Commercial Code Book I. Traders and Businesses Title I. General Provisions Applicable To Traders
Commercial Code Book I. Traders and Businesses Title I. General Provisions Applicable To Traders
Commercial Code Book I. Traders and Businesses Title I. General Provisions Applicable To Traders
Commercial Code
Chapter 1. Provisions applying to persons carrying on a trade 1
Chapter 2. Traders 1
Chapter 3. Persons capable of carrying on a trade 3
Chapter 4. Carrying on a trade by married persons .. 4
Chapter 5. Right to act as a trader .. 5
Section 2. Civil sanctions 23
Chapter 4. Final provisions 25
Chapter 1. General Provisions 25
Ohapter 2. Elements of a business .. 26
Section I. Constituent elements of a husiness .. 26
Section 2. Goodwill and un,fair commeroial competition .. 26
Section 3. Trade-names . .,./ ... 27
Section 4. Distinguishing marks 28
Section 5. Right to the lease of the premises 28
Section 6. Patents and literary or artistic copyright 29
Chapter 3. Sale ~/ a business 30
Section 1. General provision o •• 30
Secmon 2. Formalities 30
Seetion 3. Dulj"s of the seller. : 31
Section 4. Duties of the huyer . . 32
Section 5. Publication of the sale and rights of the seller's
creditors 32
Chapter 4. Mortgage of a business .. 34
Section 1. General provisions .. 34
Section 2. Mortgage ot the Seller and aCtJion for the cruncellation
of the contract of sale 34
Section 3. C, 'ltractual mortgage 35
Section 4. 'Ie ner of registering mprtgages 36
Section 5. ;:, .;hts of secured crreditors 37
Chapter 5. Hire of a business 39
Chapter 6. Contribution of a business to, a business organisation 41
Ohapter 5. Relations of the partnership with, third parts 49
Chapter 6. Dissolution and winding-up of partnership 50
J '
Chapter 1. Bank deposits .. 196
Section 1. »eposit .oUunds 196
Section 2. ~ traaifers .' ... 197
Section 3.' Depoak :of securities;· 199
Chapter 2. Hiring of safes 200
Chapter 3. Contracts for current accounts ., 201
Section 1. Definition, oonditions and duration of current accounts "201
Section 2. Effeetsof current accounts .• .... 203
Section 3. Effects' of bankruptcy of remitter where commercial
instrwnents are discounted and entered in current
account 204
Claapter 4. Discount 205
Chapter 5. ·Credit transactions 206
Section 1. Open credits .206
Section 2. Advance on securities 207
Section 3. Pledge of securities 207
Section 4. Documentary credits ...... 208
Chapter 4. Effect 01 adjudication in bankruptcy 222
Section 1. Effect as regards the debtor 222
Section 2. Management of debtor's property 225
Chapter 5. Proving lor debts 226
Section 1. Procedure for proving 226
Section 2. Parties jointly and severally liable and guarantors 229
Section 3. Rights of creditors secured by a guarantee on movables
other than businesses 230
Section 4. Rights of mortagees and creditors secured by im-
movables 231
Section 5. Rights of creditors secured by a mortgage on the
business .... 232
Section 6. Recovery 233
Chapter 6. Settlement 01 the bankruptcy 235
Section 1. Composition 235
Section 2. Compulsory winding-up 240
Chapter 7. Bankruptcy proceedings closed .. 242
Gazette Extraordinary
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Berhanena Selam P.inting Press of H.I.M. Haile Selassie I - 17-9-52 - No. 2071-52 - 5000
PROCLAMA TION No. 166 of 1960
3. The Bankruptcy Law and the Company law of 12th July, 1933, are
herehy repealed as from't,he 11th day of September, 1960.
In the modem world, IW nati6n can hope to expand iA CO.JReJ'Cial and
e(!olWmic life unless there exists a firm legal basis which will cwure the
neceaary elemenf$ of stability and security in business transacti6,., wmu at
til. I/J1Be tiae providing a sufficiently articulated yet flexible framework within
which tnule and commerce may flouris.h and grow. Today, in EthWpiD, the
developaent 'of commerce has out grown the provisio,., of thie laws rel4tting to
busines. orga.n.isati6ns and bankruptcy which were promulgated during the first
y.,.. 01 Our Reign and which were o.:lapted to the commerce and industry of
thOse _ly day•• The commercial life of EthWpia has expanded, increosing
RUmber. 0/. EthWpiDn and foreign compa. have been for1Mll and registered,
ahd mOTe comple% met'*xls of transacting business h4ve been detlf!loped in reo
etmJ y.n.
RecognUins the impetus whick a modern Code regulating the constitution
tm,d -~ of all business organisations could give to the furth.r KrGwth
01 thlde4lUl commerce, We directed the Codific6ti6n Commissi6n created by US
to pF'eptJre " moMrR Commercial Code which would sertHJ for the praent day
aa vell as provide a solid foundation for the further refinement of laws Creating of
these subjecta.We have directed that in the expami6n and consolidati6n of
Our commerciGl, u.w.. great attenrion should be given to til. control of all trad.
ing, and in pU/.ticular to the control of the carriage of [KUsengers and goods, an
aspect of commercial activity which has increased greatly in the last decade.
Similarly, in view of the further expansion of both foreign and internal com-
merce, it has been necessary to elaborate laws governing negotiable instruments
and banking transactions.
The Commercial Code which is today being promulgated fulfils these
requirements. It is grounded in Ethiopia's ancient laws and customs and has
.been further extended by reference to the laws of other great commercial powers.
We are confident that this Code will fulfil the aspirations of Our Beloved People
and will assist in the swift and orderly development of Ethiopia's eC01wmic life.
Our Parliament has studied with care and patience the detailed provisions of
this Code and what has been approved by it is well suited to the needs of Our
Own Country and to those persons and enterprises from other lands who are
participating and sharing in the benefits of the commercial life of Our Empire.
We are ever mindful that in the all-important task of the codification of Our laws
TV e have been g,uided by Almighty God, and that the fruits of this work will
underline the principle oj international justice without which no nation can
survive or prosper.
Given in the 30th year of Our Reign, this 5th day of May, 1960
Chapter 1. Provisions Applying to Persons
Carrying on a Trade
Art. 1. - Scope of application of the Civil Code.
Unless otherwise provided in this Code, lIhe pro"isioD8 of the Givil Code
shall apply to the status and acmvillies of pt11"SOJI8 and business OIl"ganisations
carryting on a trade.
Art. 2. - Scope of applicati{)n of the Maritime Code.
The relevant provisions of the MariltIime Code shall app~y 10 persons and
business organisations carrying on maritime trade.
Art. 3. - Persons and business organisations.
The provisions of 1ihiis Code applicable to persons other t.haIn those provisions
applIicable to physical persons only shlBll apply tJo bualnees organisations.
Nothing shall affect the speci:al prov,mons of Book II and Book V Title IV
of this Code app1icahle tJo business organisaJtions only.
Art. 4. - Bodies corporate under Public Law.
(1) Unless othel"\"ise e~y WOvided by law, bodies 00l'}I0I'6te under
public law, such as adminishlllUve or religious irurtitUJtiOlllS OIl" 81lyother
public undertakings, shall not be deemed to be muJers even where they
carry on acl1iiV1i.ties under Art. 5.
( 2) 1lhe prov,isioD8 of sub-art. (1) shall mot apply to undertakdngs in
which bodies oorpol'llte under public law only pamcipate.
Chapter 2. Traders
Persons who professionally and for gaim carry on 8Illy of tiIre following
acl1iv,ities shall be deemed ,to be traders:
( 1) Purchase of movables or immovables with a view Ito re.selling them
either as they are or aEter aIt_tion ~ adaptaJW:m;
(2) Purchase of movables with a view to letting them for hire;
(3) Wa,rehousing atCtivi:1Iies as defined in Art. 2806 of 1lhe Givil Code:
( 4) Exploi,tation of mines, including prospectIing for and working of
mineral oils;
5) Exploitation of quarries nat by han~sm.en;
the usual practice of their business, so long as such dealing relates only
to products of the land which they exploit or use, or to animals or
products of animals bred mainly from the resources of the land which
they exploit or use.
( :2) Such persons shall nN be deemed to be traders whether the undertak-
ing is individual or collecbive such as an agricultural community or
a cooperative undertaking.
Art. 8. - Fishermen and persons breeding fish, shell-fish or shells.
Fishermen and persons who breed fish or shell-fish or shells shall not be
deemed to he traders where they sell the products of their fishing or breed-
Art. 9. - Handicraftsmen.
(1) The provisions of this Code relating to traders shall not apply to handi-
(2) Handicraftsmen are persons who carryon an ,independent activity, who
live mainly on their own manual work, who may carry on their activity
;with the assistance of members of their family and of not more than
three employees or apprentices and who buy such material only as is
necessary for ()arryi~g out their activillil'..5, without setting up stocks.
(3) Handicraftsmen mlllY use mechanical power.
( 4 ) Handicraftsmen are subject to the provision of any special law relating
to their activities.
( 1) Where the trading spouse is of the oplIlIon ~hat the objection is not
justified, having regard to the interest of the family, he may app.l~- to
the family arbitrators to set aside the objection.
(2) Where the objection is sct aside by the arhitralors, a notice to this
effect shall be entered in t'he eommercial register.
Art. 19. - Debts contracted by the trading spouse.
Debts contracted by the trading spouse shall be deemed to be debt. of the
marriage within the meaning of Art. 659 of the Civil Code and may be
recovered on the personal estate of each spouse and on common property.
Art. 20.- Effect of objection.
Where an objection under Art. 16 has been eIlJtered in the conuneroial
register, debts contracted by the trading spouse may be recovered on his
personal estate only.
Art. 21.- CooMration of spouses.
Where spouses together carry on a trade, they shall both be deemed to be
traders, unless it is shown that one of them is the employee of the other.
Chapter 2. Managers
Chapter 3. Commercial Travellers and Representatives
Art. 37. - Commercial travellers.
(1) A commercial traveller is a person, domiciled at the place where the
head office of the business is situate and. bound to a trader by a con-
tract of employment, who is entrusted by the trader with viaiting
clients and offering to them goods or services in the name and on
behalf of the trader.
(2) Unless otherwise agreed, contracts entered into by a commercial tra-
veller shall be of no effect unless confirmed by trader.
( 3) Commercial travellers are not traders.
Art. 38. - Commercial representatives.
(1) A commercial representative is a person, not domiciled at the place
where the head office of the business is situate and hound to a trader
by a contract of employment, who is entrusted by the trader with
visiting clients in a specified area and offering to them goods or ser-
vices in the name and on behalf of the trader.
