The document lists several recommended books for reading about polymer science and engineering. The books cover topics like polymer synthesis, properties, processing, and fabrication technologies. They range from introductory to advanced levels.
The document lists several recommended books for reading about polymer science and engineering. The books cover topics like polymer synthesis, properties, processing, and fabrication technologies. They range from introductory to advanced levels.
The document lists several recommended books for reading about polymer science and engineering. The books cover topics like polymer synthesis, properties, processing, and fabrication technologies. They range from introductory to advanced levels.
The document lists several recommended books for reading about polymer science and engineering. The books cover topics like polymer synthesis, properties, processing, and fabrication technologies. They range from introductory to advanced levels.
Fried, J. R. 1995, Polymer Science and Technology, Prentice Hall. An ad-
vanced textbook (farbeyond an introductory text], mainly for senior or graduate level of chemical engineering.
Grulke, E. A. 1994, Polymer Process Engineering, Prentice Hall. An extensive
treatise of polymer processes, from both chemical and engineering as- pects. It may serve as an advanced study after the student has been exposed to the basic concepts.
Charrier, J. M. 1991, Polymer Materials and Processing, Hanser. A general
descriptive book on polymers and their properties and processing.
Seymour, R. B. and C. E. Carraher, 1990, Giant Molecules, Wiley. This is an
introductory work, mainly for non-technical persons. It eliminates the engineering aspects, but provides a general preface to the world of plastics.
Seymour, R. B. and C. E. Carraher, 1988, Polymer Chemistry, Marcel Dekker.
Covers the chemical aspects of polymer synthesis, structure and prop- erties, but does not include polymer engineering (processing).
McCrum, M. G., C. P. Buckley, and C. B. Bucknall, 1988, Principles of Poly-
mer Engineering, Oxford Science Publications. Deals with the engi- neering aspects of polymers, but not with their chemistry (polymeriza- tion). It provides a quantitative analysis of processing. Recommended Reading [ 23 1
Rubin, 1. I. (editor), 1990, Handbook of Plastic Materials and Technology,
Wiley. An extensive review on major polymeric materials and the vari- ous technologies of fabrication. It is presented by leading authorities in polymer science and engineering.
Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, McGraw-Hill. This is the major practical en-
cyclopedia, which appears every year and updates information on pro- duction and sales, development of new polymeric grades and technolo- gies. Tables of valuable data of properties and processing conditions provide valuable and practical information for industry and users.