Tegmentum of midbrain Tegmentum of midbrain Mesencephalic tegmentum Pars dorsalis pedunculi cerebri
Endnote 855
5886 Substantia grisea tegmenti Grey matter of tegmentum of Gray matter of tegmentum of
mesencephali midbrain midbrain
5887 Nucleus mesencephalicus Nucleus tractus mesencepahlici Mesencephalic nucleus of Mesencephalic nucleus of Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus Nucleus mesencephalicus
nervi trigemini nervi trigemini trigeminal nerve trigeminal nerve trigeminalis
Endnote 856
5888 Nucleus brachii colliculi Nucleus of brachium of inferior Nucleus of brachium of inferior Rostral part of paralemniscal
inferioris colliculus colliculus nucleus
5889 Nucleus parabigeminalis Parabigeminal nucleus Parabigeminal nucleus Caudal part of paralemniscal
nucleus; Cholinergic cell group
Endnote 857
5890 Nucleus nervi trochlearis Nucleus of trochlear nerve Nucleus of trochlear nerve Trochlear nucleus Nucleus trochlearis; Nucleus of
cranial nerve IV
5891 Complexus oculomotorius Oculomotor complex Oculomotor complex
5892 Nucleus nervi oculomotorius Nucleus principalis nervi Nucleus of oculomotor nerve Nucleus of oculomotor nerve Oculomotor nucleus Nucleus oculomotorius; Nucleus of
oculomotorius cranial nerve III
5893 Nucleus accessorius nervi Accessory nucleus of Accessory nucleus of Accessory oculomotor nucleus Nucleus oculomotorius
oculomotorii oculomotor nucleus oculomotor nucleus accessorius; Nucleus
oculomotorius autonomicus;
Edinger-Westphal nucleus
5894 Nucleus tegmentalis Nucleus tegmentalis dorsolateralis Lateroposterior tegmental Lateroposterior tegmental Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus Cholinergic cell group Ch6
posterolateralis nucleus nucleus
5895 Nucleus tegmentalis Pedunculopontine tegmental Pedunculopontine tegmental Pedunculopontine nucleus Cholinergic cell group Ch5
pedunculopontinus nucleus nucleus
5896 Nuclei areae tegmentalis Nuclei areae tegmentalis ventralis Nuclei of anterior tegmental Nuclei of anterior tegmental Nuclei of ventral tegmental area Ventral tegmental area of Tsai;
anterioris area area Nuclei tegmentales anteriores;
Anterior tegmental nuclei;
Dopaminergic cell group A10;
Serotonergic cell group B8
5897 Nucleus interpeduncularis Interpeduncular nucleus Interpeduncular nucleus Ganglion of von Gudden
5898 Nucleus ruber Red nucleus Red nucleus
5899 Formatio reticularis Reticular formation of midbrain Reticular formation of midbrain Dopaminergic cell group A8
5900 Nucleus cuneiformis Cuneiform nucleus Cuneiform nucleus
5901 Nucleus subcuneiformis Subcuneiform nucleus Subcuneiform nucleus
5902 Nucleus intracuneiformis Intracuneiform nucleus Intracuneiform nucleus
5903 Substantia alba tegmenti White matter of tegmentum of White matter of tegmentum of
mesencephali midbrain midbrain
5904 Decussatio pedunculorum Decussation of superior Decussation of superior
cerebellarium superiorum cerebellar peduncles cerebellar peduncles
5905 Decussationes tegmenti Tegmental decussations Tegmental decussations Endnote 858 TA2, Part 5 260

5906 Decussatio tegmentalis Anterior tegmental Anterior tegmental Ventral tegmental decussation Decussation of Forel
anterior decussation decussation
5907 Decussatio tegmentalis Posterior tegmental Posterior tegmental Dorsal tegmental decussation Meynert’s decussation
posterior decussation decussation
5908 Structurae centrales Central mesencephalic Central mesencephalic Central stuctures of midbrain
mesencephali structures structures
5909 Substantia grisea Substantia grisea centralis Peri-aqueductal grey substance Periaqueductal gray substance Central gray substance of midbrain Griseum centrale mesencephali
periaquaeductalis mesencephali; Substantia grisea
5910 Aquaeductus mesencephali Aqueductus mesencephali; Aqueduct of midbrain Aqueduct of midbrain Cerebral aqueduct Aquaeductus Sylvii
Aquaeductus cerebri; Aqueductus Endnote 859
5911 Tectum mesencephali Lamina tecti; Lamina quadrigemina Tectum of midbrain Tectum of midbrain Tectal plate; Quadrigeminal plate
5912 Colliculus superior Superior colliculus Superior colliculus Colliculus rostralis; Colliculus
cranialis; Optic tectum
Endnote 860
5913 Strata colliculus superioris Layers of superior colliculus Layers of superior colliculus Strata grisea colliculi superioris
5914 Brachium colliculi superioris Brachium of superior colliculus Brachium of superior colliculus Brachium quadrigeminum
superius; Brachium colliculi
5915 Commissura colliculorum Commissure of superior colliculi Commissure of superior colliculi Commissurea colliculi superioris
5916 Colliculus inferior Inferior colliculus Inferior colliculus Colliculus caudalis
5917 Nuclei colliculi inferioris Nuclei of inferior colliculus Nuclei of inferior colliculus
5918 Brachium colliculi inferioris Brachium of inferior colliculus Brachium of inferior colliculus Brachium quadrigeminum inferius;
Brachium colliculi caudalis
5919 Commissura colliculorum Commissure of inferior colliculi Commissure of inferior colliculi Commissura colliculi inferioris
5920 Decussatio trochlearis Decussatio fibrarum nervorum Trochlear decussation Trochlear decussation Decussation of trochlear nerve Decussatio nervorum trochlearium
trochlearium fibres; Decussation of trochlear Endnote 861
nerve fibers

5921 Pons Pons Pons

5922 Angulus pontocerebellaris Cerebellopontine angle Cerebellopontine angle Trigonum pontocerebellare
5923 Sulcus basilaris Basilar sulcus Basilar sulcus
5924 Sulcus bulbopontinus Medullopontine sulcus Medullopontine sulcus
5925 Pars basilaris pontis Pars ventralis pontis Basilar part of pons Basilar part of pons
5926 Nuclei pontis Pontine nuclei Pontine nuclei Griseum pontis
5927 Fibrae longitudinales pontis Fibrae pontis longitudinales Longitudinal pontine fibres Longitudinal pontine fibers Fasciculi longitudinales pontis
5928 Fibrae transversae pontis Fibrae pontis transversae Transverse pontine fibres Transverse pontine fibers
5929 Tegmentum pontis Pars dorsalis pontis Tegmentum of pons Tegmentum of pons Pontine tegmentum
5930 Substantia grisea tegmenti pontis Grey matter of pontine tegmentum Gray matter of pontine tegmentum
5931 Pars oralis nuclei spinalis nervi Subnucleus oralis Oral part of spinal trigeminal Oral part of spinal trigeminal Oral subnucleus
trigeminalis nucleus nucleus TA2, Part 5 261

5932 Nucleus sensorius principalis Nucleus principalis nervi trigemini Principal sensory nucleus of Principal sensory nucleus of Principal sensory trigeminal Nucleus sensorius superior nervi
nervi trigemini trigeminal nerve trigeminal nerve nucleus trigemini; Nucleus pontinus nervi
Endnote 862
5933 Nuclei vestibulares Vestibular nuclei Vestibular nuclei Endnote 863
5934 Nucleus vestibularis superior Superior vestibular nucleus Superior vestibular nucleus Nucleus vestibularis cranialis;
Nucleus vestibularis rostralis;
Angular nucleus of Bechterew
5935 Nucleus vestibularis lateralis Lateral vestibular nucleus Lateral vestibular nucleus Deiter’s nucleus
5936 Nuclei corporis trapezoidei Nuclei of trapezoid body Nuclei of trapezoid body Periolivary complex Nucleus trapezoidalis
5937 Nucleus olivaris superior Superior olivary nucleus Superior olivary nucleus Superior olivary complex Nucleus olivaris cranialis; Nucleus
olivaris rostralis; Dorsal nucleus of
trapezoid body
5938 Nuclei lemnisci lateralis Nuclei of lateral lemniscus Nuclei of lateral lemniscus Lemniscal nuclei
5939 Nucleus nervi facialis Motor nucleus of facial nerve Motor nucleus of facial nerve Nucleus of facial nerve; Facial Motor nucleus of cranial nerve VII;
nucleus Nucleus facialis
5940 Nucleus motorius nervi trigemini Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve Motor trigeminal nerve Motor nucleus of cranial nerve V;
Nucleus motorius trigeminalis
5941 Nucleus nervi abducentis Nucleus of abducens nerve Nucleus of abducens nerve Abducens nucleus Nucleus of cranial nerve VI;
Nucleus abducens
5942 Nucleus salivatorius superior Superior salivatory nucleus Superior salivatory nucleus Nucleus salivatorius cranialis;
Nucleus salivatorius rostralis
5943 Nucleus lacrimalis Lacrimal nucleus Lacrimal nucleus
5944 Nucleus caeruleus Caerulean nucleus Cerulean nucleus Locus caeruleus Coerulean nucleus; Locus
coeruleus; Noradrenergic cell
group A6
5945 Nuclei parabrachiales Parabrachial nuclei Parabrachial nuclei Kölliker-Fuse nucleus
5946 Substantia grisea centralis pontis Pontine central grey matter Pontine central gray matter Griseum centrale pontis;
Periaqueductal gray caudal zone
5947 Nucleus tegmentalis posterior Nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis Posterior tegmental nucleus Posterior tegmental nucleus Dorsal tegmental nucleus Dorsal tegmental nucleus of
Gudden; Von Gudden’s nucleus
5948 Formatio reticularis pontis Pontine reticular formation Pontine reticular formation
5949 Nucleus reticularis caudalis Nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis; Caudal pontine reticular nucleus Caudal pontine reticular nucleus Nucleus reticularis paramedianus;
pontis Nucleus pontis centralis caudalis Paramedian reticular nucleus
5950 Nucleus reticularis rostralis Nucleus reticularis oralis pontis Rostral pontine reticular nucleus Rostral pontine reticular nucleus Oral pontine reticular nucleus Nucleus pontis centralis oralis;
pontis Nucleus centralis oralis pontis
5951 Nucleus tegmentalis anterior Nucleus tegmentalis ventralis Anterior tegmental nucleus Anterior tegmental nucleus Ventral tegmental nucleus Ventral tegmental nucleus of
5952 Nucleus reticularis tegmenti Reticulotegmental nucleus Reticulotegmental nucleus Nucleus papilloformis
5953 Substantia alba tegmenti pontis White matter of pontine tegmentum White matter of pontine tegmentum
5954 Raphe pontis Raphe of pons Raphe of pons Raphe mediana pontina
5955 Nuclei raphes pontis Pontine raphe nuclei Pontine raphe nuclei
5956 Nucleus medianus raphes Nucleus raphes medianus Median raphe nucleus Median raphe nucleus Superior central nucleus; Nucleus
raphes pontis; Serotonergic cell
groups B5, B8 and B9 TA2, Part 5 262

5957 Nucleus posterior raphes Nucleus raphes posterior; Nucleus Posterior raphe nucleus Posterior raphe nucleus Dorsal raphe nucleus Nucleus supratrochlearis;
dorsalis raphes; Nucleus raphes Serotonergic cell groups B6 and
dorsalis B7
5958 Nucleus supragenualis Supragenual nucleus Supragenual nucleus Paramedian tract cell group 3
5959 Genu fibrarum nervi facialis Genu nervi facialis Genu of fibres of facial nerve Genu of fibers of facial nerve Genu of facial nerve Internal genu of facial nerve
5960 Corpus trapezoideum Trapezoid body Trapezoid body
5961 Tractus olivocochlearis Olivocochlear tract Olivocochlear tract Bundle of Rasmussen
5962 Stria cochlearis anterior Anterior acoustic stria Anterior acoustic stria Ventral acoustic stria
5963 Stria cochlearis intermedia Intermediate acoustic stria Intermediate acoustic stria
5964 Stria cochlearis posterior Posterior acoustic stria Posterior acoustic stria Dorsal acoustic stria
5965 Commissura cochlearis pontis Auditory commissure of pons Auditory commissure of pons

5966 Ventriculus quartus Fourth ventricle Fourth ventricle Endnote 864

5967 Apertura inferior aquaeductus Apertura inferior aqueductus Inferior opening of aqueduct of Inferior opening of aqueduct of Inferior opening of cerebral Caudal opening of aqueduct of
mesencephali mesencephali; Apertura inferior midbrain midbrain aqueduct midbrain; Caudal opening of
aquaeductus cerebri cerebral aqueduct
5968 Recessus lateralis ventriculi quarti Lateral recess of fourth ventricle Lateral recess of fourth ventricle
5969 Apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti Lateral aperture of fourth ventricle Lateral aperture of fourth ventricle Foramen of Luscka
5970 Apertura mediana ventriculi quarti Median aperture of fourth ventricle Median aperture of fourth ventricle Foramen of Magendie
5971 Fossa rhomboidea Rhomboid fossa Rhomboid fossa Floor of the fourth ventricle
5972 Sulcus medianus fossae Median sulcus of rhomboid fossa Median sulcus of rhomboid fossa
5973 Sulcus limitans Sulcus limitans Sulcus limitans Endnote 865
5974 Tegmen ventriculi quarti Roof of fourth ventricle Roof of fourth ventricle
5975 Fastigium Fastigium Fastigium
5976 Velum medullare superius Superior medullary velum Superior medullary velum Velum medullare anterius
Endnote 866
5977 Frenulum veli medullaris Frenulum of superior medullary Frenulum of superior medullary Frenulum veli medullaris anterioris
superioris velum velum
5978 Velum medullare inferius Inferior medullary velum Inferior medullary velum Velum medullare posterius
Endnote 867
5979 Tela chorioidea ventriculi quarti Tela choroidea ventriculi quarti Tela choroidea of fourth ventricle Tela choroidea of fourth ventricle Choroid membrane of fourth Endnote 868
5980 Plexus chorioideus ventriculi quarti Plexus choroideus ventriculi quarti Choroid plexus of fourth ventricle Choroid plexus of fourth ventricle
5981 Taenia cinerea Taenia ventriculi quarti Taenia cinerea Tenia cinerea Gray line; Taenia of fourth ventricle
5982 Obex Obex Obex

5983 Medulla oblongata Myelencephalon; Bulbus Medulla oblongata Medulla oblongata Mylencephalon; Bulb Endnote 869
5984 Fissura mediana anterior medullae Anterior median fissure of medulla Anterior median fissure of medulla Ventral median fissure of medulla Sulcus mediana ventralis
oblongatae oblongata oblongata oblongata
5985 Pyramis medullae oblongatae Pyramis bulbi Pyramid of medulla oblongata Pyramid of medulla oblongata Endnote 870
5986 Sulcus anterolateralis medullae Sulcus lateralis anterior medullae Anterolateral sulcus of medulla Anterolateral sulcus of medulla Ventrolateral sulcus of medulla Sulcus ventrolateralis
oblongatae oblongatae oblongata oblongata oblongata Endnote 871
5987 Funiculus lateralis medullae Lateral funiculus of medulla Lateral funiculus of medulla
oblongatae oblongata oblongata
5988 Oliva Olive Olive
5989 Sulcus retroolivaris Retro-olivary groove Retro-olivary groove Endnote 872 TA2, Part 5 263

5990 Tuberculum trigeminale Trigeminal tubercle Trigeminal tubercle Tuber cinereum
Endnote 873
5991 Sulcus posterolateralis medullae Sulcus lateralis posterior medullae Posterolateral sulcus of medulla Posterolateral sulcus of medulla Dorsolateral sulcus of medulla Sulcus dorsolateralis
oblongatae oblongatae oblongata oblongata oblongata
5992 Tuberculum cuneatum Tuberculum nuclei cuneati Cuneate tubercle Cuneate tubercle
5993 Tuberculum gracile Tuberculum nuclei gracilis Gracile tubercle Gracile tubercle
5994 Sulcus medianus posterior Posterior median sulcus of medulla Posterior median sulcus of medulla Dorsal median fissure of medulla Sulcus medianus dorsalis
medullae oblongatae oblongata oblongata oblongata
5995 Pars superior medullae oblongatae Pars aperta meudllae oblongatae Superior medulla oblongata Superior medulla oblongata Upper medulla oblongata; Open Pars rostralis medullae
medulla oblongata oblongatae; Rostral medulla
5996 Pars inferior medullae oblongatae Pars clausa medullae oblongatae Inferfior medulla oblongata Inferfior medulla oblongata Lower medulla oblongata; Closed Pars caudalis medullae
medulla oblongata oblongatae; Caudal medulla
5997 Substantia grisea medullae Grey matter of medulla Gray matter of medulla
oblongatae oblongata oblongata
5998 Nucleus gracilis Gracile nucleus Gracile nucleus Nucleus of Goll; Nucleus funiculi
5999 Nucleus cuneatus Cuneate nucleus Cuneate nucleus Nucleus of Burdach; Nucleus
funiculi cuneati
6000 Nucleus cuneatus accessorius Nucleus cuneatus lateralis Accessory cuneate nucleus Accessory cuneate nucleus Lateral cuneate nucleus External cuneate nucelus; Nucleus
of von Monakow
Endnote 874
6001 Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve Spinal trigeminal nucleus Nucleus tractus spinalis nervi
trigemini; Nucleus inferior nervi
6002 Pars caudalis nuclei spinalis Subnucleus caudalis Caudal part of spinal trigeminal Caudal part of spinal trigeminal Caudal subnucleus
nervi trigeminalis nucleus nucleus
6003 Pars interpolaris nuclei spinalis Subnucleus interpolaris Interpolar part of spinal Interpolar part of spinal Interpolar subnucleus
nervi trigeminalis trigeminal nucleus trigeminal nucleus
6004 Nucleus vestibularis medialis Medial vestibular nucleus Medial vestibular nucleus Nucleus of Schwalbe
6005 Nucleus vestibularis inferior Inferior vestibular nucleus Inferior vestibular nucleus Spinal vestibular nucleus Descending vestibular nucleus;
Nucleus vestibularis caudalis
6006 Nucleus cochlearis anterior Anterior cochlear nucleus Anterior cochlear nucleus Ventral cochlear nucleus Nucleus cochlearis ventralis
6007 Nucleus cochlearis posterior Posterior cochlear nucleus Posterior cochlear nucleus Dorsal cochlear nucleus Nucleus cochlearis dorsalis
6008 Nucleus tractus solitarii Nucleus of solitary tract Nucleus of solitary tract Solitary nucleus Nuclei tractus solitarii
6009 Area postrema Area postrema Area postrema
6010 Nucleus nervi hypoglossi Nucleus of hypoglossal nerve Nucleus of hypoglossal nerve Hypoglossal nucleus Nucleus hypoglossalis; Nucleus of
cranial nerve XII
6011 Nucleus ambiguus Nucleus ambiguus Nucleus ambiguus
6012 Nucleus retrofacialis Retrofacial nucleus Retrofacial nucleus
6013 Nucleus posterior nervi vagi Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi; Posterior nucleus of vagus nerve Posterior nucleus of vagus nerve Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve; Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
Nucleus vagalis dorsalis Dorsal vagal nucleus nerve; Posterior nucleus of cranial
nerve X
Endnote 875 TA2, Part 5 264

6014 Nucleus salivatorius inferior Inferior salivatory nucleus Inferior salivatory nucleus Nucleus dorsalis nervi
glossopharyngei; Nucleus
salivatorius caudalis
Endnote 876
6015 Nucleus retroambiguus Retroambiguus nucleus Retroambiguus nucleus
6016 Nucleus arcuatus medullae Arcuate nucleus of medulla Arcuate nucleus of medulla Nuclei arcuati
oblongatae oblongata oblongata
6017 Nuclei perihypoglossales Perihypoglossal nuclei Perihypoglossal nuclei
6018 Nucleus subhypoglossalis Subhypoglossal nucleus Subhypoglossal nucleus Nucleus of Roller
6019 Nucleus intercalatus Intercalated nucleus Intercalated nucleus Nucleus of Staderini
6020 Nucleus prepositus Nucleus praepositus Prepositus nucleus Prepositus nucleus Prepositus hypoglossal nucleus Nucleus of Marburg
6021 Complexus olivaris inferior Nuclei olivares inferiores Inferior olivary complex Inferior olivary complex Nucleus olivaris
6022 Nucleus olivaris inferior Nucleus olivaris inferior Principal inferior olivary nucleus Principal inferior olivary nucleus Inferior olivary nucleus Principal olive; Nucleus olivaris
principalis caudalis
6023 Hilum nuclei olivaris inferioris Hilum of inferior olivary nucleus Hilum of inferior olivary nucleus Hilum nuclei olivaris; Hilus nuclei
Endnote 877
6024 Nucleus olivaris accessorius Nucleus olivaris accessorius Posterior accessory olivary Posterior accessory olivary Dorsal accessory olivary nucleus Dorsal accessory olive
posterior dorsalis nucleus nucleus
6025 Nucleus olivaris accessorius Medial accessory olivary nucleus Medial accessory olivary nucleus Medial accessory olive
6026 Formatio reticularis medullae Medullary reticular formation Medullary reticular formation Substantia reticularis medullae
oblongatae oblongatae
Endnote 878
6027 Nucleus reticularis centralis Central reticular nucleus Central reticular nucleus Nucleus centralis medullae
oblongatae; Central nucleus of
medulla oblongata; Adrenergic cell
group C2; Noradrenergic cell group
6028 Nucleus gigantocellularis Gigantocellular nucleus Gigantocellular nucleus Gigantocellular reticular nucleus
6029 Nucleus paragigantocellularis Lateral paragigantocellular nucleus Lateral paragigantocellular nucleus Lateral paragigantocellular reticular Subretrofacial vasomotor nucleus;
lateralis nucleus Adrenergic cell group C1;
Noradrenergic cell group A1
6030 Nucleus reticularis parvocellularis Parvocellular reticular nucleus Parvocellular reticular nucleus Adrenergic cell group C1;
Noradrenergic cell groups A1 and
6031 Nucleus paragigantocellularis Nucleus paragigantocellularis Posterior paragigantocellular Posterior paragigantocellular Dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus Nucleus supragigantocellularis
posterior dorsalis nucleus nucleus
6032 Nucleus reticularis lateralis Lateral reticular nucleus Lateral reticular nucleus Nucleus lateralis medullae
6033 Substantia alba medullae White matter of medulla White matter of medulla
oblongatae oblongata oblongata
6034 Raphe medullae oblongatae Raphe of medulla oblongata Raphe of medulla oblongata Raphe mediana medullae
6035 Nuclei raphes medullae Raphe nuclei of medulla Raphe nuclei of medulla
oblongatae oblongata oblongata
6036 Nucleus pallidus raphes Nucleus raphes pallidus Pallidus raphe nucleus Pallidus raphe nucleus Serotonergic cell group B1 TA2, Part 5 265

6037 Nucleus obscurus raphes Nucleus raphes obscurus Obscurus raphe nucleus Obscurus raphe nucleus Serotonergic cell group B2
6038 Nucleus magnus raphes Nucleus raphes magnus Magnus raphe nucleus Magnus raphe nucleus Serotonergic cell group B3
6039 Nucleus paramedianus posterior Nucleus paramedianus dorsalis Posterior paramedian nucleus Posterior paramedian nucleus Dorsal paramedian nucleus
6040 Tractus pyramidalis Fibrae pyramidales Pyramidal tract Pyramidal tract Pyramidal fibres; Pyramidal fibers Faciculus pyramidalis
Endnote 879
6041 Decussatio pyramidum Decussation of pyramids Decussation of pyramids Motor decussation Decussatio motoria
Endnote 880
6042 Fibrae arcuatae internae Internal arcuate fibres Internal arcuate fibers Endnote 881
6043 Decussatio lemniscorum Decussatio lemniscorum Decussation of medial lemniscus Decussation of medial lemniscus Sensory decussation Decussatio lemnisci medialis;
medialium Decussatio sensoria
6044 Fibrae arcuatae externae Anterior external arcuate fibres Anterior external arcuate fibers Ventral external arcuate fibers
6045 Fibrae arcuatae externae Posterior external arcuate fibres Posterior external arcuate fibers Dorsal external arcuate fibers
6046 Striae medullares ventriculi quarti Medullary striae of fourth ventricle Medullary striae of fourth ventricle
6047 Amiculum olivare Amiculum of olive Amiculum of olive
6048 Tractus solitarius Sollitary tract Solitary tract

6049 Medulla spinalis Spinal cord Spinal cord

6050 Intumescentia cervicalis Cervical enlargement Cervical enlargement
6051 Intumescentia lumbosacralis Lumbosacral enlargement Lumbosacral enlargement Intumescentia lumbalis
6052 Conus medullaris Conus medullaris Conus medullaris Medullary cone
6053 Fissura mediana anterior medullae Anterior median fissure of spinal Anterior median fissure of spinal Ventral median fissure of spinal Fissura mediana ventralis
spinalis cord cord cord
6054 Sulcus anterolateralis medullae Sulcus lateralis anterior medullae Anterolateral sulcus of spinal cord Anterolateral sulcus of spinal cord Ventrolateral sulcus of spinal cord Sulcus ventrolateralis
spinalis spinalis
6055 Sulcus posterolateralis medullae Sulcus lateralis posterior medullae Posterolateral sulcus of spinal cord Posterolateral sulcus of spinal cord Dorsolateral sulcus of spinal cord Sulcus dorsolateralis
spinalis spinalis
6056 Sulcus intermedius posterior Posterior intermediate sulcus of Posterior intermediate sulcus of Dorsal intermediate sulcus of Sulcus intermedius dorsalis
medullae spinalis spinal cord spinal cord spinal cord
6057 Sulcus medianus posterior Posterior median sulcus of spinal Posterior median sulcus of spinal Dorsal median sulcus Sulcus medianus dorsalis
medullae spinalis cord cord
6058 Pars cervicalis medullae spinalis Segmenta cervicalia medullae Cervical part of spinal cord Cervical part of spinal cord Cervical segments of spinal cord Spinal segments C1-C8
spinalis Endnote 882
6059 Pars thoracica medullae spinalis Segmenta thoracica medullae Thoracic part of spinal cord Thoracic part of spinal cord Thoracic segments of spinal cord Pars thoracalis medullae spinalis
spinalis Spinal segments T1-T12
6060 Pars lumbalis medullae spinalis Segmenta lumbalia medullae Lumbar part of spinal cord Lumbar part of spinal cord Lumbar segments of spinal cord Spinal segments L1-L5
6061 Pars sacralis medullae spinalis Segmenta sacralia medullae Sacral part of spinal cord Sacral part of spinal cord Sacral segments of spinal cord Spinal segments S1-S5
6062 Pars coccygea medullae spinalis Segmentum coccygeum medullae Coccygeal part of spinal cord Coccygeal part of spinal cord Coccygeal segment of spinal cord Spinal segment Co
6063 Substantia grisea medullae Columnae griseae medullae Grey matter of spinal cord Gray matter of spinal cord Grey columns of spinal cord; Endnote 883
spinalis spinalis Gray columns of spinal cord
6064 Cornu posterius medullae spinalis Columna grisea posterior Posterior horn of spinal cord Posterior horn of spinal cord Dorsal horn of spinal cord Posterior gray column
6065 Apex cornus posterioris Nucleus marginalis; Apex Apex of posterior horn Apex of posterior horn Marginal nucleus; Marginal zone Spinal lamina I
columnae posterioris TA2, Part 5 266

