Akeela House Intake Packet R
Akeela House Intake Packet R
Akeela House Intake Packet R
MEMORANDUM – Intake Introduction
TO: All Referral Professionals
Thank you for your interest in the Akeela House Recovery Center, part of Akeela, Inc.
Please fax completed packets to Akeela House Intake Coordinator at number above.
There are more applications than available beds for treatment. A wait list is maintained
for applicants who are approved for admission until beds are available. (See below for
information on priority admission criteria.)
Akeela House Recovery Center admission policies include Priority Admission Criteria.
Applicants who meet any of the Priority Admission Criteria will have priority over other
individuals on the Wait List (per State of Alaska Wait List Protocol). Please see Intake
Form for the complete list of criteria.
It is long-standing policy for Akeela treatment programs that persons with criminal
charges that have not yet been adjudicated (pre-sentence) are ineligible for admission.
Please inform the applicant that submitting the application package does not mean
acceptance into the Akeela House treatment program. After submitting a completed
packet, an interview with the Intake Coordinator may be required, the interview may be
either in person or by telephone. The admission process includes treatment team
review of completed intake packets.
Also please inform the applicant that after submitting a completed Intake packet, the
applicant will need to have contact with the Intake Coordinator. If the applicant does not
have a phone or a reliable contact phone number, the applicant will take the initiative to
contact the Intake Coordinator at Akeela House on a regular basis. If you require
further information, please contact the Intake Coordinator at numbers above.
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Akeela House Recovery Center
A completed intake packet is to include the following 5 items:
Thank you,
Intake Coordinator, Akeela House Recovery Center
Phone: (907) 561-5266
Fax: (907) 562-5041
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Akeela House Recovery Center
This form is to be completed by the referral agency and applicant together. Please be
as specific as possible as incomplete information will slow admission process.
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Akeela House Recovery Center
In order to be admitted into the program, you must be well enough to participate in
the program. If you arrive under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or in
withdrawal requiring clinical intervention, you will be referred to an appropriate
detoxification setting before treatment.
Akeela House is not responsible for your transportation or any other personal costs
you may incur (e.g., approved medications) while in treatment.
Clients who are indigent will be admitted for treatment to Akeela House grant funded
programs without regard to their ability to pay or not pay. Treatment fees will be
determined using a sliding fee scale appropriate to the client’s income and family
status utilizing the federal poverty guidelines.
Other Releases of Information may also be required from other agencies (DOC, Courts,
OCS, etc.) should also be signed for a comprehensive understanding of your
appropriateness for our program.
I have read and agree to the enclosed “Resident Information and Responsibilities.”
Page 4
Medical Clearance Form
The following medical information form must be completed by a health care provider
in order to participate in AKEELA Residential Treatment Program.
Has this patient reported any recent suicidal ideation or homicidal ideation? □ NO □ YES
If YES, please explain:
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__________________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Physician / PA / ANP Date:
Page 6
Name of Medication Prescribed By Dosage Route
1. The person listed below is requesting substance use disorder treatment at a residential
treatment program of Akeela, Inc. The residential treatment program does not
administer medications, but instead safely stores medications so that clients can then
take their own medication (self-administration) as prescribed by their prescriber.
2. In keeping with regulations by the State of Alaska, persons entering residential
treatment in which clients take their own medication require a medical clearance from a
physician, PA or ANP that states the client is capable of self-administration of
medication prescribed.
3. If you have questions, please call specific Akeela House Program Manager at (907) 561-
5266. Or please call Akeela Chief Clinical Officer at 907-565-1200.
DOB: __________________________________________________
_____________________________________ __________________
Signature of Physician / PA / ANP Date:
Name of Clinic: _________________________________
Clinic Office Phone Number: ____________________________
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I, ___JOHN DOE______________________ DOB__01/01/1988_____PHONE # :__( 907)555-5555__________hereby request/authorize
FROM: Office of Children Services / OCS 1000 Bethel Road___Bethel _ AK_____________99559_____ be sent to:
Name of Person/Agency Address City State Zip Code
*Email is not considered to be as secure as other means of delivery and should be carefully considered prior to authorization.
The following specific information (For care received from ________________________to_______________________________)
Initial all that apply:
Admission Assessment Transfer/Discharge Summary Progress Notes
Treatment Plan/Updates JD Attendance Leave Message for client to contact
UA Results Client Presence in Treatment agency
JD Other(Please specify):
The purpose of the release of this information is (Initial all that apply):
JD Sharing with other health care providers My personal records Legal
JD Coordination of Care Further Treatment
Other(Please specify):
I understand that the information in my health record may include information relating to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It may also include information about behavioral or mental health services and treatment for alcohol and
drug abuse. Exchange of information ensures continuity of care between providers. By not sharing information, my health care could be
I hereby authorize the use or disclosure of my health care and/or other information as described above. I understand that this authorization is
voluntary. I understand that the individuals(s) or organization releasing this information will not condition my treatment, payment, enrollment in
a health plan (If applicable) or eligibility for benefits on whether I provide this authorization. I understand that if the person(s) or organization
authorized to receive this information is not a health plan or health care provider, the released information may no longer be protected by federal
privacy regulations. To the extent that this information is required to remain confidential by federal or state law, the recipient of this information
must continue to keep this information confidential.
