Vortex Excitation of Metal Bellows

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C. R.

GERLACH Vortex Excitation of letal Bellows

Manager, Hydro-Mechanical
Systems Section, Department of
The present paper extends the results presented in. an earlier paper, and pertains to the
Mechanical Sciences, Southwest
Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas prediction of vibratory amplitudes and stress levels resulting from flow-induced vibra-
tions of metal bellows. Included is visual verification of the vortex shedding-bellows
convolution coupling phenomena. Two methods for predicting flow excitation ampli-
tudes are described. One method, called a "Stress Indicator" method is a simplifica-
tion of the other, and allows rapid estimates of bellows dynamic stress values. This
simplified method is complemented by a plot of "Stress Indicator" versus number of
cycles to failure, obtained from experimental data for actual bellows failures. The in-
fluences of bellows damping and acoustical resonances are discussed.

Introduction amplitudes are described. One, called a "Stress-Indicator"

method is a simplification of the other, and allows rapid estimates
IN an earlier paper by the writer [ l ] , 1 the initial of bellows dynamic stress values. This simplified method is
results of an investigation of excitation of metal bellows with complemented by a plot of "Stress Indicator" versus number of
internal liquid flow were presented. This work was motivated by cycles to failure, obtained from experimental data for actual bel-
flow-induced fatigue failures of bellows couplings in aerospace lows failures.
applications. In this earlier paper, studies of flow excitation of Finally, the paper briefly describes bellows flow excitation when
longitudinal modes with some sample bellows showed t h a t the gases are involved. With gases, the phenomena is complicated
observed phenomena was very much like the similar problem of by a radial acoustic resonance which enhances the vortex shedding
vortex shedding excitation of elastieally restrained cylinders. process.
Thus it was initially hypothesized t h a t a vortex phenomena was
responsible for the observed bellows vibrations. As noted in the
laboratory, excitation of successive longitudinal bellows modes is Bellows Flow Excitation Mechanism
possible as the flow velocity is increased. The range of excita- Based on the results of flow visualization experiments [2],
tion for each particular mode can be correlated with a Strouhal there is firm evidence t h a t excitation of bellows longitudinal
number based on convolution root width <r,.; for each mode this modes is a result of a dynamic coupling between the bellows
"lock-in" region occurs over a well defined Strouhal number structure and a fluid vortex generation and shedding process.
range. In every sense, the phenomena is a fluid-elastic instability [3-7],
Prediction of the longitudinal vibration modes of a given bel- since a mutual interaction or coupling occurs between the dy-
lows can be adequately accomplished utilizing a lumped spring- namics of the bellows (the elastic system) and the nonsteady flow
mass analogy [1, 2]. Once the possible longitudinal vibration near and between the convolutions (the dynamic fluid system).
mode frequencies are known, the vortex-structure coupling can be Many factors have an influence on this coupling phenomena, in-
anticipated by calculating the Strouhal number for each possible cluding the convolution geometry, the flow conditions, and possi-
mode over the anticipated fluid velocity range to see if it falls ble local cavitation or acoustic resonances.
within the reported "lock-in" range [2]. For flow through a convoluted section of bellows, with the con-
volutions fixed to prevent vibration, a steady turbulent flow
The objective of the present paper is to extend the earlier re-
exists throughout the bellows, as illustrated in Fig. 1. This is a
suits, with respect to the vortex excitation process, and the pre-
physical picture formulated from our own flow visualization ex-
diction of vibratory amplitudes. Photographs obtained from a
periments, and from the information reported by Haugen and
flow visualization study are shown which demonstrate the fluid-
Dhanak [8], and Townes and Sabersky [9]. Each convolution, in
structure coupling. Two methods for predicting flow excitation
general, experiences an internal eddying flow because of momen-
t u m transfer from the free stream. Energy is transferred into
each convolution in a mixing zone or shear layer. The number
' Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. and size of the steady vortices which exist in the convolutions are
Contributed by the Design Engineering Division and presented a function of the convolution geometry. Very shallow convolu-
at the Vibrations Conference, Toronto, Canada, September 8-10, tions may contain only one vortex, while two or more may exist in
Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters, May 12, 1971. Paper deep convolutions.
No. 71-Vibr-22. T h e physical picture described above is valid only with no

