A Multi-Systemic Mitochondrial Disorder Due To A Dominant p.Y955H Disease Variant in DNA Polymerase Gamma
A Multi-Systemic Mitochondrial Disorder Due To A Dominant p.Y955H Disease Variant in DNA Polymerase Gamma
A Multi-Systemic Mitochondrial Disorder Due To A Dominant p.Y955H Disease Variant in DNA Polymerase Gamma
13 2515–2525
doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddx146
Advance Access Publication Date: 17 April 2017
Original Article
Mutations in the mitochondrial DNA polymerase, POLG, are associated with a variety of clinical presentations, ranging from
early onset fatal brain disease in Alpers syndrome to chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia. The majority of
mutations are linked with disturbances of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) integrity and maintenance. On a molecular level,
depending on their location within the enzyme, mutations either lead to mtDNA depletion or the accumulation of multiple
mtDNA deletions, and in some cases these molecular changes can be correlated to the clinical presentation. We identified a
patient with a dominant p.Y955H mutation in POLG, presenting with a severe, early-onset multi-systemic mitochondrial dis-
ease with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, cataract, myopathy, and liver failure. Using a combination of disease models of
Drosophila melanogaster and in vitro biochemistry analysis, we compare the molecular consequences of the p.Y955H mutation
to the well-documented p.Y955C mutation. We demonstrate that both mutations affect mtDNA replication and display a
dominant negative effect, with the p.Y955H allele resulting in a more severe polymerase dysfunction.
Present address: Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Ageing-Associated Diseases (CECAD), University of Cologne, 50931 Cologne, Germany.
These authors equally contributed to this work.
Received: February 24, 2017. Revised: April 5, 2017. Accepted: April 11, 2017
C The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.
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2516 | Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 13
Introduction Results
The mitochondrial DNA polymerase c (POLc) is required for rep- Subjects
lication of the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). The holoen-
Subject 1 presented with progressive PEO and ovarian failure with
zyme consists of the catalytic subunit POLcA, encoded by the
infertility in adulthood. Measurements of mitochondrial OXPHOS
POLG gene (MIM 174763), and by the dimeric processivity factor
function in a skeletal muscle biopsy showed a normal result (Fig.
POLcB, encoded by the POLG2 gene (MIM 604983) (1). POLcA be-
1A and B), although morphological analysis revealed a high num-
longs to the family A polymerases, with an N-terminal 30 –50 exo-
ber of COX negative muscle fibres (Fig. 1C), as well as paracrystal-
nuclease domain, a central linker domain and a C-terminal
line inclusions by electron microscopy (Supplementary Material,
polymerase domain (2). Replication of the mitochondrial ge-
Fig. S1A), indicating mitochondrial dysfunction.
nome is independent of the cell cycle with individual mtDNA
Subject 2 presented with a slowly progressive multi-
molecules being randomly selected for replication, a phenome-
systemic disorder at the age of 8 months, with weight loss, bilat-
non referred to as relaxed replication (3–6). The total mtDNA
eral sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral cataract, myopathy,
copy number, however, is maintained at a relatively constant
liver failure and feeding difficulties that required a percutane-
ous endoscopic gastrostomy. He had a normal intellectual ca-
Defects in mtDNA replication or nucleotide metabolism
pacity and development. Measurements of mitochondrial
can lead to rearrangements, deletions, point mutations, or de-
OXPHOS activity in a skeletal muscle biopsy was unremarkable
pletion of mtDNA, often resulting in mitochondrial dysfunc-
at 10 months of age, but a reduced ATP production rate was de-
tion and ultimately mitochondrial disease (7). Although
termined in a second biopsy around 1 year later (Fig. 1D and E).
several factors involved in mtDNA replication have been asso-
Morphological analysis confirmed a mitochondrial dysfunction,
ciated with mitochondrial diseases, mutations in POLG are
exhibiting a high number of COX negative muscle fibres (Fig. 1F)
most common with close to 230 different disease-causing mu-
and ragged-red fibres (Fig. 1G).