6066 Caput cornus posterioris Caput columnae posterioris Head of posterior horn Head of posterior horn Spinal lamina II-IV
6067 Substantia gelatinosa Gelatinous substance of Gelatinous substance of Spinal lamina II; Substance of
posterior horn posterior horn Rolando; Substantia Rolandi
6068 Nucleus proprius Nucleus proprius Nucleus proprius Spinal laminae III and IV
6069 Cervix cornus posterioris Cervix columnae posterioris Neck of posterior horn Neck of posterior horn Spinal lamina V
6070 Basis cornus posterioris Base of posterior horn Base of posterior horn Spinal lamina VI
6071 Processus reticularis spinalis Formatio reticularis spinalis Spinal reticular process Spinal reticular process Spinal reticular formation Endnote 884
6072 Zona intermedia medullae spinalis Columna grisea intermedia Intermediate zone of spinal cord Intermediate zone of spinal cord Intermediate gray column; Spinal
laminae VII
Endnote 885
6073 Substantia intermedia centralis Central intermediate substance Central intermediate substance Endnote 886
6074 Nucleus thoracicus posterior Posterior thoracic nucleus Posterior thoracic nucleus Dorsal thoracic nucleus Clarke’s column; Nucleus of
Stilling-Clarke; Nucleus dorsalis;
Nucleus thoracicus; Columna
thoracica; Nucleus Stillingi;
Nucleus Clarkii
Endnote 887
6075 Substantia intermedia lateralis Lateral intermediate substance Lateral intermediate substance Endnote 888
6076 Nucleus parasympathicus Sacral parasympathetic Sacral parasympathetic Endnote 889
sacralis nucleus nucleus
6077 Cornu lateralis medullae spinalis Columna grisea lateralis Lateral horn of spinal cord Lateral horn of spinal cord
6078 Nucleus intermediolateralis Intermediolateral nucleus Intermediolateral nucleus Columna intermediolateralis
Endnote 890
6079 Cornu anterius medullae spinalis Columna grisea anterior Anterior horn of spinal cord Anterior horn of spinal cord Ventral horn of spinal cord Anterior gray column; Spinal
laminae VIII and IX
6080 Nuclei motorii mediales Medial motor nuclei of spinal Medial motor nuclei of spinal
nervorum spinalium nerves nerves
6081 Nuclei motorii laterales nervorum Lateral motor nuclei of spinal Lateral motor nuclei of spinal
spinalium nerves nerves
6082 Nucleus nervi accessorii Nucleus of accessory nerve Nucleus of accessory nerve Accessory nucleus
6083 Nucleus nervi phrenici Nucleus of phrenic nerve Nucleus of phrenic nerve
6084 Nucleus nervi pudendalis Nucleus of pudendal nerve Nucleus of pudendal nerve Onuf’s nucleus; Nucleus of
6085 Substantia alba medullae White matter of spinal cord White matter of spinal cord White columns of spinal cord Endnote 891
6086 Funiculus posterior Posterior funiculus Posterior funiculus Dorsal funiculus Dorsal white column; Dorsal
Endnote 892
6087 Fasciculus proprius posterior Posterior fasciculus proprius Posterior fasciculus proprius Dorsal fasciculus proprius
6088 Fasciculus gracilis Gracile fasciculus Gracile fasciculus Pars medialis fasciculi dorsalis;
Funiculus gracilis; Tract of Goll;
Fasciculus Golli
6089 Fasciculus cuneatus Cuneate fasciculus Cuneate fasciculus Tract of Burdach; Funiculus
cuneatus; Fasciculus Burdachi
Endnote 893
6090 Fibrae spinograciles Spinogracile fibres Spinogracile fibers Endnote 894
6091 Fibrae spinocuneatae Spinocuneate fibres Spinocuneate fibers Endnote 895 TA2, Part 5 267

6092 Fasciculus posterolateralis Tractus posterolateralis Posterolateral tract Posterolateral tract Dorsolateral tract Tractus dorsolateralis; Lissauer’s
tract; Zone of Lissauer
6093 Funiculus lateralis Lateral funiculus Lateral funiculus Lateral white column; Lateral
6094 Fasciculus proprius lateralis Lateral fasciculus proprius Lateral fasciculus proprius Fasciculus lateralis Fleschsigi
6095 Tractus corticospinalis lateralis Lateral corticospinal tract Lateral corticospinal tract Tractus pyramidalis lateralis
6096 Tractus reticulospinalis lateralis Tractus bulboreticulospinalis Lateral reticulospinal tract Lateral reticulospinal tract Bulboreticulospinal tract; Medullary
reticulospinal tract
6097 Tractus rubrospinalis Rubrospinal tract Rubrospinal tract Tract of von Monakow
6098 Fibrae hypothalamospinales Hypothalamospinal fibres Hypothalamospinal fibers
6099 Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior Posterior spinocerebellar tract Posterior spinocerebellar tract Dorsal spinocerebellar tract Tract of Flechsig
6100 Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior Anterior spinocerebellar tract Anterior spinocerebellar tract Ventral spinocerebellar tract Tract of Gowers; Fasciculus
anterolateralis superficialis;
Fasciculus Gowersi
6101 Fasciculus anterolateralis Tractus anterolaterales Anterolateral fasciculus Anterolateral fasciculus Anterolateral tracts; Ventrolateral Anterolateral system; Anterolateral
fasciculus; Ventrolateral tracts funiculus; Ventrolateral funiculus
6102 Tractus spinothalamici Fibrae spinothalamicae Spinothalamic tracts Spinothalamic tracts Spinothalamic fibers
6103 Tractus spinothalamicus anterior Anterior spinothalamic tract Anterior spinothalamic tract Ventral spinothalamic tract Tract of Dejerine
6104 Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis Lateral spinothalamic tract Lateral spinothalamic tract Tract of Edinger
Endnote 896
6105 Tractus spinoreticularis Fibrae spinoreticulares Spinoreticular tract Spinoreticular tract Spinoreticular fibers
6106 Tractus spinomesencephalicus Fibrae spinomesencephalicae Spinomesencephalic tract Spinomesencephalic tract Spinomesencephalic fibers
6107 Tractus spinotectalis Spinotectal tract Spinotectal tract Bundle of Held
6108 Fibrae spinoperiaquaeductales Fibrae spinoperiaqueductales Spinoperiaqueductal fibres Spinoperiaqueductal fibers
6109 Tractus spinoolivaris Fibrae spinoolivares Spino-olivary tract Spinoolivary tract Spinoolivary fibers
6110 Funiculus anterior Anterior funiculus Anterior funiculus Ventral funiculus Ventral white column; Ventral

6111 Fasciculus proprius anterior Anterior fasciculus proprius Anterior fasciculus proprius Ventral fasciculus proprius Fasciculus anterior Flechsigi
6112 Tractus corticospinalis anterior Anterior corticospinal tract Anterior corticospinal tract Tractus pyramidalis anterior; Tract
of Türck
6113 Tractus vestibulospinalis lateralis Lateral vestibulospinal tract Lateral vestibulospinal tract
6114 Tractus vestibulospinalis medialis Medial vestibulospinal tract Medial vestibulospinal tract Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis
6115 Fibrae reticulospinales funiculi Tractus reticulospinales funiculi Reticulospinal fibres of anterior Reticulospinal fibers of anterior Reticulospinal tracts of anterior Endnote 897
anterioris anterioris funiculus funiculus funiculus
6116 Tractus reticulospinalis Anterolateral reticulospinal tract Anterolateral reticulospinal tract Ventrolateral reticulospinal tract
6117 Tractus reticulospinalis anterior Anterior reticulospinal tract Anterior reticulospinal tract Ventral reticulospinal tract
6118 Tractus reticulospinalis medialis Tractus pontoreticulospinalis Medial reticulospinal tract Medial reticulospinal tract Pontoreticulospinal tract
6119 Tractus tectospinalis Tectospinal tract Tectospinal tract
6120 Structurae centrales medullae Central structures of spinal cord Central structures of spinal cord Central cord structures
6121 Area spinalis X Lamina spinalis X Spinal area X Spinal area X Spinal lamina X Endnote 898
6122 Commissura grisea anterior Anterior grey commissure Anterior gray commissure Ventral gray commissure Endnote 899
6123 Substantia gelatinosa centralis Central gelatinous substance Central gelatinous substance Substantia grisea centralis
6124 Commissura grisea posterior Posterior grey commissure Posterior gray commissure Dorsal gray commissure Endnote 900
6125 Commissura alba anterior Anterior white commissure Anterior white commissure Ventral white commissure TA2, Part 5 268

6126 Commissura alba posterior Posterior white commissure Posterior white commissure Dorsal white commissure
6127 Canalis centralis Central canal Central canal
6128 Ventriculus terminalis Terminal ventricle Terminal ventricle

6129 SYSTEMA NERVOSUM Pars peripherica systematis PERIPHERAL NERVOUS PERIPHERAL NERVOUS Systema nervorum periphericum
6131 Nervus motorius Motor nerve Motor nerve
6132 Nervus sensorius Sensory nerve Sensory nerve Nervus sensorialis
Endnote 902
6133 Nervus cutaneus Cutaneous nerve Cutaneous nerve Endnote 903
6134 Nervus mixtus Mixed nerve Mixed nerve
6135 Ramus cutaneus nervi Cutaneous branch of nerve Cutaneous branch of nerve
6136 Ramus articularis nervi Articular branch of nerve Articular branch of nerve
6137 Ramus muscularis nervi Muscular branch of nerve Muscular branch of nerve Endnote 904
6138 Ramus autonomicus nervi Autonomic branch of nerve Autonomic branch of nerve
6139 Ramus communicans nervi Communicating branch of nerve Communicating branch of nerve Ramus anastomoticus
Endnote 905
6140 Ramus ganglionicus nervi Ramus ganglionaris nervi Ganglionic branch of nerve Ganglionic branch of nerve
6141 Nervus autonomicus Autonomic nerve Autonomic nerve
6142 Nervus cranialis Cranial nerve Cranial nerve
6143 Nervus spinalis Spinal nerve Spinal nerve
6144 Truncus nervi spinalis Trunk of spinal nerve Trunk of spinal nerve
6145 Radix anterior nervi spinalis Radix motoria nervi spinalis; Radix Anterior root of spinal nerve Anterior root of spinal nerve Motor root of spinal nerve; Ventral Endnote 906
ventralis nervi spinalis root of spinal nerve
6146 Radix posterior nervi spinalis Radix sensoria nervi spinalis; Posterior root of spinal nerve Posterior root of spinal nerve Sensory root of spinal nerve;
Radix dorsalis nervi spinalis Dorsal root of spinal nerve
6147 Ramus anterior nervi spinalis Ramus ventralis nervi spinalis Anterior ramus of spinal nerve Anterior ramus of spinal nerve Ventral ramus of spinal nerve
6148 Ramus meningeus nervi Ramus recurrens nervi spinalis Meningeal branch of spinal Meningeal branch of spinal Recurrent branch of spinal nerve Nerve of Luschka; Sinuvertebral
spinalis nerve nerve nerve
6149 Ramus communicans griseus Grey communicating branch Gray communicating branch
nervi spinalis of spinal nerve of spinal nerve
6150 Ramus communicans albus White communicating branch White communicating branch
nervi spinalis of spinal nerve of spinal nerve
6151 Ramus posterior nervi spinalis Ramus dorsalis nervi spinalis Posterior ramus of spinal nerve Posterior ramus of spinal nerve Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve
6152 Ramus posterior medialis Ramus dorsalis medialis nervi Medial branch of posterior Medial branch of posterior Medial branch of dorsal ramus of
nervi spinalis spinalis ramus of spinal nerve ramus of spinal nerve spinal nerve
6153 Ramus posterior lateralis Ramus dorsalis lateralis nervi Lateral branch of posterior Lateral branch of posterior Lateral branch of dorsal ramus of
nervi spinalis spinalis ramus of spinal nerve ramus of spinal nerve spinal nerve
6154 Nervus Nerve Nerve
6155 Epineurium Epineurium Epineurium
6156 Perineurium Perineurium Perineurium
6157 Fasciculus nervi Nerve fascicle Nerve fascicle
6158 Endoneurium Endoneurium Endoneurium
6159 Neurofibrae periphericae Peripheral nerve fibres Peripheral nerve fibers
6161 Radix nervi Root of nerve Root of nerve TA2, Part 5 269

6162 Radicula nervi Rootlet of nerve Rootlet of nerve
6163 Cauda equina Cauda equina Cauda equina
6165 Ganglia sensoria Ganglia sensoria craniospinalia Sensory ganglia Sensory ganglia Craniospinal sensory ganglia Ganglia sensoralia; Ganglia
6166 Ganglion sensorium nervi Sensory ganglion of cranial Sensory ganglion of cranial Cranial sensory ganglion Ganglion sensoriale nervi
cranialis nerve nerve encephalici
6167 Ganglion spinale Ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis Spinal ganglion Spinal ganglion Sensory ganglion of spinal nerve; Ganglion spinale sensoriale
Dorsal root ganglion
6168 Ganglia autonomica Autonomic ganglia Autonomic ganglia Ganglia visceralia
6169 Ganglion sympathicum Sympathetic ganglion Sympathetic ganglion Ganglion sympatheticum
6170 Ganglion parasympathicum Parasympathetic ganglion Parasympathetic ganglion Ganglion parasympatheticum
6171 Ganglion viscerale Visceral ganglion Visceral ganglion Ganglion plexus autonomici
6173 Plexus nervorum spinalium Spinal nerve plexus Spinal nerve plexus
6174 Plexus autonomici Autonomic plexus Autonomic plexus
6175 Plexus visceralis Visceral plexus Visceral plexus Endnote 907
6176 Plexus perivascularis Perivascular plexus Perivascular plexus Plexus vascularis
Endnote 908
6177 Plexus periarterialis Peri-arterial plexus Periarterial plexus

6178 Nervi craniales Cranial nerves Cranial nerves Nervi cerebrales; Nervi capitales
Endnote 909
6179 Nervus terminalis Terminal nerve Terminal nerve Cranial nerve 0 Nervi terminales
Endnote 910
6180 Ganglion terminale Terminal ganglion Terminal ganglion
6181 Nervus olfactorius Nervus cranialis I Olfactory nerve Olfactory nerve Cranial nerve I Nervi olfactorii; Fila olfactoria;
Olfactory nerves; Olfactory fibre
bundles; Olfactory fiber bundles
6182 Filum olfactorium Olfactory fibre bundle Olfactory fiber bundle Olfactory nerve
6183 Nervus opticus Nervus cranialis II Optic nerve Optic nerve Cranial nerve II Fasciculus opticus
6184 Vagina externa nervi optici Outer sheath of optic nerve Outer sheath of optic nerve
6185 Vagina interna nervi optici Inner sheath of optic nerve Inner sheath of optic nerve
6186 Spatium subarachnoidale nervi Spatium leptomeningeum nervi Subarachnoid space of optic Subarachnoid space of optic Leptomeningeal space of optic Spatium intervaginale; Spatium
optici optici; Spatium subarachnoideum nerve nerve nerve vaginale; Intervaginal
nervi optici subarachnoid space
6187 Nervus oculomotorius Nervus cranialis III Oculomotor nerve Oculomotor nerve Cranial nerve III Endnote 911
6188 Ramus superior nervi oculomotorii Superior branch of oculomotor Superior branch of oculomotor
nerve nerve
6189 Ramus inferior nervi oculomotorii Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
6190 Ramus ganglionicus ciliaris nervi Radix parasympathica ganglii Branch of oculomotor nerve to Branch of oculomotor nerve to Parasympathetic root of ciliary Radix oculomotoria ganglii ciliaris;
oculomotorii ciliaris; Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris ciliary ganglion ciliary ganglion ganglion Radix brevis ganglii ciliaris; Ramus
nervi oculomotorii nervi oculomotorii ad ganglion
ciliare; Oculomotor root of ciliary
6191 Nervus trochlearis Nervus cranialis IV Trochlear nerve Trochlear nerve Cranial nerve IV
6192 Nervus trigeminus Nervus cranialis V Trigeminal nerve Trigeminal nerve Cranial nerve V Endnote 912 TA2, Part 5 270

6193 Radix sensoria nervi trigemini Sensory root of trigeminal nerve Sensory root of trigeminal nerve Portio major nervi trigemini
6194 Ganglion trigeminale Ganglion semilunare Trigeminal ganglion Trigeminal ganglion Semilunar ganglion Ganglion Gasseri; Ganglion of
6195 Radix motoria nervi trigemini Motor root of trigeminal nerve Motor root of trigeminal nerve Portio minor nervi trigemini
6196 Nervus ophthalmicus Nervus cranialis V1 Ophthalmic nerve Ophthalmic nerve Cranial nerve V1; Ophthalmic
division of trigeminal nerve
6197 Ramus tentorius nervi ophthalmici Ramus meningeus recurrens nervi Tentorial branch of ophthalmic Tentorial branch of ophthalmic Recurrent meningeal branch of Ramus meningicus nervi
ophthalmici nerve nerve ophthalmic nerve ophthalmici; Nerve of Arnold
6198 Nervus lacrimalis Lacrimal nerve Lacrimal nerve
6199 Nervus frontalis Frontal nerve Frontal nerve Endnote 913
6200 Nervus supraorbitalis Supra-orbital nerve Supraorbital nerve Ramus lateralis nervi frontalis
6201 Ramus lateralis nervi Lateral branch of supra-orbital Lateral branch of supraorbital Nervus supraorbitalis
supraorbitalis nerve nerve
6202 Ramus medialis nervi Medial branch of supra-orbital Medial branch of supraorbital Ramus frontalis nervi frontalis;
supraorbitalis nerve nerve Ramus medialis nervi frontalis
6203 Nervus supratrochlearis Supratrochlear nerve Supratrochlear nerve
6204 Nervus nasociliaris Nasociliary nerve Nasociliary nerve
6205 Ramus ganglionicus ciliaris nervi Radix sensoria ganglii ciliaris; Branch of nasociliary nerve to Branch of nasociliary nerve to Sensory root of ciliary ganglion Radix nasociliaris ganglii ciliaris;
nasociliaris Ramus ganglionaris ciliaris nervi ciliary ganglion ciliary ganglion Radix longa ganglii ciliaris; Ramus
nasociliaris communicans nervi nasociliaris
cum ganglio ciliari; Nasociliary root
of ciliary ganglion
6206 Nervi ciliares longi Long ciliary nerves Long ciliary nerves
6207 Nervus ethmoideus posterior Nervus ethmoidalis posterior Posterior ethmoidal nerve Posterior ethmoidal nerve
6208 Nervus ethmoideus anterior Nervus ethmoidalis anterior Anterior ethmoidal nerve Anterior ethmoidal nerve
6209 Rami nasales interni nervi Rami nasales interni nervi Internal nasal branches of Internal nasal branches of
ethmoidei anterioris ethmoidalis anterioris anterior ethmoidal nerve anterior ethmoidal nerve
6210 Rami nasales laterales nervi Rami nasales laterales nervi Lateral nasal branches of Lateral nasal branches of Rami nasales anteriores laterales
ethmoidei anterioris ethmoidalis anterioris anterior ethmoidal nerve anterior ethmoidal nerve nervi ethmoidei anterioris
6211 Rami nasales mediales nervi Rami nasales mediales nervi Medial nasal branches of Medial nasal branches of Rami nasales anteriores septi nervi
ethmoidei anterioris ethmoidalis anterioris anterior ethmoidal nerve anterior ethmoidal nerve ethmoidei anterioris
6212 Ramus nasalis externus nervi Ramus nasalis externus nervi External nasal branch of External nasal branch of
ethmoidei anterioris ethmoidalis anterioris anterior ethmoidal nerve anterior ethmoidal nerve
6213 Ramus meningeus anterior Ramus meningeus anterior nervi Anterior meningeal branch of Anterior meningeal branch of
nervi ethmoidei anterioris ethmoidalis anterioris anterior ethmoidal nerve anterior ethmoidal nerve
6214 Nervus infratrochlearis Infratrochlear nerve Infratrochlear nerve
6215 Rami palpebrales nervi Palpebral branches of Palpebral branches of
infratrochlearis infratrochlear nerve infratrochlear nerve
6216 Nervus maxillaris Nervus cranialis V2 Maxillary nerve Maxillary nerve Cranial nerve V2; Maxillary division
of trigeminal nerve
6217 Ramus meningeus nervi maxillaris Meningeal branch of maxillary Meningeal branch of maxillary Ramus meningeus medius nervi
nerve nerve maxillaris; Ramus meningicus
nervi maxillaris
6218 Rami ganglionici pterygopalatini Radices sensoriae ganglii Branches of maxillary nerve to Branches of maxillary nerve to Sensory roots of pterygopalatine Nervi pterygopalatini; Nervi
nervi maxillaris pterygopalatini; Rami ganglionares pterygopalatine ganglion pterygopalatine ganglion ganglion sphenopalatini
pterygopalatini nervi maxillaris TA2, Part 5 271

6219 Rami nasales posteriores Lateral superior posterior nasal Lateral superior posterior nasal Rami nasales posteriores laterales
superiores laterales nervi maxillaris branches of maxillary nerve branches of maxillary nerve
6220 Rami nasales posteriores Medial superior posterior nasal Medial superior posterior nasal Rami nasales posteriores septi
superiores mediales nervi branches of maxillary nerve branches of maxillary nerve
6221 Nervus nasopalatinus Nasopalatine nerve Nasopalatine nerve Nervus Scarpae; Nerve of
Cotugno; Nerve of Scarpa
6222 Rami gingivales nervi Gingival branches of Gingival branches of
nasopalatini nasopalatine nerve nasopalatine nerve
6223 Nervus pharyngeus Ramus pharyngeus nervi maxillaris Pharyngeal nerve Pharyngeal nerve Pharyngeal branch of maxillary Endnote 914
6224 Nervus palatinus major Greater palatine nerve Greater palatine nerve Nervus palatinus anterior
Endnote 915
6225 Rami nasales posteriores Inferior posterior nasal branches Inferior posterior nasal branches Rami nasales posteriores
inferiores nervi palatini majoris of greater palatine nerve of greater palatine nerve inferiores laterales
6226 Rami gingivales nervi palatini Gingival branches of greater Gingival branches of greater
majoris palatine nerve palatine nerve
6227 Nervi palatini minores Lesser palatine nerves Lesser palatine nerves Endnote 916
6228 Nervus palatinus medius Middle palatine nerve Middle palatine nerve
6229 Nervus palatinus posterior Posterior palatine nerve Posterior palatine nerve Nervus palatinus minor
6230 Rami tonsillares nervorum Tonsillar branches of lesser Tonsillar branches of lesser
palatinorum minorum palatine nerves palatine nerves
6231 Nervus zygomaticus Zygomatic nerve Zygomatic nerve
6232 Nervus zygomaticotemporalis Ramus temporalis nervi zygomatici Zygomaticotemporal nerve Zygomaticotemporal nerve Temporal branch of zygomatic Ramus zygomaticotemporalis;
nerve Zygomaticotemporal branch
6233 (Ramus communicans Ramus communicans lacrimalis (Communicating branch of (Communicating branch of Ramus communicans nervi
lacrimalis nervi nervi zygomatici zygomaticotemporal nerve to zygomaticotemporal nerve to lacrimalis cum nervo zygomatico;
zygomaticotemporalis) lacrimal nerve) lacrimal nerve) Communicating branch of lacrimal
nerve with zygomatic nerve
Endnote 917
6234 Nervus zygomaticofacialis Ramus facialis nervi zygomatici Zygomaticofacial nerve Zygomaticofacial nerve Facial branch of zygomatic nerve Ramus zygomaticofacialis;
Zygomatico facial branch
6235 Nervus alveolaris superior Posterior superior alveolar nerve Posterior superior alveolar nerve Rami alveolares superiores
posterior posteriores nervi maxillaris; Rami
alveolares maxillares posteriores
6236 Plexus dentalis superior Superior dental plexus Superior dental plexus Plexus dentalis maxillaris
6237 Rami dentales superiores Superior dental branches of Superior dental branches of Rami dentales maxillares
nervorum alveolarium superiorum superior alveolar nerves superior alveolar nerves
6238 Rami gingivales nervorum Rami gingivales superiores Gingival branches of superior Gingival branches of superior Superior gingival branches of
alveolarium superiorum nervorum alveolarium superiorum alveolar nerves alveolar nerves superior alveolar nerves
6239 Nervus infraorbitalis Infra-orbital nerve Infraorbital nerve
6240 Nervus alveolaris superior Middle superior alveolar nerve Middle superior alveolar nerve Ramus alveolaris superior medius
medius nervi infraorbitalis; Ramus
alveolaris maxillaris medius
6241 Nervus alveolaris superior Anterior superior alveolar nerve Anterior superior alveolar nerve Rami alveolares superiores
anterior anteriores nervi infraorbitalis; Rami
alveolares maxillares anteriores TA2, Part 5 272

6242 Rami palpebrales nervi Rami palpebrales inferiores nervi Palpebral branches of infra- Palpebral branches of infraorbital Inferior palpebral branches of
infraorbitalis infraorbitalis orbital nerve nerve infraorbital nerve
6243 Rami nasales externi nervi External nasal branches of infra- External nasal branches of
infraorbitalis orbital nerve infraorbital nerve
6244 Rami nasales interni nervi Internal nasal branches of infra- Internal nasal branches of
infraorbitalis orbital nerve infraorbital nerve
6245 Rami labiales superiores nervi Superior labial branches of infra- Superior labial branches of Rami labiales maxillares
infraorbitalis orbital nerve infraorbital nerve
6246 Nervus mandibularis Nervus cranialis V3 Mandibular nerve Mandibular nerve Cranial nerve V3; Mandibular
division of trigeminal nerve
6247 Ramus meningeus nervi Ramus spinosus nervi Meningeal branch of mandibular Meningeal branch of mandibular Ramus meningicus; Nervus
mandibularis mandibularis nerve nerve spinosus
Endnote 918
6248 Rami ganglionici otici nervi Radices sensoriae ganglii otici Branches of mandibular nerve to Branches of mandibular nerve to Sensory roots of otic ganglion Rami ganglionares otici nervi
mandibularis otic ganglion otic ganglion mandibularis
6249 Divisio anterior nervi mandibularis Anterior division of mandibular Anterior division of mandibular
nerve nerve
6250 Nervus pterygoideus medialis Nerve to medial pterygoid Nerve to medial pterygoid Nervus pterygoideus internus
muscle muscle
6251 Nervus tensoris veli palatini Nervus musculi tensoris veli Nerve to tensor veli palatini Nerve to tensor veli palatini Nerve to tensor veli palatini muscle
6252 Nervus tensoris tympani Nervus musculi tensoris tympani Nerve to tensor tympani Nerve to tensor tympani Nerve to tensor tympani muscle
6253 Nervus massetericus Masseteric nerve Masseteric nerve
6254 Nervi temporales profundi Deep temporal nerves Deep temporal nerves
6255 Nervus temporalis profundus Posterior deep temporal nerve Posterior deep temporal nerve
6256 Nervus temporalis profundus Anterior deep temporal nerve Anterior deep temporal nerve
6257 Nervus pterygoideus lateralis Nerve to lateral pterygoid muscle Nerve to lateral pterygoid muscle Nervus pterygoideus externus
6258 Nervus buccalis Buccal nerve Buccal nerve Nervus buccinatorius
Endnote 919
6259 Rami gingivales nervi buccalis Gingival branches of buccal Gingival branches of buccal
nerve nerve
6260 Divisio posterior nervi mandibularis Posterior division of mandibular Posterior division of mandibular
nerve nerve
6261 Nervus auriculotemporalis Auriculotemporal nerve Auriculotemporal nerve
6262 Nervus meatus acustici externi Nerve to external acoustic Nerve to external acoustic Nervus meatus auditorii externi
meatus meatus Endnote 920
6263 Rami nervi auriculotemporalis Branches of auriculotemporal Branches of auriculotemporal
membranae tympani nerve to tympanic membrane nerve to tympanic membrane
6264 Rami parotidei nervi Parotid branches of Parotid branches of Rami parotidici
auriculotemporalis auriculotemporal nerve auriculotemporal nerve
6265 Nervi auriculares anteriores Anterior auricular nerves Anterior auricular nerves Nervi auriculares termporales
6266 Rami temporales superficiales Superficial temporal branches Superficial temporal branches
nervi auriculotemporalis of auriculotemporal nerve of auriculotemporal nerve
6267 Nervus lingualis Lingual nerve Lingual nerve TA2, Part 5 273