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FEBRUARY 1 9 7 2 / 87
Copyright © 1972 by ASME
Inlet velocity profile Finally, a small vortex (6) is beginning to form on the down-
stream side of convolution 2. In Position I I , vortex (c) has been
pinched from between convolutions 1 and 2, and has now moved
out into the fluid stream, and will soon "detach" from convolu-
tion 1 to be swept downstream. Vortex (b), which is forming
Shear layer or mixing region on the downstream side of convolution 2, is gaining in strength.
Vortex (a), which in Position I was beginning to move over the
tip of convolution 3, is now further downstream. In Position
Steady vortex motion induced I I I , the space between convolutions 1 and 2 is opening up, hence
through momentum exchange fluid is being drawn in, and vortex (d) is beginning to form on the
in shear layer. downstream side of convolution 1. Vortex (c) has been swept
over the top of convolution 2, with the timing being about right
to reinforce vortex (6), which is being pinched from between
convolutions 2 and 3; the combined vortex is labeled (b -j- c).
In Position IV, vortex (d) has gained in strength as it forms on
the downstream side of convolution 1. Vortex (b + c) is being
pinched out from between convolutions 2 and 3, and will begin
Possible steady vortex to propagate downstream. Finally, Position V is the same as
behavior in different Position I, so the cycle is complete. Note that vortex (a)
depth convolutes. in Position I was a combination of two vortices, as is vortex
(b + c) in Position V.
I t must be emphasized that the series of fluid events described
in the foregoing are probably not exactly descriptive of all bellows
modes excited. The main difference likely seen from a com-
parison with other situations, would be t h a t the phasing of vor-
tices propagating downstream would not always be correct,
with respect to a vortex forming at a point downstream, to give a
Fig. 1 Fluid flow behavior with stationary convolutions reinforcement condition, as shown in the above discussion.
We have some experimental evidence suggesting that there
might be optimum convolution geometries, for a given mode of
convolution motion or vibration. When the bellows is flow vibration, which yield relative peak excitation amplitudes. This
excited, the physical picture of internal flow described above is might be caused by a vortex reinforcement phenomena.
no longer valid, in general. For this case, a large-scale periodic I t has been shown in the foregoing that two different fluid flow
vortex formation and shedding process occurs which has been regimes exist; one occurs when the convolutions are constrained
visualized with an apparatus described in reference [2]. The ap- and, consequently, no organized large scale vortex shedding is
paratus consists of a two-dimensional clear plastic channel con- observed, only a steady-state turbulent situation. The other
taining a short section of convoluted metal which is placed so t h a t flow regime occurs when the convolutions are vibrating as a result
the convolution tips are exposed to the fluid flow, as in an actual of flow excitation; here a large scale vortex formation and shed-
bellows. When water is passed through the channel at the ding process does exist. Therefore the bellows flow excitation
proper velocity, the segment is flow excited; this vibration may can be described as a mutual or coupled instability between the
be viewed with the aid of a strobe light. By injecting ink up- bellows structure and the fluid vortex shedding process. One
stream from the convoluted segment the vortex shedding process cannot exist without the other.
is easity visualized. The primary condition which must be satisfied for this coupling
Both still and moving pictures of the vortex shedding have been to occur is that the bellows structural frequency and the ideal
made; Fig. 2 shows several of the still pictures which were taken vortex shedding frequency be equal, or about equal within cer-
at random times. The presence of a vortex pattern is evident in tain limits. This limit of vortex-structure coupling can be
each picture. The movie, of course, shows the interaction of the called a "lock-in" range, and it can exist over a rather broad
fluid motion and the segment much more clearly than do the still velocity range. Further details of the relationship between the
pictures. fluid velocity and the bellows structural frequencies may be
Fig. 3 shows the sequence of fluid and convolution events found in references [1, 2],
which have been observed in a frame-by-frame examination of
the motion picture. Note, first of all, t h a t the mode of vibration
of the segment is one where each convolution moves out-of-phase General Discussion of Bellows Forced Vibration
with the adjacent convolution(s). This corresponds to the high- A calculated coincidence of the coupled bellows-liquid fre-
est longitudinal bellows mode. The vortex shedding process on quencies and the vortex shedding frequency only indicates a
the vibrating segment, as shown by Fig. 3, occurs as follows: I n possible flow excitation problem, b u t does not guarantee that
Position 1, a large vortex (c) has formed between the convolu- the bellows will vibrate, or indicate the severity of vibration.
tions 1 and 2, and is being" pushed" out into the fluid stream by A desirable design goal is to be able to accurately predict anti-
the pinching action of these two convolutions. A large, well- cipated stress levels for a given bellows and given flow conditions.
formed vortex (a) is moving across the tip convolution 3; the origin Fig. 4 illustrates a physical model of the fluid and structural
of this vortex will be made clear in the description of other events. behavior for bellows flow excitation. The process of periodic

