Gre® Paper-Based General Test and Subject Tests 2007-08 Registration Form
Gre® Paper-Based General Test and Subject Tests 2007-08 Registration Form
Gre® Paper-Based General Test and Subject Tests 2007-08 Registration Form
Completing this form and submitting payment will register you for the paper-based GRE General Test and/or a Subject Test. Once this
form has been submitted, it cannot be canceled or deleted. NOTE: Be sure to complete all four pages and staple the completed
form before mailing. This form can be downloaded at
• Print all information clearly in black ink. • Test Takers with Disabilities: Complete this form and
follow the instructions at Mail all
• Enter your name exactly as it is shown on your primary necessary forms and test fees to:
identification document. ETS–GRE
Disability Services
• Mail the completed form and payment to: PO Box 6054
ETS–GRE Princeton, NJ 08541-6054
Box 382013
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-8013
* = Required field
* First (Given) Name
Middle Initial:
(as on photo ID document):
* Last (Family/Surname)
Name (as on photo ID document):
* Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
* City:
Male Female MM DD YY
* Date of U.S. Social
Gender: - -
Birth: Security #:
E-Mail Address:
TEST DATES – For the most up-to-date list of approved dates and locations, go to the online registration system on the GRE website at or see the test center list at
General Test (select one): October 27, 2007 February 2, 2008
Subject Tests (select one): October 6, 2007 November 3, 2007 April 12, 2008
SEARCH SERVICE – The free GRE Search Service matches prospective graduate students with participating graduate schools and
fellowship sponsors. If you match the recruitment profile of a participating institution or organization, you may be sent information about
graduate programs, admission requirements, financial aid opportunities, and fellowships. The Search Service creates matches based on your
answers to the background questions on pages 3-4 of this registration form. For more information or to register for the Search Service only,
visit the GRE website at
Would you like to take advantage of the FREE GRE Search Service? Yes No
First Choice Second Choice
General Test: First-Choice Location: ______________________________________
Enter the
test center’s
five-digit code Second-Choice Location: ______________________________________
from the test
center list at First Choice Second Choice First-Choice Location: ______________________________________
gre/stupubs. Subject Test:
Second-Choice Location: ______________________________________
Would you prefer left-handed seating if available? Yes No
CURRENT EDUCATIONAL 2. Sophomore (second year) 5. First-Year Graduate Student 8. Unenrolled (Master’s Degree)
STATUS 3. Junior (third year) 6. Second-Year Graduate Student 1. Other
4. Senior (fourth or final year) 7. Unenrolled (College Graduate)
UNDERGRADUATE INSTITUTION – Using the Test Center and Institution and Department Code Lists on the GRE website at, enter the codes for your current or most recent undergraduate institution. If you want your GRE scores sent to
the graduate school at this institution, enter the graduate school code in “Score Report Recipients” below. The Department Code list is also
in the Bulletin. All scores will be sent unless you indicate otherwise.
SCORE REPORT RECIPIENTS – Using the Test Center and Institution and Department Code Lists on the GRE website at, indicate where you would like your score reports sent. The Department Code list is also in the Bulletin. All
scores will be sent unless you indicate otherwise.
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2007-08 GRE Paper-Based Registration Form (continued) Name: ________________________________________
BACKGROUND INFORMATION – Please respond to ALL questions. Doing so will be especially beneficial for the Search Service. Completed
information will be used to determine suitability for inclusion in analysis samples, score interpretation data, group statistics, and research studies.
NOTE: Individual responses are not communicated to any institution or agency if you do not participate in the Search Service.
a. What is your current citizenship status?
1. United States citizen 2. Resident alien (permanent resident) in the United States 3. Neither a United States citizen nor a resident alien
b. In the States and Territories Code List in the Bulletin, find the code number for the state or U.S. Territory you consider your permanent residence
(U.S. citizens and permanent residents only).
c. If you are not a United States citizen, of what country are you a citizen? Find the country code from the list in the Bulletin and enter it in the boxes.
d. If you are a United States citizen, how do you describe yourself? (Fill in only one box.)