6268 Rami nervi lingualis isthmi Branches of lingual nerve to Branches of lingual nerve to Rami palatini nervi lingualis
facium isthmus of fauces isthmus of fauces
6269 Nervus sublingualis Sublingual nerve Sublingual nerve
6270 Rami linguales nervi lingualis Lingual branches of lingual Lingual branches of lingual
nerve nerve
6271 Ramus posterior ganglionicus Radix parasympathica ganglii Posterior branch of lingual Posterior branch of lingual Parasympathetic root of Radix sensoria ganglii
submandibularis nervi lingualis submandibularis; Ramus nerve to submandibular ganglion nerve to submandibular ganglion submandibular ganglion submandibularis
ganglionaris submandibularis
posterior nervi lingualis
6272 (Rami ganglionici sublinguales Radices ganglii sublinguales; Rami (Branches of lingual nerve to (Branches of lingual nerve to Roots of sublingual ganglion
nervi lingualis) ganglionares sublinguales nervi sublingual ganglion) sublingual ganglion)
6273 Rami gingivales nervi lingualis Gingival branches of lingual Gingival branches of lingual
nerve nerve
6274 Nervus alveolaris inferior Inferior alveolar nerve Inferior alveolar nerve Nervus alveolaris mandibularis
6275 Nervus mylohyoideus Nerve to mylohyoid muscle Nerve to mylohyoid muscle
6276 Plexus dentalis inferior Inferior dental plexus Inferior dental plexus Plexus dentalis mandibularis
6277 Rami dentales nervi Rami dentales inferiores nervi Dental branches of inferior Dental branches of inferior Inferior dental branches of inferior Rami dentales mandibulares
alveolaris inferioris alveolaris inferioris alveolar nerve alveolar nerve alveolar nerve
6278 Rami gingivales nervi Rami gingivales inferiores nervi Gingival branches of inferior Gingival branches of inferior Inferior gingival branches of inferior Rami gingivales mandibulares
alveolaris inferioris alveolaris inferioris alveolar nerve alveolar nerve alveolar nerve
6279 Nervus mentalis Mental nerve Mental nerve
6280 Rami mentales nervi mentalis Mental branches of mental Mental branches of mental
nerve nerve
6281 Rami labiales inferiores nervi Inferior labial branches of Inferior labial branches of Rami labiales mandibulares
mentalis mental nerve mental nerve
6282 Rami gingivales nervi Rami gingivales inferiores nervi Gingival branches of mental Gingival branches of mental Inferior gingival branches of mental
mentalis mentalis nerve nerve nerve
6283 Nervus abducens Nervus cranialis VI Abducens nerve Abducens nerve Cranial nerve VI; Abducent
6284 Nervus facialis Nervus cranialis VII Facial nerve Facial nerve Cranial nerve VII Nervus intermediofacialis
Endnote 921
6285 Radix motoria nervi facialis Motor root of facial nerve Motor root of facial nerve
6286 Radix sensoria nervi facialis Nervus intermedius Sensory root of facial nerve Sensory root of facial nerve Intermediate nerve Nerve of Wrisberg
Endnote 922
6287 Ganglion geniculi Genigulate ganglion Geniculate ganglion Ganglion geniculatum
6288 Geniculum nervi facialis Geniculum of facial nerve Geniculum of facial nerve Genu nervi facialis; External genu
of facial nerve
Endnote 923
6289 Nervus petrosus major Radix parasympathica ganglii Greater petrosal nerve Greater petrosal nerve Parasympathetic root of Radix intermedia ganglii
pterygopalatini pterygopalatine ganglion pterygopalatini; Radix facialis
ganglii pterygopalatini; Nervus
petrosus superficialis major
Endnote 924
6290 Nervus canalis pterygoidei Nerve of pterygoid canal Nerve of pterygoid canal Nervus Vidii; Nerve of Vidius;
Parasympathetic and sympathetic
roots of pterygopalatine ganglion TA2, Part 5 274

6291 Nervus stapedius Nerve to stapedius muscle Nerve to stapedius muscle
6292 Chorda tympani Chorda tympani Chorda tympani Ramus communicans lingualis
nervi facialis
6293 Ramus ganglionicus oticus Branch of chorda tympani to otic Branch of chorda tympani to otic Ramus communicans ganglii otici
chordae tympani ganglion ganglion cum chorda tympani
6294 Nervus facialis proprius Facial nerve proper Facial nerve proper
6295 Nervus auricularis posterior Posterior auricular nerve Posterior auricular nerve Nervus retroauricularis
6296 Ramus occipitalis nervi Occipital branch of posterior Occipital branch of posterior
auricularis posterioris auricular nerve auricular nerve
6297 Ramus auricularis nervi Auricular branch of posterior Auricular branch of posterior
auricularis posterioris auricular nerve auricular nerve
6298 Ramus digastricus nervi facialis Digastric branch of facial nerve Digastric branch of facial nerve Ramus biventricus
6299 Ramus stylohyoideus nervi Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve
6300 (Ramus lingualis nervi facialis) (Lingual branch of facial nerve) (Lingual branch of facial nerve) Branch of Cruveilhier
Endnote 925
6301 Plexus intraparotideus Parotid plexus Parotid plexus Intraparotid plexus Plexus parotidicus
6302 Rami temporales nervi facialis Temporal branches of facial Temporal branches of facial Rami temporofrontales
nerve nerve
6303 Rami zygomatici nervi facialis Zygomatic branches of facial Zygomatic branches of facial
nerve nerve
6304 Rami buccales nervi facialis Buccal branches of facial nerve Buccal branches of facial nerve Rami bucinatorii
6305 Ramus marginalis mandibularis Marginal mandibular branch of Marginal mandibular branch of Ramus marginalis mandibulae
nervi facialis facial nerve facial nerve
6306 Ramus cervicalis nervi facialis Ramus nervi facialis colli Cervical branch of facial nerve Cervical branch of facial nerve
6307 Nervus vestibulocochlearis Nervus cranialis VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Cranial nerve VIII Nervus acusticus; Nervus
statoacusticus; Nervus octavus
Endnote 926
6308 Nervus vestibularis Vestibular nerve Vestibular nerve Nervus staticus; Pars vestibularis
nervi octavi
6309 Ganglion vestibulare Vestibular ganglion Vestibular ganglion Ganglion vestibuli; Ganglion of
6310 Ramus communicans cochlearis Cochlear communicating branch of Cochlear communicating branch of Anastomosis of Oort; Fila
nervi vestibularis vestibular nerve vestibular nerve anastomotica
6311 Ramus superior nervi vestibularis Nervus utriculoampullaris Superior branch of vestibular nerve Superior branch of vestibular nerve Utriculoampullary nerve; Utriculo- Pars superior ganglii vestibularis;
ampullary nerve Pars rostralis ganglii vestibularis
6312 Nervus utricularis Utricular nerve Utricular nerve Ramus utriculi
6313 Nervus ampullaris anterior Anterior ampullary nerve Anterior ampullary nerve Nervus ampullaris superior; Ramus
ampullae superioris
Endnote 927
6314 Nervus ampullaris lateralis Lateral ampullary nerve Lateral ampullary nerve Nervus ampullaris lateralis; Ramus
ampullae lateralis
6315 Ramus inferior nervi vestibularis Inferior branch of vestibular nerve Inferior branch of vestibular nerve Pars inferior ganglii vestibularis;
Pars caudalis ganglii vestibularis
6316 Nervus ampullaris posterior Posterior ampullary nerve Posterior ampullary nerve Nervus ampullaris posterior;
Ramus ampullae posterioris
6317 Nervus saccularis Saccular nerve Saccular nerve Nervi sacculi TA2, Part 5 275

6318 Nervus cochlearis Cochlear nerve Cochlear nerve Nervus cochleae; Nervus
acusticus; Pars cochlearis nervi
6319 Ganglion cochleare Ganglion spirale Cochlear ganglion Cochlear ganglion Spiral ganglion Ganglion spirale cochleae;
Ganglion of Corti
6320 Nervus glossopharyngeus Nervus cranialis IX Glossopharyngeal nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Cranial nerve IX Endnote 928
6321 Ganglion superius nervi Superior ganglion of Superior ganglion of Ganglion intracraniale nervi
glossopharyngei glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngei; Ganglion rostralis
nervi glossopharyngei; Ganglion of
6322 Ganglion inferius nervi Ganglion petrosum Inferior ganglion of Inferior ganglion of Petrosal ganglion Ganglion extracraniale nervi
glossopharyngei glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngei; Ganglion
caudalis nervi glossopharyngei;
Ganglion of Andersch
6323 Nervus tympanicus Tympanic nerve Tympanic nerve Nerve of Arnold; Nerve of
6324 Plexus tympanicus Tympanic plexus Tympanic plexus Plexus of Jacobson
6325 Ramus tubarius nervi tympanici Tubal branch of tympanic Tubal branch of tympanic Ramus tubae; Ramus tubae
nerve nerve pharyngotympanicae; Ramus
6326 Nervus petrosus minor Radix parasympathica ganglii otici Lesser petrosal nerve Lesser petrosal nerve Parasympathetic root of otic Nervus petrosus superficialis minor
ganglion Endnote 929
6327 Nervus sinus carotidis Nervus sinus carotici Carotid sinus nerve Carotid sinus nerve Nerve of Hering
Endnote 930
6328 Ramus stylopharyngeus nervi Stylopharyngeal branch of Stylopharyngeal branch of Nerve to stylopharyngeus muscle Ramus stylopharyngicus; Ramus
glossopharyngei glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve musculi stylopharyngici
6329 Rami pharyngei nervi Pharyngeal branches of Pharyngeal branches of Rami pharyngici; Rami
glossopharyngei glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve pharyngeales
6330 Rami tonsillares nervi Tonsillar branches of Tonsillar branches of
glossopharyngei glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve
6331 Rami linguales nervi Lingual branches of Lingual branches of
glossopharyngei glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve
6332 Nervus vagus Nervus cranialis X Vagus nerve Vagus nerve Cranial nerve X For the Anterior and Posterior
vagal trunks, see Divisio
6333 Ganglion superius nervi vagi Ganglion jugulare Superior ganglion of vagus nerve Superior ganglion of vagus nerve Jugular ganglion Ganglion rostralis nervi vagi
6334 Ramus meningeus nervi vagi Meningeal branch of vagus nerve Meningeal branch of vagus nerve Ramus meningicus
6335 Ramus auricularis nervi vagi Auricular branch of vagus nerve Auricular branch of vagus nerve Branch of Arnold; Aldeman’s nerve
6336 Ganglion inferius nervi vagi Ganglion nodosum Inferior ganglion of vagus nerve Inferior ganglion of vagus nerve Nodose ganglion Ganglion caudalis nervi vagi
6337 Ramus pharyngeus nervi vagi Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve Rami pharyngici; Rami
6338 Plexus pharyngeus Pharyngeal plexus Pharyngeal plexus Plexus pharyngicus
6339 Nervus laryngeus superior Superior laryngeal nerve Superior laryngeal nerve Nervus laryngicus cranialis
6340 Ramus externus nervi laryngei External branch of superior External branch of superior
superioris laryngeal nerve laryngeal nerve
6341 Ramus internus nervi laryngei Internal branch of superior Internal branch of superior
superioris laryngeal nerve laryngeal nerve TA2, Part 5 276

6342 Rami cardiaci cervicales Superior cervical cardiac branches Superior cervical cardiac branches Rami cardiaci superiores; Rami
superiores nervi vagi of vagus nerve of vagus nerve cardiaci craniales
6343 Rami cardiaci cervicales inferiores Inferior cervical cardiac branches Inferior cervical cardiac branches Rami cardiaci inferiores; Rami
nervi vagi of vagus nerve of vagus nerve cardiaci caudales
6344 Nervus laryngeus recurrens Recurrent laryngeal nerve Recurrent laryngeal nerve Nervus recurrens
6345 Rami tracheales nervi laryngei Tracheal branches of recurrent Tracheal branches of recurrent
recurrentis laryngeal nerve laryngeal nerve
6346 Rami oesophagei nervi laryngei Oesophageal branches of Esophageal branches of Rami oesophagici; Rami
recurrentis recurrent laryngeal nerve recurrent laryngeal nerve esophagei
6347 Rami pharyngei nervi laryngei Pharyngeal branches of Pharyngeal branches of
recurrentis recurrent laryngeal nerve recurrent laryngeal nerve
6348 Rami laryngei nervi laryngei Laryngeal branches of recurrent Laryngeal branches of recurrent Nervus laryngeus inferior; Nervus
recurrentis laryngeal nerve laryngeal nerve laryngicus caudalis
6349 Rami cardiaci thoracici nervi vagi Thoracic cardiac branches of Thoracic cardiac branches of Endnote 931
vagus nerve vagus nerve
6350 Rami bronchiales nervi vagi Bronchial branches of vagus nerve Bronchial branches of vagus nerve Rami bronchiales anteriores et
posteriores; Rami bronchales
ventrales et dorsales
6351 Rami oesophagei nervi vagi Oesophageal branches of vagus Esophageal branches of vagus Rami oesophagici
nerve nerve
6352 Nervus accessorius Nervus cranialis XI Accessory nerve Accessory nerve Cranial nerve XI Nerve of Willis
Endnote 932
6353 Radix cranialis nervi accessorii Cranial root of accessory nerve Cranial root of accessory nerve Radices craniales nervi accessorii;
Radix myelencphalica nervi
accessorii; Pars vagalis nervi
6354 Radix spinalis nervi accessorii Spinal root of accessory nerve Spinal root of accessory nerve Radices spinales nervi accessorii;
Pars spinalis nervi accessorii
6355 Ramus communicans vagalis nervi Ramus internus nervi accessorius Vagal communicating branch of Vagal communicating branch of Internal branch of accessory nerve Ramus medialis nervi accessorii
accessorii accessory nerve accessory nerve
6356 Nervus accessorius spinalis Ramus externus nervi accessorius Spinal accessory nerve Spinal accessory nerve External branch of accessory Ramus lateralis nervi accessorii
6357 Nervus hypoglossus Nervus cranialis XII Hypoglossal nerve Hypoglossal nerve Cranial nerve XII Endnote 933
6358 Radix superior ansae cervicalis Superior root of ansa cervicalis Superior root of ansa cervicalis Superior limb of ansa cervicalis Ramus descendens ansae nervi
hypoglossi; Ramus descendens
ansae cervicalis
Endnote 934
6359 Ramus thyreohyoideus nervi Ramus thyrohyoideus nervi Thyrohyoid branch of hypoglossal Thyrohyoid branch of hypoglossal Nerve to thyrohyoid muscle Endnote 935
hypoglossi hypoglossi nerve nerve
6360 Ramus geniohyoideus nervi Geniohyoid branch of hypoglossal Geniohyoid branch of hypoglossal Nerve to geniohyoid muscle Endnote 936
hypoglossi nerve nerve
6361 Rami linguales nervi hypoglossi Lingual branches of hypoglossal Lingual branches of hypoglossal
nerve nerve

6362 Nervi spinales Spinal nerves Spinal nerves

6363 NERVI CERVICALES Nervi spinales C1-C8 CERVICAL NERVES CERVICAL NERVES Spinal nerves C1-C8 TA2, Part 5 277

6364 Rami posteriores nervorum Rami dorsales nervorum Posterior rami of cervical nerves Posterior rami of cervical nerves Dorsal rami of cervical nerves
cervicalium cervicalium
6365 Nervus suboccipitalis Ramus posterior nervi cervicalis Suboccipital nerve Suboccipital nerve Posterior ramus of first cervical Posterior ramus of spinal nerve C1
primi nerve
6366 Nervus occipitalis major Ramus posterior medialis nervi Greater occipital nerve Greater occipital nerve Medial branch of posterior ramus Nerve of Arnold; Medial branch of
cervicalis secundi of second cervical nerve posterior ramus of spinal nerve C2
6367 Nervus occipitalis tertius Ramus posterior medialis nervi Third occipital nerve Third occipital nerve Medial branch of posterior ramus Medial branch of posterior ramus
cervicalis tertii of third cervical nerve of spinal nerve C3
6368 Plexus cervicalis posterior Posterior cervical plexus Posterior cervical plexus Cruveilhier’s plexus
6369 Rami cutanei posteriores nervi Rami cutanei posteriores nervi Posterior cutaneous branches of Posterior cutaneous branches of Posterior cutaneous branches of
cervicalis quarti spinalis C4 fourth cervical nerve fourth cervical nerve spinal nerve C4
6370 Rami cutanei posteriores nervi Rami cutanei posteriores nervi Posterior cutaneous branches of Posterior cutaneous branches of Posterior cutaneous branches of
cervicalis quinti spinalis C5 fifth cervical nerve fifth cervical nerve spinal nerve C5
6371 Rami anteriores nervorum Rami ventrales nervorum Anterior rami of cervical nerves Anterior rami of cervical nerves Ventral rami of cervical nerves
cervicalium cervicalium
6372 Ramus communicans hypoglossus Ramus communicans nervi Hypoglossal communicating Hypoglossal communicating Hypoglossal communicating
nervi cervicalis primi spinalis C1 branch of first cervical nerve branch of first cervical nerve branch of spinal nerve C1
6373 Ramus communicans hypoglossus Ramus communicans nervi Hypoglossal communicating Hypoglossal communicating Hypoglossal communicating
nervi cervicalis secundi spinalis C2 branch of second cervical nerve branch of second cervical nerve branch of spinal nerve C2


6375 Rami profundi plexus cervicalis Deep branches of cervical Deep branches of cervical
plexus plexus
6376 Ansa cervicalis Ansa cervicalis Ansa cervicalis Ansa nervi hypoglossi
Endnote 937
6377 Radix inferior ansae cervicalis Inferior root of ansa cervicalis Inferior root of ansa cervicalis Inferior limb of ansa cervicalis Nervus cervicalis descendens
6378 Rami infrahyoidei ansae Infrahyoid branches of ansa Infrahyoid branches of ansa
cervicalis cervicalis cervicalis
6379 Rami musculares plexus cervicalis Muscular branches of cervical Muscular branches of cervical
plexus plexus
6380 Nervus phrenicus Phrenic nerve Phrenic nerve Bell’s internal respiratory nerve
6381 Ramus pericardiacus nervi Pericardial branch of phrenic Pericardial branch of phrenic
phrenici nerve nerve
6382 Rami phrenicoabdominales nervi Phrenico-abdominal branch of Phrenicoabdominal branch of
phrenici phrenic nerve phrenic nerve
6383 Rami superficiales plexus Rami cutanei plexus cervicalis Superficial branches of cervical Superficial branches of cervical Cutaneous branches of cervical
cervicalis plexus plexus plexus
6384 Nervus occipitalis minor Lesser occipital nerve Lesser occipital nerve
6385 Nervus auricularis magnus Great auricular nerve Great auricular nerve
6386 Ramus posterior nervi auricularis Posterior branch of great Posterior branch of great
magni auricular nerve auricular nerve
6387 Ramus anterior nervi auricularis Anterior branch of great auricular Anterior branch of great auricular
magni nerve nerve
6388 Nervus transversus colli Nervus transversus cervicalis Transverse cervical nerve Transverse cervical nerve Nervus cutaneus colli
Endnote 938
6389 Rami superiores nervi transversi Rami superiores nervi transversi Superior branches of transverse Superior branches of transverse Ascending branches of transverse Rami craniales nervi cutanei colli
colli cervicalis cervical nerve cervical nerve cervical nerve TA2, Part 5 278

6390 Rami inferiores nervi transversi Rami inferiores nervi transversi Inferior branches of transverse Inferior branches of transverse Descending branches of Rami caudales nervi cutanei colli
colli cervicalis cervical nerve cervical nerve transverse cervical nerve
6391 Nervi supraclaviculares Supraclavicular nerves Supraclavicular nerves Endnote 939
6392 Nervi supraclaviculares mediales Medial supraclavicular nerves Medial supraclavicular nerves Nervi supraclaviculares anteriores
6393 Nervi supraclaviculares Intermediate supraclavicular Intermediate supraclavicular Nervi supraclaviculares medii
intermedii nerves nerves
6394 Nervi supraclaviculares laterales Lateral supraclavicular nerves Lateral supraclavicular nerves Nervi supraclaviculares posteriores


6396 Pars supraclavicularis plexus Supraclavicular part of brachial Supraclavicular part of brachial
brachialis plexus plexus
6397 Radices plexus brachialis Roots of brachial plexus Roots of brachial plexus
6398 Truncus superior plexus brachialis Superior trunk of brachial plexus Superior trunk of brachial plexus Upper trunk Truncus cranialis plexus brachialis
Endnote 940
6399 Divisio anterior trunci superioris Anterior division of superior trunk Anterior division of superior trunk Divisio ventralis trunci superioris
plexus brachialis of brachial plexus of brachial plexus plexus brachialis
Endnote 941
6400 Divisio posterior trunci superioris Posterior division of superior Posterior division of superior Divisio dorsalis trunci superioris
plexus brachialis trunk of brachial plexus trunk of brachial plexus plexus brachialis
6401 Truncus medius plexus brachialis Middle trunk of brachial plexus Middle trunk of brachial plexus Truncus intermedius plexus
6402 Divisio anterior trunci medii Anterior division of middle trunk Anterior division of middle trunk Divisio ventralis trunci medii plexus
plexus brachialis of brachial plexus of brachial plexus brachialis
6403 Divisio posterior trunci medii Posterior division of middle trunk Posterior division of middle trunk Divisio dorsalis trunci medii plexus
plexus brachialis of brachial plexus of brachial plexus brachialis
6404 Truncus inferior plexus brachialis Inferior trunk of brachial plexus Inferior trunk of brachial plexus Lower trunk Truncus caudalis plexus brachialis
6405 Divisio anterior trunci inferioris Anterior division of inferior trunk Anterior division of inferior trunk Divisio ventralis trunci inferioris
plexus brachialis of brachial plexus of brachial plexus plexus brachialis
6406 Divisio posterior trunci inferioris Posterior division of inferior trunk Posterior division of inferior trunk Divisio dorsalis trunci inferioris
plexus brachialis of brachial plexus of brachial plexus plexus brachialis
6407 Rami supraclaviculares plexus Supraclavicular branches of Supraclavicular branches of
brachialis brachial plexus brachial plexus
6408 Rami musculares plexus brachialis Muscular branches of brachial Muscular branches of brachial
plexus plexus
6409 Nervus dorsalis scapulae Dorsal scapular nerve Dorsal scapular nerve
6410 Nervus thoracicus longus Long thoracic nerve Long thoracic nerve Bell’s external respiratory nerve
6411 Nervus suprascapularis Suprascapular nerve Suprascapular nerve
6412 Nervus subclavius Subclavian nerve Subclavian nerve Nerve to subclavius muscle
6413 (Nervi phrenici accessorii) (Accessory phrenic nerves) (Accessory phrenic nerves) Endnote 942
6414 Pars infraclavicularis plexus Infraclavicular part of brachial Infraclavicular part of brachial
brachialis plexus plexus
6415 Fasciculus lateralis plexus Lateral cord of brachial plexus Lateral cord of brachial plexus Fasciculus radialis plexus
brachialis brachialis
6416 Fasciculus posterior plexus Posterior cord of brachial plexus Posterior cord of brachial plexus Fasciculus dorsalis plexus
brachialis brachialis
6417 Fasciculus medialis plexus Medial cord of brachial plexus Medial cord of brachial plexus Fasciculus ulnaris plexus brachialis
brachialis TA2, Part 5 279

6418 Rami fasciculi lateralis plexus Branches of lateral cord of Branches of lateral cord of
brachialis brachial plexus brachial plexus
6419 Nervus pectoralis lateralis Lateral pectoral nerve Lateral pectoral nerve Endnote 943
6420 Ansa pectoralis Ansa pectoralis Ansa pectoralis Endnote 944
6421 Nervus musculocutaneus Musculocutaneous nerve Musculocutaneous nerve Nerve of Casserio
6422 Rami musculares nervi Muscular branches of Muscular branches of
musculocutanei musculocutaneous nerve musculocutaneous nerve
6423 Nervus cutaneus lateralis Nervus cutaneus antebrachii Lateral antebrachial cutaneous Lateral antebrachial cutaneous Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm Nervus cutaneus antibrachii
antebrachii lateralis nerve nerve lateralis; Nervus cutaneus
antebrachii radialis
6424 Radix lateralis nervi mediani Lateral root of median nerve Lateral root of median nerve
6425 (Radix lateralis nervi ulnaris) (Lateral root of ulnar nerve) (Lateral root of ulnar nerve)
6426 Rami fasciculi posterioris plexus Branches of posterior cord of Branches of posterior cord of
brachialis brachial plexus brachial plexus
6427 Nervi subscapulares Subscapular nerves Subscapular nerves Nervus subscapularis
6428 Nervus subscapularis superior Superior subscapular nerve Superior subscapular nerve
6429 Nervus subscapularis inferior Inferior subscapular nerve Inferior subscapular nerve
6430 Nervus thoracodorsalis Nervus subscapularis medius Thoracodorsal nerve Thoracodorsal nerve Middle subscapular nerve
6431 Nervus radialis Radial nerve Radial nerve
6432 Nervus cutaneus posterior Nervus cutaneus brachii posterior Posterior brachial cutaneous Posterior brachial cutaneous Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm Nervus cutaneus brachii dorsalis
brachii nerve nerve
6433 Nervus cutaneus lateralis inferior Nervus cutaneus brachii lateralis Inferior lateral brachial cutaneous Inferior lateral brachial cutaneous Inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of Endnote 945
brachii inferior nerve nerve arm
6434 Nervus cutaneus posterior Nervus cutaneus antebrachii Posterior antebrachial cutaneous Posterior antebrachial cutaneous Posterior cutaneous nerve of Nervus cutaneus antebrachii
antebrachii posterior nerve nerve forearm dorsalis
6435 Rami musculares nervi radialis Muscular branches of radial Muscular branches of radial
nerve nerve
6436 Ramus profundus nervi radialis Deep branch of radial nerve Deep branch of radial nerve
6437 Nervus interosseus posterior Nervus interosseus posterior Posterior interosseous nerve of Posterior interosseous nerve of Posterior antebrachial Nervus interosseus antebrachii
antebrachii forearm forearm interosseous nerve dorsalis
6438 Ramus superficialis nervi radialis Superficial branch of radial nerve Superficial branch of radial nerve
6439 Rami digitales dorsales nervi Nervi digitales dorsales radiales Dorsal digital branches of Dorsal digital branches of Radial dorsal digital nerves of hand Nervi digitales dorsales; Dorsal
radialis manus radial nerve radial nerve digital nerves
6440 Nervus axillaris Axillary nerve Axillary nerve Nervus circumflexus
Endnote 946
6441 Rami musculares nervi axillaris Muscular branches of axillary Muscular branches of axillary
nerve nerve
6442 Nervus cutaneus lateralis Nervus cutaneus brachii lateralis Superior lateral brachial Superior lateral brachial Superior lateral cutaneous nerve of Nervus cutaneus brachii lateralis;
superior brachii superior cutaneous nerve cutaneous nerve arm Nervus cutaneus brachii radialis
6443 Rami fasciculi medialis plexus Branches of medial cord of Branches of medial cord of
brachialis brachial plexus brachial plexus
6444 Nervus pectoralis medialis Medial pectoral nerve Medial pectoral nerve
6445 Nervus cutaneus medialis brachii Nervus cutaneus brachii medialis Medial brachial cutaneous nerve Medial brachial cutaneous nerve Medial cutaneous nerve of arm Nervus cutaneus brachii ulnaris;
Nerve of Wrisberg
6446 Nervus cutaneus medialis Nervus cutaneus antebrachii Medial antebrachial cutaneous Medial antebrachial cutaneous Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm Nervus cutaneus antebrachii
antebrachii medialis nerve nerve ulnaris TA2, Part 5 280

6447 Ramus anterior nervi cutanei Anterior branch of medial Anterior branch of medial Anterior branch of medial Ramus volaris nervi cutanei
medialis antebrachii antebrachial cutaneous nerve antebrachial cutaneous nerve cutaneous nerve of forearm antebrachii medialis
6448 Ramus posterior nervi cutanei Posterior branch of medial Posterior branch of medial Posterior branch of medial Ramus ulnaris nervi cutanei
medialis antebrachii antebrachial cutaneous nerve antebrachial cutaneous nerve cutaneous nerve of forearm antebrachii medialis
6449 Nervus ulnaris Ulnar nerve Ulnar nerve
6450 Rami musculares nervi ulnaris Muscular branches of ulnar Muscular branches of ulnar
nerve nerve
6451 Ramus dorsalis nervi ulnaris Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve Ramus dorsalis manus
6452 Rami digitales dorsales nervi Nervi digitales dorsales ulnares Dorsal digital branches of ulnar Dorsal digital branches of ulnar Ulnar dorsal digital nerves of hand Nervi digitales dorsales; Dorsal
ulnaris manus nerve nerve digital nerves
6453 Ramus palmaris nervi ulnaris Palmar branch of ulnar nerve Palmar branch of ulnar nerve Palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar Ramus cutaneus palmaris nervi
nerve ulnaris; Ramus palmaris manus
Endnote 947
6454 Ramus superficialis nervi ulnaris Superficial branch of ulnar nerve Superficial branch of ulnar nerve
6455 Rami digitales palmares Nervi digitales palmares mediales Common palmar digital Common palmar digital Common medial palmar digital Nervi digitales palmares
communes nervi ulnaris communes branches of ulnar nerve branches of ulnar nerve nerves communes; Nervi digitales volares
6456 Rami digitales palmares Nervi digitales palmares mediales Proper palmar digital Proper palmar digital Proper medial palmar digital Nervi digitales palmares proprii;
proprii nervi ulnaris proprii branches of ulnar nerve branches of ulnar nerve nerves Nervi digitales volares proprii
6457 Ramus profundus nervi ulnaris Deep branch of ulnar nerve Deep branch of ulnar nerve Rami musculares
6458 Radix medialis nervi mediani Medial root of median nerve Medial root of median nerve Endnote 948
6459 Nervus medianus Median nerve Median nerve
6460 Nervus interosseus anterior Nervus interosseus anterior Anterior interosseous nerve of Anterior interosseous nerve of Anterior antebrachial interosseous Nervus interosseus antebrachii
antebrachii forearm forearm nerve volaris
6461 Rami musculares nervi mediani Muscular branches of median Muscular branches of median
nerve nerve
6462 Ramus palmaris nervi mediani Palmar branch of median nerve Palmar branch of median nerve
6463 (Ramus communicans ulnaris nervi Ramus communicans nervi (Communicating branch of median (Communicating branch of median Ramus anastomoticus cum nervo
mediani) mediani cum nervo ulnari nerve with ulnar nerve) nerve with ulnar nerve) ulnari; Martin-Gruber anastomosis
6464 Ramus recurrens nervi mediani Ramus muscularis thenaris Recurrent branch of median nerve Recurrent branch of median nerve Thenar muscular branch
6465 Rami digitales palmares Nervi digitales palmares laterales Common palmar digital branches Common palmar digital branches Common lateral palmar digital Nervi digitales palmares
communes nervi mediani communes of median nerve of median nerve nerves communes; Nervi digitales volares
6466 Rami digitales palmares proprii Nervi digitales palmares laterales Proper palmar digital branches of Proper palmar digital branches of Proper lateral palmar digital nerves Nervi digitales palmares proprii;
nervi mediani proprii median nerve median nerve Nervi digitales volares proprii