Ap — projected convolute area (~irD„Ji) KA bellows spring rate t bellows ply thickness
CF = vortex force coefficient based on N bellows vibration mode number V flow velocity
convolute height area JV0 number of convolutes X convolute pitch
Cm = bellows v i b r a t i o n m o d e factor Np number of plies in bellows wall <r, convolute tip width
Dm = m e a n bellows d i a m e t e r Q dynamic amplification factor, a <rr convolute root width
h = convolute height measure of damping pf fluid density

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Fig. 2 Series of photographs showing vortex shedding from two-dimensional convoluted metal segment

vortex f<lI'Ination and shedding produces periodic pressures on volution vibratory displacement x will cause a corresponding
the convolutions. The amplitude of this alternating pressure is stress whose magnitude is dependent on the convolution geom-
proportional to the freestream stagnation pressure (1/'PfV'). etry.
So far as the bellows structure is concerned, this alternating Accepting this simple physical model of bellows flow excita-
pressure produces a net force which may be considered applied tion, the problem of calculating resultant stress levels reduces
at the tip of each convolution. The amplitude of this force is to one of obtaining a knowledge of the various "factors" illus-
assumell (0 be of the form trated in Fig. 4. The primary factors are: C'p, a vortex force
coefficient; C'n" a vibration mode factO!'; Q, a dynamic amplifica-
(1) tion factor; and C'" a geometric stress factor.' Other factors
may also be introduced to account for various unique situations.
where C'r i" a vortex force coefficient (a dimensionless coefficient) For example, when an elbow is located upstream of a bellows,
and A I' is the projected convolutes height area over which the higher-than-normal stress levels may occur for a given flow ve-
pressurc nets (the fluctuating pressure producing the force). locity. If an acoustic resonance exists, this can change the pic-
If the frquency of the vortex shedding coincides with a bellows ture, also. The objective of the next several sections is to give
longitudinal mode frequency, then a resonance may occur and results of studies of these various factors.
the bellows convolutions will experience a vibratory displacement
of the form
Vortex Force Coefficient-Idealized Test Model
(2) The initial study of the nature and magnitude of the vortex
shedding fO!'ce was undertaken with a special single convolution
test model discussed in references [1,2]. A bellows convolution
In equation (2), C'm is a dimensionless factor dependent on the
bellows Illode of vibration (mode factor), F is the vortex shedding , The stress model indicated in Fig. 4 results from the analytical
fOrce defined in equation (1), K A is the bellows overall spring rate, form presented by Salzmann [10], and is only representative of a
and Q is the dynamic amplification factor (damping). This con- number of stress prediction methods, e.g., [11, 12, 13].

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~ h (f4>
w yj ^


b+c 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Strouhal Number - f o / V
C^Mai Fig. 5 Vortex shedding force coefficients from tests of t w o simulated
convolution geometries

w w V
is simulated in this test model by a flexible ring which is geo-
Fig. 3 Sequence of coupled fluid-convolution events observed with t w o -
dimensional bellows flow visualization model metrically similar to a convolution. The test ring, or simulated
convolution, is clamped in a special housing between a pair of
exciter coils; also a displacement probe is built into the apparatus
to allow ring vibration amplitudes to be monitored.
With this single convolution test model, experiments were
performed from which vortex force coefficient values could be
deduced. T3'pieal results are shown in Pig. 5. It may be
Vortex Shedding From Convolutions
readity noted that the convolution geometry affects the value of
the vortex force coefficient.