(2) Unless otherwise agreed, contracts entered into by a commercial re-
presentatives shall become effective without confirmation by the trader.
(3) Commercial representatives are not traders.
Art. 39. - Private Business.
(1) Unless otherwise provided in the contract of employment, commercial
travellers and representatives may not carry on private business.
Wihere they carryon private business, they shall lose their compen-
sation as provided in Art. 42 and 43.
(2) The provisions of Art. 30 (2) shall apply where commercial travellers
and representatives have been authorised to carry on private business.
Art. 40. - Acting on behalf of other traders.
( 1 ) Unless otherwise agreed, commercial travellers and representatives
may not act on behalf of traders other than the trader to whom they
are hound. Where they act on behalf of other traders, they shall lose
their compensation as provided in Art. 42 and 43.
( 2 ) In no case may they act on behalf of a trader selling goods or offer-
ing services similar to the goods sold or the services offered by the
trader to whom they are hound.
Art. 41. - Remuneration.
(1) Commercial travellers and representatives shall be paid by salary or
on commission or both.
(2) The remuneration shall be fixed by the contract of employment or,
where not fixed, by custom.
(c) send to the principal periodical reports on his activities and all
such information as may be required on the state of affairs with-
in the area where he acts.
( 3) Where the agency agreement comes to an end, a commercial agent
may not ,take advantage of or disclose trade secrets revealed to him
• by the principal or of which he learned in the course of his duties
as an ,agent.
Art. 55. Prohibi~ion from carrying on similar private trade 011 termination
of the agreement.
( 1) The agency agreement may provide that, upon termination of the
agreement, the commercial agent shall not carry on the same trade
as thc principal or act as commercial agent or representative for a
trader carrying on the same trade as the principal.
(2) Notwithstaillding any provision w tihe contrary, any such prohibition
shall not he effective for more than five years.
(2) He may at least once a month balance the proceeds of such dealings
and shall in such a case preserve all documents necessary fAx- check-
ing these dealings day by day_
Art. 67. - Inventory and balance sheet.
(1) When beginning to carryon his trade, every trader shall prepare an
inventory and a lnilance sheet.
(2) A trader shall also, at the end of each financial year, prepare an in-
ventory of his assets and liabilities and balance his accounts for. the
purpose of preparing the final balance sheet and the.-cptofit· and loss
account. The balance sheet and the profit and loss account
entered in special books.
Art. 68. - Keeping of books.
(1) The hooks required under Art. 66 and 67 shall be kept in chl'Onolo-
~~-. -
gical order without any blanks or alterations.
(2) They shall be given a serial number and initialled by the Jf~
authority. The number 0:£ pages of which the books ooni~t shall be
specified by the prescribed authority on the last page of each book.·
Art. 69. - Preservation of books.
All books and accounting documents shall be preserved for ten years from
the date of the last entry in such books or from the date of such documents.
Art. 70. - Correspondence.
Originals of all letters, messages or telegrams received and copies of all
letters, messages or telegrams sent shall be filed and preserved for ten years.
(5) Assets in course of being amortised are those whioh are still not writ.
ten off at the end of the financial year.
, \
Section 2. Registration
Art. 100. - Persons to be registered.
( 1) Any Ethiopian or foreign person or business organisation carrying out
commeroial activities within the
Empire of Ethiopia shall be registered.
( 2) The p.rovisions of sub-art. (1) shall appl'Y in pa;rtioular:
( a) to any Ethiopian or foreign person who is a trader wiIt6itn the
meaning of Art. 5 of this Code;
(b) to any Ethiopian or foreign business organisation which is a com-
mercial business organisation within the meaning of Art. 10 of this
( c) to any foreign public undertaking carrying out commercial acti-
vities and to any commercial representa1li.ves or agents of foreign
States, public institutions or undertakings.
The relevant proV1isions of Book II of this Code shall apply .to additional in respect of oommercial business organisations.
Art. Ill. - Judgments in bankruptcy.
" The rele\'allt provisioll8 of Book V of oIIhis Code shall apply to additional
entries of judgments l'f'lating to bankruptcy or schemes of an.ngement.
Chapter 3. Sanctions
Section 1. Penal Provisions
Art. 115. - Failure to register.
Whosoever fails to register or to cause an entry to be made in the register
in accordaxwe with the provisions of this Code shall he guitty of an offence
and shall on conviction he liable to .the penalties provided in Art. 428 of
the PeIll81 Code.
Art. 116. - Inaccurate statements.
Wihosoever intentionally makes inaccurate statements in relation to regis-
tration shall he guilty of an offence and shall on conVliotion he liable to tihe
the penalities provided in ~t. 387 of the Penal Code.
Art. 121. - Facts relating to persons not to affect rights of third parties.
The follOWlilng facts shall not affect 1!he rights of ~hird pM'ties in good
faith where they have not been entered in the commercial register:
(a) the minority of the trader;
(b) the marriage of the 'tlrader;
(c) the marriage settlement of the trader;
(d) ,the dissolution of t>he marriage of the ¥"ader;
( e) UIe judgment declaring the trader incapable;
(f) an objection under AN. 16 of this Code;
(g) the limitation of ~ powers of a manager to the management of a
branch or agency;
(ih) the dismissal of a manaser.
Art. 122. - Facts relating to business organisations not to affect rights of third
Facts relating to business organisations whioh do Dot affect the rights to
third parties where they have not been entered in the lO~cial register
ue prescribed by Book II of this Code.
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Art. 124. - Definirion.
(a} Where a branch or agenoy is sold or let out for hire without the
principal being sold or let out for IMre, such sale or lease shall be
deemed to be a sale or lease of a businees and the head office of suclJ.
business shall be at the place where the assignee or lessee operates the
branch ~ agency.
Section 3. Trade-Names
Art. 135. - Definition.
( 1) A trade-name is the name underwhioh a ~n operatee hie busiDese
and 'Which clearly desi&nMes ·the business.
( 2) The relevant prov.isions of Book 11 of this Code ahaU apply to firm·
names used by business organisations.
Art. 136. - Family Name of trader or assumed nome.
The trad.e-name' may he the trader's family name, 'With w·~ IUs
surname, or an assumed name, but all business papers IIhall be signed by
the trader in his own name.
Sections 2. Fonnalities
Art. 152. - Sale to be in writing.
The sale of a business shall be null and void unless evidenced in writing.
Art. 153. - Particulars in the contract of sale.
Tlhe contract of sale shall specify:
( 1) the turnover and profi·ts made during the last three financial years
or since the business was created or acquired by the seller, where
such creation or acquisition took place less rtlhan till'I'OO years before
the sale;
( 2) Wlhere the business is carried on in premises let out for lti.t6, the date
on which the contract of lease was made and is to expire and the same
and address of the lessor;
( 2 ) TIhe provulOI1S of sub-a,rt. ( 1 ) shall not app1Jy unless the sale- was
made in writing and ,the mortgage has been ~ in the manner
provided hy law during the month wi1hin Wibioh the aaie took place.
(2) T,he mortgage shall be in writing and shall be registered during the
month within which the mortgage deed is drawn up.
Art. 178. - Registration.
(1) The entry of the mortgage in the register shall show:
( a) the names and address of the mortgagor and mortgagee;
(b) the date and nature of the mortgage deed;
(e) the claim secured by mortgage, the conditions on which it may
become due and the rate of interest;
(d) the objects and address of the business;
( e) the scope of the mortgage;
(f) the address of any branch or agency mortgaged with the principal
business, if any.
(2) The mortgage shall apply to such parts only of the business as are
expressly specified in the entry.
(4) Where an entry is varied or a new entry is made under .u.b-art. (8).
such varied or new entry shall have effect as from the day of the
original entry.
Art. 181. - Principal claim and interest.
Reg~str/ltion shall have the. effect of securing two years inte;reat in the same
rank as the principal claim.
Art. 182. - Duration of registration.
Registration shall Secure the claim for five years from the date of resistra-
tion and shall cease to have effect where not renewed before the expiry of
five years.
Art 183. - Cancellation. of registration.
Registration shall be cancelled either where all interested parties 80 agree in
writing or following a final judgment by the court.
Art. 184. - Communication of entries to third parties.
Any person on payment of the prescribed fee may req'l!ire the offi~ in
charge of the register of mortgages to deliver to him a copy of any extract
from the register or. where there is no entry for ~hich he is searching, a
certificate to the effect that there is no entry.
Art. 185. - Liability.
The official in charge of the register of mortgages shall be liable for fall-
ing to make the entries he is required to make and for any error or 0mis-
sion committed in delivering a copy or a certificate under Art. 184.
Art .• 186. - Regulations.
(1) Regulations shpll specify:
(a) the manner of keeping registers of mortgages;
(b) the manner of making or cancelling entries.
( 2) The fees to be paid on registration and on delivery of extracts or certi-
ficates under Art. 184 shall be prescribed by law.
Chapter 2. Contributions
(2) Every partner shaH be liable to the other partners in respect pf any
damage which he has caused by his default. Any benefit which he
has procured for the partnership in handling other business may not
be set off against such damage.
Art. 244. - Duty to obtain.
No partner may handle, either for his own benefit or for a third person,
any business which would be contrary or yrejudicial to the partnership.
Art. 245. - Use 0/ partnership property.
Froperty, debts and rights brought into or acquired by the partner-
ship shall belong to the partners in common under the terms of the
partnership agreement.
(2) Every partner may use partnership property in accordance with usual
partnership practice.
(3) No partner may use partnership property against the interests of the
partnership or so as to prevent his co-partners from using such pro-
perty in.accordance with their rights.
( 1) The managers shall hand over to the liquidators the property of, and
documents relating to, the partnership and render an account of their
management upto the date of handing over.
, , (2) The liquidators shall draw up an inventory of the assets and liabilitiea
of the partnership
(2) Where the assets are insufficient to repay contributions after pay-
ment of debts, expenses and advances, the loss shall be distributed
among the partners.
(3) The distribution of profits and losses is to be made among the part-
ners in equal shares, where no other proportion has been specified in
the partnership 'agreement.
(2) The members shall be liable only to the extent of their share holdiDg.
(b) one quarter at least of the par value of the shares has been paid
up and deposited in a bank, in the name and to the account of
the company.
(2) Sums deposited under sub-art. (1) shall not be paid over to the legal
representatives of the company until registration in the commercial
register has been effected.
