Vortex Excitation of Metal Bellows
Vortex Excitation of Metal Bellows
Vortex Excitation of Metal Bellows
Ap — projected convolute area (~irD„Ji) KA bellows spring rate t bellows ply thickness
CF = vortex force coefficient based on N bellows vibration mode number V flow velocity
convolute height area JV0 number of convolutes X convolute pitch
Cm = bellows v i b r a t i o n m o d e factor Np number of plies in bellows wall <r, convolute tip width
Dm = m e a n bellows d i a m e t e r Q dynamic amplification factor, a <rr convolute root width
h = convolute height measure of damping pf fluid density
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Fig. 2 Series of photographs showing vortex shedding from two-dimensional convoluted metal segment
vortex f<lI'Ination and shedding produces periodic pressures on volution vibratory displacement x will cause a corresponding
the convolutions. The amplitude of this alternating pressure is stress whose magnitude is dependent on the convolution geom-
proportional to the freestream stagnation pressure (1/'PfV'). etry.
So far as the bellows structure is concerned, this alternating Accepting this simple physical model of bellows flow excita-
pressure produces a net force which may be considered applied tion, the problem of calculating resultant stress levels reduces
at the tip of each convolution. The amplitude of this force is to one of obtaining a knowledge of the various "factors" illus-
assumell (0 be of the form trated in Fig. 4. The primary factors are: C'p, a vortex force
coefficient; C'n" a vibration mode factO!'; Q, a dynamic amplifica-
(1) tion factor; and C'" a geometric stress factor.' Other factors
may also be introduced to account for various unique situations.
where C'r i" a vortex force coefficient (a dimensionless coefficient) For example, when an elbow is located upstream of a bellows,
and A I' is the projected convolutes height area over which the higher-than-normal stress levels may occur for a given flow ve-
pressurc nets (the fluctuating pressure producing the force). locity. If an acoustic resonance exists, this can change the pic-
If the frquency of the vortex shedding coincides with a bellows ture, also. The objective of the next several sections is to give
longitudinal mode frequency, then a resonance may occur and results of studies of these various factors.
the bellows convolutions will experience a vibratory displacement
of the form
Vortex Force Coefficient-Idealized Test Model
(2) The initial study of the nature and magnitude of the vortex
shedding fO!'ce was undertaken with a special single convolution
test model discussed in references [1,2]. A bellows convolution
In equation (2), C'm is a dimensionless factor dependent on the
bellows Illode of vibration (mode factor), F is the vortex shedding , The stress model indicated in Fig. 4 results from the analytical
fOrce defined in equation (1), K A is the bellows overall spring rate, form presented by Salzmann [10], and is only representative of a
and Q is the dynamic amplification factor (damping). This con- number of stress prediction methods, e.g., [11, 12, 13].
~ h (f4>
w yj ^
Strouhal Number - f o / V
C^Mai Fig. 5 Vortex shedding force coefficients from tests of t w o simulated
convolution geometries
w w V
is simulated in this test model by a flexible ring which is geo-
Fig. 3 Sequence of coupled fluid-convolution events observed with t w o -
dimensional bellows flow visualization model metrically similar to a convolution. The test ring, or simulated
convolution, is clamped in a special housing between a pair of
exciter coils; also a displacement probe is built into the apparatus
to allow ring vibration amplitudes to be monitored.
With this single convolution test model, experiments were
performed from which vortex force coefficient values could be
deduced. T3'pieal results are shown in Pig. 5. It may be
Vortex Shedding From Convolutions
readity noted that the convolution geometry affects the value of
the vortex force coefficient.
100 - - 100
Resultant Pressure
Forces On Convolutions
Pitch Pitch
- / " " " 100 -
Net Effective Force Q
On Convolutions 50 50
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Media Pressure Media Pressure
300 - 300 -
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FEBRUARY 1 9 7 2 / 91
1 j 320
""- ,.^,
5 -
• - - .
, - • — . . . . .
j^g ji.
E 160
€ 120
Low p r e s s u r e gases will be defined here as being those Spring Rate Data
g a s e s below 150 psia. Light liquids will be defined as
having a density, relative to w a t e r , of l e s s than 0. 2.
Bi-llows Overall Springrate
has pertained primarily to the prediction of bellows flow-induced
vibration amplitudes. Of more importance from a design view-
point is a proper estimation of resultant stresses, and probable
fatigue life. Using one of a number of existing analysis tech-
niques [10-13], it is possible to relate the calculated convolute
vibration amplitudes (maximum relative displacement values
given by equation (4)) to convolute stress. In general, these
techniques do not allow rapid stress calculations. Thus there
has been a need for a simple and approximate method of esti-
mating bellows stress. Such a method has been derived and is
0.25 called the "Stress Indicator" approach. This method involves
Strouhal Number -
calculating a number which is approximately proportional to
v stress, and which appears valid for judging the relative severity
Fig. 10 Force coefficient data reduced from strain data of Fig. 9 of bellows flow-induced vibrations. The derivation of the Stress
Indicator follows.