tations reported (8) [recently summarized in (9)]. The associ-
ated clinical symptoms can be quite variable, both with
respect to disease onset and clinical presentation, and cause a The p.Y955H mutation in POLcA is associated with early
number of different disease entities, such as Alpers syndrome
onset multi-systemic mitochondrial disease
(MIM 203700), mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encepha-
lopathy (MNGIE: MIM 613662), sensory ataxic neuropathy, dys- Sequencing of the POLG locus in subject 1 revealed that the pa-
arthria and ophthalmoparesis (SANDO: MIM 607459), tient was heterozygous for the previously reported c.2864A>G,
spinocerebellar ataxia-epilepsy (SCAE: MIM 607459), and p.Y955C, mutation (13) (Fig. 1H). Southern blot analysis showed
chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO: MIM the accumulation of multiple mtDNA deletions (Supplementary
157640 and MIM 258450). On a molecular level, mutations in Material, Fig. S1B), while mtDNA sequencing was unremarkable.
POLG lead to the accumulation of multiple mtDNA deletions or Sequencing of POLG in subject 2 detected a previously unre-
mtDNA depletion (5,9), which in turn cause reduced oxidative ported mutation, c.2863T>C, p.Y955H, additionally revealing a
phosphorylation (OXPHOS). heterozygous p.Q1236H mutation, previously shown to be be-
CPEO is the most common mitochondrial myopathy, defined nign (22). Detailed allele-specific analysis revealed that the
by a progressive bilateral ptosis and diffuse, symmetric reduc- p.Y955H mutation was in cis with p.Q1236H on the paternal
tion in ocular motility, often associated with additional symp- POLG allele but absent in the father (Table 1). The p.Y955H mu-
toms, e.g. hearing loss and ataxia [reviewed in (10)]. About half tation had thus occurred de novo. Multiplex ligation-dependent
of all CPEO cases are inherited and disease-causing mutations probe amplification (MLPA) and cDNA analysis of POLG did not
at seven different loci have so far been identified, including loci detect any other disease-causing mutation in the gene. Whole
coding for the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocator 1 exome sequencing on DNA samples from subject 2, was per-
(SLC25A4: MIM 103220) (11), the mitochondrial DNA helicase, formed as described previously (23,24), but revealed no other
TWINKLE (TWNK: MIM 606075) (12) and POLcA (13). The p.Y955C potentially disease-causing mutation involved in metabolic or
mutation of human POLG results in adult onset autosomal dom- mitochondrial diseases.
inant CPEO (13) as well as premature ovarian failure (14) and is Previous reports suggested that mutations affecting position
associated with the accumulation of multiple mtDNA deletions Y955 in human POLcA can lead to an increase in incorrect nu-
in affected patients (13,15). Mutagenesis experiments identified cleotide incorporation, but cloning and sequencing of mtDNA
Y955, together with residues R943, L947 and A957 of POLcA to be from human muscle samples showed no difference in point
essential for nucleotide specificity, and processivity (16–21), mutation load, when compared with control samples
with the Y955C mutation resulting in replicative stalling and (Supplementary Material, Table S1).
formation of multiple mtDNA deletions (21).
We here identify an autosomal dominant p.Y955H mutation
Mutations at p.Y873 are recessive lethal in Drosophila
in POLG, leading to a severe multi-systemic mitochondrial dis-
ease with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, cataract, myopa-
thy and liver failure in a paediatric patient. Using disease In order to understand the molecular and physiological conse-
models of Drosophila melanogaster (Dm) and in vitro characteriza- quences of the p.Y955H mutation we generated Drosophila mela-
tion, we demonstrate that the p.Y955C and p.Y955H mutations nogaster (Dm) models for both the p.Y955C and p.Y955H
both affect mtDNA replication and have a dominant negative mutations (Y955 in human POLcA corresponds to Y873 in
effect on DNA synthesis. The p.Y955H mutation resulted in a DmPOLcA). To this end we targeted the Dm tamas locus, coding
more severe dysfunction than p.Y955C, in agreement with the for DmPOLcA, following a previously described procedure (25)
clinical phenotype of the patient, which is unusually severe for (for details see materials and methods) (Supplementary
a dominant POLG disease. Material, Fig. S2).
Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 13 | 2517
Figure 1. Characterization of mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle. (A) Mitochondrial ATP production rate (MAPR) in fresh skeletal muscle mitochondria, isolated
from subject 1, using six different substrate combinations as indicated. Results are presented as the ATP synthesis rate (units) per unit of CS activity (control n¼11; age
0–5 years). (B) Respiratory chain enzyme activities of complexes I and III (NADH:cytochrome c reductase), complex I (NADH:coenzyme Q reductase), complexes II and III
(succinate:cytochrome c reductase, SCR), complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase) and citrate synthase (CS) were determined. Results are presented as percentage of mean
control (n¼9; age 0–5 years) values. The range of control values is depicted as 6 2SD. (C) COX/SDH double staining of fresh-frozen skeletal muscle from subject 1. (D)
MAPR as in (A) from subject 2. (E) Respiratory chain enzyme activities as in (B) from subject 2. (F) COX/SDH double staining of fresh-frozen skeletal muscle from subject
2. (G) Gomori-trichrome staining of fresh-frozen skeletal muscle from subject 2 revealing ragged-red fibres (RRF). (H) Electropherogram of POLcA from subject 1, 2 and
Table 1. Nucleotide and amino acid changes in POLG in subject 2 whereas Dm lines homozygous for either of the two mutations
and his parents were larval lethal at the third instar larval stage (Fig. 2D).
Nucleotide Protein
Subject 2 c.[2863T>C; 3708G>T];[¼] p.[Y955H; Q1236H];[¼] The p.Y873H and p.Y873C mutations lead to mtDNA
Father c.[3708G>T];[¼] p.[Q1236H];[¼] depletion in Drosophila melanogaster
Mother c.[¼];[¼] p.[¼];[¼]
The p.Y955C mutation causes multiple mtDNA deletions in hu-
mans (13,15) as observed in muscle samples from subject 1
(Supplementary Material, Fig. S1B). In contrast, no multiple de-
letions were observed in muscle samples from subject 2, carry-
Flies heterozygous for the p.Y873C and p.Y873H mutations ing the p.Y955H mutation (Supplementary Material, Fig. S1B).
did not show any obvious phenotypic abnormalities. Eclosure Interestingly, flies carrying the p.Y873H or p.Y873C mutation
rates were comparable to control flies (Fig. 2A), although flies did not present multiple deletions; neither as heterozygous flies
heterozygous for p.Y873C mutation were developmentally de- (Fig. 3A) nor as homozygous larvae (Fig. 3B). However, qRT-PCR
layed (Fig. 2B). Lifespans (Fig. 2C) were normal even after 15 gen- and Southern blot analysis revealed severe mtDNA depletion in
erations of intercrossing (Supplementary Material, Fig. S3), L3 larvae homozygous for either of the two mutants, with a
2518 | Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 13
Figure 2. Eclosion rates and life-spans in flies carrying the p.Y873C or p.Y873H mutations. (A) Eclosure rates, (B) life-span, (C) developmental time of F0 and F1 flies. (D)
L3 larvae of control (wt/wt) and homozygous mutant (Y873C/Y873C and Y873H/Y873H) larvae at 4 days after egg laying.
milder reduction in the heterozygous state (Fig. 3C and D). experiments, using two different primed DNA templates (Fig.
Heterozygous flies (p.Y873H or p.Y873C) showed an mtDNA de- 4B). In the absence of dNTPs, WT POLcA will use its 30 –50 exonu-
pletion, which was somewhat more pronounced after 15 gener- clease activity to digest the labelled primer, but in the presence
ations intercrossing (Fig. 3C). of dNTPs, the polymerase will initiate primer elongation. In this
assay, POLcA:Y955H behaved as previously demonstrated for
POLcA:Y955C and required higher dNTP concentrations to pro-
POLc:Y955H has lower affinity to DNA than WT POLc or duce full-length products (Fig. 4B, upper panel). Increasing the
POLc:Y955C number of thymines on the template strand, promoted stalling
of both mutant polymerases (Fig. 4B, lower panel), consistent
We next investigated the biochemical consequences of the
with preferred stalling at dATP insertion sites (Fig. 4B, compare
p.Y955H mutation and for comparison we also analysed the pre-
upper and lower panel) (21).
