Quiz Answers
Quiz Answers
Quiz Answers
1) The school of thought tends to view the organization as an instrument for achieving
established goals, in which members of the organization can be made to serve these
goals by managements use of reward and motivation techniques, is known as:
a. Classical or scientific management perspective
b. Human relations approach
c. Contingency approach
d. Systems theory
2) The companies that have the capability to produce high volumes at low cost that is
a. Supplier dominant firms
b. Science-based firms
c. Scale-intensive firms
d. Specialist equipment supplier
6) In Pearson Uncertainty Map which of the following categories is most applicable to the
development of Guinness’ ‘in-can system’
a. Applications engineering
b. Exploratory
c. Research
d. Combining market opportunities with technical capabilities
10) All of the following costs are likely to decrease as a result of better quality except
a. Customer dissatisfaction costs
b. Inspection costs
c. Scrap costs
d. Maintenance costs
11) A large percentage of the asset base of the organization normally lies within the design
production and delivery of its products and services. Hence, it is within these activities
that organizations need to
a. Improve efficiency
b. Develop innovation methods
c. Reduce waste
d. Improve design
e. All of the above
12) Slack et al. (2001) argues that all products and services can be considered as having 3
a. Concept, package, process
b. Concept, package, product
c. Concept, technology, market
d. Concept, technology, process
e. Concept, design, market
15) For the author of creative material to obtain copyright protection it must be in a
tangible form so that it can be communicated or reproduced
a. True
b. False
17) The following is not patentable under the 1988 patent act
a. Mathematical processes
b. Chemical formula
c. Manufacturing processes
d. New products
e. All of the above
22) In Pearson Uncertainty Map which of the following categories component suppliers who
is working with the automotive manufacturer to develop new features for the final
a. Applications engineering
b. Exploratory research
c. Development engineering
d. Combining market opportunities with technical capabilities
e. More than one above
23) In Pearson Uncertainty Map which of the following categories component suppliers in
the automotive industry where they concentrate on improving existing components
a. Applications engineering
b. Exploratory research
c. Development engineering
d. Combining market opportunities with technical capabilities
e. More than one above
24) The school of thought tends to highlight the importance of the organizations interaction
with the external world, where organizations are seen as goal directed systems, is
known as classical or scientific management perspective
a. True
b. False
25) ________________ where research, design and development work closely or in parallel
rather than in sequence have made important contributions to the area of operations
a. Total Quality Management
b. ISO 9000
c. EFQM Model
d. Concurrent Engineering
e. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)