(3) Where registration has not been effected within one year from deposit
..... -in a bllnk. the sums deposited shall be repaid -to the "uhscrWer&. Such
repayment shall be effected by the founders who shall be jointly and
severally liable. After one year such sums shall bear interest at the
legal rate.
(2) Articles of association may follow the model supplied by the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry with any necessary modifications.
( 3) Articles of association shall be deemed to form part of the memorandum
of association and shall be attached thereto.
Art. 815. - Valuation of contributioru in kind.
( 1) A member who makes a contribution in kind shall file a report made
and Iworn by experts appointed by the Ministry of Commeroe and In·
(2) The report shall contain a detailed description of the property contri·
buted, the value given to each item and the method of valuation. It shall
be annexed to the memorandum of association.
(3) Within six months from the dale of formation of the company the di.
rectors and auditors shall verify and, where necessary, review the va·
luation given in the report. The shares representing contributions in
kind shall remain deposited with the company and may not be assign.
ed until the valuation has been verified.
( 4) Where verification under sub· art . (3) results in the value of the con·
tribution being lowered by one fifth, the value of the capital shall be
reduced accordingly: provided that the contributor may make good the
difference or shall withdraw from the company.
(5) The provisions of (3) and (4) shall apply notwithstanding
approval having been given to the report undel:, sub·art. (1) by age·
neral meeting of the subscribers.
Art. 316. - Formation as between founders.
Where shares are not offered for public subscription, the founders shall
show in the memorandum of association:
(1) that all the shares have been allocated;
(2) that the sums have been deposited in the manner required by Art. 312
(1) (h);
(3) that the provisions of Art. 315 have been applied to contributions in
(4) that they have provided for the administrative organs of the company.
Art. 317. - Formation by public subscription.
Where a company is formed by public subscription, the provisions of Art.
318·322 shall apply.
Art. 3-23'
- Depo&t of the memorandum of association and resistration in the
com~ resister.
(1) The provisions of Art. 219-224 of tha Code lili.all apply regardless of the
manner in which the company was formed.
(2) The following documents shall be deposited:
( a) the memorandum of association;
(b) the articles of association, if any;
( c) the prospectus;
(d) the minutes of the subscribels' meeting and all complemen-
tary documents.
( 3) The notice to be published and the application for registration shall
contain the particulars speci1ied in An. 313 (1) - (7) and (1<0) • (12).
Art. 324. - Effect of publicity.
( 1) Where publication and registration have been made, the company
shall have a legal existence and personality notwithstanding that all
the legal requirements relating to the formation ~f the cOmpany have
not been complied with.
Art. 327. - Shmes issued before registration of the company in the commercial
S~ issued before the registration of the company in the commercial re-
giSter shall be null and void, but liabilities arising th~unaer shall not be
( 5) During the period prior to the calling of the general meeting under sub-
art. (4), the auditors may carry on the management of the company.
(3) The fixed remuneration and share in the profits to be allocated to the
board of directors shall be allocated in one sum. The board shall ar-
range the distribution among its members in such proportion as it deems
(4) The amount of the share in the net profits may not exceed 10%. This
share is calculated after deduction of:
( a) amounts allocated to reserve funds provided by law or the articles
of association;
(b) the statutory dividend, where provided in the articles of associa-
tion or where not provided, a sum representing 5% of the paid
up value of shares which have not been redeemed;
(c) amounts allocaited to reserve funds established by resolution of a
gener.u meeting;
(d) amounts carried forward.
( 5) In fiAing the share under sub-art. (4) regard may be had to amounts
distributed or capitalised and charged in a previous balance sheet, with
the exception of those arising in a 1iuaucial year closed before the com-
ing into force of this Code.
(6) The director's share in the net profits shall not be paid where no divid-
end has been distributed to the shareholders.
( 7) The Ministry of Commerce and Industry. taking into account the spe-
cial benefits which have been provided to directors having the status
of founders and having regard to the position of the company and to
the salaries and benefits of its employees, may, on the position of share·
holders representing not less than 10% of the capital, order tlte reduc·
tion of the remuneration of the directors where it considers it excessive.
Art. 357. - Directors may not contract loons with the company.
(1) Directors of a company other than bodies corporate may not borrow
money from the company, obtain an overdraft in current account or
have any oblig&>tion guaranteed in respect of business transacted with
third parties.
( 2 ) The provisions of sub-art. (1) shan not apply in respect of day to day
business of a company which carries on banking business.
(2) The articles of association shall specify whether the directors are joint.
ly responsible as managers or agents of the company or whether one
only of the directors is responsible.
(3) Persons authorised to act as agents for the company may exercise in
its name their powers as agents. Any restriction on their powers shall
not affect third parties acting in good faith.
(!l) Directors shall, be jointly and severally liable to the company for da.
mage caused by failure to carry out their duties.
( 3) Directors who are jointly and severally liable shall have a general duty
to act with due care in relation to the general management.
(4) Directors shall be jointly and severally liable when they fail to take
all steps within their power to prevent or to mitigate acts prejudicial
to the company which are within their knowledge.
( 5) Directors shall be responsiLle for showing that they have exercised due
care and diligence.
( 6) A director shall not be liable where he is not at fault and has caused
a minute dissenting from the action which has been taken by the board
to be entered forthwith in the directors' minute book and sent to the
Section 2. Auditors
(1) The general :electing of every company limited by shares shall elect
one or more auditors and one or more assistant auditors.
(2) Shareholders representing not less than 20% of the capital may appoint
an auditor selected by them.
(3) Where there is more than one auditor, they may exercise their duties
jointly or separately.
(2) Any director or authorised agent who obstructs the inspectors in the
course of the investigation shall be reported to the Ministry of Com-
merce and Industry which may caU8e proceedings to be instituted un-
der Art. 433 of the Penal Code.
Art. 4;00• ..:.. Shares redeemed by the company carry no votin:J rights.
A company may not vote with shares which it has redeemed under Art. 332.
Art. tiH. - Period 01 time lor registration 01 shares.
The articles of association shall determine the period of time within which
the holders of registered shares shall he entered in the company's register
and bearer shares deposited. This period of time shall not expire more than
five full days before the date of the meeting. This period may he shortened
in the articles of association.
Art. 4<12. - Proxy.
The form of proxy, the place where and the time within which they shall
he deposited shall he determined by the directors: Provided that such pe-
riod of time may not expire more than three full days before the meeting.
Art. 403. - Attendance sluM!t.
(1) An attendance sheet shaH he kept for each meeting. It shall show the
names and address of sha:.·eholders present or represented by proxy and
the number of sharl'5 and votes held by each shareholder.
(2) The attend...nce sheet shall be initialled by the shareholders or their pro.
xies, and shall he certified as correct by the bureau of the meeting.
Art. 410. - Provisions restricting the free exercise of tloring righu intlGlid.
Any provision restricting the free exercise of voting rights in ahareholden'
meetings shall be of no effect.
Art. 411. - Minutes.
(1) Discussions at meetings shall be reduced to minutes entered in a mi-
nute book and signed by a majority of the members of the bureau.
Such entry shan be certified as correct by the chairman of the board
of directors of the company or by two directors.
( 2 ) The minutes of a meeting shall include:
(3) Applications to set aside resolutions shall be made to the court within
whose area of jurisdiction the head office is situate. The court may re-
quire 1lhe cla.i.m.ant to provide security for costs.
( 4) On the request <'f the claimant and after hearing the directors and audi-
tors, the court may, where good rea5()llS are disclosed, suspend the
execution of the resolution challenged pending the court's decision.
( 5) Where a resolution is set aside, the decision of the court shall hind all
members and the directors shall he responsible for taking alI measures
necessary to implement such decision.
(6) Nothing in this Article shall affect rights of third parties acquired in
good faith while the resolution was effective.
shall only he adopted where the holders of all shares having voting
rights are present or represented and the vote is unanimous.
(3) Resolutions other than resolutions under sub-art. (2) may only be adop-
(a) at a first meeting, where not less than one half of the holder, of
all shm-es having voting rights are present or represented;
(b) aI1: a second meeting, wlli'ere not less than one third of the iholders
of aill shares having voting rights are present or represented;
(c) at a third mooting, where not less tIhan one tenth of the ITl0lders of
all shares having voting rights are present or represnted.
(4) Nothing in this Article shall affect the provisions of Art. 463.
Chapter 5. Debentures
Art. 429. - Cases where issue is prohibited.
No negotiable debentures shall he issued by:
( 1) individuals;
(2) companies whose capital is not fully paid;
(3) companies which have not issued a balance sheet in respect of their first
financial year.
A company which has issued debentures lIlay only reduce its capital in pro-
portion to the debentures redeemed. Where a reduction of capital is neces-
sary owing to losses, the amount of the legal reserve shall continue to be
calculated on the hasis of the capital existing at the time of issue for so long
as the capital and the legal reserve are less than the value of the unredeemed
The provisions of Art, 318. 319, 325, 328, 329, 340 and 341 of this Code
shall apply mutatis mutandis to dchentures.
A company which holds more than 30 per cent of the capital of the com-
pany which has issued the debentures may not take part in the debenture
holders' meeting.
( 7) The calling and holding of general meetings of debenture holders shall
be at the expense of the debtor company.
the same agenda, showing the date of the abortive meeting. The second
meeting may make decisions regardless of the quorum present.
( 4) For matters to be decided under Art. 438, where a quorum of one-
baH is not attained at the second meeting, a furhler meeting shall be
called in the same manner and within the same period of time. Such
meeting may make decisions where one-quarter of the debent1Ue8 a:re
present or represented.
Art. 444. - Duties in the event of the bankruptcy of the debtor company.
( I) Where the debtor company is adjudged bankrupt or enters into a sche.
me of arrangement, the agent of the debenture holders, if any, shall
prove for all debenture holders thereof. He shall receive on their be-
half all notices of meetings.
(2) The agent of the debenture holders may, if so authorised by the gene.
ral meeting of debenture holders, vote at creditors' meetings on behalf
of all th!' dehenture holders. In calculating the quorum and major~ty,
ull debenIUl'c> issued on the same date shall be deemed to constitUite one
Industry not less than forty days before the notices calling the annual gene-
ral meeting are despatched.
Art. 448. - Drawing-up of the balance sheet and profit and loss account.
( 1) Thc balance sheet and profit and loss account shall be prepared each
year in the same form as in preceding years and the methods of valua-
tion shall remain the same, unless the general meeting adopts variations
in the mode of presentation of the accounts or the metlhods of valua_
tion on the reasoned advice of the auditors.