viously characterized p.Y955C mutation (20,21). To this end, wild-
type POLcA protein and mutant derivatives (POLcA:Y955C and
POLcA:Y955H) were expressed and purified. DNA binding proper- POLcA:Y955H has a dominant negative effect on the
ties of all three POLcA versions were first assessed in the absence replisome at low dNTP concentrations
or presence of recombinant POLcB, using an electrophoretic mo-
In the presence of mtSSB and the TWINKLE helicase, WT POLcA
bility shift assay (EMSA). Both POLcA:Y955C and POLcA:Y955H
in complex with POLcB is able to replicate a circular dsDNA tem-
bound to a primed DNA template independently of POLcB (Fig.
plate containing a preformed replication fork (Fig. 5A, lanes 1–4
4A). However, the Kd (equilibrium dissociation constant) for bind-
and 13–16) (26). Neither POLcA:Y955H nor POLcA:Y955C could
ing to the template, was higher for POLcA:Y955H than for WT
support DNA synthesis (Fig. 5A, lanes 5–8 and 17–20, respec-
POLcA and POLcA:Y955C (Supplementary Material, Fig. S4).
tively). In agreement with previous reports, POLcA:Y955C dis-
played a dominant negative effect on DNA synthesis in the
presence of WT POLcA (Fig. 5A, lanes 21–24) (21). The dominant
Modifications at position Y955 are associated with
negative effect was less pronounced with POLcA:Y955H even
difficulties of incorporating dATP
when the mutant was added at a 3:1 molar ratio relative to WT
We previously demonstrated that the p.Y955C mutation leads POLcA (compare lanes 9–12 with lanes 21–24 in Fig. 5A).
to stalling at low dNTP concentrations. POLcA:Y955C is espe- Postmitotic tissues contain lower dNTP concentrations than the
cially sensitive to low dATP concentrations, and the enzyme en- 10 mM used here (27,28). We therefore repeated the experiment
ters a polymerase/exonuclease idling mode at dATP insertion using 1 mM dNTP. At this concentration, POLcA:Y955H also dis-
sites (21). To investigate if this is a general phenotype for muta- played a dominant negative effect on WT POLcA activity (Fig.
tions affecting Y955, we performed primer extension 5B, lanes 9–12). Furthermore, we also observed an accumulation
Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 13 | 2519
Figure 3. Mutations at p.Y873 lead to mtDNA depletion in flies. (A) Southern blot analysis of mtDNA of heterozygous mutant flies. (B) Long-range PCR of homozygous
mutant and control larvae. Primers were situated as indicated. (C) Southern blot analysis of mtDNA from homozygous mutant larvae. (D) Relative mtDNA levels deter-
mined by qPCR in L3 larvae (L0), or flies intercrossed for 1 (F1) or 15 (F15) generations. TaqMan probes used as indicated. Error bars are 6SD (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001,
of shorter-than-input length DNA products (Fig. 5B, lane 12), more dNTP, which reasons well with its lower dNTP affinity
suggesting that POLcA:Y955H causes template degradation at (Fig. 6B, lanes 5–7). The POLcA:Y955H mutant on the other hand
lower dNTP concentrations. had problems to fully extend the 60-mer even in the presence of
100 mM dNTP and were therefore unable to create ligateable
ends (Fig. 6B, lanes 8–10). Here again, we observed that both mu-
POLcA:Y955C and POLcA:Y955H display reduced tants have increased exonuclease activity at low dNTP concen-
ligation efficiency trations (see Fig. 6B, lanes 5 and 8). Next, we asked whether the
At the end of replication, DNA ends are ligated to produce a presence of the mutants could affect the ability of the WT to
closed circular mtDNA molecule. We have previously shown create ligateable ends, which would reflect a typical situation
that the 30 –50 exonuclease and 50 –30 polymerase activities of in vivo. To answer this question, we performed time-dependent
POLcA must be correctly balanced in order to support ligation ligation assays at 1 mM dNTPs, where WT POLcA was mixed
(29). Since mutations affecting position Y955 shift the balance with either of the two mutants (Fig. 6C). At this dNTP concentra-
towards the exonuclease activity, we decided to monitor effects tion only the WT protein is able to extend the primer. Addition
on ligation. To this end we performed coupled polymerase- of POLcA:Y955C or POLcA:Y955H severely inhibited polymeriza-
ligation assays, using a template consisting of a radioactively 50 - tion and the ability of WT POLcA to create ligateable nicks (Fig.
