5 MKS/ Short Notes

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5 mks/ Short Notes:-

1)Levels of strategic management

2) Product life cycle matrix
3) Return on Investment(ROI)
4) Mc Kinsey 7-S framework
5) Generic strategies
6) Responsibility centre
7) Political Environment
 Integration strategies
9) Creativity and Innovations
10) Cost Benefit analysis
11) GE Planning Grid
12) Diversification
13) SWOT Analysis
14) Product life cycle matrix
15) Economic environment

1) Define strategic management. Illustrate and explain the
process of strategic management
2) Briefly discuss the benefits of strategic management for
a business organization
3) Enumerate the different components of environment
that affect management of an organization
4) Briefly explain the impact of technological environment
on business. Give suitable examples related to financial
services sector
5) What are the emerging trends in social responsibility of
business? Give suitable examples
6) Discuss corporate social responsibility initiatives
undertaken by financial sector organization
7) Critically examine the efficiency of BCG matrix as a tool
of strategy management
 Explain the need of strategy control. How return on
investment can be used of strategic control?
9) Distinguish b/w mission, vision and objectives. Explain
the importance of these components in an organization.
10) Explain the importance of leadership and motivation in
an organization (ie strategic implementation)
11) Illustrate and explain various levels of strategic
management in an organization. Give examples
12) Illustrate and explain the organizational structure of a
multiproduct company. Give suitable examples
13) Briefly explain the grand strategies adopted by Airtel in
a highly competitive telecom sector
14) What is strategic formulation? Illustrate and explain
the process of strategic management
15) State the importance of strategic planning for a
business firm
16) What are the advantages of Indian business especially
with reference to Indian economy and finance markets?
17) What type of corporate social responsibility initiative
has been undertaken by financial sector?
18) “Structure follows strategy” Critically examine the
19) Explain the role of leadership in strategic management
20) What are the five generic strategic suggested by
Michael Porter? Explain with examples.
21) Illustrate with the help of a diagram how strategy is
evaluated and controlled in an organization
22) Distinguish between mission, vision and goal. Prepare
mission and vision for a new generation bank proposing to
start business in India.
23) Illustrate various levels of strategic management in an
organization. Give example.
24) What are the advantages of Indian Business
especially with reference to Indian economy and finance
25) What type of corporate social responsibility initiative
has been undertaken by financial sector in India?
26) Briefly explain the impact of economic environment on
business. Give suitable examples.
27) Illustrate and explain the life cycle concept. Explain its
utility in strategic management
28) Would you recommend a divisional structure for a
medium sized bank? Why? Explain with example.
29) Illustrate and explain. How GE Planning grid can be
used for the insurance industry and what would be the
growth strategies you would suggest
30) Define strategic management. Explain the importance
of strategic management for an organization
31) “Business must be run in a socially responsible
manner.” Comment on the statement in the Indian context.
32) Briefly explain the importance of organizational
assessment and environmental information in strategic
33) Evaluate the historic role and emerging role of
government on the business in India
34) What is the need and importance of innovation and
creativity in business?
35) Enumerate various environmental components that
affect the management of an organization
36) Describe the various steps involved in the strategic
management process. Illustrate and explain with suitable
37) What are the various tools that can be used for
controlling strategy? Briefly explain.
38) Critically examine the statement “ Structure follows
39) Illustrate and explain BCG matrix. Explain its utility as
a tool of strategy formulation

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