Community Action Plan Template: Purpose: Directions
Community Action Plan Template: Purpose: Directions
Community Action Plan Template: Purpose: Directions
College of Education
Final Examination
Step 1: Resident of Jan. 1, 2020 A.Dustpan with broom, rag, A. keep yourself from the *Residents of sitoio
specific sitio Jan. 22, 2020 garbage bag, mop, and so on. tracts in time you need to *Clean twice a month.
Clean inside in And so on. clean based on the schedule, Prevention of some viruses
house Clean twice a B This is mandatory request don’t let your laziness not just dengue.
specifically in month. from Sitio leader all residents control you
the comfort must need to help and do the B. Be a responsible resident
room and wash Money collecting to buy the for you to live longer and for
the laundry. materials needed. you to live healthy
Step 2: A. A.
Sweep all the
garbages in B. B.
backyard or
just burn it, and
always keep on
mind to cover
all the water
Step 3: Use A. A.
insect repellent
to kill those B. B.
mosquitoes and
other pest that
might bother
Evidence of Success (How will you know that you are making progress? What are your benchmarks?)
The specific sitio got involve with this action plan and they follow the protocols on how to eliminate the mosquitoes that cause common dengue virus.
Evaluation Process (How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?)
The dengue case in the specific sitio has decreased according to the DOH.