I understand that my alcohol and/or drug treatment records are protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality and Drug Abuse
Patient Records, 42 CFR, Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), 45 CFR parts 160 and 164, and
cannot be disclosed with your written consent unless otherwise provided for by the regulations. I also understand that I may revoke this consent
in writing at any time except to the extent that action has been taken reliance on it and that in any event this consent expires automatically as
follows: (Date of expiration or Event triggering expiration)_____________________________________________________ (No more than 1
year from signature)
By my signature below I indicate that I have read this document, or have had it read to me, that I fully understand its meaning, that I have
consented to its terms knowingly and voluntarily, that I have not been under any undue duress or influence of alcohol or drugs in making this
RECIPIENT INFORMATION: If the information released pertains to alcohol or drug abuse, the confidentiality of the information is protected
by federal law (CFR 42 Part 2) prohibiting you from making any further disclosure of this information without the specific written authorization
of the person to whom it pertains or as otherwise permitted by CFR 42 Part 2. A general authorization for the release of medical or other
information if held by another party is not sufficient for this purpose. The federal rules restrict any use of the information to criminally
investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient.
I, ____________________________ hereby revoke the above Release of information as of:____________________ (date).
____________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Signature of Client Date
____________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Signature of Parent, Guardian, or person authorized Date
Page 8
I, _____________________________________ DOB_____________ PHONE #:___________________hereby request/authorize records:
*Email is not considered to be as secure as other means of delivery and should be carefully considered prior to authorization.
The following specific information (For care received from ________________________to_______________________________)
Initial all that apply:
Admission Assessment Transfer/Discharge Summary Progress Notes
Treatment Plan/Updates Attendance Leave Message for client to contact
UA Results Client Presence in Treatment agency
Other(Please specify):
The purpose of the release of this information is (Initial all that apply):
Sharing with other health care providers My personal records Legal
Coordination of Care Further Treatment
Other(Please specify):
I understand that the information in my health record may include information relating to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It may also include information about behavioral or mental health services and treatment for alcohol and
drug abuse. Exchange of information ensures continuity of care between providers. By not sharing information, my health care could be
I hereby authorize the use or disclosure of my health care and/or other information as described above. I understand that this authorization is
voluntary. I understand that the individuals(s) or organization releasing this information will not condition my treatment, payment, enrollment in
a health plan (If applicable) or eligibility for benefits on whether I provide this authorization. I understand that if the person(s) or organization
authorized to receive this information is not a health plan or health care provider, the released information may no longer be protected by federal
privacy regulations. To the extent that this information is required to remain confidential by federal or state law, the recipient of this information
must continue to keep this information confidential.
I understand that my alcohol and/or drug treatment records are protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality and Drug Abuse
Patient Records, 42 CFR, Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), 45 CFR parts 160 and 164, and
cannot be disclosed with your written consent unless otherwise provided for by the regulations. I also understand that I may revoke this consent
in writing at any time except to the extent that action has been taken reliance on it and that in any event this consent expires automatically as
follows: (Date of expiration or Event triggering expiration)_____________________________________________________ (No more than 1
year from signature)
By my signature below I indicate that I have read this document, or have had it read to me, that I fully understand its meaning, that I have
consented to its terms knowingly and voluntarily, that I have not been under any undue duress or influence of alcohol or drugs in making this
____________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Signature of Client Date
____________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Signature of Parent, Guardian, or person authorized Date
RECIPIENT INFORMATION: If the information released pertains to alcohol or drug abuse, the confidentiality of the information is protected
by federal law (CFR 42 Part 2) prohibiting you from making any further disclosure of this information without the specific written authorization
of the person to whom it pertains or as otherwise permitted by CFR 42 Part 2. A general authorization for the release of medical or other
information if held by another party is not sufficient for this purpose. The federal rules restrict any use of the information to criminally
investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient.
I, ____________________________ hereby revoke the above Release of information as of:____________________ (date).
____________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Signature of Client Date
____________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Signature of Parent, Guardian, or person authorized Date
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Akeela House Recovery Center
Total abstinence, free from all mood altering substances, except for prescribed
Please do not wear perfumes, colognes, or other scented products (for the
comfort and the safety of residents and staff who are sensitive to fragrances).
Supported phone calls are available for client use after completing orientation.
Staff will pass on messages to resident. The following number may be given to
family members who may need to reach you: Treatment Services Main Office
(907) 561-5266 (6:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. Sunday to Saturday).