labelled 60-mer hybridized to a circular 100-mer (Fig. 6A). On 6C and D).
this template, DNA polymerase needs to extend the 30 end to
full circle and then terminate at the downstream 50 end, in order
to produce a ligateable nick. WT POLcA extended the 60-mer
and provided ligateable ends already at 1 mM dNTP (Fig. 6B, Mitochondrial diseases form a highly diverse group, with a
lanes 2–4). The POLcA:Y955C mutant was also capable of gener- range of clinical symptoms and different ages of onset. They are
ating ligateable full-length products, but it needed 100 times predominantly monogenic disorders and recent advances in
2520 | Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 13
Figure 4. In vitro DNA binding and polymerization properties of POLcA:Y955C and POLcA:Y955H. (A) Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showing that POLcA:Y955C
and POLcA:Y955H bind DNA both in absence (lanes 5 and 8) and presence (lanes 6 and 9) of POLcB. Lanes 1, 4 and 7 contained no protein. Lower panel: schematic repre-
sentation of the DNA template. The asterisk indicates the P label on the 5 end of the 20-mer. (B) Coupled 3’–5’ exonuclease/polymerase assays show that both
POLcA:Y955C and POLcA:Y955H required higher dNTP concentrations than WT POLcA to synthesize DNA (all experiments were performed in the presence of POLcB).
Reactions were run on denaturing 15% PAGE. Below: scheme of the primer-extension reaction starting from the 20-meric primer to produce a 35-mer product.
Figure 5. Rolling circle replication assay reveals dominant negative effect of POLcA:Y955C and POLcA:Y955H. (A) In vitro replication reactions performed at 10 mM dNTP
and indicated POLc versions (all experiments were performed in the presence of POLcB). Lanes 1–4, WT POLcA; lanes 5–8; POLcA:Y955H; lanes 9–12, WT POLcA and
POLcA:Y955H; lanes 13–16, WT POLcA; lanes 17–20; POLcA:Y955C; lanes 21–24, WT and POLcA:Y955C. (B) As in (A) but at 1 mM dNTP.
Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 13 | 2521
Figure 6. Effects of POLcA:Y955C and POLcA:Y955H on ligation efficiency. (A) Schematic picture showing the template used in the coupled DNA synthesis-ligation as-
say. (B) Coupled DNA synthesis-ligation assay using different amounts of dNTPs (1, 10, or 100 mM) and indicated POLc versions (all experiments were performed in the
presence of POLcB). Lane l, input template: lanes 2–4, WT POLcA; lanes 5–7, POLcA:Y955C and lanes 8–10 POLcA:Y955H. (C) As in (B) but was performed as a time-course
experiment (5, 15, 30 or 45 min) using 1 mM dNTPs and at a 1:1 ratio of indicated POLc versions. Lanes 1, 6 and 11, input template; lanes 2–5, WT POLcA; lanes 7–10, WT
POLcA and POLcA:Y955C; lanes 12–15, WT POLcA and POLcA:Y955H. (D) Ratio of ligated product compared with total DNA between different mixing-reactions of POLc
versions. Based on quantifications of band-intensity from reactions as shown in (C). Solid black bars are WT POLcA alone, grey bars are WT POLcA mixed with
POLcA:Y955C and white bars represent WT POLcA mixed with POLcA:Y955H. Error-bars are standard deviations from three independent reactions. (E) Molecular model
of Y955 and surrounding amino acids. Upper panel, WT POLcA; lower left panel, POLcA:Y955C; lower right panel, POLcA:Y955H.