(2) The profit and loss account shall show under separate heads losses or
profits arising out of the company's various activities.
pany are of opinion that the drawing up of such balance sheet could
prejudice the company or its subsidiaries, or that the company and its
subsidiaries carry out business of such a differing nature that they may
not reasonably he deemed to form a single enterprise.
(1) The net profits comprise the net receipts for the financial year after de-
duction of general co~ts and other charges. and of amorti~ati'Ja and
(2) The profit for distribution is the profit for the financial year less pre-
vious losses and plus additional revenue and any distribution from the
reserve funds speeially approved by the general meeting.
( 3) The general meeting shall specify the reserve funds from which profit
for distribution may he taken.
Chapter 7
Amendments to the memorandum or articles of association
(3) the existing amount and composition of the capital, showing the va-
rious kinds and classes of shares, their par value and preferences at-
taching thereto;
(4) the managers and auditors;
(5) the last profit and loss account, balance shcct and auditors' report;
(6) dividends paid during the last five years or since formation;
Art. 476. - Periods of time fOT the uercise of the right of IJl1.hlCriplion.
The period of time within which shareholders may exercise their right of
subscription may not he 1_ than thirty days from the opening of the sub-
may decide to iJlert'a.<c the capit,,[ hy transferring thereto the whole 01' parl
of the reserves and to vary the articles of a~sociation accordingly: Provided
that, where the legal reserve is so transferred, no distribution to sharehol(\en!
may be made until the legal reserve is restored
(2) Nothing in this Article shall affect the rights of creditors under Art. 489.
(2) The court may disallow such objection or order the company to pay the
claimant or to provide adequate guarantees for payment.
(2) Where liquidators are not appointed under sub-art. (1), they may be
appointed by the court on the application of the members, directors or
(3) The appointment of liquidators may be revoked by the general meeting
or by the court for good cause on the application of members or audi-
( 4) Appointment of new liquidators shall be made as provided in sub-art.
(1) and (2).
Art. 501. - Prohibition from di8trilJIIlill{; aswts among 111 ('m bers before full
payment of debts.
Until the creditors of the company have been paid or provisions for payment
made, the liquidators may not distribute any part of the assets among the
(2) Sums shall he set aside to meet claims in rc"pect of undertakings of the
company whioh are not completed or disputed claim" where the credi-
tors have not heen guaranteed or distribution of a"els has not been
postponed until such undertakings are completed.
(I) After paying the company's liabilities, the liquidators shall prep81'c a
final balance 1!beet, showing what percentage of tilte surplus assets j, av-
ailable for distribution on eaeh share.
(2) Subject 'to the provisions of the articles of association, the liquidators
shall calculate the percentage under sub-art. (1) having regard to whe-
ther shares have been fully paid up and to preferential rights attaching
to shares.
(3) The balance sheet signed by the liquidators and the auditors's report
shall be deposited in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
( 4 ) Any shareholder may, within three months from the deposit of the fi-
nal balance sheet under sub-art. (3), apply to the court to set aside the
final balance sheet. Such application shall be heard after the period
of three months has expired and, where there are several applications,
they shall be heard together. The court's decision shall be binding on
all members and shareholders of the company.
(S) Where no application has been made within three months, the final ba-
lance sheet shall be deemed to be approved.
Art. SOS.- Suspension of distribution.
The surplus assets shall not be distribtued to the sharehoiders until one year
from the third publication specfied in Art. S,02 (3) in the official commer-
cial gazette:
Provided that the court may order the distribution of the surplus assets be-
fore the expiry of this period when satisfied that the creditors will not suf-
with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry where they shall be kept
for ten years.
(2) They shall be open to i.nspeot:ion after payment of the prescribed fee.
Art. 511. - Reduction of the number of members below the legal minimum.
Where the number of members is reduced below two, or where the organs
of the company cease to exist, the court may. on the application of a mem-
ber or a creditor, order the dissolution of the company and make such pro-
visional orders as are necessary unless the company makes arrangements to
oomply with the law within a reasonable time.
Art. 512. - Capital.
(I) The capital of a private limited liability company shall not be less
than 15,000 Ethipian dollars.
(2) The amount of a share shall not be less than 10 Ethiopian dollars.
( 3) All shares shall be of equal value and a member may hold more than
one share.
( 3) Members shall be jointly and severally liable to third persons for the
valuation fixed.
(4) Where it is shown that a contribution has been overvalued, the contri·
buting member shall make good the overvaluation in cash. Members
shaH be jointly and severally liable for such payment, notwithstanding
that they were not aware of the overvaluation.
Chapter 2. Shares
Art. 521. - Share register.
(3) Dismissal shall only be for good cause acceptable to a court. A manager
who has been dismissed shall forthwith and for ever cease to fUllction.
Where the court is of opinion that a dismissal was without good cause,
it may grant damages to the manager who has been dismissed.
(2) An order under sub-art. (I) shall not be made in respect of members
who have not acted as managers, nor shall it be made where the mana-
gers and members show that they have aeted witla due eare and dili-
(1) A company consisting of more than twenty members shall hold a gene-
ral meeting each year at the date fixed by the articles of associatiol'l.
(2) Other meetings may be called by the manager or, in his absence, by the
auditors, if any, nnd in their absence by members representing more
than one-half of the capital.
(1) Change in the nationality of the company requires the unanimous de-
cision of the members.
(2) All other amendmp'lts to the articles of association require a majority
vote of the members representing three-quarters of the capital, unless
a larger majority is provided in the articles of association. No member
may be required to inc~ease his contribution without his consent.
(3) Amendments shall be published in accordance with the law.
Chapter 4. Accounts
Art. 539. - Legal reserve.
Not less than one-twentieth of the profits shall be transferred each year to
the legal reserve fund until such fund amounts to one-tenth of the capital.
(1) Members may he required to repay dividends which have been paid
out of sums which are not actual profits.
(2) Claims for repaJ'ment shall be barred after five years from the date the
dividends were paid.
(1) The memorandum of association may provide that a fixed interest shall
he paid to members, even where there are no profits, during the period
when works are being constructed prior to business operations. Such
period shall be fixed in the memorandum of association.
(2) Such provision shall be of no effect unless published in the official
commercial gazette.
(3) Such interest shall be carried to the debit of the installation account
and spread over the years where profits are made, in accordance with
the articles of association.
Chapter 5. Dissolution
Art. 542. - Grounds of dissolution.
(2) In the case of a company limited by shares, the decision shall he tak-
en by an extraordinary general meeting held under the provisions of
Art. 425.
dissented therefrom within thirty days from the date of such notifica.
Art. 549. - Amalgamation.
(1) Two or more fi'rIns may amalgamate, either by over or by the
formation of a new firm.
(2) The provisions of sub·art. (1) shall apply to firms in liquidation.
dehentul'es of holders who so require, not later than three months from
the date of publication of the deed. of amalgamation in the official com-
mercial gazette.
(2) These provisions shan apply to debenture holders of firms amalgamat-
ing on the creation of a new firm.
Art. 554. - Publication of the rights of creditors and debenture holders.
Entries made in the commercial register &han expressly refer to the ;riglhlts
of creditors w1der Art. 552 and of debenture holders under Art. 553.
Art. 555. - Finns incorporated abroad having their head office in Ethiopia.
Finns incorporated abroad and whose head office or principal place of bu-
siness is in Ethiopia shall be subject to all .the provisions of this Code lind
regulations made thereunder, including provi~ions relating to memoranda of
Art. 556. - Firms incorporated abroad having a subsidiary office or branches
in Ethiopia.
(1) Firms incorporated abroad and which have suh6idia.ry offiees er bran-
ches in Ethiopia, with permanent representation, shall be subject in
respect of each office or branch to the provisions of this Code relating
to deposit and publication of the memorandum of association ani pu-
blication of balance sheets.
( 2) Such firms shall publish the n8Dles of persons representing them per-
manently in Ethiopia, and shan furnish their signatures.
(3) Such finns shan be subject as regards their branches or subsidiaries
to the provisions governing the operation of the enterprise and impoe-
ing special conditions.
Art. 557. - Foreign firms which differ from the forms of Ethiopian bruines
Finns incorporated abroad, which differ from those provided for and c0-
vered by this Code, shan be subject to those provisions of this Code con-
cerning share companies, which relate to the publication of the acts of the
firm and the liability of directors.
A consigDment note may be made to order where the sender and the car.
rier agree.
the carrier shall be proof of tlle makiilg of the contract, of the receipt of
the goods and of the nature,. number, volume or weight of the goods.
(2) Where the carrier cannot keep the registered baggage in his custody
or such baggage is of a perishable nature, ,ule provisions of Art. 585
shall apply.
(3) The second copy shall bear the words: "for the addressee." It ~hall ],e
signed by the sender and the carrier and shall remain wilh the goods.
( 4) The third copy shall be signed by the carrier and hlll1ded to the sender
ufter the goods have been accepted by the carrier.
Where more than one pareel is to be carried, the carrier may require the
sender to prepare separate bills of lading.
having been prepared or containing the noUce provided in Art. 615 (2),
the provisions of Art. 637 ~ the carrier's limited liability shall
not apply.
( 1) The sender shall be liable for the accuracy of the statements he makes
in ,the bill of lading.
(2) He shall be liable for any damage caused to the carrier or to a person
for whom the carrier is responsible arising out of irregular, inaccurate
or incomplete lltatements in the bill of lading.
Art. 619. - Effect of bill of lading.
(1) Unless the contrary is proved, a bill of lading shall be proof of the
making of the contract, of the receipt of the goods and of the conditions
of transport.
( 2) Statements as to the ~t, size and packing of the goods and to
the number of parcels shall be deemed to be correct unless the con·
trary is proved.
( 3) Statements as to the quautity, volume or condition of the goods may
be proved against the carrier only where the accuracy of the bill ~f
lading has been checked by the carrier in the presence of the sender
and the result of the check certified on the bill of lading, or where
such statements relate to the apparent condition of the goods.
requiring the aender to produce his copy of the bill of lading shall
be liable for any damage caused thereby to any person who may have
regularly obtained the bill of lading.
(2) A carrier who has paid co~tion for damages under suh-art. (1)
may cladm against the sender for the reimhursemeIlit of such compen.
(1) In respect of goods and registered baggage, the carrier's liability shall
not exceed Eth. $ 410 per kg.
(2) The provisions of sub-art. (1) shall not apply where the sender' on
handing the goods or baggage to the carrier, expressly specifies that
he has a special interest in their delivery and pays such surcharge as
may be required.
( 3) In the case provided in sub-art. (2) the carrier shall pay the agreed
compensation unless he can show that such compensation exceeds the
sender's actual interest in the delivery.
