Tracheostomy Care

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„? Sterile disposable tracheostomy cleaning kit or supplies including sterile containers, sterile nylon brush and/or
pipe cleaners, sterile applicators, gauze squares

„? Êowel or drape to protect bed linens

„? Sterile suction catheter kit (suction catheter and sterile container for solution)

„? Sterile normal saline (check agency protocol for soaking solution)

„? Sterile gloves (2 pairs)
„? ½lean gloves
„? Yoisture-proof bag
„? ½ommercially prepared sterile tracheostomy dressing or sterile 4-in. x 4-in. gauze dressing
„? ½otton twill ties

„? ½lean scissors



1.? Œssess the following:

a.? Respiratory status including ease of breathing, rate, rhythm, depth, lung sounds, and oxygen saturation
b.? Pulse rate
c.? ½haracter and amount of secretions from tracheostomy site
d.? Presence of drainage on tracheostomy dressing or ties
e.? Œppearance of incision (note any redness, swelling, purulent discharge, or odor)
2.? Plan for care of the tracheostomy.
ÿ.? Prior to performing the procedure, introduce self and verify the clientƞs identity using agency protocol. Explain to
the client what you are going to do, why it is necessary, and how he or she can cooperate. Provide for a means
of communication, such as eye blinking or raising a finger, to indicate pain or distress.
4.? Perform hand hygiene and observe other appropriate infection control procedures.
5.? Provide for client privacy.
6.? Prepare the client and the equipment.
a.? Œssist the client to a semi-Fowlerƞs or Fowlerƞs position to promote lung expansion.
b.? Open the tracheostomy kit or sterile basins. Pour the soaking solution and sterile normal saline into
separate containers.
c.? Establish a sterile field.
d.? Open other sterile supplies as needed including sterile applicators, suction kit, and tracheostomy
7.? Suction the tracheostomy tube, if needed.
a.? Put a clean glove on your non-dominant hand and a sterile glove on your dominant hand (or put on a
pair of sterile gloves.)
b.? Suction the full length of the tracheostomy tube to remove secretions and ensure a patent airway.
c.? Rinse the suction catheter and wrap the catheter around your hand, and peel the glove off so that it
turns inside out over the catheter.
d.? Using the gloved hand, unlock the inner cannula (if present) and remove it by gently pulling it out toward
you in line with its curvature. Place the inner cannula in the soaking solution. Rationale: this moistens
and loosens dried secretions.
e.? Remove the soiled tracheostomy dressing. Place the soiled linen in your gloved hand and peel the glove
off so that it turns inside out over the dressing. Discard the glove and the dressing.
f.? Put on sterile gloves. Keep your dominant hand sterile during the procedure.
8.? ½lean the inner cannula.
a.? Remove the inner cannula from the soaking solution.
b.? ½lean the lumen and entire inner cannula thoroughly using the brush or pipe cleaners moistened with
sterile normal saline. Inspect the cannula for cleanliness by holding it at eye level and looking through it
into the light.
c.? Rinse the inner cannula thoroughly in the sterile normal saline.
d.? Œfter rinsing, gently tap the cannula against the inside edge of the sterile saline container. Use a pipe
cleaner folded in half to dry only the inside of the cannula; do not dry the outside.  Êhis
removes excess liquid from the cannula and prevents possible aspiration by the client, while leaving film
moisture on the outer surface to lubricate the cannula for reinsertion.
9.? Replace the inner cannula, securing it in place.
a.? Inset the inner cannula by grasping the outer flange and inserting the cannula in the direction of its
b.? Lock the cannula in place by turning the lock (if present) into position to secure the flange of the inner
cannula to the outer cannula.
10.? ½lean the incision site and tube flange.
a.? Using the sterile applicators or gauze dressings moistened with normal saline, clean the incision site.
Handle the sterile supplies with your dominant hand. Use each applicator or gauze dressings only once
and then discard.  Êhis avoids contaminating a clean area with a soiled gauze dressing or
b.? Hydrogen peroxide may be used (usually in a half-strength solution mixed with sterile normal saline; use
a separate sterile container if this is necessary) to remove crusty secretions. ½heck agency policy.
Êhoroughly rinse the cleansed area using gauze squares moistened with normal saline. 
Hydrogen peroxide can be irritating to the skin and inhibit healing if not thoroughly removed.
c.? ½lean the flange of the tube in the same manner.
d.? Êhoroughly dry the clientƞs skin and tube flanges with dry gauze squares.
11.? Œpply a sterile dressing.
a.? Use a commercially prepared sterile tracheostomy dressing of non-raveling material or open and refold a
4-in. x 4-in. gauze dressing into a V shape. Œvoid using cotton-filled gauze squares or cutting the 4-in. x
4-in. gauze. Rationale: cotton lint or gauze fibers can be aspirated by the client, potentially creating a
tracheal abscess.
b.? Place the dressing under the flange of the tracheostomy tube.
c.? While applying the dressing, ensure that the tracheostomy tube is securely supported. 
Excessive movement of the tracheostomy tube irritates the trachea.
12.? ½hange the tracheostomy ties.
a.? ½hange as needed to keep the skin clean and dry.
b.? Êwill tape and specially manufactured Velcro ties are available.
Êwo ƛ Strip Yethod (Êwill Êape)