6467 NERVI THORACICI Nervi spinales T1-T12 THORACIC NERVES THORACIC NERVES Spinal nerves T1-T12 Nervi thoracales
6468 Rami posteriores nervorum Rami dorsales nervorum Posterior rami of thoracic Posterior rami of thoracic Dorsal rami of thoracic nerves
thoracicorum thoracicorum nerves nerves
6469 Rami cutanei posteriores nervorum Posterior cutaneous branches of Posterior cutaneous branches of Posterior thoracic cutaneous Ramus cutaneus dorsalis
thoracicorum thoracic nerves thoracic nerves nerves
6470 Rami anteriores nervorum Rami ventrales nervorum Anterior rami of thoracic nerves Anterior rami of thoracic nerves Ventral rami of thoracic nerves
thoracicorum thoracicorum
6471 Nervi intercostales Intercostal nerves Intercostal nerves
6472 Nervus intercostalis Intercostal nerve Intercostal nerve
6473 Rami musculares nervi Muscular branches of Muscular branches of
intercostalis intercostal nerve intercostal nerve TA2, Part 5 281

6474 Ramus collateralis nervi Collateral branch of intercostal Collateral branch of intercostal
intercostalis nerve nerve
6475 Ramus cutaneus lateralis nervi Lateral cutaneous branch of Lateral cutaneous branch of
intercostalis intercostal nerve intercostal nerve
6476 Nervus intercostobrachialis Intercostobrachial nerve Intercostobrachial nerve Lateral cutaneous branch of
intercostal nerve 2
6477 (Nervus intercostobrachialis (Accessory intercostobrachial (Accessory intercostobrachial Lateral cutaneous branch of
accessorius) nerve) nerve) intercostal nerve 3
6478 Ramus cutaneus lateralis Lateral pectoral cutaneous Lateral pectoral cutaneous
pectoralis nervi intercostalis branch of intercostal nerve branch of intercostal nerve
6479 Rami mammarii laterales Lateral mammary branches Lateral mammary branches
nervi intercostalis of intercostal nerve of intercostal nerve
6480 Ramus cutaneus lateralis Lateral abdominal cutaneous Lateral abdominal cutaneous
abdominalis nervi intercostalis branch of intercostal nerve branch of intercostal nerve
6481 Ramus cutaneus anterior nervi Anterior cutaneous branch of Anterior cutaneous branch of Ramus cutaneus ventralis
intercostalis intercostal nerve intercostal nerve
6482 Ramus cutaneus anterior Anterior pectoral cutaneous Anterior pectoral cutaneous
pectoralis nervi intercostalis branch of intercostal nerve branch of intercostal nerve
6483 Rami mammarii mediales Medial mammary branches Medial mammary branches
nervi intercostalis of intercostal nerve of intercostal nerve
6484 Ramus cutaneus anterior Anterior abdominal Anterior abdominal
abdominalis nervi intercostalis cutaneous branch of intercostal cutaneous branch of intercostal
nerve nerve
6485 Nervus subcostalis Ramus anterior nervi thoracici Subcostal nerve Subcostal nerve Anterior ramus of spinal nerve T12 Endnote 949
6486 Rami musculares nervi Muscular branches of subcostal Muscular branches of subcostal
subcostalis nerve nerve
6487 Ramus cutaneus lateralis nervi Lateral cutaneous branch of Lateral cutaneous branch of
subcostalis subcostal nerve subcostal nerve
6488 Ramus cutaneus anterior nervi Anterior cutaneous branch of Anterior cutaneous branch of
subcostalis subcostal nerve subcostal nerve

6489 NERVI LUMBALES Nervi spinales L1-L5 LUMBAR NERVES LUMBAR NERVES Spinal nerves L1-L5
6490 (Nervus furcalis) (Furcal nerve) (Furcal nerve) Accessory spinal nerve L4
Endnote 950
6491 Rami posteriores nervorum Rami dorsales nervorum Posterior rami of lumbar nerves Posterior rami of lumbar nerves Dorsal rami of lumbar nerves
lumbalium lumbalium
6492 Rami cutanei posteriores nervorum Posterior cutaneous branches of Posterior cutaneous branches of Posterior lumbar cutaneous nerves
lumbalium lumbar nerves lumbar nerves
6493 Nervi cutanei glutei superiores Nervi superiores clunium Superior gluteal cutaneous nerves Superior gluteal cutaneous nerves Superior clunial nerves; Superior Nervi clunium superiores; Nervi
cluneal nerves clunium craniales
6494 Plexus lumbalis posterior Posterior lumbar plexus Posterior lumbar plexus
6495 Rami anteriores nervorum Rami ventrales nervorum Anterior rami of lumbar nerves Anterior rami of lumbar nerves Ventral rami of lumbar nerves
lumbalium lumbalium
6496 Nervus iliohypogastricus Iliohypogastric nerve Iliohypogastric nerve Nervus iliopubicus; Iliopubic nerve
6497 Ramus cutaneus lateralis nervi Lateral cutaneous branch of Lateral cutaneous branch of
iliohypogastrici iliohypogastric nerve iliohypogastric nerve TA2, Part 5 282

6498 Ramus cutaneus anterior nervi Anterior cutaneous branch of Anterior cutaneous branch of
iliohypogastrici iliohypogastric nerve iliohypogastric nerve
6499 Nervus ilioinguinalis Ilio-inguinal nerve Ilioinguinal nerve
6500 Nervi labiales anteriores ♀ Rami labiales nervi ilioinguinalis Anterior labial nerves ♀ Anterior labial nerves ♀ Labial branches of ilioinguinal
6501 Nervi scrotales anteriores ♂ Rami scrotales nervi ilioinguinalis Anterior scrotal nerves ♂ Anterior scrotal nerves ♂ Scrotal branches of ilioinguinal
6502 Divisiones posteriores ramorum Posterior divisions of anterior rami Posterior divisions of anterior rami
anteriorum nervorum lumbalium of lumbar nerves of lumbar nerves
6503 Divisiones anteriores ramorum Anterior divisions of anterior rami Anterior divisions of anterior rami
anteriorum nervorum lumbalium of lumbar nerves of lumbar nerves
6504 Truncus lumbosacralis Lumbosacral trunk Lumbosacral trunk
6505 Divisio posterior trunci Posterior division of lumbosacral Posterior division of lumbosacral
lumbosacralis trunk trunk
6506 Divisio anterior trunci Anterior division of lumbosacral Anterior division of lumbosacral
lumbosacralis trunk trunk

6507 NERVI SACRALES Nervi spinales S1-S5 SACRAL NERVES SACRAL NERVES Spinal nerves S1-S5
6508 Rami posteriores nervorum Rami dorsales nervorum Posterior rami of sacral nerves Posterior rami of sacral nerves Dorsal rami of sacral nerves
sacralium sacralium
6509 Nervi cutanei glutei medii Nervi medii clunium Middle gluteal cutaneous nerves Middle gluteal cutaneous nerves Middle clunial nerves; Middle Nervi clunium medii
cluneal nerves
6510 Rami anteriores nervorum Rami ventrales nervorum Anterior rami of sacral nerves Anterior rami of sacral nerves Ventral rami of sacral nerves
sacralium sacralium
6511 Divisiones posteriores ramorum Posterior divisions of anterior rami Posterior divisions of anterior rami
anteriorum nervorum sacralium of sacral nerves of sacral nerves
6512 Divisiones anteriores ramorum Anterior divisions of anterior rami Anterior divisions of anterior rami
anteriorum nervorum sacralium of sacral nerves of sacral nerves

6513 NERVUS COCCYGEUS Nervus spinalis Co COCCYGEAL NERVE COCCYGEAL NERVE Spinal nerve Co Nervus coccygicus
6514 Ramus posterior nervi coccygei Posterior ramus of coccygeal Posterior ramus of coccygeal
nerve nerve
6515 Ramus anterior nervi coccygei Anterior ramus of coccygeal nerve Anterior ramus of coccygeal nerve


6517 Plexus lumbalis Lumbar plexus Lumbar plexus
6518 Pars posterior plexus lumbalis Posterior part of lumbar plexus Posterior part of lumbar plexus Posterior divisions of spinal nerves
6519 Pars anterior plexus lumbalis Anterior part of lumbar plexus Anterior part of lumbar plexus Anterior divisions of spinal nerves
6520 Rami partis posterioris plexus Branches of posterior part of Branches of posterior part of
lumbalis lumbar plexus lumbar plexus
6521 Nervus cutaneus lateralis femoris Nervus cutaneus femoris lateralis Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh Nervus cutaneus femoris fibularis
6522 Nervus femoralis Femoral nerve Femoral nerve
6523 Rami musculares nervi femoralis Muscular branches of femoral Muscular branches of femoral
nerve nerve TA2, Part 5 283

6524 Rami cutanei anteriores nervi Nervi cutanei anteriores femoris Anterior cutaneous branches of Anterior cutaneous branches of Anterior femoral cutaneous nerves; Rami cutanei femoris anteriores;
femoralis femoral nerve femoral nerve Anterior cutaneous nerves of thigh Rami cutanei ventrales
6525 Nervus saphenus Saphenous nerve Saphenous nerve
6526 Ramus infrapatellaris nervi Infrapatellar branch of Infrapatellar branch of
sapheni saphenous nerve saphenous nerve
6527 Rami cutanei mediales cruris Nervi cutanei mediales cruris Medial crural cutaneous Medial crural cutaneous Medial cutaneous nerve of leg; Rami cutanei cruris mediales
nervi sapheni branches of saphenous nerve branches of saphenous nerve Medial crural cutaneous nerve
6528 Rami partis anterioris plexus Branches of anterior part of Branches of anterior part of
lumbalis lumbar plexus lumbar plexus
6529 Nervus genitofemoralis Genitofemoral nerve Genitofemoral nerve
6530 Ramus genitalis nervi Genital branch of genitofemoral Genital branch of genitofemoral Nervus spermaticus externus
genitofemoralis nerve nerve
6531 Ramus femoralis nervi Femoral branch of genitofemoral Femoral branch of genitofemoral Nervus lumboinguinalis
genitofemoralis nerve nerve
6532 Nervus obturatorius Obturator nerve Obturator nerve
6533 Ramus anterior nervi obturatorii Anterior branch of obturator Anterior branch of obturator Ramus superficialis nervi
nerve nerve obturatorii
6534 Ramus cutaneus nervi Cutaneous branch of obturator Cutaneous branch of obturator Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh
obturatorii nerve nerve
6535 Rami musculares anteriores Anterior muscular branches of Anterior muscular branches of
nervi obturatorii obturator nerve obturator nerve
6536 Ramus posterior nervi obturatorii Posterior branch of obturator Posterior branch of obturator Ramus profundus nervi obturatorii
nerve nerve
6537 Rami musculares posteriores Posterior muscular branches of Posterior muscular branches of
nervi obturatorii obturator nerve obturator nerve
6538 (Nervus obturatorius accessorius) (Accessory obturator nerve) (Accessory obturator nerve)
6539 Plexus sacralis Sacral plexus Sacral plexus Plexus ischiadicus
6540 Pars posterior plexus sacralis Posterior part of sacral plexus Posterior part of sacral plexus Posterior divisions of spinal nerves
6541 Pars anterior plexus sacralis Anterior part of sacral plexus Anterior part of sacral plexus Anterior divisions of spinal nerves
6542 Rami partis posterioris plexus Branches of posterior part of Branches of posterior part of
sacralis sacral plexus sacral plexus
6543 Nervus gluteus superior Superior gluteal nerve Superior gluteal nerve Nervus glutaeus superior; Nervus
glutaeus cranialis
6544 Nervus gluteus inferior Inferior gluteal nerve Inferior gluteal nerve Nervus glutaeus inferior; Nervus
glutaeus caudalis
6545 Nervus musculi piriformis Nerve to piriformis muscle Nerve to piriformis muscle
6546 Nervus cutaneus perforans Perforating cutaneous nerve Perforating cutaneous nerve
6547 Radix posterior nervi cutanei Radix posterior nervi cutanei Posterior root of posterior femoral Posterior root of posterior femoral
posterioris femoris femoris posterioris cutaneous nerve cutaneous nerve
6548 Radix posterior nervi ischiadici Posterior root of sciatic nerve Posterior root of sciatic nerve Common fibular division of sciatic
6549 Rami partis anterioris plexus Branches of anterior part of Branches of anterior part of
sacralis sacral plexus sacral plexus
6550 Nervus obturatorii interni Nervus musculi obturatorii interni Nerve to obturator internus Nerve to obturator internus Nerve to obturator internus muscle
6551 Nervus musculi quadrati femoris Nerve to quadratus femoris muscle Nerve to quadratus femoris muscle TA2, Part 5 284

6552 Nervus levatoris ani Nervus musculi levatoris ani Nerve to levator ani Nerve to levator ani Nerve to levator ani muscle
6553 Nervus musculi coccygei Nerve to coccygeus muscle Nerve to coccygeus muscle Nervus musculi coccygici
6554 Nervus pudendalis Pudendal nerve Pudendal nerve Nervus pudendus; Plexus
pudendus; Plexus pudendalis
6555 Nervus analis inferior Nervus rectalis inferior Inferior anal nerve Inferior anal nerve Inferior rectal nerve Nervi hemorrhoidales inferiores;
Nervi anales
6556 Nervus perinealis Perineal nerve Perineal nerve Nervi perinei
Endnote 951
6557 Ramus superficialis nervi Superficial branch of perineal Superficial branch of perineal
perinealis nerve nerve
6558 Nervi labiales posteriores ♀ Posterior labial nerves♀ Posterior labial nerves♀ Nervi labiales
6559 Nervi scrotales posteriores ♂ Posterior scrotal nerves ♂ Posterior scrotal nerves ♂ Nervi scrotales
6560 Ramus profundus nervi Deep branch of perineal nerve Deep branch of perineal nerve
6561 Rami musculares nervi Muscular branches of Muscular branches of
perinealis perineal nerve perineal nerve
6562 Nervus dorsalis clitoridis ♀ Dorsal nerve of clitoris♀ Dorsal nerve of clitoris♀
6563 Nervus dorsalis penis ♂ Dorsal nerve of penis ♂ Dorsal nerve of penis ♂
6564 Radix anterior nervi cutanei Radix anterior nervi cutanei Anterior root of posterior femoral Anterior root of posterior femoral
posterioris femoris femoris posterioris cutaneous nerve cutaneous nerve
6565 Radix anterior nervi ischiadici Anterior root of sciatic nerve Anterior root of sciatic nerve Tibial division of sciatic nerve
6566 Nervus cutaneus posterior Nervus cutaneus femoris posterior Posterior femoral cutaneous Posterior femoral cutaneous Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh Nervus cutaneus femoris dorsalis
femoris nerve nerve
6567 Nervi cutanei glutei inferiores Nervi inferiores clunium Inferior gluteal cutaneous nerves Inferior gluteal cutaneous nerves Inferior clunial nerves; Inferior Nervi clunium inferiores; Nervi
cluneal nerves clunium caudales
6568 Rami perineales nervi cutanei Rami perineales nervi cutanei Perineal branches of posterior Perineal branches of posterior
posterioris femoris femoris posterioris femoral cutaneous nerve femoral cutaneous nerve
6569 Nervus ischiadicus Sciatic nerve Sciatic nerve
6570 Rami musculares nervi ischiadici Muscular branches of sciatic nerve Muscular branches of sciatic nerve
6571 Nervus fibularis communis Nervus peroneus communis Common fibular nerve Common fibular nerve Common peroneal nerve Nervus peronaeus commune
Endnote 952
6572 Nervus cutaneus lateralis surae Nervus cutaneus surae lateralis Lateral sural cutaneous nerve Lateral sural cutaneous nerve Lateral cutaneous nerve of calf Nervus cutaneus surae fibularis
6573 Ramus communicans suralis Sural communicating branch of Sural communicating branch of Sural communicating branch of Ramus communicans fibularis;
nervi fibularis communis common fibular nerve common fibular nerve common peroneal nerve Ramus communicans peroneus
6574 Nervus fibularis superficialis Nervus peroneus superficialis Superficial fibular nerve Superficial fibular nerve Superficial peroneal nerve Nervus peronaeus superficialis
6575 Rami musculares nervi fibularis Muscular branches of Muscular branches of Muscular branches of superficial
superficialis superficial fibular nerve superficial fibular nerve peroneal nerve
6576 Nervus cutaneus medialis Nervus cutaneus dorsalis medialis Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve Medial cutaneous nerve of dorsum Nervus cutaneus dorsi pedis
dorsalis pedis of foot of foot of foot tibialis
6577 Nervus cutaneus intermedius Nervus cutaneus dorsalis Intermediate dorsal cutaneous Intermediate dorsal cutaneous Intermediate cutaneous nerve of Nervus cutaneus dorsi pedis
dorsalis pedis intermedius nerve of foot nerve of foot dorsum of foot medius
6578 Rami digitales dorsales nervi Nervi digitales dorsales pedis Dorsal digital branches of Dorsal digital branches of Dorsal digital nerves of foot
fibularis superficialis superficial fibular nerve superficial fibular nerve
6579 Nervus fibularis profundus Nervus peroneus profundus Deep fibular nerve Deep fibular nerve Deep peroneal nerve Nervus peronaeus profundus
6580 Rami musculares nervi fibularis Muscular branches of deep Muscular branches of deep Muscular branches of deep
profundi fibular nerve fibular nerve peroneal nerve TA2, Part 5 285

6581 Rami digitales dorsales nervi Nervi digitales dorsales pedis Dorsal digital branches of deep Dorsal digital branches of deep Dorsal digital nerves of foot Nervi digitales dorsales hallucis
fibularis profundi fibular nerve fibular nerve lateralis et digiti secundi medialis
6582 Nervus tibialis Tibial nerve Tibial nerve
6583 Rami musculares nervi tibialis Muscular branches of tibial nerve Muscular branches of tibial nerve
6584 Nervus interosseus cruris Crural interosseous nerve Crural interosseous nerve Interosseous nerve of leg
6585 Nervus cutaneus medialis surae Nervus cutaneus surae medialis Medial sural cutaneous nerve Medial sural cutaneous nerve Medial cutaneous nerve of calf
6586 Nervus suralis Sural nerve Sural nerve Endnote 953
6587 Nervus cutaneus lateralis Nervus cutaneus dorsalis lateralis Lateral dorsal cutaneous Lateral dorsal cutaneous Lateral cutaneous nerve of dorsum Nervus cutaneus dorsi pedis
dorsalis pedis nerve of foot nerve of foot of foot fibularis
Endnote 954
6588 Rami calcanei laterales nervi Lateral calcaneal branches of Lateral calcaneal branches of Rami calcaneares fibulares nervi
suralis sural nerve sural nerve suralis
6589 Rami calcanei mediales nervi Medial calcaneal branches of Medial calcaneal branches of Rami calcaneares tibiales nervi
tibialis tibial nerve tibial nerve tibialis
Endnote 955
6590 Nervus plantaris medialis Medial plantar nerve Medial plantar nerve Nervus plantaris tibialis
6591 Rami digitales plantares Nervi digitales plantares mediales Common plantar digital Common plantar digital Common medial plantar digital Nervi digitales plantares
communes nervi plantaris medialis communes branches of medial plantar nerve branches of medial plantar nerve nerves communes
6592 Rami digitales plantares Nervi digitales plantares mediales Proper plantar digital Proper plantar digital Proper medial plantar digital Nervi digitales plantares proprii
proprii nervi plantaris medialis proprii branches of medial plantar nerve branches of medial plantar nerve nerves
6593 Nervus plantaris lateralis Lateral plantar nerve Lateral plantar nerve Nervus plantaris fibularis
6594 Ramus superficialis nervi Superficial branch of lateral Superficial branch of lateral
plantaris lateralis plantar nerve plantar nerve
6595 Rami digitales plantares Nervi digitales plantares laterales Common plantar digital Common plantar digital Common lateral plantar digital Nervi digitales plantares
communes nervi plantaris lateralis communes branches of lateral plantar nerve branches of lateral plantar nerve nerves communes
6596 Rami digitales plantares Nervi digitales plantares laterales Proper plantar digital Proper plantar digital Proper lateral plantar digital nerves Nervi digitales plantares proprii
proprii nervi plantaris lateralis proprii branches of lateral plantar nerve branches of lateral plantar nerve
6597 Ramus profundus nervi Deep branch of lateral plantar Deep branch of lateral plantar
plantaris lateralis nerve nerve
6598 Plexus coccygeus Coccygeal plexus Coccygeal plexus
6599 Nervus anococygeus Anococcygeal nerve Anococcygeal nerve Nervus anococcygicus

6600 Divisio autonomica systematis Autonomic division of peripheral Autonomic division of peripheral Systema nervosum autonomicum;
nervosi peripherici nervous system nervous system Autonomic nervous system;
Systema nervorum sympathicum
Endnote 956
6601 PARS THORACOLUMBALIS Pars sympathica divisionis THORACOLUMBAR PART OF THORACOLUMBAR PART OF Sympathetic part of autonomic Thoracolumbar outflow;
Systema nervosum sympathicum
Endnote 957
6602 Truncus sympathicus Sympathetic trunk Sympathetic trunk Sympathetic chain
6603 Rami interganglionici Rami interganglionares Interganglionic branches Interganglionic branches
6604 Ganglia paravertebralia Paravertebral ganglia Paravertebral ganglia
6605 Ganglia intermedia Intermediate ganglia Intermediate ganglia Accessory ganglia
Endnote 958
6606 Ganglia trunci sympathici Ganglia of sympathetic trunk Ganglia of sympathetic trunk
6607 Ganglia cervicalia Cervical ganglia Cervical ganglia TA2, Part 5 286

6608 Ganglion cervicale superius Superior cervical ganglion Superior cervical ganglion Ganglion cervicale craniale
6609 Ganglion cervicale medium Middle cervical ganglion Middle cervical ganglion
6610 (Ganglion vertebrale) (Vertebral ganglion) (Vertebral ganglion) Endnote 959
6611 (Ganglion cervicale inferius) (Inferior cervical ganglion) (Inferior cervical ganglion) Ganglion cervicale caudale
6612 Ganglion cervicothoracicum Ganglion stellatum Cervicothoracic ganglion Cervicothoracic ganglion Stellate ganglion; Endnote 960
6613 Ganglia thoracica Thoracic ganglia Thoracic ganglia Ganglia thoracalia
6614 Ganglia lumbalia Lumbar ganglia Lumbar ganglia
6615 Ganglia sacralia Sacral ganglia Sacral ganglia
6616 Ganglion impar Ganglion impar Ganglion impar Ganglion of Walther
6617 Nervi sympathici Sympathetic nerves Sympathetic nerves
6618 Nervus jugularis Jugular nerve Jugular nerve
6619 Nervus caroticus internus Internal carotid nerve Internal carotid nerve
6620 Nervi carotici externi External carotid nerves External carotid nerves
6621 Nervi laryngopharyngei Rami laryngopharyngei Laryngopharyngeal nerves Laryngopharyngeal nerves Laryngopharyngeal branches
6622 Nervus cardiacus cervicalis Superior cervical cardiac nerve Superior cervical cardiac nerve Nervus cardiacus superior; Nervus
superior cardiacus cranialis
6623 Nervus cardiacus cervicalis medius Middle cervical cardiac nerve Middle cervical cardiac nerve Nervus cardiacus medius
6624 Ansa subclavia Ansa subclavia Ansa subclavia Ansa Vieussenii; Ansa of
6625 Nervus cardiacus cervicalis inferior Inferior cervical cardiac nerve Inferior cervical cardiac nerve Nervus cardiacus inferior; Nervus
cardiacus caudalis; Nerve of
6626 Nervus vertebralis Vertebral nerve Vertebral nerve Nerve of Cruveilhier
6627 Nervi viscerales thoracici Rami viscerales thoracici Thoracic visceral nerves Thoracic visceral nerves Thoracic visceral branches
6628 Nervi cardiaci thoracici Rami cardiaci thoracici Thoracic cardiac nerves Thoracic cardiac nerves Thoracic cardiac branches Endnote 961
6629 Nervi pulmonales thoracici Rami pulmonales thoracici Thoracic pulmonary nerves Thoracic pulmonary nerves Thoracic pulmonary branches
6630 Nervi oesophagei Rami oesophagei Oesophageal nerves Esophageal nerves Esophageal branches
6631 Nervus splanchnicus thoracicus Nervus splanchnicus major Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve Greater thoracic splanchnic nerve Greater splanchnic nerve
6632 Nervus splanchnicus thoracicus Nervus splanchnicus minor Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve Lesser splanchnic nerve
6633 Ramus renalis nervi splanchnici Renal branch of lesser thoracic Renal branch of lesser thoracic
thoracici minoris splanchnic nerve splanchnic nerve
6634 Nervus splanchnicus thoracicus Nervus splanchnicus imus Least thoracic splanchnic nerve Least thoracic splanchnic nerve Least splanchnic nerve
6635 Nervi splanchnici lumbales Lumbar splanchnic nerves Lumbar splanchnic nerves
6636 Nervi splanchnici sacrales Sacral splanchnic nerves Sacral splanchnic nerves
6637 Ganglia prevertebralia Ganglia praevertebralia Prevertebral ganglia Prevertebral ganglia
6638 Ganglion thoracicum splanchicum Ganglion splanchnicum Thoracic splanchnic ganglion Thoracic splanchnic ganglion
6639 Ganglia coeliaca Coeliac ganglia Celiac ganglia Ganglia celiaca; Ganglia coeliaca
dextrum et sinistrum
6640 Ganglia aorticorenalia Aorticorenal ganglia Aorticorenal ganglia
6641 Ganglion mesentericum superius Superior mesenteric ganglion Superior mesenteric ganglion Ganglion mesentericum craniale
6642 Ganglion mesentericum inferius Inferior mesenteric ganglion Inferior mesenteric ganglion Ganglion mesentericum caudale
6643 Plexus perivasculares Perivascular plexuses Perivascular plexuses
6644 Plexus caroticus communis Common carotid plexus Common carotid plexus
6645 Plexus caroticus internus Internal carotid plexus Internal carotid plexus TA2, Part 5 287

6646 Radix sympathica ganglii ciliaris Sympathetic root of ciliary Sympathetic root of ciliary
ganglion ganglion
6647 Nervus petrosus profundus Radix sympathica ganglii Deep petrosal nerve Deep petrosal nerve Sympathetic root of
pterygopalatini pterygopalatine ganglion
6648 Nervi caroticotympanici Caroticotympanic nerves Caroticotympanic nerves Nervi caroticotympanici superior et
6649 Nervus pinealis Pineal nerve Pineal nerve Nervus conarius
Endnote 962
6650 Plexus cavernosus Cavernous plexus Cavernous plexus Lateral sellar plexus
6651 Plexus caroticus externus External carotid plexus External carotid plexus
6652 Radix sympathica ganglii Sympathetic root of Sympathetic root of
submandibularis submandibular ganglion submandibular ganglion
6653 (Radix sympathica ganglii (Sympathetic root of sublingual (Sympathetic root of sublingual
sublingualis) ganglion) ganglion)
6654 Radix sympathica ganglii otici Sympathetic root of otic ganglion Sympathetic root of otic ganglion
6655 Plexus subclavius Subclavian plexus Subclavian plexus Endnote 963
6656 Plexus autonomicus brachialis Brachial autonomic plexus Brachial autonomic plexus
6657 Plexus vertebralis Vertebral plexus Vertebral plexus Plexus of Cruveilhier
6658 Plexus aorticus thoracicus Thoracic aortic plexus Thoracic aortic plexus Plexus aorticus thoracalis
6659 Plexus iliacus Iliac plexus Iliac plexus Plexus ilicus
6660 Plexus femoralis Femoral plexus Femoral plexus