Vibrations of Real Bellows

Vortex Force Bellows Mode Factor. Using the force coefficient information
obtained with the single convolution test model, along with an
F-CFCEA ( - W v ) equivalent bellows mechanical model concept, flow-induced
vibration amplitudes were predicted. This was accomplished
by assigning a vortex force at each convolute tip, and then calcu-
lating the forced amplitude of the mechanical model. Com-
paring the resultant vibration amplitudes with observed values
showed the preliminary predictions to be high by a factor equal
Convolution Displacement
to the number of convolutions involved in each "half wave-
length" of bellows vibration. This suggested that there was
... C m FQ
only one effective vortex force per mode number of the vibration-
Further detailed comparison of calculated and observed vibra-
The resultant stress is tions of bellows confirmed this idea. Also, reexamination of the
Stress visualized vortex shedding activity (illustrated typically in Fig.
In the above equations 2) and reconsideration of the pressure forces involved, showed
Cp = vortex force coefficient how this must happen.
Cf = elbow factor Fig. 6 depicts the action of a bellows with several convolutions
Cm » vibration mode factor
vibrating in the first longitudinal mode. As shown, the vortex
Q- dynamic amplification (damping )
Cs = geometric stress factor
shedding causes fluctuating pressure forces on each side of each
convolution. Because of the phasing of these pressure forces,
however, only one effective vortex force exists per mode number
Fig. 4 Illustration of stress resulting from vortex force

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Transactions of the ASME
90 / F E B R U A R Y 1972
Vortex Activity On Media - Media -
Bellows Vibrating In Water Air
1st Mode
150 150 _

100 - - 100
Resultant Pressure
Forces On Convolutions
Pitch Pitch


- / " " " 100 -
Net Effective Force Q
On Convolutions 50 50
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Media Pressure Media Pressure

300 - 300 -

200 ~"~~\^^ 200

— Q
Equivalent Mechanical Model 100 100

Fig. 6 Effective vortex force on bellows vibrating in the first longitudinal

mode o ion 200 300 C 100 200 300
Strain Level - ^ . i n . / i n . St rain Level - / i i n . / i n .

Fig. 7 Experimentally determined trend of Q with various parameters

of vibration. The first mode has one effective force point, the
second mode, two, etc. Each of these effective forces is exerted
at the central convolution of each mode half wavelength, or at
the point(s) of maximum displacement of each mode. Fig. 7 illustrates the trends of the experimental damping val-
Using the one-force-per-half-wave length concept illustrated ues, as a function of various parameters. Note that the bellows
in Fig. 6, the analytical derivation of a value for the mode factor damping is generally most sensitive to peak strain amplitudes,
C„„ which relates displacement and force during a resonant condi- with the damping increasing as strain increases. Further note
tion, was undertaken. As shown in reference [21, the resultant t h a t single-ply bellows of different configurations, tested under
bellows mode factor is of the form similar conditions (same strain level, same interna] media, etc.)
do not necessarily have the same Q values. For one configura-
N_ tion of bellows, increasing the number of plies from one to two
cm = -1 + sin
2 Nj\
(3) significantly increases the damping (reduces Q); however, going
HN to three plies adds little more damping, if any, over the two-ply
configuration. For bellows with a liquid as the contained
and refers to the maximum relative displacement point (maxi-
media, damping may greatly increase at low absolute pressures.
mum stress point) along the bellows. Thus, from equations
(2) and (3), it is evident t h a i the bellows convolute maximum The fact t h a t damping increases as the strain level increases
means t h a t the damping is a nonlinear function of amplitude.
relative vibratory displacement is
T h e fact t h a t the bellows damping is nonlinear is really no sur-
prise, since structural damping is often of this nature (see La/an's
_FQ_ N 7T_ ^ V
%mr — ~T7~ + Sill (4) discussion of hysteretic damping in reference [14]).
8NKA { N, 2 Arr
Based on the test damping data, a preliminary damping
model was formulated, and is presented in Fig. 8 and Table 1.
In equation (4), F is the amplitude of the vortex shedding force To reflect the change of Q with strain level, the factor
applied as illustrated in Fig. 6, N is the vibration mode number
(1, 2), and Arc is the total number of convolutes.
At this point, estimates of bellows flow-induced vibration
amplitudes could be made, based on equations (1) and (4) plus Ar„
CF data typified by that of Fig. 5, if appropriate values for Q
were also known. called the "Bellows Operational Parameter," has been employed
Bellows Damping. Because the value of damping is so im- as the independent variable. To account for different internal
portant in the prediction of bellows flow-induced vibration media, the effect of the number of plies, and of the bellows stiff-
amplitudes, a large number of mechanical vibration tests were ness, the data in Fig. 8 are shown as a number of application
conducted from which Q values could be obtained for typical curves of Q versus t h e bellows operational parameter. Table 1
conditions. Each damping test bellows was mounted in a defines the use of each application curve.
special fixture which rigidly connected the end flanges to ensure Bellows Flow Tests. The validity of the model described in the
that the vibration modes excited would be the same as those foregoing was determined from correlation with a number of
observed in the flow tests. Excitation was pi'ovided by an elec- flow-induced vibration tests of bellows. The tests and data
tromechanical shaker, and Q values were obtained from frequency reductions were carried out in such a way that vortex force
sweeps with either input acceleration amplitude, or in some cases, coefficient (C'F) values were obtained for comparison with CF
convolute strain response held constant. T h e standard half- values obtained with the single convolute test model.
Power point band width method was employed for calculating For test purposes, each bellows was mounted in a water flow
the values of Q. loop, and vibratory strain levels were monitored as a function

