Video Questions - Causes of World War I
Video Questions - Causes of World War I
Video Questions - Causes of World War I
Directions: As you watch the video, answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Answers should be written in complete sentences that explain your answer. You can use multiple sentences
or lengthy sentences that include the word BECAUSE. Incomplete answers will receive partial credit.
Question Answer
1. Briefly explain why the The austro-hungarian empire annexed bosnia which ticked off bosnian
Austria-Hungarian empire wasn’t nationalists who wanted to unify all southern slavic countries, so does this
popular among the Slavic make austria unpopular. The Austrians weren't popular because they treated
nationalists. the Slavic nationalists badly which made them look bad to the other european
2. After taking a wrong turn, who was When Leopold Lojka made a mistake and took a wrong turn, because of this
responsible for the assassination of Gavrilo Princip who was one of the young nationalists and was on the street
the Archduke Ferdinand? so he took the opportunity to kill the Archduke which his colleague tried to
attempt earlier but failed so he shot the Archduke’s neck and his wife’s
stomach and they both die.
3. With the assasination, what was the The chain reaction after the assasination was that Austria-Hungary seeks
chain reaction that followed which support from Germany, Germany agrees and then Austria declares war on
led to World War I? Serbia, Russia interferes as that is an ally with Serbia and as a result
Germany declares war on Russiaand then France interferes as Russia’s ally
and then Germany declares war on France and in result, Great Britain
declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia and
then Serbia declares war on Germany and in result, Great Britain and France
declare war on Austria, and finally this leads to The First World Wa.
4. What event ignited or started World The event that ignited World War 1 took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia where
War I? Where did this event take Archduke Ferdinand was shot in his neck and his wife shot in her stomach by
place? the young nationalist Gavrilo Princip.
5. What were the 4 M.A.I.N. causes of The 4 main causes of World War 1 was:
World War I? M- Militarism.
A- Alliances.
I- Imperialism.
N- Nationalism.
6. As military competition started The country that had a naval superiority was Britain and The British
among European nations, which obsession with naval dominance was strong. The country that tried to
country had a naval superiority and challenge Britain was Germany because it wanted to expand its navy but the
dominance and what country tried British always maintained naval superiority.
to challenge it?
7. What TWO alliance systems The two alliance systems that emerged between 1870 and 1914 were The
emerged in the late 1800’s & early Triple Alliance in 1882 which linked Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
1900’s? Provide the name of The second system was called The Triple Entente in 1907 which linked
countries that belonged to each France, Great Britain and Russia.
8. What region was in conflict and who The regions that were in conflict were Austria-Hungary and Russia over
mistrusted Germany, and why? Balkan interests. The country that mistrusted Germany was France because
of their defeat in the Franco Prussian War in 1870.
9. Summary: Write a short paragraph There were 4 causes of World War 1 which was shown from the main
(3-5 sentences) explaining the acronym. One of the causes was Militarism where there was competition
main causes of World War I that between major powers and one of the powers that desired to expand their
includes a historical context and navy was Germany but there was an obstacle which was Britain because they
were known as a naval superiority. Another cause was Alliances where two
thesis statement.
camps were created to maintain sovereignty and where two systems emerged
that were called the triple alliance which consisted of Germany,
Austria-Hungary and Italy and the triple entente which consisted of
France,Great Britain and Russia because the major European powers agreed
to assist each other in any conflict. Another cause was Imperialism because
imperialism pushed countries towards having alliances and it caused nations
who would not interact into conflict and agreement and the expansion of the
British and French empires by industrialism caused resentment in Germany
and an imperial policy. The last cause of World War 1 was Nationalism
which created new areas of interest over which the nations tried to compete
for and Ferdinand and his wife’s deaths which was interpreted as a product of
serbian policy created the july crisis which was month of diplomatic and
governmental miscalculations that was a domino effect of war declarations.
10. Opinion: Now that you have My opinion of who was responsible in starting World War 1 is multiple
some background, write a short people and countries. One of the people responsible was Gavrilo Princip, this
paragraph (3-5 sentences) is because he shot Archduke Ferdinand which made Austria-Hungary angry
explaining what/why/who YOU of the archduke’s death so they asked Germany for help and then started a
chain reaction. The second person who i think is responsible is Leopold
think was responsible for
Lojka because he should have had a map or could have had guidance from a
starting WWI? Use information
person who knew the town as that he was the archduke’s chauffeur so he i
you have learned in the videos. should have brought a map that would guide them which could have at least
delayed the world war and the archduke and his wife’s deaths. The third
person is Archduke Ferdinand because he should have gone on the tour as he
saw the attempt of the group of nationalists trying to kill him and then could
have asked for a guider to guide them to the hospital where the wounded
from the attempt were transported to. Now the countries that was responsible
was Russia because when Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia
shouldn’t have interfered in the conflict unless if Serbia asked to so that
could have made a smaller conflict and could have delayed the war from
beginning and Russia could have not interfered so that they would have more
time to plan on tactics to use if they were interfered and so does that go to the
other countries which are France and Great Britain. That is my opinion on
who was responsible for starting WW1.