6661 PARS CRANIOSACRALIS Pars parasympathica divisionis CRANIOSACRAL PART OF CRANIOSACRAL PART OF Parasympathetic part of Craniosacral outflow;
DIVISIONIS AUTONOMICAE autonomicae AUTONOMIC DIVISION AUTONOMIC DIVISION autonomic division Parasympathetic nervous system;
Systema nervosum
6662 Pars cranialis divisionis Cranial part Cranial part
6663 Ganglion ciliare Ciliary ganglion Ciliary ganglion Ganglion of Schacher
6664 Nervi ciliares breves Short ciliary nerves Short ciliary nerves
6665 Ganglion pterygopalatinum Pterygopalatine ganglion Pterygopalatine ganglion Ganglion sphenopalatinum;
Ganglion of Meckel
Endnote 964
6666 Rami orbitales nervi maxillaris Orbital branches of maxillary Orbital branches of maxillary
nerve nerve
6667 Ganglion submandibulare Submandibular ganglion Submandibular ganglion Ganglion submaxillare; Ganglion of
Endnote 965
6668 Ramus anterior ganglionicus Ramus ganglionaris Anterior branch of lingual nerve Anterior branch of lingual nerve Communicating branch to lingual Ramus communicans ganglii
submandibularis nervi lingualis submandibularis anterior nervi to submandibular ganglion to submandibular ganglion nerve from submandibular submandibularis cum nervo linguali
lingualis ganglion
6669 Nervi glandulares Rami nervosi glandulares Submandibular nerves Submandibular nerves Nerve branches to submandibular
submandibulares submandibulares gland
6670 (Ganglion sublinguale) (Sublingual ganglion) (Sublingual ganglion)
6671 Ganglion oticum Otic ganglion Otic ganglion Ganglion of Arnold TA2, Part 5 288

6672 Ramus ganglionicus oticus nervi Branch of auriculotemporal nerve Branch of auriculotemporal nerve Communicating branch to Ramus communicans ganglii otici
auriculotemporalis to otic ganglion to otic ganglion auriculotemporal nerve from otic cum nervo auriculotemporali
6673 Pars vagalis divisionis Vagal part of autonomic division Vagal part of autonomic division Endnote 966
6674 Truncus vagalis anterior Anterior vagal trunk Anterior vagal trunk
6675 Rami gastrici anteriores Anterior gastric branches Anterior gastric branches
6676 Nervus anterior curvaturae Anterior nerve of lesser Anterior nerve of lesser Greater anterior gastric nerve Anterior nerve of Latarjet
minoris curvature curvature
6677 Rami hepatici Hepatic branches Hepatic branches
6678 Ramus pyloricus Pyloric branch Pyloric branch
6679 Truncus vagalis posterior Posterior vagal trunk Posterior vagal trunk
6680 Rami gastrici posteriores Posterior gastric branches Posterior gastric branches
6681 Nervus posterior curvaturae Posterior nerve of lesser Posterior nerve of lesser Greater posterior gastric nerve Posterior nerve of Latarjet
minoris curvature curvature
6682 Rami coeliaci Coeliac branches Celiac branches
6683 Rami renales Renal branches Renal branches
6684 Pars sacralis divisionis Sacral part of autonomic Sacral part of autonomic
autonomicae division division
6685 Nervi splanchnici pelvici Radices parasympathicae Pelvic splanchnic nerves Pelvic splanchnic nerves Parasympathetic roots of pelvic Nervi erigentes; Nervi splanchnici
gangliorum pelvicorum ganglia pelvini; Rami musculares
Endnote 967

6687 Plexus thoracici Thoracic plexuses Thoracic plexuses
6688 Plexus cardiacus Cardiac plexus Cardiac plexus Plexus cardiaci profundus et
6689 Ganglia cardiaca Cardiac ganglia Cardiac ganglia Ganglion Wrisbergi; Ganglia of
6690 Plexus oesophageus Oesophageal plexus Esophageal plexus
6691 Plexus pulmonalis Pulmonary plexus Pulmonary plexus
6692 Plexus abdominales Abdominal plexuses Abdominal plexuses
6693 Plexus phrenicus Phrenic plexus Phrenic plexus
6694 Ganglia phrenica Phrenic ganglia Phrenic ganglia
6695 Plexus aorticus abdominalis Abdominal aortic plexus Abdominal aortic plexus
6696 Plexus coeliacus Coeliac plexus Celiac plexus Plexus celiacus
6697 Plexus hepaticus Hepatic plexus Hepatic plexus
6698 Plexus splenicus Plexus lienalis Splenic plexus Splenic plexus
6699 Plexus gastrici Gastric plexuses Gastric plexuses Plexus gastrici superior et inferior
6700 Plexus pancreaticus Pancreatic plexus Pancreatic plexus
6701 Plexus suprarenalis Suprarenal plexus Suprarenal plexus Adrenal plexus
6702 Plexus renalis Renal plexus Renal plexus
6703 Ganglia renalia Renal ganglia Renal ganglia
6704 Plexus uretericus Ureteric plexus Ureteric plexus Endnote 968
6705 Plexus mesentericus superior Superior mesenteric plexus Superior mesenteric plexus Plexus mesentericus cranialis TA2, Part 5 289

6706 Plexus ovaricus ♀ Ovarian plexus ♀ Ovarian plexus ♀ Plexus arteriae ovaricae
6707 Plexus testicularis ♂ Testicular plexus ♂ Testicular plexus ♂ Plexus spermaticus
6708 Plexus intermesentericus Intermesenteric plexus Intermesenteric plexus
6709 Plexus mesentericus inferior Inferior mesenteric plexus Inferior mesenteric plexus Plexus mesentericus caudalis
6710 Plexus anorectalis superior Plexus rectalis superior Superior anorectal plexus Superior anorectal plexus Superior rectal plexus Plexus haemorrhoidales
superiores; Plexus rectalis cranialis
6711 Plexus hypogastricus superior Nervus presacralis; Nervus Superior hypogastric plexus Superior hypogastric plexus Presacral nerve Plexus hypogastricus
praesacralis Endnote 969
6712 Plexus pelvici Pelvic plexuses Pelvic plexuses
6713 Ganglia pelvica Pelvic ganglia Pelvic ganglia
6714 Nervus hypogastricus Hypogastric nerve Hypogastric nerve
6715 Plexus hypogastricus inferior Plexus pelvicus Inferior hypogastric plexus Inferior hypogastric plexus Pelvic plexus Plexus pelvinus
6716 Plexus anorectalis medius Plexus rectalis medius Middle anorectal plexus Middle anorectal plexus Middle rectal plexus Plexus haemorrhoidalis medius
6717 Plexus rectalis Rectal plexus Rectal plexus
6718 Nervi anales superiores Nervi rectales superiores Superior anal nerves Superior anal nerves Superior rectal nerves
6719 Plexus vesicalis Vesical plexus Vesical plexus
6720 Plexus deferentialis ♂ Plexus ductus deferentis Deferential plexus ♂ Deferential plexus ♂ Plexus of ductus deferens
6721 Plexus uterovaginalis ♀ Uterovaginal plexus ♀ Uterovaginal plexus ♀ Frankenhäuser ganglion
6722 Nervi vaginales ♀ Vaginal nerves ♀ Vaginal nerves ♀
6723 Nervi cavernosi clitoridis ♀ Cavernous nerves of clitoris ♀ Cavernous nerves of clitoris ♀ Plexus cavernosus clitoridis;
Plexus corporis cavernosi clitoridis;
Nervi cavernosi clitoridis major et
minores; Nervi corporis cavernosi
clitoridis major et minores; Nervi
6724 Plexus prostaticus♂ Prostatic plexus ♂ Prostatic plexus ♂
6725 Nervi cavernosi penis ♂ Cavernous nerves of penis ♂ Cavernous nerves of penis ♂ Plexus cavernosus penis; Plexus
corporis cavernosi penis; Nervi
cavernosi penis major et minores;
Nervi corporis cavernosi penis
major et minores; Nervi erigentes
6726 Plexus entericus Pars entericus divisionis Enteric plexus Enteric plexus Enteric part of autonomic Systema nervosum entericum
autonomicae division Endnote 970
6727 Plexus myentericus Myenteric plexus Myenteric plexus Auerbach’s plexus
6728 Plexus submucosus Submucosal plexus Submucosal plexus Submucous plexus; Meissner’s
plexus; Remak’s plexus TA2, Part 5 290


Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

6729 Organa sensuum Sense organs Sense organs Organa sensoria
Endnote 971
6731 Pars olfactoria tunicae mucosae Tunica mucosa olfactoria Olfactory part of nasal mucosa Olfactory part of nasal mucosa Olfactory area; Olfactory mucous Regio olfactoria tunicae mucosae
nasi membrane nasi
6732 Epithelium olfactorium Olfactory epithelium Olfactory epithelium
6733 Glandulae olfactoriae Olfactory glands Olfactory glands Bowman’s glands

6734 OCULUS Organum visus EYE EYE Organon visus; Organum visuale
6735 Bulbus oculi Eyeball Eyeball Endnote 972
6736 Polus anterior bulbi oculi Anterior pole of eyeball Anterior pole of eyeball
6737 Polus posterior bulbi oculi Posterior pole of eyeball Posterior pole of eyeball
6738 Aequator bulbi oculi Equator bulbi oculi Equator of eyeball Equator of eyeball
6739 Meridiani bulbi oculi Meridians of eyeball Meridians of eyeball
6740 Axis externus bulbi oculi External axis of eyeball External axis of eyeball
6741 Axis internus bulbi oculi Internal axis of eyeball Internal axis of eyeball
6742 Axis opticus Optic axis Optic axis
6743 TUNICA FIBROSA BULBI OCULI Tunica externa bulbi oculi FIBROUS LAYER OF EYEBALL FIBROUS LAYER OF EYEBALL Corneosclera; Outer layer of Tunica fibrosa oculi; Tunica
eyeball externa oculi
6744 Cornea Cornea Cornea
6745 Vertex corneae Corneal vertex Corneal vertex
6746 Facies anterior corneae Anterior surface of cornea Anterior surface of cornea
6747 Facies posterior corneae Posterior surface of cornea Posterior surface of cornea
6748 Limbus corneae Corneoscleral junction Corneoscleral junction Corneal limbus
6749 Anulus conjunctivae Conjunctival ring Conjunctival ring
6750 Sclera Sclera Sclera
6751 Sulcus sclerae Sulcus sclerae Sulcus sclerae
6752 TUNICA VASCULOSA BULBI Tunica media bulbi oculi VASCULAR LAYER OF VASCULAR LAYER OF Uvea; Middle layer of eyeball Tunica vasculosa oculi; Tunica
OCULI EYEBALL EYEBALL media oculi; Muscular layer of
6753 Iris Iris Iris
6754 Pupilla Pupil Pupil
6755 Margo pupillaris iridis Pupillary margin of iris Pupillary margin of iris
6756 Anulus minor iridis Zona pupillaris iridis Inner zone of iris Inner zone of iris Pupillary zone of iris Inner border of iris
6757 Plicae iridis Folds of iris Folds of iris Rugae iridis
6758 Anulus major iridis Zona ciliaris iridis Outer zone of iris Outer zone of iris Ciliary zone of iris Outer border of iris
6759 Margo ciliaris iridis Ciliary margin of iris Ciliary margin of iris
6760 Facies anterior iridis Anterior surface of iris Anterior surface of iris
6761 Facies posterior iridis Posterior surface of iris Posterior surface of iris
6762 Sphincter pupillae Musculus sphincter pupillae Sphincter pupillae Sphincter pupillae Sphincter pupillae muscle
6763 Dilatator pupillae Musculus dilatator pupillae Dilator pupillae Dilator pupillae Dilator pupillae muscle Musculus dilator pupillae
6764 (Membrana pupillaris) (Pupillary membrane) (Pupillary membrane) TA2, Part 5 291

6765 Corpus ciliare Ciliary body Ciliary body
6766 Corona ciliaris Pars plicata corporis ciliaris Corona ciliaris Corona ciliaris Ciliary crown
6767 Processus ciliares Ciliary processes Ciliary processes Processus ciliares majores
6768 Plicae ciliares Ciliary folds Ciliary folds Processus ciliares minores
6769 Orbiculus ciliaris Pars plana corporis ciliaris; Anulus Orbiculus ciliaris Orbiculus ciliaris Ciliary ring
6770 Musculus ciliaris Ciliary muscle Ciliary muscle Endnote 973
6771 Fibrae meridionales Fibrae longitudinales Meridional fibres Meridional fibers Longitudinal fibres; Longitudinal Fibrae Brueckei; Brücke's muscle
6772 Fibrae radiales Radial fibres Radial fibers Rouget's muscle
6773 Fibrae circulares Circular fibres Circular fibers Fibrae Muelleri; Müller's muscle
6774 Chorioidea Choroidea Choroid Choroid Chorioides
interna oculi
6776 Retina Retina Retina
6777 Pars caeca retinae Nonvisual retina Nonvisual retina
6778 Pars iridica retinae Iridal part of retina Iridal part of retina Iridial part of retina
6779 Pars ciliaris retinae Ciliary part of retina Ciliary part of retina
6780 Ora serrata Ora serrata Ora serrata
6781 Pars optica retinae Optic part of retina Optic part of retina
6782 Stratum pigmentosum retinae Pigmented layer of optical retina Pigmented layer of optical retina Pars pigmentosa retinae; Stratum
opticae pigmenti retinae
6783 Stratum nervosum retinae Neural layer of optical retina Neural layer of optical retina Neural retina Pars nervosa retinae
6784 Macula lutea Macula Macula
6785 Fovea centralis Fovea centralis Fovea centralis
6786 Foveola Foveola Foveola Foveal pit
6787 Pars intraocularis nervi optici Intraocular part of optic nerve Intraocular part of optic nerve
6788 Discus nervi optici Optic disc Optic disc Papilla nervi optici
Endnote 974
6789 Excavatio disci nervi optici Depression of optic disc Depression of optic disc Optic cup Excavatio papillae nervi optici;
Physiological optic cup
Endnote 975
6791 Humor aquosus Aqueous humor Aqueous humor Humor aqueus
6792 Camera anterior bulbi oculi Anterior chamber of eyeball Anterior chamber of eyeball Camera oculi anterior
6793 Angulus iridocornealis Iridocorneal angle Iridocorneal angle Angulus iridis
6794 Camera posterior bulbi oculi Posterior chamber of eyeball Posterior chamber of eyeball Camera oculi posterior
6795 Zonula ciliaris Ciliary zonule Ciliary zonule Apparatus suspensorius lentis;
Zonula Zinni; Zonule of Zinn
6796 Fibrae zonulares Zonular fibres Zonular fibers Suspensory ligaments of lens Fibrae suspensoriae lentis
6797 Spatia zonularia Zonular spaces Zonular spaces Spatium apparatus suspensorii
lentis; Hannover’s canal;
Hannover’s spaces; Petit’s canal;
Petit’s spaces
Endnote 976 TA2, Part 5 292

6798 Lens Lens Lens Lens crystallina
6799 Facies anterior lentis Anterior surface of lens Anterior surface of lens
6800 Polus anterior lentis Anterior pole of lens Anterior pole of lens
6801 Facies posterior lentis Posterior surface of lens Posterior surface of lens
6802 Polus posterior lentis Posterior pole of lens Posterior pole of lens
6803 Axis lentis Axis of lens Axis of lens
6804 Aequator lentis Equator lentis Equator of lens Equator of lens
6805 Radii lentis Radii of lens Radii of lens Radii stellarum lentis
6807 Camera postrema bulbi oculi Camera vitrea bulbi oculi Postremal chamber of eyeball Postremal chamber of eyeball Vitreous chamber of eyeball Endnote 977
6808 Spatium retrozonulare Retrozonular space Retrozonular space Endnote 978
6809 Corpus vitreum Vitreous body Vitreous body
6810 Fossa hyaloidea Hyaloid fossa Hyaloid fossa
6811 Canalis hyaloideus Hyaloid canal Hyaloid canal Canal of Cloquet; Stilling’s canal
6812 (Arteria hyaloidea) (Hyaloid artery) (Hyaloid artery)
6813 Membrana vitrea Vitreous membrane Vitreous membrane
6814 Humor vitreus Vitreous humor Vitreous humor

6815 Structurae accessoriae oculi Accessory visual structures Accessory visual structures Organa oculi accessoria
6816 Lamina episcleralis Spatium episclerale Episcleral layer Episcleral layer Episcleral space Spatium interfasciale; Spatium
Tenoni; Spatium circumbulbare
Endnote 979
6817 Vagina bulbi Fascial sheath of eyeball Fascial sheath of eyeball Fascia bulbi; Capsula bulbi; Fascia
Tenoni; Tenon’s capsule
Endnote 980
6818 Ligamentum suspensorium bulbi Suspensory ligament of eyeball Suspensory ligament of eyeball Lockwood’s ligament
6819 Corpus adiposum orbitae Orbital fat body Orbital fat body Retrobulbar fat
6820 Musculus orbitalis Orbitalis muscle Orbitalis muscle Orbital muscle Müller's muscle
6821 Musculi externi bulbi oculi Extra-ocular muscles Extraocular muscles Extrinsic muscles of eyeball See Systema musculare (Ch. 4 in
Part 2 of TA2)
6822 Palpebrae Eyelids Eyelids See also Partes and Regiones
corporis humani (Ch. 1 in Part 1 of
6823 Facies anterior palpebrae Anterior surface of eyelid Anterior surface of eyelid
6824 Limbus anterior palpebrae Anterior palpebral margin Anterior palpebral margin Limbus palpebralis anterior;
Limbus palpebralis cutaneus
6825 Limbus posterior palpebrae Posterior palpebral margin Posterior palpebral margin Limbus palpebralis posterior;
Limbus palpebralis conjunctivalis
6826 Facies posterior palpebrae Posterior surface of eyelid Posterior surface of eyelid
6827 Tarsus superior Superior tarsus Superior tarsus
6828 Musculus tarsalis superior Superior tarsal muscle Superior tarsal muscle Lamina profunda levatoris
palpebrae superioris; Müller's
Endnote 981
6829 Tarsus inferior Inferior tarsus Inferior tarsus
6830 Musculus tarsalis inferior Inferior tarsal muscle Inferior tarsal muscle TA2, Part 5 293

6831 Ligamentum palpebrale laterale Lateral palpebral ligament Lateral palpebral ligament Ligamentum palpebrale temporale
6832 Ligamentum palpebrale mediale Medial palpebral ligament Medial palpebral ligament Ligamentum palpebrale nasale
6833 Glandulae tarsales Tarsal glands Tarsal glands Glandulae tarseae; Glandulae
Meibomi; Meibomian glands
6834 Glandulae ciliares Ciliary glands Ciliary glands Glandulae Molli; Moll’s glands
6835 Glandulae sebaceae palpebrae Sebaceous glands of eyelid Sebaceous glands of eyelid Glands of Zeis
6836 Tunica conjunctiva Conjunctiva Conjunctiva
6837 Tunica conjunctiva bulbi oculi Bulbar conjunctiva Bulbar conjunctiva
6838 Saccus conjunctivalis Conjunctival sac Conjunctival sac Saccus conjunctivae
6839 Tunica conjunctiva palpebrae Palpebral conjunctiva Palpebral conjunctiva Tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum
6840 Fornix superior conjunctivae Superior conjunctival fornix Superior conjunctival fornix Fornix conjunctivae superior
6841 Plica semilunaris conjunctivae Plica semilunaris of conjunctiva Plica semilunaris of conjunctiva
6842 Fornix inferior conjunctivae Inferior conjunctival fornix Inferior conjunctival fornix Fornix conjunctivae inferior
6843 Glandulae conjunctivales Conjunctival glands Conjunctival glands Glandulae mucosae; Glandulae
6844 Caruncula lacrimalis Lacrimal caruncle Lacrimal caruncle
6845 Apparatus lacrimalis Lacrimal apparatus Lacrimal apparatus Organa lacrimalia
6846 Glandula lacrimalis Lacrimal gland Lacrimal gland
6847 Pars orbitalis glandulae Orbital part of lacrimal gland Orbital part of lacrimal gland Glandula lacrimalis superior
6848 Pars palpebralis glandulae Palpebral part of lacrimal gland Palpebral part of lacrimal gland Glandula lacrimalis inferior
6849 Ductuli excretorii glandulae Excretory ducts of lacrimal gland Excretory ducts of lacrimal gland
6850 (Glandulae lacrimales accessoriae) (Accessory lacrimal glands) (Accessory lacrimal glands) Glands of Kraus; Glands of
6851 Rivus lacrimalis Rivus lacrimalis Rivus lacrimalis
6852 Lacus lacrimalis Lacus lacrimalis Lacus lacrimalis Lacrimal lake
6853 Papilla lacrimalis Lacrimal papilla Lacrimal papilla
6854 Punctum lacrimale Lacrimal punctum Lacrimal punctum
6855 Canaliculus lacrimalis Lacrimal canaliculus Lacrimal canaliculus Ductus lacrimales; Ductuli
6856 Ampulla canaliculi lacrimalis Ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus Ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus Ampulla ductus lacrimalis
6857 Saccus lacrimalis Lacrimal sac Lacrimal sac
6858 Fornix sacci lacrimalis Fornix of lacrimal sac Fornix of lacrimal sac Sinus of Maier
6859 Ductus nasolacrimalis Nasolacrimal duct Nasolacrimal duct
6860 Plica lacrimalis Lacrimal fold Lacrimal fold Plica Hasneri; Plica ductus
nasolacrimalis; Hasner’s valve

6861 AURIS Organum auditus EAR EAR Organum statoacusticum; Organon

auditus; Organon status et auditus;
Organum vestibulocochleare
Endnote 982
6862 Auris externa External ear External ear
6863 Auricula Auricle Auricle Pinna See also Partes and Regiones
corporis humani (Ch. 1 in Part 1 of
TA2) TA2, Part 5 294

6864 Cartilago auriculae Auricular cartilage Auricular cartilage See Systema skeletale (Ch.2 in
Part 2 of TA2)
6865 Ligamenta auricularia Ligaments of auricle Ligaments of auricle Ligamenta Valsalvae
See Juncturae (Ch. 3 in Part 2 of
6866 Musculi auriculares interni Intrinsic auricular muscles Intrinsic auricular muscles See Systema musculare (Ch. 4 in
Part 2 of TA2)
6867 Meatus acusticus externus External acoustic meatus External acoustic meatus
6868 Porus acusticus externus External acoustic pore External acoustic pore External acoustic aperture
6869 Cartilago meatus acustici externi Cartilage of external acoustic Cartilage of external acoustic See Systema skeletale (Ch.2 in
meatus meatus Part 2 of TA2)
6870 Membrana tympanica Tympanic membrane Tympanic membrane Rivinus’ membrane
6871 Pars flaccida membranae Pars flaccida of tympanic Pars flaccida of tympanic Shrapnell’s membrane
tympanicae membrane membrane
6872 Pars tensa membranae Pars tensa of tympanic membrane Pars tensa of tympanic membrane
6873 Prominentia mallearis Mallear prominence Mallear prominence Malleolar prominence Prominentia malleolaris
6874 Stria mallearis Mallear stria Mallear stria Malleolar stria Stria malleolaris
6875 Umbo membranae tympanicae Umbo of tympanic membrane Umbo of tympanic membrane
6876 Anulus fibrocartilagineus Fibrocartilaginous ring Fibrocartilaginous ring

6877 Auris media Middle ear Middle ear Cavum tympani; Tympanum
Endnote 983
6878 Cavitas tympani Tympanum Tympanic cavity Tympanic cavity Tympanum Cavum tympani; Cavitas
6879 Recessus epitympanicus Epitympanum Epitympanic recess Epitympanic recess Epitympanum
6880 Pars cupularis recessus Cupular part of epitympanic Cupular part of epitympanic Cupula of epitympanic recess
epitympanici recess recess
6881 Cavitas tympani propria Tympanic cavity proper Tympanic cavity proper
6882 Mesotympanum Mesotympanum Mesotympanum
6883 Hypotympanum Hypotympanum Hypotympanum
6884 Recessus membranae tympanicae Recesses of tympanic membrane Recesses of tympanic membrane
6885 Recessus anterior membranae Anterior recess of tympanic Anterior recess of tympanic
tympanicae membrane membrane
6886 Recessus superior membranae Superior recess of tympanic Superior recess of tympanic Endnote 984
tympanicae membrane membrane
6887 Recessus posterior membranae Posterior recess of tympanic Posterior recess of tympanic
tympanicae membrane membrane
6888 Parietes cavitatis tympani Walls of tympanic cavity Walls of tympanic cavity
6889 Tunica mucosa cavitatis tympani Tunica mucosa tympanica Mucosa of tympanic cavity Mucosa of tympanic cavity Tunica mucosa cavi tympani
6890 Paries tegmentalis cavitatis Tegmental wall of tympanic cavity Tegmental wall of tympanic cavity Tegmental roof of tympanic cavity
6891 Paries jugularis cavitatis tympani Jugular wall of tympanic cavity Jugular wall of tympanic cavity Floor of tympanic cavity
6892 Prominentia styloidea Styloid prominence Styloid prominence
6893 Cellulae tympanicae Tympanic cells Tympanic cells
6894 Paries caroticus cavitatis tympani Carotid wall of tympanic cavity Carotid wall of tympanic cavity Anterior wall TA2, Part 5 295

6895 Ostium tympanicum tubae Ostium tympanicum tubae Tympanic opening of auditory Tympanic opening of auditory Ostium tympanicum tubae
auditivae auditoriae tube tube pharyngotympanicae
6896 Paries labyrinthicus cavitatis Labyrinthine wall of tympanic Labyrinthine wall of tympanic Medial wall of tympanic cavity
tympani cavity cavity
6897 Fenestra vestibuli Fenestra ovalis Vestibular window Vestibular window Oval window
6898 Fossula fenestrae vestibuli Fossula fenestrae ovalis Fossa of vestibular window Fossa of vestibular window Fossa of oval window; Oval
window niche
6899 Promontorium tympani Promontory of tympanic cavity Promontory of tympanic cavity Promuntorium
6900 Sulcus promontorii Groove of promontory Groove of promontory Sulcus promunturii
6901 Subiculum promontorii Subiculum of promontory Subiculum of promontory
6902 Ponticulus promontorii Ponticle of promontory Ponticle of promontory Endnote 985
6903 Sinus tympani Sinus tympani Sinus tympani
6904 Fenestra cochleae Fenestra rotunda Cochlear window Cochlear window Round window
6905 Membrana tympanica Secondary tympanic membrane Secondary tympanic membrane
6906 Fossula fenestrae cochleae Fossa of cochlear window Fossa of cochlear window Fossa of round window; Round
Fossula fenestrae rotundae window niche
6907 Crista fenestrae cochleae Crista fenestrae rotundae Crest of cochlear window Crest of cochlear window Crest of round window
6908 Processus cochleariformis Processus cochleariformis Processus cochleariformis
6909 Paries mastoideus cavitatis Mastoid wall of tympanic cavity Mastoid wall of tympanic cavity Posterior wall of tympanic cavity
6910 Aditus antri mastoidei Aditus ad antrum mastoideum Aditus to mastoid antrum Aditus to mastoid antrum
6911 Prominentia canalis Prominence of lateral Prominence of lateral
semicircularis lateralis semicircular canal semicircular canal
6912 Prominentia canalis facialis Prominence of facial canal Prominence of facial canal Prominentia canalis nervi facialis
6913 Eminentia pyramidalis Pyramidal eminence Pyramidal eminence
6914 Fossa incudis Fossa of incus Fossa of incus
6915 Sinus posterior Posterior sinus Posterior sinus
6916 Apertura tympanica canaliculi Apertura tympanica canaliculi Tympanic aperture of posterior Tympanic aperture of posterior Tympanic aperture of canaliculus
tympanici posterioris chordae tympani tympanic canaliculus tympanic canaliculus for chorda tympani
6917 Paries membranaceus cavitatis Membranous wall of tympanic Membranous wall of tympanic Lateral wall of tympanic cavity
tympani cavity cavity
6918 Plica mallearis posterior Posterior fold of malleus Posterior fold of malleus Posterior malleolar fold Plica malleolaris posterior
6919 Plica mallearis anterior Anterior fold of malleus Anterior fold of malleus Anterior malleolar fold Plica malleolaris anterior
6920 Plica chordae tympani Fold of chorda tympani Fold of chorda tympani
6921 Plica incudalis Fold of incus Fold of incus
6922 Plica stapedialis Fold of stapedius Fold of stapedius
6923 Ossicula auditus Auditory ossicles Auditory ossicles Ossicula tympani
See Systema skeletale (Ch.2 in
Part 2 of TA2)
6924 Juncturae ossiculorum auditus Joints of auditory ossicles Joints of auditory ossicles Juncturae ossiculorum tympani
See Juncturae (Ch. 3 in Part 2 of
6925 Musculi ossiculorum auditus Muscles of auditory ossicles Muscles of auditory ossicles Musculi ossiculorum tympani
See Systema musculare (Ch. 4 in
Part 2 of TA2) TA2, Part 5 296

