Chemistry and Everyday Life: Relating Secondary School Chemistry To The Current and Future Lives of Students
Chemistry and Everyday Life: Relating Secondary School Chemistry To The Current and Future Lives of Students
Chemistry and Everyday Life: Relating Secondary School Chemistry To The Current and Future Lives of Students
Chemistry education in secondary school is often seen as divorced from real life. It
takes place in a school classroom or laboratory setting, using abstract concepts
and unfamiliar language. Consequently many students do not see the relevance,
interest or importance of what they study in school for their everyday life outside
school or for their future role in society. However, an understanding of basic
chemical and scientific ideas is more important than ever today for living in a
technological society and for understanding and dealing with the problems and
issues of everyday life: health, energy, environment, diet etc. Chemical literacy is
needed to understand, evaluate and make decisions about many current and future
issues, e.g. nuclear power, GM foods, climate change etc. Chemical education at
school needs both to help students understand and use basic chemical concepts but
also to relate these concepts to real-world issues and show how chemistry helps in
understanding and dealing with the many science-related issues that arise in
everyday life. This will provide them with foundation for life-long learning and the
ability to deal intelligently with issues in the future. The important of chemical
literacy for the citizen will be illustrated by mapping the secondary level chemistry
curriculum onto current societal issues, which impinge on the everyday lives of
students. Several of these topics will be described as case studies to show how the
chemical ideas studied at school are useful in understanding contemporary issues.
This will demonstrate how the chemistry taught in schools can equip a student to
meet the challenges of an increasingly complex and science-dependent world.
In 1985 the Association for Science Education in the U.K. published a blueprint for
Education through Science (ASE, 1985) where they pointed out that science
education should have “relevance: science education should draw extensively on
the everyday experience of pupils.” In 1986 we ran a conference for Irish
chemistry teachers on ‘Everyday Chemistry’ (Childs, 1986).
This was at the start of the movement in the U.K. to introduce context-based
science curricula, with a focus on everyday applications of science. The main
speaker, Francesca Garforth, said in her talk on ‘Chemistry through the looking
glass’: “Few courses draw on the experiences that pupils bring from their
I. Eilks, A. Hofstein (eds.) Relevant Chemistry Education – From Theory to Practice, 00-00.
©2015 Sense Publishers, All rights reserved.
everyday lives and this is much more true of chemistry than the other two
sciences” (Garforth, 1986). The 1980s were the era of new context-based courses
which started from the needs and interests of the students, rather than the needs and
interests of university scientists. This involved turning the curriculum process
around, so that it started from the students’ experiences and interests and developed
the appropriate science, rather than the traditional curriculum development process,
which started (and still does in many countries) from the subject content and often
finished there. These two approaches are contrasted in Figure 1.
through, or how far he can meet the wishes of employers, but what and how
much his students should be given so as to do them most good. (Jevons,
1969, p. 4)
The idea of relating science education to the everyday lives of students is not
new and in themed 19th century there was a movement to teach the science of
common things in elementary schools in England, associated with the name of
Richard Dawes. This early but stillborn example of everyday science has been
described by David Layton in his book Science for the People:
Here was no crumb of upper-class education charitably dispensed to the
children of the labouring poor. Instruction was related to a culture which
was familiar to them and proved opportunities for the use of reason and
speculation by drawing upon observations which pertained to everyday life.
Understanding and the exercise of thought were not prerogatives of the
middle and upper classes. (Layton, 1973, p. 53)
What was taught sounds a lot like modern context-based curricula, as this
example from Dawes’ teaching scheme shows:
The materials used in building and furnishing their houses, whence obtained
and how prepared. Their clothing and its materials, which vegetable, which
animal; the comparative value and suitableness of different materials for
different purposes, specimens of each being shown. Articles of food,
whence obtained, how prepared; their dietetic properties and values; the
history of a cottage-loaf.
Changes of personnel led to this innovative way of teaching science being
dropped, which was fully integrated into the rest of the elementary curriculum, in
favour of a more academic, pure science.
Everyday materials
In our everyday lives we use many materials for different purposes, which we
usually take for granted and do not consider what life would be like without them.
