Lesson 2: Visual Communication Forms of Communication: A. I Deserve An Explanation!
Lesson 2: Visual Communication Forms of Communication: A. I Deserve An Explanation!
Lesson 2: Visual Communication Forms of Communication: A. I Deserve An Explanation!
1. Among the four (4) types of conversation, which one do you think best
builds relationships with others? Explain your choice using 3-5 sentences.
These are the criteria for scoring:
Content (Relation to Question) 15
Organization and organization 5
Total 20
Non-verbal and written communication, although differing in certain aspects,
share a common feature—both make use of cues in order to convey meaning.
That is, nonverbal communication uses non-verbal cues such as posture, facial
expression, and the like, while written communication uses symbols such as
letters. However, are these in themselves enough to convey meaning, or are
these cues simply complements of verbal communication? WHY? (5pts.)
Communication is used to convey one's ideas and emotions to one another, and it is true that
whether a person uses non-verbal or written communication, they can be able to convey those feelings.
However, I believe that it would not be enough to deliver those feelings clearly and avoid
misconceptions and misunderstandings. Some feelings are better expressed verbally rather than in a
nonverbal or written way because there are individual preferences with each individual, and we cannot
blame them for their misinterpretation due to our differences. That is why I believe that non-verbal and
written communication are admirable ways to convey meanings and compliments, but it would not
suffice as some complements and feelings are best expressed verbally.
At this point, CoVid -19 which has brought the “new normal” all throughout the
world may have already been controlled, or it may still be prolonging the agonies
of our people. At this point as well, I would like to believe that your eyes have
been opened to the deplorable realities of the world. Maybe, it has already come
to you that YOU, together with your fellow youth, are indeed the hope of our
nation, as our national hero once claimed. You may, hopefully, have already
made a pact with yourself as to the honorable professional you will be.
Draw a symbol which will represent the citizen and professional you
promise yourself to be.
Explain why you chose such a symbol from your own preferred three
(3) perspectives in analyzing visual images. Use 2-3 sentences for every
perspective. These are the criteria for scoring:
Content (Relation to Question) 15
Creativity 5
Explanation 10
Total 30
This symbol represents myself as a humble servant to all that surrounds me;
whether I will become a leader or just a humble public servant for our society, I will strive and
continue to be inspired to inspire others. As depicted in my symbol above, I will inspire to
nourish those I cared for to bloom and become an inspiration to others.