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FEBRUARY 1 9 7 2 / 91
1 j 320

- Curve Numbers Correspond To Certain

| |
For These Applications.
Water- 75° F
D Eel lows #102
1 =
O # 105
2 - O #112
3 -
i 240 First Mode
- ^ CD
4 - Q_
=p ^>~= - •

""- ,.^,
5 -
• - - .

, - • — . . . . .

=___; _T2^z~. S 200

"—:-- *^xV_ cz
6 - i . ! ~~'— ! ""

j^g ji.

E 160
€ 120

Bellows Operational Parameter - ( CpCppH/Np ) ( h / t I 'g

Fig. 8 Dynamic amplification factors for various betlows applications ^

Table 1 Applications information for use with Q values data in Fig. 8


Specific Spring Number Internal Media Curve

Rate (see Note 1) Plies (see Note 2) No.

all ranges low p r e s s u r e gases 1

over 2000 l b / i n 2
0 ' 16 20 22 24 26
high p r e s s u r e g a s e s , light liquids 1
over 2000 water, dense liquids 2 Fluid Velocity (ft/sec !
under 2 0 00 high p r e s s u r e g a s e s , light liquids 2
under 2000 water, dense liquids 3 Fig. 9 Peak flow-induced strain for three similar test bellows—see
Table 2 for bellows geometry
over 3 000 2 all 3
2000-3000 2 all pressure gases
under 2 000 2 all pressure gases 5
2000-3000 2 all liquids 5
under 2COO 2 all liquids 6 Table 2 Pertinent physical data for test bellows

Nominal Dimensional Data for Bellows HOZ, 105, 112

over 3000 all 4
2000-3000 3 ail 5 Internal d i a m e t e r , D; = 1.49 inches
under 2000 all p r e s s u r e g a s e s 5
under 2000 all liquids 6 External d i a m e t e r , D(J - 2.22 inches

Live length - 1..3G inches-

Use of Tabic To use table, first c a l c u l a t e beliow^- specific spring rate
then look up application curve number cori-e Gponding to Number convolutes, Nc = 7
this specific spring r a t e , number uf p l i e s , and internal
media. Convolute height, h - 0.35 inches

The specific spring rate is here defined r.s Pitch, , \ = 0. 26 inches

Convolute root and tip widths, o" ., u. = 0. 125 tuche
spring rate per convolute, per ply, per unit of Ply thickness, t ^ 0.013 inches