sequencing technologies have revolutionized the diagnosis of date, almost 230 mutations have been identified in the human
patients with mitochondrial diseases. Despite these advances, POLG gene alone (8), with both dominant and recessive inheri-
the correlation between genotype and phenotype remains diffi- tance patterns. A substantial number of mutations are also re-
cult to predict and combined with the large heterogeneity of the ported to only prompt clinical symptoms, when inherited in
human genome makes functional validation of novel disease trans with other mutations as compound heterozygous, and it is
variants essential. A complicating factor is that a biochemical thus important to fully characterise variants. We here used a
defect is not always observed in patient samples (30–32). To combination of in vitro biochemistry, model organisms and
2522 | Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 13
enzyme PvuII (New England Biolabs) and fractionated by elec- with CircLigase TMssDNA ligase (Epicentre), followed by anneal-
trophoresis in 0.5% agarose gels. The DNA was then transferred ing to a 32P-labelled 60-mer (50 -TCT GGT TAG GCT GGT GTT AGG
to Hybond XL nylon filter (GE Healthcare) by capillary blotting GTT CTT TGT TTT TGG GTT TGG CAG AGA TGT GTT TAA GTG-
under standard procedures. The filter was hybridized with an 30 ). The reactions were performed in a volume of 20 ml contain-
equimolar mix of radiolabelled mtDNA probes corresponding to ing 20 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.5), 1 mM DTT, 0.1 mg/ml BSA, 10 mM
nucleotides 1–12 640, as described previously (44). MgCl2, 0.5 mM ATP, 4 units of T4 DNA ligase, 10 fmol circular
DNA substrate, indicated POLc version, and varying amounts of
dNTPs as specified in the figure legends. In the mixing experi-
Expression and purification of recombinant human ments, 75 fmol WT POLcA, POLcA:Y955H, or POLcA:Y955C in
proteins complex with 300 fmol POLcB were pre-incubated in the mixture
Mutated versions of POLcA were constructed using the on ice for 10 min before an additional 75 fmol of WT POLcA in
QuikChange Lightning Site-directed mutagenesis kit according complex with 300 fmol POLcB was added to each reaction.
to the provided protocol (Agilent Technologies) and confirmed Reactions were incubated for 30 min if nothing else is indicated
by sequencing (Eurofins MWG Operon). Recombinant baculovi- in the figure legends and terminated with 2 stop buffer
ruses coding for TWINKLE, mitochondrial single-stranded DNA- (Formamide with 10 mM EDTA, 0.025% bromophenol blue,
binding protein (mtSSB), WT POLcA, POLcA:Y955C, 0.025% xylene cyanol). Samples were run in 7 M urea/10% poly-
POLcA:Y955H and POLcB were expressed in Sf9 cells and puri- acrylamide gels and visualized with a PhosphorImager or
fied as previously described (26). autoradiography.
The affinity between POLc (POLcA in complex with POLcB) and a All genomically engineered fly strains were constantly back-
primer template was monitored using an EMSA as previously crossed into a white Dahomey Wolbachia-free (wDahT) WT
described (25). Each experiment was repeated at least three strain. All fly stocks were maintained at 25 C on a 12:12 h light/
times. Band intensities representing unbound and bound DNA dark cycle with 60% humidity and fed on a sugar/yeast/agar
were quantified using Fujifilm Multi Gauge V3.1 software. The (SYA) diet (25).
