Horoscope Matching: Vikas Lakshmi
Horoscope Matching: Vikas Lakshmi
Horoscope Matching: Vikas Lakshmi
Horoscope Matching
Vedic Astrology has an excellent and proven method of
compatibility matching based on nakshatras (Lunar
Constellations), which is called Ashtakoot match or simply
guna milap. It assigns points for factors that influence
marriage. More the points obtained, more the chances
of successful and happy married life. As the name suggests,
Report Price:
maximum possible points are 36. If a matching obtains less than
18 points, it is not considered good and marriage is not
advisable. Apart from 36 Points, this report also considers Mangal Dosha (Manglik or Kuja Dosham)
compatibility and pronounces results by combining these two important factors. Here are the points
obtained for the given details:
SEX Male Female
DATE OF BIRTH 30 : 12 : 1991 19 : 1 : 1997
TIME OF BIRTH 19 : 0 : 23 6 : 9 : 23
DAY OF BIRTH Monday Sunday
ISHTKAAL 031-09-18 058-56-15
PLACE OF BIRTH Nalanda Nalanda
TIME ZONE 5.5 5.5
LATITUDE 25 : 7 : N 25 : 7 : N
LONGITUDE 85 : 26 : E 85 : 26 : E
LOCAL TIME CORRECTION 00.11.44 00.11.44
WAR TIME CORRECTION 00.00.00 00.00.00
LMT AT BIRTH 19:12:7 6:21:7
GMT AT BIRTH 13:30:23 0:39:23
TITHI Dasami Ekadasi
HINDU WEEK DAY Monday Saturday
PAKSHA Krishna Shukla
YOGA Sukarma Sukla
KARAN Vishti Visti
DASA BALANCE Rahu 7 Y 5 M 25 D Moon 7 Y 4 M 28 D
LAGNA Cancer Sagittarius
RASHI Libra Taurus
NAKSHATRA-PADA Swati - 3 Rohini - 2
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Vikas Lakshmi
Lagna Chart Lagna Chart
Ju Ne
Ju Ke Su Pl
5 3 10 8
6 2 11 Me 7
Pl Ke Ra
4 9
Mo 7 1 Sa 12 6 Ma
10 3
Me Ma 8 Sa 12 1 5
Ve 9 11 2 4
Ra Su Ur Mo
6 9
9 3 Pl Ra 12 6 Ve
12 3 Ke
Me 10 Ma 2 Ur Ma 1 5
11 1 2 4
Ke Mo Sa Mo Me
7 2
Sa 10 4 5 11
1 8
11 3 Ke Ra Ma 6 Pl 10Su Ju
12 2 7 9 Ur
Ve Me
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Mr. Vikas and Ms. Lakshmi has 'No Mangal Dosha '.
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The boy belongs to Shudra varan while the girl comes under Vaishya varan. He is too hot-
headed and imperious for the domesticated and sentimental lady and he is too impatient and
involved with himself. They have different ethics, philosophies, and religious outlook. They
relationship will be build on greed and demands rather than love and faith. Generally such
relationships are insincere and lack the trust and confidence required. Their nature and
philosophy will challenge each other. The natives are more impractical in handling domestic
issues. However, with mutual understanding and if other gunas are matched well then this
would be a fruitful coalition.
The boy belongs to Manav Vashya while the girl belongs to Chatushpad Vashya. This
combination shows a little difficulty in adjustment and understanding between the duos. There is
a less compatibility in the compatibility chart for the two. Confusion can arise in the relationship
because of the boy’s desire to impose himself on her lady, which may lead to drastic situation.
The couple may have problems regarding ego, happiness as well as family matters. But if other
gunas are matched well and they try to leave their negative traits and can develop mutual
understanding the coalition may result into a fruitful decision.
The boy belongs to Atimitra tara iwhile the girl belongs to Ksheme tara. The boy will help the girl
to be more courageous and straight forward in her approach. The girl in turn will help the boy to
be more practical and determined in his actions. In the midst of difficulties, both will extend their
whole hearted support to each other. They will also put their best efforts to make the
relationship lively. This is one of the best combinations as far as tara guna matched is
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The boy belongs to Mahish yoni and the girl belongs to Sarp yoni. If they can think in terms of
‘we’ instead of ‘i’, they can achieve much together. This will be a happy and fruitful match, as
these two people have a sound understanding of each other’s needs. They also have innately
co-operative spirits and will allow each other a fair degree of independence and assertiveness.
They can sit across the negotiation table and ward off any problem which could hamper the
relationship. Physically, both will find each other quite compatible and enjoy the conjugal bliss.
The boy and the girl both belong to the same lordship Venus. This is an excellent combination
as far as grah maitry is concerned. They boy will get full support from the girl in all departments
of life. The girl will also work hard for her husband and will be patient and devoted to him. She
will be believer and trust husband. Full support and freedom given by the girl to the boy will lead
to all round success and prosperity. This combination indicates compatible ideas in the areas of
art, literature, social activities and cultural pursuits. This combination show romantic life full of
domestic bliss.
The boy’s gan is Dev and the girl comes under Manushya gan. This is considered to be an
excellent combination for gana match. They will go well with each other and will be very
supportive. The boy will be generally peace-loving, contented and calm. The girl will do her best
to help boy achieving his career and social objectives. On the other hand boy will also utilze the
inherent potential of the girl and supports her in all her endeavors. They will complement each
other by strengthing the each other’s weak areas and motivating them to accomplish their
shared goals.
Zodiac sign for boy is Tula and the girl belongs to Vrishbha sign.This is not a good combination
as far as sign compatibility is concerned. Both of them will think himself/ herself better than the
other partner. These people can trade his or her moral values for material gains in life. They are
not focused on what they want to achieve in life. There will be a vast difference in their
temperament and it will be quite evident when they start living together. The combination could
prove to be sustaining, only if jealousy doesn't breed in their relationship.
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The boy and the girl, both belong to Antya nadi. It is not a good sign from the viewpoint of
compatibility. It has the negative effect on the longevity of marriage. They will not get along well
and feel a lot of difference in their ways of thinking. They will not be able to understand moods
of each other and it will be very difficult for them to adjust according to one another. They may
face several problems due to continuous ego clashes.
We wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction that you receive from us is not to
be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional
such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we do not
rule out the possibility of errors. The report are provided as-is and we provides no guarantees, implied warranties, or
assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and
data mentioned above. If you are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case any disputes the court of
law shall be the only courts of Agra, UP (India).
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