the test bellows so as to alter the convolution pitch. The ad- The basic equations which describe peak flow-induced stress
vantages of this method are at least twofold; first, it allows for a bellows convolute are equations (1) and (2), plus some ap-
geometry to be varied rather independent of other property vari- propriate relationship between displacement and stress. From
ations, and second, it results in a hardware savings since more the results of Salzmann [10] it appears valid to write.
data can be obtained from a single test item. Fig. 11 gives flow-
induced strain values obtained in this manner. The results Stress (5)
represent the observed peak flow-induced strain for each pitch fe2
setting. Fig. 11 also shows these same data reduced to the vortex where C, is a parameter dependent on convolute geometry.
force coefficient form. Notice that the force coefficient generally For typical bellows of roughly similar geometry, Cs is approxi-
decreases as the pitch was increased; this trend is in agreement
mately constant. Therefore, we will assume the following in
with the single convolution test model results and other bellows
seeking our approximate stress model:
tests. Also, Fig. 11 shows an obvious trend of " o p t i m u m "
pitch values which produce minimum local- Op value. This (a) The projected convolute area A p may be approximated by
trend has been observed in several bellows tests and can prob-
Ap » Dmh (6)
ably be explained by vortex reinforcement as noted in Fig. 3.
Summary of Force Coefficient Data. In the foregoing sections, (6) T h e mode factor Cm may be approximated by
vortex shedding force coefficient d a t a has been discussed as de-
rived from essentially three different kinds of tests. First, the ^ m (7)
results of the idealized single convolution model tests were given.
These tests yielded force coefficient data for two different con- (c) The bellows overall spring rate KA may be approximated
volution configurations; the two configurations had the same by (see [10])
convolute height h and the same tip width, b u t different pitches. KA » DmE(Np/Nc)(i/hy« (8)
Second, complete force coefficient d a t a were obtained from tests
of a number of "calibrated" bellows having various convolution (d) The factor C s is approximately constant for bellows of
geometries. Finally, a limited amount of test data was obtained interest. Based on these assumptions, equations (1), (2), and
by a bellows stretch-compression pitch variation scheme. Com- (5) may be combined to give:
parison of all of this force coefficient data shows consistent re-
sults which gives credence to the bellows flow-induced vibration Stress = 7rC. 9l9 (7-2P/F 2 ) (9)
model developed in the previous sections.
Tests are currently being performed with a family of bellows Since C s has been assumed constant, we can extract a quantity
having a wide range of convolute geometries. Results of these from equation (9) which is approximately proportional to flow-
tests should give a complete picture of the variation of CF with induced stress for all bellows; this quantity is
convolute geometry. For the present, however, CF d a t a given
m this paper and in reference [2] are complete enough to provide Stress Indicator =
good initial estimates of bellows flow-induced vibration levels.
Bellows Stress Indicator and Fatigue Life. A l l p r e v i o u s discussion (10)
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100.0 t there are "optimum" values of X/crr which result in local mini-
\ "" s I 1 1
\\ _\ 1 1 1 1 mum of maximum values of CF. Therefore there might be some
Region Of Very H
\\ 1 \ advantage in designing the convolute geometry to give a mini-
" ;S|
V mum Cp. value. I n general, "open" convolution designs are
,£K / better than "closed" designs.
<s v— /-Regio l Of Random Failures The response of a given bellows to flow excitation can be pre-
dicted with fair accuracy with a method described in this paper.
Strictly speaking, and because no supporting data are presently
available, this method is presently limited to bellows flowing
I Safe Operati ig
| Region
liquids and having a size of about 2-in. I.D. We believe, how-
10.0 ever, t h e method can safely be extended to include gases and
larger bellows. One important restriction is t h a t no radial
acoustic resonance be present to cause amplification of the forces.
: A very important factor in bellows vibrations is the value of
: the dynamic amplification factor Q. Test results show t h a t Q
Notes :
is dependent on the bellows specific spring rate (KANC/Dm), the
- Obtain Cf from Fi ur e 36 of Reference 1
- Obtain Q f r o m Fig i) re 8
internal fluid media, and the number of plies. A preliminary set
- Use KE • 2.0 f Ul S eve re upstream elbow of universal Q value curves has been prepared in terms of known
- Use E c = 1.0 f or r 0 l pstream elbow bellows and flow parameters, and can be used for present best-
- T h i s data s u ncon ser vative where acoust c reso nanc e oc cu rs
estimate purposes.
1.0 L J M l _ 1 10,000,000
A special parameter, called t h e "Stress-Indicator" has been
100,000 1,000,000
derived and is felt to be of value in determining the relative
Number'Of Cycles To Failure vibration severity of various bellows. A preliminary curve
Fig. 12 Preliminary bellows fatigue life data giving fatigue failure information as a function of t h e Stress
Indicator has been compiled and can be used to estimate the
possibility of failure of a given bellows.