6926 Tuba auditiva Tuba auditoria Auditory tube Auditory tube Pharyngotympanic tube Tuba pharyngotympanica; Tuba
Eustachii; Eustachian tube
6927 Pars ossea tubae auditivae Pars ossea tubae auditoriae Bony part of auditory tube Bony part of auditory tube
6928 Isthmus tubae auditivae Isthmus tubae auditoriae Isthmus of auditory tube Isthmus of auditory tube
6929 Cellulae pneumaticae tubae Cellulae pneumaticae tubae Tubal cells Tubal cells Tubal air cells Cellulae pneumaticae tubariae;
auditivae auditoriae Cellulae pneumaticae tubales
6930 Pars cartilaginea tubae auditivae Pars cartilaginea tubae auditoriae Cartilaginous part of auditory tube Cartilaginous part of auditory tube
6931 Cartilago tubae auditivae Cartilago tubae auditoriae Cartilage of auditory tube Cartilage of auditory tube See Systema skeletale (Ch.2 in
Part 2 of TA2)
6932 Lamina membranacea tubae Lamina membranacea tubae Membranous lamina of auditory Membranous lamina of auditory
auditivae auditoriae tube tube
6933 Tunica mucosa tubae auditivae Tunica mucosa tubae auditoriae Mucosa of auditory tube Mucosa of auditory tube Mucous membrane of auditory
6934 Glandulae tubariae Tubal glands Tubal glands Tubal glands

6935 Auris interna Internal ear Internal ear

6937 Spatium perilymphaticum Perilymphatic space Perilymphatic space Spatium perilymphaceum
6938 Perilympha Perilymph Perilymph
6939 Ductus perilymphatici Perilymphatic ducts Perilymphatic ducts Ductus perilymphacei
6940 Aquaeductus vestibuli Aqueductus vestibuli Vestibular aqueduct Vestibular aqueduct Canaliculus vestibuli
6941 Canaliculus cochleae Aquaeductus cochleae; Cochlear canaliculus Cochlear canaliculus Cochlear aqueduct
Aqueductus cochleae
6942 Vestibulum Vestibule Vestibule
6943 Recessus ellipticus Recessus utricularis Elliptical recess Elliptical recess Utricular recess
6944 Apertura interna canaliculi Internal opening of vestibular Internal opening of vestibular
vestibuli canaliculus canaliculus
6945 Recessus sphaericus Recessus sphericus; Recessus Spherical recess Spherical recess Saccular recess
6946 Recessus cochlearis Cochlear recess Cochlear recess
6947 Parietes vestibuli Walls of vestibule Walls of vestibule
6948 Crista vestibuli Vestibular crest Vestibular crest
6949 Pyramis vestibuli Pyramid of vestibule Pyramid of vestibule
6950 Maculae cribrosae Maculae cribrosae Maculae cribrosae Areae cribriformes
6951 Macula cribrosa superior Macula cribrosa superior Macula cribrosa superior Area cribriformis utriculoampullaris
6952 Macula cribrosa media Macula cribrosa media Macula cribrosa media Area cribriformis saccularis
6953 Macula cribrosa inferior Macula cribrosa inferior Macula cribrosa inferior Area cribriformis ampullaris
6954 Canales semicirculares Semicircular canals Semicircular canals
6955 Canalis semicircularis anterior Anterior semicircular canal Anterior semicircular canal Canalis semicircularis superior
Endnote 986
6956 Ampulla ossea anterior Anterior bony ampulla Anterior bony ampulla Ampulla ossea superior
6957 Canalis semicircularis posterior Posterior semicircular canal Posterior semicircular canal
6958 Ampulla ossea posterior Posterior bony ampulla Posterior bony ampulla
6959 Crus osseum commune Common bony limb Common bony limb Crus commune
Endnote 987
6960 Crura ossea ampullaria Ampullary bony limbs Ampullary bony limbs Crura ampullaria; Crura ossea
6961 Canalis semicircularis lateralis Lateral semicircular canal Lateral semicircular canal TA2, Part 5 297

6962 Ampulla ossea lateralis Lateral bony ampulla Lateral bony ampulla
6963 Crus osseum simplex Simple bony limb Simple bony limb Crus simplex
6964 Cochlea Cochlea Cochlea
6965 Cupula cochleae Cochlear cupula Cochlear cupula
6966 Basis cochleae Base of cochlea Base of cochlea
6967 Canalis spiralis cochleae Spiral canal of cochlea Spiral canal of cochlea
6968 Scala vestibuli Scala vestibuli Scala vestibuli
6969 Helicotrema Helicotrema Helicotrema
6970 Scala tympani Scala tympani Scala tympani
6971 Apertura interna canaliculi Apertura interna aquaeductus Internal opening of cochlear Internal opening of cochlear Internal opening of cochlear
cochleae cochleae canaliculus canaliculus aqueduct
6972 Parietes cochleae Walls of cochlea Walls of cochlea
6973 Lamina spiralis ossea Osseous spiral lamina Osseous spiral lamina
6974 Lamella vestibularis Vestibular lamella Vestibular lamella
6975 Lamella tympanica Tympanic lamella Tympanic lamella
6976 Foramina nervosa Foramina nervosa Foramina nervosa
6977 Hamulus laminae spiralis Hamulus of spiral lamina Hamulus of spiral lamina
6978 Lamina spiralis secundaria Secondary spiral lamina Secondary spiral lamina
6979 Septum cochleae Cochlear septum Cochlear septum
6980 Modiolus cochleae Modiolous of cochlea Modiolous of cochlea Cochlear modiolus
6981 Basis modioli Base of modiolus Base of modiolus
6982 Lamina modioli Lamina of modiolus Lamina of modiolus
6983 Canalis spiralis secundaria Spiral canal of modiolus Spiral canal of modiolus Canalis spiralis modioli
6984 Canales longitudinales modioli Longitudinal canals of modiolus Longitudinal canals of modiolus
6985 Meatus acusticus internus Internal acoustic meatus Internal acoustic meatus
6986 Fundus meatus acustici interni Fundus of internal acoustic meatus Fundus of internal acoustic meatus
6987 Crista transversa Transverse crest Transverse crest
6988 Area nervi facialis Facial area Facial area
6989 Crista verticalis Vertical crest Vertical crest
6990 Area vestibularis superior Superior vestibular area Superior vestibular area Area vestibularis utriculoampullaris
6991 Area vestibularis inferior Inferior vestibular area Inferior vestibular area Area vestibularis saccularis
6992 Foramen singulare Foramen singulare Foramen singulare
6993 Area cochlearis Area cochleae Cochlear area Cochlear area
6994 Tractus spiralis foraminosus Tractus spiralis foraminosus Tractus spiralis foraminosus
6996 Spatium endolymphaticum Endolymphatic space Endolymphatic space Spatium endolymphaceum
6997 Endolympha Endolymph Endolymph
6998 Labyrinthus vestibularis Vestibular labyrinth Vestibular labyrinth Pars statica labyrinthi membranaei
6999 Utriculus Utricle Utricle
7000 Macula utricularis Macula of utricle Macula of utricle
7001 Sacculus Saccule Saccule
7002 Macula saccularis Macula of saccule Macula of saccule
7003 Ductus utriculosaccularis Utriculosaccular duct Utriculosaccular duct
7004 Ductus utricularis Utricular duct Utricular duct
7005 Ductus saccularis Saccular duct Saccular duct TA2, Part 5 298

7006 Ductus endolymphaticus Endolymphatic duct Endolymphatic duct Ductus endolymphaceus
7007 Saccus endolymphaticus Endolymphatic sac Endolymphatic sac Saccus endolymphaceus
7008 Ductus reuniens Ductus reuniens Ductus reuniens Ductus Hensenii
7009 Ductus semicirculares Semicircular ducts Semicircular ducts
7010 Ductus semicircularis anterior Anterior semicircular duct Anterior semicircular duct Ductus semicircularis superior
7011 Ampulla membranacea anterior Anterior membranous ampulla Anterior membranous ampulla Ampulla membranacea superior
7012 Crista ampullaris anterior Anterior ampullary crest Anterior ampullary crest Crista ampullaris superior
7013 Ductus semicircularis posterior Posterior semicircular duct Posterior semicircular duct
7014 Ampulla membranacea Posterior membranous ampulla Posterior membranous ampulla
7015 Crista ampullaris posterior Posterior ampullary crest Posterior ampullary crest
7016 Crus membranaceum commune Common membranous limb Common membranous limb
7017 Crura membranacea Ampullary membranous limbs Ampullary membranous limbs
7018 Ductus semicircularis lateralis Lateral semicircular duct Lateral semicircular duct
7019 Ampulla membranacea Lateral membranous ampulla Lateral membranous ampulla
7020 Crista ampullaris lateralis Lateral ampullary crest Lateral ampullary crest
7021 Crus membranaceum simplex Simple membranous limb Simple membranous limb
7022 Ductus cochlearis Labyrinthus cochlearis Cochlear duct Cochlear duct Cochlear labyrinth Pars auditiva labyrinthi
membranacei; Reissner’s canal
Endnote 989
7023 Scala media Scala media Scala media
7024 Caecum vestibulare Vestibular caecum Vestibular cecum Cecum vestibulare
7025 Caecum cupulare Cupular caecum Cupular cecum Cecum cupulare
7026 Membrana vestibularis Paries vestibularis ductus Vestibular membrane Vestibular membrane Vestibular wall of cochlear duct; Membrana Reissneri; Reissner’s
cochlearis Vestibular surface of cochlear duct membrane
7027 Paries externus ductus cochlearis External wall of cochlear duct External wall of cochlear duct External surface of cochlear duct
7028 Stria vascularis Stria vascularis Stria vascularis
7029 Prominentia spiralis Spiral prominence Spiral prominence
7030 Ligamentum spirale cochleae Crista spirale; Crista basilaris Spiral ligament of cochlea Spiral ligament of cochlea Spiral crest; Basal crest Endnote 990
7031 Membrana spiralis Paries tympanicus ductus Spiral membrane Spiral membrane Tympanic wall of cochlear duct Tympanic surface of cochlear duct
7032 Lamina basilaris Basilar membrane Basilar membrane Lamina basialis
7033 Limbus spiralis Limbus laminae spiralis osseae Spiral limbus Spiral limbus Limbus of osseus spiral lamina Limbus of spiral membrane;
Limbus laminae spiralis
7034 Membrana tectoria Tectorial membrane Tectorial membrane
7035 Organum spirale Spiral organ Spiral organ Organum Cortii; Organon spirale;
Organon Cortii; Organ of Corti

7037 Calyculus gustatorius Caliculus gustatorius; Gemma Taste bud Taste bud
7038 Porus gustatorius Taste pore Taste pore
7039 Glandula gustatorius Gustatory gland Gustatory gland Von Ebner’s gland; Ebner’s gland TA2, Part 5 299


Latin term Latin synonym UK English US English English synonym Other

7040 Integumentum commune Integument Integument Endnote 991
7041 Cutis Skin Skin
7042 Sulci cutis Skin sulci Skin sulci
7043 Cristae cutis Dermal ridges Dermal ridges Papillary ridges
7044 Toruli tactiles Tactile elevations Tactile elevations
7045 Lineae distractiones Cleavage lines Cleavage lines Tension lines Langer’s lines
7046 Epidermis Epidermis Epidermis
7047 Dermis Corium Dermis Dermis Corium Endnote 992
7048 Stratum papillare Papillary layer Papillary layer Corpus papillare
Endnote 993
7049 Papillae Papillae Papillae
7050 Stratum reticulare Reticular layer Reticular layer Tunica propria cutis
7051 Arrector pili Musculus arrector pili Arrector muscle of hair Arrector muscle of hair

7052 Adnexae cutis Skin appendages Skin appendages

7053 Pili Hairs Hairs Endnote 994
7054 Lanugo Downy hair Downy hair Primary hair
7055 Capilli Hairs of head Hairs of head Scalp hair
7056 Pili supercilii Hairs of eyebrow Hairs of eyebrow
7057 Cilia Eyelashes Eyelashes
7058 Pili barbae Hairs of beard Hairs of beard
7059 Tragi Hairs of tragus Hairs of tragus Ear hairs Endnote 995
7060 Vibrissae Hairs of vestibule of nose Hairs of vestibule of nose Nose hairs Endnote 996
7061 Hirci Axillary hairs Axillary hairs Endnote 997
7062 Pubes Pubic hairs Pubic hairs
7063 Stipes pili Scapus Hair shaft Hair shaft
7064 Folliculus pili Hair follicle Hair follicle
7065 Unguis Nail Nail
7066 Lamina unguis Corpus unguis Nail plate Nail plate Body of nail
7067 Lunula unguis Lunule of nail Lunule of nail
7068 Margo occultus unguis Hidden border of nail Hidden border of nail
7069 Margo lateralis unguis Lateral border of nail Lateral border of nail
7070 Margo liber unguis Free border of nail Free border of nail
7071 Perionyx Perionyx Perionyx Endnote 998
7072 Eponychium Eponychium Eponychium Cuticle
7073 Hyponychium Hyponychium Hyponychium
7074 Lectulus Nail bed Nail bed
7075 Vallum unguis Nail wall Nail wall Nail fold
7076 Radix unguis Nail root Nail root TA2, Part 5 300

7077 Matrix unguis Nail matrix Nail matrix
7078 Glandulae cutis Skin glands Skin glands
7079 Glandulae sudoriferae Sweat glands Sweat glands
7080 Glandula sudorifera merocrina Glandula sudorifera eccrina Eccrine sweat gland Eccrine sweat gland
7081 Glandula sudorifera apocrina Apocrine sweat gland Apocrine sweat gland
7082 Glandula sebacea Sebaceous gland Sebaceous gland Glandula sebacea holocrina

7083 Tela subcutanea Hypodermis; Subcutis Subcutaneous tissue Subcutaneous tissue Superficial fascia Endnote 999
7084 Panniculus adiposus Fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue Fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue
7085 Retinacula cutis Skin ligaments Skin ligaments
7086 Stratum musculosum panniculi Muscle layer of panniculus Muscle layer of panniculus Musculus cutaneus striatus
adiposi adiposus adiposus
7087 Stratum fibrosum panniculi Fibrous layer of panniculus Fibrous layer of panniculus
adiposi adiposus adiposus
7088 Stratum membranosum telae Membranous layer of Membranous layer of
subcutanei subcutaneous tissue subcutaneous tissue
7089 Textus connectivus laxus telae Subcutaneous loose connective Subcutaneous loose connective
subcutanei tissue tissue
7090 Retinaculum caudale Retinaculum caudale Retinaculum caudale Ligamentum caudale; Retinaculum
caudale cutis
7091 Tela subcutanea abdominis Subcutaneous tissue of Subcutaneous tissue of Abdominal subcutaneous
abdomen abdomen tissue; Abdominal superficial
7092 Panniculus adiposus abdominis Fatty layer of abdominal Fatty layer of abdominal Fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue Camper’s fascia
subcutaneous tissue subcutaneous tissue of abdomen
7093 Stratum membranosum telae Membranous layer of abdominal Membranous layer of abdominal Membranous layer of Scarpa’s fascia
subcutanei abdominis subcutaneous tissue subcutaneous tissue subcutaneous tissue of abdomen
7094 Tela subcutanea perinei Subcutaneous tissue of Subcutaneous tissue of Perineal subcutaneous tissue;
perineum perineum Perineal superficial fascia
7095 Stratum membranosum telae Membranous layer of perineal Membranous layer of perineal Membranous layer of Colles’ fascia
subcutanei perinei subcutaneous tissue subcutaneous tissue subcutaneous tissue of perineum
7096 Spatium subcutaneum perinei Saccus subcutaneous perinei Subcutaneous perineal space Subcutaneous perineal space Subcutaneous perineal pouch Endnote 1000

7097 Mamma Breast Breast Endnote 1001

7098 Corpus mammae Body of breast Body of breast
7099 Glandula mammaria Mammary gland Mammary gland Endnote 1002
7100 Processus axillaris Processus lateralis Axillary process Axillary process Axillary tail Tail of Spence
Endnote 1003
7101 Lobi glandulae mammariae Lobes of mammary gland Lobes of mammary gland Lobi mammae
7102 Lobuli glandulae mammariae Lobules of mammary gland Lobules of mammary gland Lobuli mammae
7103 Ductus lactiferi Lactiferous duct Lactiferous duct
7104 Sinus lactiferi Lactiferous sinus Lactiferous sinus
7105 Papilla mammaria Nipple Nipple
7106 Areola mammae Areola Areola
7107 Glandulae areolares Areolar glands Areolar glands Glandulae Montgomerii;
Montgomery gland
7108 Tubercula areolae Areolar tubercles Areolar tubercles Tubercles of Montgomery TA2, Part 5 301

7109 Ligamenta suspensoria mammaria Retinaculum cutis mammae Suspensory ligaments of breast Suspensory ligaments of breast Suspensory retinaculum of breast Ligamenta suspensoria mammae;
Cooper’s ligaments
Endnote 1004
7110 Sulcus intermammarius Intermammary cleft Intermammary cleft
7111 (Papilla mammaria accessoria) (Accessory nipple) (Accessory nipple) Supernumerary nipple
7112 (Mamma accessoria) (Accessory breast) (Accessory breast)

7113 Calva Scalp Scalp Epicranium TA2, Part 5 302


769 Cavum trigeminale. This is the finger-like outpouching of the Dura mater surrounding the ganglion and divisions of the N. trigeminus. [NA2, 1961]

770 Spatium subdurale and Spatium epidurale. Although these terms are in common usage, under normal circumstances the arachnoid is attached to the dura and the dura is attached to the skull; there is no
naturally occurring spaces at these interfaces at all. The occurrence of these spaces is the result of trauma or of pathological process that artifactually separates the arachnoid from the dura or the dura from the
skull. Haines D.E. 1991. “On the Question of a Subdural Space.” Anat Rec 230: 3-21. Van Denabeele F., Creemans J., and Lambrichts I. 1996. “Ultrastructure of the Human Spinal Arachnoid Mater and Dura
mater.: J Anat 189: 417-430. [TA, 1998]

771 Spatium subdurale and Spatium epidurale. Although these terms are in common usage, under normal circumstances the arachnoid is attached to the dura and the dura is attached to the skull; there is no
naturally occurring spaces at these interfaces at all. The occurrence of these spaces is the result of trauma or of pathological process that artifactually separates the arachnoid from the dura or the dura from the
skull. Haines D.E. 1991. “On the Question of a Subdural Space.” Anat Rec 230: 3-21. Van Denabeele F., Creemans J., and Lambrichts I. 1996. “Ultrastructure of the Human Spinal Arachnoid Mater and Dura
mater.: J Anat 189: 417-430. [TA, 1998]

772 Spatium subarachnoidale. This is the space deep to the outer layer of the leptomeninx and containing the arachnoid trabeculae. The spatium is bounded internally by the outer layer of the pia mater, however,
and the most appropriate designation is therefore spatium leptomeningeum, leptomeningeal space. [TA, 1998]

773 Liquor cerebrospinalis. This is another term which was added as a result of numerous requests for its inclusion. [NA2, 1961]

774 Taenia chorioidea. By the word Taenia we uniformly designate, after Reichert (1861), all those sharp edges, along which the compact substance of the brain continues into the epithelial lining of the
corresponding Telae chorioidea. .... Morphologically considered the taenia are margins of the artificial openings in the brain tube; therefore they must everywhere form closed recurrent lines. They also indicate
everywhere the lines of demarcation between intra- and extraventricular parts of the surface of the brain. The taeniae as sharp transitional seams are throughout our nomenclature differentiated from the medullary
striae which are connected with them. [BNA, 1895]

775 Tela chorioidea. In the roof of the third and fourth ventricles, as well as in a strip of the medial wall of the hemisphere, the formation of nervous tissue does not occur and the continuity of the tubes is brought
about by means of a thin epithelial lamina in which the adjoining nervous parts of the brain continue, but rapidly decrease. The epithelial parts of the wall here and there undergo complicated foldings toward the
cerebral cavities and their outer surfaces are covered throughout by highly vascular connective tissue laminae, the Telae chorioideae. [BNA, 1895]

776 Linea splendens. The linea splendens is a thickening of the pia mater around the anterior spinal artery.

777 Cerebrum. Based on ontogenesis, we have retained the three main parts of v. Baer, which we call Rhombencephalon, Mesencephalon, and Prosencephalon. The large brain or Cerebrum of anatomy
comprises the two last named parts. The Prosencephalon is divided into the Diencephalon and Telencephalon. [BNA, 1895] Although more recent IFAA terminologies have narrowed the definition of cerebrum,
making it a synonym of telencephalon, the working group has opted to essentially restore the older definition, making cerebrum the adult equivalent of the prosencephalon (forebrain). This is consistent with usage
of the adjective cerebral, and allows division of the developing brain into forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, and the adult brain into cerebrum, truncus cerebri, and cerebellum.

778 Facies superolateralis hemisphaerii cerebri. [Facies superolateralis cerebri]. This is regarded as a better and more informative designation than the B.N.A. and P.N.A. term Facies convexa. [NA2, 1961]

779 Margo superior hemisphaeriii cerebri. The margins or borders of the cerebral hemispheres were not named in previous editions. Actually it would be more correct to place the surfaces [facies] and borders
[margines] under Hemispherium. [NA3, 1966] TA2, Part 5 303

780 Facies inferior hemisphaerii cerebri. [Facies inferior cerebri]. This replaces the P.N.A. term Basis cerebri. For many years the “base of the brain” has meant all the parts of the Encephalon visible when it is
looked at from below: the term was used in this sense in the B.N.A., and it is misleading and inaccurate to limit its use to the inferior surface of the cerebrum. [NA2, 1961]

781 Telencephalon. The parts of the hemispheres early differentiating from each other are: the Pallium, the Corpus striatum and the Rhinencephalon. All the other parts, Fornix, horn of Ammon, Corpus callosum,
etc., arise later and their history needs here no discussion. [BNA, 1895]

782 Incisura preoccipitalis. This notch is found near the posterior end of the Inferolateral border of the hemisphere. A line joining the notch to the “Sulcus parieto-occipitalis externus” is taken as the boundary line
between the occipital lobe behind, and the parietal and temporal lobes in front. [PNA, 1955]

783 Sulcus rhinalis. This sulcus is often present and merits inclusion in the list. [NA2, 1961]

784 Sulcus lunatus. This Sulcus which, when present, limits the extent of the Striate area on the “Facies convexa cerebri”, lies at, or near, the posterior end of the “Sulcus calcarinus”. [PNA, 1955] This is a
variable feature in the human occipital lobe. [NA4, 1977]

785 Gyrus lingualis. This B.N.A. term was dropped from P.N.A. It has now been reinstated and it indicates the posterior part of the Gyrus parahippocampalis. [NA2, 1961]

786 Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis. This gyrus is separated from the Gyrus temporalis inferior by the Margo inferior [inferolateralis]. [NA3, 1966] Usage of this term varies markedly in the literature. The majority
appears to favor use of the occipitotemporal sulcus as the border between the lateral occipitotemporal gyrus and inferior temporal gyrus.

787 Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis. The Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis is continuous with the Gyrus lingualis and the Gyrus parahippocampalis. [NA5, 1983]

788 Insula. [Lobus insularis]. The new term is preferred by many. Insula remains as an official alternative. [NA4, 1977]

789 Limen insulae. The ridge forms also in the mature brain a sharp demarcation between the region of the Insula and Substantia perforata lateralis and joins in an arch like manner the frontal and temporal lobes.
Broca calls it le bord falciforme du lobe limbique; Schwalbe calls it the Inselschewelle – Limen insulae. The Limen insulae is to be considered part of the Rhinencephalon just like the Striae olfactoriae laterales.
[BNA, 1895] This term has been repositioned. Previously it was placed amongst olfactory structures. [NA3, 1966]

790 Lobus limbicus. Consists of structures which form a continuum on the most medial aspect of the cerebral hemisphere. These structures are not located internal to a bone of the same name and, therefore, do
not share this feature with most other lobes of the hemisphere. However, structures forming the limbic lobe, as is the case for other lobes of the cerebral hemisphere have functions that are characteristic of, and
unique to, that lobe and are separated from adjacent structures by named fissures. When the term lobus limbicus is not used, its constituent parts are considered as the medial portions of the frontal, parietal, and
temporal lobes. [TA, 1998]

791 Area subcallosa. This area corresponds to the B.N.A. “Area parolfactoria (Brocae)”. [PNA, 1955]

792 Gyrus fornicatus. Gyrus fornicatus, subdivided into G. cingulii and G. hippocampi, corresponds to the “grand lobe limbique” of Broca. This lobe Broca divided into a “Circonvolution du corps calleux” and a
“circonvolution de l’hippocampe.” Schwalbe in his neurology has called Broca’s lobe limbique the Lobus falciformis and beside attributed to it the formation of the marginal arch, the Corpus callosum, the Fornix,
including the Fimbria and Fascia dentata, and the Septum pellucidum. [BNA, 1895]

793 Gyrus cinguli. The Gyrus cinguli is surrounded by the Sulcus cinguli. [BNA, 1895]

794 Gyrus parahippocampalis. This term was regarded as more accurate than the B.N.A. term “Gyrus hippocampi”. [PNA, 1955] The new term is more exact. Gyrus hippocampi remains, for the present, as an
official alternative. [NA4, 1977] TA2, Part 5 304

795 Gyrus paraterminalis. [Gyrus subcallosus]. Gyrus subcallosus, Pedunculus corporis callosi and Pedunculus septi pellucidi are three terms for one and the same structure which need a more detailed
explanation. The names designate that rounded protuberance, which delimited by a deep groove, is visible immediately anterior to the Commissura anterior and the upper end of which follows closely the Rostrum
of the Corpus callosum, while the lower end reaches to the medial corner of the Substantia perforata lateralis. [BNA, 1895] This represents the “Gyrus subcallosus” (Pedunculus corporis callosi). [PNA, 1955]

796 Gyrus dentatus. This gyrus is hidden from the surface since it lies in the depths of the Fissura hippocampi. It is a constituent part of the olfactory cortex. [PNA, 1955]

797 Alveus hippocampi. This is the thin layer of white matter covering the ventricular surface of the Hippocampus. [NA2, 1961]

798 Gyrus fasciolaris. This represents the transitional area between the Dentate gyrus and the Indusium griseum. [PNA, 1955]

799 Indusium griseum. This designates the thin layer of grey matter on the upper surface of the Corpus callosum. When traced round the Splenium, it becomes continuous with the “Gyrus fasciolaris” and thus with
the Dentate gyrus. [PNA, 1955]

800 Pars basalis telencephali. [Rhinencephalon]. The comparative anatomical investigations of Broca (1879), of Zuckerkandl (1887) and of W. Turner (1890) as well as my (His, 1889; 1892) ontogenetic
investigations, have proved that the olfactory brain or Rhinencephalon is to be distinguished as a part independent from the rest of the hemisphere – the Pallium. The bulk of the olfactory part of the brain increases
or decreases according to the development of the sense in question. .... From the basal part of the [embryonic] anterior olfactory lobe are developed: the Bulbus, the Tractus and the Trigonum olfactorium which we
include in a narrower anatomical sense under Lobus olfactorius. [BNA, 1895] Rhinencephalon, despite its amorphous meaning, is retained at the request of many. [NA4, 1977] The term rhinencephalon has been
omitted because it is no longer in common use and the areas/structures listed under this designation in previous terminologies subserve considerably more than just olfactory functions. These structures now
appear under headings which specify their proper anatomical location (Lobus frontalis; Pars basalis telencephali). This new section includes structures that in previous terminology lists have been scattered
throughout other sections. It is noted, however, that the pars basalis telencephali includes some structures that may also be referred to as parts of the nuclei basales (e.g., pallidum ventrale, striatum ventrale). In
the pars basalis telencephali, the pars sublenticularis amygdalae, the nuclei striae terminalis, the substantia innominata, the striatum ventrale and the pallidum ventrale form a continuous grey complex [TA, 1998]
This section continues to be a heterogeneous collection of pallial and subpallial structures because there does not appear to be a consensus on rearrangement of these structures.

