4) Bibliography Information
4) Bibliography Information
4) Bibliography Information
Based on the Harvard Style
♦ A bibliography is a list of resources used in preparing a piece of work.
♦ When writing up a piece of work you will need to cite (quote) the bibliographical
references of all resources you have used.
♦ Bibliographical references need to be cited in two different places:
1. Where a document is referred to in the text.
2. In a list at the end of the work, which is arranged alphabetically by
author then by date. This author/date system of description is
referred to as the Harvard System.
For example:
Bryant, S. 1999, ‘The energy crisis of 1920’, in P. Jarman (ed.)
World wide energy, Blackwell, Sydney.
Include the following information in this order:
Include the following information in this order:
Newspaper Articles
Include the following information in this order:
Morgan, B. 2004, ‘This is climate change’, Australian Humanities Review, Issue 33,
August - October 2005, accessed 10 June 2007, p 7,
<http://www.latrobe.edu.au/AHR/iss ue-June-2004/morgan.html>
Lingua Franca 2007, podcast radio programme, ABC Radio National, 28 April, accessed
25 May 2007, <http://abc.net.au/rn/podcast/feeds/ lin.xml>.
Include the following information in this order:
1. Title (italics)
2. Date, (comma)
3. Format, (video recording) (comma)
4. Publisher, (comma)
5. Place of publication. (full stop)
Bahnisch, M. 2007, ‘The commentariat vs. the people?’, Larvatus Prodeo, weblog post,
11 May, accessed 22 May 2007,
‘Freud and science’, An essay evolves, wiki article, March 8 2007, accessed 20 May
2007, <http://evolvingessay.pbwiki.com/Freud+and+Science>.