One interesting exercise is to get students to think what their day would be like
without any products produced by chemistry. Examples include: paints, paper,
metals, clothing, insecticides, food, fireworks, cosmetics, toys, plastics, building
materials etc. This is similar to the topic-based approach used in the Salters’ GCSE
Chemistry course (Table 1). There are many topics that could be included and each
one can bring in a lot of chemistry along the way. The specific topics would need
to be modified to the particular country and culture in which the teaching takes
place, and the approach of ‘everyday chemistry’ allows the starting points for
introducing chemical ideas to be tailored to the specific situation, e.g. we might
have a different selection of topics in European, Asian and African schools.
Everyday issues
Another approach would be to investigate the chemistry/science involved in topical
issues, such as: GM crops and foods, nuclear energy, climate change, water
pollution, fracking etc. The specific topics will change over time, but there are
always controversial science-based topics in the media and public debate. Acid rain
and ozone depletion have faded from public debate, but topics like climate change
and fracking have replaced them. In this approach an issue being covered in the
media is used as a starting point for an investigation of chemistry/science involved.
These topics are hot issues and may be a matter under discussion at home. This is
the approach taken in many of the TY Science modules developed at the University
of Limerick (see below). Many of the contemporary issues are environmental or
resource-based and nearly all involve chemistry. However, when we get into real
world issues the chemistry/science and the issues are often complex and
interdisciplinary. Such issues allow the teacher to use newspapers and other media
coverage in discussing the topic. (see Jarman and McClune, 2007, for example, in
using news media to teach science.)
Another approach to everyday chemistry is to use advertising materials, which
often make scientific claims (see the chapter by Belova et al. in this book). The
chemistry/science behind the claims could be investigated experimentally (which
product cleans best or lasts longest?) and finding out the best value for money is a
good example of consumer chemistry (Selinger, 1998; Emsley, 1994, 2007). What
is the chemistry involved in formulating a medicine or a cleaning product or in soft
drink or processed food?
Everyday activities
From the time they get up in the morning students are involved in a variety of
activities which have a scientific or chemical component. Such activities overlap
with the chemistry involved in everyday materials and objects, but here the focus is
on the activity in which the student is involved. Examples include: keeping clean,
cooking, transport, sport, entertainment etc.
Everyday objects
Everything we use every day has been made from raw materials, processed and
fabricated in various ways. Thus the everyday objects we use can be the starting
point for an investigation of the chemistry/science involved. Examples include: the
car, the paraglider, the bicycle, smart phones, laptop computer, space rockets,
gaslighters, contact lenses, batteries etc. Investigating how the object works, how it
was made, what materials it was made from will uncover a wealth of scientific
questions to be answered. In environmental impact analyses we often talk about
‘cradle to grave’ impact on energy and resources. We can do the same thing to
investigate the cradle to grave story of familiar objects and the science involved.
Michael Faraday was a pioneer of relating science to everyday life, as illustrated
by his popular lectures on ‘The Chemical History of a Candle’ given in 1848,
Lecture Topic
I A candle: The flame Its sources
Structure mobility
II Brightness of the Air necessary for combustion
flame Production of water
III Products of Water from the combustion
combustion Nature of water
A compound
IV Hydrogen in the Burns into water
candle The other part of water- oxygen
V Oxygen present in Nature of the atmosphere
the air Carbonic acid
VI Carbon or charcoal Coal gas
Respiration and its analogy to a candle
The Salters’ science courses and other context-based (or applications-led) courses
start from the everyday contexts and use these as the curriculum framework. The
chemistry content is then introduced on a need-to-know basis to understand the
context. Table 1 shows the topics used in Salters’ GCSE Chemistry units.
Traditionally in chemistry teaching, applications are left to the end of the chapter,
almost as an afterthought; they may then be omitted altogether if the teacher runs
out of time and may or may not be examined. Another approach is to sprinkle
applications and everyday examples throughout the course, like chocolate chips in
a muffin, so that the contexts are introduced on a nice-to-know basis. Context-lite
courses like Organic Chemistry in Action! (O’ Dwyer & Childs, 2012) a short
chemical story to introduce a topic, although the main focus is on the content.