Low p r e s s u r e gases will be defined here as being those Spring Rate Data
g a s e s below 150 psia. Light liquids will be defined as
having a density, relative to w a t e r , of l e s s than 0. 2.
Bi-llows Overall Springrate

102 454 lb/in

,05 545
112 550
of internal fluid velocity. Fig. 9 shows sample data from the
flow tests. In this particular figure, results are presented for
three nearly identical test bellows (by virtue of having the same
design convolute geometry); Table 2 gives pertinent data for from the strain data of Fig. 9. Note how the reduction process
these bellows. Variations in the vibration characteristics are has produced much better agreement of the test results for these
readily evident, and were attributed to measurable but very three bellows. Apparently the major reason for the variation of
small differences in the actual convolute geometry, and differ- vibration characteristics of the three bellows was a dissimilarity
ences in the spring rate. of spring rate. This was likely a result of different amounts
All flow-induced vibration test data were reduced, using the of metal thinning which occurs in the forming process. Differ-
analysis described previously, so that experimental vortex force ences in spring rate are inherently reduced out by the data re-
coefficient (CF) values were obtained as a function of the test duction, hence, this explains the relatively good agreement
Strouhal number. More precisely, the CF values thus obtained shown in Fig. 10.
were effective force coefficients, as described in reference [1]. Several tests were performed in which the effect of bellows
Details of the data reduction procedure may be found in refer- convolution geometry on the vortex force was determined.
ence [2]. Fig. 10 illustrates typical CF data, in this case reduced This was accomplished by step-wise stretching and compressing

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Transactions of the ASME
SwRI Test Bellows * 105
Water @75"F

First Longitudinal Mode


0.24 0.26 0.28

Convolution Pitch - inches

Fig. 11 Response of test bellows as a function of pitch-bellows stretched

to change pitch

has pertained primarily to the prediction of bellows flow-induced
vibration amplitudes. Of more importance from a design view-
point is a proper estimation of resultant stresses, and probable
fatigue life. Using one of a number of existing analysis tech-
niques [10-13], it is possible to relate the calculated convolute
vibration amplitudes (maximum relative displacement values
given by equation (4)) to convolute stress. In general, these
techniques do not allow rapid stress calculations. Thus there
has been a need for a simple and approximate method of esti-
mating bellows stress. Such a method has been derived and is
0.25 called the "Stress Indicator" approach. This method involves
Strouhal Number -
calculating a number which is approximately proportional to
v stress, and which appears valid for judging the relative severity
Fig. 10 Force coefficient data reduced from strain data of Fig. 9 of bellows flow-induced vibrations. The derivation of the Stress
Indicator follows.
the test bellows so as to alter the convolution pitch. The ad- The basic equations which describe peak flow-induced stress
vantages of this method are at least twofold; first, it allows for a bellows convolute are equations (1) and (2), plus some ap-
geometry to be varied rather independent of other property vari- propriate relationship between displacement and stress. From
ations, and second, it results in a hardware savings since more the results of Salzmann [10] it appears valid to write.
data can be obtained from a single test item. Fig. 11 gives flow-
induced strain values obtained in this manner. The results Stress (5)
represent the observed peak flow-induced strain for each pitch fe2
setting. Fig. 11 also shows these same data reduced to the vortex where C, is a parameter dependent on convolute geometry.
force coefficient form. Notice that the force coefficient generally For typical bellows of roughly similar geometry, Cs is approxi-
decreases as the pitch was increased; this trend is in agreement
mately constant. Therefore, we will assume the following in
with the single convolution test model results and other bellows
seeking our approximate stress model:
tests. Also, Fig. 11 shows an obvious trend of " o p t i m u m "
pitch values which produce minimum local- Op value. This (a) The projected convolute area A p may be approximated by
trend has been observed in several bellows tests and can prob-
Ap » Dmh (6)
ably be explained by vortex reinforcement as noted in Fig. 3.
Summary of Force Coefficient Data. In the foregoing sections, (6) T h e mode factor Cm may be approximated by
vortex shedding force coefficient d a t a has been discussed as de-
rived from essentially three different kinds of tests. First, the ^ m (7)
results of the idealized single convolution model tests were given.
These tests yielded force coefficient data for two different con- (c) The bellows overall spring rate KA may be approximated
volution configurations; the two configurations had the same by (see [10])
convolute height h and the same tip width, b u t different pitches. KA » DmE(Np/Nc)(i/hy« (8)
Second, complete force coefficient d a t a were obtained from tests
of a number of "calibrated" bellows having various convolution (d) The factor C s is approximately constant for bellows of
geometries. Finally, a limited amount of test data was obtained interest. Based on these assumptions, equations (1), (2), and
by a bellows stretch-compression pitch variation scheme. Com- (5) may be combined to give:
parison of all of this force coefficient data shows consistent re-
sults which gives credence to the bellows flow-induced vibration Stress = 7rC. 9l9 (7-2P/F 2 ) (9)
model developed in the previous sections.
Tests are currently being performed with a family of bellows Since C s has been assumed constant, we can extract a quantity
having a wide range of convolute geometries. Results of these from equation (9) which is approximately proportional to flow-
tests should give a complete picture of the variation of CF with induced stress for all bellows; this quantity is
convolute geometry. For the present, however, CF d a t a given
m this paper and in reference [2] are complete enough to provide Stress Indicator =
good initial estimates of bellows flow-induced vibration levels.
Bellows Stress Indicator and Fatigue Life. A l l p r e v i o u s discussion (10)