fraction of DNA bound in each reaction was plotted versus the
concentration of POLc. Data were fitted with the binding equa-
Generation of genomically engineered DmPOLcA flies
tion (Fraction bound ¼ (MaxB [POLc])/(MaxB þ [POLc]) using
EXCELs Add-in ‘Solver’ to perform non-linear regression and ob- Human POLG sequence (NP_002684.1) was aligned to the
tain values for Kd (as the value corresponding to the midpoint of Drosophila melanogaster homolog (tamas; NP_476821.1) and the
MaxB) and using MaxB set to 1 (the fraction bound at which the fly-equivalent position for p.Y955 was identified at position
data plateaus). p.Y873. Genetically modified flies were generated essentially as
described previously (25,45). We previously cloned the Tamas
locus into the fly-specific targeting vector pGEattB-GMR (25),
Coupled 30 –50 exonuclease/polymerase assays which was here modified by site-directed mutagenesis to intro-
A 20-mer (50 -CGG TCG AGT CTA GAG GAG CC-30 ) labelled at the duce the p.Y873C and p.Y873H mutations. Mutant variants of
50 end with [c-32P] ATP was annealed to a 35-mer oligonucleo- the tamas gene were then injected into the embryos of
tide containing a poly-dT stretch, 50 -TTT TTT TTT TAT CCG GGC DmPolcA (Tamas) KO founder embryos (25), expressing u31 inte-
TCC TCT AGA CTC GAC CG-30 , or an oligonucleotide without a grase by the in-house Drosophila transgenic core facility. Positive
poly-dT stretch (50 -GAC AAC CAG CAG CCG GGC TCC TCT AGA flies were selected by eye colour and confirmed by Southern
CTC GAC CG-30 , as illustrated in Fig. 4B. These two templates blot/sequencing.
were used as substrates to investigate DNA polymerization and
30 –50 exonuclease activity as previously described (21).
Life-span determination
Newly eclosed adult flies were mated for 2 days before they
In vitro rolling circle DNA replication were sorted for lifespan analyses. Two hundred females per ge-
The reaction mixtures (20 ll) contained 10 fmol of rolling circle notype were used at a density of 10 flies per vial. Flies were
template and reactions were performed as described previously transferred to new vials every 2–3 days and dead flies were
except that lower dNTP concentrations (1 mM or 10 mM) were counted.
used. POLc (75 fmol WT POLcA in complex with 300 fmol POLcB,
225 fmol POLcA:Y955C in complex with 675 fmol POLcB, or
Hatching and eclosure rates
225 fmol POLcA:Y955H in complex with 675 fmol POLcB) were
added as indicated in the figure legends (26). Fly development was assessed as follows. Flies were allowed to
lay eggs on grape juice agar plates for 2 h. One hundred eggs per
genotype were individually picked and placed into vials with
Coupled DNA synthesis-ligation assay SYA food. The number of eclosed flies was scored every 12 h. At
The synthesis-ligation assay was adapted from (29). Here a cir- least five biological replicates were done for each genotype.
cular DNA template was used instead of a linear (Fig. 4a). The
closed circular template was constructed by circularizing the
DNA isolation and southern blot analysis from flies
100 nt oligonucleotide (50 -GAG GGG TAT GTG GCC ACA GCA CTT
AAA CAC ATC TCT GCC AAA CCC AAA AAC AAA GAA CCC TAA For relative mtDNA copy number determination, total DNA ex-
CAC CAG CCT AAC CAG ATT TCA AAT TTC ATA CCC CTA T-30 ) tractions were prepared from L3 larvae using DNeasy Blood and
2524 | Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 13
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Supplementary Material Tariq, M., Wanrooij, S., Garrido, N., Comi, G., Morandi, L. et al.
(2001) Human mitochondrial DNA deletions associated with
Supplementary Material is available at HMG online. mutations in the gene encoding Twinkle, a phage T7 gene 4-
like protein localized in mitochondria. Nat. Genet., 28,
Acknowledgements 13. Van Goethem, G., Dermaut, B., Löfgren, A., Martin, J.J. and
We thank all affected individuals and their families for their Van Broeckhoven, C. (2001) Mutation of POLG is associated
participation and for providing important samples for the pre- with progressive external ophthalmoplegia characterized by
sent research study. mtDNA deletions. Nat. Genet., 28, 211–212.
14. Pagnamenta, A.T., Taanman, J.-W., Wilson, C.J., Anderson,
Conflict of Interest statement. None declared. N.E., Marotta, R., Duncan, A.J., Bitner-Glindzicz, M., Taylor,
R.W., Laskowski, A., Thorburn, D.R. et al. (2006) Dominant in-
heritance of premature ovarian failure associated with mu-
Funding tant mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma. Hum. Reprod.,
This study was supported by the Swedish Research Council 21, 2467–2473.