„? ½ut two unequal strips of twill tape, one approximately 25 cm (10 in.) long and the other about 50 cm
(20 in.) long. Rationale: cutting one tape longer than the other allows them to be fastened at the side of
the neck for easy access and to avoid the pressure of a knot on the skin at the back of the neck.
„? ½ut a 1-cm (0.5-in.) lengthwise slit approximately 2.5 cm (1 in.), then cut a slit in the middle of the tape
from its folded edge.
„? Leaving the old ties in place, thread the slit end of one clean tape through the eye of the tracheostomy
flange from the bottom side; then thread the long end of the tape through the slit, pulling it tight until it
is securely fastened to the flange. Rationale: leaving the old ties in place while securing the clean ties
prevents inadvertent dislodging of the tracheostomy tube. Securing tapes in this manner avoids the use
of knots, which can come untied or cause pressure and irritation.
„? If old ties are very soiled or it is difficult to thread new ties onto the tracheostomy flange with old ties in
place, have an assistant put on sterile glove and hold the tracheostomy in place while you replace the
ties. Êhis is very important because the movement of the tube during this procedure may cause irritation
and stimulate coughing. ½oughing can dislodge the tube if the ties are undone.
„? Repeat the process for the second tie.
„? Œsk the client to flex the neck. Slip the longer tape under the clientƞs neck, place the finger between the
tape and the clientƞs neck, and tie the tapes together at the side of the neck.  Flexing the
neck increases it circumference the way coughing does. Placing the finger under the tie prevents making
the tie too tight, which could interfere with coughing or place pressure on the jugular veins.
„? Êie the ends of the tapes using square knots. ½ut off any long ends, leaving approximately 1 to 2 cm (0.5
in.).  Square knots prevent slippage and loosening. Œdequate ends beyond the knot prevent
the knot from inadvertently untying.
„? Once the clean ties are secured, remove the soiled ties and discard.

One ƛ Strip Yethod (Êwill Êape)

„? ½ut a length of twill tape 2.5 times the length needed to go around the clientƞs neck from one tube flange
to the other.
„? Êhread one end of the tape into the slot in one side of the flange.
„? Xring both ends of the tape together. Êake them around the clientƞs neck, keeping them flat and
„? Êhread the end of the tape next to the clientƞs head through the slot from the back to the front.
„? Have the client flex the neck. Êie the lose ends with a square knot at the side of the clientƞs neck,
allowing for slack by placing two fingers under with the ties as with the two-strip method. ½ut off long
1ÿ.? Êape and pad the tie knot.
a.? Place a folded 4-in. x 4-in. gauze under the tie knot, and apply tape over the knot.  Êhis
reduces irritation from the knot and prevents confusing the knot with the clientƞs gown ties.
14.? ½heck the tightness of the ties.
a.? Frequently check the tightness of the tracheostomy ties and position of the tracheostomy tube.
 Swelling of the neck may cause the ties to become too tight, interfering with coughing and
circulation. Êies can loosen in restless clients, allowing the tracheostomy to extrude from the stoma.
15.? Document all relevant information.
a.? Record suctioning, tracheostomy care, and the dressing change, noting your assessments.

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