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100.0 t there are "optimum" values of X/crr which result in local mini-
\ "" s I 1 1
\\ _\ 1 1 1 1 mum of maximum values of CF. Therefore there might be some
Region Of Very H
\\ 1 \ advantage in designing the convolute geometry to give a mini-
" ;S|
V mum Cp. value. I n general, "open" convolution designs are
,£K / better than "closed" designs.
<s v— /-Regio l Of Random Failures The response of a given bellows to flow excitation can be pre-
dicted with fair accuracy with a method described in this paper.
Strictly speaking, and because no supporting data are presently
available, this method is presently limited to bellows flowing
I Safe Operati ig
| Region
liquids and having a size of about 2-in. I.D. We believe, how-
10.0 ever, t h e method can safely be extended to include gases and
larger bellows. One important restriction is t h a t no radial
acoustic resonance be present to cause amplification of the forces.
: A very important factor in bellows vibrations is the value of
: the dynamic amplification factor Q. Test results show t h a t Q
Notes :
is dependent on the bellows specific spring rate (KANC/Dm), the
- Obtain Cf from Fi ur e 36 of Reference 1
- Obtain Q f r o m Fig i) re 8
internal fluid media, and the number of plies. A preliminary set
- Use KE • 2.0 f Ul S eve re upstream elbow of universal Q value curves has been prepared in terms of known
- Use E c = 1.0 f or r 0 l pstream elbow bellows and flow parameters, and can be used for present best-
- T h i s data s u ncon ser vative where acoust c reso nanc e oc cu rs
estimate purposes.
1.0 L J M l _ 1 10,000,000
A special parameter, called t h e "Stress-Indicator" has been
100,000 1,000,000
derived and is felt to be of value in determining the relative
Number'Of Cycles To Failure vibration severity of various bellows. A preliminary curve
Fig. 12 Preliminary bellows fatigue life data giving fatigue failure information as a function of t h e Stress
Indicator has been compiled and can be used to estimate the
possibility of failure of a given bellows.
To perform calculations with equation (10), it is first necessaiy
to find values for CF and Q from results presented earlier, or from
reference [2]. Acknowledgment
To supplement the Stress Indicator, a preliminary plot (Fig. The results presented in this paper were obtained during the
12) for predicting bellows fatigue life has been prepared. These course of research carried out under the sponsorship of NASA
data represent a collection of all failure cases which have been Marshall Space Flight Center, Contract NAS8-21133. Mr. R.
observed in our laboratory, plus failure information reported by H. Veitch of the Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering Laboratory
others. These fatigue data must be considered preliminary be- was the NASA technical administrator for the program.
cause of the small number of sample points used in their com-
pilation, and should be good enough, at the very least, to help
judge relative severity of various bellows installations. References
1 Gerlach, C. It., "Flow-Induced Vibrations of Metal Bellows,"
Vol. 91, No. 4, Nov. 1969, pp. 1196-1202.
Effect of Radial Acoustic Resonance 2 Gerlach, C. R., and Schroeder, E. C , "Study of Minimum
All previous discussion has related primarily to t h e flow- Pressure Loss in High Velocity Duct Systems," Interim Technical
excitation of bellows with internal liquid flow. Tests conducted Report No. 1, Contract NAS8-21133, Southwest Research Institute,
