Profile Summary: Devanshu Gupta Ch. 466 Lawyers Block, Saket Court, ND

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466 Lawyers Block, Saket Court, ND

Ad vo cat e Tel: (+91) 9971454603
Addr: 172 Gautam Nagar, ND E-mail: [email protected]

Experience in arguing and handling cases in civil and criminal courts in Delhi-NCR.
Practice forums include – Delhi High Court, Allahabad High Court (Lucknow Bench),
including all subordinate district courts. Also, I have assisted in policy and regulatory
advisory and consultations on competition law & M&A.

• Providing strategic advisory and litigation services in the full range of Civil
and Criminal matters, including Negotiable Instruments (NI Act) cases,
RERA matters, matrimonial cases, service matters, etc. in all Courts,
Commissions, and Tribunals.
• Drafted legal opinions, plaints, suits, WS, reports, agreements, and other
documents for effective compliance under local and national laws.
• Handled original and appellate jurisdictions in High court in Writs petition,
PIL, appeals.
• Handling consumer disputes at NCDRC in cases relating to banking,
insurance, and financing sector.


• Graduate from RML National Law University - Lucknow (B.A. LL.B. Hons)
• Qualified the AIBE XI and registered with the UP Bar Council
• Member – Delhi High Court Bar Association


• Gupta Devanshu, 2018, 'Anti-competitive Agreements, Abuse of Dominant
Position, Regulation of Combinations and Consumer Protection Laws in India',
MC Bhandari’s Guide to Company Law Procedures - Procedures, Rules,
Compliances and Governance under the Companies Act, 2013, LexisNexis 28 th
Ed., ISBN 9789386515612, pp. 1.1461-1.1488.
• Gupta D, Sharma B, 2018, 'The Great Indian Economic Scenario – Concerning
Tribunals, Foreign Investment, and Regulators', Manupatra Competition Law
Journal, Vol 2: Part 4 (RNI No. DELENG/2008/24485), pp. 97-112.
• Reviewed: SM Dugar Guide to Competition Act, 2002, 7th Ed LexisNexis 2017,
ISBN 9788131252642.
• Gupta D, Sharma B, 2017, 'Digital platforms and E-commerce in India -
Challenges and Opportunities', Manupatra Competition Law Journal, Vol 2:
Part 2 (RNI No. DELENG/2008/24485), pp. 102-110
• Gupta D, Sharma B, 2017, 'A Stitch in Time saves nine: a regulatory
perspective on India's shift to Electric Vehicle (EV) 2030', Manupatra Energy
Law Journal, Vol 1: Part 1 (RNI No. DELENG/2008/23911), pp. 147-154
• Gupta D, Sharma B, 2018, ‘The transgender community – legally recognized,
socially ostracized’, Journal of global research & analysis, Vol. 7 (2), RNI-
HARENG/2012/59126, ISSN No. 22786775, pp. 33-42.
• Panelist; Online Platforms and challenges to policymaking and regulating
markets, Roundtable Conference with Prof. Renato Nazzini (King’s College
London), May 5th, 2017, Hotel Leela, New Delhi.
• Keynote Speaker: Role of Law in Republic India, National Seminar Department
of Law, PIMG, March 17, 2018, Gwalior.
• Awarded the Academic Excellence Scholarship, Bournemouth University – UK.
Awarded the International Office Excellence Scholarship at the University of
East Anglia and the University of Strathclyde, UK.

Note: References available upon request

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