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(VR521-2013-3621)]; Stockholm County Council [A.W. (K0176- presentation and clinical variability in Belgian pedigrees
2012) and A.We. (20140053)]; Swedish Foundation for Strategic with progressive external ophthalmoplegia and multiple de-
Research [A.W. (ICA 12-0017)]; Knut & Alice Wallenberg letions of mitochondrial DNA. Eur. J. Neurol., 4, 476–484.
Foundation [A.W. and A.We. (KAW 2013.0026) and M.F. (KAW 16. Lim, S.E., Ponamarev, M.V., Longley, M.J. and Copeland, W.C.
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Brain Foundation [A.We. (FO2015-0146)]. A.W. is a Ragnar analogs. J. Mol. Biol., 329, 45–57.
Söderberg fellow in Medicine (M77/13). Funding to pay the Open 17. Graziewicz, M.A., Longley, M.J., Bienstock, R.J., Zeviani, M.
Access publication charges for this article was provided by the and Copeland, W.C. (2004) Structure-function defects of hu-
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nant progressive external ophthalmoplegia. Nat. Struct. Mol.
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bj e
bj e
C) D)
1,2 1,6
ND5 1,4 ND5
Relative mtDNA levels
0,6 0,8
0,0 0,0
Controls Subject 1 Controls Subject 2
Figure S1. (A) Electron-microsope image of skeletal muscle from subject 1, showing parac-
rystalline inclusions (scale:XX). (B) Southern blot analysis of total DNA from skeletal
muscle from subjects 1 and 2, using XX as probe. Quantification of mtDNA copy number
by qPCR in skeletal muscle samples from (C) subject 1 and (D) subject 2, using TaqMan
probes against mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 (ND1) and 5
(ND5). Values were normalised to the nuclear encoded 18S gene and compared to
age-matched Control samples (N=5 for subject 1 and N=2 for subject 2). Error bars are
Endogenous b tam sop2
Knock-in b attR tam w attL sop2
B) C)
Y8 H/+
73 /+
Y8 H/+
Y8 3H
Mw wD
Figure S2. Targeting of the TAMAS locus in Drosophila melanogaster. (A) Schematic diagram of the TAMAS
locus and genomic primers in control (endogenous) and targeted (knock-in) flies. (B) PCR to confirm target-
ing, using primers as indicated in (A). (C) Southern blot analsysis confirming correct targeting of the mutant
TAMAS constructs. (D) Electropherogram of the Y873 position in control (tamas/+) and knock-in (Y873H/+,
and Y873C/+) flies.
A) B)
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.4 0.4 F6
0.2 Y873C/+ 0.2 Y873C/+
Y873H/+ Y873H/+
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
days days
C) 1
0.4 F15
0.2 Y873C/+
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure S3: Life span. Survival curves of control (black), heterozygous Y873C/+ (red) and
Y873H/+ flies (green), grown on standard food. Life spans were measured after (A) first
generation (B) 6 generations and (C) 15 generations intercrossing.
WT Y955H Y955C
30 30
Amount (fmol) 30 0 1 3 10 30 0 1 3 10 30
0 1 3 10 30
Bound DNA
Free DNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
POLγ DNA binding Kd (nM)
WT 4,5 ± 0,6
Y955H 26,9 ± 0,1
Y955C 5,0 ± 1,1
Figure S4. (A) Representative gels showing electrophoretic mobility assays using WT and
mutant POLγ holoenzymes (in complex with polγB) to estimate the Kd (DNA) values. Each
lane contains 10 fmol of DNA substrate and the indicated amounts of protein complex in a
reaction volume of 15µl. (B) DNA binding Kd. Values for dissociation constants are shown as
an average from at least three independent binding assays. Errors are presented as stan-
dard deviations.
Table S1: Mutation frequency in skeletal muscle samples. Skeletal muscle DNA from subjects 1 and 2, as well as age-matched control
samples were amplified by PCR, followed by cloning and Sanger sequencing.
Sample Genotype Number of base Number of Mutations identified Mutation frequency Frequency / 100,000
pairs sequenced mutations