To perform calculations with equation (10), it is first necessaiy
to find values for CF and Q from results presented earlier, or from
reference [2]. Acknowledgment
To supplement the Stress Indicator, a preliminary plot (Fig. The results presented in this paper were obtained during the
12) for predicting bellows fatigue life has been prepared. These course of research carried out under the sponsorship of NASA
data represent a collection of all failure cases which have been Marshall Space Flight Center, Contract NAS8-21133. Mr. R.
observed in our laboratory, plus failure information reported by H. Veitch of the Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering Laboratory
others. These fatigue data must be considered preliminary be- was the NASA technical administrator for the program.
cause of the small number of sample points used in their com-
pilation, and should be good enough, at the very least, to help
judge relative severity of various bellows installations. References
1 Gerlach, C. It., "Flow-Induced Vibrations of Metal Bellows,"
Vol. 91, No. 4, Nov. 1969, pp. 1196-1202.
Effect of Radial Acoustic Resonance 2 Gerlach, C. R., and Schroeder, E. C , "Study of Minimum
All previous discussion has related primarily to t h e flow- Pressure Loss in High Velocity Duct Systems," Interim Technical
excitation of bellows with internal liquid flow. Tests conducted Report No. 1, Contract NAS8-21133, Southwest Research Institute,
July 1969.
with internal gas flows reveal that a similar vortex shedding exci- 3 Toebes, G. H., and Eagleson, P. S., "Hydroelastic Vibrations
tation can occur, but there is an added effect which is likely. of Flat Plates Related to Trailing Edge Geometi'y," Journal of Basic
I t has been determined t h a t when the vortex shedding fre- Engineering, TRANS. ASME, Series D, Vol. 83, No. 4, Dec. 1961, pp.
quencies become high enough, a radial acoustic resonance can be 671-678.
excited within the bellows. The effect of this resonance is to 4 Man-is, A. W., "A Review of Vortex Streets, Periodic Wakes,
and Induced Vibration Phenomena," Journal of Basic Engineering,
greatly amplify the convolute vibratory stresses. At the present TRANS. ASME, Series D, Vol. 86, No. 3, Sept. 1964, pp. 165-169.
time this amplification has not been well quantified, but investi- 5 Toebes, G. H., "Plow Induced Structural Vibrations," Journal
gations are under way to do so. The interested reader can ob- of Engineering Mechanics, Proceedings, ASCE, Vol. 91-EM6, 1965.
tain further information from reference [2], or from communica- 6 Toebes, G. H., and Ramamurthy, A. S., "Fluidelastie Forces
on Circular Cylinders," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Proceed-
tion with the writer. ings, ASCE, Vol. 92-EM, 1967.
7 Protos, A., Goldschmidt, V. W., and Toebes, G. H., "Hydro-
elastic Forces on Bluff Cylinders," Journal of Basic Engineering,
TBANS. ASME, Series D, Vol. 90, No. 3, Sept. 1968, pp. 378-386.
Conclusions 8 Haugen, R. L., and Dhanak, A. M., "Momentum Transfer in
Flow-induced vibration of bellows is caused b y a fluid-elastic Turbulent Separated Flow Past a Rectangular Cavity," Journal of
instability; specifically it is caused by fluid vortex shedding from Applied Mechanics, Vol. 33, TRANS. ASME, Vol 88, Series E, No. 3,
Sept. 1966, pp. 641-646.
the bellows convolutions which couples with t h e convolution 9 Townes, H. W., and Sabersky, R. H., "Experiments on the
vibrations. I n t h e absence of convolute motion there is no Flow Over a Rough Surface," International Journal Heat Mass Trans-
well defined large scale vortex shedding. T h e fluctuating fluid fer, Vol. 9, 1966, pp. 729-738.
pressure force which is exerted on a single bellows convolute can 10 Salzmann, F., "fjeber die Nachgiebigkeit von Wellrohr-
be expressed in the form expansionen," Schweiz, Bauztg., Vol. 127, No. 11, Mar. 1946, pp.
11 Clark, R. A., "On the Theory of Thin Elastic Toroidal Shells,"
F = CPAfWip,V*) Journal of Mathematics and Physics, Vol. 29, 1950, pp. 146-178.
12 Laupa, A., and Weil, N. A., "Analysis of U-Shaped Expansion
where GF is a vortex force coefficient, Av is the height area of the Joints," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 29, TRANS. ASME, Vol.
convolute, p{ is fluid density, and V velocity. T h e data ob- 84, Series E, No. 1, Mar. 1962, pp. 115-123.
tained for CP from a number of bellows tests show it to be a strong 13 Turner, C. E., and Ford, H., "Stress and Deflection Studies of
function of the parameter X/crr, the ratio of convolute pitch to Pipeline Expansion Bellows," Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
Vol. 171, Nov. 1957, pp. 526-552.
tip width. 14 Lazan, B. J., Damping of Materials and Members in Structural
I t appears that, because of a vortex reinforcement phenomena, Mechanics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1968.
94 / F E B R U A R Y 1972
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