801 Stria diagonalis. [Bandaletta diagonalis]. This term was required by many workers, but Latinization is difficult. Since the French term is derived from a Latin feminine, this gender has been used. [NA4, 1977]

802 Corpus amygdaloideum. This term replaces the B.N.A. “Nucleus amygadalae” for it is in fact a composite nucleus and consists of a number of parts, which have not been named. [PNA, 1955] This was listed
as a component part of the nuclei basales in previous terminologies, and functions largely outside activities governed by the nuclei basales. Consequently, it is listed here in the correct location within the pars
basalis telencephali. [TA, 1998]

803 Corpus striatum. [Nuclei basales telencephali]. Some textbooks state, without qualification, that the substantia nigra and nucleus subthalamicus are parts of the basal nuclei of the telencephalon. Since this
affiliation is based on functional, not structural or developmental, grounds it is inappropriate to include these structures under this heading. The substantia nigra and the nucleus subthalamicus are parts of the
mesencephalon and diencephalon, respectively. [TA, 1998]

804 Corpus nuclei caudati. The Committee felt that the caudate nucleus deserves to have a body as well as a head and a tail! [NA2, 1961]

805 Capsula interna. The pars frontalis and the Pars occipitalis have been changed to “Crus anterius” and “Crus posterius”, and the “Pars sublentiformis” and “Pars retrolentiformis” are added. [PNA, 1955] This is
the broad lamina of white matter which lies on the convex medial surface of the Nucleus lentiformis. Medially it is bounded by the Caput nuclei caudati and by the Thalamus. It is subdivided into anterior and
posterior crura with a so-called genu between them, and also into sublentiform and retrolentiform parts. [NA2, 1961]

806 Crus posterius capsulae internae. Consists of what were historically called thalamolentiform, sublentiform, and retrolentiform parts. However, as each contains different and functionally unique fibre
populations, these parts are frequently called, respectively, the posterior limb, the sublentiform (or sublenticular) limb, and the retrolentiform (or retrolenticular) limb of the internal capsule. [TA, 1998] TA2, Part 5 305

807 Capsula externa. This indicates the thin lamina of white matter between the lateral aspect of the Nucleus lentiformis and the Claustrum. [NA2, 1961]

808 Tapetum. Commissural fibres of the corpus callosum on the superolateral aspect of the cornu occipitale of the ventriculus lateralis. [NA4, 1977]

809 Commissura hippocampi. [Commissura fornicis]. This term replaces the B.N.A. “Commissura hippocampi”. [PNA, 1955]

810 Fibrae corticonucleares. The term corticobulbar, as commonly used in the past, refers to axons originating in the cerebral cortex and innervating motor nuclei of cranial nerves of the medulla oblongata, pons,
and by extension, the midbrain. Since bulbus specifically refers to the medulla oblongata, application of the term corticobulbar to these fibres in the midbrain is incorrect. The term corticonuclearis followed by bulbi,
pontinis, or mesencephali replaces corticobulbar and specifies cortical axons that innervate motor and/or sensory nuclei of cranial nerves. [TA, 1998]

811 Fibrae corticomesencephalicae. Axons arising in the cerebral cortex that innervate mesencephalic structures such as the substantia nigra, tegmentum mesencephali, and the tectum. [TA, 1998]

812 Cornu frontale. In view of the difficulties of applying positional adjectives in the primate forebrain, the Subcommittee approved the substitution of frontale, etc. for anterius, etc. [NA4, 1977]

813 Atrium ventriculi lateralis. The expansion of the ventriculus lateralis where the pars centralis meets the cornu occipitale and the cornu temporale. [TA, 1998]

814 Lamina affixa. The layer of substance which covers the V. terminalis continues as a thin lamella over the adjoining part of the optic thalamus as Lamina affixa. The width of the lamina affixa at first increases
from in front backwards and then decreases; it attains at it maximum 5-6 mm. The Lamina affixa is, as lately emphasized by Hochstetter, like the epithelium of the lateral vascular plexus and like the fornix and the
Septum pellucidum, a remnant of the medial wall of the hemisphere. [BNA, 1895]

815 Taenia chorioidea ventriculi lateralis. At the Foramen Monroi, the Taenia thalami turns backward into the Taenia chorioidea. The layer of substance which covers the V. terminalis continues as a thin lamella
over the adjoining part of the optic thalamus as Lamina affixa. Then with a free projecting margin it passes over as the Taenia chorioidea into the epithelium of the Plexus chorioideus lateralis. In the inferior horn
the Taenia chorioidea lies close to the Stria terminalis. The Taenia chorioidea descends alongside the Cauda corporis striati into the inferior horn as far as its anterior end. [BNA, 1895]

816 Fissura chorioidea. There were many requests for the inclusion of this term. It lies between the upper surface of the thalamus and the lateral edge of the Fornix in the central part of the lateral ventricle and
between the Stria terminalis and the edge of the Fimbria hippocampi in the inferior horn. [NA2, 1961]

817 Taenia fornicis. [Taenia fornicis et fimbriae]. The Taenia chorioidea descends alongside the Cauda corporis striati into the inferior horn as far as its anterior end. Here it turns into the margin of the Fimbria
hippocampi and is continued into the Taenia fornicis. The two taeniae of the fornix finally join in the median line above the foramen of Monro. [BNA, 1895] Many anatomists have written to ask what this means. It
denotes the line of attachment of the choroid plexus to the fornix. [NA2, 1961]

818 Bulbus cornus occipitalis. [Bulbus cornus posterioris]. This is the bulge produced by the splenial fibres of the Corpus callosum as they sweep backwards into the Lobus occipitalis. [NA2, 1961]

819 Tractus opticus. The Radix medialis and Radix lateralis of this tract have now been designated. [NA2, 1961]

820 Epithalamus. The Epithalamus comprises the habenular structures and the Corpus pineale. [BNA, 1895] The corpus pineale was renamed glandula pinealis and is now listed with the glandulae endocrinae.

821 Thalamus. In the B.N.A. only three of the Nuclei of the thalamus were included, but these have been extended by the subdivision of the “Nucleus lateralis thalami” and the inclusion of the “Nucleus centralis
thalami”. [PNA, 1955] It is certain that no arrangement under this heading will please everyone! Nevertheless additions and rearrangements have been made in an attempt to satisfy the majority. [NA3, 1966] It is
probably impossible to draw up a completely satisfactory nominal list of thalamic nuclei. Doubtless the nomenclature set out here will require amendments as disagreements between the experts are solved. [NA4,
1977] TA2, Part 5 306

822 Nuclei corporum geniculatorum. [Metathalamus]. The Metathalamus comprises the geniculate bodies and their surroundings. [BNA, 1895] The more widely used nucleus geniculatus is a desirable
simplification in these lengthy names. [NA4, 1977] Authors’ opinions have differed on the question about whether the geniculate bodies are part of the thalamus, or constitute a distinct part of the dorsal

823 Nuclei campi perizonalis. [Nuclei areae H, H1, H2]. These are the areas of Forel. [NA4, 1977] Fibres in the medial field (also called the prerubral field or area) and the dorsal field (fasciculus thalamicus) and
ventral field (fasciculus lenticularis) comprise, respectively, the fields of Forel H, H1, and H2. Cell bodies insinuated among these fasciculi constitute the nuclei listed here. [TA, 1998]

824 Area preoptica. [Pars optica hypothalami]. We differentiate that part of the Hypothalamus ... belonging to the Telencephalon as Pars optica. [BNA, 1895]

825 Hypothalamus. Only the well documented nuclei of the Hypothalamus are included in this list, but their importance is steadily increasing with expanding knowledge of the cortical areas with which they are
connected. [PNA, 1955]

826 Tractus habenulointerpeduncularis. [Fasciculus retroflexus]. This fasciculus takes origin in the “Nucleus habenulae” and runs downwards and forwards, across the lateral side of the red nucleus, to reach the
“Nucleus interpeduncularis”. [PNA, 1955]

827 Ansa lenticularis. This term includes the substantial group of fibres which descend from the inferior aspect of the Globus pallidus of the Lentiform nucleus in close relationship with the “Pedunculus inferior
thalami”, which consists mainly of afferent fibres to the thalamus. [PNA, 1955] Incidentally the ansa lenticularis, ansa peduncularis, the pedunculus and the subthalamic nucleus were previously included under
Sectiones hypothalami. It seemed more logical to place them in the subthalamic region, or perhaps under “Corpus striatum”. [NA3, 1966]

828 Commissurae supraopticae. This name is suggested for the commissural fibres which, in the human brain, represent the combined commissures of Gudden, Meynert and Ganser. [PNA, 1955] These
commissures, associated with the names of van Gudden, Meynert and Ganser, are probably in fact decussations. At least three supraoptic ‘commissures’ have been described, the most central being apparently
absent in primates. Details of their connexions in the human brain are uncertain. [NA4, 1977]

829 Fibrae periventriculares hypothalami. These fibres arise from the Hypothalamus and descend through the “Tegmentum” of the mid-brain and the “Formatio reticularis” of the Pons, and Medulla oblongata.
[PNA, 1955]

830 Fasciculus medialis telencephali. A new term for the ‘medial forebrain bundle’, the main pathway for longitudinal connexions in the hypothalamus. [NA4, 1977]

831 Tractus hypothalamohypophysialis. [Tractus supraoptiohypophysialis et paraventriculohypophysialis]. These two new terms are needed for well-authenticated hypophysial connexions. [NA4, 1977]

832 Adhaesio interthalamica. In the B.N.A. this structure was termed the “Massa intermedia”. The term “Adhaesio interthalamica” indicates its position and the fact that it is a secondary connexion, and is a true
adhesion. [PNA, 1955]

833 Sulcus hypothalamicus. At the anterior end of the aquaeduct the marginal grooves are continued on either side into the Sulcus Monroi, which in a strictly characteristic manner divides the lateral wall of the third
ventricle into an inferior and a superior part, - the Thalamencephalon and Hypothalamus. The Sucli Monroi terminate on either side in the Recessus opticus. [BNA, 1895]

834 Taenia thalami. The Taenia of the third ventricle forms with that of the lateral ventricle a continuous strip in which we can distinguish three main parts: the Taenia thalami, the Taenia chorioidea and the Taenia
fornicis and fimbriae. The Taenia thalami begins in front of the C. pineale and follows on either side the free margin of the Stria medullaris; it continues into the narrow epithelial plate which lines the Plexus
chorioideus medius on its under surface. At the Foramen Monroi, the Taenia thalami turns backward into the Taenia chorioidea. [BNA, 1895]

835 Arbor vitae cerebelli. It was decided to include this because of popular demand. [NA2, 1961] TA2, Part 5 307

836 Fissurae cerebelli. The Fissurae cerebelli correspond to the Sulci of the cortex of the cerebrum. [PNA, 1955]

837 Folia cerebelli. The Folia cerebelli correspond to the Gyri of the cortex of the cerebrum. [PNA, 1955]

838 Fissura secunda. It was inconsistent to list the Fissura prima and omit the Fissura secunda. It is sometimes referred to as the postpyramidal sulcus. [NA3, 1966] It separates pyramis and uvula in the vermis
cerebelli. [NA4, 1977]

839 Fissura posterolateralis. This fissure is situated on the inferior surface of the cerebellum. It lies posterior to the “Flocculus” and its “Pedunculus” and, extends medially, posterior to the “Nodulus”. It is the
earliest of the cerebellar fissures to appear in the embryo, separating the rudiments of the “Nodulus” and the “Flocculi” from the “Corpus cerebelli”. [PNA, 1955]

840 Vestibulocerebellum. [Archicerebellum]. These terms have considerable currency and were added at many requests. Inconsistencies of spelling are important here. Paleo- (America) or Palaeo- (European)
are variants, the latter being a truer rendering of the Greek. Archi- is a stem meaning ‘leader’, e.g., archiepiscopacy; it does not mean ancient or old. The correct stem is archaeo- (archeo-), as in archaeology or
archetype. The best spelling is therefore archaeocerebellum and archaeopallium. [NA4, 1977] The terms vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum reflect the fact that neurons in the vestibular nuclei and ganglia,
and the nuclei of the spinal cord project directly to cerebellar structures. Since nuclei of the pars basilaris pontis project directly to the cerebellum, the term pontocerebellum is preferred over cerebrocerebellum, and
is, consequently, consistent with vestibulocerebellum and spinocerebellum. As originally conceived, the terms archicerebellum, paleocerebellum and neocerebellum referred to the flocculonodular, vermis, and
hemisphere, respectively. Experimental studies reveal that these terms do not correlate with the terms vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum and pontocerebellum and do not identify cerebellar regions that have
their own unique connections. Their continued use is not encouraged. [TA, 1998]

841 Lobulus centralis vermis. The Committee felt that lobulus was a more appropriate name for this small structure than lobus. [NA2, 1961]

842 Cortex cerebelli. The layers of the cerebellar cortex have been reduced to two – the Stratum moleculare and Stratum granulosum. The “Stratum gangliosum” does not really form a separate layer as it lies in
the deepest part of the Stratum moleculare. [PNA, 1955]

843 Nuclei cerebelli. The terms “dentate,” “emboliform,” “globose,” and “fastigial” are used for the nuclei of the human cerebellum and, frequently, for these nuclei in nonhuman primates. The terms “lateral,”
“anterior interpositus,” “posterior interpositus” and “medial cerebelli nuclei” are, respectively, synonymous with the above terms and are commonly used to describe the cerebellar nuclei in nonprimate mammals and,
occasionally, in primates. Rudeberg S.-I. 1961. Morphogenetic Studies on the Cerebellar Nuclei and their Homologization in Different Vertebrates including Man. Diss. Tornblad Institute of Comparative
Embryology and Institute of Zoology, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden: pp. 1-148. [TA, 1998]

844 Pedunculus cerebellaris superior. In harmony with the changes already effected, the B.N.A. term “Brachium conjunctivum” becomes the “Superior cerebellar peduncle”. [PNA, 1955]

845 Pedunuculus cerebellaris inferior and Corpus restiforme. The B.N.A. term “Corpus restiforme” has been discarded and replaced by the more informative term, “Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior”. (Cf.
“Pedunculus cerebellaris medius” and “Pedunculus cerebellaris superior”.) [PNA, 1955] In previous terminology lists these two structures were considered synonymous. However the pedunculus cerebellaris
inferior is composed of two functionally/structurally distinct parts. Corpus restiforme is located on the dorsolateral aspect of the medulla oblongata and contains a variety of cerebellar afferent fibres. Corpus
juxtarestiforme joins the corpus restiforme as they enter the cerebellum and contains only interconnections between vestibular structures and the cortex cerebelli and nucleus fastigii. Haines D.E. 1975. “Cerebellar
Corticovestibular Fibers of the Posterior Lobe in the Prosimian Primate, the Lesser Bushbaby (Galago senegalensis).” J Comp Neurol 160:363-398. [TA, 1998]

846 Truncus encephali. A new term to express the concept ‘brain stem’, including myelencephalon (med. obl.), metencephalon (pons), and mesencephalon. Rhombencephalon = myelencephalon +
metencephalon. [NA4, 1977] The identification of brainstem nuclei generally follows Olszewski and Baxter’s Cytoarchitecture of the Human Brainstem, 3rd edition (Büttner-Ennever JA and Horn AKE, eds.). Basel:
Karge, 2014. Minor and less familiar nuclei are not listed here, so interested users are referred to this source or Terminologia Neuroanatomica for more complete treatment of brainstem nuclei.

847 Lemniscus medialis. This term was given in the P.N.A. under Sectiones pontis and Sectiones mesencephali, but was omitted by mistake under Sectiones medullae oblongatae. [NA2, 1961] TA2, Part 5 308

848 Lemniscus trigeminalis. This lemniscus includes all the fibres which arise from the sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve and ascend to reach the thalamus. [PNA, 1955] As used here, this contains axons
which originate within all sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve. These axons form posterior (dorsal, crossed) and anterior (ventral, uncrossed) trigeminothalamic tracts. [TA, 1998]

849 Lemniscus spinalis. Contains a variety of ascending axons and, in this respect, contains essentially the same population of axons that comprise the tractus anterolaterales. These are synonymous terms. [TA,

850 Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis. This fasciculus receives its principal contributions from the Vestibular nuclei, and it lies close to the median plane and immediately ventral to the central grey matter. It sends
numerous fibres to the Nuclei of the III, IV, VI, and XI Cranial nerves and appears to function in connection with movements of the eyes and head, resulting from stimulation of the equilibratory apparatus. {PNA,

851 Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior. [Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis]. This fasciculus contains some of the descending periventricular fibres which arise in the Hypothalamus and run downwards in the central
grey matter, passing dorsal to the “Nucleus n. trochlearis”. Although readily recognizable in sections of the Mesencephalon and Pons, it is more difficult to identify at lower levels. [PNA, 1955] This fasciculus
extends throughout the brain stem and is associated with the name of Schutz. It is given in the Appendix under Tractus nervosi projectionis, but in P.N.A. and the previous edition of N.A. it appeared only under
Mesencephalon and Pons and not under Medulla oblongata. These omissions have now been rectified. [NA3, 1966]

852 Pedunculus cerebri. This term comprises one half of the mid-brain and it is divisible into a tegmental part and a crus cerebri, or ventral part. These two are separated from one another in the substance of the
mid-brain by a layer of grey substance termed the “Substantia nigra”. [PNA, 1955] The cerebral peduncle contains both ascending and descending cerebral tracts. The Gross Anatomy Working Group considered
removing this term from TA2 because its frequent misusage as a synonym for crus cerebri is a source of confusion, but ultimately decided to retain the term in its traditional meaning.

853 Crus cerebri. This term is preferred to the former pedunculus cerebri pars anterior for clarity. [TA, 1998]

854 Substantia nigra. This is not a component of the tegmentum mesencephali. It is ventrolateral to the tegmentum and separates this area from the fibre bundles of the crus cerebri. Some authors include the
substantia nigra as part of the basis pedunculi, a convention followed here. [TA, 1998]

855 Tegmentum mesencephali. Tegmentum = partes dorsales of the pedunculi cerebri. On each side it extends from the subst. nigra to the level of the aqueductus mes. [NA4, 1977]

856 Nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini. The nucleus extends into the upper part of the Pons. [NA3, 1966] The term tractus has been omitted from this term as an unnecessary complication. It still remains
too lengthy and could be improved to nu. mesencephalicus trigeminalis. [NA4, 1977]

857 Nucleus parabigeminalis. Located on the lateral aspect of the midbrain, adjacent to the inferior colliculus. It receives inputs from, and projects to, the superior colliculus. [TA, 1998]

858 Decussationes tegmenti. These decussations include the ventral tegmental decussation of the rubrospinal and rubrotereticular tracts, and the dorsal tegmental decussation of the tectospinal tract. [PNA, 1955]

859 Aquaeductus mesencephali. The aqueduct in in the mesencephalon (and its flow is away from the cerebrum, not towards it!). [NA4, 1977]

860 Colliculus superior. Includes two cellular layers and one layer of axons within the intermediate grey layer. [TA, 1998]

861 Decussatio trochlearis. [Decussatio nervorum trochlearium]. Awkward genitives such as this could be avoided by using the obvious adjective. [NA4, 1977]

862 Nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini. Many anatomists complained that the previous term Nucleus sensorius superior n. trigemini was misleading as the mesencephalic nucleus of the fifth nerve
extends more cranially. The adjective “principalis” was accepted as the best of several alternatives. [NA3, 1966] Many variant names for this nucleus, each with some advantages, have been used or suggested. TA2, Part 5 309

Its sensory nature is well-known, and the term ‘principal’ is perhaps misleading. An adjective denoting position was therefore preferred by the Subcommittee. [NA4, 1977] This term is recommended, rather than
nucleus pontinus nervi trigeminalis, to distinguish it more clearly from the oral part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus which is also found in the tegmentum pontis. [TA, 1998]

863 Nuclei vestibulares. Certain of these nuclei occur at pontine and medullary levels and are hence mentioned in both places. [NA4, 1977]

864 Ventriculus quartus. The fourth ventricle is divided into three parts: a Pars inferior [Calamus scriptorius], a Pars intermedia, and a Pars superior. The most inferior part belongs to the Medulla oblongata and is
surrounded by the Corpora restiformia. At the point where these are surrounded by the N. cochleae and the Recessus lateralis, the Pars intermedia begins, and further on is elongated into the region between the
Brachia pontis. This is the broadest part of the rhomboid fossa, but it passes over into the narrow portion at the upper end of the Fovea superior. This narrow portion, the Pars superior, belongs to the Isthmus and
is bounded by the Brachia conjunctiva [cerebelli], and is arched over by the Vellum medullare anterius. [BNA, 1895]

865 Sulcus limitans. Two lateral longitudinal grooves early mark off the margin of the ventral and dorsal halves of the cerebral tube (the basal plates and alar plates of my former papers). These are the Sulci
limitantes. All motor nuclei lie ventral or medianward of the Sulci limitantes, but the so-called sensory ganglia lie dorsal or lateralward from them. [BNA, 1895]

866 Velum medullare superius. [Velum medullare anterius]. This constitutes the uppermost part of the roof of the fourth ventricle. It is a median unpaired structure and the adjectival term “anterius” is based on
morphological grounds and is misleading since this velum lies considerably above the level of the “Velum medullare posterius” and only very slightly in front of it. [PNA, 1955]

867 Velum medullare inferius. [Velum medullare posterius]. This is a bilateral structure attached medially to the lateral aspect of the Nodulus of the cerebellum. The adjectival term “posterius” is well established but
its basis is morphological, and it is misleading. [PNA, 1955]

868 Tela chorioidea ventriculi quarti. The Taenia ventriculi quarti begins at the Obex, passes in front of the end of the Funiculus gracilis and the Funiculus cuneatus, and goes obliquely over upon the Corpus
restiforme, which laterally surrounds it. As the margin of the Processus lateralis it descends deeply toward the base, but further on joints the cerebellum following the stalk of the Flocculus and the Velum medullare
posterius. Its medial end piece forms a point which tongue like ascends over the Nodulus. [BNA, 1895] This term has been added. [NA2, 1961]

869 Medulla oblongata. The portion between the spinal cord and the caudal border of the pons, this being the medulla oblongata. Strong O.S. and Elwyn A. 1943. Human Neuroanatomy. Baltimore, Maryland:
Williams & Wilkins; Kuhlenbeck H. 1975. The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Vol. 4. “Spinal Cord and deuterencephalon.” Basel: S. Karge. [TA, 1998]

870 Pyramis medullae oblongatae. The pyramids, according to the older concept of Burdach, are externally marked off parts of the Medulla oblongata. The so-called pyramidal cords, in the older sense, are fibrous
cords which appear upon superficial inspection as a prolongation of the fibrous masses belonging to the pyramids. [BNA, 1895]

871 Sulcus anterolateralis medullae oblongatae. From the floor of this sulcus there emerge the rootlets of the Hypoglossal nerve, which represents the somatic efferent fibres at this level. [PNA, 1955]

872 Sulcus retroolivaris. [Sulcus posterolateralis medullae oblongatae]. This sulcus lies dorsal to the olive and from its floor there emerge the rootlets of the glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves, which
represent the splanchnic efferent fibres at this level. [PNA, 1955] The term sulcus retroolivaris was added in NA4 (1977), ending the confusion between the posterolateral sulcus and the sulcus associated with
cranial nerves IX-XI.

873 Tuberculum trigeminale. Corresponds to descending tract or radix spinalis of the trigeminal nerve. [NA4, 1977]

874 Nucleus cuneatus accessorius. This nucleus lies lateral to the Nucleus cuneatus. It gives origin to the Fibrae arcuatae externae, which reach the cerebellum through the Pedunculus cerebelli inferior,
conveying afferent impulses from the muscles of the upper limbs. [PNA, 1955]

875 Nucleus posterior nervi vagi. The cranial pole of this dorsal vagal nucleus is sometimes identified as the nucleus dorsalis nervi glossopharyngei. [NA5, 1983] TA2, Part 5 310

876 Nucleus salivatorius inferior. [Nucleus dorsalis nervi glossopharyngei]. This nucleus was omitted from the P.N.A. list. [NA2, 1961] It is the upper part of the dorsal vagal nucleus. [NA3, 1966] The cranial pole
of this dorsal vagal nucleus is sometimes identified as the nucleus dorsalis nervi glossopharyngei, which some authorities equate with the nucleus salivatorius caudalis. [NA4, 1977]

877 Hilum nuclei olivaris inferioris. Hilum is the original form and is retained in botanical usage. Hilus was an anatomist’s corruption of this term. Since it is probably an abbreviation of ‘nihilum’ (a ‘little nothing’), it
is desirable to return to the widely popular hilum. [NA4, 1977]

878 Formatio reticularis medullae oblongatae. In the P.N.A. this was called Substantia reticularis, but under Medulla spinalis it was termed Formatio reticularis: reticular formation is undoubtedly the more popular
term. Incidentally it was decided that the time had not yet come to attempt to name all the nuclei which have been described in the reticular formation. [NA2, 1961]

879 Tractus pyramidalis. In P.N.A. and the previous editions of N.A. there were inconsistencies in naming this tract. Thus in the Medulla spinalis it was termed Tractus corticospinalis (pyramidalis), under Medulla
oblongata it appeared as Fibrae pyramidales, under Pons the terms Fibrae corticospinales and Fibrae corticonucleares were used and in the Mesencephalon we had the term Trr. corticospinales. After deliberation
the I.A.N.C. decided to use the terms now appearing in the list. [NA3, 1966] Collectively these fibres [Fibrae corticospinales et corticonucleares] have been commonly known as the fasciculus (tractus) pyramidalis.
Since the term tractus implies a uniformity of connexions and functions now known to be incorrect, the new terms are preferable. Fasciculus preferred because of the mixed nature of this ‘tract’. [NA4, 1977]

880 Decussatio pyramidum. In the upper part of the medulla oblongata the Fissura mediana anterior lies between the pyramids, but it is interrupted below the pyramids by the “Decussatio pyramidum”, in which
approximately two-thirds of the descending pyramidal fibres cross from one side to the other. Most of the decussation occurs within the substance of the medulla oblongata and is therefore a striking feature of
transverse sections made below the pyramid. [PNA, 1955]

881 Fibrae arcuatae internae. These fibres arise in the nuclei gracilis and cuneatus and pass ventrally round the central grey matter to form the great sensory decussation, “Decussatio lemniscorum”. [PNA, 1955]

882 Pars cervicalis medullae spinalis. [Segmenta medullae spinalis]. Numbers are noted with each segmental region. This is not to teach the obvious but to suggest a convenient (if unscholarly) international
abbreviation. Thus segmentum cervicale 5 may serve in print for segm. cerv. quintum in speech. [NA5, 1983]

883 Substantia grisea medullae spinalis. [Columnae griseae]. It must be understood clearly that, as these columns are elongated in the long axis of the vertebral column, they can only be seen in their entirety in
longitudinal sections. It is, however, customary to examine the spinal cord in a series of transverse sections, and then the individual columns are seen as “cornua”. [PNA, 1955] The columnae griseae and cornua
are really synonyms, but the latter term is usually reserved for appearances in transverse sections of the spinal cord. Although cornu is much used, columna is perhaps preferable on all occasions. [NA5, 1983]

884 Processus reticularis spinalis. [Formatio reticularis medullae spinalis]. This formation lies lateral to the grey matter from which, in the lateral column, the Cornu laterale projects. It consists of numerous small
islets of grey matter intersected by white fibres, which run both vertically and horizontally. The vertical fibres descend from the formatio reticularis of the hindbrain and from upper segments of the spinal cord. The
horizontal and oblique fibres are heterolateral in origin. [PNA, 1955]

885 Zona intermedia medullae spinalis. At most cervical and lumbosacral levels, the cells comprising spinal lamina VII extend into the anterior horn. At other levels spinal lamina VII is restricted to the intermediate
zone. [TA, 1998]

886 Substantia intermedia centralis. This is the grey matter which surrounds the central canal and extends laterally to become continuous with the “Substantia intermedia lateralis”. [PNA, 1955]

887 Nucleus thoracicus posterior. [Nucleus thoracicus]. The older term nucleus dorsalis was misleading and very few wished to retain it. [NA2, 1961] Usual extent is segm. C7 to L2. [NA4, 1977]

888 Substantia intermedia lateralis. This is the grey matter which is continuous medially with the “Substantia intermedia centralis” and intervenes between the anterior and posterior cornua. The “Cornua laterale” is
an outgrowth from its lateral aspect. [PNA, 1955]

889 Nucleus parasympathicus sacralis. Usually limited to segm. S2 to 4. [NA4, 1977] TA2, Part 5 311

890 Nucleus intermediolateralis. Usual extent is segm. T1 to L1 or 2. [NA4, 1977]

891 Substantia alba medullae spinalis. The term Funiculus is used for the large division of the cord; Fasciculus for its single tracts. [BNA, 1895] The terminology of the tracts of the Medulla spinalis has undergone
considerable alteration and expansion. The word “Fasciculus”, signifying individual bundles of nerve fibres with the same functional significance, has been discarded almost entirely and replaced by the word
“Tractus”. [PNA, 1955] Although the substantia grisea was named in the P.N.A. the Substantia alba was not. An attempt was made to introduce more consistency into the naming of various elements of the
Medulla spinalis and Encephalon. Thus “funiculus” was used for the anterior, lateral and posterior columns of the Medulla which contain groups of tracts, and in general the term “tractus” was preferred to
“fasciculus” to denote individual bundles of nerve fibres with the same functional significance. However, “fasciculus” was not entirely discarded. [NA2, 1961] The term funiculus has been reserved for the “white”
columns. Tractus is the preferable term for bundles of nerve fibres of like connexions, but fasciculus is still customary for certain tracts. [NA5, 1983] Within the white matter of the spinal cord, tractus corticospinalis,
raphespinalis, spinocerebellares, and vestibulospinales are referred to as “anterior”, “lateral”, “medial”, or “posterior” according to their relative positions in the spinal cord white matter. [TA, 1998]

892 Funiculus posterior. Fasciculus gracilis, fasciculus cuneatus, nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus are commonly, and collectively, referred to as the dorsal column nuclei and fasciculi. [TA, 1998]

893 Fasciculus cuneatus. This term is an example of the retention of “fasciculus”. In the P.N.A. this was termed Funiculus cuneatus in the Medulla oblongata and Fasciculus cuneatus in the Medulla spinalis. This
and a similar inconsistency in naming the Fasciculus gracilis have now been corrected. [NA2, 1961]

894 Fibrae spinocuneatae and Fibrae spinograciles. These terms designate those fibres that arise from cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and ascend in the cuneate and gracile fasciculi to terminate in their
respective nuclei in the medulla. These are commonly, and collectively, referred to as postsynaptic dorsal column fibres. [TA, 1998]

895 Fibrae spinocuneatae and Fibrae spinograciles. These terms designate those fibres that arise from cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and ascend in the cuneate and gracile fasciculi to terminate in their
respective nuclei in the medulla. These are commonly, and collectively, referred to as postsynaptic dorsal column fibres. [TA, 1998]

896 Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis and Tractus spinothalamicus anterior. These terms are retained in this edition. However, it is acknowledged that the combined area of the spinal cord white matter occupied by
these two tracts, as classically described, represent what is now known as the anterolateral system. [TA, 1998]

897 Fibrae reticulospinales. The status of the reticulospinal tracts in mankind is still sub judice. [NA4, 1977]

898 Area spinalis X. This region of the spinal cord was called an “area” in the original description. Consequently, “area” is preferred over “lamina”. Rexed B. 1954. “A Cytoarchitectonic Atlas of the Spinal Cord in
the Cat.” J Comp Neurol 100:297-379.

