Recommended Reading: Processing, Hanser. A General

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Recommended Reading

Fried, J. R. 1995, Polymer Science and Technology, Prentice Hall. An ad-

vanced textbook (farbeyond an introductory text], mainly for senior or
graduate level of chemical engineering.

Grulke, E. A. 1994, Polymer Process Engineering, Prentice Hall. An extensive

treatise of polymer processes, from both chemical and engineering as-
pects. It may serve as an advanced study after the student has been
exposed to the basic concepts.

Charrier, J. M. 1991, Polymer Materials and Processing, Hanser. A general

descriptive book on polymers and their properties and processing.

Seymour, R. B. and C. E. Carraher, 1990, Giant Molecules, Wiley. This is an

introductory work, mainly for non-technical persons. It eliminates the
engineering aspects, but provides a general preface to the world of

Seymour, R. B. and C. E. Carraher, 1988, Polymer Chemistry, Marcel Dekker.

Covers the chemical aspects of polymer synthesis, structure and prop-
erties, but does not include polymer engineering (processing).

McCrum, M. G., C. P. Buckley, and C. B. Bucknall, 1988, Principles of Poly-

mer Engineering, Oxford Science Publications. Deals with the engi-
neering aspects of polymers, but not with their chemistry (polymeriza-
tion). It provides a quantitative analysis of processing.
Recommended Reading [ 23 1

Rubin, 1. I. (editor), 1990, Handbook of Plastic Materials and Technology,

Wiley. An extensive review on major polymeric materials and the vari-
ous technologies of fabrication. It is presented by leading authorities in
polymer science and engineering.

Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, McGraw-Hill. This is the major practical en-

cyclopedia, which appears every year and updates information on pro-
duction and sales, development of new polymeric grades and technolo-
gies. Tables of valuable data of properties and processing conditions
provide valuable and practical information for industry and users.

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