(4) In the event of lOll, damage or delay affecting part only of the regi-
stered baggage or goods or any object fornrlng part thereof, the car-
rier's limited liability shall be determined having regard to the total
weight of the baggage, goods or object concerned.
(5) Where a loss, damage or delay under sub-art. (4) affects other goods
carried under the same luggage-ticket or bill of lading, the carrier's
limited liability shall be determined having regard.,to the total weight
of the goods concerned.
Art. 638. - Objects in the passenger's custody.
(I) The limits laid down in Art. 636-638 shall not prevent the court from
granting such additional compensation as may be required to cover
all or part of the expenses incurred by the plantiff in bringing his suit.
(2) The provisions of sub-art. (I) shall not apply where the compensa·
tion granted, not including expenses incurred by the plantiff, dOllS not
exceed the sum offered in writing by the carrier to the plaintiff within
six months from the occurrence of the damage or before the suit was
brought, where it was brought more than six months after the occur·
rence of the damage.
carrier's agent, the provisions of Art. 636, 637 and 638 shall apply to
the agent, provided he acted in the discharge of his duties.
( 2) The total compensation due from the carrier and the agent shall not
exceed the limits laid down in Art. 636, 637 and 638.
( 3) The provisions of sub-art. (1) and ( 2 ) shall not apply where it is
proved that the damage is due to the agent's act or omission and
the agent knew that such act or omission would or would be likely
to cause damage.
(2) The subscriber of a policy under sub-art. (1) shall he liable to pay
the premiums. The insurer may set up against the beneficiary the
defences which he could have set up against the subscriber.
Art. 664. - Faults committed by persons for whom the beneficiary is responsible.
( 1) The insurer shall guarantee the beneficiary against losses or damages
due to the fault of persons for whom the beneficiary is responsible.
(2) The provisions of sub-art. (1) shall apply regardless of the nature or
gravity of the fault committed.
(5) Where the premium is paid, the policy shall re-enter into force on the
day of payment.
(6) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to life insurance.
On making proposals for a policy, the beneficiary shall state exactly all the
circumstances within his knowledge and which are likely to assist the in-
surer to appreciate fully the risks he undertakes to insure.
(1) Where the risks increase in such a manner that the insurer, had he
known the facts at the time when the policy was made, would not have
entered into the policy or would have imposed terms less favourable
to the beneficiary, the beneficiary shall inform the insurer within fifteen
days from the occurrence increasing the risks, where such occurrence
is due to the beneficiary, or within fifteen days from the beneficiary
being aware' of such occurrence. These periods may not be shortened
in the policy.
(2) The insurer may terminate the policy or maintain it and increase the
(3) 1100 pro¥isions of Art. 668 shall apply where the beneficiary does not
inform the insurer under sub·art. (1) or gives false information.
( 4) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to life insurance.
Art. 670. - Occurrence of ri6k to be notified.
(1) Unless he is prevented by force majeure, the beneficiary shall inform
the insurer of any occurrence likely to render the ill8urer liable as
soon as he knows of such occurrence or within not more than five days.
( 2) This period may not be shortened in the policy.
Art. 671. - Bankruptcy.
(1) T'he insurance policy shall not terminate as of right where the bene-
ficiary is declared bankrupt. The- trustees in bankruptcy shall benefit
by the policy and shall be liable for the unpaid premiums.
(2) The trustees in bankruptcy and the insurer may terminate the policy
within three months from the judgment in bankruptcy.
( 3) The policy shall terminate within one month from the insurer being
declared bankrupt.
Art. 672. - Death of beneficiary.
(1) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the policy shall con-
tinue with the heirs where the beneficiary dies.
(2) The heirs and the ,insurer may terminate the policy within three months
from the beneficiary's death.
Art. 673. - Assignment of object insured.
( 1) Notwitbstanding any provision to the contrary, the policy shall conti.
nue with the assignee where the object insured is assigned.
( 2) The assignee and the insurer may terminate the policy within three
months from the assignment.
Section 3. Limitation
Art. 674. - Limitation.
( 1) Any claim arising out of a contract of insurance shall be barred after
two years from the occurrence giving rise to the claim or from the
day when the parties knew of the occurrence.
(2) In case of concealment or false statements, the period of limitation
shall run from the day when the insurer knew of the concealment
or false statement.
(:l) ]I' iI preJlliulll Ila~ llol Jwen pHi.[ at tile clue ,latc on u policy on
which at least three unnual premiums huve been paid and payment
is not made within one month from the date of a demand for pay-
ment, the poliey shall not lapse. The insurer may issue a paid up
policy or otherwise reduce the capital or life interest of the policy
according to regulations made under Art. 656.
(3) Where a person capable .mder civil law ha~ spontaneously paid a
debt arising out of a game or gambling in which 110 fraud has been
committed, such person cannot claim back the sum paid.
Art. 715. - Definitiolls.
(I) A negotiable instrument is any document incorporating a right to
an entitlement in such manner that it be not possible to enforce or
transfer the right separately from the instmment.
(2) The law recognises in particular as negotiable instmments commer-
cial instruments, transferabl~ securities, documents of title to goods.
(~) H~ mily 8Pt "I' rkfrllces hac"'..! (Ill r"I"Hication of signature, lack of
capacity or l'0WC'l" uf representation at the time of issue of the ins-
strument, or on the absence of the necessary conditions for bringing
the proceedings.
(.'1) The dehtor may not set up against the holder of the instrument de-
fences based on his personal relations with preceding holders, unless
the holder, in acquiring the instrument, has knowingly acted to the
detriment of the debtor.
Art. 724. - Instruments tC' order. Transfer and establishment of right by holder.
(1) Instruments to order may be transferred by endorsement, followed by
delivery of the instrument !o the beneficiary under the transfer.
(2) The holder of an instrument to order establishes his right to the entit-
lement as expr~ssed in the instrument by an uninterrupted series of
endorsments, even if t~ last endorsement is in blank. Cancelled en-
dorsements shall be deemed not to be written. Where an endorsement
in blank is followed by another endorsement, the signatory vf this last
endorsement shall be deemed to ! ..lVe acquired the instrument by the
endorsement in blank.
Art. -~-
,.).) Entlor;,emcllt after maturity or after protest.
(l) An I'ndorscment after maturity shall have the same effe()t as an en·
(lorsement bcfore maturity. An endorsement after protest for non-
payment, or after the expiration of the limit of time fixed for draw-
ing up Vile protc~t. shall operate only as an ordinary assignment.
(2) Unless the contrary is proved, an endorsement without dwte shall
be deemed to han~ been written on the bill before the expiration of
the limit of time Jixed for drawing up the protest.
P) Where a refuf'al to pay has been evidenced by a declaration of the
drawee in accordance wiLh Art. 781 (2), an endorsement without
date shall be deemed to have been made before the protest.
Section 3. Acceptance
Art. 757. - Presentment for acceptance.
Until maturity a hill of exchange may be presented to the drawec for
acceptance at his domicile, either by the holder or by a person who is
merely in possession of the bill.
(1) T'he drawee to whom a hill is presented may demand that such hill
be wesented again to him on the following day. Parties interestefl
may not set up that this demand has not been complied with unless
such demand -is mentioned in the protest.
(2) The holder shall not be hound to surrender to the drawee a hill
presented for acceptance.
(2) His undertaking shall he valid even when tihe liability which he has
guaranteed is inoperative for any reason other than defect of form.
(3) Where he pays a bill of exchange, he may exerci~e the rights arlswg
out of the bill of exchange against the person guaranteed and against
lhose who are liable to the laUer on the bill of exchange.
Section 5. Maturity
Art. 769. - Categories of maturities.
(1) A bill of exchange may be drawn payable:
(a) at sight;
(b) at a fixed period after sight;
(c) at a fixed period after date;
(d) at a fixed date.
(2) Bills of exchange at other matur~ties or payable by instalments shall
he null and void.
month respectively.
(4) The words "eiglht days" or "fifteen days" shall indiC8lte not one
or fifteen days.
(;;) 'nile .words "half montlh" shall mean a period of fifteen days.
Art. 773. - Differellces in calendars.
Section 6. Payment
Art. 774. - Presentment for payment.
( 1) The holder of a bill of exchange payable on a fixed day or at a
fixed period af.ter date or after sight shall present, the bill for pay·
ment either on the day on which it is payahle or on one of ·the tlwo
business days wihioh follow.
(2) The presentment of a hill of exchange at a financial institution ap-
proved by the Government shall amount to preseJlJtmeJlJt for payment.
Art. 775. - Receipts. Partial payment.
( 1) The drawee who pays a hill of exchange Inay require that it be
surrendered to him receipted by the holder.
(2) The holder may not refuse partia,l paymeJlJt.
( 3) In case of partial payment, the drawee may require tlhat ·mention
of this payment be made on the hill and that a receipt therefor be
given to him.
( 4) Payments made on account on the sum expreesed in a bill of ex·
change shall discharge .tbe drawer and lihe endoner.
(5) The holder shall protem 1Ihe bill of exohange for the remainder.
The I]mlder may exel'cise his right of recourse against t!hc endorsers, the
Ilt'awer and other pal-ties liable:
(l) at maturity, Iwhere payment has not been made; or
(2) before maturity:
(a) if there has been total or partial refusal to accept; or
(b) in the event of bankruptcy of the drawee, whebher he h'as ac-
cepted or not, or in ~he event of a stoppage of payment on his
part even when not declared by a judgment, or where execution
has been levied on his goods without result; or
( c) in the event of bankruptcy of the drawer of a non - acceptable hill.
The public oJli(oor wllU has drawn up the pI'utest shall make a copy IlhereoI
which shall contain:
( a) the amount payaWe;
(1) the date of maturity;
( c) the place and date of issue oftihe hill of exchange;
(d) ~he drawer, the dr3IWce, and the ~rson of business organisation to
whom or to whosc order paymen.t should he made;
(c) the person or business organisation .required to pay, if nOl: the drawee;
(£) those persons designated as having to pay in case of need and persons
accepting by intervention.
(8) A person who doe. Hot giye n<Jtice within the pre8cribed time shall
not forfe~t his rights. 111' ,,1.,,11 hc lia"h~ for the damage, if any, cau,,-
ed by his negligence, hut ~he damages shall not exceed We amount
of the hill of exohange.
(a) the amou!lt or the lI''''{"('PI''f'd "" unpaid bill of c<\chan;;c "ith
intere~t, if iulen'st has heell provided for;
t h) interest at the legal rate from the date o£ ma·lurity;
(c) the expenses of protest and of the nt)tices given as well as olher
(d) a commission 110t exceeding one third per ('cnt.