899 Commissura grisea anterior and Commissura grisea posterior. These are thin sheets of grey matter that extend across the midline adjacent to the central canal. [TA, 1998]

900 Commissura grisea anterior and Commissura grisea posterior. These are thin sheets of grey matter that extend across the midline adjacent to the central canal. [TA, 1998]

901 Systema nervosum periphericum. As in the case of the vessels it was agreed that “Rami musculares” and “Rami cutanei” should be omitted from the list, with certain exceptions where the nerve concerned
might not have been regarded as likely to give off such branches. [NA2, 1961]

902 Nervus sensorius. In all terms employing sensorialis the alternative sensorius was regarded by some as preferable, being closer to the usual English equivalent – sensory. [NA4, 1977]

903 Nervus cutaneus. The branches of cutaneous nerves are generally omitted from the list, but their parent trunks, when specifically named, are included. [PNA, 1955]

904 Ramus muscularis. In many situations (cf. arteries) the muscular branches, when not specifically named, are omitted from the list in order to save unnecessary printing. [PNA, 1955] TA2, Part 5 312

905 Ramus communicans. It will be found that in this list the term “Ramus communicans” is used for all branches which connect nerves to one another. The B.N.A. term “Ramus anastomoticus” has been
discarded completely, for there is no analogy between a vascular anastomosing ramus and a connexion between two nerves. [PNA, 1955]

906 Radix anterior nervi spinalis. It was generally agreed that the B.N.A. “Radix anterior” and “Radix posterior” should be replaced by these terms, “Radix ventralis” and “Radix dorsalis”. [PNA, 1955]

907 Plexus visceralis. The synonym visceralis for autonomicus has been added in response to numerous requests. [NA4, 1977] Not all autonomic plexuses are in fact visceral, but are better described as
perivascular. Thus the term plexus visceralis has been separated from plexus autonomicus.

908 Plexus perivascularis. Only the larger perivascular plexuses have been named. Since they are invariably named after the vessels which they accompany, the manufacture of terms for smaller plexuses is a
simple process. [NA4, 1977]

909 Nervi craniales. This name may not be altogether satisfactory, but it was regarded as preferable to the B.N.A. “Nervi cerebrales”. [PNA, 1955] Neither cranialis nor encephalicus were considered entirely
satisfactory, but the former is familiar and the easier to speak. [NA4, 1977]

910 Nervus terminalis. [Nervi terminales]. These were first noted in Selachian fishes and are now known to exist in all classes of vertebrates except Cyclostomes. They lie near the medial margins of the olfactory
tracts and bulbs and in Man they are usually embedded in the pia mater overlying the gyri recti. [NA2, 1961]

911 Nervus oculomotorius. These Roman numerals provide familiar abbreviations for those who use, for example, the nervus cranialis tertius (III) as a synonym for the preferable nervus oculomotorius. The use of
such numerals is to be deprecated. [NA4, 1977]

912 Nervus trigeminus. Radix sensoria and Radix motorius have replaced the P.N.A. terms Portio major and Portio minor. [NA2, 1961]

913 Nervus frontalis. The branches of this nerve are now named so that they conform with the names of the corresponding arteries and veins. [PNA, 1955]

914 Nervus pharyngeus. [Ramus pharyngeus nervi maxillaris]. In the P.N.A. this was named the N. pharyngeus – a misleading term as it is a small twig and not one of the main pharyngeal nerves. [NA2, 1961]

915 Nervus palatinus major. Another instance of the name being changed to conform with those of the canal and foramen in which it lies. [NA2, 1961]

916 Nervi palatini minores. These include the medial and posterior palatine nerve of the P.N.A. and they pass through the Canales palatini minores. [NA2, 1961]

917 Ramus communicans lacrimalis nervi zygomaticotemporalis. The zygomatic nerve sends it branch into the lacrimal gland directly in a majority of cases, and communicates with lacrimal nerve in approximately
40%. Scott G et al. Patterns of innervation of the lacrimal gland with clinical application. Clin Anat 27:1174-7, 2014.

918 Ramus meningeus nervi mandibularis. The meningeal branches of the divisions of the Trigeminal nerve have all been altered to make them more informative. [PNA, 1955]

919 Nervus buccalis. The name of this sensory branch of the Mandibular nerve has been changed to obviate confusion. This is the sensory branch to the cheek. [PNA, 1955]

920 Nervus meatus acustici externi. The name of the meatus has been changed and this modification is dependent on it. [PNA, 1955]

921 Nervus facialis. These two nerves [Nervi facialis et intermedius], though usually separate trunks, form a common trunk. Consequently, some authorities favour the term nervus intermediofacialis especially
since they are, in fact, two radices of the same cranial nerve. [NA4, 1977] TA2, Part 5 313

922 Radix sensoria nervi facialis. [Nervus intermedius]. This term [Nervus intermedius] gave rise to considerable discussion but it was ultimately agreed to retain the B.N.A. [PNA, 1955]

923 Geniculum nervi facialis. This indicates the sharp bend on the facial nerve in its passage through the Temporal bone. [PNA, 1955]

924 Nervus petrosus major. The additional adjective in the B.N.A. – “superficialis” – was regarded as unnecessary and has been deleted. [PNA, 1955]

925 Ramus lingualis nervi facialis. The stylohyoid and lingual branches of the facial nerve sometimes arise together. The lingual branch is inconstant. [NA2, 1961]

926 Nervus vestibulocochlearis. It was generally agreed that it was desirable to name this nerve so as to indicate the different functions of its two constituent parts. [PNA, 1955] There was a very mixed reception
for the P.N.A. term “Statocusticus”. It was generally agreed that it was desirable to indicate the different functions of the two constituent parts of the nerve and vestibulocochlear was accepted as the best
suggestion. [NA2, 1961]

927 Nervus ampullaris anterior. Throughout, the Canales semicirculares have been named “anterior”, “lateralis”, and “posterior”, and the names of these nerves harmonise. [PNA, 1955]

928 Nervus glossopharyngeus. The ganglia are now named “Ganglion superius” and “Ganglion inferius”, and a similar change has been effected in the case of the Nervus vagus. It is believed that this
simplification of the names of these ganglia will be appreciated by medical students. [PNA, 1955]

929 Nervus petrosus minor. This nerve arises from the tympanic plexus and carries glossopharyngeal fibres to the Ganglion oticum. Formerly it was known as the lesser superficial petrosal nerve and should not be
confused with the N. petrosus major (formerly known as the greater superficial petrosal nerve) which carries fibres from the N. facialis to the Ganglion pterygopaltinum (formerly termed the sphenopalatine ganglion).
[NA2, 1961]

930 Nervus sinus carotidis. [Nervus sinus caroticus]. The innervation of the carotid sinus has now been named. [PNA, 1955]

931 Rami cardiaci thoracici. The vagus nerve normally gives off superior and inferior cervical cardiac branches and others which arise about or below the level of the thoracic inlet, including contributions from the
recurrent laryngeal nerves. [NA3, 1966]

932 Nervus accessorius. It was felt desirable to insert the “Radices craniales” and “Radices spinales”, and both are included, in addition to the “Ramus internus” (which joins the Vagus nerve), and the “Ramus
internus” (which has always been termed, in English, “the accessory nerve”). [PNA, 1955] The rami internus et externus are the terminal branches of the truncus formed by the radices, the ramus internus forming
the vagal nerve, the ramus externus supplying the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles [NA4, 1977]

933 Nervus hypoglossus. The Ramus descendens hypoglossi has been omitted as it is not derived from the Nucleus of the Hypoglossal nerve, but from the Plexus cervicalis. [PNA, 1955] The superior root of the
ansa cervicalis, and the branches to the thyrohyoid and geniohyoid muscles have been listed as branches of the hypoglossal nerve. Although the fibers in these branches are derived from cervical spinal nerves C1
and C2, they travel with the hypoglossal nerve to these branches.

934 Radix superior ansae cervicalis. In this and the following term Radix was preferred to the P.N.A. “Ramus” as these are the roots and not branches of the Ansa cervicalis. [NA2, 1961]

935 Ramus thyreohyoideus nervi hypoglossi. The nerve to thyrohyoid is derived from fibers of the anterior rami of the 1st and 2nd cervical nerves, the superior root of the ansa cervicalis, that join the hypoglossal
nerve after its emergence from the hypoglossal canal. Woodburne, RT and WE Burkel, 1994. Essentials of Human Anatomy, 9th ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Romanes, G.J., 1964. Cunningham's
Textbook of Anatomy, 10th ed. London: Oxford University Press. TA2, Part 5 314

936 Ramus geniohyoideus nervi hypoglossi. The nerve to geniohyoid is derived from fibers of the anterior ramus of the 1st cervical nerve (from the superior root of ansa cervicalis) that join the hypoglossal nerve
after its emergence from the hypoglossal canal. Woodburne, RT and WE Burkel, 1994. Essentials of Human Anatomy, 9th ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Romanes, G.J., 1964. Cunningham's Textbook of
Anatomy, 10th ed. London: Oxford University Press.

937 Ansa cervicalis. This loop was formerly termed the “Ansa hypoglossi” but it is well-known now that all the branches which are derived from the Ansa take origin in the Cervical nerves 1, 2, and 3. [PNA, 1955]

938 Nervus transversus colli. In the B.N.A. this nerve was termed “Nervus cutaneus colli” but there are so many cutaneous nerves of the neck that it was felt that a distinctive term was necessary here. [PNA, 1955]

939 Nervi supraclaviculares. These have been renamed medial, intermediate and lateral, because this is more accurate than the B.N.A. and P.N.A. terms anterior, medial and posterior. [NA2, 1961]

940 Truncus superior plexus brachialis. There was general agreement that it was desirable to name the three trunks of the brachial plexus, “Truncus superior”, “Truncus medius”, and “Truncus inferior”. [PNA,

941 Divisio anterior trunci superioris. [Divisio ventralis]. If only for morphological reasons, it is necessary to add the ventral and dorsal divisions of the three trunks. [NA4, 1977]

942 Nervi phrenici accessorii. Additional contributions to the phrenic nerve are so common that it is essential to name them. [PNA, 1955]

943 Nervus pectoralis lateralis. These [Nn. pectorales] were omitted from the P.N.A. [NA2, 1961]

944 Ansa pectoralis. The nerve loop connecting the lateral and medial pectoral nerves across the axillary artery has been referred to as the ansa pectoralis. Loukas M, Louis RG Jr, Fitzsimmons J, Colborn G. The
surgical anatomy of the ansa pectoralis. Clin Anat. 19:685-93, 2016.

945 Nervus cutaneus lateralis inferior brachii. Only one lateral cutaneous brachial nerve was named in the P.N.A. (the branch of the N. axillaris), whereas both the radial and axillary nerves supply such branches.
Both are now reocgnized. [NA2, 1961]

946 Nervus axillaris. Although as a general rule the term “Rami musculares” has been omitted, it has been included in several places under the branches of the great limb-plexuses. [PNA, 1955] A minority wished
to have N. circumflexus included as an official alternative, mainly to conform with the terms used for the adjacent arteries. [NA2, 1961]

947 Ramus palmaris nervi ulnaris. This nerve is variable in size, position and distribution. It usually arises from the ulnar nerve in the distal third of the forearm, pierces the deep fascia at a variable point, and
passes downwards to supply the cutaneous structures of the medial part of the palm. The corresponding Ramus palmaris n. mediani supplies the outer part of the palm, and these two palmar branches often
communicate with each other. [NA2, 1961] The redundant term for the same branch – Ramus cutaneus palmaris – has now been deleted. [NA3, 1966]

948 Radix medialis nervi mediani. The constancy with which the median nerve arises by two roots, one from the “Fasciculus lateralis” and one from the “Fasciculus medialis”, justifies the inclusion of the terms
“Radix medialis” and “Radix lateralis”. [PNA, 1955]

949 Nervus subcostalis. The anterior primary ramus of he twelfth thoracic nerve is not intercostal but subcostal, and its course and relationships differ considerably from those of the other Rami ventrales (Nn.
intercostales) of the Nn. thoracici. [NA2, 1961]

950 Nervus furcalis. This term is introduced for a variant lumbar spinal nerve that arises near spinal nerve L4. The name, which has also sometimes been used for the anterior ramus of spinal nerve L4, indicates
that the nerve forks to join both the lumbar and sacral plexuses.

951 Nervus perinealis. [Nervi perineales]. These nerves usually have identifiable medial and lateral branches, which may be so named if desired. [NA4, 1977] TA2, Part 5 315

952 Nervus fibularis communis. [Nervus peroneus communis]. While the Committee agreed that the term “Peroneus” should be retained, here and elsewhere, it was regarde as desirable to include the term
“fibularis” as an official alternative. [PNA, 1955]

953 Nervus suralis. This term was placed in parenthesis in the B.N.A. list, but it was agreed that it was sufficiently constant to justify the removal of the brackets. [PNA, 1955]

954 Nervus cutaneus dorsalis lateralis. There were doubts about retaining this term as it indicates the continuation of the N. suralis which supplies the lateral border and adjacent part of the dorsum of the foot.
[NA2, 1961] This is really the continuation of the N. suralis. [NA4, 1977]

955 Rami calcanei mediales. In the P.N.A. this term was shown as a branch of the N. suralis. The Rami calcanei laterales are branches of this nerve, but the corresponding medial rami come from the N. tibialis.
[NA2, 1961]

956 Divisio autonomica. [Systema nervosum autonomicum]. The term “autonomicum” has been substituted at all appropriate places for “sympathicum”, as the latter term now has a more limited meaning. It was
recognized by the I.A.N.C. that the designation “Autonomicum” is not perfect, but it was selected as the best of a number of alternatives – vegetative, visceral, splanchnic, organic, involuntary, etc. Some nerves,
such as the vesical, vaginal and middle rectal, which were included under Systema nervosum periphericum in the B.N.A. have been transferred to the Systema nervosum autonomicum. Recognition has been given
to the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. The term “orthosympathetic” is almost universally shortened to sympathetic, and the Committee followed this common usage.
[PNA, 1955] The subcommittee for the Nervous System have completely re-arranged this section to achieve a more logical order. [NA4, 1977] The term systema nervosum autonomicum is not used in this to avoid
ambiguity. For some it parallels the somatic nervous system and has central and peripheral components; for others it is a part of the peripheral nervous system. In addition some consider it to have efferent
elements only, while others recognize afferent elements as well. There are very many connections between somatic nerves and autonomic ganglia and between autonomic structures in the head. Examples are the
connections between the superior cervical ganglion and the sensory trigeminal ganglion, between the nerve plexus around the internal carotid artery and cavernous plexus and the abducens nerve and between the
pterygopalatine and the ciliary ganglion. Of these connections, on n. pinealis has been named. [TA, 1998]

957 Pars thoracolumbalis divisionis autonomicae. [Pars sympathica]. Since the term “sympathetic” has almost entirely displaced “orthosympathetic”, the latter term has been dropped. (In the interests of easy
Latin-English equivalence, sympathicum would be better rendered as sympatheticum.) [NA4, 1977]

958 Ganglia intermedia. These are most commonly found on Rami communicantes in the cervical and lumbar regions. They are infrequent in the thoracic and sacral region. [NA2, 1961]

959 Ganglion vertebrale. Terms such as Ganglia intermedia, Ganglion vertebrale, Ganglion impar, Rami communicantes, Nn. cardiaci thoracici, Nn. terminales, Nn. splanchnici pelvini, Plexus entericus and Plexus
uretericus, referring to constantly occurring and generally recognised structures, have been added. [PNA, 1955] A small ganglion is almost constantly found on one or other of the cords interconnecting the middle
and inferior cervical ganglia (or Ganglion cervicothoracicum) of the Truncus sympathicus. Most commonly it lies anterior to the A. vertebralis near its point of entry into the Foramen transversarium of the sixth
cervical vertebra. In French literature it is termed the “ganglion intermédiaire”, but ganglion vertebrale is a better name because of the relationship to the vertebral artery and because it avoids confusion with the
ganglia intermedia. [NA2, 1961]

960 Ganglion cervicothoracicum. The seventh and eighth cervical sympathetic trunk ganglia are fused in 75-80% of persons with the first or even the second thoracic ganglia to constitute this ganglion. The B.N.A.
term Ganglion cervicale inferius is therefore misleading. [NA2, 1961]

961 Nervi cardiaci thoracici. These filaments arise from the second to the fourth or occasionally fifth thoracic sympathetic trunk ganglia. Accelerator and pain fibres to and from the heart pass thtough these nerves.
[NA2, 1961]

962 Nervus pinealis. Previously known under the name of n. conarii, referring to the old name of the pineal gland, conarium. [TA, 1998] TA2, Part 5 316

963 Plexus subclavius. Only the more important vascular plexuses have been named in the lists, e.g., aortic, carotid, vertebral, subclavian and femoral. To avoid numerous additions to the B.N.A. the I.A.N.C.
decided not to include all the known vascular filaments to many other arteries. Indeed, it was decided to omit several of the smaller plexuses given in the B.N.A., e.g., the Plexus mammarius internus, Plexus
thyreoideus inferior and Plexus coronarius cordis. The named nerves and plexuses accompanying visceral arteries are not entirely vasomotor, but also supply the muscular and glandular tissues. [PNA, 1955]

964 Ganglion pterygopalatinum. The name has been changed to conform to the bony fossa in which the ganglion lies. [PNA, 1955]

965 Ganglion submandibulare. This change conforms to the changed name for the salivary gland. [PNA, 1955]

966 Pars vagalis divisionis autonomicae. The anterior and posterior vagal trunks arise from the plexus oesophageus and descend on the oesophagus to reach the corresponding surfaces of the stomach. Both
trunks contain fibres from both the right and left vagus nerves and the distinctive term “Truncus” has been employed on this account. [PNA, 1955]

967 Nervi splanchnici pelvici. It is now known that these nerves carry efferent and afferent fibres to and from the pelvic viscera and are not concerned solely with the innervation of the erectile tissue in the genitalia.
[NA2, 1961] The synonym [Nervi erigentes], though preserved because of its persisting wide usage, is functionally undesirable, since these nerves supply much more than the external genitalia. [NA4, 1977]

968 Plexus uretericus. A number of visceral plexuses, not mention in the B.N.A. but which are now generally recognized, have been added to the lists. They are well-defined structures and contain a profusion of
nerve bundles arranged in meshworks or plexuses. The plexus uretericus is a good example of this type of autonomic plexus. [NA2, 1961]

969 Plexus hypogastricus superior. In accordance with modern usage the plexus hypogastricus has been subdivided into superior and inferior parts, the former corresponding to the “N. presacralis,” referred to
frequently by surgeons and gynaecologists, and the latter to the pelvic plexus lying alongside the rectum, cervix uteri, and bladder. These parts are interconnected on each side by the “Nn. hypogastrici”; these form
elongated narrow networks rather than nerves. [PNA, 1955] The superior part of the hypogastric plexus is, of course, a median, singular structure, whereas the inferior part is bilateral. Some authorities regard the
superior part as dividing immediately into right and left inferior hypogastric plexuses. Here, an interconnecting stand (itself plexiform) is regarded as intervening between the superior and inferior hypogastric
plexuses, and the strand is named N. hypogastricus. [NA4, 1977]

970 Plexus entericus. In the B.N.A. only the myenteric and submucous plexuses were named. In the P.N.A. subserous, myenteric and submucous components of the Plexus entericus were recognized, and these
can be subdivided further, although names for these minor subdivisions (following the general policy of the I.A.N.C.) have not been included. [NA2, 1961]

971 Organa sensuum. Under Organa sensuum a number of B.N.A. terms (mainly minute or microscopic features under eponymous designations) have been omitted. A number of new terms have been added,
e.g., names for various parts of the internal ear. [PNA, 1955] Many histological terms which appeared in this section in the 3rd edition have been transferred to Nomina Histologica. [NA4, 1977]

972 Bulbus oculi. The term “bulbus” has been used in many places where “oculus” was used in the B.N.A., e.g., Axes bulbi externus et internus, Tunica vasculosa bulbi, Musculi bulbi, etc. [PNA, 1955]

973 Musculus ciliaris. Controversy persists regarding classification (by their directions) of the fibres of this muscle. F. radiales and F. longitudinales have been added, but the latter are, according to some experts,
identical with F. meridionales. Some authorities recognize four major groups of fibres and would change M. ciliaris to M. quadriceps oculi, but the Committee rejected this. It is not the responsibility of the I.A.N.C. to
dogmatize but only to provide acceptable terminology. A more satisfactory terminology for this muscle must await agreement amongst the experts. [NA4, 1977]

974 Discus nervi optici. The term “papilla” used in the B.N.A. and P.N.A. is misleading as the area is not normally raised. [NA2, 1961]

975 Excavatio disci nervi optici. In the previous edition of N.A. the term Papilla n. optici was changed to Discus n. optici, but Excavatio papillae was not altered. This inconsistency is now corrected. [NA3, 1966]

976 Spatia zonularia. In regard to the mode of insertion of the fibres of the Zonula Zinnii into the lenticular capsule and the spaces lying between the fibres (formerly described as Canales Petiti) compare the paper
recently published by Schön (Zonula and Ora serrata. Anatomischer Anzeiger, X:360 ff.). [BNA, 1895] TA2, Part 5 317

977 Camera postrema bulbi oculi. [Camera vitrea bulbi]. The arrangement in previous editions of P.N.A. and N.A. implied that the Camera posterior bulbi contained the Corpus vitreum, etc. This new term [Camera
vitrea] has been added to clarify the arrangement. [NA3, 1966] This new term [Camera postrema] is consistent with the terms used for the other chambers of the eye, which are based on their position. [TA, 1998]

978 Spatium retrozonale. This new term describes the part of the camera postrema immediately behind the zonula ciliaris which contains humor aquosus and communicates with the camera posterior via the spatia
zonulares. [TA, 1998]

979 Lamina episcleralis. [Spatium episclerale]. This is truly an episcleral and not an intervaginal space. [NA3, 1966]

980 Vagina bulbi. The I.A.N.C. decided that the correct term is Vagina bulbi and not Vaginae bulbi as given in the P.N.A. and the previous edition of N.A. [NA3, 1966]

981 Musculus tarsalis superior. [Lamina profunda musculi levatoris palpebrae superioris]. This is the reputedly nonstriated lamina attached to the Tarsus superior.

982 Auris. Organum auditus is now termed Organum stato-acusticum. [PNA, 1955] The terms “Organum status et auditus” and “Nuclei n. stato-acutici” used in the first edition of Nomina Anatomica did not
conform, and both aroused more unfavourable comment than any other new terms introduced in P.N.A. It was decided that vestibulocochlear was a better and more euphonious description. [NA2, 1961]

983 Auris media. In the 3rd edition Auris media and Cavum tympani were regarded as synonymous. The Committee approved the view that the latter is a part of the former. Auris media could be conveniently
divided into a Cavitas tympanica, Adnexa mastoidea, and Tuba auditiva, as suggested by the French Commission. [NA4, 1977]

984 Recessus superior membranae tympanicae. Recessus memb. tymp. superior is the median tympanic recess of W. Krause or upper tympanic recess of Prussak. This is the space over the Processus brevis of
the Malleus between the Membrana flaccida and the neck of the Malleus, and under the Lig. mallei externum. Anteriorly the space is cut off from the anterior tympanic recess while posteriorly it is connected with
the posterior recess. [BNA, 1895]

985 Ponticulus promontorii. Ponticulus promontorii is a thin bony bridge from the Eminentia pyramidalis to the Promontorium (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien - New York). [TNA, 2017]

986 Canalis semicircularis anterior. The B.N.A. term Canalis semicircularis superior has been changed to Canalis semicircularis anterior, and the “Ductus” and “Ampulla” have also been renamed accordingly.
[PNA, 1955] This is also still named Can. s. superior. [NA4, 1977]

987 Crus osseum commune. By mistake these [Crura ossea] were termed “Crura ampullaria” in the P.N.A. (cf. Ampullae osseae). [NA2, 1961]

988 Labyrinthus membranaceus. On the advice of our Organa Sensuum Sub-Committee some changes have been made. Thus the Ductus endolymphaticus and Ductus perilymphaticus have had [Aqueductus
vestibuli] and [Aquaeductus cochleae] added respectively as official alternatives, because the latter terms are still in widespread use. The terms Scala vestibuli and Scala tympani, which were listed previously
under Cochlea, have now been placed under Spatium perilymphaticum. [NA3, 1966] To conform with the arrangement in Nomina Histologica this section is now divided into vestibular and cochlear parts. [NA4,

989 Ductus cochlearis. Under Organa sensuum a number of B.N.A. terms (mainly minute or microscopic features under eponymous designations) have been omitted. A number of new terms have been added,
e.g., names for various parts of the internal ear. [PNA, 1955]

990 Crista spiralis. This structure is reputedly not a ligament. The new term conforms with Nomina Histologica; the older term is retained, for the present, as a synonym. [NA4, 1977]

991 Integument commune. Under Integumentum commune, in accordance with the decision reached by the I.A.N.C., all eponyms given in B.N.A. are omitted. The term “Glandula mammaria”, has been added, for
it was felt that the term “Mamma”, which is translated into the “Breast” in English, is not sufficiently specific. [PNA, 1955] Many terms now appearing in Nomina Histologica have been omitted from this section.
[NA4, 1977] TA2, Part 5 318

992 Dermis. [Corium]. In the B.N.A. there was an “Epidermis” but not “Dermis”. This term has now been added as an official alternative to Corium at the request of a majority of anatomists. [NA2, 1961] Since
Dermis is in wider usage and is more informative than Corium, the relative positions of these synonyms have been reversed. In dermatological terminology corium is little used to form other words, whereas the
stem ‘derm-‘ is familiar to all. [NA4, 1977]

993 Stratum papillare. Stratum is a better and more accurate term than the “Corpus” used in the P.N.A. [NA2, 1961]

994 Pili. The significance of the words Lanugo, Capilli, etc., may be taken for granted. Vibrissae are the hairs of the nose, Tragi the hairs of the external auditory canal, Hirci the axillary hairs. [BNA, 1895]

995 Tragi. Tragi are the hairs of the external auditory canal. [BNA, 1895]

996 Vibrissae. Vibrissae are the hairs of the nose. [BNA, 1895]

997 Hirci. Hirci are the axillary hairs. [BNA, 1895]

998 Perionyx. This term has been added to the list. [NA3, 1966]

999 Tela subcutanea. None of the layers of subcutaneous tissue is present throughout the body. The fatty layer is most widely present. At some sites a layer of skin muscles may be found in it. Where it is thick, it
has a membranous layer on its deep surface and may be lamellated by one or more fibrous layers within it. It is absent from the eyelids, the clitoris/penis and much of the pinna and is represented only by its
muscular layer in the scrotum. [TA, 1998]

1000 Spatium subcutaneum perinei. The subcutaneous perineal pouch is a potential space between the membranous layer of perineal subcutaneous tissue and the superficial layer of the investing fascia of
perineal muscles. Extravasations or collections in the subcutaneous pouch may track, deep to the membranous layer of subcutaneous tissue, into the anterior abdominal wall, along the clitoris/penis and/or into the
labia or scrotum. [TA, 1998]

1001 Mamma. The separate term mamma masculina has been omitted because the breast in the male contains no unique elements but those of the female breast developed to a lesser extent. [TA, 1998]

1002 Glandula mammaria. This term has been added, for it was felt that the term “Mamma” which is translated into the “Breast” in English, is not sufficiently specific. [NA2, 1961]

1003 Processus lateralis. This is an addition in the 4th edition. [NA4, 1977]

1004 Ligamenta suspensoria mammaria. These fibrous bands were formerly known as the ligaments of Cooper. They have been added to the list on account of their clinical importance. [NA2, 1961] TA2, Part 5 319

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