July 1969.
with internal gas flows reveal that a similar vortex shedding exci- 3 Toebes, G. H., and Eagleson, P. S., "Hydroelastic Vibrations
tation can occur, but there is an added effect which is likely. of Flat Plates Related to Trailing Edge Geometi'y," Journal of Basic
I t has been determined t h a t when the vortex shedding fre- Engineering, TRANS. ASME, Series D, Vol. 83, No. 4, Dec. 1961, pp.
quencies become high enough, a radial acoustic resonance can be 671-678.
excited within the bellows. The effect of this resonance is to 4 Man-is, A. W., "A Review of Vortex Streets, Periodic Wakes,
and Induced Vibration Phenomena," Journal of Basic Engineering,
greatly amplify the convolute vibratory stresses. At the present TRANS. ASME, Series D, Vol. 86, No. 3, Sept. 1964, pp. 165-169.
time this amplification has not been well quantified, but investi- 5 Toebes, G. H., "Plow Induced Structural Vibrations," Journal
gations are under way to do so. The interested reader can ob- of Engineering Mechanics, Proceedings, ASCE, Vol. 91-EM6, 1965.
tain further information from reference [2], or from communica- 6 Toebes, G. H., and Ramamurthy, A. S., "Fluidelastie Forces
on Circular Cylinders," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Proceed-
tion with the writer. ings, ASCE, Vol. 92-EM, 1967.
7 Protos, A., Goldschmidt, V. W., and Toebes, G. H., "Hydro-
elastic Forces on Bluff Cylinders," Journal of Basic Engineering,
TBANS. ASME, Series D, Vol. 90, No. 3, Sept. 1968, pp. 378-386.
Conclusions 8 Haugen, R. L., and Dhanak, A. M., "Momentum Transfer in
Flow-induced vibration of bellows is caused b y a fluid-elastic Turbulent Separated Flow Past a Rectangular Cavity," Journal of
instability; specifically it is caused by fluid vortex shedding from Applied Mechanics, Vol. 33, TRANS. ASME, Vol 88, Series E, No. 3,
Sept. 1966, pp. 641-646.
the bellows convolutions which couples with t h e convolution 9 Townes, H. W., and Sabersky, R. H., "Experiments on the
vibrations. I n t h e absence of convolute motion there is no Flow Over a Rough Surface," International Journal Heat Mass Trans-
well defined large scale vortex shedding. T h e fluctuating fluid fer, Vol. 9, 1966, pp. 729-738.
pressure force which is exerted on a single bellows convolute can 10 Salzmann, F., "fjeber die Nachgiebigkeit von Wellrohr-
be expressed in the form expansionen," Schweiz, Bauztg., Vol. 127, No. 11, Mar. 1946, pp.
11 Clark, R. A., "On the Theory of Thin Elastic Toroidal Shells,"
F = CPAfWip,V*) Journal of Mathematics and Physics, Vol. 29, 1950, pp. 146-178.
12 Laupa, A., and Weil, N. A., "Analysis of U-Shaped Expansion
where GF is a vortex force coefficient, Av is the height area of the Joints," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 29, TRANS. ASME, Vol.
convolute, p{ is fluid density, and V velocity. T h e data ob- 84, Series E, No. 1, Mar. 1962, pp. 115-123.
tained for CP from a number of bellows tests show it to be a strong 13 Turner, C. E., and Ford, H., "Stress and Deflection Studies of
function of the parameter X/crr, the ratio of convolute pitch to Pipeline Expansion Bellows," Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
Vol. 171, Nov. 1957, pp. 526-552.
tip width. 14 Lazan, B. J., Damping of Materials and Members in Structural
I t appears that, because of a vortex reinforcement phenomena, Mechanics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1968.

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