(2) Where tihe right of recourse is exercised before maturity, the amount
of the bill shall be Hlhjeet to a discount ",hid, shall he calculated
aooordillg to the ollicial ralc or discount ruUllg Oil the date whell
recourse is exereised at the place of domicile of the holder.
Art. 792. - Extent of the right of recourse of a person who takes up ((lid [lO}'S,
A party who lakes up and pays a hill of exchange can recover frolll I hI'
parties liable to him:
(a) the entire sum whioh he has paid;
(b) interest on the said sum calcula·ted at the legal rate, starting from
the day wihen he made paymen1t;
(c) any e:x;penseswhidh he has incurred;
(d) a commission not exceeding two per mille.
Art. 793. - Right to surrender of the bill, to tlze protest and a receipted
(1) Any party again:;;t whom a right of recourse is or may be exercised
may require against payment that the bill be surrendered to him with
the protest and a receipted account.
(2) Any endorser who has taken up and paid a bill of exdhange lIIay
cancel his own endorsement and those of subsequent endorser,;.
(:::) TIl" .\HlrHfl )" ~U i 11 eI ",1.: . ill <lrlditkl11 to 1:he sum3 l11~nti~'n'7r1 ill
,\1'1. ',"II ;1".1 "'I~. ]',.uk,',·,,:,;'· ;11,,1 .'1;1111[, rllIty to he l'"irl Oil the redraft.
(:l) 1£ the reuraft is drawn Ly the holder, Lhe sum payahl e shall he fixed
according to the rate for a sight hill drawn a·t the place wherc the
original Lill was payable upon the pal·ty liable at tlhe place of his
( ,t) If the reuraf t is ura wn by an endorser, the sum payahle shall be
fixed according 10 the rale for a sight hill drawn at the placc where
~hc urawer of Ihe redraft is domicileu upon the place of uomicile
of the party liahle.
(1) After the expiration of the limits of time fixed for ,the presenlmpnt
of a bill of eX(Jhange drawn at sight or at a fixed period after sight or
for drawing up the protest for non-aooeptance or non payment or for
presentment for payment in the case of a provision "retour sans frais,"
the holder loses his rights of recourse against endorsers, against the
~awer and against the other parties liahle, with the exeption of the
(2) In default of presentment for acceptance ;witlhin the limit of time
stipulated by the dr!H1.J }'older loses Ih~s right of recourse for
non-payment, as well as for non-acceptance, unless it appears from
the terms of the provision ,that t1he drawer only meant to release
himself from the guarantee of aeceptance.
(3) Where the provision for a limit of time £01' presentment is contained
in an endorsement, fhe endorser alone can avail himself tlhereof.
A part from the condiJtions prescribed for Iill'e hringing of proceedings for
guarantee, ,the holder of a hill of exahllll1geWiho has protested for non-
payment may, with the permission oftihe court,arttaoh the movable property
of the drawers, acceptors and endorses.
(1) The drawer and the acceptor shall be liable to the holder up to the
amount of the sum by which filley have unlawfully enriohed them-
selves at his expense, even where l'heir ohligations under the hill of
eXdhange~ave terminated by reason of extinctive prescription or
limitation of actions.
(2) Proceedings for unlawful enrichment may he brought against the
drawee, the third party at whose domicHe the bilJ. is payable a:nd
the person or business org:lJlisation on whose belh'llf the bi1l was
(3) Endorsers whose oDligations have terminated cannot be made the
subject of these proceedings.
( 4) These proceedings may not be brought unless tlleholder cannot
bring causal proceedWgs.
Art. 801. - Cover for a bill and its transfer to succeeding holders.
(1) A bill of exchange is covered when at maturity the drawee 15 m pos-
session of securities or guarantees sufficient to fully cover the bill
and which are intended by the drawer or the principal to secure the
payment of the bill.
(2) W!here the drawer is bankrupt, the civil proceedings wihich he could
have brought against the drawee for restitution of the cover or repay-
ment of the amounts by which the latter 'was oredlited devolve upon
the holder of the hill of exc:lumge. The right 1!0 bring these proceed-
ings is transmitted to succeeding holders by WIlly of endorsement.
(3) Where a drawer declared bankrupt has endorsed the bill of exohange
and has set up the cover during the suspected period, tihe provisions
of sub-art. (2) shall not appl,y.
( .1,) The debt arising out oftlhe cover ill the hands of the drawee at the
time that a claim can be made on the bill of exohange is preferred as
regards tlhe creditors of the drawer.
( 5) Tlhe drawee may not release himself from the cover where the holder
prohibits ~llim from doing so. This prohibition lIlliay be made by
rcgi~tered lellter followed by the bringing of proceemng within fifteen
days from tlhe date of matur~ty. A prmest for non-payment is equivalent
to a prohibition under this Article.
(4) The person intervening is bound to give, within two working days,
~otrice of his intervention to l1he party for' whose honour he has
intervened. In default, he ~\lall be li'llhle for the damage, if any, due
to his negligence, but the damages shall not exceed the amount of
the hill of exdhiange.
( 2) Payment shall include 1lhe Wlhole 8IJll01ll1lt payable by the party for
wIbose honour j,t is made.
(3) 1t shall be made at the latest on the day following the last day
allowed for drawing up the protest for non· payment.
Art. 809. - Right to delivery of the bill, the protest and tM receipt.
(1) Payment by intervention shall be authenticated by a receipt given
on the bill of eJOOhange mentioning the person for wlhoee honour
payment has been made. In default of sudh mention, payment shall
he deemed to have been made for th.e honour of tihe drawer.
(2) 11he bill of exclmnge and :the p.rotest, it any, shall be surrendered to
the person payling by interv=tion.
Chapter 4. Cheques
Section 1. Drawing and form of a cheque
Art. 827. - Requirements.
A cheque shall contain:
(a) an unconditional order to pay a sum certain in money;
( h) the name of the person wlhlO is to pay (drawee);
( c) the place of payment;
( d) the date when and the place where the cheque is drawn;
( c) the signature of the per~ni< who draws the cheque (drawer).
Art. 828. - Requirements absent.
Where any of the requirements mentioned in Art. 827 is absent, the instru·
ment shall not be valid as a cheque except in the cases provided in sub-
art. (a) and (b) hereunder:
( a) unless otherwise expressly prorided, tb place mentioned under the name
of the drawee shall be deemed fG be, the place of payment. 1£ leVeral
places are mentioned under the name of -the drawee, the cheque IlbaJI be
payable at the first place mentioned;
(b) in the absence uf the:>e statements, and of any other indication, the
cheque shall be parable at the place where the drawee has his principal
(3) A ohequc which docs not specify dlC payec shall he deemed to be
a cheque to hean<r.
Art. 834. - Cheque to drawer's order and cheque drawn on the drawer.
( I) A cheque may be drawn to rhe drawer's own order.
(2) A oheque may be drawn for account of a third person.
(3) A cheque drawn by a banker on himself may not be to bearer.
vance of suoh agreements may not be set up against the holder unless he
has acquired the clIeque in bad faith or, in acquiring it, tie has committed
a fault.
Section 2. Negotiation
Art. 842. - Negotiability.
(1) A clIeque IIIIIIlde payable to a specified person, with or wimout the
express clause "to order," may be transferred by means of endor-
(2) A cheque made payable to a specified petson in which the words
"not to order" or any similar words have been inserted, can only he
transferred according to the form and with the effects of an ordinary
( 3) A clIeque may be endorsed even to the drawer or to any person
liable under the cheque, who may re-endorse the dheque.
Art. 843. - Elements of endorsement.
(1) An endorsement shall be wwonditional. Any condition to which it
is made subject shall be of no effect.
( 2) A partial endorsement or an endonem.ent by the draiwee shall be
null and void.
(3) An endorsement "to bearer" shall amount to an endorsement in blank..
( 4) An endorsement to the drawee has t!he effect of a receipt, unless the
drawee has several establishments and the endorsement is made in
favour of an establishment other than on which the cheque has been
Art. 844. - Forms.
( 1) An endorsement shall be written on me cheque or on a slip affixed
thereto (allonge). It shall be signed by the endorser.
(2) The endorsement may leave the beneficiary unspecified or may consist
simply of the signature of ,the endorser (endorsement in blank.). In
the latter case the endorsement to be valid shall be written on the
back. of the cheque or on 1!he slip attached thereto (allonge).
Art. 845. - Effects.
( 1) An endorsement shall transfer all the rights arising out of a chequ«1
in particular the rights in respect of ~er as set forth in Art. 801.
( 2) Where the endorsement is in blank., the holder may:
(a) fill up tlhe blank. eimer with his own name or with the name
of SOIIDe other person; or
agency, the holder may exercise ail rights arIsmg out of thc cheque,
but hc can endorse it only in his capacity as agent.
( 2) In this case the parties liable can only set up against the holder
defences which could be set up against the endorser.
(3) The agency granted by power of attorney shall not terminate by
reason of the death of ,the principal or his becoming incapable.
(2) Where a banker pays a oheque in good faith and without negligence
!he shall not be liable where the crossing has been altered, struck out
or modified contrary to law. He shall be deemed to have Imide pay-
ment to the true owner of the cheque.
( 3) A banker who receives payment of a crossed cheque for a customer's
account in a good faith and without neg-1igence shall not be liaLle
where it is shown that the customer has no right to the instrument or
that his right is subject to a disability.
(4) 'I1he crediting in advance of a customer's account with the amount of
a crossed oheque "hall not deprive the banker from enjoying the pro-
visions of this AmcIe.
(2) Where the cheque is presented on the last day of the limit of ,time,
lIhe protest may he drawn up or the equivalent declaration made on
the first wurImng day following.
on tlhe instrumen,t and signed, release the holder from having a protest
drawn up Or an equiv,alent declaration made in order to exercise his
right of recourse.
(2) These words shall not release the holder from presenting the oheque
witlhin~he prescribed limit of time or from giving the requisite
words written by the drawer, the holedr has the protest drawn up or
equivalent declaration made, he shall bear the eXlpenses thereof.
(3) Where these words are written by the drawer, they shaH be effective
against all persons wlho have signed the cheque; where they are writ-
ten by a,n endorser or acceptor for !honour, they slmJl be effective
against such endorser or acceptor for honour. Where in spi,te of the
word written by the drawer, the holder has the protest drawn up or
equivalent declaration made, he shall bear the expenses thereof.'
( 4) Wlhere the words are written hy an endorser or acce~tor for honour,
the costs of the protest or equivalent declaration may be recovered
from aU the persons (who have signed the cheque.
drawn in a set of identical part. Where a cheque is in a set of parts, each part
shall be numbered in the body of the instrument, or eaoh part shall be
deemed to be a separate oheque.
Section 8. Alterations
( 4) Limitation sba1l run, in the case onegal proceedings, from the date of
1!he conclusion of 1Ih.e last proceedings.
(5) Limitaliion shall not apply where judgement has been pronounced or
the debt has been acknowledged by separate act.
Art. 882. - Interruption.
(1) 'I1he pel1iod of 1imitati()n shall he interrupted hy hringing of an aotion,
by notice being given of~hird party action or by lodging a claim in
(2) lnterruption of the period of limitation Slmll be effective against the
person in respect of whom the act interrupting such period was per_
(3) Where1lhe period of llinitation is interrupted, a further period of the
lI8Dle duration shall begin to run.
whose jurisdiction tllhey act willh a list of all protests drawn up during the
preceding month in respect of bills of exchange accepted and not paid,
and unpaidwomissory notes or cheques.
Art. 892. - Duties of registrar.
The registrar shaH keep up to date a nominal roY for every debtor
( 1) the date of the protest;
( 2) the name, profession and domicile of tIDe payee or drawer;
(3) tihe name or firm-nrone, profession and domicile of the maker of a
promissory note, or drawer of a cheque or acceptor of a bill of
(4) the date of maturity, if any;
(5) the value of t!he instrument;
(6) Ihe result of the protest.
Art. 893. - Copies.
After one month and witI»n IlW\1 years from the protest, allly person InIIIY
at his 0WtIl expense require t!he ,registrar ,to deliver to hlim a copy of ,the
roll WOvided in ~:te preceding Amicle.
Art. 394. - Cancellation.
( 1) Where t!he debtor deposits against receipt tIhe instrument or the
protest or a receipt !loowing payment of a <lheque, the registrar shall,
at1lhe debtor's ~, strike off tihe notice of protest entered lin
the nominal roll concerning that debtor.
(2) The registrar's liability in respect of documents deposited "hall cease
aftertlbree yea,rs from ttbe protest.
Art. 895. - Publication not permitted
Publication lin any form of lists and rolls prepared in accordance with
the provisions of lIhis Ohiapter tis pro!hJiibited under pain of damages.
Provided that the bank shall not acquire tIhe title to nor ,1Ihe . t to
dispose of coins or otIher individual monetary tokens in :respect of which
there is a provision llruat truey shall he refunded in kind.
disolainter of tihe
Art. 907. -
who orders transfer.
(2) A transfer order may be cancelled until tllmt time.
(3) The issue of a tranefer otder as. provided in Art. 907 (1) involves final
Special provisions.
of oancellatiQll.
(1) It may be provided that transfer orders shall not be notified direci!:ly
to the bank hut may be presented to it by the beneficiary himself.
(2) It may he provided that certain transfers shall not be entered upon
receipt of the direct orders of the person issuing tihe order or ,the pre-
sentation of the instrument of transfer, but only at tihe end of the day
together with all transfer orders coming within the same catego11J re-
ceived during that day.
Art. !908. - Insufficient cover.
Where there is not sufficient cover, Ilhe bank may refuse transfer.
Art. 909. - Subsistence of causal debt.
The debt 'for tllil settlement of whioh. a transfer order is issued shall subsist
together with all securities and collateral until the account of the benefid·
ary is effectively credited with tihe amount of the transfer.
The person ordering transfer may validly oppose the execution of a tranSfer
order, notwithstanding that it bas been evidenced by an inIItrumeDt handed
to the beneficiary, from the date of 8 judgment declariDg the ~
of the beneficiary or granting him the benefit of a oompoDtion with
Art. 911. - Transfer orders presented before tJJ.e declartrtion of t.he iHrnJc.
ruptcy of the person issuing the order.
A bank may validLy debit the account of dte perIOn the order
with all transfers presented before a judgment his bankruptcy
or granting him the benefit of a composition with creditors.
safes before the risk materiaIises, even outside working days and
hours of business. The bank is not bound to give individual notices
to ,the hirers.
Art. 921. - Access to safes. Keys.
(1) The hank shan only permit the hirer or his agent to have access
to a safe.
(2) The key of a safe shan remain the property of !!he bank.
Art. 922. - Obligations of hirer.
Where the hirer places in his safe anything ,whioh is dangerous in itself,
the bank may f~thwith cancel the contract of hire.
Art. 923. - Termination for failure to pay rent.
(1) In default of payment of the rent for any single 'term, the contract
shall terminate as of right one month after the hank has sent notice
by registered letter and the rent has not heen paid. At the expiry
of this period the bank shall take possession of the Safe after calling
upon the hirer to be present at the safe on a day and time fixed.
(2) Where a ihirer so called upon does not present himself or refuses to
give up his safe open with its contents removed and to return the
key giving the combination, the said safe shall be fo,rced in the
presence of a court official who shall draw up a descriptive report
whioh shall constitute evidence as regards all interested parties.
Art. 924. - Execution levied on a IIO.fe.
Execution may be levied on a safe in accordance with the provisions of
the Civil Procedure Code.
( 1) All debts arising out of the business relations between the correspon-
dents and which are not guaranteed. by security by operation of law
or under agreement are the subject of remittances into current
account, unless it ,has been agreed that certain of them shall be
excluded by general or particular stip:ulations.
(2) Debts guaranteed by security under agreement, accorded by one-
correspondent or by a third party, may be entered in current account
under a special and formal agreement between the interested parties.
(2) In tthe event of the bankiruptcy of die remitter, contra transfer is only
permitted in respect of irimuments unpaid at the da~ of maturity;
any agreement to the oonfa'ary shan he ~rded.
Ant. 939. - Disposal of contra transferred instruments.
('1' Where, after contra transfer, the CUr,reJ1t aecount shows a credit
balance in favour of the remitter who ~ become bankrupt, lIhe
receiver shlllll restore the contra transfe;rred instruments.
(2) Where, after contra transfer, tlie current acoou.nt shows a debit
balance to the remitter who has become, «te receiver may
retain the instruments, inrespective of the date of maturity.
(3) The receiver may, in the case provided in sub-art. (2), -aooumulate
the sums collected hy him from persons jointly IIlJd severally liable,
as a result of his exercise of IIhe . t s and securities out of
the contra transferred instruments, with the dividend in -the bank·
ruptcy collected by him for ,the balance owing to his IIICOOUDil drawu
up after contra ItMnsfer, subject however to 1lhe provisions of Art. 940.
Ant. 940. - Extent of right of receiver.
(1) '.l1he receiver may in no ceee take as a result of the accumulation
provided m Art. 939 (3) a total amount 1VflB-
1lhan tIhe debit
halance of the current accotmt after contra transfer, his ri~t to a
dividend in Ilhe bankruptcy of the remitter being thereby as of right
(2) Where 1Ihe sta.tus of ,the account is suah that on the date of hank·
ruptcy bre is already a dehit halance to tihe remitter before contra
Chapter 4. Discount
Art. 941. - Definition.
( 1) Discount is an agreement whereby a hanker undertakes to pay in
advance to the holder the value of commercial instruments or other
negotiable securities thaving a definite time of payment, which ,the
holder assigns to the banker subject to repayment of Ilheir value if
not paid by ,the person principally liable.
(2) This transaction gives to ,the banker the right to charge interest and
further an endorsing or other commission.
Section 3. Trustees
Art. 994. - Appointment of trustees.
( I) Trustees shall be selected from a list of qualified persons of good
repute resident in Ethiopia. Such list shall be prepared at ,the begin.
ning of each year by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
(2) The trustees shan not exceed three in number.
( 3) Where several trustees are appointed they shall act jointly and
Provided that the commissioner may in certain circumstances authorise
one or more of them to act individually. Trustees so authorised shall
alone be liable.
( 4) The following persons may not be appointed trustees:
( a) a person who has been declared bankrup,t; or
(b) a person who has been deprived of civil rights; or
(c) a relative by consanguinity or affinity of the debtor to the fourth
degree inclusive: or
(d) a creditor.
(5) The trustees may not acquire the goods of the debtor.
Art. 995 - Powers of trustee.
(1) The trustee shall lie responsible for the administration of the bank.
rupt estate under the supervision of the commissioner. He shall re-
present the universality of creditors in relation to third parties.
(2) He may not assign ~ fw'tctions but may, with the approval of the
commissioner, delegate them in respect of isolated transactions.
Section 2. Seals
Art. 1009. - Affixing of seals.
( 1) 11he court may wthen declaring. the debtor bankrupt order that seals
be affixed to all stores, pay counters, tills, bill-cases, books, documents,
papers, furniture and chattels belonging to the debtor.
( 2) Where the debtor has absconded or where there has been misap.
propriation of the whole or part of the debtor's assets, the competent
authorities of their own motion or on an application made by a
creditor may, before adjudication, affix seals to the property specifi.
ed in sub-art. (1).
Section 3. Inventory
Art. 1014. - Preparation and deposito! balance sheet.
Where a balance sheet has not been prepared and deposited by the
debtor, the trustees shall without delay prepare and deposit with the
registrar of the court a balance she~t based on the books, documents,
papers and other information as are available to them.
Art. 1015. - Inventory of debtor's property.
(1) An' inventory of the dehtor's property shall be prepared, the debtor
having been summoned by registered letter requiring an acknow·
(2) All property of the debtor under Art. 1010 (1) shall also he verified.
Art. 1032: - Status of secured creditor ranking' after party whose secured
claim is invalid.
A creditor secured by a mortgage on an immovable or on the business
who is olassed after a creditor whose claim secured by mortgage has, been
invalidated shall substitute himself for such creditor in the distribution
of the price of the immovable or of the business. He shall pay into the
assets in the bankruptcy the difference between the sum distributed to
him and the sum wlhich he would have received, had the prior secured
claim not been invalidated.
(3) The claimant undet suh-al'll:. ( 1 ) or (2) shall prove that· the party
against 'WIhom the, proceedin,gs are instituted kmew of the suspension
of payments at the tinIe of paymeDJt of the instrument.
A,rt. 1034. -:- Limitation of actions.
Proceedings brou~t under Art. 1029, 1030 'and 1031 shall be barred after
,two years from ,the date of adjudication.
(2) The trustees shall issue :reoei.pts for proofs produced. They "1
return the proofs a&er die bankruptcy proceerIi!nga are closed ad
shall ceue to be &.ble !for such retum after one year.
lease as p,rovided in Art. 1060 (1), and such preference shall eDtmd to
a further period of one year to run from the end of the current oyear.
before the proceeds of the sale of the business, secured crediJtors whose
claim has been admitted shall share in the distribution to dIe full extent of
their claim, without prejudice to the provisions of Art. 1067.
Art. 1071. - Deduction of sums paid from pl'oceeds of sale of property not
subject to security.
(1) After a business has been sold and the manner of distributing the pro-
ceeds of the sale has been fixed, creditors wlhose claim is fully secured
by the business shall be paid from the proceeds of the sale of the busi-
ness, subjeot to the deduction of sums paid to them from the proceeds
of the sale of property not the subject of security.
( 2 ) Sums deducted under sub-art. (1) shall be repaid ,to the estate not sub-
ject to security to the benefit of which they shall be distrained.
Art. 1072. - Deduction of sums paid from proceeds of sale of business.
The following procedure shall apply to secured creditors who have been
partially paid from the proceeds of the sale of tihe business:
(a) the rights of such creditors in respect of the unsecured estate shall be
finally settled on the basis of the amount for which they remain
creditors after having shared in tlhe distribution of the proceeds of the
sale of the busimess;
(b) any residue which they have received in excess of suoh amount in the
prior distribution sihall be deducted from the amount of their secured
dividend and repaid to the unsecured estate.
Section 6. Recovery
Art. 1073. - Recovery of negotiable instruments.
Negotiable instruments or other securities W1hich have heenhanded to the
debtor for purposes of collection for· ,HIe benefit of the owner and which,
not having been collected, are in possession of the debtor attihe time of ad-
judication of bankruptcy may be claimed by the owner. The same shall ap-
ply to remittances specially made by the owner to be appropmated to speci-
fied p~ents.
Art. 1074. - Recovery of goods in deposit or handed to an agent.
( 1 ) Goods consigned to the debtor for deposit or for sale on behaH of the
OWlller may, ,jf tihey exist in kind, in whole or in part, be recovered
from the debtor.
( 2) The price or part of the price of the said goods may furt'hermore be
recovered, where it ibas not been paid in cash, nor settled for value
given, nor set off in current account between the debtor and the pur-
Art. 1075. - Recovery of goods t.he sale of which has been cancelled before
(1) Goods, the sale of whioh has been cancelled prior to adjudication
either by a decision of tlhe court or by operation of the terms of We
contract, may, if they exist in kind, be recovered from the debtor.
(2) Where the cancellation of sale \has been ordered or confirm.ed. by a
court after adjudication, goods may be recovered notwithstanding ~hat
proceedings for recovery or for oancellatiion were brought prior to ad-
judication by «he unpaid seller.
Art. 1076. - Recovery of movables sold with ownership reserved.
Movables sold to tlhe bankrupt rwith reservation of ownership may be re-
covered where, before ~he judgement in bankruptcy, such reservation has
been registered in accordance wLth the provisions of Art. 2387 of the Civil
Art. 1077. - Recovery of goods in transit.
( 1) Possession of goods transmitted to the debtor may be recovered where
such goods have not been delivered to the debtor's warehouse or to
that of an agent entrusted rwi1lh their sale on the debtor's behalf.
(2) Recovery is not admissible where prior to their arrival the goods have
been sold with no intent to' defraud to a transferee in good faith on
iIIh~ basis of documents signed by the consignor.
Art. 1078. - Right of retention.
The seller shall be entitled to retain goods sold by rum where such goods
have not been delivered to the debtor or they have not been consigned
either to him or to a third person on Ih~s behalf.
Art. 1079. - Right of trustees to require deii'lJery.
(1) In the cases contemplated in Art. 1077 and 1078, the trustees may,
upon authorisation by the com~oner, demand delivery of goods by
paying the agreed price to the seller.
(2) Where the trustees do not exercise suoh rigiht, tlhe seller repay ,to the
estate any instalments received by him as well as any advances receiv-
ed from the bankrupt in respect of frcigilllt or transpolit costs, commis-
sion, insurance or other expenses and to pay such arnoun,ts himself:
Provided that the seller may claim damages in respect of such non-
performance of the contract.
Art. 1080. - Admission of claims for recovery.
Claims for recovery may be admitted by the trustees with the authorisa-
tion of the commissioner.
papers and property, fur Wlhich the debtor shall give a recliept.
The ,trustees shall cease to he liable after two years from the firuilising
of <the accoun1: wthere the debtor has failed ,to take possission of his
books, papers and property.
( 3) When the provisions of 1lhis Article have been complied IWith the com·
missioner shall cause a report ,to he drawn up,. Where there is 8IJly dis·
~sreement as ro its contents, the matter shall be referred to the court
for decision.
(3) Creditors shall be notified that within fifteen days tlhey shall submit
their vote to the court registry.
( 4) The resolution of the creditors shall specify the duration and scope
of the powers of the trustees and the amount .fo be retained by them
for costs and expenses. The resolution shall be approved by three-
quarters of thc creditors representing ~hree-quarters of thc debts
and confirmed by order of the commissioner.
(2) Within the period of time fixed 'hy the court under Art. 1125 (2)
(h), the registrar shall send to each creditor, hy registered letter or
cable as 'appropriate, a notice containing:
(a) the names of the dehtor, the delegate judge and the commissioner;
(h) the date of the judgment calling the credllitors and the place, date
and time of ,the meeting; and
(c) a summary of the p,roposals of the debtor.
~l) Gifts and other gratuitous acts or acts by WIllY of guaran'tee done hy
tIhe debtor during the p;roceedings shall not he set up, against ,the
(2) Acts by wlhiob the debtor has contracted loans, even hy bill of ex-
change, or compromised or arbitrated, or agreed to assignments not
falling wi~hin the exercise of the husiness, or to mortgages or the
setting up of pledges, wi,thout the written approval of the delegate
judge, rwlho shall not give approval unless lIhe necessity !is clear, shall
not he set up against the Cl'editors.
(4) After the commissioner's report has been read, the debtor shall submit
his final proposals.
Where the business of the meeting cannot be finished on the day fixed, ~t
shall be adjourned to the next working day without further notice to credi-
tors, even though not present at the meeting.
(1) The delegate judge may grant provisio~al admission of debts in dispu-
te in whole or in part, for the purpose of voting and calculation of the
majority, but such admission shall not affect the final deei,ion on the
standing of suoh debts.
(2) Creditors who have not been admitted may, at the time of confirma-
tion of the sdheme, appeal against Vheir not having been admitted,
where the majority would have been different, had they been admit-
T[le delegate judge shall in the minutes and hefore such minutes are sign-
ed, make an Ol'der in writing for the parties to appear before the court with-
in the next twenty days when the scheme will be confirmed.
(2) The commissioner shall deposit his reasoned order in tJhe registry not
less than three days before the application for confirmation of the
schemc is heard by the court and the delegate judge shall suhmit a re-
port at the hearing.
(3) 'I1he debtor and the creditors may be heard on the dJearing of the ap-
(1) When the court is satisfied that the provisions of this Tide have
been complied with, it shall:
(a) consider the financial advisahmty of the sdheme Wlith respect
to the creWtors, having regard to the eXiisting activities and po-
tentialities of the firm; and
(b) seek the majorities required hy 18JW. To this effect, the court
shall provisionally estimate the impo:rtancc and amount of dIe
dehts declared with a view to estab1ishing whether there is a
majority, without prejudice to the final judgments to be
given; and
( c) e:mmine whether the securities offered are suffioient to guarantee
the enforcement of the sclheme and, in the case provided in Art.
1121 (2), whether the property assigned by the debtor is suffi-
oient to meet the claims to ~he exctent prescribed by Al't. 1121
(I); and
( d) consider whether the dehtor deserves to be granted approval of
the scheme, taking into acrount tlhe ~ for h~ failure.
(2) The court shall adjudge the debtor bankrupt where it does not con-
firm the scheme.
( 3) In its judgment confirming the scheme, the court shall make an
order for:
(a) the deposit of the dividend due in respect of doolared debts;
(h) the amount to be sct aside to cover debts in dispute; and
(2) Any act done in violation of the provisions of (I) shall not
be set up against creditors prior to the confirmation of the scheme
of arrangement.
Art. 1147. - Pulilication of judgement.
Judgments confirming or refusing confirmation of a soheme shall be
published inacoordance iwtith tlhe releVaIlft provisions of Art. 983.
Art. 1148. - Application to set aside jud;:ment confirming the scheme.
(1) 'nhe creditors who dissent and any interested paNy may apply to the
COUN to set aside the judgmel1Jt confirming the scheme within five
days after the minutes have been prepared.
(2) The reasons for the application shall be given and the ~pplica tion
notified to the debtor and the commissioner.
(1) Where a firm comprlsmg partners jointly, severally and fully liable
requests a composition, the creditors may approve such composition in
favour of one or more p81'tners.
(2) In sUJdbicaBeS, all1lhe firm'S' assets shall remain subject Ito a oornpulsory
lWi.nding-up. The personal property of .partners with 'WIhom rtlhe composi-
tion has been approved' shaihl. he excluded iIihere£rom and dIe composi-
tion sball. onily contain an unde:rllJaking to pay 8i dividend on those se-
cuniJties wmoh are OUItSide 1Jhe firm's assets.
(3) Wihiere a composition 1WIi<th one paI'ltner is approved, ihe shall he discharg-
ed &om joint and several LiJahi1iJty.
(2) The list, togetiher witih documentary evidence, shaM be sent to 1!he rom-
missioner w\ho shall ascel1l:a1in the liabiJ1ities amd ordtlil' emorcemeDit. The
list of debts and the decree shall be dep.osiJted in t1he registry and shan
be open to inspection by any mterested partly.
( 3) Within three days {rom sudh depos~t, ,the trustee shtaJl mform each
credictor by registered letter of the decision taken regarding &,is debt.
( 4) Within fifteen days £rom such deposit, creditors not admitted may lodge
a claim wic~h the commissioner. WiJt!hinthe same period of ,time,. objec-
tions ,with regard to cred~tors having proved may be lodged by otiher
( 5) The commissioner shall fix the date for Ihearing objootions and, where
they cannot be settled by agreement he shall make ibis final decision
Business organisations created prior to the coming into force of this Code
",h,all comply with the provisnos of this Code within not more than six
months from its coming into force.
Chapter 4. Bankruptcy
Nothing shall affect the validity of certificates issued when, pr>" to the com-
ing into force of this Code, bankruptcy proceedings have been closed by rea-
son of insufficiency of assets.