1. American Indian or Alaskan Native 4. Asian, Asian American, or Pacific Islander 7. White (non-Hispanic)
2. Black or African American 5. Puerto Rican 8. Other
3. Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano 6. Other Hispanic or Latin American
e. Do you communicate better (or as well) in English than in any other language?
Yes No
f. What is (are) your reason(s) for taking the GRE test(s)? (Select all that apply.)
General Test Subject Test General Test Subject Test
1. Admission to graduate school 5. Practice
2. Fellowship/scholarship application requirement 6. Graduate department requirement
3. Undergraduate program exit requirement 7. Other
4. External degree program
g. Indicate the highest level of education completed by your father or male guardian and your mother or female guardian.
Father Mother Father Mother
1. Grade school or less 6. Associate Degree
2. Some high school 7. Bachelor’s Degree
3. High school diploma or equivalent 8. Some graduate or professional school
4. Business or trade school 9. Graduate or professional degree
5. Some college
h. Referring to the Department and Major Field Code List in the Bulletin, indicate your undergraduate major field of study.
i. How many courses have you taken in your undergraduate major field of study?
j. What is/was your grade point average in these courses? (If your college does not use letter grades, please mark the letter grade that is the closest
equivalent to your grade average.)
1. D or lower 2. C- 3. C 4. B- 5. B 6. A- 7. A
l. In what calendar year did you receive or do you expect to receive your bachelor’s degree?
m. Please indicate any currently documented visual, physical, hearing, or learning disabilities you have. (Select only one.)
1. None 3. Deaf/hard of hearing 5. Learning disability 7. Other
2. Blind/visually impaired 4. Physical disability 6. Multiple disabilities
See the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or visit for additional information and registration
n. Do you plan to attend (or are you attending) graduate school full time or part time?
Full time Part time Undecided
o. What is your eventual graduate education objective?
1. Nondegree graduate study 3. Intermediate (such as Specialist) 5. Not currently planning graduate study
2. Master’s (M.A., M.S., M.Ed.) 4. Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.) 6. Postdoctoral study
p. Referring to the Major Field Code List in the Bulletin, indicate the field in which you plan to do your graduate work. If you are undecided, use 0000.
q. In what geographic region(s) would you prefer to attend graduate school? (Select all that apply.)
1. New England (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT) 7. Canada
2. Mid-Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) 8. Africa
3. South (AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV) 9. Asia
4. Midwest (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI) 10. Australia/New Zealand
5. Southwest (AZ, AR, NM, OK, TX) 11. Europe
6. West (AK, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY) 12. Latin America
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2007-08 GRE Paper-Based Registration Form (continued) Name: ________________________________________
r. Indicate your intended date of enrollment in graduate school. (Select only one.)
Jan.–May June–Aug. Sept.–Dec.
s. Indicate how you prepared or are preparing for the GRE test(s). (Select all that apply.)
General Test Subject Test
1. Used GRE POWERPREP software published by ETS
2. Used GRE test preparation book published by ETS
3. Used test preparation book or software not published by ETS
4. Attended a test preparation course offered by a
commercial coaching company
5. Attended a test preparation course offered by an
educational institution
6. Used ScoreItNow!™ Online Writing Practice
7. Used the GRE Enhanced Diagnostic Service
8. Accessed test familiarization information on the GRE website
9. Other preparation ETS Use Only
10. No preparation ASR_____ FR_____ T_____ H_____ M_____
*Includes shipping and handling charges. Publication orders may be placed with a credit card at or by calling 1-800-537-3160 or
1-609-771-7243. If you order online or by phone, do not indicate your order here. There is no refund on this publication.
**See “Fees” in the Test Takers section of the GRE website for information about taxes.
If paying by credit card, indicate which card you are using: American Express® Discover® JCB® MasterCard® VISA®
Enter your card number and expiration date below. Your credit card account will be billed for all services you request on this form.
Credit Card Number: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Expiration Date: _____ _____
Month Year
By sending your check to us, you authorize ETS to convert the check into an electronic fund transfer. Please be aware that your bank account may be
debited as soon as the same day we receive your payment and you will no longer receive a canceled check. If you do not have sufficient funds in your
account, an additional service fee of $20 will be added to your account.
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