These approaches represent a spectrum of using everyday chemistry in the
chemistry curriculum (Figure 3).
In Tables 3 (a-f), we have tried to map examples of everyday chemistry onto the
typical content of a senior secondary chemistry curriculum, such as might be done
using context as an illustration or application.
Table 3a. Mapping everyday chemistry onto the curriculum (Introductory Chemistry)
Table 3c. Mapping everyday chemistry onto the curriculum (analysis and separation)
Table 3d. Mapping everyday chemistry onto the curriculum (Organic Chemistry)
Table 3e. Mapping everyday chemistry onto the curriculum (Physical Chemistry)
Table 3f. Mapping everyday chemistry onto the curriculum (Inorganic and Environmental)
However, it is better to start at the other end and identify areas of everyday life,
particularly those of most interest or relevance to students’ lives, as done in the
Salters’ projects and Chemie im Kontext.
Table 4 shows the approach taken by the Chemistry and Society Teaching
Project (PEQUIS), a Portuguese language project developed in Brazil from 1996
onwards (Dos Santos et al., 2006) and shows the 9 modules developed over 3
years. In this case the Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) content is introduced into the
traditional chemistry curriculum, so that we are in the middle of our context
spectrum. The authors say that rather than developing the chemistry from themes,
“the social themes evolve from the chemistry content because, otherwise, it would
be too hard for chemistry teachers to accept it.” The course was developed for the
final three years of secondary schooling, prior to university entry.
In this section we look in more detail at three ways of relating everyday chemistry
to traditional chemistry content or introducing chemistry in an everyday context.
Firstly, we look at some of the materials developed for the TY Science project.
Secondly, we look at the topic of food and how chemistry content can be
developed through it. Thirdly, we look at the topic of medicines and health and
how this can be used to develop chemical ideas. Each of these examples is dealt
with on its own, without reference to other topics or a whole chemistry curriculum.
the analysis of water to ensure correct levels of fluoride; the structure tooth enamel
and the role of fluoride ions in strengthening it; the evidence for the reduction of
tooth decay when water is fluoridation; the counter evidence that high levels of
fluoride may be harmful; the social issues of mandatory fluoridation versus
personal choice (using toothpaste or mouth wash). In this module the approach in
each unit is to first review the science behind the issue, then discuss the
controversy and the pros and cons, and then have some forum where the students
can argue about the issue and weigh the evidence up for themselves.
Table 6. Food: contexts, concepts and activities for teaching chemistry (part a)
Table 6. Food: contexts, concepts and activities for teaching chemistry (part b)
Table 6. Food: contexts, concepts and activities for teaching chemistry (part c)
Table 7. Topics in medicine, health and drugs and how they link to chemistry of everyday
Figure 4. Illustration of how drug can be utilised to teach a variety of different chemical
concepts through different activities.
The beauty of everyday chemistry as a theme is that it is literally all around us,
every minute of the day and in every location. If we are looking for relevance in
chemistry teaching in everyday contexts then there is no shortage of examples. We
have shown that there are various ways of approaching this topic and have given
some brief examples to illustrate it. The best and most effective approach is to
restructure the chemistry curriculum around everyday topics, as in the Salters’
science projects. Many countries do not have the freedom to do this and must work
within the confines of a centrally-prescribed curriculum and examination. In this
case the best approach is to infuse examples of everyday chemistry into the
different topics, using them to introduce topics and to illustrate the theory as it is
introduced. The least effective way is to add on examples at the end of a topic,
where they are seen as an afterthought and often ignored. To be most effective the
assessment of a course must include examples of everyday chemistry, indicating to
students and teachers that this is an important aspect of the chemistry course. Many
students are put off chemistry because it is seen as boring and irrelevant to
everyday life. Making everyday chemistry a core feature of the chemistry course
offers a way to increase student’s interest and motivation for studying chemistry at
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Peter Childs
National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and
Learning and Chemistry Education Research Group, University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland
Sarah Hayes
Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre, Materials and Surface Science
Institute, University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland
Anne O’ Dwyer
National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and
Learning and Chemistry Education Research Group, University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland